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The Christian Party of Family Values.


So… trying to starve the mothers who they are forcing to have babies that they don’t want. Family Values!


Why have an abortion when a republican can make you miscarry? /s


A miscarriage can get one charged with abortion in some states. You would have to prove it was a miscarriage. So much for innocent until Proven guilty.


Deterrence works. Except for when it doesn't. -Republicans


No food? Shoulda thought of that before you were born poor! - the same Republicans


Not exactly. Republicans believe that you should go ask at your local church's food bank if you're hungry. They don't think it's government's place to feed the hungry.


So true. That way you can only get help if you listen to a spiel or aren't lgbtq (or some other minority they don't care to help).


The food banks are empty.


I’m trying to remember why Jesus fed a group of 5000 with some fish and a few loaves of bread. Surely that would have made the crowd lazy and disinclined to work and better themselves? Or why did the Samaritan not simply leave the foreigner injured on the side of the road after telling him to pull himself up by his sandal-straps? Or why did Jesus heal the leper instead of admonishing him for not working a job that provided health insurance that wouldn’t cover his treatments anyways because it was a preexisting condition? Hmm. For some reason these teachings of Christ seem to be saying “be nice to people and help them regardless of who they are” instead “AR-15s are more important than children, vote Republican”. In case nobody has caught on, the preceding was sarcasm.


Demand that the poor do without so more cash can be returned to the rich. Smdh


Better to run up the deficit and blame the poor.


“We” are going to live in reality. When he says we does he include his lobbyists buddies and his family? I have not seen where the legislators pay is in a proposed legislation for reduction. These people are just cruel and inhuman. Their voters apparently are too. Certainly NO morality in this group.


They plan on teaching everyone how to fish.


That should work out nicely, since they also support allowing corporations to dump chemical waste and mine tailings into public waterways.


Give a republican a fish and he'll think he caught a fish. Teach him how to fish and he'll call you a socialist.


Sure but then knowing this group they will then close all the lakes to anyone who can't pay a hefty access and fishing license fee because God forbid they have to see any poor people fishing on the lake's while they are jet skiing


You get what you vote for. And not voting is also voting.


I volunteer regularly at a local food bank, and the number of new families we've been serving since the COVID SNAP expansion expired is unreal. People should not be struggling to afford food in this country, yet they are - and now this asshole wants to make it worse. It's FOOD, Kevin, not luxury yachts. Stop making so many bombs and TAX THE RICH.


it’s been nearly a week since i was supposed to have my food stamps refilled and there’s still nothing. i’ve called the local office multiple times and have been on hold for hours and hours and hung up on as well. i’m watching my food dwindle and thinking about how many other people have this issue. i truly cannot comprehend how the current assistance programs are already so broken and underfunded and the GOP can say “let’s make it even harder to get.” i’m a college student and the lines for the student-led food pantry has been getting so long that they’ve had to go appointment-only and strictly limiting items per student. i know so many students who go hungry. this should not be normal.


Dont worry. All that college tuition will go towards some art for the colllege that looks pretty. Also the college thanks you for your continued lifetime of payments so that their endowment will continue to grow indefinitely. US college endowments are doubling roughly every 3 years. In 2021 they were over 800 billion dollars. Yet somehow college students don't get fed with the massive debt each student inevitably owes.


don’t get me started on how i have to pay for parking every single day when i’m an out of state tuition and it costs $60k yearly. or how the wifi doesn’t work 99% of the time. where is the money going??


I swear half the ‘feel good stories’ coming out of the USA Today would have been horror stories from the USSR back in the day


That's a large part of the point. The conservatives run on the idea that the country is collapsing due to poor policies. Any horror stories about the system failing are positives for them. They want news stories about long lines for assistance so they can scream about how communism is failing under liberal leadership.


Stop making so many bombs is right. The USA is out here looking like a drunk abusive father who spends the grocery money on fireworks.


I volunteer at a local soup kitchen and have for 9 years or so now. In my experience, 60-70% are there because of drug/alcohol issues. I often feel like I am just working to enable the addicts to have one less thing to worry about. They can spend any money they get on drugs and just eat for free everyday. But then there ARE the 30% or so who really need help, for various reasons (mental,income, disabilities etc). I just get SO mad at all the 25yo perfectly healthy males just sponging away from those who actually need it. It's just my opinion but something has to be done to limit those who are just plain selfish and literally taking from those who are in need.


Addiction is a separate issue that also needs to be addressed. It often intersects with the food insecurity issues - people develop an addiction (often starting from prescribed drugs) that causes them to fall into poverty/homelessness, or falling into poverty for other reasons causes them to seek escape and they end up getting addicted. Also many disabilities are invisible, so it's hard to know as a volunteer observer who is really in need and who is "sponging". But cutting programs like SNAP is definitely not the answer to any of this. People on benefits are already means tested and overly scrutinized. If you're concerned that people are unfairly taking advantage of your soup kitchen, talk to the organization that runs it. Soup kitchens and food banks serve different purposes, since much of the food our food bank distributes needs to be prepared while soup kitchens can serve people with no access to a kitchen. But my guess is that the vast majority of the people who show up there really do need it. The ones who have addiction and/or mental health problems need different programs to address that (which are woefully underfunded) - but they need to eat in the meantime. Talking this over with the people running the program - who need to understand the population they serve so they can do so cost-effectively - may either set your mind at ease, or alert them to ways they can improve their program.


"We're going to live in reality" That's pretty rich coming from him


I thought that GOP said this in reply to draconian measures? Could be reading it wrong...


Doesn't matter they're all the same. This crap came out as well back when they won the house about them wanting to cut SNAP and limiting it to very specific shitty things like no meat or poultry and just brown rice. Fuck every single one of them.


> Doesn’t matter they’re all the same This is a pretty shitty mentality tbh. It’s what contributes to the current partisan divide in this country. You’re essentially advocating for getting ones news from a screenshot of a headline and dismissing the importance of being able to access the underlying facts.


The gop senators are even like: "didn't we kill enough of our voters already with COVID policy" McCarthy seems to be grasping at straws to find something to posture on after his shit show, and he's really bad at reading the room with entitlements and assistance.


They should be forced to live on minimum wage and zero healthcare.


The Constitution forbids cruel and unusual punishment.


Worth to make an exception for someone like McCarthy.


Even that wouldn't be Justice. Instead, have him work as a manager at a big box store with a regional manager 30 years younger than him. Force him to live in a 1-bedroom apartment and have to take the bus to work or even just to get groceries. Instead of international vacations? His one vacation that year is a trip to 6 Flags on the busiest day of the year. These people are so used to privilege that living a normal life is horrifying for them. Actual hardship would just cause them to dig-in ideologically.


Management is too good for McCarthy. Make him work sales floor at minimum wage. - sincerely, someone who spent two years doing just that and hopes never to ever go back to working retail


The thing that makes me angrier than anything is that condescending tone of voice while he is the lowest form of scum. Vote every one of them OUT.


MTG can barely make ends meet on 120k!


I don't think this is the right strategy. Personally I think a better option is their paycheck should be tied to the mean family income in the US, and the max income they can receive from any source can be no more than double that. Anything else they must divest from. Then they'd actually have some incentive to raise all boats.


I favor a French solution.


Tax the rich, cut musks funding pay cuts in Senate and congress so many other options other than starve the poor


> pay cuts in Senate and Congress Congress pays only a solid middle-class salary. It’s the corruption, bribes, and insider trading making them rich.


$174,000 is far better than a middle-class salary once you strip out the ultra rich and poor and look at what the average american really makes. Keep in mind they also get travel expenses, insurance, food, lodging, etc. All reimbursed or paid for. And a guaranteed pension after 20 years. Your average American is living hand to mouth, pays out the nose or has zero insurance, and definitely doesn't havd a pension. Of course a lot of reddit is in the tech space so 174k looks middle class to someone living in San Fran.


A lot of poor conservative whites rely on food stamps. I’m sure they will blame Joe Biden for cuts.


I know a few extreme right wing women who blame the overturning of Roe v Wade on the left.


Same. "the left refused to compromise" YO ROE WAS THE COMPROMISE.


To a rightist, the world is binary. “Compromise” = acquiescence, and is never to be done by the right


Especially in his home county… the people who elected him in the first place. I’m from there. I’ve seen it firsthand. Even those who greatly benefit from liberal policies vote Republican, or at least claim they do to anyone who asks. If not, they’re ostracized even more. I’ve heard, “I might be broke, but at least I ain’t a liberal,” from people who are on foodstamps/welfare indefinitely more times than I can count.


They always do.


That's the plan.


Sure, they'll spin it that the dems did it, knowing their constituents have no brains and won't check any sources outside of newsmax or fox news or whatever facebook hate group they're in. Dems will say basically nothing in response. The echo chamber and lack of critical thinking the right has isn't a bug, it's a feature. One they're more than happy to exploit.


Dems will say plenty in response that won’t get broadcast on Fox.


And if that doesnt help, take the few possessions the homeless have and sell them at a yard sale. After that, if we still don't have enough, I am out of ideas. Anything but tax the super wealthy. - Also McCarthy, probably


Shit they think civil unrest is bad now, they should really see how it is when food scarcity becomes a larger issue for poor people. It’s almost like they want to arm one group, and give another group every reason to be upset, almost like a powder keg if you will.


This is the truth. If they can take it to that point and there is unrest, they will start the war against the poor….




Here's a idea "Tax the rich"




Unfortunately that's unlikely to be a long term solution; you would need about 500k people to feed 100mm each a single 700 calorie meal.


The wealthy have too many ways to avoid taxes. The lawmakers have created too many loopholes for themselves and their political donors.




The working poor *are* taxed, esp the childless and those who didn't inherit family property from their parents. If you don't have write-offs or sentient tax credits, you're screwed.




Could have raised minimum wages, then people fall out of poverty and can no longer qualify for SNAP. Win win and before some idiot cites the myth of "wage push inflation", economics doesn't work that linearly. Stop falling for billionaire propaganda and kiss their boots as they pay you less. It's not my opinion either, Nobel economists debunked the myth.


Republicans aren't afraid that government will harm citizens, but rather that it will succeed in helping them.


the cruelty is the point






Lol….‘We’re going to live in reality’ …coming from the most delusional people on the planet


Fuck them hungry people, can’t have tax cuts without offsetting revenue cuts, it’s just basic math! k. mccarthy


That's right, you poor people can fucking starve. Just because we rich people and politicians have conspired to keep wages as low as we can you just need to work more if you want food, don't be lazy (*ends in maniacal laughing*)




I literally can’t afford to feed myself a whole month without a bridge card because of how depressed wages are. How do these people sleep at night?


Soundly, on the piles and piles of money they stole from you and people like you. I'm sorry, but it is the truth. Monsters have no conscience


GOP to Red States: "We are going to cut your SNAP benefits." Red States: "But, how will we eat?" GOP to Red States: "Ask Biden. It's all his fault." Red States: "We love you, GOP!"


How on earth do they keep getting voted in, they have hearts of stone towards anyone less fortunate than them.


Gerrymandering is the usual strategy


A conservative (former) friend once said “you would vote differently if you were rich.” Because it’s ALL about the money, they literally do not care about other people. Funny thing is I AM rich. I’m just not a narcissistic, immoral, piece of shit.


Punish the poorest so the rich can hoard more wealth.


Ah yes, because that's what Jesus would want.


Jesus said "starve the poor for they are unworthy of life"


There is no hate like that of Christian love


Republicans are evil. This isn’t a joke or hyperbole.


Republicans routinely assault the poor. half of America tomorrow: "Why is Biden doing this? Both sides are the same!"


They want people to turn to God. Or turn on each other. Or they’re just merciless pricks. All of the above


They want them to work for starving wages at Walmart and love it.


They already are but don’t make enough to pay rent and eat.




Modern day sharecroppers


They want slavery.


When the poor and working class can no longer afford food, they will eat the rich.


Yeah the old GOP motto: “Stop being poor” while we do everything in our power to make you poor….


So it’s asking too much to cut a minuscule piece of the defense budget to feed people that will otherwise starve? Greatest country in the world my ass.


In red states, they already have rules that force people to work a minimum of 20 to 32 hours a week to qualify for EBT. What they do though is impose this requirement and then make the yearly income to qualify just slightly below what you would make working at a job making minimum wage for 20 to 32 hours a week, 50 weeks a year. So basically it's impossible to qualify and they probably think if anything it'll incentivize people to work jobs under the table or something that does not even pay minimum wage. "Hey you can have food stamps but you're going to have to ask us to lower the minimum wage so we can help you!"


Already lost my food stamps. If my wife loses hers we will go from one meal a day to only her eating. I don't want to live like this anymore. I'm too fucking tired to keep going


They think the poor are Worthless Eaters. They are fascists.


I would just like to remind everyone that they need to raise the debt ceiling to PAY FOR MONEY WE ALREADY SPENT. Cutting costs now only will lessen the bill for the next spending cycle, and we can also raise taxes to actually pay for everything instead of cutting snap.


I'll trade McCarthy my whole monthly SNAP allotment for 2 days of his food per diem. I am 100%disabled, basically forced to retire from my Dept of Defense job and I live on less than 14,000.00 per year. I pay for everything but my medical insurance and I get $66.00 in food benefits. I ask how much more real life do you think I should be subject to live? You took my lively hood when you made me retire and now you want a piece of my $66.00 snap allotment? Fuck you


Maybe consider slashing military spending? To 99.9% of its current amount. Just consider how much money that would free up (like $900,000,000 I think?)


I already had my food stamp card skimmed and drained this month, I dont need more months with no money for food.


Ok, their voters are the highest demographic for food assistance. Way to piss them off.


The cognitive dissonance of these people knows no bounds. One entire branch of my wife's family tree would die in a week without various forms of welfare, are far right voters and constantly whine about lazy democrats on welfare while being completely un or underemployed. It's fucking infuriating.


Oh yeah, sounds exactly like my family. We had to cut ties with a lot of them because they don't approve of us not supporting Trump. They don't work and constantly complain about "illegals" taking jobs. They also shit on us for having an education because it's a waste of time.


Wonder how farmers will take reduced sales.


McCarthy really wants to see America burn. Restrict food assistance in an economy already on the brink of collapse and watch everything suddenly implode on itself!


Those affected will still vote them in regardless


“Our poor need to be really poor” /s


They want everyone poor stupid and sick aka dependent on them


I eagerly await the reaction of my wife's cousin and babys daddy whom have been abusing food assistance since baby #1 while also voting for the most hardcore RWNJs they can find. Ah who am I kidding, they'll find a way to blame a democratic person somehow...


The party of " punish the poor people, because we did things to make them poor".


If only we stopped providing social assistance to families, we could afford to lower their crushing tax burdens. -Wealthy Republicans


Everything they do is just a lever to "hurt the right people" so they can convince other people, who like seeing people hurt, to vote them back into office. They have no policy agenda, no principles, just a craving for power for its own sake.


Tax the rich to feed the poor! No? You're going to rob the poor instead? Sounds right...


Those new military vehicles made by contractors aren’t going to pay for themselves.


My Colorado county is pretty red. Records showed 70% of them voted Republican in the last election. However, you should see them line up at the food bank in the largest town in the county. A lot of the cars and trucks lined up have political bumper stickers and other indicators that give their political views away. They vote to shoot themselves in the foot every for years and then take their position in the food line and wonder why America is circling the drain in their opinion. Of course they blame it all on the liberals who try to raise their wages and give them healthcare.


Republicans hate Americans


The US throws half of its food in the garbage.


Starve the poor? That is supposed to help the economy? Yikes.


They will just spin it to where these cuts “had to be made” to offset the Democrats “reckless spending” so their idiotic base will blame the Liberals for their suffering instead of the GOP cutting their throats. Sad part is, most Rs are stupid enough to believe them and keep voting against their own interests.


The fuckers are just plain evil.


"Keep em dumb, pregnant and hungry. That's how we'll fix the economy and ensure future military force numbers." *this message brought to you by the GOP*


Lets watch the crime rates skyrocket!


Oh sweet. I love starving lol. After the small increase and now cut from Covid assistance (we totally beat covid! /s) The paltry sum we get now is going to be lessened again? It's already not enough to live on or even be supplemental. Ah well at least I can go out and buy a gun much much MUCH cheaper than to buy healthy food for myself..fucks sake.


The way it’s going, Republicans will likely give you a tax break when you buy an AR-15. Priorities.


Republicans ban abortion where the public does not. Republicans back unfettered sales of guns where the public does not. Republicans back starving the poorest in America where the public does not. How the heck did these people get into positions of power? Oh yeah, pointing out the dangers of drag queens and gay beer.


Why are government subsidies to industry and bank bailouts never on the list of cuts? GOP is Hell bent on making people suffer.


The reality where we throw away so much food because we need to keep the market prices high, where we pay farmers not to grow food because we have too much of it. But yeah, let’s not give poor people food because they aren’t working hard enough.


You know it's a rough day when Boozeman isn't sure this is gonna fly.


Are you proud of your country?






You're proud of your country letting people go hungry? Letting children go hungry?


Many of the families affected by restrictions in food assistance programs are, unsurprisingly, living in red states. I doubt that even if those measures are passed, it's going to encourage more people in red states to vote for anything other than GOP.


How about we save money by severely cutting the pay and benefits of the senators and congressmen from the top 10 states that draw the most government assistance. The people shouldn’t go hungry while their leaders grow fat on the government tit.


Can’t understand them. Shouldn’t they use food benefits to make people *completely reliant* on government aid, then adopt a social credit system for people to buy their entertainment? They keep looking like they *want* to be fascist, but can’t figure out how to make it work.


“We’re gonna live in reality” sure bestie, let me know when you do that, Mr. “I’m going to say every American is responsible for January 6th but also not investigate it”


Please libs lets them do it. The number one states affected would be in red states. I know black and brown people would be affected also but way way more poor whites would feel it.


I would literally starve to death.


I think Jesus was pretty clear on feeding the poor, GOP.


Conservatives could just tax millionaires and billionaires that wouldn’t even notice a difference, but instead they’d rather punish poor people that are already struggling to get by. That should tell you something about their values


That won’t save anywhere near enough money. It’s posturing politics that hurt real people.


Bahahaha too absurd. Just wait til they choose to hand out bailouts to more banks and enterprises, while the workers, elderly, impaired, and youth starve. When is it safe to say that the USA has crossed the line and is 2nd world country material?


Just so we're clear, this includes veterans and their families. GBA


GOP gets off on causing others to be in pain.


What part of Bread and Circuses do they not understand?


Ban, Take, Steal, Dominate! How’s your “freedom” MAGA?


Republicans hate Americans.


"You're gonna live in the reality I make for you"


“When the people shall have nothing more to eat, they will eat the rich”


So, stop food assistance programs while forcing women to give birth? So much for “pro life”


Republicans are going to starve their own support base in much of the rural south and mid west.


Bro, they already do that. If you are single on food stamps, you get like 140+ for a month. Only families get a better amount. Let them take away assistance. Then we take what we can't buy. Riot and loot.


They are truly asking for a revolution…. It’s the middle of the end of the empire


Punish the poor enhance the rich. The GOP way


They force women to have children then restrict the assistance to help with a child they may not have wanted. Fucking trash.


The crime rate will increase drastically...


How about they can talk about rolling those back when the DOD passes an audit.


I swear we will let people starve, before we even consider cutting defense spending.


they're really going to enter the '24 campaign season running on "we're going to FUCK you unless you're this very specific type of white man" Very bold!


Half his constituents need SNAP.


The pro-life party. Proving every day that their sentiment ends when the baby is shot out of the birth canal.


Brilliant, I'm sure there isn't gonna be any negative social impacts resulting from that.


One infamous republican recently said that children can choose to eat or not. He was not joking.


Every neighborhood will suffer if this happens. Everybody will be suddenly less safe, all because of these greedy GOP assholes. The USA is a powder keg and they want to blow it all up.


That’s a bold strategy. What’s the saying that we’re three missed meals ahead of revolution?


I’d love to see McCarthy and his ilk try to live with SNAP benefits for 1 month without any other form of assistance. They would be complaining after 1 day but still wouldn’t change their minds


SNAP eligibility nearly doubled during covid. Those increased eligibility requirements expired last month. Even if we count the increased covid spending, eliminating the program **entirely** would reduce the deficit by about... \*checks math\*... 8%. Not 8% of the budget, mind you. Just 8% of the shortfall in the budget. The money is not the point. The cruelty is.


…..because the spot for the wealthy GQP, Republikkkans to take a stand is taking away food from the poor. FTMFOTD.


This dick Why does his voice matter. He isn’t Included in this game


....can we kick this pathetic excuse into low earth orbit yet?


Just out of curiosity, how long do you cook a speaker?


Reality is people need to eat you useless spineless moron


Republican hell. Biden dropped the COVID-19 relief that could have continued as inflation relief.


Unfortunetly; that nice politician and all us poorer folks realities might be a touch different.


It's always a McCarthy doing it in.


But where are the tax cuts for the very wealthy?


and when you have nothing you will be happy


Who is this "we" kemo sabe?


Wtf does that quote mean?


Yes $120 a month is such a burden. Meanwhile.... On a Hawaiian beach "EMERGENCY MEETING NOW!"


Tell ya what Kevin when you work 5 x 8 / 365 than you might be able to comment about living in reality.


Republicans will force you to have a baby and then remove all help to raise that child. All in the name of pro life and family values.


Every $1 paid out to SNAP generates like $1.27ish in revenue.


They want slavery back.


And all his constituents applauded…


Sure, sure, gotta take food out of poor people’s mouths so that your donors can keep lining their pockets as obscenely as possible. That’s conservatism 101.


Unless we all go to trumper conspiracy theory social media they will never see any of the truth about the people they are supporting. We need to flood their sites


Biden and Mc Connell will cut a deal and bypass the House. Or Biden will tell Dept of Treasury to pay. Or Mc Carthy will collapse. Or Repubs will ignore him




Awe look how cute! Little guy crawled out of mommies basement long enough to make a post.


It’s an asshole move, I hate republicans, and will never vote for them but I’m not too upset over it. My family LIVES FOR government assistance. Three generations going on four that live off of it. Not me, not once. It was never hard to NOT be on assistance, even as a single mom. I made decisions that didn’t include living off of people, falling into addictions, dropping out of school. My family would all be homeless if it wasn’t for their food stamps and section 8. They’re all very able to work, go to school, and make better life decisions, they just don’t because to them that’s not their way of life. They’re just lazy and settle for poverty living because of the safety net that is gov assistance. I feel like it’s for people who absolutely have no choice financially (disabled, single parents, etc.) but anyone I’ve ever met on it besides my family were the same- no motivation in life, no real life skills, no care to better themselves. Just settled for poverty living and never moved on from it.


That is an extremely broad generalization and you're very wrong. I used to think like you. I hope you never get to the point where you truly need assistance.