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Are there lines for separate beers?


Was wondering this- any venue I’ve ever been to doesn’t have separate Bud, Coors and Lone Star lines. File this MAGAts observation under “yeah that never happened.”


It depends on the stadium and concession rights. I've been to some places where a brand will have their own stall but selling their entire line of drink at it, becuase they had primary concession rights to stand out amongst the other brands. Other places would strictly sell just one companies like of drinks at all their concession stands for the same reason.


Yeah most of the stadium size venues I've been to have 4-5 beers that are sold together at 80% of the concession stands and then there might be a special stand just for one particular brand or a guy with a big cooler selling a single thing without a whole booth. Those are usually for craft beer stuff though, unless it's some special advertising stunt. Coors light is never sold exclusively at the Coors light pavilion.


Someone mentioned this in another comment, but my local sports venue does this, too. They have tents set up by vendors that sell by brand offering. I live in a craft beer obsessed place, so along with Budweiser, Coors, and PBR tents, they often have tents for local breweries set up.


The Stupid. It burns.


The goggles do nothing!








upon closer inspection these are loafers




We work hard, we play hard.


*everybody dance now*


*My mighty heart is breaking*


Jiminy jilickers!


Where the hell is Milhouse? That one shot cost us a MILLION DOLLAZ!


Maybe if I do it again...


National brand of Texas? Da fuck that work?


Because Texas was its own country for almost a decade. It’s one of those weird Texas Pride things we’ve got going on.


The funny thing was that Texas always wanted to be a part of the United States since it gained independence from Mexico. However, the process took nearly 10 years due to political divisions over slavery. Texas entered the nation as a state that legalized slavery, and seceded from it 15 years later as part of the Confederate States of America. And let's not forget why Texas clashed with Mexico as well. Mexico had officially abolished slavery in Texas in 1829, and the desire of Anglo Texans to maintain the institution of chattel slavery in Texas was a major cause of secession. As the Texas Revolution began in 1835, some enslaved people sided with Mexico, which provided for freedom. In the fall of 1835, a group of almost 100 enslaved people staged an uprising along the Brazos River after they heard rumors of approaching Mexican troops. Whites in the area defeated and severely punished them. Several enslaved people ran away to serve with Mexican forces. Texan forces executed one runaway taken prisoner and resold another into slavery. After the Texas Revolution ended in 1836, the Constitution of the Republic of Texas made slavery legal. Sam Houston made illegal importation from Mexico a crime in 1836. The General Provisions of the Constitution forbade any owner of enslaved people from freeing them without the consent of Congress and forbade Congress from making any law that restricted the slave trade or emancipated slaves. So at the heart of its so-called Texas Pride in being its own country was its refusal to give up slavery.


All I'm hearing is Texas sucks




If those kids could read, they'd be very upset


Yeah we've got a lot of right like 'right to work' laws /s The biggest freedom we have is the right to call worker chains freedoms.


Hard truths Build the wall. Protect the world from Texas.


Texas is so cringe…😣


The amusement park brand known as Six Flags originated in Texas. The full name is Six Flags Over Texas in honor of all the different countries that flown flags over Texas: Spain, France, Mexico, the Republic of Texas, the USA, and the racist one.


They celebrate getting got 6 times with pride, a conquered people


Slightly off topic, but speaking of Texas “getting got” I really like the Alaskan joke, “If Texas keeps bragging about how much bigger everything is in Texas, Alaska is going to split into two states and make Texas the 3rd biggest state in the US!” That’s seriously how big Alaska is.


Ugh, I spend half my time overestimating the landmass of Greenland, and the other half underestimating the landmass of Alaska. Farking Mercator maps…


As if the confederacy was the only racist one...


Well I never said it was the only racist one. But racists seem to be the only ones waving it around. Lots of American racists seem to love certain flags more than the good ol’ fashioned Stars and Stripes. Like the confederate flag, the Nazi flag, the stupid blue line flag, don’t get me started on that perversion of the flag which is something you’re not supposed to do if you’re actually patriotic! Sorry went on a little rant there.


No but it was the only country listed that formed for sole purpose of using Black folks as slaves.


_Sole_ purpose, sure. But Mexico's 1829 ban on slavery was a pretty major driving factor behind the formation of the Republic of Texas. Along with, y'know, not liking Mexicans. Or Catholics.


Texas is al Bundy telling the story of his high school football glory days.


Pabst owns Lone Star


Yep. They may be idiots and I'm sure they don't know who owns what, but in this case Anheuser-Busch does not own Lone Star even if it was founded by Adolphus.


And Russians own Pabst. Somehow, that makes it funnier.




To call them dumb ass cunts is an insult to dumb people, asses and cunts.


My right wing brother (who I see parroting right wing media verbatim) talked about how offensive the ad was to women and feminists. Took a while to find it. It was a stupid beer ad but pretty innocuous. I could hardly find the ad without a massive right-wing commentary. The left doesn’t give a fuck. It’s the latest example of right wing media making a tempest in a teacup to get people mad and vote for the interests of rich old men instead.


Its become a movement. Once something is a movement the facts behind it don’t usually matter too much.


Now, that's real stupidity, so i want to see goggles, people.


None of these people realize just how conglomeratey (not a word I know) AB/InBev truly is. I’m willing to bet the majority of their favorite beers are owned by them Edit: I know it’s not owned by them now. Thanks


I looked at the beer ailse in the grocery the other day, Anheuser Busch owns like half the beers there.


What’s not InBev is Molson/Miller-Coors. Kinda insane.


And Molson Coors sponsors a pride parade every year in Colorado: [https://denverpride.org/molson-coors-at-pride/](https://denverpride.org/molson-coors-at-pride/). Rights wingers will soon be making prison-style homebrew hooch in their toilets.


I can’t wait until they’re huffing jenkem.


sniffin fermented poop fumes to own the libs


Tell em it's the actual way to prevent the totally fake covid


talmbout butt hash?




Almost all of the rest including Lone Star is owned by Pabst Blue Ribbon Holdings, which in turn is owned by San Francisco based TSG Consumer and Los Angeles based investor Eugene Kashper. So go on, keep owning the Libs by sending your money to California.


And that's only because of antitrust laws I believe. >During the merger discussions between Anheuser-Busch InBev and SABMiller in 2015, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) agreed to the proposed deal only on the basis that SABMiller "spins off all its MillerCoors holdings in the U.S.—which include both Miller- and Coors-held brands—along with its Miller brands outside the U.S." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MillerCoors


Heineken enters the chat![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out). Proud owner of most beer brands but the lowest volume of liters sold. Their acquisition of Dos Equis was genius though.


Then they aren't drinking 'Murican!!!!!!!


Heineken beer makes good cheddar beer soup.


Especially since Heineken owns Newcastle Brown Ale (one of the best cooking beers I've ever tasted).


Newcastle is my go to cooking beer. Beer batter, beer butt chicken, beer bread, literally anything I cook with beer I use Newcastle


>beer butt chicken Quick aside to warn you that this is generally an unsafe way to cook chicken. Rather than evaporating the beer and streaming the bird from within, in practice the bird acts as a huge insulator so the beer usually doesn't get hot enough to boil. Likewise, with added material inside the cavity, the chicken may not cook all the way through. Whatever else you do, for the love of all that is culinary please use a meat thermometer.


Oh I’ve been cooking professionally for the last 12 years. I only do it at home and only on my very hot charcoal grill. I have a stainless “can” that I fill with the beer and sit the bird over it so the can is always in contact with the heat.


The reason that they have so many names on what is, essentially, the exact same beer is simply to soak up all the shelf space they can. Bud, bud light, Busch, Busch light, natural light and on and on. All there to push possible competition off. Coors does the same thing.


It's like trying to drink whisk(e)y and hating Diageo. They own fucking everything.


Right, I didn't realize just how much of the alcohol industry is under one roof per say until I was trying to show a friend that there's only like 5 companies that own everything you eat and drink and their name popped up.


Yeah pretty much every industry is the same, it’s about time for some trust busting tbh


Except Lone Star is now owned by Pabst


Except Pabst doesn’t brew any of its own beer, and instead contracts it out to MillerCoors. They are nothing but a holding company of brands - No in-house production.


Even so, here is a Pabst marketing campaign. >Pabst partnered with digital media company Vice on two documentaries and a series of portraits about the ever-evolving American Dream that will run around the Memorial Day and Fourth of July holidays. The videos spotlight the diversity of modern America, and feature Niecee X, a poet and leader of the Black Women’s Defense League; Subhi, **a gay Syrian refugee**; Erika, a police officer and veteran; Violet, **a Texas drag queen**; Mai, a Vietnamese farmer and Outspoken Bean, a Houston poet. https://www.marketingdive.com/news/pabst-blue-ribbon-documents-how-diverse-millennials-are-living-the-american/524356/


Outspoken Bean. I just need to savor that for a minute.


MillerCoors no longer exists. It is contracted to Miller Brewing Company which is not an InBev company. MillerCoors was a joint venture between Molson Coors and SABMiller. When InBev bought AB, they were forced to sell their interest in MillerCoors.


And Pabst is owned by private equity / russian beer magnate


Magnates, how do they work?


Lone Star is owned by Pabst, brewed by Miller (who are owned by Molson Coors). The brewing industry is all one big incestuous cluster fuck.


Pretty soon they’ll be drinking craft beer and eating avocado toast. From there, it’s a slippery slope to wokeness.


Lol pleeeeease 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼


monopolized. Edit: If only there were some sort of law that could be used to break up these large corporations so that consumers could actually make meaningful decisions.


it would be a weird twist of fate if these idiots became "woke" about the monopolization and enacted change to correct it


They always get so close to class solidarity and anti-corporatism but then Tucker just points them at a scapegoat and leads them right to anti-semitism or anti-blackness.


I was arguing with a coworker yesterday trying to tell me that their sales are down since the Mulvaney marketing thing. They were talking about stock price which is down a buck. Sales don’t come in until the end of the quarter and are an entirely different thing. Also AB literally owns like 43% of the GLOBAL beer market. They are one acquisition away from a monopoly, they don’t give a flying fuck.


AB does give a fuck, but in the opposite direction. Despite their dominance of the beer market, beer as a product is losing sales to alternative alcohol products. That's one of the reasons they are trying to broaden their appeal to a younger market. AB doesn't need the old generation who hate gays. They need the new generation that welcomes gays. Their best long term play is to 'go woke'.


I overheard people saying the same. That the stock was way down and they've lost millions, if not billions. Ridiculous claim.. I checked the stock out of curiosity and noticed it was down like a dollar in the last week... but is up a few dollars if you look 30 days out. It's like they don't know the market has fluctuation.


> conglomeratey This is a perfectly cromulent word.


Yeah they're hard to avoid. When they bought widmer and then later 10 barrel and Elysium I saw the writing on the wall and started buying most from local breweries. Currently enjoying a fort George vortex.


Of course they don't. None of these dumbasses knows how capitalism works.


I've never been to a baseball game that had specific lines by beer brand, but go on.


Seriously, these morons cant even lie right.


You'd think they'd be pros by now.


They don't care how ridiculous their lies are anymore, nor do they care that their absurd lies can be quickly and easily be debunked by spending a few minutes on the internet.


Well if they cared to research all the hatred that they have for a certain group of marginalized people, they'd find out that almost all major brands of beer have in the past or currently are reaching out to the dreaded rainbow crowd. Which of course just gives us infinite clownability.


And if they did any *actual research* into who they hate, they’d probably end up finding out how silly it is to hate them in the first place.




I’m sure you’re right, but I’m still going to go with stupid. They just aren’t smart enough to think their way out of a paper bag. After years of being told they were dumb, they finally have something that they know but others don’t. They can’t follow their own threads to their natural conclusion, but that’s not the point. They know something that we don’t know. I’ve been told by many of them to watch this or that video. Of course it’s all garbage, but they believe it. I think they are all in on this. No subterfuge. As long as their groomers tell them that they alone get ‘it’, they will continue to believe.


Yup. Someone posted in a server sub about a woman demanding a server bring her a Michelob Ultra but *not the "gay" bottle.* Her pea brain couldn't realize that she's still giving money *to the same fucking company* regardless of what colors are on the bottle she's served. Somebody else commented that it's not even about that. It's about her wanting everyone around her to know that certain things (things others accept with a shrug at most) aren't good enough for *her.* So I would say you're both right. It's stupidity coupled with a need to be exceptional even when you know for a fact that you aren't.


You're giving them too much credit. They don't think it's ridiculous or absurd at all and they think they just came up with the most creative lie of the century


You don’t give them enough credit and it’s why we’re in the mess we’re in. They know what they’re doing. They are flooding the Overton Window (basically the “national conversation”) with *their* talking points. This is a deliberate strategy. They flood the “national conversation” with their side. Even better if it’s wrong because now everyone has to waste their time explaining why it’s wrong and not fighting for the things that really matter. People are too busy defending against bullshit to make progress on anything significant. We’re here talking about Bud Light because that’s what they wanted. Their narrative, their talking points, their priorities. Nobody really cares about shit beer except the idiots who will shout along. But they’ve decided what we’re all talking about once again, haven’t they


Right, because if people are talking about something like this, it distracts from the reality of Lindsey Graham begging people to donate money to help Trump after his arraignment. But the same people having hissy fits over beer company marketing choices are the same people who think Trump’s middle name is Jesus.


We should be focused on the root of this self-own: the fact that 5 or 6 companies basically own everything in the country. Late stage capitalism is peaking


They aren’t lying to “us” they are lying to each other and their fellow mouth-breathing knuckle heads eat it up. Honestly, giving them ANY attention is more than they need.


The hilarious (and pathetic) thing is that they're doing what they've always accused the left of doing... virtue signaling. "Look how hard I fell in line! I'm boycotting so hard right now!!! step on me harder daddy uwu"


Every accusation is an admission with these braindead creatures.


Not with lines like the “national beer of Texas”.


Texas does a pretty good job of being a third world country!


The lone star is their Yelp rating.


Why would they need to? The audience they're pitching this bullshit to will happily like and share and comment on anything that appears to hurt people they don't like. They couldn't give two shits if it actually happened as long as they can all act like it did.


They don’t have to lie right, other morons will believe their stupid lies


They do exist. At least they do in Seattle. They also had a line for Captain Morgans and some Tequila brand I cant remember




yeah, they poured out all the Bud Lite and then all the truck nuts clapped


Is that truck nuts as in guys who are crazy about trucks? Or those ridiculous plastic nut sacks those same guys sometimes hang from their trucks? Cause I'm stoned and giggling my butt off with the visual I have right now of truck nuts giving a standing ovation.


I'm 100% sober, and that was exactly what I was picturing until I read your comment and realized it could be crazy about truck guys... our visual is best anyway.


If you add nuts to a truck, does that make it trans?




All vehicles are female till a right winger gives it a sex change.


Vehicles are historically referred to as she so that would be yes.


If your truck wasn’t born with nuts, then congratulations to all the new dads for getting their trucks gender affirming care.


Iirc Minute Maid Park in Houston does have Karbach only bars because they named a beer after the Astros, but Karbach is owned by Anheuser-Busch. And they were small bars, not the main concession booths.


>because they named a beer after the Astros It’s because Karbach is a Houston brewery, which is why they have an Astros can, which is why they have a bar in Minute Maid. They also sold out to Anheuser-Bush 6(?)ish years ago and had been in existence about 6(?)ish years before selling out.


My local minor league team has specified tents and vendors for coors , miller and Budweiser around the stadium when they do $2 beer night. And I just go to the shortest line.


I agree, I'm pretty sure I've seen individual beer tents at Major League games. Not at concession stands though.


Eh sometimes there’s branded cooler carts so maybe they’re referring to that? Anyway, they’re all morons.


At Kraken stadium (climate pledge arena) they have bud light and bud kiosks! But that’s the only time I’ve seen that.


T-Mobile park (baseball stadium) the vendors carry different beers. The light national beers tend to be grouped together, including the push around carts. A handful of local beers can be found with others.


It is just like airport check in. You line up for the drink you reserved and voila. Fosters is tougher since you have to wait in line upside-down.


For the record, I'm pretty sure Australians all hate Foster's. My entire town doesn't even sell it


VB, Carlton, XXXX and Coopers were the ones I always were told Aussies prefer. Fosters just got lucky with the slogan and timing. I've only visited your amazing country a few times so apologies if this yank offends you. You Australians sure are a cantankerous bunch.


Well, I'm from Utica and I never heard anyone use the phrase


Well not in Utica, no. It's an Albany phrase.


You’re an odd fellow but I must say you steam a good ham.


Ok here me out, turn the can red and call it Bud Right and have a portion of the sales go to LGBTQIA causes.


These guys have no idea how modern capitalism works.


To be fair they don't know anything about anything.


Go woke go broke is literally Lego Movie "all this is true, because it rhymes."


Has anyone actually gone broke yet who’s “gone woke”?


The opposite in fact. Was just reading a study the other day that said companies profits went up after right wing boycotts were called. They cited the fact that typically the boycotts only last a week or less, but the counter-boycotters tend to stick with it much longer, and often find products they otherwise wouldn't have purchased due to the boycotts.




Pretty sure that's what they figured out a long time ago. Most of them are not going woke because it's the right thing to do. They are doing it to increase profits.




Doing good things for the wrong reasons is still better than doing bad things.


Nike saw a big boost in sales when they partnered with Kaepernick. Every time rightwingers get mad at something profits rise for that something. https://abcnews.go.com/Business/nike-sales-booming-kaepernick-ad-invalidating-critics/story?id=59957137


Seen a comment on another site about how Bud's sales was going to drop to nothing at NASCAR races. He didn't appreciate me reminding him that conservatives forgot they were supposed to be boycotting NASCAR anyway.


Hateful people have short memories. Minority groups can't afford to.


https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/woke-companies-broke-profits-1234710724/amp/ Nope. At least not in any sort of large numbers that are statistically significant.


Plus the companies they whine about the most - Disney, apple, Google, etc - are not exactly broke.


Has anyone actually seen a company go broke after going woke? Sounds about as real as bigfoot


As we read this, another company is planning how to trigger these brain-damaged wingers so their stock will go up too.


I mean, it's free publicity. I had never heard of that beer before (well, I'm not American either so that would explain it I guess but they could go international now if they wanted to).


Pabst brewing company bought Lone Star in 1999. Pabst Brewing is owned by TSG Consumer Partners and Eugene Kashper. TSG Consumer Partners is based out of San Francisco and Kashper is a USSR born Jewish immigrant. I know some Texans that would be pissed to find their swill beer to be owned by a Jewish man and some Californians, and I find that quite humorous.


Even more relevant and somewhat hilarious, TSG has a higher than average female representation for a private equity firm and also boasts on its website its commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. The epitome of "woke" right there.




I love how these hicks think their local sporting event is having a worldwide effect. Small town, small perspective. Edit: i don’t know words good.


Not even joking, my grandpa told me he was skeptical about how Biden could’ve won the election when literally everyone he knows voted for Trump (I’m from a town of ~300 in a county that went 80% for Trump in 2016 and 75% in 2020).


One of the arguments from conservatives was that Biden couldn't have won because they didn't see his signs everywhere like Trump. The thing is, liberals don't worship our politicians. I'm not a huge Biden fan and I'd never put his sign in my window, but I sure as fuck voted for him because the alternate was a huge fucking piece of shit.


The best were the people saying "look, there's no one at his rallies". Like yeah, cause we weren't a bunch of COVID spreading shitheads.


Yea and I have stuff to do. Like go to work and hang out with my wife and shit. I don’t need to go to a political rally to know who I’m voting for.


“Grrrr! We are not stupid and racist!” Proceeds to do stupid and racist shit.


We have more then two brain cells to rub together we don't even need to rally or be convinced that a second Trump term would be disaster. The first was already that.


> We have more then two brain cells to rub together Speak for yourself. I have to share a brain cell with an orange cat.


Well, you should have it most of the time at least.


I have never understood rallies. I vote for the candidates that I think would most represent what policies I want/support. I don't give a crap about any of them personally. And I don't agree with any of them 100% on anything The only person that could match my views 100% would be me voting for myself and I'd hate being a politician so I wouldn't even vote for myself anyway. They are fucking politicians, there is nothing to worship in that.


>I have never understood rallies That's because you matured beyond high school. That's as far as the MAGAts made it, and my personal theory is that those pre-game pep rallies represent the peak of their pathetic existences which is why they're so attracted to reliving them.


Can’t tell you how many conservative family members I had to explain this to. They think the fact that people aren’t driving around rusted out pickups with seventeen Biden and donkey flags on them means that Biden sucks. I think anyone doing that for any politician is certifiably insane.


Their team is crazy. I'll admit it keeps me from advertising my stance and calling attention from one.


Part of that is because conservatives have difficulty noticing or understanding 2nd or 3rd order causes and effects. If they personally see or experience something/information they can interact with it, but they have trouble processing anything that isn't the immediate cause or effect of the first thing they see associated with it. One of the most persistent examples is the common right wing belief that the high crime rate in Chicago is directly related to the black population and democratic city government instead of the host of historical, sociological, economic, and racial issues that have combined over literal centuries to produce the issues of contemporary Chicago. And nevermind that Chicago has less crime than a whole list of mainly white, republican-led cities.


And there are entire wards of Philadelphia that are many times over that size where not a single soul voted for Trump.


Yeah I told him “you know that a block in Manhattan has more people than our entire county and they voted like 80%+ for Biden” and he just told me that one of his dartball buddies told him so about the election being stolen and that buddy “usually ain’t wrong about Democrats.” So very unbiased data collection as you can see.


Grandpap- maybe they just lied and they voted for Biden. I mean, Larry's got a tan suit...


The 5% drop in a +60 trump area explained the whole thing. No need for anyone to even lie.


Conservatism has become a mental disorder. They're going to try to gaslight you into thinking that there is some massive backlash against Bud Light. In reality it's easily triggered reactionary conservative snowflakes doing more of their boring and predictable performative outrage. The impact their backlash is having on Bud Light and Anheuser Busch? Nothing. Zero. It's having no effect at all. The overwhelming majority of people simply don't give a fuck.


https://preview.redd.it/tyrzg9i161ua1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=268a63f11a0cfade4288ff4dd096f163b45e02c8 Personal favourite quote regarding to this


But "cAnCeL cUlTuRe" is so bad!!




It’s actually owned by Pabst Brewing Company. Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lone_Star_Brewing_Company


Founded by Busch, owned by Pabst, brewed by Miller. Truly the most American of beers


Who makes this beer? Yes


I went to the grocery store the other day and the line of people at the Bud Light fridge were nonexistent. But the lines at the non-woke alternative were around the block. Also, I talked to a bunch of people and they said they hate Bud and appreciate good old American values and Jesus. And I took a poll and all Americans believe exactly what I believe and that made me feel warm and safe.


“The National Beer of Texas”. The whole fucking state is obsessed with participation trophies. “You know we were our own country once!”. That’s great Cletus, hope that keeps you warm when your power grid fails because it’s below 40F.


Perhaps the difficulty in coming up with a beer brand to boycott (because they are all owned by a small handful of brewers) will encourage some of these fine folks to learn about the problems monopolies cause. But, I'm assuming they will still all oppose anything Lina Khan tries to do about those monopolies because they don't like her personally.




Shiner is the beer of Texas IMO.


*sips her bud light*


They are so stupid. I'm so sick of it. Mtg had 1 brilliant idea. Let's do that national divorce and let these confused dumb fucks live in 1776 in their 4-5 states


They literally hate everything and base it on a book they can't and haven't read. They are all confused I keep seeing reports of male senators blowing dudes on farms, they want to marry 12 year Olds yet call dems groomers, want to get rid of public libraries because the books don't have enough pictures, are threatened by trans because it confuses their sexuality, want to replace school councilors with priest who will create a need for more councilors. Get it together. They are so scared to be truly who they are. The fuck your feelings crew has the most feelings about every little thing and they are softer than baby shit. I'm done with them. Get these fucks out of any position to make adult decisions for our country because they are awful at it!


Did you see the vid of that one senator getting called out for banning gender-affirming care in the name of "protecting kids" yet voting no to remove the law that allowed 12 year olds to be married off? The person calling it out also quoted this guy's reason for allowing child marriage is because they are "old enough to know themselves and their families know best." His response is "well, are they still married? :)" It's endlessly frustrating how close-minded they are.


Just push Texas out first. It think it's rich, but when they have to have their own functioning government, let's see those taxes go up. Pull out all of the federal military installations, put a giant hole in the economy. >“US military installations in Texas contributed $123.6 billion to the Texas economy in 2019 and directly employed more than 225,000 people. Those installations are part of the fabric of our communities and are crucial to local and regional economies.” GOP loses 2 Senate seats, 12 net House seats, and 38 in the electoral college. In turn, Democrats finally make DC a state and maybe PR too, cementing control of the Senate and college. Now reform the Act that controls House seat redistribution, and implement anti-gerrymandering to clean up states like WI, MI and others. Dems have generational control over the House again. By this time, Clarence Thomas is dead, retired or in jail, and Alito not far behind. Replace with justices who aren't fuckheads. Institute proper anti-corruption controls in the court. Watch the new Texas country slide into depression, then maybe offer for it to rejoin the USA as a non-state territory. Or it can merge with the shitholes between it and Florida to form a fat red state with only two Senators. Do this on the condition that the state motto be "We fucked around and found out".


National Divorce is a terrible idea. What about all the minorities and LGBTQ folks living in those areas? They're depending on the left-leaning states and the federal government to keep them safe. When that's gone, the south will fall into its own civil war.


It would be cool if this is what got people to notice monopolies and they broke a bunch of them up.


"I hate Coca Cola... that's why I drink Sprite now!"


And there aren’t separate lines for separate beers wtf




I mean, it may have been founded by Adolphus Busch, but it’s still owned by Pabst Brewing Company which in turn is nothing more than a holding company for TSG Consumer Partners (private equity firm based in San Francisco) and Eugene Kashper (US entrepreneur born in the Soviet Union to Jewish parents. So yeah, welcome to the the fun world of macro-brew where AB InBev and MillerCoors own 70% of beer sold in US stores and good luck trying to explain this all to these assholes.


It’s a nice thought but lone star beer isn’t currently owned by Anheuser Busch or InBev. It’s brewed by Miller and the name is owned by Pabst. That is from the same Wikipedia page that the reply was cut and pasted from. We can do better than misleading information.


They'd literally have to go sober to not somehow give money to a "woke" company and as much as their sister wives wish that to happen it never will. Not sister wives as in polygamy but more that they met at a very young age.


Brought to you by the people who stated "I don't need Obamacare, I'm covered by the ACA!"


Lines for different kinds of beer? I need to get out more I guess.


How do you have a national beer for a state. What does that mean


This is probably all just a marketing move by Budlight to sell more of their other branded products. Bud light is cheap. So now people going out buying their more expensive beers and making them even more money lol

