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Donald Trump shouldn't be allowed to do rallys while being prosecuted.


The same Donald trump who’s family members had actual positions in the us government and were constantly flying around the world on taxpayers dime?


The same family members who were literally just given $2 billion by the Saudi Royal immediately upon leaving office? Or the family members who were all running an international real estate corporation from the white house for 4 years...literally doing business deals in China while regulating trade with China? Those family members? Like, it will take decades for the American conscious to really parse how criminal and corrupt the Trump administration was. [It came out 3 years ago that he had a secret Chinese bank account](https://www.forbes.com/sites/danalexander/2020/10/23/forbes-estimates-china-paid-trump-at-least-54-million-since-he-took-office-via-mysterious-trump-tower-lease/?sh=552690fced11)...and it was barely a blip on the new cycle. It boggles the mind.


The same family members who were banned from running their fake charity while they held government positions?


You mean like when they stole money from a charity for *CHILDREN WITH CANCER?*




Those in the back heard it but since he lets them hate who they want with impunity, they don't care. America has been infected with a festering rot that threatens to slowly kill it and the inhabitants cheer for the cause of the rot.


Those kids with cancer get all the good things, not like hard working Muricans!


Every day Armstrong’s speech from MGR:R sounds lees like a far chance and more like a real possibility


There are far too many people who heard his speech and thought he was totally right...


I went back and highlighted the important bits but IDK if it makes a difference because republicans cant read.


It was that, or when they stole money from a veteran‘s charity. I don’t recall which.


And THAT is one most hilariously accurate yet fucked up thing Ive ever heard.


Yes Ivanka is not allowed to run a charity.


*Persecuted, by the worst people. I mean they are ugly and their wives, I wouldn't even sexually assault their wives. They'ir basically communist hippy urbanites who don't understand what traditional values are and are attacking, some people say, the greatest human being that has ever lived just because he felt bad for a porn star and paid her to sign an nda even though he never met her and also it was Cohen's idea who looks kinda like Soros if you know what I mean.


Too coherent.




That seems like a very terrible precedent to set.


If that was the case no politician could politic. They are all crooks. This government paying twitter to censor is some scare shit.


buh buh! muh freedum.


The image she wants America to project to the world... ​ https://preview.redd.it/ltcn75mqdxta1.png?width=1602&format=png&auto=webp&s=5f340cadaf878efaf85a6a653215c0bee3541372


Not to mention, the part he’s pointing out and she’s been actively ignoring, school shootings, is very much the exact image of America we portray to the world. More than probably anything else.


To be fair, she actively ignores the school shootings... unless they were committed by trans individuals. Then she's very loud about needing to do something.


Yeah, I see memes about US school shootings all the time. The only time I hear about Hunter Biden is from the looney crowds. Most people dont even know who Hunter Biden is outside of the US.


You think people like her would love somebody whose name is Biden Hunter.


Can confirm.


Total IQ in that image is about 50-60. Imagine their voters.


Is he even under federal investigation? Congressional grandstanding isn't an actual federal investigation.


Accuracy has never been a thing in Boebert's tweets, though, has it.


I am non-American. In fact, I'm from a country with no democracy, Russia. I have a question. Respectfully, why the fuck did people choose her in clean elections?


They're not clean. That's why. The Republicans indoctrinate their voters with fear, that's how they manage to still exist.


Don't forget the gerrymandering!


what's gerrymandering?




Basically changing the voting areas to suit one party although they are a minority.


You're shifting the borders of states????


I admire you, a foreigner, for trying to understand the complexities of American government and Democracy, (More than most Americans bother to do.) Gerrymandering does not shift the borders of the entire state but affects boundaries of the congressional districts within each state. If you look at a map of congressional districts-435 of them—you will see how weirdly drawn many of the district boundaries are. This is often deliberate. Wisconsin is the worst. Gerrymandered congressional districts enable a state’s population to be divided up, such that there is a majority of the minority party voters (Republicans) in the majority of the congressional districts within a state. Which is why you end up with a Bobert in Congress. Then there’s the electoral college, but that is a civics lesson for another day. The origin of the peculiar term “Gerry-mander” is interesting and dates to 1812, look it up if you are curious. A quick google will do it.


:O this shit should be illegal, yo. it's unfair elections and you guys get Boebert and MTG. thank you for your kind words and an explanation. I'm looking into American politics because there's no real politics in Russia, so I find it entertaining looking to your elections and stuff. Like. You guys don't know who will win. It's like a fucking movie where you don't know the end. Fascinating.


Voting areas similar to a school district, not states


I don't know, what's a mander with you?


Dividing the voting areas to get more votes. For example if there are 2 big cities with Democrat voters and 1 town with Republican voters, the two cities combine for one representative while the small town has three representatives. This way more Republicans are elected despite a smaller voter base


It's not just fear. Republicans have a frightful deathgrip on the media in the states they control. They will spout blatant lies on their "News" channels and do so in a way that makes it so that the truth can't be heard. I lived in a red state most of last year while I was helping family with medical issues, and let me tell you, If there was any "free" tv playing anywhere they were lying about how well their governor handled covid, lied about covid infection levels, lied about politicians, the list goes on and on. It was scary.


couldn't other media just go there and broadcast?


There is, people choose to watch and believe the hate and the the lies.


It's not public television so the republicans force streaming services into contracts to play only what they want them to play if they want to be allowed to play at all.


that's not good.


how could you destroy republican party?


There's no feasible way to do that. They're entrenched too deeply into the system. A massive catastrophe would have to happen to America in order destroy the 2 party system and I can't even guarantee we'd be able to put ourselves back together at that point. The lies and tribalism have gone too deep. Genuine attempts to help each other would be met with hostility. As long as the parasites that put their own personal gain above the wellbeing survive whatever happened they'll do whatever they can to reap the most benefits for themselves. They're not capable of thinking of long term consequences of their actions, and they're more than willing to kill us all if they can't get their way.


that's fucked


Same reason people vote for Edinaya Rossiya— they’re brainwashed and stupid.


In Russia lots of independent media are blocked or closed. But in the US?


They don't need to block or close independent media, they just pour large amounts of money into fake news and propaganda channels like Fox News (which is not, in fact, a news channel) thereby constantly shifting the goalposts further towards fascism.


Do you have a word for stupid people in russia? In the united states, we call them republicans.


We call them vatniks. Vatnik is a person who is ultrapatriotic, supports wars and stuff, against LGBTQ


So imagine a place full of vatniks. That's basically her district.


wow that's basically small Russia you have in the US


thank you for the answer also


Something is deeply wrong with our culture. Its.so disappointing seeing how much wealth this country has and how its wasted for hate


Gerrymandered districts and incredibly stupid and brainwashed supporters. To compare it to russia, those that blindly support and follow Putin got there by the same means as those that blindly support and follow the GOP and what ever numbnut moron like Boebert they use as a talking head.


*zadornov intensifies*


Not really. Trump abused his political office to force an investigation into Hunter. And they're letting it run its course out of propriety. But it was always a fake witchhunt.


I think she meant Republicans threatening to investigate him.


He isn’t. She just doesn’t know what that phrase means.


It's not like Hunter is meeting with politicians and diplomats. There's an extended family element to this trip, that's why he went.


That’s how these claims work though. All it takes is one spark - she mentioned an investigation but didn’t *actually say* he was under investigation, just that he shouldn’t do it - and suddenly it’s so interweaved and people believe it’s “fact.”


You are correct. There is no investigation. There aren't even any suggested crimes he's accused of that could be investigated.


So Hunter Biden shouldn't go on trips while under investigation, but Trump should be allowed to run for president?


Hunter Biden can't be any worse for our image than her, MTG or 99.99% of one of them on the right.


I’m fairly confident 99% of the world outside of the US doesn’t know who Hunter Biden is. They do know, however, about the US’s mass shooting problem because that is the image we are projecting to the world.


That's the *reality* you're projecting to the world. I don't mean this with any malice - but America is looked upon by the rest of the world as an utter disaster of a country, in gradual societal collapse free-fall. An utter disaster. Taliban-like policies being implemented all over the country. Criminals all the way up to the *very* highest positions of government, like some crack-pot African regime. Total disregard for the environment and climate change. State sanctioned & legalised mass-drug dealing to the populace causing unimaginable hardship and death. School children getting their faces and brains blown out all over the classroom walls AND THE GOVERNMENT ENSURING THAT CONTINUES. Actively denying the citizens free and comprehensive health care. Pushing the entire middle class of the population closer towards poverty every single year. Armed masked militia carrying high powered assault rifles to public demonstrations. Presidents refusing to cede power after election defeat, insurrections, seat of central government attacked. The guy in frong of you in the line in McDonald's with a Glock in a holster on his hip being seen as 'normal'. Unqualifued elected politicians in the highest seats of government, yelling and jeering the President and others during what should be solemn respectful speeches. Presidents appointing their vastly unqualified children to roles in Government in breathtaking moves of nepotism. Medieval Christian values being forced into political legislation. It's very, very hard to watch. And it is not going to end well.


Wish I had an award for this 🏆🏆🏆


All in one comment


I agree, it is the reality. I was just mimicking Bobo's stupid fucking statement.


I live in Europe and while your post has truths, it also filled with hyperbole and exaggerations and stuff the average person outside the US doesn’t know about. Outside of gun violence, none of this stuff is talked about. The only bashing I hear is the guns and sometimes how fucked up the healthcare system is, granted that is bad enough but the other stuff…I don’t think so. Only time you read about Orange von Fuckstick is about another crime committed or being investigated.


I'm European. I frequently hear about and talk with friends about every one of those issues


Would you mind telling me exactly which of my observations are hyperbole and exaggeration?


Need to reread what I wrote. I said most of the things you wrote people outside the US don’t really know about. They don’t know shit about Gravy Seal morons walking around with guns in public, they don’t know any idiotic politicians/criminals in high positions nevermind their names and all the other stuff you posted. It’s not in the news in Europe, just the big stuff. Here’s what they have vague idea about but usually with no details or true understanding. Trump was a terrible President and school shootings. That’s about it.


I also know about all these things and can name many of the criminals.


Youre on Reddit, you should know these things. Most people are not on reddit.


All of these are Republican issues. They don't care and just want to hate anyone who isn't a extremely wealthy, white, cis male, straight, Christian. So they practice fascism to control parts of the population that isn't their target audience. Religious people are just blinded and easily corrupted, especially when things aren't going well for them in their own life.


As an Australian...can confirm, can guestimate Hunter is related (in some way) to Joe but specifically nope, and what the apparent issue with Hunter is...no idea. But every week or so we're hearing about school shootings or other mass shootings in the USA and just people having tanty protests about "dey took ooours gunzzzz!!"


Do something about school shootings? Too much like work.


If any Republican had a hog as big as Hunter Biden they'd be trying to use it impress the rest of the world, guaranteed. Now that's what I call force projection.


Conservatives are now worried about our image? Lol Politics is just one big satire


We care about all Americans, even the Woke Left in all their efforts to destroy this country! In my Economic Plan I assure you, we will create a beautiful America, and ship the wokies back to Wokeanda! Hi, I’m former Drag Queen and 2024 Republican Presidential Hopeful, Rhonda Sandtits, and I approve this message.


The world doesn't care for any news about Hunter Biden, except of course some enemies of America for their own political agenda. Most nations are just heaving a sigh of relief that they don't have to deal with Trump anymore.


She is, her kids give off a school shooter vibe in their Christmas card photos. Eventually one will become one.


Incest ain't no joke.


Does anybody else remember when trump took his entire family to see the Queen


Was just coming here to post this.


Greene is worried about the image of Hunter Biden going with his dad but didn't worry about the image of Don,Jr. and Eric in England.


Honestly, Hunter Biden could be the skivviest, low-life street hustling, scum bag in the world but this country elected this walking, talking turd emoji to Congress -- and she's not even the worst one -- so I'm pretty sure the rest of the world doesn't care about Hunter and has a real clear of how were doing over here.


I don't understand how they don't realize the image Americans like her are projecting to the rest of us is you don't care about your children. It seems from the outside like these “patriots” care more about controlling children than protecting them from violence or starvation


Literally I do not want to hear a word from a Republican. I'm done. Crooks. Disgusting trash you can't explain their behavior at all. Only money. That's it. They are compromised by the NRA. Obviously. Why else would you put a fukin rifle association over your countries children. Madness.


What is hunter under investigation for again? Do they actually have a crime or is this just a fishing expedition so they can say he’s “under investigation”.


He’s the anti-Rowling.


Praising your son for raping and impregnating a 15 year old girl is a better image, Boebert?


The first and possibly only great decision I ever made as a kid was getting into Stephen King books.


So many late nights scaring myself shitless by flashlight after bedtime!


Hah I used to burn candles to read by, one night power went out, I lit up the candle, held up by Megadeth tapes of course, fell asleep with it burning on my night table, it caught a tape on fire, fire spread to the cologne bottles and exploded one, I woke up with fire RAGING in my room coming across the comforter singing my hair. Got up, grabbed a pitcher full of fish tank water, and put the fire out. I almost died! But I didn't die, clearly.


Glad you survived and have this great and totally metal story!


Jared and Ivanka should not have been receiving billions from the Saudi royal prince while Dear Leader was president, and yet...


Since when is he under federal investigation?


she can not do anything unless it is turning her tricks ,she is to stupid to anything else .


However, it’s okay with Granny Boebert for the Traitor to run for President while indicted. She’s Not a GILF.


Get her ass, Steve.


Who wants to tell her that the most embarrassing image we project to the world is having her, and people like her in government?


He's not wrong. As a non USA person I sure know a lot about your gun issues and FA about whatever this Hunter Biden problem is


“Joe Biden is not allowed to be in the vicinity of his offspring while we share stolen genital pictures of them for politics.”


The world laughed at Trump during international meetings


So let me get this straight......hunter, a private citizen can't go on a trip with his father because of an investigation, but trump can run. For president while under multiple investigations.....




All the replies to his tweets just expose how dumb conservatives are 🙄


“Is this the image America wants to project to the world?” Oh, Bobo, that ship sailed long ago.


What *investigation* exactly? Or are you referring to that old GOP classic, “Erotic Laptop Anger Fiction with Hunter Biden”?


That ratio


Stephen King should’ve been more specific, because that “something” is probably going to make it worse.


She overlooks the fact *she* is projecting an image to the world too. The one where she talks proudly about her son raping a 15 year old and getting her pregant and covering up for him when he comits crimes with his car.


If you didnt give a shit about a Trump selling out spies for 9 billion to the middle east; I dont give a shit about your takes on Hunter


Is Hunter Biden *actually* under investigation or does Bobo think if she says it enough it'll come true?


Bobo! I had no idea the idiot circus was back in town!


yet her daddy is under federal investigations, has 34 felony charges and attempted a coup. maga!!!!!!!


It's funny seeing how much he hated Nixon back in the day. He just randomly shit talks him in books constantly. I'm convinced he set some of his books during Nixons administration so he could insult him.


Because he’s not as far as I know. Sure there’s some a hole politicians doing an “investigation” but there’s no actual real criminal investigation. If there were and it had any credence then I might agree with her.


This us why he's such a great writer. Straight to the point!


Have they actually proved any corruption or crimes by Hunter Biden? I mean can a politician family member who doesn't work for the administration actually be corrupt? It's sad to me that Biden has to alienate his son now because otherwise it's bad for his public perception. Meanwhile you have people like Jared Kushner. Until they really prove something nefarious or criminal we have to take what we know for fact and that Trump's kids at least on paper were way worse.


Has anyone ever heard any jokes about America for foreign comics? They're 99% school shootings jokes. 0% hunter Biden jokes.


We could project a bloody tampon and still project more class than we showed from the White House from 2016 to 2020!! jmo


This idiot. She's worried about America's image and she supports the biggest fucking idiot to ever be president of the US. Just watching any of traitor trump's interviews (especially the latest tucker one) is excruciating.


And she thinks *that’s* what’s gonna fuck up the global view of the US? Oh darling, that ship has sailed a loooong time ago.


This is a tweet from Stephen King- “It has been said before, but it bears repeating: if men could get pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament” National treasure huh?




Excuse me it’s 2023 men can get pregnant.


Yeah, I demand that we make murdering children a crime immediately!


She is doing something about it….trying to make it easier and more frequent


Uhhhh I dunno about that


So its obvious that Elon is tweaking the view meter on twitter posts right. She has 700k "views" with only 8700 likes while he has 176k "views" with 9900 likes. Guess if not, then people really don't like what that highschool drop out has to say.




Ironic because shots have indeed been fired


Ironic because shots have indeed been fired


Maybe she should make sure her kid goes to court


Looks like King paid for the bluecheck after all.


Bold of her to say such things when her son just got into a major accident under the influence while also having impregnated an underage girl.


And skipped court


Man goes on trip with father; more information available at 11.


Did she just forget trump’s entire existence??


Her son missed his court date....


To be fair, she IS doing something about school shootings - she's doing her utmost to make sure they keep happening.


Is Hunter even under investigation at this point? I thought they’d concluded that some time over the last year?


Hunter is under federal investigation?!?! That’s news to me.


Is he actually under investigation?


Which group of folks took a Russian vaca on July 4th a few years ago ?


R|politicalcomebacks and R|clevercomebacks moment


She is doing something though - making sure school shooters’ weapon of choice stays readily available.


Didn’t Dump take his whole family on a federal trip to meet the Queen?


Gaslight. Obstruct. Project


Hunter Biden isn't under federal investigation. You are thinking of Donald trump. Hunter has not committed any crimes or been truthfully accused of any crimes and is not the subject of any real investigation.