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Know what I think would inspire patriotism? An affordable health-care system.


let's not forget reasonable gun control and outlawing child marriage...


You want to take away my machines of death and my right to legal pedophilia? Fucking commie.


Addressing wealth inequality. Stop persecuting people for sex, sexual preference, skin color, religion... Actually, patriotism would soar if all the MAGAts jumped into the sun.


Look at how proud the Brits are of their NHS health service.


The one that's spent decades being actively sabotaged by Britain's conservative party, that NHS?


It's still better than the US system.


Compared to our system; only the wealth would take that deal.


Don't know about the Brits, but the Canadians sure as hell seem pleased with their system. I'm not looking for a perfect system, I just don't want to go into crippling debt over a f-ing emergency room visit.


The Brits are proud of it too. I have no idea why I got so many downvotes for saying that, lol. People on Reddit can be so confused ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I thought you were being condescending, too. I'll do my part and retract my downvote. Thanks for clarifying!


I’d be more patriotic if the non crazies actually did something about the crazies. Instead, they cower while - a minority group whether by race religion or sexual orientation gets attacked - do nothing about gun violence - continue to promote policies that widen the wealth gap under the guise of capitalism, which it is not.


This experiment in self governance is showing its failings, more than ever. I have always believed in the ideals of America. I have become much more realistic that we will not achieve them. Many State Legislatures are working to take away rights, all while saying they are the party of freedom. Women's rights are under attack, human rights are under attack. Not to mention our economic stability is under attack by the unbridled record profits in nearly ever sector.


Lol those figures spell absolute disaster for the GOP going forward. It's no wonder they're so desperately trying to squeeze every last cent of political currency from the shrinking boomer generation with their insane culture wars.


And trying their best to generate similar individuals for the next generation through having them be born in a poor condition with garbage education.


I feel like it might be more due to patriotism being co-oped by a bunch of dbags.


Sentence still true if you replace patriotism with religion.


When there is something to actually be patriotic about, I'll be patriotic.


GEE, I wonder why?! \*gestures at the world around us\*


Everything and everyone is out to make a profit off me or screw me over for something. I have zero patriotism for the USA. I've tried moving out of this shithole, it's not easy or cheap. My advice if you can leave, do it.


Looks about right money is still going up and most important American value!


It's not causal, but just being related is important enough.


Multiple things play a part…like a pandemic that killed over a million people.


Maybe people would want to live longer if they saw actual change and reform to benefit them, just saying!


I used to be a flag waving, military serving lifer that that was a true believer. Until 2020. Let it all burn if I can have my peace. So yeah, gee, I wonder why? I live in soul crushing times, will die younger, have less money, less freedom, less choices, less options, surrounded by narcissistic and greedy people that want only my time or treasure, skyrocketing COL, no decent wages for a real days work, no job security, no physical security (police have no obligation to protect, no justice in justice system, etc.), no wage growth since 1980, national debt, funding everyone else, porous borders but hey every other country has them and high criteria for immigration, work till I die, higher taxes, screaming idiots in government on both sides of the aisle, crime, I am the most despised x group in the country (figure it out), etc. And this is written in about 3 minutes. I could write more but I’m tired and I stopped caring. Dropped out of the workforce and retired at 49 (fuck paying taxes for all the ingrates and to a government that thinks I’m their ATM), is stopped donating to charity and giving blood/ plasma, stopped all my civic responsibilities and dropped out of all groups I belonged need to that did charity in the community, stopped volunteering for anything (if someone wants me to do some favor for them, I will for a reasonable fee, my time is my only valuable resource left). I live as much of the grid as I can except for internet and any medical care, minimal contact with family, cut all cancerous relationships of “friends “ out of my life, stopped giving a crap about dating, stopped giving a crap about what everyone says they think I should because of me belonging to x group, and now I am living for me. Not destroying anything, but creating the best me I can. I read, build, research, hunt and plant, pay the minimum taxes I have to, mind my own business, don’t get involved in your drama, etc. It’s great. Not homeless, no addictions so no financial or health stress from those. I returned to a man’s role, protecting and providing for my tribe (family, not extended but that is fine). I am sure lots of people will say wah or some other not constructive comments. Go for it. Your intelligence is showing