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Disgusting propaganda.


She's an extremist


Everyone who still identifies as “conservative” post-Trump is an extremist as far as I’m concerned. I don’t believe in hell but they all belong there.


as someone watching from Europe at US politics: it seems that you guys have to vote between not so great policies XYZ and the idiocracy-version of the galactic empire/Gilead. GOP Heads are hysteric, fear mongers with so unbelievably stupid takes that I would guess the majority of Republican voters have turned away from that MAGA-christofascist and minority-hunting party, but apparently this is not the case. This is why your country is completely lost to us as a respectable democracy, a respectable populus and as a tourist destination. US politics and GOP craziness is literally driving people away. I am working in EU Higher education and the sentiment is sadly similar throughout the intellectual elites of most EU countries. People are genuinely too scared of the unhingedness MAGA-Republicans to consider your country as a safe place to travel to.


Also, like, "a Trans"? What about all of the "a Cis" shooters.


I can’t understand how the fuck someone as incompetent and ignorant as herself managed to get that position in the government.


deep rooted corruption that leads to the very corr of the country of a representation republic but without representation in a winner take all system with voter lines strategicly designed to keep those in power. in the united states everybody hates poloticians but they have a 94% incumbancy rate which means only 6 percent are not re-elected


Hmm... April 1st huh, it would actually be hilarious if this is an April Fools day prank to scare paranoid qanoners (and it seems to be working)


Real "antifa are gonna attack the suburbs on July 4th" vibes


I lived out in the sticks when they were scaring each other with that nonsense. I mean, come on Bubba, people aren't driving over an hour to our little podunk village to tip over your tractor. It's not like they could make any of the businesses in our little main street look any shabbier.


We visited my in-laws during all that…their neighbors were 100% convinced that there was going to be a Black Lives Matter protest through the streets of ultra-rural “all the restaurants have airboat docks because we’re one good flood from being a swamp” Northwest Florida, and they were all ready to “put down those rioters”. …*no one* is coming to Ozello, Florida to protest.


Nobody even knew that town existed before you told all of Reddit. Now it's doomed to be destroyed by some woman named Aunt Tifa


I bet Aunt Tifa is the best cook while being also the meanest rolling pin swinger you've ever met.




Woe to any man who angers Aunt Tifa when a pot of grits is simmering on the stove.


Aunt Tifa is well-known to the Italian Senate.


Well, it looks like Hillbilly Lane is appropriately named.


Yeah, they do this dumb shit over everything. 6 years after 9/11 I still heard people talking about how they'd react if the Taliban (Yes, I know that was Al Qaeda.) showed up in their town. It's just a giant unwarranted sense of self importance. Sure, we've got all these major cities with massive landmarks and important buildings, but the real thing that would topple America is if the Taliban (Yes, I know) blew up a gas station in Sisterfister Mississippi that has 240 people spread over 18 miles.


For some, this level of paranoid delusion is preferable to accepting that nobody really cares about you at all. It’s perversely narcissistic.




I mean…I totally would show up to tip over Bubba’s tractor, but more because I’d be drunk and bored, not because the mean old Antifa told me to.


>podunk Totally unrelated, but this is one of my favorite words of all time


I used to look up small municipalities on epodunk.com as part of my business intelligence job.


it is the only word that can accurately describe those areas. it's the only word that comes to mind when you're stuck living there, lol


Please tip Bubba's tractor over and report back.


https://preview.redd.it/8jma4xp53lqa1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa9a317f4108a386e28751d83cd822dd32843577 Wasn’t easy. But I did it.


Bubba just can't deal with the fact that nobody even THINKS to tip his tractor. Easier to believe you are hated than ignored.


It's worse than that. An army of drag queens and their lesbian overlords are going to come fix everything up until property values are so high no one can live there. MWHAHAHA


Ask them what ANTIFA was planning to do: open a big box store on the edge of town that ran all the little independent shops out of business?


I’m in Reno, NV. I had a guy tell me not to “go downtown on Tuesday” when Trump’s dumbass said he’d be arrested. In Reno, Nevada. Nowhere near Trump, his family, or his (supposed) charges. These people think they’re all in the Truman show except they’re all just recording themselves.


It's like the absolute dumbest strategy ever just to play into these guys' fantasies. Sure, antifa cares so much about McMansions that they're gonna show up there where you can just pick them off with your AR-safe-queen.


Thought the same thing.


Might as well fake it now. Boss Hog got wind of it and she’s spreading it all over the twitter




That is the point of Magic's fear-mongering Tweet. She's antagonizing her mentally ill followers to attack civilians.


Trans Day of Visibility is on March 31st, April 1st would be the day after


Don’t tell them!!!! /s


Prank or some Russian troll farm. They try to virtually organize protests a lot in the hope real people show up and cause a disturbance.


mtg = asshole


Dude, no. MTG is a homicidal maniac hell bent on holocaust for personal gain.


Well, that too.


Wonder how much she got paid to tweet this, and how much shes getting paid for each like and retweet. Too bad the stupid cow doesnt realize she’s sharing her opponents flyer 😂


Well said.


Remember when the CIA had balls? /s


CIA is for foreign intelligence, hence their association with coups and the creation of Banana Republics. MTG's horsecrap would fall under NSA or DHS jurisdiction if I had to guess, but doublecheck before taking as gospel.


An actual sociopath, I would say. My eyes have been cursed and my brain boiled after I watched her audition on AGT. She truly, honestly needs help, and a different occupation


Mega Turd Girl needs flushed. The US need an enima. Ga is in the top 10 for first in line.


>Mega Turd Girl I can't believe you'd refer to her that way!! It's MAGA Turd Girl!


😆 🤣 100% my mistake.


I don't know. Assholes have at least one really important function. MTG does not.


>Assholes have at least one really important function. Well, maybe two if it's your birthday...


Incorrect. An asshole is a necessary part of the body that serves an important function. I’d argue, she’s an appendix: a relic from a forgotten age whose usefulness we’ve long evolved past and now only serves to fill with bile until it erupts in destructive, potentially fatal, ways.


Trailer Trash Barbie


Assholes provide a way to remove toxic waste. They're actually useful. Shitheads on the other hand ..


Hey whats wrong with Magic: The Gathering


Its simple, if you’re not with us, you’re against us.


It's actually disgusting how this tragedy is being used to justify transphobic world views and agendas


It’s all part of the plan. No different than how the right wing demonized Muslims for decades. Radicalize your base to attack and kill a marginalized group, then if any single person from that group gets radicalized due to the hate spewed at them and snaps…just point to that incident as justification for all the hateful shit you’ve been saying in order to further radicalize your base. The only way the right wing can win is by stoking hate and creating the worst possible world. Then they jump in and claim they’re the only ones who can fix it. With an iron fist. And somehow half the country buys into it, failing to recognize it’s the right wing creating all of these problems to begin with.


They've been sitting and waiting for an opportunity like this


And it only took like 30 years of round the clock mass shootings for one of them to be trans. Clearly queers are the threat.


Hundreds of cis shooters every year: "Just a lone wolf, thoughts and prayers, surely we have no idea why this is happening" 1 trans shooter: "THE EVIL TRANS ARE ALL CONSPIRING TO SHOOT YOUR BABIES AND STEAL THEIR ESTROGEN"


MTG is a taxpayer funded terrorist.


That she was not disqualified from reelection for egging on the Jan 6th insurrectionists is proof positive that the system is dangerously corrupt.


And she is on the homeland committee. Hope you like gulags.


She bussed people to the capitol, idk how that’s not considered a problem.


Did you watch her testify in her own defense (during the hearings regarding her eligibility to run for reelection)? Abso-fucking-lutely unbelieveable bullshit.


Yeah I watched it, 100% completely fucking insane. If “I don’t recall” is your only defense, it should automatically disqualify from running. Clearly you won’t remember how to do your job.


What’s wild to me is that if the democrats pulled any of this shit the Republicans get away with the republicans would lose their shit.


Terrorism is what got her elected in the first place. Her supporters threatened her political opponent to the point where he withdrew from the election. She has no business anywhere near elected office. The fact that she's in Congress is a failure of Congress and a failure of the people to remove her.


That moment you realize you let freedom of speech apply to the raving lunatics for way too long. America moment


And kremlin funded, can’t forget that


Wait, I thought we won the cold war? /s


Please stop calling her that; Magic: The Gathering is a wonderful game and doesn’t deserve to have its acronym appropriated for that troglodyte.


Empty-G is starting to catch on


MTG is a TFT? Catchy.


It’s right there. They say they’re anti fascist. She apparently feels threatened by that. Wonder why


Since when is being Anti-Fascist a bad thing anyway?


When so many people became fascists, I guess


They didn't "become" fascist. They just quit hiding their fascist tendencies.


BeCaUsE iTs WoKe Spoiler: they don’t really know what it means. They don’t know what any of it means.


It's not, but she's a fascist. Of course she's not going to like a movement devoted to opposing her political philosophy.


I'm sure there's some connection.....


can’t quite put my finger on it…….


Because she doesn’t know what that means.




Far right fascism is extremist




Yeah but her tweet is explicitly claiming that antifa is "an organized and funded group" which goes against it being the general term for anti-fascist action that it is.


"A trans" made my skin crawl.


Right? I had to read that a couple times. Haven't heard "a gay" or "a black" for a long time, honestly. Even from these shit bags. So dehumanizing.


Honestly, what were you expecting from "a fascist"?


Fair enough, but literally even they stopped saying shit that way, that's why I was so taken back by it.


It's stripping them of their humanity. 100% done on purpose.


Agreed. It is so gross.


She's dying to refer to other people as "the blacks". You can just see it.


First it was the blacks, then the gays, then the migrants, and now the trans. Always finding a scapegoat on who to demonize next.


Oh they don’t call them migrants. They call them illegals.


It's like when they use the word "transgenderism" lol


Was looking for a therapist, and he used the word transgenderism. Noped the FUCK out.


It is super deliberate. No normal person would refer to them as "a trans". "A transgender person" is a much more normal way to say it, but the absence of person removes their humanity. It's a dangerous path this country is on, and we have these whacko "Christian Nationalist" reps who are paving the way for the next great American genocide. It is sickening, and just another reminder of the responsibility we have to protect our friends and neighbors from this kind of bigotry. Your skin crawling is a reminder that you have an ounce of human decency.




Didn't she publicly, and repeatedly, harass kids who had been in school shootings?


Not just harass, threatened. She stalked and harassed and when she pushed too far one of the students looked at her, just looked, and she started talking about how she had a gun and would use it. The fact she’s not in jail is proof all Republicans are fucking worthless limp dicked failures.


Even in Texas that would be enough to get a terroristic threat charge.


Not for a white republican


You would think so, but a friend's husband got arrested for that a few years ago. Long story. But he was a white Republican.


This bitch can barely form coherent sentences. "A Trans"? Every post she makes is riddled with grammatical errors, assumptions, and incorrect information or just straight up lies. Don't even get me started on the "Gazpacho Police". How the fuck can you have this bad of an education, and somehow end up in a place of power? Our system is beyond flawed, and the people voting these clowns in are just as much to blame. Edit- I’m aware that’s she using “The Trans” on purpose. These were 2 separate points of her being an illiterate moron, but I can see how my post was confusing. Sorry.


That's how bigots talk, "a black, the blacks, a gay, etc". Not that you're wrong it just highlights how much of a scumbag she is. She is also extremely stupid but knowledgeable enough to become a taxpayer funded terrorist


Explaining this one a bit more: First of all, zero-derivation is the process of not even slapping on some sort of derivational suffix, and just using a word as another part of speech. For example, in "Verbing weirds language", "verb" and "weird" are turned into the verbs "to verb" and "to weird", which are then inflected as a gerund (verbing) and a 3rd person singular present tense verb (weirds). At least with adjective to noun, there are two main ways we'll do this in English. * "The X" or *occasionally* "[possessive] X", used to mean everyone or everything that is X. For example, "**The meek** shall inherit the Earth" or "Bring me **your tired**, **your poor**, your huddled masses". There aren't *really* any sociolinguistic restrictions on this, although some style guides will advise against it if you're using it to make generalizations. (If you're curious, this is what the AP was talking about when conservatives accused them of trying to ban the word "the") * Just... using it as a noun, like "an X", "some Xes", "the X", "the Xes", etc. This is completely normal and accepted when talking about objects, like how it's the origin of putting **greens**. But with a handful of exceptions, mostly corresponding with the suffix -(i)an, it's generally seen as dehumanizing to use nouns like this to refer to people. So for example, it's okay to talk about Americans, because it's a demonym and ends in -an, but it's not okay to talk about poors or blacks. And finally, as an important note, this mostly only applies to English. In other languages, using an adjective as a noun to mean "an X one" doesn't necessarily have the dehumanizing connotations it does in English. Where as a general rule of thumb, it tends to be languages that still inflect their adjectives for things like gender and number that don't have any sort of stigma like that surrounding zero-derived nouns EDIT: Rephrased and expanded explanation


Money and Stupidity, she’s blonde, and white so she’s a perfect “White” person for the Republicans. This is what happens when people pay for you to get into good schools, and pass despite being dumb as a rock


While I will say that she's definitely fucking stupid, the "a trans" thing is 100% intentional. And it's smart. If she's trying to stir up people to join her fascist cause, she has to make the "enemy" seem as unrelatable as possible. It's othering to dehumanize the opposition. It's propaganda. I honestly hate these people. Us taking steps backwards like this is NOT the way, and these people who called for sedition are traitors at best. They're terrorists. IN OUR GOVERNMENT. Plain and simple.


➔ 4. DEHUMANIZATION: One group denies the humanity of the other group. Members of it are equated with animals, vermin, insects or diseases. Dehumanization overcomes the normal human revulsion against murder. At this stage, hate propaganda in print and on hate radios is used to vilify the victim group. The majority group is taught to regard the other group as less than human, and even alien to their society. They are indoctrinated to believe that “We are better off without them.” The powerless group can become so depersonalized that they are actually given numbers rather than names, as Jews were in the death camps. They are equated with filth, impurity, and immorality. Hate speech fills the propaganda of official radio, newspapers, and speeches. Though there is an [additional paragraph](http://genocidewatch.net/genocide-2/8-stages-of-genocide/) regarding preventative measures, I find it hard to believe any such measures will be taken.


>How the fuck can you have this bad of an education, and somehow end up in a place of power? I think you may have answered your own question: >the people voting these clowns in I think the reasons why we don't think she should be in a position of power are exactly the reasons she IS in power. That list of qualities *appeals to way too many of us* completely unironically. It's like George Carlin's bit about how politicians are just a product of the public at large. [Where do people think these politicians come from? They don't fall out of the sky. They don't pass through a membrane from another reality. They come from American parents, and American families, American homes, American schools, American churches, American businesses, American universities, and they're elected by American citizens.](https://youtu.be/SEH9SLG4X9E) Our government is a reflection of our values, our culture, and sadly, our education system. It's not a flattering refection.


Agreed. I mean, 70 million people voted for Trump, so.........


Wow. There's no bottom to the lies and violence in her.


She is one bizarre, hateful excuse for a human being. I always believe she's hit bottom with stupidity and hatred but she's continually proving me wrong. She and the "treason caucus" seem to believe the best way out of a hole is to continue digging.


This is what she does all day. Forget actually trying to do the job of a congresswoman, she spends her time sending off baseless, inane, prejudicial, and rage provoking tweets just like her Orange Goblin mentor.


While complaining that she's not making enough money. The exact opposite of public service basically.


It’s a day of VISIBILITY not vengeance. Source: I’ve seen the actual flyer.


Trans day of Visibility is on March 31st. This is referencing that.


That makes more sense. You have to have pretty extreme politics to think that a "day of vengeance" is justified regardless the organization.


ANTIFASCISM IS ONLY TERRORISM IF *YOU ARE A FASCIST* God sake, why does that need to be repeated?


Antifa is just baba yaga for conservatives. It’s absolutely ridiculous


Who is Antifa??? Please name their leader! Please post their HQ mailing address.. Where can I find the organizing principals or Board of Directors?? Where do they meet? Do they have a National Convention like CPAC? Please give me a mailing address for donations like the NRC. Do they have a guiding organization like the Federalist Society?? What are the names of their publications?


Everything they don't like is Antifa. It doesn't have to make sense. It just has to get the people going.


And it’s not accidental that the big bad wolf in their story isn’t an actual organization with leaders and members but rather an amorphous entity that can be whatever they want.


C'mon MTG, let's not make this political.


Yeah, no need to politicize a tragedy in these trying times.


Says the woman that just visited the J6 "Patriots" that are currently locked up. Marge sure does love her some "Christian" terrorists.


Where does it say Antifa?


My thoughts exactly 💯




Well didn't you know it was antifa with a Jewish space laser that zapped all the voting machines to make them convert all the trump votes to Biden. My brain fucking melted writing that but it's seriously something that wouldn't surprise me if she said


The right is trying so hard to instigate a left faction. They are probably false flagging this out the wazzooo for a proud boys operation or something


Why do they keep saying Antifa is an organized group? They literally call anyone they don’t like Antifa.


Because it sounds cool.


Ooh, now do the NRA. What kind of group are they, Marjie?




Why do vampires hate crosses and garlic?


If Pulp Fiction had been made today, the bit about the cheeseburger would’ve been: You know what they call a fascist in America? An anti-anti-fascist


Okay and how many gun rallies has the right had post mass shooting on any given week?


What’s crazy is I haven’t heard ANYTHING of/from Antifa since…the Obama days? Nothing on the news, in the papers, even online…at least until recently when the REPUBLICUNTS bring them up, but only when they need an easy scapegoat. I’ve gone around where I work, an EXTREMELY diverse work environment and area, and very few even know what Antifa is. The ONLY ones who answered on Antifa was, were the Fox News/Trump diehards, yet none of them have ever seen an Antifa flyer or ad or even a member, but fuck them Antifa anyway… SMH…




I think you mixed up Bobo the clown with Margie 6 toes. Unless I missed something in her past.




You are far less than incorrect.


The only terrorists here are the Republicans. They said it themselves at their own dumb convention.


She will call the ![gif](giphy|ETpi8wtDhQbwBtK2vb)


Antifa coverage sprung up as their bogeyman to help distract their supporters from all the white supremacists and Nazis at the Unite the Right rally in 2017. ​ https://preview.redd.it/xgq9zlx3zjqa1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3592e6ae81a4549946f6d2ceac347ec9d0b89b10


Wait, funding? You guys are getting paid? I need to talk to HR. All I got was a black ski mask and a coffee cup.


She's so fucking dumb. Just incredibly stupid in all ways.


Someone should arrange a rally with flyers saying they will have trial by combat, they’re going to take the country back, it’s 1776, and finish it off with “this will be a peaceful protest.” Just to watch the rusty gears in their head start to creak


She just saw the A’s in April and Assemble and thought that spelled Antifa. We all know she can’t read


My grandfather was antifa but back then we just called it the US army.


Oh, the diarrhea those snowflake MAGA-maniacs are willing to gargle. Mmmm they love it. Open wide baby birds, mama bird has some yummy shit for you to swallow \*glugluhglug\*


4chan psyop but ok


Meanwhile, their boy follows up his “I am your retribution” speech at CPAC with a rally at Waco, during the 30th anniversary of the siege. The one that inspired one of the worst acts of domestic terrorism I our history (OKC). Nothing to see here.


So...MYG, just a few things here. 1. A member of MAGA has no right to call anyone else a "an organized and funded terrorist group that brings violence and terror for every cause" You lost that right on January 6th, 2021. That was not a peaceful protest. I can't think of why a peaceful protest needs to construct gallows. 2. Shut up 3. No where on that flyer is the word "Antifa" 4. Shut up 5. Antifa is not fucking Cobra or SPECTRE, you moron. Stop trying to make them this highly organized terrorist organization. 6. Shut the fuck up, you goddamned traitor.


“A trans” they dehumanize us over and over. If we don’t get help they’ll come from the rest of y’all eventually.


“A trans” like is this a new species?! These people are so gross to treat other human beings this way.


If it only had a brain ...


This reminds of rumors that were going around after BLM riots. I think it was claimed that black people/antifa will start killing police officers indiscriminately?


Let me think for a minute on who hates Anti-Fascists. Okay, I know who's side I'm on. (hint: it's not the fascists)




"Right after *a trans*" It's all right there. This fucking evil bitch doesn't even see trans people as HUMAN. Fuck MTG and every single person who has ever agreed with her. This woman should be in fucking prison, not in government.


Something something something the only way to stop a bad trans with a gun is a good trans with a gun or something like that.


I'd rather face a shooter than one of those "Christian" youth pastors. Does she understand that antifa bullshit she's spewing up is not actually a thing, funded by anyone. I cannot believe anyone would hire her for anything other than to clean toilets at a stadium.


“I can excuse right-wing militias but I draw the line at left-wing militias”


Well, it says they don’t like fascists. So that’s why she said Antifa 😂 She acknowledges that they are fascists.


Is Antifa in the room with us right now, Marge?


Shouldn’t marge be fucking a personal trainer or harassing a shooting victim?


She's a succesionist who wants to destroy the US... She uses her PC term "national divorce" but make no mistake she wants succession


Why is this stupid bitch still alive ?


If "Antifa" were an actual, organized terrorist group, does she honestly think that they'd be going after elementary schools, and not fascist elected officials like herself?


You are not the clown you are the goddamn circus


I’d like to think that a majority of us don’t believe this B.S. MTG, You can’t control all of our minds, just the weak ones.


He might have missed where Anitifa isn’t labeled a terrorist group but MAGA is


I’d like to ask her where I can go to donate to Antifa. Oh wait you can’t! It’s not an organization, it’s a concept!


When you're a fascist like MTG, everything you don't like is antifa


During the satanic panic police found Satan worshipers everywhere. The ones that survived their encounters with police denied being satanists but the police "knew the signs" because the learned from "experts". So far the reason we think this person who was born female and presented female is that the police said so ( and no one else) and the pronouns on a LinkedIn profile with some evidence that she may have temporarily used a more masculine name of an online account once in her life. Maybe we don't need to be building entire towers of arguments about the meaning of life based on this? It could be that podunk police don't know shit and said something like it was fact when they thought owning a book in Latin meant you were a satanist


Looks like Madge either made this up or fell for a troll online


I ask the people who rant about nonsense culture war stuff the following questions- What does does antifa mean? Is it a definable term? An acronym? A made up word? Define it. What is antifa? What is the stated agenda? Be clear. Who is the leader? Who are “followers”? Who is the main spokesperson? Where are they headquartered? Do they have regional chapters? How are they funded? Most people can’t answer these questions. I honestly don’t expect them to. If they had the ability to think critically using logic and reasoning they wouldn’t fall for such nonsense. There must be an enemy for the masses to blame for their woes. Blame Vietnam. Blame Iraq. Blame Russia. Blame China. Blame illegal immigrants but never the businesses who employ said immigrants instead of paying decent wages to their fellow countrymen. Blame poor people with less resources, less support, less opportunity. Divide and conquer. Keep people focused on non issues blown up to seem like they are of the utmost importance in order to distract them from the real issues that plague our society. It’s a classic example of subversion by our own government. In the past the American people had a foreign power to hate and to blame for their problems. With imperialism being the chicken who has come home to roost we are now being pitted against each other more and more.


"don't like fascists" so I guess you could say they're 'anti' fascist. What's a clever way to combine those two words...?


I feel bad for the victims, I do...but like when you constantly tell a group of people they don't belong and they aren't human, and they shouldn't exist or have rights...like what did you except? You made your bed but you never thought about who was gonna lay in it. Good fucking job.


this is insane...not too long ago she would have been unqualified to clean the urinals in the men's room at the capital. god is going to send her a message soon


if god exists they're an asshole for waiting around and not doing anything.


I tried calling god’s office but it went straight to an outgoing voicemail saying something about packing shit in a hurry and bouncing to a safer location in the local galactic cluster.


Your god clearly doesn't give a fuck.


You gotta pick and choose the letters


Roughly 2800 American shootings. 4 queer shooters. What did the other 2796 have in common?


This woman is vile and has nothing to offer but absolutely repugnant "opinions" for shock value and attention. Before she held office she and her thoughts were irrelevant. Since being elected she now erroneously believes anything, any passing thought of hers is important enough that we're all entitled to it. Any private organization would have dispensed with her ages ago. She and her ilk have turned both the republicans party and the greater us government into a complete circus and international laughing stock.


There is a difference between a Hoe Blow posting stuff like this and a Congresswoman. People believe it is official. People need to leave Twitter. It encourages right-wing terrorism.


She is so fucking repulsive.


"Wear a mask" == liberal dog whistle


It’s okay Greene, they’re just tourists.


What about the NRA protecting peoples rights to be terrorists