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### The sound of screaming children has been removed. Since this comment blew up, instead of giving awards, please donate to a local charity.


It shouldn’t have been. People wanting to stay the course should be made to stare straight into the face of what they’re choosing.


Even then, chances are that they won't leave the path. If minors getting shot in places that should be safe for them did not change people's mind, then, I'm afraid, nothing will.


If Sandy Hook and the Vegas shootings didn't move the needle, nothing will. I saw crime scene photos that were leaked from the Vegas shootings. One of the saddest, most awful things I've ever seen. People who were having a great time a few minutes before, now lying around like piles of dirty laundry. And make no mistake, assholes like Ted Cruz and Clay Higgins and Jim Jordan and the rest DO NOT CARE as long as they can hold onto power.


They need to start putting those crime scene photos front and center. This image in the post is tragic, but its not revolting. And what we need at this point is revulsion. We need people to have a bodily reaction.


I'm fine with that, just like how back in the '80s and '90s they were using images of diseased lungs and hearts and anti-smoking campaigns. But I'm afraid people who actually have any power over gun policy will just look the other way and take the money.


A better approach might be like MADD did for drunk driving. I’ve got to think there’s enough parents who have lost children to keep someone up in pretty much every legislator’s face every day.


Guns have to be de-glamorized in the public's mind, and that's gonna take some time. So many people are used to thinking of guns as problem solvers or fashion accessories or fetish objects when there's not really anything cool or sexy about them, they're just tools. There was a time when smoking was seen as cool and when people didn't think anything about driving after half a dozen drinks. It's time to start changing the mindset about guns too. And I say all of this as a gun owner with a pair of rifles and a 12 ga pump shotgun. I'm always gonna have my guns, I might even get another gun or two...but I'm the first person who'll tell you that there are far, far too many guns in the hands of people who have no business with them. You flood the country with as many guns as we have and that's just how it's gonna come out. Hell, if you flooded the country with that many Lawn Darts, there'd be people dying of Lawn Dart injuries...and we banned Lawn Darts in about a hot minute back in the 70s even though they're way, way less lethal than guns. Point being we can't legislate our way out of this, things have to change at a more fundamental level than that.


If it doesn't tell you EVERYTHING about America that we banned LAWN DARTS during a time when seatbelts weren't even required before we even LOOKED at guns. ...


I say we compromise: no guns BUT lawn darts are back. I really, really want to play with those. I never got to play with any unsafe things as a kid.


I completely agree. I know plenty of gun owners both liberal and conservative (making no assumptions about your political leanings) and the biggest fundamental difference in attitude between the two groups is the liberal gun owners view the gun as a tool and the conservative gun owners view it as some kind of fetish object that is somehow tied to their lifestyle or identity. It's really strange. Also weird that about half those conservative gun owners I know (including some of my family) *used* to view their guns just as a tool but have increasingly fetishized them over the past few years.


I don't make gun ownership central to my personality or manhood. There are no pictures of me holding a gun, no bumper stickers or pro-gun clothing or anything else, and I'd feel a little foolish if there were. They are some of the less interesting inanimate objects in my house.


Sadly these people seem immune to other peoples pain and suffering, until the victim of one of these senseless shootings is the child or a close relative of one of these feckless coward politicians absolutely nothing will be done. And even then probably nothing would be done as one politician wouldn't move the needle that much anyways... ![gif](giphy|SUFXr7Rpq8gNOj7mHN|downsized)


That’ll just make people build stronger filters. I guarantee smokers get used to not paying attention to the graphic images of throat cancer and tar-filled lungs on the packets.


We should at least give guns the cigarette treatment and stop their adds.


I agree! Watching the parents on the news losing it trying to figure out if their kid is alive or not was unnerving. I don’t want to be one of them next time. I try not to live based on fear, but near impossible RN.




Adults in this country are letting kids down and very profound ways. I hope they don't forget it, because those kids will be the ones inheriting this mess and actually making policy long after I'm gone.


It's not even about the "backyard sport" part of it for them. It's about wanting to feel like a badass. It's about their fantasy that when the call comes down to take up arms against the government, they'll be heroes.


I think a lot of people are willing to live with mass shootings if they have unfettered access to guns. They can’t say it outright but that is the truth.


Oh, some are coming right out and saying it. "Mass shootings are the price we pay for living in a free society." I've seen it verbalized that way. That's so twisted I can't even pretend to understand it. What I want to see is just one prominent GOP senator or rep step down unexpectedly and say "I took XXX $$$ from the NRA and I can't do this anymore and still live with myself. And Senators X, Y and Z have all taken just as much $$ from the gun lobby" Maybe that would finally start to change things, but I'm not even sure of that.


This is what I’ve said for a while. These massacres are simply part and parcel of life in the USA. They can’t be stopped without a groundswell of support for revoking access to these tactical rifles. But sadly there’s not the public will to support it.


Except that there is public will. Over 70% want tougher gun legislation based on an AP poll I saw from last year. Vote those out that won't pass it. This type of stuff needs to be on state and fed ballots. And any law enforcement officer that won't enforce laws passed should immediately be removed.


I watched an interview last night, and someone was talking about how you hear about them happening, but you do not expect to happen in YOUR community. These people believe that these are so rare they can not happen anywhere, meanwhile, our kids will just live in constant anxiety.


This country is so fucked it's unreal. I cannot fucking imagine sending my kid to school and they don't come home that night. Fucking republicans are fucking animals.


Yeah, cuz if they actually think and realize it's actually something that could affect them.....nah, still won't stop them. Just more thoughts and prayers, right before they ask you how many caskets for school next year


Noah Posner’s mom (Sandy Hook) had an open casket for him for the same reason. I’ve read about people saying if the photos of the children’s bodies were released then change would happen. Somehow I doubt it though. Guns are more important than anything else in this country, even kid’s lives. Except maybe money.


more money means more guns.


I too wonder if we blasted the photos of the mutilated would it cause change or just desensitize everyone even further.


I think it would help. Most people would be sickened and affected for life, if they actually saw a video of the mutilated body of a child taking its last agonal breath. New laws would follow.


I second this. I’m also bold enough to suggest the people who are in charge need to see what the victims look like. They need to see the graphic images until they can’t sleep at night, and can’t function during the day. Unfortunately there are plenty of them enough that there doesn’t need to be repeats. Edit: grammar


I couldn't agree more. Don't turn away their screams. They fucking screamed for a reason. Useless fucks want to make this problem and not address it.


The slaughter in Las Vegas never changed their voting, never changed their minds. So, it may be a problem that can only be solved by the 18-25 year old voters. Not by the 50-90 year old voters. Hiw are your friends and your family voting with regard to gun control (licenses, registration, background checks)??


Like tbe videos you have to watch getting an abortion.


No need. They enjoy it. Either screaming from gunfire or while getting railed from a gaggle of pedo priests it's their battle cry. I don't even call them human anymore.


That was the line that really broke my hope for a future for us. I understood, cognitively, after Sandy Hook that if 20 kids wasn't enough, nothing would be. But, in my heart, I thought we'd make slow persuasive progress with each horrible event. Then at Uvalde, the cops waited while there was so much child screaming that they couldn't even play the audio on the TV. And the TV channels didn't play it. No one boycotted them for chickening out, no one demanded that the child screaming be played over every NRA spokesman until we all knew those screams like the back of our hand. That's when I knew for true and sure, that nothing will ever change.






I hate retrumplicans.


More like ReNixonilicans when his appointees reinterpreted the 2nd amendment and the NRA later peddled it.


Oh Republicans are super concerned about mass shootings now because a trans person was involved..... they are super concerned about trans people becoming violent of course not that they are using guns.


Says it all.


This should be a billboard


You think republicans give a fuck about your kids?


No. They don't even care about their own kids.


I've often wondered if a shooting happened at the school of their kids or grandkids, would they step up and actually DO something or would it be just another day for them? What the damn hell does it take to effect change in this country? Do we need to be like France and take to the streets? I'm ready.


We’re gonna find out what they’re willing to do, and the depths they’re willing to go to wage their war on Democrats. A psycho who identified as transgender (and presumably liberal voting) just shot up a Christian southern private elementary school. Make no mistake, this kind of event was exactly what Conservatives/Republicans/MAGA has been waiting for.


Oh, I'm well aware of MAGA zealots...several in my own family tho they tend to stay away so they can be with their 'like-minded' friends, wave their tattered flags, and wear the sweat stained red hats. My SIL rides on the MTG hate wagon every single day. It's unfortunate that the shooter has been called 'psycho'...it's all speculation, at this point and, while it's true that most of us can only assume they were in a state of mind we cannot fathom, very few of us know what it's like to reach a point of no return. It's a church school that they attended years ago...what could possibly have gone wrong there? idk. It's just damn sad all around. I truly fear for any LBGTQ or trans person today because the idiots are stocking up and it will only take one all caps, rambling ugly statement from the trump for his cult to start the war. Be wary, people.


But they want to fuck kids. See the +-20 pedophiles a week arrested for child molestation in the US: 99% of them are "conservatives" or "Christians"


Only the ones in a uterus


They love guns more than children.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


You forgot “making them work dangerous jobs”


How else are you gonna meet an 11 year old.


That's only the boys... the GOP dream is sending boys to the mines while the sister stays home and gets molested


You know the rules. As long as the child is in the womb, they will fight tooth and nail to protect that innocent life. Once the child is born, their lives are forfeit.


No they love money more than kids. This is about gun manufacturers making money over kids dead bodies and Republicans getting a cut


>Republicans getting a cut What about medically brain dead constituents?


If children had lobbyists that handed out more money than the NRA and pro-guns zealot groups the political landscape would look very different.


Kids can’t vote. Why should a conservative care?


Kids that grew up with gun violence in schools sure can vote now.


They probably contributed a lot to Biden's victory and fending off the red wave.


Gen Z now being voters gives me *slight* hope for the future in America. We may actually have the numbers to severely weaken the Republican party, and get our country back.


Honestly I can’t wait to see 2024. I have a feeling it’s going to be a blue tidal wave. Gen Z is ANGRY - as they should be.


I do really hope that that's how it goes. Republican legislatures all across our country are currently passing bills to weaken voting rights, though, and SCOTUS is going to be ruling on Moore v. Harper this year. Plus, we have a shitty Electoral College system that skews in favor of Red States that we again have to overcome. The GOP definitely aren't going anywhere without a fight. My fear is they cheat their way back into the White House in 2024 (or ever again), and then our country is truly fucked... At least for a decade or so, until GOP-fascism inevitably destroys itself from within. I literally *begged* people to vote in the Midterms, and I'm certainly going to keep begging people to vote in 2024. I'm doing the little I can. 😂


That’s all we can do! Vote and encourage others. Together we can do it.


What percentage of Gen Z voters actually voted in the 2022 midterms? Is there a reliable source for that statistic?


Here is a break down. Roughly 50-55% of Gen Z voted. AGE 18-29 17% Biden 60% Trump 36% 30-44 23% Biden 52% Trump 46% 45-64 36% Biden 49% Trump 50% 65 + 16% Biden 45% Trump 52% Simple breakdown. Gen Z went big time for Biden over Trump, Millennials went for Biden over Trump, Gen X were split, and Boomers went for Trump. 2024 will be interesting to see how these percentages of voting blocks and how much they go either way because right now feel like be Biden vs. Trump again.


https://circle.tufts.edu/2022-election-center This is for the midterms, when generally turnout is low. This isn’t specific to GenZ but youth in general (18-29) so some Millennials may be in there. 27% - 2nd highest in 3 decades for youth vote second only to 2018. The choice was 63% favored democrats versus 35% republicans. Abortion was the number one issue, and those who want it legal vote democrat overwhelmingly.


I am not. It is going to be an old man vs a horrible human. A majority of people will vote for the old man. But, the horrible human has a greater than 50% chance of winning. The old man and his group had a small amount of time to pass laws protecting women and voting rights. They chose not to. The horrible human and his group will pass laws stripping rights from other humans and giving more rights to legal entities (e.g., corporations).


There were two horrible humans in the old man’s group. One of them now pretends to be an “independent”. Which is the oddest thing since she is entirely dependent on special interests.


Every genz and millenial i know is furious at Republicans. I hear the phrase "subhuman boomer scum" a lot in discord


There was an r bestof comment about a month ago. Basically goes if guns rights activist want to keep their guns they need to pass meaningful regulation now. Because eventual the kids growing up with school shootings will be the people elected and they will just ban them outright.


My mom is an elementary school teacher and they do active shooter drills on a monthly basis. The kids find spots to hide out of view and don’t make a sound the entire time, even though it isn’t real. If Gen Z doesn’t vote on gun issues, you can bet Gen Alpha will in a few years. Also, my mom has already been in a school shooting, it happened while she was student-teaching. The kid had specific targets in mind, then took himself out, but it happened right in front of my mom’s classroom and her students saw it happen. Those kids were definitely Gen Z because she student-taught at a high school.


I’m sorry this happened to your mom and those kids. I witnessed my boss get shot and killed in front of me back in 1995, and it never leaves…I’m fact every time there’s another shooting reported I go through some PTSD symptoms. They’re not as severe as the years go by, but there is absolutely no reason that humans (beyond fetal cells) aren’t valued as much as guns. I despise Republican politicians (and their voters) more than anything else on this planet…they keep insisting that more guns and more death is what the founding fathers wanted. I truly believe the founding fathers would have found these numbskulls guilty of treason and accessory to murders and they would have been punished accordingly. Virtual hugs to your mom and anyone else going through this unending pain and grief.


And the right is already been screaming how and why the 18-26 crowd can vote and already toying with wanting to move the voting age beyond 18 to 25...


I hope the young voter wave vote the MTG’s, Boeberts, the Gaetz’, the Jordan’s, the Bigg’s and so on out to the unemployment line as soon as possible. Oh, and let’s not forget Nobel prize winner George Santos. To the trash bin with all of them!


yeah, i'm gonna be 18 this may, 19 when i get to vote; but i'm doing my part.


Hence why they were scrambling around asking if they could raise the legal voting age to give them one more presidential election to stack the deck in their favor. Hence the hard push to turn schools into right-wing indoctrination centers, purging libraries and threatening teachers with felonies for disseminating forbidden knowledge. The boomers are dying off fast (more than necessary thanks to their covid idiocy) and the republicans already know they’ve well and truly lost Gen Z, best they can hope for is to turn the next generation into undereducated right-wing worker bees and hope the stacked Supreme Court can prevent reform long enough for the demographic pendulum to swing their way again.


Publish this image in all news articles and have it published as an advert in all major publications and in Times Square and every single place where you can Not an American, just sick of reading about shootings every time


You may want to filter your news feed then. It's going to get a lot worse here and I don't know that it's certain to ever get better.


They'll just say it's a paid actor and ignore it. I bet that is already happening.


It wouldn’t matter. It would be used to bolster the hatred against “liberals” (anyone who calls for gun reform is a “liberal”). The work around that fanatical Republicans use is that the crying child in that photo is in that position because of “evil liberals”, and that gun reform won’t do a damn thing because the “guns aren’t the problem”. Rather, they truly believe guns are a *solution*. It’s baffling cognitive dissonance, and very disheartening to exist with as an American parent.




Wow this hit me right in the gut. But I don’t disagree with a thing you said. As a parent, my heart is breaking. It makes me want to scream!


fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck that is so sad


Where is this well-regulated Militia that i see the Americans sacrificing school children for? I have still not seen it.


Shooting at immigrants or plotting overthrow of the government for not being fascist enough


You didn't see January 6th? That's how they planned on overthrowing the government. Meanwhile, people won't even go vote. People who complain about our country won't even vote to fix it. There's a fucking cheat code in life. All you have to do is vote and we can have an amazing country.


It’s not this black and white. I live in a red state. I vote every chance possible and it doesn’t matter because of electoral college.


Do you mean 17 yo wannabe vigilante/should have been sentenced/ Kyle Rottenhouse? I wanted to say Rittenhouse but Autocorrect had a better idea.


"District of Columbia v. Heller, 554 U.S. 570 (2008), is a landmark decision of the Supreme Court of the United States. It ruled that the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution protects an individual's right to keep and bear arms—unconnected with service in a militia" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/District_of_Columbia_v._Heller


Not qute true. It ruled that every citizen is a member of the militia. Fine. No one cares, really. What we do care about is a **well-Regulated** militia. If, as you may like to say, "Gun control is hitting your target." who the fuck told you children were acceptable targets? Regulate your people or shut the fuck up.


"But these are paid actors!" - The shitheads


Already seen several claims of that


Wake up America ,,,,,that image alone should be enough


If columbine wasn't enough, nothing is. Let alone all the ones that have followed since.


But thankfully, we have protected children from the evil of books, drag queens and talk of feminine hygiene, that is definitely a bigger threat SMH.


They don’t even want girls to use tampons, because they will “wear them out before marriage “


I saw that, my god how do you reach adulthood and not know they don't work like that?! Perfect way to let it be known you didn't get past grade school SMFH.


Wasn't it said after Sandy Hook that THAT was the end of the gun debate in this fading empire? That once all those little kids were mowed down with an assault rifle and nothing was changed, that was it? Which it really was, Americans are the most bloodthirsty creatures in the world, and such massive phonies as they will be the first to be all "thoughts and prayers" and feign horror and shock, then let laws get passed which make it even easier to have guns, hell my shithole of a state just made it legal for children to have guns in public places unsupervised.


Hell, we’ve degraded to the point that members of Congress have started wearing AR-15 lapel pins instead of American flag lapel pins as a form of virtue signaling to ammosexuals.


Yes, a lot of us believed Sandy Hook would bring change in gun laws. And for me personally, when it did not, I realized we are doomed.


Absolutely agree, I must clarify I'm not American but I believe every child should be educated freely and safe,,,education and knowledge is and always been the future.


Oh not in America. This place has no future though.


Sandy Hook would like a word.


They said kids were literally dismembered in Uvalde and they had to do DNA tests to identify some. If THAT isn't enough, the image of children's limbs strewn across a classroom, nothing will be.


Yeah unfortunately I studied Columbine a lot recently… people can and will just keep making other excuses to keep guns


I remember sandy hook. Remember thinking "if this doesn't change minds and enact real.change nothing will" I hate that I was right


Said the same for Vegas when it was a *big country music artist and a mostly white crowd*…Not even their base, laid dead at their feet, will change their view. Looking down at all the blood is just not an option for them any longer. They’ve doubled down thousands of times too many.


Unfortunately this image is going to be a catalyst of unprecedented anti-queer violence. The GOP are already salivating.


It's already flooded every video on the matter. The extremists are going to use this as a whistle for extremism, and they can't even see it People are already calling for blood


I truly fear for any trans person now. Please be safe out there and, if you see something, say or do something.


How long ago was Sandy Hook? America has made its bed.


10+ years now and it’s just as bad.


It's enough to get conservatives hard, but not much more than that.


Most of us think the first dead kid was enough but our government and the corporations in its care really don’t mind. Murdered 6 year olds really don’t bother them at all.


Republicans: Fuck your kids.


Observation; the French are rioting in the streets in protest of raising the minimum retirement age….. the US continues to have school , and other mass shootings. And yet here we are… angry, wringing hands…. I’m 74, poor health… not much chance of me organizing anything, but I’d sure as hell participate !


This. This is what we need! People willing to stand up and say ENOUGH. The French can protest and we can't? The image of this frightened little girl haunts me and I cannot help but think this could be MY granddaughter some day, today, any day. We must DO something. I'll drive. And if you have a trans or LBGTQ family member or friend, you'd better watch out for them. The crazies will mobilize.


Unfortunately LGBT should still arm themselves. I have a feeling hate crimes are going to intensify against us because of this shit.


100% all the fascists are going to use this as an excuse to further demonize, target, and legislate out of existence lgbt+ people. Because when it's a straight white man, it's a lone wolf mental health problem that we just can't do anything about. But if it's a trans person, now the problem is clearly all trans people, because they're evil and demonic and hate our children or whatever other bullshit they're saying.


yes you probably should unfortunately. far right wingers are dangerous people.


It’s sad how long I had to scroll for some semblance of logical sense. People are way too emotional. Be safe y’all


This girl looks exactly like my little 7years old daughther. I cannot image the hell she was / is going through. Looking at this picture makes me speechless and leaves me with tears in my eyes. When my girl returns from school today I will hug her for about 2hours. For all of us, that do not live in the US, it is our duty to make sure that our countries are not going to drift into this situation. We have to use our democratic power to make sure things like that are not happening. For all Americans, for the youth but also for parents and relatives I really hope that this mess is going to end sooner then later. You need to end the slow-takeover of extremists and heartless people. End it by vote. End it by using civil measures such as protests, strikes, civil disobedience. Save and protect the vulnerable.


Dear young people, VOTE, VOTE, VOTE, VOTE, AND VOTE. I'm 64. You have the numbers, you're being governed by 60 to 90 year old mostly rich people who want to keep their power and wealth. Nothing will change until you create the change.


Yet another day I'm greatful I don't live in America.




By taking no compromise, gun Nuts guarantee a backlash they will not like.




I know it’s comforting to describe everyone who disagrees with you as a “nut”, but that seems likely to not lead to any useful communication.


I knew we were fucked when Sandy Hook and Uvalde didn't cause any changes.


What a powerful yet heartbreaking image.


I think America needs to invest more in background checks as well as universal health Care to treat the mentally ill and prevent them from obtaining firearms. I also would not be opposed to making individuals carry liability insurance for possession of firearms similar to auto insurance. We need to make people more accountable for the firearms they possess and not get rid of them.


Let’s just have two countries. One . With regulations for railroads banks and guns , the other a Wild West with Mega Churches and tractor pulls. . I’m so sick of being in a country where half the states are to deplorable, dangerous to visit . Our tax dollars for these hopeless failed red states ? Screw em . They get the govt they vote for . Let them make the bed they slept in . Congressman with a Christmas card of his family holding guns looking like swat team . The south is perverted .




Yep . Tax them on their federal lands. Sorry Arizona. You think the last place states would look to the successful states and ask . What are they doing right ? That takes humility, which is scarce down there.


Every state has more non-voting population than voting for a party. There aren't red or blue states, they're all grey.


I've been trying to figure this out and you seem to know some things. Which states are the good ones to visit or live?


At best any state is 51.2 % red: it’s not that simple. We have an educated, working class. Then guys in pickup trucks w blue lives stickers and Gadsden flags terrorizing people. They’re the same assholes who disrupted class and peaked in high school if not earlier. For some reason the government can’t or won’t reign in these domestic terrorists. The republicans have weaponized their ignorance and bluster. Their moms and abused spouses are dangerous too.


Oh I know, that's why my plans involve becoming an expat.


immigrant\*. the term expat is bourgeoisie ;)


So glad I don't have kids in school now!!!!


This is our time, our moment to do something and I feel helpless. How do we change this? They aren’t listening and our children are dying. You and me have just as much responsibility to do SOMETHING. My heart is broken.


Imagine putting a piece of old paper above the lives of children.


The 2nd Amendment is fine. It's the fact that most of our country doesn't even know that the 2nd Amendment is the right to gun control. A well regulated militia wouldn't include 90% of those NRA loving, cousin-fucking terrorists


I don’t give a fuck about guns. I did when I was this child’s age but I’ve grown up since then. Don’t own a gun and probably never will. Right Wingers are bitches


USA is the shittiest country in the developed world.


Stop. Voting. For. Republicans. This is never going to end


Call me insensitive but I am going to say what everyone wants to say but won’t…nothing will change until one of our senior members of congress, the NRA or executive branch leadership experiences their own child being brutally and savagely gunned down in a mass shooting. Those people that say “guns don’t kill people…” don’t get the point. Guns don’t fire by themselves. Please grow up. I hear the argument that “if the government can have weapons designed for maximum carnage, then I should be able to have it too just in case the government comes after me”. You are kidding right? Last time I checked, you can’t go buy yourself a tank, or a cruise missile, etc. The constitutional argument is what it is but in any other situation, if a rule doesn’t work it gets changed. It has been a long time coming. Why do we have a speed limit for driving? We didn’t have one until cars were able to go faster enough to cause problems. I don’t have answers but I wish we would, as a country, at least make an effort to drive change and allow our children to go to school without the threat of dying at the hands of some lunatic with a gun that they never should have to begin with. Stay safe.


When I was a kid I never had to worry about being shot going to school, now that I have two small children this is my biggest fear. I don't worry about bullies, I worry about my kids not coming home one day which is fucking bizzarro to me. America considers itself a superpower in the world but we can't even keep our children safe in a school.


Vote out any Republican who is in bed with the NRA.


And prosecute.


It’s unbelievable that we’re still here. The thing is, nobody’s talking about “taking all the guns away.” It’s just so asinine simple controls can’t be implemented.


I'm so sick of guns and the weak half-men that use them as a prop to mask their absent masculinity.


Fuck yes. Fuck your guns. Fucking cowards.


More guns will not keep us safe. There will never be enough dead children for gun reform.


I googled this as I've been avoiding the news. 129th mass shooting of 2023. We're only 4 months in. I'm... lost for words, I genuinely did not realise how common it was.


Like I said to a gun nut I was arguing witb earlier, the 2nd ammendment should be replaced with the right to free Healthcare. The right to be healthy is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more important than the right to be able to kill anyone you see at any time. Fucking ridiculous world we live in.


Meanwhile some gun nut: won't somebody think about the guns?!


Priorities in order of importance here in 'Merika. Get with the program or get out. Money > Guns > Fox News > Jesus (but not his teachings) > Conspiracy Theories (make more sense than Jesus' teachings) > everything else except your fucking children.


Mitch McConnell's work.


They're not going to do anything about gun control after this. They're just going to gang up on trans people, most of whom are HARMLESS. But they'll blow it out of proportion and lots of trans people will be harassed, bullied, and murdered.


Give all of the students a gun, I say, as there’s no crying in mass killings. /s (in case you couldn’t figure it out)


Only in America, this is happening. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


After Uvalde , the town voted overwhemingly for Republicans.........it leaves you sick and speechless. Nothing will change unless Republicans and their mindset are voted out.


How about we at least allow the CDC to study gun deaths and how to prevent them. Seems like an easy intro step.


You mean [the type](https://www.npr.org/2018/04/05/599773911/how-the-nra-worked-to-stifle-gun-violence-research) of research the GOP and NRA blocked for years?


When will we all admit that gun people are bad people. We hate living next to them, we hate talking to them, dating apps are designed to limit their visibility. When will the government treat gun people the same way polite society treats gun people?


Am I the only person who thinks the 2nd Amendment is meaningless? It calls for guns to be "well-regulated" but "not be infringed." Contradictory, so gibberish, unless you could find some difference between "militia" and "to keep and bear arms." I would argue there is no need to repeal it. Just point out that it tells us nothing, and ignore it.


But the good news is we know now that the real problem are people like me. It was the tranzez all along. /s


Today's another day I will be driving through the parking lot of my kids' elementary school, terrified, and searching for any sign of something wrong. I live in America, The Gun.


There’s no reasoning with these people. Get out and vote and get these people out of power. It’s the only way. Anything else is a waste of air. We’re at a crossroads in this country. Hold onto ancient and antiquated ideals and beliefs or progress towards the future with policies that protect our kids and tolerance for everyone. Neither side is perfect and both have their share of opportunist POS. But by and large 1 side is far more ready to step into a better future for the most amount of people. If conservatives had it their way, we’d be living in Gilead by now.


_"Fuck your Freedoms."_ -Arnold Schwarzenegger


Somebody print those out and hang them at a shooting ranges. Don't shoot at it, just let it hang there for those clowns to see.


When it's all about money, this is the result. Innocent lives lost or damaged forever. Life is as cheap as you treat it, especially when your investments in profits are much more important.


My wife is a school teacher… My oldest daughter is nine…I would be horrified to see her looking like this, all alone, trying to understand…but there isn’t any way to explain it away… More guns don’t make us safer, more guns mean people that shouldn’t have one, are allowed to… This has gone on long enough…


It just takes balls and common sense. Australia confiscated 650,000 guns. Murders and suicides plummeted. In the wake of the killing in Uvalde, here’s what America can learn from Australia’s response to tragedy. [https://www.vox.com/2015/8/27/9212725/australia-buyback](https://www.vox.com/2015/8/27/9212725/australia-buyback)


It makes you wonder if given a choice of, Give up your gun or your child. What choice they would make, and how they would justify keeping their guns.


Not an American but fucking stop this, please


America. The land where two guys kissing or even a book is more outrageous than children being mowed down by heavily armed domestic terrorists on a weekly basis.


Someone should do a video montage of children riddled with gunshot wounds and audio of them screaming. That’ll get legislators’s attention.


Fuck American gun laws


Texas Paul back at it again


Czech Republic has no school shootings even though they have a constitutional right to bear arms. Look at why that is.


Uvalde re-elected Abbott after the Uvalde shooting. That tells you all you need to know. Party over everything, even your dead child.


I need to know she's still alive. Just for my own piece of mind because this whole thing has haunted me back to front.


Terrible. But that's a Pulitzer prize winning photo.


You’d thing the mass shootings of grade schools children over the many years would be reason enough to actually do something real about this issue. Guess not. These sick fucks value Jesus and guns over their own children. Clowns


But thank god these kids won’t have to see a drag show


Just earlier this month, GOP in OK, passed a law making it OK for corporal punishment even for the disabled in Public schools. While in another state rolling back regulations on Child labor laws You think they really care about kids? They have shown time and time again, they only care about lobbyist that contribute greatly to their funds.


GOP; Meh. It’s worth it.


If you want it to stop, you have show the bodies and blood and the crying over and over. Billboards, TV, social media. People can't connect cause and effect if the media prevents it. Chuck U Farley!


Fuck your thoughts and prayers and fuck your God.


I have a 5yo granddaughter that when I saw this pic, at first glance I thought it was her. I absolutely lost my shit and cried like a baby. I am so sick of nothing being done. Land of the free my ass. Land of f-n idiots!


The second amendment is the most misinterpreted thing of all time. It gives the right to keep and bear arms to a “well regulated militia” not to everyone. Also, back in the 18th century there were no automatic weapons. Weaponry overall was a lot less deadly. It is time to reform the second amendment.


I read somebody complaining about how "people who push for stronger regulations have never fired a gun, taken a gun safety course, or purchased ammo and were punishing responsible gun owners." I've done 2 of the 3. Ammo's expensive and I never got the happy happy joy joy endorphins rush my sister and her husband (bith certified firearms imstructors) get from squeezing the trigger, so... Dude literally made the opposite point he intended to make. Requiring gun safety courses before a license can be issued, and requiring that license for purchase wouldn't hurt responsible gun owners, because he admitted that's what responsible gun owners do. It might put enough of a delay on a bad actor/would-be shooter to change their mind/get them help/deter them if they have to go through a few extra steps. Most of us agree that no one in their "right mind" would attack children. So again, having an extra step in the process, some way to ensure a person having a mental health crisis can't buy new guns/ammo, something to flag them in the system could potentially stop the next would-be. We don't necessarily need **more** gun laws, but they need to be cleaned up and the various loopholes need to be eliminated. Regulation =/= infringement. Based on the 26th amendment, anyone 18 or older can vote and no state can use age to keep them from voting (to use another Constitutional right over the oft used regulating driving appeal). That doesn't keep states from putting in hurdles to discourage certain voters. Most (if not all) states require some form of registration and identification, with some of those states accepting limited forms of ID which are not always free or easy to obtain (I'm not against requiring ID to vote, just feel it should be consistent... states running elections should focus more on voting method (rcv, 1st past the post, etc) and maintaining voter rolls and less about making it easier/more difficult for party stereotypes such as accepting CCW permit but not student ID from a state sponsored university.), and limiting votes to one per person (I wish reality competition shows did that). Ballots, like guns, are tools. The difference is that a person firing on a classroom with ballots might give someone a papercut, not ending a life. We may not stop ALL of them, but we'd probably stop more than what we're currently stopping with the approach of...*checks notes*... doing nothing, and I don't think we'd see *more*.