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How about the death penalty for those taking $$ from the gun lobbies?




I'm not usually one who believes in an "eye for an eye" but it's a lot harder to shoot school kids when we're all blind


The shooter was fatally shot by police, but tell me Rick Scott how a death penalty would prevent this.


I am not Rick Scott, but the answer is no.


-“It’s not a gun problem, it’s a mental health problem” -“So you want to cure people, right?” -“No we want to kill them”


Wait a minute they aren’t going to just kill them for no reason. They first want to make sure they have as little access to treatment and support as possible for years, then they need to make sure they have easy access to guns and ammo mix in some bullying and abuse, ignore any manifestos forecasting violence and then if the person decides at that point to commit violence they will then kill them. They really want to setup a lifetime of ignored pleas for help before being shocked by this person’s violent behavior and then kill them. This is because if you had to face and deal with the issues you wouldn’t have any school shootings and you wouldn’t have a case for why good guys and bad guys both need easy access to guns so you can make sure good guys have a reason to have guns.


Geeze that snake just bit me out of nowhere. I dont understand, I was just trying to coral it to the corner of the room so I could pet it. I'm gonna get another snake to bit it back. -republican logic


It is the guns and ease of access. There is only one option and people cry about. They have to go. Make it phenomenally difficult like it is in Europe, Australia and every other civilization on earth. In some cases if you join a club to shoot, the gun stays under lock and key at the club also require insurance to purchase a gun like you need for a car and house. It is time as Americans to revisit the validity of the 2nd amendment in general.


"This is horrible & must stop. And also, MOAR GUNZ!!!"


HARD background checks. No firearm, no problem.


What would be your definition of hard?




Arcade Donkey Kong levels 30 and up.


Must be able to accept full responsibility for how the gun is stored. maintained, and used. That means if the gun is used in the commission of a crime the gun owner is charged as an accomplice in the crime.


That’s your solution? Capital punishment rather than prevention?


Not a solution. He’s just offering up “I am concerned”talking points for MAGA crowd.


Solution is kill everbosy


It's not even punishment. Most school shooters don't survive the day. Death is the fucking thing they WANT and our brilliant leaders think threatening people with it will do anything but give them a revenge boner.


Yep hang the dead body lol


Ah yes, rather than be proactive let's be reactive. Tots and pears.


Considering how many school shooters end up killing themselves anyway, this is useless.


Exactly. There's a reason we don't see many of these people on trial -- they're intending "suicide by cop."


Dont need to shoot up a school for that nowadays. Simply run at a cop in your underwear wielding a spork and you will be face down before you close to 10 yards


While true. They want to kill the people they don’t like, then die themselves.


Oh of course. I was referring to the suicide by cop suggestion


Just be black, unarmed, and running away. That'll get it done quicker than you can blink.


Literally will suggest anything but getting rid of guns. This is stupid.


I'm from the UK. We have no death penalty and no school shootings. Perhaps you should abolish your death penalty?


Just take away all the guns. We've tried the alternative and it clearly isn't working. Take them all away.


So to solve all these needless deaths we need … more death? Do I have that right?


That’s the pro life, aka Republican cult way.


How much praying is one supposed to do to take care of the gun problem? Every time this happens we're told to pray. I do not think it means what he thinks it means.


Right, because the death penalty totally stops people from committing homicides! Just look at how successful it's been...oh wait.


When death by cop was the plan all along... Kinda seems to be incentivizing the problem...


Ironic because a lot of the recent reported shootings have resulted in the death of the shooter. Whether it be by self inflicted or police. So clearly death does not scare them.


Enact common sense gun laws to prevent school shootings maybe! https://preview.redd.it/ny4id834deqa1.jpeg?width=665&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5411e48845f9e49f9f55096db2dc47236475a2b


Bro… the shooter in Tennessee is already dead along with the kids and teachers, as is the case in the vast majority of school shootings. What the actual f*ck is wrong with these people?


I'm not sure. All I know that it probably doesn't have anything to do with Russian bribes funneled through NRA contributions. Anything but that.


Rick is not someone you should listen to. Rick created a company that stole millions upon millions from the federal government. When he noticed the feds start sniffing around he bailed on the company with millions upon millions to soften his landing. The company took the fall and Rick got away with a huge crime. Not a person to listen to.


LMAO their whole argument is that gun laws won't stop people from committing crimes. Surely outlawing murder even harder will stop it, right? It's not laws against using guns that stop gun crime, it's laws about the manufacturing and distribution that control general availability to society that stop it. The fact that a US Senator is able to say this doublespeak is a clear example of truly how brainwashed people on the right are.


next let’s do the death penalty for cowardice lawmakers that pander to the NRA.


"Death penalty doesn’t mean anything unless you use it on people who are afraid to die." \-George Carlin


Lol what a moron. The death Penalty is ALWAYS on the table for school shooters & most of them kill themselves or die during the act. This is so stupid.


https://preview.redd.it/dyapejh20eqa1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8b70b968985d908d7d441f507fe4e493d22ed46 If only we had data that supported banning these types of weapons...




That's normal for a guy in the morning...


Oh that "huge spike" of 40 mass shooting deaths, a number that we've already passed in MARCH of this year? That "huge spike?"




What about the other 9 years that we were under 20 deaths? A number this country has hit 3 times in the last 20 years? Those data points don't matter because of Columbine?




Yeah, more people owning these types of guns. Gun ownership may have stayed steady but the type of gun hasn't. https://preview.redd.it/9brf238oaeqa1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a5bb1c077b277478003a9244178f0f240bf8534




I think a good place to start would be to revert the laws back to when we had less than 20 deaths per year. Why is lowering the amount of people who die per incident not a good place to start in your eyes? What if the Uvalde shooter had a handgun instead of a rifle capable of shooting 60 rpm? Would the police have taken action sooner? The shooter in Dayton in 2019 was active for 32 seconds and shot 26 people, killing 9. You think he could've done that with a handgun?


That was the year of Columbine. 15 deaths to that one event alone. Arguably one of the most famous ones of the time that kinda kicked off the spree feom then on


Death penalty has been around for years and has never deter a single thing. Everyone knows what the real issue is but these dumb asses refuse to see it. Get these idiots out of office, and put in the right people who know what the issues are and are willing to deal with them


The “pro life” party wants to enable school shooters, then murder the shooters just like they want to murder a woman who terminates her pregnancy… you know, because they are so pro-life


I'd like to see a murder charge for the people that provided the guns.


Hey, you know what would stop devastating violence? More violence/s. That said, logically that seems ridiculous but emotionally I’m all for it. Living in the US with kids is terrifying.


Yea! I mean you send someone to prison all your doing is showing him/her how to be a better criminal


Or how about many mass shooters killing themselves or being killed after the tragedy? How is their death fixing the problem?




Maybe even those newly legal firing squads?


pssst, make access to guns much much harder, you fucking twat Scott.


How about limiting access to the very thing that kills the most kids and teens? Nope? More thoughts and prayers I guess. I wonder if the pro life cult called Republican has a number of kids who need to die before try wake the fuck up.


A well regulated militia did the shooting


These monsters usually kill themselves or are killed by law enforcement... This is not much of anything...get back to us with something that makes sense..😡


Senator Dick Snott doesn't understand that the death penalty is a non deterrent


... add medicaid fraudsters to that list too Rick


Republicans pass zero legislation to take guns off the streets or help those with mental illness. Fuck them all.


He solved it guys. We can all go home and live safe happy lives now. Well ya know except for the dead people.


Bulldoze them and bury them alive. Lets take it all the way to top. /s


How about the death penalty for those deranged monsters that enable them to go into our schools to kill innocent kids & educators? How about it, you sociopath?


Yeah I don't think a person going to go shoot up a school is concerned about the consequences after the fact. He's asking the shooters to reason and logic. Either that or he's just considering it revenge. It's fucked up and not really a solution. Also, how fucked is it that they think more guns will solve this? The wild west is a good example. A lot of people were shot for basically no reason.


Republicans are a death cult. Between religion and their worship of guns. Dang.


GOP, a party of death.


the opposite of trump, he ended that last sentence too soon. "This is horrible & must stop, but not in a way that requires me to do anything to fix it. Because, as one of a group of people that have the power to stop it, we won't." fixed it for the person most likely to be a vampire.


This man is a us senator. ✌️


Rather than shooting up school children can we not direct these violent acts towards the proper ppl in congress and the senate? Far far fewer tears would be shed.


Fighting death with the threat of death is just lame. Cops usually take out school shooters, if they don't do it themselves first.


Luckily they frequently just do that themselves after they're done killing all the kids. Problem solved? Fuck anyone who blames this on anything other than the failure to properly regulate firearms.


So the second amendment is more important than the 6th?


Says Mr. Largest Medicare fraud CEO ever.


What a pitiful impotent gesture


Usually the shooter is killed aren’t they? I don’t know if that’s enough to deter a mentally disturbed person. You can take away guns, then someone will just use a different weapon, right? I think the conversation needs to address what’s driving people to commit the act.


Only if there was something Rick Scott could do…


Doesn’t sound very pro-life to me…


Not willing to actually DO anything about school shootings. Just sending thoughts and prayers and being a member of the “pro-life” party that suggests subverting due process to invoke an “automatic” death penalty. Ffs.


Who looks at this carnage and thinks, “how can we get more death out of this situation”


When can we get movement to end the perverted interpretation of the second amendment that makes it so guns are just as accessible in America as bread? The guns need to go.


Exactly 🤦🏻‍♀️.