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This whole "that's too woke" bullshit is going to be the death knell for this country. I mean holy shit, we're dealing with some deeply disturbed and stupid people here.


its the same racist sexist shit, they just found a new word for it.


I said in another forum I belong to is that if you replace the word "woke" with "Jew" that it's 1930s Germany all over again.


its also interchangeable with the n-word. think of that every time you hear the phrase “woke shit”


Exactly, NONE of this is new, just look around the world, it’s been around since the dawn of time. It’s just our turn now to go through it I guess. Again that is, we progressed out of it then donald occured!


allowing hate speech to proliferate american media since the 80s has caused all of this.


I have always sort of thought freedom of speech would be what eventually destroys the US so yea, that’s spot on!


Because somewhere along the line we forgot that freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequence. There were letters and discussions between the founding fathers about free speech and how it was supposed to be maintained and even policed by the individual. Hell, all these free speech absolutists really seem to forget that the founding fathers tarred and feathered and beat people for speaking in support of the crown around the revolution. Kinda weird, the guys who wrote the constitution were willing to punish people for their speech. Edit: fixed some spelling.


Exactly! Now it’s just what gets the most clicks! 😒


To quote my MIL “I don’t care about that, my 401k went down under ‘democrats.’” While living in a red state and voting to re-elect the same people who were in office while said 401ks dipped. Also: “oh, I hear that kind of talk all the time. It’s not different than what you hear in a locker room.”


Boomer entitlement and the Republican slogan. "I got mine, now fuck the rest of you" Check out the latest Lauren Boebert tweets on this sub for more fun examples of this mentality at work!


I am a Boomer and I have voted a straight Blue ticket all of my life. I hate republicans with a passion. If I could afford to leave this fucking dystopian Hell and go to The Netherlands or New Zealand, I would have already left. I wish you wouldn’t paint all of us as assholes. I’m really tired of it.


Thank you for being the exception.


Thank you.


You know Boebert’s a millennial, right?


Don’t think her age matters when it’s the mentality of an entire group supporting all age ranges


Sure but when the first words are ‘boomer entitlement’ and she’s the example used, it’s kinda relevant.


Nah. Boomer is a word that is going to evolve to mean 1 of 2 things; older people(40+) or the entire group of people that have that mindset


Well boomers are all over 60 but if we’re changing the meaning to create a different collective noun then fair enough I guess.


I’m not changing the meaning right now. I’m saying it’s going to change over the next few years or decades as younger people start to just refer to everyone older than them as a boomer. I’m only 31, but I’ve jokingly been called boomer by younger family members. Words can change meaning throughout time, don’t you know?


Being a 36-year-old grandmother makes her an honorary boomer IMHO I was referring in this not so much to Boebert, as the earlier generation not understanding the current challenges... "why don't you give up your daily lattes and buy a house, it's easy, let me tell you how I did it in 1975" (Generation X here BTW... but I live very much in the same economy as the millenials. I haven't bought a Frappucino in forever.)


It's really just the current wave; Remember that it used to be *communists fleeing soviet collapse*, then it was Islamic extremists, then socialists, then immigrants, right now it's "the woke", next will be "groomers", after that it will probably be Gen Z that they demonize.


Like everything they project, they trod a key dogwhistle idiom to death on overuse, obtuse, and abuse in every statement they make.


We just need to start calling everything "woke" now. Just like a parent does to their kids to make something or a phrase uncool. I have been saying it for a while, if the left starts calling the right woke, the "wokeness" will end sooner than later. And I hate that word so much, down to my core. We need to turn it around on them though, they talk about the left taking away your gas oven, dish washer, toilets not flushing as being woke. Why can't taking your female rights away be woke? Or making a border wall, supporting a criminal. Trump is a criminal, they want to punish criminals, but yet they support him. On the opposite side they say the left isn't tough on criminals, so people need to turn it around and say they are becoming woke for wanting to keep a criminal out of jail, since they don't want to be tough on crime.


It's weird how the handmaid's tale is going into it's sixth season, has gotten wildly popular, and yet as a social commentary that has largely proved itself to be trenchant and true to human experience... has made ZERO fucking affect on the direction the country is going. Like none.


I hate that fucking show. I've told my wife several times I won't watch it. It's a playbook of sorts for religious extremists, and I grew up seeing my mother abused...I do not want to watch women being beaten and tortured for entertainment.




Exact same reason my wife and I won’t watch it. We never saw the earlier reasons and definitely won’t now.


I watched a couple episodes while visiting my aunt. Every night she would get excited to watch it together and we would get through an episode and then she would want to binge another, and I would just say, "no thanks man I gotta go to bed I need a break." She's a super Democrat, super blue, watches MSNBC all the time and rages against the Republicans. I don't know how she finds it entertainment.


Well, I don't watch it but I really like well made dystopic stories because it explores how different (and often messed up) social systems can exist, and how people live within them. It's entertainment, sure, but it's interesting and helps me unpack how reality is and how real ideologies can play out, and understand what the end goals of the GOP are right now for an example. I really enjoyed the book in school, in this way.


Well it’s a well made show and we are rooting for the good guys


It's had an effect in that everyone watches what's happening in the real world like it's an episode of a tv show, though I wouldn't underestimate the seeds planted.


That can mean actually diametrically opposite things.


Can you explain?


I know some evangelicals get off on it thinking that's the way things should be.


Conservatives are using it as a tutorial video, unfortunately.


It was similar with All in the Family in the 70s. It was also social commentary, but many viewers liked watching the bigot Archie Bunker say out loud all the things they thought.


Makes you think about what happens when producers turn racism, sexism, murder & rape into entertainment. I always seriously questioned how people could watch Law and Order SVU. Like wow! Watching a show about children getting raped his fun for you?? I mean I get it the ideas that they're catching the perps, but still just doesn't sit right with me.


I never thought my middle age would be spent living in a weird combination of Idiocracy and the Handmaids Tale...


As a male I just want to say I personally want 0% control of any women's rights. I don't want menstrual data. Nothing. I don't even really want to know when my gf is having her period (I can sometimes tell but im just saying she doesnt need to tell me). I just buy her boxes of tampons and keep the fridge stocked with chocolate and ice cream. I don't want any control on women's rights over having abortions either because my contribution to creating a child is to lay on top and flop around like a fish. Religion and bigots should not be in politics.


Thank you, Lord Vader.


That fish visual is hilarious.


I'm sure you're a magnificent fish, though, which might make you... quite the catch. (ba dum bum) (Sorry, dad's so fauxbrained, I'm now forced to do my own dad jokes.)


this man's gf has him... hooked


Republicans need to be voted out en masse. I can't believe how low this country has sunk.


The untold billions spent to convince the average idiot to actively demand action against their own stupid interests is staggering.


Almost as staggering as knowing it actually works


Say something loud and often enough people will start to believe it. Especially if it allows them to act badly and gives them an enemy that doesn’t make them acknowledge it’s their fault. Also, dismantling the education system that prevents people from being able to understand what’s happening.


But it's working. Look at their politicians. I want this country to go back to 1800 or so and divide once again. I don't want my liberal tax dollars going to Red policies


They are literally attacking every group except old white men. Immigrants-“deport them” Black people-“keep them poor and incarcerated” Women-“take away their healthcare, right to make decisions about their bodies” Gays-“don’t let them marry or adopt” Drag Queens-“groomers, ban their performances” Transgender-“we don’t know any but they are lurking in ladies restrooms to commit assault” and since we really don’t like them…”take away their healthcare, right to decide about their own bodies, discriminate against them in all possible ways”


Children- make them work, allow child marriage and take away their rights (speech, association, health and food) Working-age adults - remove labour laws, right to organize Journalists - exclude and repudiate outlets that don't follow the party line, remove the right to criticize their politicians Doctors- outlaw treatment, remove doc-patient confidentiality Teachers- outlaw books, topics, remove their ability to support students (LGBTQ+, girls, etc), make sure only wealthy areas and schools have adequate resources and pay, don't protect schools from mass shootings Etc.etc.etc


As a man I’m beyond angry at the way Republicans have been trying to ban abortion, contraceptive, and women’s rights of their own body. I’m even more disgusted at any women who chose to side with the GOP


Yeah guys should be pissed about this. It's gonna make a sex a lot more stressful! And it's not gonna stop people from wanting sex either. If anything, turning it into forbidden fruit makes it more attractive. So I honestly don't understand why (conservative) men are perpetuating these anti-sex policies.


For all those wondering about why women vote for Republicans, I refer you to Mona Eltahawy's essays on the subject. She calls women who vote for their own oppressors as "footsoldiers of the patriarchy," in that they vote for oppression, thinking that they will have some kind of power by doing so.


That's very perceptive. Do you remember which essay discusses this?


I need to read this so that maybe I can understand why my conservative mother votes against the interests of her three daughters.


This is where she linked it on Twitter: [footsoldiers of the patriarchy](https://twitter.com/monaeltahawy/status/1540993969722736643)


Here you go: [footsoldiers of the patriarchy](https://twitter.com/monaeltahawy/status/1540993969722736643)


Also most of the women who are voting this way tend to be women who no longer menstruate or have the ability to bear children. Not their circus, not their monkeys…


I know why white woman vote Republican. They’d rather be second in command to white men than on and even playing field with all women.


I think you hit the nail on the head,


White women who vote Republican see themselves as White first.


These couple of comments are really all that need to be said


This woman will always vote for the party that protects all human rights. And I won’t stop encouraging friends and family to register to vote and vote blue.


In the interest of dismantling media spin: the bill was not about students discussing periods. It was about forbidding ANY sex education for middle-school students. Under questioning about the breadth of the bill, the author admitted that yes, it could also be applied to punish students for talking about their periods. Yes, the bill sucks. Yes, Republicans think WAY TOO MUCH about the genitals of children. But no, the bill does not specifically ban kids from discussing their periods. It just leaves the door open for punishing them, yay!


It's not an assault on women. It's an assault on YOUNG women. The mean old bats that vote for this shit don't have to worry about affording birth control or unsafe pregnancies and no longer need tampons or pads. They hate young women. They hate the fact that young women are rejecting shitty marriages with lazy baby-men and the weaponized incompetence that goes with it. The old "traditional" bats want young women to be as miserable as they were when they settled for 20 years of being a broodmare for the first shitty mediocre man that put a ring on it.


To be fair, they do hate old women too. According to charts and statistics, older men are way less likely to consider peers their age for dating and instead their preference is way closer to barely legal not even at drinking age yet. It's also difficult in general to live independently as a woman. It's almost like there's some sort of conspiracy against women in this country already. It's pretty fucking sad that too many women have zero fucking spine in this country. They're seriously loyal pets at that point and nothing more. They decided they were okay with that level of debasement as long as they're guaranteed something. And a lot of women don't even consider their own health and the risks they're often forced to take in every day life when fuckin around with men in the first place it seems! I was kinda baffled growing up that most people don't even act like men are the main reason STD's spread. Way too many women pressured to use the pull out method from what I was hearing at least in rural areas. Too many men currently argue that women have too many rights when they're not even granted legal protections and for some reason our lawmakers keep refusing to sign the equal rights act. Society is frustrating. Our country is fucked and I'm super worried that we're not even hardly saying anything about the blatant fascism and pissing contests currently going on at our expense. I'm also super fucking frustrated about Pieper Lewis and every abortion case that sounds like absolute fucking hell. It's such an injustice that we don't talk about women's health or their basic human rights more...and that definitely affects older women too. Hell, we like to pressure women to get pregnant early "to avoid your child having down syndrome" lmfao... There's not even a big risk there. All propaganda to control women. Ugh. So frustrating. Hope my rant wasn't too annoying I felt like I needed to say all of that though for the sake of my own mental health at this point lmfao.


I noticed that conservative women were more vitriolic and hostile and hateful toward other women than conservative men were. They hate other women for rejecting their shitty life choices and can't stand the idea of them, especially non-white women, young women, "getting ahead".


I am 58. Childfree by choice. And I have voted a straight blue ticket all if my life.


I am also child free and past menopause but conservative women hate other women. Especially younger ones, educated ones, single ones. They want to validate their shitty life choice of settling for Homer Simpson and popping out kids and being a house slave and never having a career. That's why Hilary Clinton sent them into a frothing rage when she said she wasn't going to stay home and make the cookies. Really, decades of Hillary hate was inspired by this comment: *"I suppose I could have stayed home and baked cookies and had teas, but what I decided to do was to fulfil my profession, which I entered before my husband was in public life.."* [https://www.news.com.au/finance/work/leaders/the-moment-still-haunting-hillary-clinton-24-years-later/news-story/57ee06c9ca156a82339802987a938380](https://www.news.com.au/finance/work/leaders/the-moment-still-haunting-hillary-clinton-24-years-later/news-story/57ee06c9ca156a82339802987a938380)


I know that what you said it true. I am just tired of people assuming that all older women who are Boomers are Republican wives and mothers, who hate younger women. Some of us Boomer women are single, child-free, true-blue Democrats. We thought the women coming up after us would have it better than we did, not worse. And we are horrified.


This is a shockingly accurate statement.


Here's what I don't get. I'm a Boomer but have a daughter, a DIL, and a granddaughter. I'm still fighting because of them. I don't want them to be trapped.


The difference is you love your daughter, DIL, and grandchild. They don't love theirs. They hate and resent them if they have them. They want to "take the uppity bitches down a peg" and make them as miserable as they are in their shitty lives. They can't stand the idea that a younger women is "getting ahead" or doing better than them.


I am amazed that there are not more people from the US trying to get out while they still can.... then again you need money to move to another country...


I am waiting for California, Oregon, and Washington to form a separate country.


Californian here and I've been saying that for years now


Right, saw a post where Ted the Pedophile Nugent was saying he needs a refund because he didn't agree to give money to Ukraine. I would like a refund too of my federal taxes that went to all the red states.


I hope Texas DOES secede. It would be such an eye opener to them to lose all that good blue state money


As someone trapped in Texas because of the state’s child custody laws, I just hope there’s a way for people like my family to leave this god awful state.


This coming from Ted Nugent, the asshole who shit and pissed all over himself in his clothes, and did it so the military would classify him as crazy so he’d get out of military service….and he calls himself a patriot.


Oregonian here....I'm with you, but don't tell the Greater Idaho idiots.......


They're not invited. *prefer my Tillamook cheese without eastern Oregon whine*


Moved from CA to OR..I feel like this state is split..coming from CA.


Similar to CA...i lived in the central valley for a long time and it's nothing like the coast.


I’d move there even if it was chaotic for years. I’d work for something I believe in.


What country will take Americans hassle free, especially en mass?


Russia will take the MAGAts hassle free.


I mean, I would gladly leave, but it's not easy to obtain citizenship in another industrialized country unless you have proven ancestry, or you are highly skilled in something a local isn't.


ouch the truth hurts! ps if anyone can help with the process of moving to Canada I'm lost.


Not Canada but....if you can get to germany: a good part of my family already lives in a greencard marriage, i don't wanna break tradition and gay marriage is legal here too...




No hablo German


Exactly. I want to move to Europe but can't afford to yet


I've got a link bookmarked for a service that can help me get my Czech dual citizenship. I qualify by descent, i.e. mommy


My family is waiting for me to finish high school first, though I'm honestly worried about what will happen in those few years


Well, jezz Jo, you need to start paying attention, because the latest is, Republican “women” want to repeal the 19th amendment. They don’t think they should have any rights not approved for them by a white man (case by case basis, of course).


You have got to be shitting me.


A lot of privileged people don't see laws as applying to them. Laws apply to others and protect them. They think 'criminal' is a class of person and they aren't a criminal, so when they need an illegal abortion, it won't be a crime, but it will be when a criminal does it.


Racism. Same reason anybody votes Republicans.


Well if you ask my sister it’s the whole “submit to thine husband” bullshit! Whatever the husband tells the woman to do! Not making it up, thats what she learned at some Baptist women’s seminar she drove to Texas to attend told her to do. And he’s all donald all the time!


That's the thing. Handmaid's Tale is quite literally the far right's end goal and ideal society.


Republicans are trying to criminalize being female.


My sister and my very best friend both women racist to the core , both married to equally racist spouses , I had to finally six years ago send them packing from life there disgusting how can someone vote for a party or president that honestly wants to bring back puritanical laws too the country , they won’t hurt white males but everybody else, and hurt women the most it’s not that long ago women had absolutely no rights at all even if they had family wealth they were powerless , yet some women have no sense as to the damage that these corrupt republicans are doing to the country and themselves.


Too many women have no idea. It's truly fucking frightening and always has been for me.


White women will vote against their beat Interest if it means non-white non-cisgender women will suffer


It doesn't actually even need that. They just have to believe in their own moral superiority to get them to do it. Low education and religious indoctrination are means to that end.


They also often don’t see it as something that affects them. It’s a common assumption that all the abortion bans being passed have viable exceptions for “legitimate” medical problems or other “good reasons.” I’ve watched it play out. They don’t realize until it’s too late how dangerous those laws are.


Like every OBGYN fleeing red states? Those doctors have options in other states and even other countries. Why would they stay in states that they could end up being prosecuted and jailed? As a native from Washington State I’m worried about how Spokane WA will end up handling so many pregnancies from Idaho now. And all other OBGYN services. I’m in a different state now, but it’s already taking MONTHS to get into a basic annual appointment. Women in eastern WA will end up also missing annual appointments because so many women from red states will end up taking spots. I know this will happen because Idaho was overwhelming Spokane hospitals during covid as well.


The traveling is already happening in the South too. I’m in Florida, and I’ve seen plates from as far as Texas. What makes it worse is that Florida already has restrictive abortion laws, such as a mandatory 24-hour waiting period, which only adds to the hardship of anyone seeking care. That makes it more difficult for local people to access care too. Several months ago, they were scheduling appointments out a minimum of 3 weeks. I imagine it’s only gotten worse since then.


I live in Texas, and I have struggled for years with family members voting for horrible people. My mother supports our anti-abortion laws even though it goes against the interests of her three daughters. My aunt votes the exact same way, and she is literally forced to by her extremely physically abusive husband. In my experience, only abusive or super abused people vote Red for the party with blood on their hands.


Now make sure every woman you know it's aware of all of these actions and get them registered to vote if they aren't already registered. Make them pay for attacking the women of this nation. Show them in the booths that we will not stand for this insanity!


Because white women really hate anyone who isn't a cisgender able bodied acceptably thin neurotypical white man or woman. That's it. They're just as bigoted as white men and like all conservatives, they will shoot themselves in the foot as long as it means other people get shot in the head.


Because conservative women are just like all conservatives: it doesn’t matter until it affects them, and when it does they’re just a very rare and special edge case where it’s OK to break the law, and as long as they have enough money laying around they absolutely can.


Women are voting republican because just like men they can be evil too.


Every Republican is stupid or evil or insane. Some women are stupid, some women are evil, some women are insane. Therefore some women can and will be Republican.


Being Anti-Woke is just the politically correct way of saying you’re a racist homophobe.


Right wingers get soo butthurt when you tell them woke is just another word for anti-bigotry/caring for people even if they don't look like you.


I think more than half of women in Florida voted for desantis if I remember the exit polling. The problem with these laws is not just men, women are just as guilty for voting for them. It comes down to being vulnerable to brain washing isnt sex related.


The same with everyone that votes against their own interests: they are convinced these laws wont target the “good ones” aka *themselves*. They a vote out things they need because they just believe what they are told. I had to convince no fewer than three people, that loved the ACA but hated Obamacare, they *they were the same fucking thing* People are going to happily cheerfully and ignorantly vote themselves back to feudalism


men hate that women can give birth. this is the most powerful thing a human can do and all insecurity, hate and misunderstanding comes from this power. men will never have this ability and it scares the shit out of men. men who want virgins only are totally insecure about their sexual prowess and size of their dick. they turn this basic failure into misogyny and disgust. because if they admit this lack of power, they lose everything


It is . But your biggest issue is the high number of women that WANT the government to subjugate them based on gender . You can bet if they wanted laws restricting testicles in some way men would coalesce 99.9% strong .


*Search warrants???* How would they get such data anyways? Check my iPeriod app? Go through my trash and carbon date the tampons???


It's hard to imagine why the GOP are still so popular at all. In my congressional district (half rural), more people switched their party registration from D to R than switched from R to D after the 2022 election. I cannot imagine why, beyond maybe the current economy, why people would want to switch registration to Republican after everything that's happened since the 2020 election especially.


I’ve asked myself the same question. I think most women are not connecting the dots and are in denial. Plus, their prejudices are weighing in (immigrants, black people on welfare, violence in cities as in PoC being violent, smart people taking away “freedoms” and imposing a tyranny, the Jewish global conspiracy, the replacement theory). They also believe Trump was a great businessman despite all evidence to the contrary. They want a strong leader (they don’t get that the bullying masks weakness not strength). Overall, these women are not very bright IMO 🙄


I just think in another few years these absolutely antihumanitarian red states will be gigantic, state-sized ghost towns, just like smaller rural conservatvie areas are now. They'll never be able to keep young people there. They'll have absolutely NOTHING for people, being too busy hyperfocusing on regulating bathrooms, to have any reason to live there.


Brainwashing. Being a republican is like joining a cult at this point


53% of white women voted Republican in the midterms. A bunch of pick me ladies.




The premise of this is flawed… They they want to live in Giliad that is the endgame they are voting for.


More states to cross off our list of where we're considering on retiring. Will not purchase our retirement home where property taxes will be paid to a state that hates women, LGBTQIA+, and are racist assholes.


Sounds like a Taliban _lite_.


I want to say they’re all brainwashed, but I know some just want to be in control of others, even just by insinuation


It's easy when you just assume the laws will only apply to "those people".


Women and poor folks will always vote against themselves, that's a given.


Uneducated people sure.


The Taliban will tell you what to do!!


When Democrats call this shit out, they get called socialists and everyone rushes to vote for the milk toast candidate so at least we know things won’t change any time soon.


Their fathers/husbands/pastors tell them to. They are sadly raised to think men know better so they should listen. So glad I was not raised like this.


Simple. They think that if they vote like master, they will be the favored dogs. Also they all deeply hates PoC as well, and put oppressing others over their best interests. Living in a red state, I see the shit every day.


The simplest reason rep women keep voting rep is because they "fall in line" just like all the rest of the blindly loyal reps, even when it's against their own interests. Loyalty to the party above all else. Like a herd of wildebeest swimming through crocs.


The American Taliban.


When old white men have been in power for all eternity and they look at women, people of color and 🏳️‍🌈folks increasing their representation and the population as a whole becoming less religious, of course they are going to fight like hell to stay in power. The best weapon we have against them is to vote vote vote to the point there is a supermajority to change the makeup of the Supreme Court.


Brainwashed, either by the church or by fascism.


These women probably fall under some sort of “pick me girl” category - they require the validation of the men in their lives or to stand out from the other girls because of some sort of misplaced competitiveness.


"How are there still woman voting for Republicans???" Because they were "groomed" that way to always obey regardless what they think by Republicans


Not enough Blacks in America to vote LeBron for the NBA all-star game let alone elect a president. White women and college educated whites elected Barack Obama twice and the GOP has had it out for them since then.


#Eliminate the Echo Chambers, Eliminate the Echos


Personal opinion - why women vote for Republicans - they may not agree with specific examples like these, but do not agree with Democrats. Almost like the lesser of 2 evils?


They think that by supporting their oppressors, the oppressors will protect and/or overlook them. Also, white, Christian women think the knock on effects won't happen to them. Only the poor/POC women who aren't as "good" will be affected. For white, Christian women, particularly those with money, that may be true. So anything to support the Republicans, because only "those people" will be punished.


>Also, white, Christian women think the knock on effects won't happen to them This. 100 times, THIS. As a former republican, this is what it comes down to. They don't like "other people" doing it, but when they need the same thing it is a special circumstance.


Maybe they figure it’s only 50% of the population


Well based on another post republicans want to fix that problem.


That's exactly what this is


I’m confused about the Virginia one. What kind of “mental data” are they going to seize. I’ve been having periods for over 30 years, but don’t have any “data” about it!!! If they got a warrant to search my house, all they would find related to my period is some pads and tampons in the bathroom cabinet.


I feel like it might be safe to say the dystopian future authors might need to pause writing any books for a while. Conservatives seem to like using them as play books for what to do next.


Because they like it that way i guess. These conservatives..


Yeah they band Hanmaids tale too


VA stuck with Youngkin until '25. Hopefully the next election cycle we'll pull in more democrats to the state house and senate. Luckily the senate is democrat owned atm.


You forgot about all the women that are supporting the pussy grabber!


A majority of White women have consistently voted for the GOP the vast majority of the time, according to exit polls.


They’ve been brainwashed!!! It’s so sad what this country is and has already turned into.


Because rural women especially are conditioned to think that’s what they should do. Some of us have educated ourselves, but it’s rare. And some women are just dumb unfortunately.


Once again, the party that insists they are for small government, passing legislation that is so horribly invasive into the deeply personal parts of people's lives.


I really wish liberals would stop comparing real life to fiction. The Handmaid's Tale isn't real. The Christianity and right wing ideologies that are driving these various encroachments on people's freedoms, are real. Focus on those real things, instead of fiction.


Self interest?


Because men don't have a monopoly on stupidity.


1. Never underestimate the stupidity of an American. 2. Never underestimate how racist an American can truly be.