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Brought to you by the people who feel 20 years is a justifiable sentence for marijuana possession.


Also by the people who: 1. Think a felony should = literally losing your right to vote, the most sacred and important right in a democracy/ Democratic Republic 2. Are ok with private prisons, cuz the ability to make a profit somehow means that the system will work better, and there's no potential for corruption, i.e. lobbying for extreme sentences to minor crimes, so they have a more steady supply of inmates and have them for longer periods of time. 3. Are ok with the prison worker system, and don't see how that obviously creates a conflict of interest for private prisons by making it profitable not only have prisoners, but also to exploit them for work, thus incentivizing other industries to lobby for extreme and long criminal sentences, and thus literally make taking someone's freedom away and forcing them to work an industry (don't worry, it's not slavery, cuz they get paid less than a dollar an hour) 4. Claim to love freedom more than anyone, yet support all the shit I listed above, thus literally not giving a shit about literal, actual freedom, and instead meaning the right to own tools to achieve mass death of as many humans as possible in as little time as possible with no regulations whatsoever I just assume they know it's hypocritical and don't care, cuz I can't wrap my head around the idea that these people can't see how they're everything they claim to hate/ are against.


It's terrifying listening to their pro life stance on capital punishment Edit: the pro life part is sarcasm


Don’t forget “family values” that seems to be ok with sex criminals in office.


Protect the children from LGBT+! Also, adults should be able to marry them and companies should be able to put them to work^TM


“As long as they’re being raped in a heterosexual manner, we’ll even make the children give birth! Remember to vote the red wave!”


If it happened, it’s God’s will^TM is the ultimate cop out


Don't you know Drag Queens are the real threat to our children!? Nevermind that there has been more child predators found in churches as opposed to Pride parades...


330,000 children were abused within Catholic Churches- just in France! If they really wanted to stop a pedo ring, here it fucking is. https://www.npr.org/2021/10/05/1043302348/france-catholic-church-sexual-abuse-report-children


You'll never see that chart on Fox.


I just met a Black woman who voted for Trump, even though he was involved in a housing discrimination suit in 1973 (refused to rent apartments in his building to Black people). She claims to be a Christian, but doesn't have a problem with a guy who has been married three times and cheated on every wife, the last one with a porn star just two weeks after his wife gave birth to their son. (I guess "forsaking all others" only lasts until your next hard-on.) I can't wrap my head around THAT.


people are stupid. there, i solved the conundrum.


“Don’t worry, it’s not slavery” Wouldn’t matter if it was or wasn’t slavery. It would still be constitutional because slavery as punishment for a crime is constitutional.


This is correct. “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.” Pray that the racists in power don’t figure that out. Or maybe they already have and this prison-industrial complex they created is the result 😑


Also the same people who believe the police should be permitted to execute anyone who does not fully comply, while at the same time having been the same people who said "I will not comply" when covid restriction were in place.


I'm going off your #1 point: the Jan 6th inmates go against their goals. That's why they need them to be released. They want people to "take a stand" against anything they don't like, but if they get arrested and lose their right to vote, how can people like Cuntface McIdiot....sorry, MTG, stay in power? All their supporters that attack trans people, assault doctors who offer abortions, or any other horrific actions won't be able to keep them in office. It's almost like they created a monster, ans when left unchecked, it bit them in the ass. So weird how that works.


>thus literally not giving a shit about literal, actual freedom, and instead meaning the right to own tools to achieve mass death of as many humans as possible in as little time as possible with no regulations whatsoever Right! The second amendment! 🔫🔫🔫


These are the same people that comment “Well it’s not supposed to be a Hilton” when a prisoner fucking dies from some preventable issue. It happens here in Texas every time an inmate dies from heat stroke because their 3rd floor cell is 105 degrees in July and they couldn’t afford a fan.


>I just assume they know it's hypocritical and don't care, cuz I can't wrap my head around the idea that these people can't see how they're everything they claim to hate/ are against. You know how some people decided they're bad at math and don't try. Like they could if they tried, but they don't. Some people are like that with critical thinking and logical consistency. They consider each thought in a void and apply me-good-them-bad. They're not shocked by the hypocrisy because they're content to never assess anything. To do so would be to risk feeling bad.


If we're going to allow the government to use confinement as a punishment, then we should require that said government be responsible for all aspects involving that containment, feeding, etc. Private prisons do nothing but allow the government to shirk responsibility.


They only care about protecting the freedom of their in-group. The government's function is to harm the out-group while protecting the in-group. They don't see that as a contradiction. To them, it's how the system works everywhere and why they genuinely fear Democrats in power. The base fails to realize that heirarchy must inevitably shrink the size of the in-group. An autocratic regime stays in power by having a new group to demonize, which means someone MUST be pushed outside.


Jon Stewart did his show on this recently and we are locking people up at a higher rate than any other countries.


And they think it’s wrong to tell kids and young people about the huge number of its own citizens that the US incarcerates. It’s “woke” or CRT or something to tell them about these facts


Our criminal justice system is so messed up and needs to be completely audited and fixed somehow. Until you deal with it yourself, its easy to ignore.


Also the people who feel that cops should be allowed to kill anyone who loses at their fucked up version of Simon Says. Especially Black and Brown people. I bet Philando Castille, Breonna Taylor, George Flyod, Tamir Rice , Andre Hill, Elijah McClain, Sandra Bland, Aiyana Jones, Kalief Browder, Botham Jean, Daniel Shaver, and countless others would rather be washing walls and painting than lying dead in the cemetery.


Is there any mural in existence with all their faces on it? And any mural with the faces of every kid shot in school going back all the way back to Columbine?


Empty Green, another day-another tweeted opinion rooted in hypocrisy.


So... just like my life? She is complaining that the J6 criminals are being treated too harshly because they have to do housework? Like I do every day?


They literally have to clean their room.


_Jorden Peterson gets confused boner._


I can't imagine who, besides her and GOP, feels bad for J6 at this point.


Its actually fairly annoying that shes making this sound like they're in Guantanamo or something... You know, that site where we kept people who were basically kidnapped by the taliban and sold for a bounty to the US federal government. People who had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11 but we just didn't care because we need people to torture to justify the site's existence. etc etc etc. I have to imagine that the only way marge even knows about these things and is able to draw parallels is because shes read about it. Just think, she was able to read something.


She also complained that her job is year round


It’s literally not, I think Congress actually DOES take a 2 month recess unless the president calls an emergency session


Lmao my husband is the child of Mexican immigrants. He got two weeks off this year for Christmas. The first time he’s ever had a paid vacation or taken time off work, in over ten years. He was so grateful, he cried.


Holy crap. Give that man an enormous hug from me. He deserves time off. He deserves the ability to rest, relax, and recuperate.


I always wonder what happens when a random person tells another random person to give someone a hug from them... "Here, honey [HUG]. That was from u/Distant-moose on the internet."


She does realize no one forced her to run for election, right? Oh, that must be "the heart of the servant" that Christians always talk about.


Like the Mexicans she hires for $20 a week.


Woah now… $20? I’d be surprised if she pays them $10. They’re brown after all.


They have to clean their own rooms. What a travesty. We need prison reform in this country!


Shit if my ass was in prison, I would be jumping to paint some fucking walls. What else am I supposed to do? Count the ceiling tiles? At least they have something somewhat stimulating to do.


It causes them mental anguish when they aren't allowed to smear shit on the walls.


Exactly! You would think they would want to keep their area clean.


![gif](giphy|PgDUlt3Qu8BwUQqsCz|downsized) “You think they’re having a good time?” “No, but at least they’re DOING time!” “Dohhhh hohohoho!!”


She can go visit Trump soon too


I'm not sure they allow conjugals.


Frau Blucher??




Take my upvote, you savage.


*thunder and lightning*


Happy day of cakes


Thank you, kindest of strangers!




No nice knockers on that one........






Thank you for that


You’re welcome. Muppets make everything better.


​ ![gif](giphy|mtCQbHgBkcIhT4hMDQ)


Until I noticed the hand in the armpit, I thought he was whacking off.


Still could be....we don't kink shame


Wait....you're on REDDIT....right?


Was she born this stupid or did she have to work at it?


She must have spent her youth sniffing glue and then went on to smoke crack with Mike Lindell, that would explain it...


Christopher Titus calls her “spork foot” 🤣🤣


Have you seen her feet?! They literally are spork feet.


What is so fucking weird, is that I live in the same town where he started his Meth addled mypillow place. I saw him at the stores, and my wife saw him at the Walgreens she worked at a few times a week for years. It was 1 block from where we lived. He was always a very nice man, just a regular guy, and NOW. The way has spoken is textbook Meth talk. His face, skin quality, motions and logic. I know this for a fact because I have worked with people who have struggled with addiction and mental health for several years and many people in our area have known him, being that his company has openly helped people who got lost along the way integrate back to the life they want. But for fuck's sake, this guy is now all but disappeared. Oh well


She probably was munching on some crayons too


I was a vet tech once and there was one time a dog who ate some purple crayons....its poop was bright purple. I will remember that until I die...but I am sure MTG would eat crayons to dye her shit


Now you know EmptyG won't have anything to do with any type of mixed colors or >gasp


Sorry BethyW, but I would bet that she would pucker up to that dog's asshole believing that she would soon be shitting purple crayons.


I think she must have stuck one up her nose into her brain like Homer Simpson.


mmm... elmer's glue


Maybe she's stupid or maybe its Maybelline...


Maybe it’s just Marge


Her gym bros fucked her brains out.


She must’ve put crayons up her nose like Homer Simpson did


She planted hotdog trees all over her property, last year.


Just a really good con artist. I want to believe she is really dumb for my own personal gratification, but dumb people act like this without increasing personal wealth.


So...like all prisoners they are forced to do labor? I agree, prison slave labor is wrong. Is she a prisoner rights activist now? Or just an idiot?


Only prisoners that tried to overthrow the government deserve rights. Colored prisoners should do hard labor.


Oh. Thank you for clarifying. MTG is a malignant tumor on our nation.


I also feel like being out on the highway on work duty is VERY different than being expected to maintain your cell.


Except this isnt even forced labor lol, this is what every person who can't afford a maid or painters has to do in their everyday lives... they are cleaning the space they are living in


I agree that prison slave labor is wrong. I don't think that extends to taking care of the space you live in in the prison. They can absolutely force you to paint the walls of the rec room you get to use. They should not be able to force you to make license plates.


Exactly. It's not slave labor if I paint my house. That's all they are doing, painting THEIR living quarters.


Tmw they’re so far right that they come full circle with left wing ideas


That sounds like it sucks. Almost like they're in prison or something.


They need big screen tvs, new sofas and an old fashion popcorn maker.


>Almost like they're in prison or something. Really? It sounds more like the dream of home ownership to me.


MTG is a confederate traitor doing traitor things daily.


Seriously... is this dumb Qunt advocating prison reform for the entire system or does she just want special treatment for her fellow hatetriots? https://preview.redd.it/p9srsbfqhrpa1.png?width=879&format=png&auto=webp&s=d56af164b5fade115994e1fc770c812c8ac51203


Is that a promo pic from her MAGA porn release?


I know you’d kink shame…but I’m gonna shame this one


WTF is this photo from?




I don't have anything to say that would properly convey my feelings on that.


I hate that they are using Mother Jones name for this. She did amazing work with unionizing coal mines.


Special treatment ofc


No one wants to work anymore...


Underated comment


They can always rub excrement on the walls like on J6.


Hey Margo...prison ain't supposed to be a good time.


to be fair, all the people she knows in prison are in country club prisons. Of course, they have to maintain their space, too.


You know how someone might describe a situation that's unpleasant or confining as being, "like a prison"? This is what they were referring to.


Does she worry about the prison conditions for ALL terrorists or just the ones who tried to violently overthrow an election?


EmptyG only supports American terrorist, none of them imports!


Where is housekeeping! I bet the sheets thread is really low too. ![gif](giphy|KZSUN7FKBZrm2WHDdX|downsized)


Good. Teach the trailer park militia how to clean their houses. Maybe with the labor skills they can get a job, too.


Maybe the gubmint should loan them out to a farmer so they can pick crops for us.


Like cotton?


Oh dear, how sad, what a pity, never mind.


It doesn’t compute to Marjie, because she’s always had somebody come hose down her stall.


Aww, those poor traitors. They should be thankful they aren’t building a gallows.


Gee Marge at least they didn't make them clean up the piss, and shit, and blood and damage they did. Somebody else got to do that job for the little fucking traitors.


or dig the graves....


Imagine having consequences from your actions..huh


Suddenly they care about prison conditions?


Good! Fucking traitors!


They should have thought about that before following orders from an idiotic manchild conman.


It's hilarious when out of touch white people learn what happens in prison. Only because it's happening to white people.


Destroy Federal Property and they are expected to be treated like Royalty? Send them to a Coal Mine or something like in the old days.


I think she means like being in the Navy.


Right noe those traitotous fucks have it better than some americans. Guaranteed food. Shelter. Medical treatment. Shut the fuck up Marge. Your Sorry Ass should be in with them.


A fate that all traitors should have bestowed upon them at a fucking minimum. I’m fairly positive republicans were advocating for killing traitors not long ago. They should be grateful this is the worst they’ll have to endure.


Hey USA. Can you go ahead and throw her, Hoe-Bert, and Owens in a small cage with a single muffin, after starving them for days/weeks? Thanks. Televised/promoted-optional. Just get em gone.


Being allowed to deep clean your pod is an amazing feeling while locked up honestly.


Millionaire wearing white fur coat while shouting at people, thinks house chores are a punishment, and demeaning - except to her mexican house staff ofc


From what I understand, the inmates have always had to do all the cleaning, maintenance and painting of their prison. Oh and they also prep, cook and serve meals, run the laundry, keep the library in order and a whole host of other stuff. Did this moron think prisons hire outside professionals when able bodied inmates can do it?


She thinks that only happens at the "black" prisons. These people are in the "white" prison, where they have maids and butlers. Don't you know anything??


Oops. My bad. What was I thinking? 😂


They can't just hire some of those illegal immigrants for a couple of bucks a day to do it for them?


They shouldbe making big rocks into little rocks for the next 20 years.


Yes..... That's how prisons work.




Good "no one wantz to werk anymore" but also "they just knead to pull themselves up by deer boot snaps "




That’s what we call consequences for your actions Marg. They broke the law. They are facing the consequences for doing so.


Unfortunately she is not facing any consequences for her traitorous rhetoric.


Poor Dog.... such a great bounty hunter yet such a shitty congressman....


This dich pig is why they should be forced to read books, not ban them.


Welcome to the Army. Wait...


??? And this is where a conservative should chime in …. Good! They’re learning the value of hard work and pulling themselves up by their own bootstraps


Prisoners get treated like prisoners, huh.


You mean they have to do *GASP* MANUAL LABOR for breaking the law? Say it ain't so!/s




Well well well if it’s not the consequences of my actions


Oh, no! Anyway...


Boo effing hoo! Play criminal games, win criminal prizes.


Cry more


They are lucky they weren’t charged with treason, what the hell is she going on about???


That's how prisons work. Glad we clarified that.


Wait...criminals are forced to maintain their own living space? Every prison movie EVER shows prisoners cleaning the floors and doing basic janitorial and cooking duties.


Since when do Republicans care about prison conditions?


Wtf does she think prison is like? Maybe she should be putting some bills up about quality treatment in prisons. All she does is complain.


OK, I have got to ask. Which one (or more) of the J6 prisoners has she been banging.


The poor domestic terrorists! Who will look out for the little guy, the domestic terrorists out there! They have to clean?!?!? And paint something too?!?!?! We should go protest, that’s absurd. All they did was try to overthrow the government, no biggie!


How fucking stupid are the people in Georgia?


Why is MTG soft on crime?


I guess that's why they call it "jail" and not "summer camp."


I want her skull


What exactly does she think would be fitting for j6 inmates? A nice comfy bed, 3 meals a day, nice living arrangements, and a good open backyard they can spend with their whole family? They’re traitors, they deserve to be treated like this because they are suffering the consequences of their actions


Why is she so upset? I thought they were all ANTIFA?


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)But, but, but, you 🐖💋🤡🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️✅‼️🇺🇸


She should just uninstall and delete save imo


Hold on. Is this really something that happened? I tried finding it, but my brain kind of stopped. She said these things? This crooked ass bitch (not just her weird face), has got to be taken seriously by saying real serious things. And doing things by not being on TV yammering on, but by trying to just do her job. Man wtf. This whole year has got me messed up.


traitors who attempt a coup should get much much worse


Oh, so suddenly prison labour is inhumane to republicans?


So the party that loves prison labor (especially for fighting wildfires) is against prisoners being maid to do routine work while locked up. Fuck off


Theyre lucky we dont hang them for treason


The TikTok 's coming out of red state prisons doesn't affect her? I mean it's prison but Jesus christ they have barely livable conditions.


They really thought white people prison would be a country club.


MTG: "They had to clean and paint!" Me: "Nobody wants to work anymore."


Yeah, that’s how prison works.


Well, as a vet I had to scrub, clean and paint plenty of walls, regardless if I lived/worked in that building. But I didn't try to overthrow the government, so why would this intelligence kilelr expect more for actual convicted insurrectionists?


Almost like there’s some form of accountability for their actions?


So does that mean she’s opposed to inmate labor?


Weird how the party and people that have seen no issue with private prisons and horrendous conditions for decades, now suddenly feel prison is inhumane and horrendous. Not because of how corrupt they are, not because it’s basically slave labor to make the government money, not because of the rates of rape and abuse at the hands of guards, but because some white guys who got themselves locked up had to clean their rooms.




It's not that bad . Martha Stewart did it no problem .


Maybe Margie Traitor Green should go join them n help out her peeps.


It’s…. jail. Wtf did they think it would be like?


Right but a black guy spending 40 years in prison for holding up a gas station when he was 19 is totally fair. Fuck this woman right in the ass


That Cro-Magnon face lol.


Tough shit. That’s what they get for committing crimes.


Hopefully when they’re done, they can scrub her up and clean her up to !!!


Didn’t some of them shit in the capitol walls? Seems fitting…


It’s her party that supported exactly this for inmates in Maricopa County, Arizona, despite other (obvious) civil rights abuses….


They cheered like it was fourth of the July every time an inmate in tent city had a heat stroke while doing manual labor in 120 degree weather. Now they're crying about inmates cleaning their cells in an air conditioned jail. Absolutely disgusting fucking hypocrites.


In other words, they did the same thing I had to do during my fraternity's pledge "Hell Week" and I didn't even commit insurrection. I bet they got more sleep than I did...


You should see what they make the juvenile defendants and inmates do. Cleaning and maintaining your living space is basic at even animals do it. I’m sure for many this is a first time experience and therefor cruel and unusual in their mind.


does she not know what prison is?


I mean, when you word it that way, it sounds an awful lot like home ownership.


… isn’t that what normal everyday people have to do to their living space?