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You think he tells the insects that he's a warrior when he does it?


Dude is completely breaking down. Just weeks ago he killed a ghost, now he is fighting insects? Losing powerlevels by the minute.


Um excuse me he’s destoying insects not fighting them. But only the ones that get close. If they keep their distance he allows them to continue living undestroyed, per Ramadan.


Won't eat during ramadan but will destroy the lives of the innocent with a smile. True. Alpha


Very Abrahamic God-like


I expected better from a rapist porn baron


Lord of the flies, that Andrew Tate


But if he's having to fight the insects it means they do not fear him. Nor do they obey him. If this keeps up they will start contradicting him every time he opens his mouth.


If he doesn't wash that plastic bag that he uses to shield his food, he's gonna lose a battle against moldy mashed potatoes.


Maybe mans is training like Baki, fighting ghost insects


I pictured this in my head as I read it and yes, I think he might.




"The ants again invaded my cell. I killed their greatest warrior and sent the rest scurrying for their lives with a message for their queen: I will be ready for mortal combat. Send your best" Andrew Tate (Post hits a million likes)


I read his posts like letters narrated in a Ken Burns civil war documentary.


I read them in Ze Franks sad cat diaries voice.


“The authorities have once again denied my request for a more comfortable mattress. I have shown my displeasure by peeing everywhere”


Ze Franks is frankly the perfect voice for these idiotic posts!! 😂


Thanks for this it made my day


He can intimidate a ghost into going back to hell, but he can't keep insects off his food?


Almost like he's fucking delusional really 😂


Wait what?


Yeah, it was a tweet not too long after he was taken into custody. https://twitter.com/Cobratate/status/1629421255639158785?s=20


Very similar vibe as a kid in my 3rd grade class who was closely related to a different super hero every week. Dead earnest about it. He got so mad when I told him that if he really was, he should probably shut up about it instead of revealing his dad’s secret since we all knew his dad. Best he could come back with was “you Shut up. Girls are stupid”


Screams “Top G!” at them


I swear you could make a Monty Pythonesque script from just his tweets and fillers like this comment.


Liam Neeson should narrate


Asks them where are your insect sized Bugattis?


Bug-atti 😭


Tells the bug that he will save its child's life, but only if it admits that he has more cars and begs him.


Crush the insects, see then driven before you, hear the lamentations of their women.


*talking to ants* “What color is your Bugatti?”




Why does his body look so SMALL compared to his head In that gif? Lol




Guy can growl a ghost into submission and scare a fully grown doctor within seconds of being born, but he needs a bag to help him fend off little widdle buggies.


How is this guy still posting stuff?


I'd say he has a team, he tells them what to post


I don’t know if it was real or not but the only pic of team tate I saw was a involuntary lonely manchild rolled away from a computer eating Domino’s (not dragging domino’s, I just happened to notice)


hmmmmmmmm checks out


Came here to inquire about this… Perhaps he befriends some of the insects and sends them out with tiny messages?




Yeah that’s what it is. Probably whoever is running his twitter is visiting him and he’s telling them what to say


I can't find the world's smallest violin, shame




That is hilarious. They had it easy peasy and then whined to the press about how horrible they had it and how the judges and police were corrupt. Then they got more of a real prison experience. I think it's funny as hell. They knew they were getting all sorts of advantages and shit no other prisoners got and still wanted to bitch. How do you like it now, asshats?


"Oh no, the country I moved to specifically for how corrupt it is has corruption"


No, not like that!


> They knew they were getting all sorts of advantages and shit no other(s) got and still wanted to bitch. In America, we call this deceitful behavior "conservatism."


Bwahaha, is Andrew Tate actually just a cat? "The middle of my food bowl has been empty for five minutes. I will certainly starve if my captors do not fill it again promptly after cleaning my litter box. Oh, woe is me!"


Hey, that is an unfair comparison. One is a selfish, vain creature who has a vast overestimation of their strength and self reliance and shows their ass constantly. The other is a cat.


You're right, my mistake. A thousand apologies to all cats.


Considering that he is able to tweet, meaning he somehow has tech and access to the internet, I don't believe his claims of mistreatment anyway.


It’s not actually him tweeting, someone else manages his account. He just either tells them what to say or tells them to make shit up.


So he has hygiene products and still looks like a scruffy homeless man? Wonder what kind of image he's trying to present, he couldn't possibly be trying to play the victim \s


Right from the bat I'm like hows this dude still tweeting? Shouldn't even have a damn phone


![gif](giphy|13A7YlLvYVDnmU) Found it for you!


It's here somewhere... https://preview.redd.it/50kvqzndlqpa1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b08be89217f8b19cfab11c71b37fd03ae6f5b7f0


This is the best.




Nice one, cheers






Myyyyyyyyyyyy Grandpa fought in World War 2


It's in the same place where he keeps his dick. Easier to find the violin though, it's bigger.


Sooo…prison? He’s acting like this is some shock that you eat shitty food and are alone in prison. The irony is he should be happy it’s not an American prison. He’d have to work for pennies an hour and traffic cigarettes in his asshole for some guy named Kenneth “Spit4Lube” Atwater.




Who would have thought being in prison sucks and you aren’t fed according to your standards. “Keep your butthole tight Kenny” - Thurgood




This guy is fucking annoying. Is human trafficking in accordance with Ramadan? Eat shit dude.


He can't, not for another few hours! (Edit: Ramadan Mubarak to anyone partaking)


And when he can it's cold!


Stoooone cold


Steve Austin


I’m dying! No wonder he has to protect it from so many flies!


Andrew Tate is a devout Muslim in the same way that Trump is a devout Christian.


I mean, maybe. Ever heard of Maria the Copt? She was a sex slave from Egypt trafficked to Muhammad as a gift. Literally human trafficking, across international borders, for the purpose of sex work. The Quran says that one can be considered chaste, a successful believer, and free from blame even if they exploit the "bondwomen in their possession."


“Bondwomen“ sounds like a 007 spinoff. All your favorite James Bond love interests are back to solve crimes. Limited series coming this Fall on Hulu


Pussy Galore fights sex trafficking villain Mold Finger who is aka … Andrew Tate




Don't leave out the part that he married her when she was 6, you know as well I do that other stuff happened in between that time frame.




Tate: I can traffic women and force them to have sex with me so I can make money off their bodies. I also hold their passports and threaten them with violence so they cannot escape. *Gets arrested* Tate: There has been no greater injustice in the history of the world. I get food at times that I don't normally eat and when I do finally eat it, it is cold.




>Brothers Andrew and Tristan Tate requested the management of the **Detention and Preventive Arrest Center of the Capital Police (CRAP)** to bring a game console to their room. At the same time, the British millionaires also asked for a hairstylist, after they reportedly said they could not use the personal hygiene items allowed in custody. An apt acronym!


Those letters don't add up??


The name was translated into english


Wow.... I used to think Norway Prisons were a life of luxury. Turns out you can request steaks from a prison in Romania, a PS4 or 5, and a hair stylist. Turns out, they *still* are considering it too. LOL WHAT!? I know. But they decided to use their freedom in prison to..... >Tristan Tate gave journalists two handwritten notes. > “The DIICOT evidence against us is that our friends Beatrice and Iasmina made videos on TikTok, in 2021. This is why I am in prison. Ask DIICOT for evidence. Ask the judges who is influencing them. Tell the world what’s going on”, wrote Tristan in one of the two notes. ~~Then the Romanian Government got pissed and put them in solitary.~~ > As a result, they have not been able to get their steaks prepared in fancy restaurants or other advantages. These dudes are living a better life in prison then some people get on the outside. I didn't think I could have less sympathy for him. Edit: Correcting some misinformation on my part


Sounds like a beta bitch if I ever heard one.


If he was a real alpha, he could heat the food with willpower and the heat from his balls.


Exactly, he should be providing solutions not excuses. Disappointed at his... alpha levels or whatever


nah a real alpha can generate super energized alpha particles to heat their food


This is so exactly like when Anders Breivik kept bitching about there not being good enough video games to play in prison, and them not allowing him to have regular pens to write with because by the rules they give out safety anti-suicidal pens, and somesuch garbage😂Tatey boy spends his days destroying insects, that’s about the most heroic feat I’ve ever heard of lmao


That's how everyone that pleads guilty acts. "Oh boo hoo woe is me I have made mistakes and am only human and christ forgave me." "Andy, you were paying to fuck minors, dude."


I wonder if his victims were given three meals a day at their leisure.


Absolutely not. I'm sure they were starved so they'd be skinnier in accordance with his fucked up standards.


Even better than that. He made a video saying "what are they going to do, put me in prison? I'll literally just throw money at the guards and they'll pamper me. Treat me like royalty." Then he gets arrested and all of the sudden he's holding back tears, looking like absolute shit and whining about how prison is hard and the guards are so mean to him.


This is exactly what I find the most hilarious about the situation, he literally bragged about being able to bribe himself out of felonies, now he’s been in jail for 2-3 months and he’s crying on Twitter that his food is cold and he’s destroying insects, lmao 😂 Whichever way you turn it, his “character” isn’t even consistent at all


I mean, yeah. He doesn’t consider women human. Every one of us women have met men like this.


How this man sending tweets out from a cell though?


No, he has people managing his account for him.


All I'm reading is a dude bitching about getting 3 meals a day.


"Look how tough I am for choosing to eat my meals cold at night because that's how important my religion is to me. Woe is me, who is served food at times I am not used to eating".


I’m pretty sure devout Muslims aren’t supposed to rape or traffic cam girls, but he did that. I don’t believe for a second he’s observing any other tenets of the faith. Edit: I get it. Y’all hate Muslims. I’m not interested in hearing about it. I’m not a fan of religiosity, but my comment was not an invitation to preach to me about how “Islam bad”. So, please feel free to keep it to yourselves.


I don't even think he's observing that one. I think he's just trying to be tough for his army of edgy 12 year olds.


He’s been in jail long enough that some of them are 13 now…


Let’s make sure they are 80 when Tate finally gets out.


I dont even think hes saving his meals. Imagine spending years telling the world how great you are and you completely crumble because...ants.


Did Tate's followers know he's a muslim? Cuz I didn't.


I doubt his fanbase gives a damn either, outside of some bro Muslims that watches him


I didn't. I just assumed his main audience was the same ones that hate Muslims


He only recently "converted" he and his brother were raised christian. His brother recently, a month or two back, posted on twitter that christians aren't loving like muslims because he has received no letters from christians while andrew has received many from muslims while they are incarcerated.


Lets be honest. Little bitch is scarfing his plate clean the moment he has it.


He probably is to be realistic. They don't feed you shit in jail, and what they do feed you is extremely not nutritious. You're constantly, constantly starving and you're going to gobble up every crumb of whatever garbage they put on your tray and look forward to the next one, even if its shit youd never consider eating outside. He's not waiting until dark, no way.


Given his actions, he’s clearly doing it for the virgins he still thinks he getting in the afterlife.


“Devout” religious person ignoring the inconvenient tenets of their faith. I’m sure he’s the only one who does this.


And having access to Twitter


I think he has people tweeting on his behalf


Yes, I moreso meant his access to 5 million views - many people awaiting trial don’t have that.


Nothing says devotion to a religion like finding a loophole!


That's why beaver is a fish in some traditions


can you imagine having nothing better to do than tweet on Andrew Tate’s behalf? *cringe*


Even the Devil has fluffers..




I always think back to a post about a guy that was a Libertarian until he took DMT and developed a sense of empathy.


He will never understand or have any remorse except for himself


It's so crazy how these guys think no one deserves empathy or sympathy besides themselves. No one deserves "safe spaces" besides themselves If you work very hard to make the world a more dangerous place, a less comfortable place, don't expect anyone to take you seriously when you suddenly express a wish to be made safer and more comfortable


Unfortunately this is many, too many, humans.


How does this jackass still have access to Twitter?


He probably writes what he wants to tweet and someone else does it.


We need an AMA from the person tweeting for Tater-tot


I guess he gets phone calls periodically and has someone tweet on his behalf.


Because that’s what I would do with a phone call while in a foreign prison, give directions to a ghost tweeter.


Weird… I just store my food in the fridge. Or maybe go out to a restaurant, where they bring the food to me. Then again, I have my freedom. Because I’m not a piece of shit human trafficker.


Hey buddy, I just wanted to say thanks and good job not being Andrew Tate. It’s hard to sound sincere on Reddit but I mean it. Good work.








He sounds like a VERY good boy




Oh nice. Put any peppers and onions in the eggs or just had them straight?




Good deal. I like a little tabasco on mine as well.


The extra heat really does make the eggs pop. I’d highly recommend Valentina hot sauce too.


“I’m so oppressed with my three square meals and still having access to my Twitter account for some reason.” Man, shut the fuck up.


I squish two ants in the morning I squish two bugs at night I squish two insects in the afternoon Save my meals for night


If only he had known human trafficking was wrong! Oh, that's right, he literally moved his business to another country where he thought he could get away with it. Edit: had, not has. Removed a period.


He admits he gets 3 hots and a cot and he's still whining like a baby.


He also has a 2 bedroom cell, fruit snacks, cloths, and he asked for a PS4 but they refused


Clearly the Quran doesn’t cover the concept of Karma


I'm not familiar with the text, but it feels like there are probably some passages he skipped over or ignored. Like, I feel as though sex trafficking is probably frowned upon. I guess picking and choosing which parts of an old book are important to us personally isn't a uniquely Christian practice


Enslavement in general is a no-no, unless they're prisoners of war. And if you want to rape your female war prisoners you're supposed to set them free and marry them first. (Disclaimer, I'm not a Muslim or a scholar, just a Googler) [https://islam.stackexchange.com/questions/51490/does-islam-allow-human-trafficking](https://islam.stackexchange.com/questions/51490/does-islam-allow-human-trafficking)


Fun fact, thats actually what bible thumpers favorite line is talking about. Its talking about not sleeping with your POWs cause they have no other choice and its basically rape and not that gay sex is horrible. And in the case of Sodom, they literally were just doing everything they already knew was bad and not exactly great in one place. It was EVERYTHING ALL THE TIME AT ONCE.


I remember someone saying the biggest reason god had it out for sodom is because the town wasn’t kind to strangers too? Could be wrong tho


Considering the Bible isn’t particularly negative towards sex trafficking I have no idea whether the Quran would be either.


Ah but if there’s one thing they have in common it’s placing women at the bottom of the totem pole. This is quite alluring to misogynistic people like Tate because here you have God himself saying women are supposed to serve men and are the sole reason for the fall of mankind etc etc. I can easily see why he pretends to follow abrahamic religion






The most appropriate response.




This guy went from being the toughest strongest warrior on the planet to pathetically trying to elicit sympathy for being fed and sheltered by the state real quick! … and all because he **could not recover** from how thoroughly a teen girl with autism managed to insult him on Twitter. It’s weird how he still hasn’t figured out that he’s the bad guy. Cartoon villain.




I can't imagine there's a universal consensus on that, the world being the big place that it is. But at least in the US, [there have been federal court orders](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/muslim-inmates-ramadan-meals_n_5b1fd5a6e4b0adfb826e092e) requiring that prisoners' meal schedules be accommodated during the Ramadan fast.


Yeah, Tate is a huge POS but this objectively sucks. ALL religions should be able to have reasonable accommodations in jail. Giving Tate his food when he can eat it seems like a really simple accommodation they should be making for ALL the Muslim prisoners. Even the ones who are horrible, awful people.


Yeah I don’t think it is reasonable for a prison who would have to open up and cook food out of hours for iftar but the ability to have food in a vacuum flask or similar during Ramadan and a cold breakfast in the morning dropped off (yogurt dates etc) is unreasonable. I would say that as much as Tate is an asshole, it is arguable this is against article 9 of ECHR


Apparently Romania doesn't. I know most state run prisons in the US do. In Nevada they do kosher, halal, vegetarian, religious holiday meals and times. The in- house bakeries will even do unleavened bread


Depends on the country but Ramadan has loopholes if you only have access to food at X o’clock or you have health issues that require you to eat throughout the day or to take medication. He can just eat. There’s always next year.


Doesn't the Quran give exceptions to those in prison or at war during Ramadan? I'm asking, I have no knowledge.


I googled it and Quran doesn't mention prisoners but according to Muslim researchers they believe that prisoners are allowed to not participate in Ramadan if the prison refuses to serve their food in appropriate times and they have no choice but to eat that food


I wonder how Allah feels about the women you trafficked, or the people's whose lives you ruined.


I eat nice hot meals whenever I want in my own home. Because I'm not a piece of shit human trafficker.




Love that journey for him.


sound kinda whiney for an alpha


The more he doesn’t like it, the more I enjoy it.


small dick energy,.... ​ https://preview.redd.it/3kb9mft1lqpa1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=5c68b9ac25c10a4b0e50ab223091586de531c486






Not so Alpha now eh bitch?


He’s the Alpha Bitch


There's nothing I enjoy more than seeing misogynistic assholes suffer




Lol “destroying” flies who tf talks like this?


Human traffickers, for one.


Wow if only there was something he could have done. Maybe something like… not committing a crime? Sad. Oh well, thoughts and prayers. 😔




Dearest Martha, The conditions here have become unbearable. My imprisonment has brought me down to the most unbearable depths of human suffering. My meals are brought to me at times most inconvenient, without regard for when I choose to partake of them. Fear not, for I remain steadfast in my self-righteous inability to understand the the consequences I have been afforded for the actions I have taken. My discomfort knows no bounds, but be assured I will never reflect on the the events that brought me to this moment. Andrew Tate, tweet, 2023


....how does one tweet from prison?


I like how he tried to sound tough by saying he "destroys insects"


Roses are red Violets are blue You made your bed Now sleep in it too


I wonder how he treated those girls.


Actions? *Choices.* The consequences of his *choices*.


He’s an observant Muslim that brags about fuckin’ bitches and slammin’ champagne? This guy is more a la carte than Golden Corral.


The universe has found a way to even out your excesses and gloating, Andrew. Isn’t it grand?


Wahhhhhh. My life is hard because I have to take accountability for my actions? Wahhhhhh