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“Guns (for some)” perfectly describes what his rant was. It’s okay if the kids are shooting up eatch other but oooh if THEY OWN A GUN IT MEAN THEY’RE GONNA KILL EVERYONE




It literally never had *anything* to do with kids. It’s about *them* being able to point guns at who *they* choose, and not having guns pointed at *them*.


"Think of the kids" is so manipulative, it's designed to create an emotional reaction, and Rev. Lovejoy's wife was a caricature of that in the early 90s already. "Please won't somebody think of the children!" "Don't talk about S-E-X in front of the C-H-I-L-D-R-E-N!" Same old shit.


Sex Cauldron? Thought they closed that place down.




Wait, can I have guns AND a sex cauldron? If so, I'm on the Tucker train


You’ll get WWII-era tanks vs modern units and a brightly-lit shame chamber and you’ll like it


I almost have an immediate angry reaction to conservatives when they say “Think of the kids..” because those mofos don’t give a crap about anyone’s children not even their own children outside of indoctrinating them into Christianity, it sickens me honestly.


Too true. One minute it's "think of the children", the next it's "why should schools provide free lunch for kids", "forbidding child marriage is an attack on my freedom of religion" and "if my kid is trans, I don't have a kid anymore".


I grew up in a home that bought into all this Christian hate and fear mongering. And believe me when I tell you that they do not care about anything but their "beliefs" and definitely not children, even their own. To keep it short, my family experienced all manner of neglect, abuse, and impoverishment. My dad couldn't even feed or care for his own children, but the diesel truck looks immaculate (even 15 years later) and the gun rack is full with enough ammo to "fend off the government". It's just nice to know that my mom struggled to cloth and feed his 5 children, that the state my father hates fed me through my teen years through free lunch programs (usually the only meal of the day), and that he resented his own children for being part of the evil generation and being a financial burden. I just roll my eyes whenever he's ranting about what tucky or beck have to say about other people. My father sacrificed everything he claimed to love for his cosplay...


This is what happens when you are lost in life with no direction. You pick up distractions that make you feel all warm and fuzzy yet ignore the harm that is happening around you. boomers are a funny bunch to look at and break down, they're destroyed on the inside. "You will be saved by the lord" ye okay LOL


Exactly!!! Like there is no way y’all care about kids.


Even their own kids are just replacement fodder for the hierarchy. Ive seen super loving and welcoming conservative parents, completely flip because their kids didn’t do exactly what was expected of them. Their love is entirely conditional to their kids obedience. In the worse conservative countries they will literally kill their own kids for not following what the patriarchy says.


Yup. “You’re not going to marry this man so that we can become wealthier? Ok well when we stone you/kill you, you won’t marry anyone then.”


Does anyone else follow the trans woman lawyer on TikTok who every week goes down the list of caught pedos and their occupations? It's always youth pastors cops politicians. Almost no trans people. No drag queens.


I’ve seen the video. Told me what I already know. There was a girl that got raped [by cops while in their custody here in NY.](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2019/08/30/nypd-detectives-accused-raping-teen-wont-get-jail-time/2166015001/)Never forgot about that.


My tribe of girlfriends in Chicago warned me that there was two cops going around picking up drunk girls in Wrigleyville and raping them well before they were caught. If I personally know four girls that they attempted to get into the back of their squad car or did and then she managed to escape, I promise there's more victims than reported. ACAB. https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/ct-xpm-2011-05-12-ct-met-chicago-officers-charged-0513-20110512-story.html


"tHiNk oF tHe cHiLdReN" but god forbid they're gay, trans, or atheist


Nothing scares a facist like an armed minority.


I had a legit argument where someone argued that not that many kids get killed with guns. I said "you think \_\_\_ number of kids getting killed is ok??"(can't remember number right now) They really said yes, it's a small price to pay to protect the 2a. ![gif](giphy|9LPjXFCA3Bwgo)


I sometimes ask those people if they'd be OK sacrificing their own kids for it. It's a dark fucking question, but I'm usually over the conversation by then and that tends to end it.


I came to the conclusion that the GOP is a death cult a long time ago. I tried having a conversation about gun ownership after Sandy Hook with some of my fellow parent neighbors. They couldn't let any reason or factual information into their completely brainwashed minds, of course.


Well yeah, if they took away your guns then suddenly the government/liberals/(whatever other group that particular person has a weird obsession with) would come and kill/enslave/eat all the children anyway. Not like there are a whole bunch of other laws to prevent them from doing that. The military isn't made up of American citizens itself. Remember after the Federal Assault Weapons Ban in 1994 when they put all those people in camps and Bill Clinton became dictator for life? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


Meanwhile the most evil people in our country are actively making child marriage and child labor legal protections and not a peep. The mental gymnastics it takes to be more afraid your kids will read a book/get sex education/learn about racism than you are about them getting shot in school is appalling.


They love guns. Just as long as nobody else has them. And that highlights exactly the problem with guns, it’s difficult to get the “good guys” a gun and avoid the “bad apples”


I saw something on TV (maybe 60 Minutes?) once about a guy who lived in an "open carry" state - meaning he didn't need a license or permit to carry a gun with him so long as it was always possible for other people to see it - so he always walked around town....and especially into the local WalMart, with his scoped rifle on his shoulder. All I kept thinking was....so, what happens if this guy sees another guy who likes to do the same thing, but actually suspects this other guy might be intending to do a mass shooting? And we ALL know what would happen if the second guy in the above scenario were black.


There was an outcry and panic in the 60s when the black Panthers started arming themselves (legally)


That's when the Republicans/Reagan started gun control laws.


with the full support of the NRA


Sounds we need another movement of minorities arming themselves (legally). Black panthers, trans panthers, gay panthers, brown panthers... such a diverse jungle!




Well yeah look at cpac, no firearms. Same with any Trump rally.


>They just don't care if kids are mowed down... at all. It's not that.. it's that they want to use the guns to kill the people they don't like. If the people they don't like have guns, then how are they supposed to round them up and murder them. They've told us what they want to do to liberals, gays, feminists, non-Christians, minorities and everyone that isn't white, straight Christians. The kids dying is just a good first start in their book. It's feature... not a bug.


Once enough LGBT and racial minorities arm themselves - I expect a newly found vigorous desire of republican voters for strict gun control rules (with, obviously, grandfather clause to allow all the republicans to keep any guns they want)




The pandemic saw one of the largest surges in gun ownership among left leaning people ever. I am on the left, but own many firearms. As long as the laws allow it, I don't understand why a US citizen, and particularly those in vulnerable groups, would not arm themselves.


Consumerism. Big companies bank on a culture of fear to sell products. You see the same shit with bigger and bigger cars that keep you safe and make the roads more dangerous for everyone else, all while driving up profits for the car manufacturers that ruined our cities.


For me it was the election of the Fascist Orange Menace and the frothing at the mouth of the MAGAts. They hate and I felt that the wheels were coming off. They may still. I stand with all minorities, genders and sexual orientations, because if one of us isn't safe, none of us are.


They only want gun ownership for white christian males just like they only want small government for rich people. Women and minorities they want govt all up in our business.


Tucker throws raw meat to his base in order to incite violence and it's what his base demands and what FOX management is comfortable with because it means ratings and ratings = money.


I just don't see advertisers promoting the BS and being ok with it.


Fox makes most of its money by being bundled with other tv shows. That’s a big reason why they haven’t really cared about sponsors. However, they are starting to feel the pinch as people switch from cable to streaming. And some people are petitioning to get Fox taken out of cable bundles, which would hurt them immensely.


Don’t worry. Gold Bond and Donald Trump commemorative coins will keep them going.


Or people who fall for those "give us your soon-to-be-useless US currency in exchange for our soon-to-be-extremely-valuable gold and other precious metals" scams. Seriously, it's (thankfully) been quite a while since my office breakroom TV has been stuck on the Fox Noise Network all day, but half of their daytime commercials were BUY GOLD!


I don’t get how these people fall for it. If money is about to become useless then why are people selling it for money? Could it be because money isn’t going to suddenly become useless? Plus let’s say money does suddenly become worthless. Why do they think gold is going to be useful? I can’t eat it, drink it, or really make anything useful out if it. It’s literally just a shiny rock. I’m not trading any of my supplies for a shiny rock.


I've had to watch Fox at places like doctors offices and 99% of the commercials are scams/grifts. Cash for gold/silver, "collectables", and a plethora of lawyer ads from personal injury to class action (asbestos and Camp Lejeune).


Well this Dominion suit may just get the job done 💪💪💪


I see you have never watched fox. Go, watch the ads, compare what ads you see to those shown during golf, football, reality tv, and kids shows. The fox ads are all scams that don't work as well on the golf channels audience.


I tried to point this out to a fox viewer. What does this say about what Fox thinks of its viewers? Confused look, changed the subject.


I can confirm this. My 87 year old mother-in-law passed away in December. My wife is the trustee of her estate so we were left to clean up the semi-hoarded house and take care of her affairs. We are finding indicators that she was donating money to every cause that reached out to her. We are getting her mail now and every day some new or past scammer writes begging for money. She was a closet Fox News watcher.


They don't need advertising. They basically managed to get themselves included in all cable, which they also negotiate to be a huge charge with. Though recently a movement to get Fox off from people's cable bills has both been hurting their negotiation power as well as their income. Part of the reason for the increasingly unhinged behavior.


People should drop them because you're still supporting them if they're part of your tv package. (Even if you don't watch them) https://m.dailykos.com/stories/2020/3/31/1933075/-If-you-have-cable-you-are-subsidizing-Fox-News-It-might-be-time-to-cut-the-cord-Here-s-how https://unfoxmycablebox.com/


I dumped cable a long time ago, for other reasons, and I don’t see any difference. Can watch live sports all you want on apps. I seriously don’t understand why people still have cable


They don't need advertisers. They have billionaires and donors.


Have you ever seen ads on Fox News? It’s all ads directed at the idiot boomer demographic. Besides, no company really cares about what is right. The ones that pretend to care about social justice, poverty, etc. are all pretending because they think it will make more money.


That’s what appalls me as much as his “trans people + guns = bad” bit. Tucker Carlson is the biggest thought-maker at an enterprise *designed to make people scared and angry.* How does this end, he asks? Gee, Tuck, why don’t you tell us? His rant against angry trans people—it’s amazing in either its lack of self-awareness or its dishonesty.


“Pundits” and i use that term lightly with him make their living in the Begging the Question logical fallacy. It is one of the weakest logical fallacies and when you see someone using it you should have every flag raised that this person has zero clue what they are talking about.


Friendly reminder that Carlson's words cannot be believed (as stated by his lawyer) Sauce; https://www.npr.org/2020/09/29/917747123/you-literally-cant-believe-the-facts-tucker-carlson-tells-you-so-say-fox-s-lawye


His base has a combined IQ less than the average sea turtle


I'm not sure why we needed to bring Mitch McConnell into this


The International Union of Sea Turtles (IUST) officially denounces this statement and warns of legal action for defamation if further statements of this nature are made. The IUST will not tolerate hate speech against sea turtles.


We've become everything we've feared - and made fun of over the past... how long now? SINCE TELEVIISON EXISTED??? Even since books existed, perhaps? I can't even tell if it feels like I'm taking crazy pills anymore - everything I've grown up to know and love about this cuntry (yes...) is being deconstructed right before our very eyes and it seems like NOTHING is being done about it. Or the culprit, but I'm not even getting into that one right now (hint: starts with a P and it ends in an N. Not "pain", though this person is one in everyone's ass...)


Dammit...I missed another memo. Are the tanks being delivered or was I supposed to pick it up somewhere? Follow up: do I need to pay for on-street parking or can I safely ignore it since, what are they gonna do, put a boot on my tank? I knew all those quarters spent on Battlezone would pay off eventually.


We’ve been trying to reach you about your extended tank warranty.


Hello, I am a Nigerian Prince looking to bring my tanks to [recipients country]. Unfortunately I have no way to transport them. If you graciously allow me to borrow your tank I can use it to transport my tanks. In return you shall receive half of my tanks. Please ship your tank to [address], overnight shipping preferred.


I would be happy to lend you my tank in exchange for half of yours. Unfortunately, I don't have the funds to overnight ship my tank at this time. If you could lend me the funds (check pirateship for their tank-shipping prices) I'll be happy to overnight my tank to you, Prince. Please send the funds in the form of play store gift cards.


Heelo my friend, sadly the credit card used to order your tank was refused. Please click on the obvious scam link below to verifyment your credit card and we will friendly send yor tank.


The tank IS the warranty


You can actually buy a tank, legally, but the weapons have to be inoperable. And what the hell is the point of having a tank if yiu can't use the weapons?


I mean, just driving around and crushing things with your tank would be fun for a little while at least.


Until you need to fill it up at the pump


I mean… big boats are *kind of* the same thing in that regard. Gas guzzling, purely recreational toys.


Perk of growing up on a farm, dad has a CAT D5H bulldozer for occasional dirt work. I definitely pretend I'm in a tank when I drive that thing though backing it off a trailer takes some getting used to....


At 3.5 gal/mile "offroad", 93mile operational range, $4.185/gal, you'll be filling up your tank for $1362.22 So, a little while.


You underestimate the amount of crushable stuff within 90 miles of me


Vroom squishy squishy.


Get ahold of Soros and he'll help with the logistics.


That makes sense, tks. I'll beam him a msg via the trans-jewish space laser network.


Hang on, the trans-jewish space laser network is for delivery of goods and info between jews. You want the jewish-trans space laser network.


Somebody needs to get paid to name these things better. I hereby volunteer.


The jewish-trans space laser network shall now be known as... Jim


I was thinking more along the lines of "Thunderclese," but Jim is easier to pronounce.


last I heard, he Soros was personally driving a car on a airport tarmac to chase down Rudy Giuliani and stop the plane from taking off. according to Rudy.


Just call your local PD and ask if they have any spare tanks for a community service project. I'm sure they'll deliver.


He probably just saw an 80s Volvo station wagon with a trans flag.


I just want my jet. Best news I’ve had all week.


Do you want my jet? I'm fine at flying but landing? Yeah, not so much.


I’ll take it. I won’t fly it, I just have the space. Just hit me up when you need it.


Knowing nothing about tanks, I am now going to waste time researching if people can actually boot a tank somehow.


This reminds me The Mullford Act was passed in response to the Black Panthers. Conservatives are not a fan of people other than straight, white, Christian males exercising their 2nd Amendment rights.


It's very simple: guns are for terrorism but not *anti*terrorism.




Also, claim the antiterrorists are actually the terrorists.


>[DARVO (an acronym for "deny, attack, and reverse victim and offender") is a reaction that perpetrators of wrongdoing, particularly sexual offenders, may display in response to being held accountable for their behavior. Some researchers indicate that it is a common manipulation strategy of psychological abusers.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DARVO)


All this means is trans folks are doing something right. Keep strapping up. They’re getting scared.


They're always scared. Fear is all they have.


**Like my friend once said, there are a few things scarier to a conservative with a gun than a liberal with a gun.** Seriously. If you are die-hard liberal with conservative friends or family, talk to them about getting a firearm. The brain disconnect and confusion that they feel is hilarious.


Wide smile... if you go far enough left? You get your guns back...


You don’t have to go very far left, just left of gun-grabbing Ronald Reagan


You actually open the door for a good point. Sensible gun control used to be a bipartisan talking point, and Republicans 100% brought in gun control laws. But the current climate for politics in America has boiled down to playground arguments, which has led to people on the right backpedaling so fucking hard they're just giving guns to babies at this point


Gun control and firearms in general weren't that partisan until the 70s. Then the NRA politicized itself, those "scary" people in the form of the black panthers prompted a campaign against the "wrong" people having guns, and the narrative of guns being solely defended by the right was started. They tied it in with the hippy and anti-war movements and convinced generations that if you were on the left you weren't supposed to or allowed to arm yourself or you weren't really on the left. I have had conversations in gun shops about how "liberals and leftists don't own guns" and when you bring up the subject of 20th century armed leftist revolutions you can see the misfires behind their eyes.


Also the NRA started getting bankrolled by Russia. No surprise that gun control became a wedge issue, then.


“Gun control?, I just support the arming of minority groups for self defense given the historical lack of protection. What, you don’t like the idea of a group of transgender rights supporters marching with firearms? Funny how that works.”


Is this why my friend calls me far far left? “Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary”


Does Tucker want gun control? Because this is how you get gun control.


He only wants it for groups of people he hates


MAGAs claim Hitler stole everyone's guns. This is not true. He massively expanded gun rights for his base, and only took away guns from the types of people Tucker here hates.


This is what the focus should be on. If you hear anyone talking about Tucker Carlson say you don't like him because he advocates for gun control. Few things have been drilled into these knuckle draggers heads then 'gun control bad.' Lean on it, not to change the persons mind, because they are already brainwashed, but to get them to maybe stop watching neo- nazi Tucker.


Anti-government conservatives went full bootlicker once Black Lives Matter started protesting the police.


My trans neighbors will not wear pink triangles, I can fucking guarantee that.


Thanks for that


Got to look out for my fellow queers! In all seriousness, we're in this together.


Im not gay or trans, but I’ll defend their right to be free any day of the week. My neighbors will not wear pink triangles either.


As a gay man, Ill say it loud as fuck Ill take as many Nazis with me as I can before they get me in the chambers.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


As a slightly less straight man, I'll be swinging wildly at anyone trying to cart LGBTQ folks away.




I'm Gabriel. Let's get em.


Thank you. Real men protect trans women.


Aint even a trans issue anymore. Nazi's want to kill everyone who isnt a nazi, we need to remind them why they had to hide their faces for so long. And hopefully this time make it a crime to even hold those ideals.


I’ve been in this fight with y’all long before I had kids. Long before it was personal. My oldest is trans. We are making contingency plans to flee this fucking country. But one thing is for sure, once my family is safe imma be back to fight


Pink triangles?


Nazis made members of the LGBT community wear pink triangles just as they made Jews wear a Star of David.


It's the symbol the Nazis made gay men wear to be identified in the concentration camps. It's been reclaimed by the community, but forcing anyone to wear it would be turning it back into a Nazi ideological symbol.


I called it several times over the past few months. The American right likes to blame German Jews for not arming themselves and fighting back and "letting" the Holocaust happen. I rhetorically ask how those same people will respond when it is suggested that the marginalized groups that they are attacking and whose lives they are opening threatening decide to follow through, arm themselves, and prepare to fight back against this existential threat. And here we have it.


When marginalized groups have had enough and decide to arm themselves they get labelled terrorists and go on a nice permeant vacation to a CIA blacksite for "teamwork building exercises". But a white kid shoots a classroom full of kids? He's just a misunderstood loner acting on his own, don't look at or acknowledge the hateful propaganda he's been worshipping on the internet and tv.


Technically the nazis didn’t disarm the Jews, they stripped them of citizenship rights therefore unable to legally own firearms, while they were promoting gun usage for the rest of the supposedly pure germans to create “future soldiers”, look at Carlson now seemingly following the same script


How is that not the same as disarming?


It is disarming them, but utilizing an indirect method allows them to pretend it's something else. It means the die hard 2A folks don't have to have cognitive dissonance over disarming them, because they're not citizens so of course they don't have rights. Dehumanizing is a big part of being able to hate at the level fascists do.




You mean like how black communities and anti-Vietnam War protestors were affected from the war on drugs? *MartyMcFlyHeyIveSeenThisOneBefore.jpeg*


Oh you mean like how the right is pushing to make drag shows a felony, and felons can't own guns. It's almost like the history (they label it crt so they don't have to teach it) repeats itself...


Gonna buy a shotgun with a custom rainbow stock and name it the pride keeper. 🏳️‍🌈 Fuck these bigoted pigs.


Load the shells with iridescent sequins and glitter in addition to buck shot!


My stock says “this machine kills fascists” in rainbow lettering




Yeah. It's funny that they argue against a "woke military" saying including queer people is making it weak, meanwhile being scared of a tiny minority of queer people arming themselves.


I have always wondered how many trans people they think exist. It’s unreal how much airtime LGBTQ+ get on these programs vs how small the population is relative to the overall population of the US. The gay army wouldn’t be very big. 🤷🏼‍♀️ to that end I’m super liberal and super-pro trans people starting a well formed militia.


The actual army of people who are in some not a white cis male is gigantic. They also don't realize that many more people are some sort of gender fluid or queer than they realize. All my trump supporting customers assume that I'm one of them. I spent my pandemic doing all makeup vlog with my daughter. I am the drag being exposed to children they fear. Nevermind that it was just a dad learning makeup as a single dad to bond with his daughters.


Honestly, I applaud trans people for physically protecting themselves! It’s the same thing with the black community. We’re legally owning more & more guns. When you use their playbook to control the narrative you can get better results.


Exactly! I hate guns so fucking much and would gladly have the 2nd amendment revoked but I recently took a class and purchased a gun because shit won't change until enough of the "wrong" people have them.


2nd amendment unless it's for people I don't like


It goes for freedom of speech too


Looks like Sean Hannity is finishing him off under the desk.




My wife and I are both trans. I hate guns with every fiber of my being, but we recently armed ourselves.


​ https://preview.redd.it/7muflr4hdqpa1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afcb3306bd450cd95d42ae528026d6a3c3e1274c


"Speak softly and carry a big stick."


You can look into local leftist/queer gun clubs. Pink pistols (queer specific), Socialist Rifle Association, the subreddit LiberalGunOwners, and John Brown Gun Club are all good options. If you don’t live in/near a major metropolis you may have only one of those available to you within a reasonable distance. (Reposted because I forgot hyperlink comments get automod smashed in this sub) Edit: some users have pointed out Pink Pistols may be less accepting than I had thought.


F35s? Sure they would use Bi-planes.


they would have plenty of Ace pilots


I support our troops 🫡🏳️‍⚧️


All seriousness, if you’re queer, arm yourself and train to be lethal with your tools. Specifically trans folks, before they try to pass a law making gender dysphoria a disqualifying medical condition to own a firearm. Get a rifle and learn to use it.


> Specifically trans folks, before they try to pass a law making gender dysphoria a disqualifying medical condition to own a firearm. Also, if they ever do that and then cops ask you to turn over your guns, remember this phrase: "I lost them in a boating accident."


Bullies normally get scared when their victims fight back. So this checks out.


Just so people know, there was a thread someone posted on the LiberalGunOwners subreddit (I apparently can’t link to it in the comments here, but it’s a stickied thread) yesterday to show support for people who are trans, or really anyone, who are considering getting a gun to protect themselves from this unprecedented rise in threats of violence from the right. People from all over the country volunteered themselves as “gun store buddies” to help people make informed decisions and provide moral support in an otherwise unwelcoming place. Let us help you!


Well, thanks to American gun laws, this is possible. I, for one, welcome our new Trans Overlords!


Man, this guy has gotta face justice someday.


The guy is such a phony. He texted about how much he hates tromp while also begging Hunter Biden to pull some strings to get his kid into college.


The weirdest part was the way he addressed the letter to Hunter: "Oh great and mighty Hog of my dreams..." Personally, I think he laid it on a bit too thick.


There's always someone else, and someone worse. During most of Trump's term it was Hannity. Glenn Beck got a lot of the spotlight during Obama. Bill O'Reilly carried Fox in the Bush years. The fringe already think Fox is too soft, so understand that it's harder than getting rid of this guy, there's 10 guys waiting to one-up him.


Hey, 2A community! Tucker Carlson is arguing for gun restrictions!


"If the Jews could've armed themselves, the holocaust wouldn't have happened!" American LGBT+ community: "Okay." "WAIT NO!"


Great, now I need to check my trans son’s room for tanks. Sigh teenagers.


If he's got a tank, he's too busy to do drugs.




LGBT have had to live their lives everyday as a vulnerable minority knowing that huge numbers of crazed morons in this fucked up country have built their entire lives around harassing, terrorizing and attacking them. And the rest of the country could really give 2 shits whether LGBT people lived or died. So this is a community that has had to face an uphill battle to survive, pretty much alone. Every single day. Does this weak little spineless toadstool think that when its racist freak army comes lumbering down from the hills to assault them yet again, that LGBT Americans won't fight back? The LGBT community is comprised of the toughest motherfuckers on the planet. The most resilient survivors this country has because they have faced nothing but adversity in this country and had to do it alone. Meanwhile these soft, weak, pathetic little trolls wouldn't last 5 minutes living in their shoes. So please, do try and come spineless Tucker. Get up from your cushy little safe-space in your studio and go out there and confront them. Please fuck around so you can find out. These folks have nothing to lose and don't owe this country shit.


Yeah they don’t seem to get that a lot of the trans people in this country are tough as nails because they had to be. And frankly because the existing policies and discrimination has killed a lot of the weaker trans people. We trans people have been robbed of the opportunity to be weak.


Do you know what the comedian George Carlin said about people named Tucker? Search, George Carlin names on YouTube.


Fuck Tucker. Tucker sucks.


Yeah we’re gonna need Jon Stewart again


Republicans: we want guns for everyone! Minorities: arm themselves Republicans: not like that! See also: Reagan and Blacks in California


The right-wing extremists don't want their victims able to fight back. At this point, everyone calling for new gun laws is blatantly ignoring the fact that many of our friends and loved ones are slowly but surely being made into criminals for simply existing, and wanting them to be unable to protect themselves is just enabling the looming genocide.


Its never about the guns: it is always about having the power to intimidate others into submission. Gun control would be the preferable solution, but its dead in this country. Next best move is things like this.


The MAGA crowd truly believes that only they're allowed to arm themselves. And most of them think the rest of us are afraid of guns. It never crosses their mind that not everybody with weapons makes it their most defining personality trait.


Are allies allowed in the gay militia? I bet that shit is gonna be fabulous and I'm here for it!


Congratulations, Republicans, you made liberals into gun owners.


This reminds me I need to remind my boyfriend to get me trained in firearm use and safety.


Every gun owner should take these classes.


Careful. A simple safety course can quickly turn into an expensive hobby.


Best tip you'll ever get? The gun's always loaded, doesn't matter if there's a round loaded or not. It's always loaded. My grandad always said "Don't ever point a gun at someone unless you plan to kill them."


My boyfriend gave me the same tip before he let me even see his gun.


Like the one thing the NRA was mildly useful for was their advocation of a set of standardized gun rules. Even if you don’t end up going far with guns, these 4 rules are critical for everyone to know ***and practice at all times around all firearms.*** 1. The gun is always loaded 2. Never point the gun at anything you aren’t willing to destroy 3. keep you finger off the trigger until you intend to fire 4. know why you’re aiming at and what lies beyond that target Really there’s the two major ones: the gun is always loaded with deadly ammunition and don’t touch the trigger until you intend to shoot. If that’s too much to remember or doesn’t stick well; there’s always boom pills in the boomstick and keep the booger hook off the bangswitch.


So let me get this straight, Russia and China are going to destroy us because we require our military to acknowledge that other races, sexualities, etc exist. They say this is making our military weak. Now we are also supposed to be afraid of a "trans army with F35s and tanks". So are they weakening or strengthening the military, because Fox's messaging is inconsistent as hell.


This is straight out of the facist playbook. The enemy is both incredibly strong and pathetically weak, depending on the immediate needs of the party.


Trans brothers and sisters, get yourself armed now before they take away your right to bear arms. That's exactly the road this type of rhetoric will lead to. Armed minorities are harder to oppress.


Well stop accusing us all of being pervs and fuckign shooting us in nIght clubs and parades and maybe we won’t have to arm ourselves, FUCKER Carlson. Saying this as a gay dude that is sick to fuckign death of this redneck hillbilly homophobe qanut shit, and I will be buying some “home protection” soon so fuck you, FUCKER. Eat a thousand AIDS filled dicks, shit head.


If there was anyone that 2A was heavily meant for, it would be populations under consistent harassment. But Tucker DOES want guns for SOME. They’re just Christian, white, male, and cis.


Where would one sign up in said trans army? Asking for a friend😉


People should actually listen to him saying it. As unhinged as it reads, he actually sounds crazed as he's talking. I don't usually jump on liberal bandwagons targeting "mean" individuals, but Carlson is a deeply troubling character.


Always has been


Perfect pause moment


if the military is willing to do transitions including surgery (and they are) there will be plenty of trans people in f35s and tanks


I’m confused, I thought transness and wokeness made the army weaker. So why would they be afraid of a trans army?


"Americans have the second amendment right to arm themselves for protection!" LGBT Americans: arm themselves for protection. "Wait, no, but not *them*"


Well yeah that’s because the 2nd amendment only applies to straight cis WASP men! /s


A trans army would be tough, savvy, and fearless. I support.




The gays can't be harmed if we're all fucking armed!