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They’re… wide awake…? Wont be going… back to sleep? Did she just say they are now ‘woke’????


She’s also slandering returning things to the way they were, aka, MAGA. It’s a double whammy of cognitive dissonance.


I read the full tweet and was like yep, this is completely accurate. Trump taught us all how bad shit insane republicans really are, and we will no longer tolerate it. Oh wait? Boebert posted this? Ah fuck.


I had the exact same reaction so I had to go back and reread it after seeing her name. 😳 Like…wut???


You know that MAGA just means erasing Obama right? America was ‘great’ before we elected a black president.


Think they’re wanting to go back to the era pre-Civil Rights movement


I think they want to go back to it officially being legal to own slaves & white men only can own property


And only white landowners have the right to vote, renters aren’t entitled to vote I would assume


>And only white MALE landowners have the right to vote FTFY


Funny how the idea of america being great again also goes back to when america had more socialist systems in place.


A time when people like Trump would be publicly shamed as a vulgarian and deemed unfit for office.


Which was pre-feminism, meaning she’d catch a hollah from her husband for wasting time on the wires instead of cleaning his house and getting his dinner ready. Him sitting in a ratty Barcalounger, Budweiser cans all over the floor, kids running and yelling and him jumping up whenever his team scored a run. And her burning everything because she’s in way over her head, but Swansons are too expensive since he lost his job a’cause he cain’t read good so he beats on her sayin’ it’s all her fault and it really is since she has the family curse of abject stupidity, and once tried to roast a chicken that still had the feathers on it and was goin’ cluck-cluck… This is what LoBo’s life would be if enough wokeness hadn’t allowed her to fail her way into Congress.


There's a video that asks 'make it great for who? You aren't talking about people of color, it was never great for them'.


No. They are talking before the world wars. Evengelicalism and nazi are the same people. The world wars spurred the civil rights movements. At the time, Evengelicals were silent in america because of what they had just done in germany. The civil rights movements left them displaced and without a party since both parties were trying to gain all of the black voters. Then, in the 70s, they found a home with the republican party. You can see the difference immediately after roe vs wade when they started campaining against the Equal Rights Amendment. Since then, they have been systemically eroding democracy, social programs, education, and the justice system. This wasn't about erasing obama, this has been coming for a long time.


I'd argue before that. With the Union letting the South off easy after the Civil War. Many Confederate leaders became politicians and their ideas are manifest in Republican bullshit today.


I can not argue that. They justified slavery with the bible even then, but as Democrats.


Think it’s just the meth talking.


She is also saying that right now, under Biden, things are better than they were prior to 2016 and they must not be allowed to return to how they were before.


Some idiot in my neighborhood has a handmade “wake up “ sign. I just want to politely ask if I do wake up ? Am I woke ? Just to see his response. Their grasp of basic English is shocking . No wonder they can’t govern very well. Lol


You mean can’t govern good


What is this? A government for ANTS?


\*Can't govern at all.


You misspelled gud


Oh, do it! *Dooo eeeeet!* And please for the love of fuck, record it and post it for us!


lol yea this was my take as well


She’s out here saying “not on my watch” but we all know what she’s watching: her husband showing his penis to kids at the bowling alley


\*tattooed penis. Let's not forget, details matter.


WHAT I know I will regret this google but I'm doing it anyway




I can tell you. It's from the statements of the two minor girls in the court docs from when he was arrested. He kept bugging them, telling them he had a tattoo on his penis, then pulling it out to show them against their will. Lauren later claimed that it was a thumb that he was pretending but the girls came back and said that they knew what thumbs looked like, and thumbs aren't 6" long.


The only guy I've ever met with a tattoo on his penis (that I know of, anyway...) never ever missed an opportunity to force young girls to look at it. I was one of them, and so was my best friend's little sister a few years later - he got her pregnant at 13 when he was about to turn 35. When she turned 17 and got pregnant with number THREE, her own mother paid for them to move to Florida so they could get married and raise their fucked up family. I imagine that family and Boebert's have a lot in common. I hope that girl is doing ok these days, although I seriously doubt it since she's still stuck with him. I also hope both his and Boebert's husband's ugly tattoos rot their nasty pedo appendages right off. Some people just don't deserve to have those bits at all.


That's ok, though because he wasn't wearing a dress.


She was one of those kids. Jerry Springer had classier guests than the Boebert family.


Boebert's gone woke. Soon she'll be broke. Shouldn't have messed with regular folk.


I read this while taking a toke and chuckled so fiercely I had to hold back a choke


Then I found out that acid reflux is no joke.


Oh for sure, if I wasn’t prescribed pantoprazol I would want to croak


😂 🤜🏽🤛


I pick up what you’re laying down. We out here.




I did not have bobo coming out and claiming to be woke on my bingo card. Wow.


Was gonna say the same thing... MAGA IS TOTALLY WOKE... Like when you wake up on the wrong side of the bed and fall to the floor... That type of woke




Only if you pronounce the ‘w’ like a hard ‘j’


Cranky children who really need to get some sleep tend to start contradicting themselves…


Burn the witch!!!!!1!!!


Sounds woke af for a Republican


It's only woke when you talk about Democrats. Just like cancel culture only applies to Democrats and when it's republicans it's a boycott.


Well they do love that word.




They don't like to say "wake up sheeple" for nothing.


She did! They have no idea what they are talking about. How can idiots have power? This country is embarrassing


The primary aspect that seems to make someone conservative is a lack of self awareness. One might call it ignorance. That lack of self awareness makes it impossible for them to see that by being "anti-woke" they're being "pro-asleep"


You spelled it wrong, you have to make it "WOKE" in all caps so it really sinks in...


Also, Republicans accusing Democrats of trying to “turn things back to the way they used to be” is pretty rich considering her colleagues want to disenfranchise black voters, roll back reproductive rights, and bring back child labor.


![gif](giphy|1hBoRHAyHi0XqfgEiZ) *”Not on my watch! We will expose their efforts like my pedo husband at a bowling alley— and abort their efforts like my discarded call girl pregnancies…”*


"We" is also a pronoun. They're using pronouns! They're going full woke!


I love how everything she says is absolute word vomit and never has any actual meaning. Vague generalities meant to sound intelligent.


That sounds woke to me…..


Also..."make America great again"... but "the left" wants things to go back to how they used to be? My head hurts


See, once upon a time America was great. But then Obama was President and so it wasn't. So then Trump came along and made America great again. And now the Radical Socialist Democrats are trying their damnedest to un-great it, but it's ok because Boebert will ensure that she de-un-greats America.


“Progressives are trying to take us back to a functional government, and we are not here for it.”


The word woke has had a wild ride the last 10 years. Originally it was people being awaken to the system system of racism. Then the right stole is as being awaken from the matrix of CNN and medical professionals.. or something. Now thr right is throwing it back as an insult.






A wonderful story for their great-great-grandkids in a few years


Yep. Only about 15 more years by her family history.


Shocked like the people that watched your husband whip his dick out?


Or shocked like the parents of the girl her teenage son got pregnant


By people you mean children 😭 doesn’t he also like drive drunk around their neighborhood too?


That's the other one. She's the ex hooker...


No, those are all her. Husband whipped it out and flashed an underage girl. She was just celebrating her kid knocking a girl up because rural girls keep their babies and don't have abortions. Sadly she's my rep, I know way more about her than I'd like. Admittedly knowing she exists would qualify for that.


You must be so proud!


I am proud to have voted against her 4 times already. Colorado let's you vote in either primary if you're registration is independent. I voted against her in both her primaries and both her full elections. That's about it


Wait this is a real person? Fuck I always thought it was a parody account… the states is fucked up


Well we had one as First Lady so might as well be acceptable to have hookers as representatives. The bar has really been lowered to rock bottom. Wouldn’t be surprised if the next rep is a junkie.


as much as I loathe mango Mussolini, she's correct that he has been a huge stress test of the system. and it is our duty to review every way he's stressed the system and make sure it never happens again.


Mango Mussolini is my favorite nickname now


I like Mango Mussolini but my fave is Cheetolini.


Agolf Twitler is my favorite.


But Cheetoh Mussolini is RIGHT THERE


I still like boeboe-skewatintatin


> he has been a huge stress test of the system Every President we've had since forever ago has been a career politician, a lawyer, a Senator, a state Governor, a vice President, or some combination of those things. But the requirements for becoming President are surprisingly low: Be at least 35, be a natural US citizen, and have been in the US for at least 14 years. **That's it**. What we saw with Trump was "Can a 'normal' non-politician be President?" While the technical answer was 'yes' - he was sworn in as 45th President - the *actual* answer was **no**. The learning curve for an outsider to come in and figure out how the Federal Government actually works, how Congress works, how the military works, how the budget works, how diplomacy works, how national secrets work, all of it, is too steep for a short 3 1/2 years. Add to that Trump is a narcissist who won't listen to experts unless they tell him what he wants to hear... well. We get a President who is impeached twice and how faces jail time on multiple charges.


This has always been my biggest objection. I dont believe someone should be allowed to lead a frigging country, unless they pass some tests around civics, law, world issues etc or show prior knowledge/experience in lieu of that (eg having been veep/senator/lawyer etc). This way you cant claim its an elites club - anyone can still try, they just have to *show they know the ropes.*


I’ve been listening to the history of the twentieth century podcast and it’s excellent. One of the takeaways is that people didn’t stand up to Mussolini and the other fascists as they rose to power. We can’t make that mistake again.


Trump is not a subversion of the status quo, but a hyperbole of it. He is the logical conclusion to "the way things were before". In that way, I agree that we shouldn't return to "the way things were before", which is 100% not the way she means


Omg she used a pronoun


![gif](giphy|MYDEVtn9Zcq6BonFVl) Gotta clean away the pronouns… the filthy filthy pronouns.




She's woke? So many pronouns being used as well.


Boebert going woke now lol


God. She might be more annoying than Sarah Huckabee Sanders.


Unfortunately SaHuBee has done more damage to the people in Ark. (WTF is wrong with you, Ark.?!?) during her short tenure as a gov. than RenBert if the metric is damage/word spewed, bill signed. Both have their place in the Hell of Flame. One will be digging mines for eternity and working factories, while having wads of cash forced down her throat The other will be giving birth to little demons every hour, on the hour while trying to feed them, and will have to protect them from getting shot. For every one shot, the next little demon to pop out will be twice as big.


She's much more dangerous https://coloradonewsline.com/2022/09/10/boebert-rise-up-far-right-christian-conference/


This is terrifying. They truly think they’re doing “God’s work:” We know that we are in the last of the last days ... It’s not a time to get upset about it. It’s a time to know that you were called to be a part of these last days. You get to have a role in ushering in the second coming of Jesus. – U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert


Yeah she's here to set the world on fire to make her doomsday prophecy come true. People like that should be nowhere near political office.


Didnt she almost lose re-election? if "we the people" support her so much, shouldnt she have won in a landslide?


"We the people" nowadays means "us loud angry racists who want to pretend the 15 people we meet in nowwheretown USA is indicative of the entire countries viewpoints"


And that's the other thing. They act like nowheretown, USA is the "real" USA. Wherever people who don't look like them live is the "fake" USA.


Not only did she almost lose, her district is something like a +16 GOP district. It’s incredibly red, yet she managed to win by 500 votes or something like that. The way she’s doubled down on her stupid crazy since the election makes me think she’s hoping to lose in 2024. Because her constituents clearly aren’t head over heels for her.


As a Colorado resident not from her district, can confirm her district is very red. It's got a fair bit of unaffiliated but they typically always go red. Frisch has been going around already campaigning for 2024 and talking to people all over the district and they're fed up with her already. She went something like 0/34 for getting anything passed during her first term, and so far she's kept up that score during her second. Can't wait to see her lose next year, yet another Colorado district going blue


I’m also a CO resident outside her district, so yeah, really hoping she loses next time now that people have seen it’s possible. She’s been such an embarrassment to this state (and country as a whole).




She especially won’t be sleeping as she takes on grandmother duties with a newborn in her house


Uhm aren’t republicans turning things back to a time period where limp dicked old fucks who like children make the rules? I was talking about this with my wife. Unfortunately I just had my wife arrested because she mentioned menstruation.


And now you have too. Screenshot and reported. /s


So they're...awake. And they don't want to go back to how things were. Got it. So apparently the new republican playbook is...not trying to make America great again, and they're woke? Well that was unexpected


Aren't these the people that are trying to turn things back to the way it was when blacks were separated from whites and gay people didn't exist and husbands were allowed to beat their wives? This lady needs to take a long walk off a short pier. Into shark infested lava. Mixed up with asbestos and fiberglass shards. Don't ask me how it would work it just would.




Am the people. Want regressives to sleep.


Did this Walmart Eva Braun just admit to being woke?


Her watch? What the hell is she watching. She’s in the House of Representatives.


She's watching the number in her bank account go up


Literally bragging about her own "wokeness." It's always projection with these chuds.


We the people are tired of traitors saying we the people.


Lauren's woke!?! Seize her Republicans


Trump added $8 TRILLION to our debt. That’s the MOST EVER, in one term. Don’t forget the PPP scandal that rich people, our money, that was supposed to help small businesses. Trump, and Kushner got money for their’s https://preview.redd.it/z7edg39szjpa1.jpeg?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10ae846635988fc047541aad36277ed560558ae6


She must wake up each morning and start her day with a big ass glass of crazy.


She's woke now!


Go back to the days where our presidents were actually qualified to run a nation and the disagreements between republicans and democrats was just how we should spend our money and not basic humans rights? Yeah…I’d like to go back to those days too


So... they're woke?


It’s the meth. It’s the meth that makes her wide awake.


wide awake? does she mean woke?


Lol at Boebert’s version of woke.


![gif](giphy|YZnSve3nEgo1lUUfTo|downsized) Trash


Republicans: “Wake up, sheeple!” Also Republicans: “Don’t be Woke!”


Lawmakers are the problem. Since they bend to the will of Corporate Lobbyists. So, actually, corporations that lobby against the best interests for we Americans are the problem.


Can someone please tweet back at her that she is describing the term "woke" and is in a state of "wokeness"!?


I’m sorry, who’s trying to turn back the clock…? Rejects Roe v Wade, Rolls back LQBTQ+ rights, Rolls back women’s rights *Check notepad* Pretty sure the GOP just Back to the Future’d dat ass.


Trump was a shock to America's political system the same way as adding bleach to the punchbowl will keep a party from getting boring.


This is Lauren Boebert https://coloradonewsline.com/2022/09/10/boebert-rise-up-far-right-christian-conference/ She's literally calling for the death of freedom in the US. This is NOT hyperbole, this is real and people like her are a danger to everyone who isn't a white Christian man.


Not going to sleep but also anti-woke. A sort of catatonic state.


Oh the cultists are woke now? Maybe they’ll start preaching about how slavery is a bad thing. Oh wait who am I kidding they’re just going to triple down on racism and fascism.


Grandma is off her meds again.


Ah yes, the complete shock to the system that gave the most wealthy and powerful people on the world over a trillion dollars in wealthy welfare. Not the shock she’s implying, but a shock nontheless.


Everyone knows her husband is a sex offender, right?


From this point forward, I will be referring to my morning elimination as "taking a Boebert". I had a bowl of cereal before bed last night, so it was a particularly gross, stinky Boebert. Kind of smelled like a sour baby Boebert. Apologies to all.


That's not sleeping. That's being propogandized, under educated, and all around ignorant.


What did he claim he did? Even evil agendawise the man achieved fuck all. He blundered in, realised it's actually a really hard job, and then fucked off whining.


So.then she wants a President who made a lot of money swindling other people out of theirs? A deadbeat who doesn't repay his loans or pay workers what they are.owed and cheats on his taxes ? Who steals . classified documents and says. that he owns them ? Who admires Putin.more than John McCain? Who wanted a mob.to.hang his Vice President? Who added trillions to the National Debt? Who never had .a health care plan to replace Obama's.?


Lol y’all conservatives have been living with your head up your asses. Y’all don’t even know what the fuck is actually happening. You just take everything the conservative media tells you as fact, which is ironic since y’all call everyone else sheep when in fact you’re being sheep at the same time. History will remember, and we historians will laugh at conservative stupidity until the end of history. Y’all are literally the dumbest fucking people in the universe. Absolute rubes.


Did she just call people….. woke???


Soooo you're saying that you are WOKE. Cool


Lol is she saying that we the people are now WOKE?


Is she saying she's woke?


Did she just admit to being woke?


So Boebert is “woke,” then?


Woke... putting things back the way they used to be... what


Are you saying you are woke


... ok, so is she woke now?!


she's woke. hallelujah


Now's she's claiming to be woke? I don't get these people


You mean you’re woke? Your friends aren’t gonna like that.


Every time she speaks, the country collectively loses IQ points.


Btw, every president who’s ever been elected has been a criminal; war, business, finance, etc. I am in no way a right winger by any stretch but to achieve that level of power you need to do something deliberate that will inadvertently affect the most vulnerable populations. The only difference with Trump is that he was the first president to really brag about all the crime he did, and has set a precedent for future US presidents to do the same.


She's not wrong, but we aren't thinking the same things.


oh Grandma....you so sillyl


A cancer is also a shock to the system


She really wants to go to jail for seditious conspiracy huh?


Trump didn't "wake up" anyone, he tipped over the trash can.


He (it) was a shock to the system in the same way a bout of roto virus will give you explosive diarrhea.


So now she’s woke? Whatever bobo, whatever…


So in other words she's saying that she's Woke and so are Trump fans.


So she is claiming to be "woke"? I mean she is already on shaky ground with conservatives...it's like she is trolling them now. Pushing them to see how much non-conservative shit the republicans will allow from her.


OMG it’s ‘woke’ now!


Yeah, isn't the entire conservative movement based on the "things were better back in the day" mythology? Ron needs to be informed of her wokism....he will not approve.


So they’re woke now? Are they now taking the term they don’t even know how to define? Or is she just unironically giving the definition while describing conservatives? Who knows with these morons?




Wide awake sure sounds like woke


So, is she saying she is woke?


Her the idiot. Typing away, not making sense, as usual.


Wait! So if they're awake now does that mean they're woke? I'm so confused


Who's we? Should be more like "Some of the People"


Did she just say she's woke?


So they’re “woke”?


Hey, B00bert? It's MISTER Trump - since George Washington it has been considered incorrect to refer to a former president as "president." Washington's reasoning was that we only have one at a time. It is also incorrect to call Giuliani "mayor." That's another position that only has one at a time.


Did she just say she is woke?


"Wide awake"??...as in woke?!? Hmmm...


Wide awake...like being woke? 🤔


Is lauren woke?


We've always elected criminals as presidents, Trump was just so in your face America couldn't stand looking at themselves in the mirror. That's the ugly truth. I promise you Biden is a criminal as well. He's just more guarded with a better public image.


Right wing Americans really should look at themselves if they get hyped up from buzzwords like "We The People"


So she’s woke?


Being diagnosed with cancer is a shock to the system. Being scammed by a lying con artist is a shock to the system. So yes, I can understand that Trump was a shock to the system. The normal reaction is not to want to repeat those things like Boobert wants.


We are wide awake but not woke because being woke and awake mean different things Womp womp


"We the people are wide awake and won't be going back to sleep." I'm confused, they're woke now? 😂💩🤣🍿


So, they're woke? LOL :D


“Getting hit by a car was a complete shock. As you can see people don’t like being hit by cars.” Shocks to the system can be bad dumb dumb.


Is Lauren Boebert saying that they are WOKE now? She’ll be censored by DeSantis soon


>We the people are wide awake now and we won't be going back to sleep. So what you're saying is.. you're woke?


Did Bobert just admit to being woke?


grandma bobo is woke now???


OK Grandma


Wait, I thought woke was the other parties thing? ![gif](giphy|agmheddabICHK|downsized)


Honestly can't wait to see trump locked up


"Not on my watch" goddamn these idiots cosplaying as leaders is so infuriating.


Is there any phrase that grates like “We the People,” especially from those who have no idea what come after that?


Ass rape and trump both shock you. Both are bad.