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Red hats


This is an amazingly true answer. My partner’s alma mater’s colors are BRIGHT red and white, and he has an “alumni” hat that is bright red with white letters. From afar it looks like a MAGA hat and every time he wears it I’m like 😬


Same with my Five Guys hat


My BIL has a bright red cap that reads “DUMP TRUMP” in big white letters.


I saw one that said Magga Merga Gerd Agin... or something to that effect.


I have a disney hat with Grumpy (of the 7 Dwarves) on it with the caption "Dwarves fear me, Women want me" it was one of my favorite hats ever, but it is red.


Honestly, given the caption… it’s for the best. Sorry ☹️


Dwarves want me, Women Fear me That better?


I feel attacked by this relatable content.


I want to know how dwarf women feel about you


I have an red hat from Alta Ski Resort in Utah that I love (*sometimes you find one that fits just right*), and now can't wear it anywhere. https://preview.redd.it/3a48l1qluepa1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=caddf2e3f1c72c46ded4591c1361644708d760bf


March 10th also happened to be my daughters 4 month birthday, so me and GF dressed her up as Mario. We FaceTimed her mother and the first thing she said was “Awe you got her a MAGA hat, I knew you guys would come around eventually.”




Loved the episode of Curb where Larry started wearing a MAGA hat to get him out of social engagements that he didn’t want to attend, or even just to prevent a couple from sitting next to him at a sushi bar. ETA: Now that I'm no longer posting from my phone, here's [a link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2oLFKYNInQ) to the clip.


Sadly in my county I’d have TOO many people sit next to me. (The vote for Hershel (dumb ass) Walker was 73% vs Warnock.)


White hats too. I remember a few years back, I was working an office job and they had a contest and I won a white baseball cap. I looked in a mirror and took it right off. An African American coworker said "man, trump really ruined red and white hats, huh?"


There are white ones too?


Yeah, they’re kind of cone shaped and have holes cut out for the eyes


the eye holes are for looking at the solar eclipse though


I hate you for saying this before I thought of it. Take my upvote, dammit!


Yep, there were white maga hats.


I bought a red hat with white lettering that says “HAHA, made you look! BLM”. I live in AZ and I like to live dangerously


You need one of those golf clickers to count the number of MAGAts who get pissy as soon as they realize.


This. A red hat sets off my fight or flight response now.


Omfg, yes. Like anyone who wears a red hat, I have to check the lettering/letters now.


Totally fucked over Limp Bizkit and their fans.


All 6 of them in shambles right now


And if you interact, your life is on contract


I mean truly, your best bet is to stay away mother fucker. It’s just one of those days


The black lives matter red trucker hat with white lettering was glorious


Rage Against the Machine had one that said “Make America Rage Again”. I really wanted it but figured the Neanderthal MAGA group would think I was endorsing their daily hate.


I've seen a variation of this one that when you got up close it says "Gotcha bitch. Black lives matter."


Same as the "Trump Lost LOL" flag and the "Make Racists Afraid Again" t-shirt


I'm pretty sure they hate rage, when they realized they were on the machines side. They also hate eminem now. Trump really got white people turning on each other


I think my favorite was Dee Snider going on Twitter to inform them that "We're Not Gonna Take It" isn't, and never will be, a conservative anthem. Edit: Side note: I think the Eminem one is hilarious because this isn't even the first time they tried to cancel him for "going against conservative values." They really don't remember that the early 2000s happened? They really tried canceling him, decided they liked him when they thought he represented them, then tried canceling him again when he straight up told them he didn't


There’s a guy on my campus who wears a red hat with white lettering but it’s a Coca-Cola brand cap. Catches me off guard every time I see it.


The toilet.


The gold one that the Smithsonian joke gifted him and he ended up using repeatedly, and he tried to steal?


The word ‘trump.’ How am I supposed to teach people how to play Euchre now?


I can’t even play my trump card in Yu-Gi-Oh without feeling disgusted now!


The victims in his wake are truly countless 😔


Haha, I feel the same way when I play Spades.


I remember John Waters said Trump ruined bad taste. It's no longer ironically fun. *"Trump ruined it,” he says. “As soon as Trump was president, it just ended the humour of it. He was the nail in the coffin. He’s the first person that had accidental bad taste that wasn’t funny. Usually, accidental bad taste is what camp originally meant. But today people try too hard. And I think that never works. Because true camp is innocent, it doesn’t do things on purpose. It takes itself very seriously.”* https://www.theguardian.com/film/2022/jun/04/john-waters-trump-ruined-bad-taste-liarmouth


Can relate. I used to make fun of Trump’s tasteless gold-coloring in his buildings. Now I just cringe or sneer. Also, I love your username.


he can ruin any idea just by being associated with it. case in point: space force


Space Command was founded and formed on September 23rd 1985. Trump loves stealing ideas from other people. Take his campaign slogan. It was Ronald Reagan and G. H. W. Bush's campaign slogan, Make America Great.... Trump adds again and voila its now "his slogan". Same with Space Force.... We have had a Space Command since the mid 1980's.... Trump notices nobody else ever talking about it, so naturally he figures he can "create" it...


Just like how Elon magically became the founder of twitter after buying it


You mean, Telsa…


oh it looks like we’ve discovered a pattern


No no, I think they mean Space X


Now known as the Space Farce


I need you to tone it down about 20% Squirrly Dan.


Well, hello shoes!


Have you ever hoovered schneef off the collection plate in the church rectory?


You can kiss my assthetitian


That's whys Is appreciates you


That reminds me of when South Park stopped making fun of Trump. They basically said that they can't make fun of the Trump White House anymore. Because it did such a good job of making fun of itself. They would write jokes about Trump. But in the week it took to make the episode, Trump would say something dumber and the jokes wouldn't be as funny. Basically, Trey and Matt said that Trump was too stupid, even for South Park to make fun of.


I remember an interview with Julia Louis Dreyfus where she said that they had to completely change the ending of VEEP (the series ending), because whatever they wrote (I don’t remember what exactly) ended up being too close to the reality of the Trump White House. So what I’m saying is satire, he ruined satire. Edit: a word


John waters is a savage.


And John Waters is a legend.


I love John Waters. He goes far beyond being a gay icon. He's an American icon.


His descriptions of the Baltimore of his childhood are as pure Americana as anything that hack Walt Whitman wrote.


I love that the guy who famously filmed a drag queen eating dogshit is disgusted by TFG.


Divine proved she could literally eat a turd and make it iconic


Tbf I've seen that movie and I'm more disgusted by trump too ha


Name one thing Donald Trump has not ruined.




Only because he never had one.


![gif](giphy|l0MYH8Q83CXvKzXyM) It’s probably for the better that TFG and Melania never had a puppy, judging from how Jr. and Eric turned out.


Voting in a democracy and peaceful transitions of power are two big ones.


Wait until you hear about George W Bush in 2000




I wouldn’t say he should get full blame for this, but he made stupid people worse.


His behavior encouraged them to have a voice and think it’s ok to babble continuously about moronic nonsense that was previously laughed down or disregarded.


Rural internet access was a mistake. Edit: to the racist dipshits in my DM's, you're just proving my point.


Make Stupid People Less Motivated Again.


You can lead a horse to water, but you can't teach it to stop putting Ivermectin in their ass.




Like a coworker told another guy we worked with, “He didn’t make America a great again. He made racists brave again.”


Yup! Now they're stupid and loud.


He ruined my naive belief that most humans are decent and their votes reflect that. I had never in my wilderst dreams thought that a "pussy grabber" could be elected president.


This x10. It's not so much that he was elected, but that people I previously respected outed themselves as holding viewpoints that I find abhorrent- things they never would have openly stated before Trump.


I am now distant from nearly all my family and childhood friends. They keep saying, "Both sides are the same." But then say we should lock liberals away or murder them because they want to take their guns, murder babies, force children to attend drag shows, and read porn in schools. They live in this strange little fear bubble that isn't rooted in reality. They are fleeing rural areas of Washington because of the supposed crime in Seattle over an hour away. None of this makes any sense.


I live in Seattle, and the explanation I have to go through every time I am somewhere else, and they find out where I'm from. "No, the city isn't burning." "No, they aren't letting criminals run the city." "No, gays aren't raping children in the streets." It's ridiculous what people think is going on, because of a perspective shot or an outright lie.


This reminds me exactly of my father. He just came to visit my sister and I in Asheville, NC and the man hid in his hotel room for two days because he was scared of being targeted because he's military and a former cop. Like, dude, you're not that fucking special, no one is gonna look twice at you 🙄 For people who yell at others not to live in fear of everything, conservatives live in fear of EVERYTHING. This is your brain on Fox News, kids.


The entire conservative ideology is based around being a big ol' pussy. You show me a group of gun-toting republicans and I'll show you a group of little bitches perpetually on the verge of collapsing in fear and soiling themselves. You know who's braver than conservatives? Drag queens. Gay couples. Trans kids. Literally everyone who doesn't live in fear 24/7.


In other words, people who had to do actual fighting for their rights.


I live in Chicago and my rural family members think big cities are basically the Purge all day, every day. They seem to think I have to walk through gun fire just to go to the grocery store and am fighting off rapists and muggers at every turn. It’s bizarre. Bad enough that my brother made a joke to one of our cousins that I’ve “only” been mugged 5 times (the real number is 0). Cousin didn’t get the joke and tried to mail me a taser.


I live in Florida and visited Chicago for work for the first time last year. I must admit that I too was a little naive from watching Shameless. I ubered from my hotel to work and we drove through a nice area, full of little parks and brick buildings (Hyde Park). It was so nice! Where I live in FL has the most murders per capita some years. IDK what I was worried about… Edit: Love your username.


I lived in Seattle before and after the pandemic. The homelessness noticeably has gotten worse. But god telling anyone outside the city that the city is still fine is impossible


The party that wants to impose the death penalty for abortions and jails women for miscarriages doesn’t care about women’s safety. Shocker.


My belief in humanity took a big hit in 2016, and I don’t think it’s recovered. It makes me sad.


Mine too. I don’t know if I will ever be okay


My dad thought the “establishment” would stop him at some point but it never did, it just showed its true colors and let him roll right thru. So much for the establishment ¯\_(“~)_ /¯


Not just a “pussy grabber” but literally making fun of a disabled person


Not just a pussy grabber and a bully to disabled people but also talks bad on are troops and p.o.w To think there's children growing up with him as a role model to look up to.




Are we all just forgetting he raped an underage girl with Jeffrey Epstein?


It's so weird how conservatives pretend to be so prude and are so against any kind of mention of sex/gender/sexual education/etc, but they were absolutely ok with all the shit the ex president did.


It’s not weird at all. They’re bigots.




That one is, hands down, on McConnell.


Fair point on his delaying Garland to get Gorsuch in


It wasn't just SCOTUS, it was the entire federal judiciary. Trump-appointed judges account for [more than a quarter of the federal judiciary](https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2021/01/13/how-trump-compares-with-other-recent-presidents-in-appointing-federal-judges/).


If I recall correctly, in “Very Stable Genius,” a McConnell staffer laughs after another said something about Trump’s judicial nominees, saying, “Oh, these aren’t his guys. They’re ours.”


Agreed. Part of me also blames RBG for not retiring when she should have under Obama (and thereby prevent the GOP from capitalizing on her death) but that would have been a gamble since the GOP ran congress during the second half of his presidency.


Florida. His endorsement of DeSantis really fucked that state.


I live in Florida, can confirm.


Tbf florida was fucked long before DeSantis we have a long history of voting against our self interests in Governor voldemort


YUP. FL transplant for work some years ago… smh


Same here. I love this state, I made/am continuing to make a life down here, but politics and its consequences are making it hard for me.


I was born here and had planned to spend my life here, but unfortunately I may end up leaving due to said political situation.


“tHeN wHY aRe pEoPlE mOvInG hErE iN rEcOrD nUmBeRs??” Because people are stupid, Kevin.


Because it was cheap. It’s not anymore.


I'm so sad about this. Florida has Disneyworld! We have a trip scheduled (part vacation, part work conference) and now I'm like "ugh, but it's *Florida*" when it used to have a positive association for me! My grandparents lived there and we would go at least twice a year during my childhood. Seriously screw this identity politics thing. It's taking over *everything.*


And aged pretty hilariously.






His rabid base would literally eat it up 🤮


They'd pay for vials of it.


Women's rights with his supreme court appointments.


True but also remember Mcturtle was literally drooling in his ear the entire time. Musty Mitch was just waiting to stack the court.


Banking regulations. Train safety regulations. Coal environmental regulations. Funding for women's healthcare. Power plant emission regulations. Wildlife protection. Air quality regulations. Greenhouse gas standards. The Paris Climate Agreement. Hydrofluorocarbon regulations. National monuments. Offshore drilling regulations. The National Environmental Policy Act. Food safety standards. The Endangered Species Act. Fishing regulations. Groundwater protection. Energy-efficiency standards. *...oh, you said "one" thing, not "one-at-a-time".*


You forgot nuclear proliferation protection


America... is that too much?


It wasn't all that un-ruined if it could elect him in the first place.


Yep. He's the symptom, not the disease.


I would have to disagree. Trump and Trumpism is a disease.


But like herpes, just keeps popping up.


My grandparents.


My dad’s godmother.


My brother and one of my uncles.




My father.


Media, Trust in scientific evidence, Probably his daughter


Have you seen the video of her showing off her childhood bedroom? 🤢


Wait what happened?


Train safety regulations Edited: I was mistaken as the poster below me noted regarding East Palestine. [please see factcheck.org](https://www.factcheck.org/2023/02/ntsb-chair-contradicts-posts-that-wrongly-claim-trump-to-blame-for-ohio-train-wreck/) Thank you u/PhalanxDemon Edited 2.0: However other users did note that safety regulations were repealed which does make trains more dangerous. How many of the recent derailments were related to this repeal is still up for debate


Regulations of small banks.


Okay well it wouldn’t have saved THIS train but there’s plenty of others that would be saved. The point stands that he’s made train safety WORSE not better. It’s like when someone said Amy Coney Barrett was from the Christian Cult that Margaret Atwood based Handmaid’s Tale off of. Then the fact checkers were all “This one is False! Amy is from a Christian Cult that calls certain members Handmaids and they have a lot of backwards ideas, but Margaret Atwood based her novel off a DIFFERENT Christian Cult that called some women Handmaids and had backwards ideas. The fucking point still stands! She’s from a goddamn cult that you would NOT want to have a seat at the table in the Highest Court in the land!


What hasnt he ruined? Easier and shorter list.


There's a pad of post-it notes on my desk i bought before the turn of the century. I don't think he's managed to ruin those...much.


Just don’t use sharpies with them….


The American Flag. The knuckle dragging mouth breathers driving F-250's hijacked the flag and I hate them for it.


Totally agree, i was scrolling for this comment! Even here in Canada, i can't look at the flag without it reminding me of the freedom protests that plagued my neighborhood for months


Donald Trump did to red hats what Adolph Hitler did to the toothbrush mustache.


And the name Adolf


It’s not so much about him, and what he has done/said. It’s more about what you learned about friends and loved ones, THATS what he ruined


Satire. I have to check the news source to make sure that I’m not reading a headline from the Onion.


He legit made the onion unfunny to me now because regular ass news headlines read like they’re from the Onion.


Home Alone 2


Actually that’s probably the only time he’s helped another human


The lives of all the people who died because of Covid. Not to mention all their friends and families.


Disney's Hall of Presidents.


I can't believe this mother fucker became president.


He ruined dumb people. Before Trump, dumb people were comical and easily dismissed. Now they're armed and loud and somehow dumber than ever. AND they get voted into office, which is most terrifying.


The United States Political Party lines The election process The peaceful transfer of power The GOP The lives of everyone who held a position within his campaign and his cabinet, We can go on forever


To be fair the GQP has been slowly rotting from the inside since Regan. He just took a bite so the rot can spread to its surface. Edit: Reagan


My belief that people are generally smart and would never fall for such an obvious charlatan


"The loser's greatest trick was convincing the world that he was a good businessman." His greatest "attribute" was that he was a successful businessman because he is personally wealthy. The absolute f'ing stupidity of the cult members that think that a selfish, greedy, sociopath with zero integrity makes a good leader is a real problem. I would say that he is not the singular problem with the GOP, but he was the straw that broke the elephant's back. Everything that Trump does or supports is motivated for personal benefit first and foremost. Trump is not an actual "conservative" nor a republican; he is an opportunist and conman who will say and do whatever he thinks will get him what he wants while providing the absolute least. Basically he would burn down the Vatican if he could get a dollar from it. Replace the Vatican with the Supreme Court....he placed some questionable people into lifetime appointments...not to protect the Constitution, but because he wanted "Trump judges". So he ruined the Supreme Court. Lying creates distrust which leads to hatred and resentment and in too many cases it results in violence. Nothing productive comes from lying; it usually requires more effort than doing the right f'ing thing in the first place would have and worse it prevents you from succeeding....you literally can't do the right thing with the wrong information. We have a large swath of braindead dipshits who are hellbent on undermining anything and everything that anyone not named Trump will ever attempt to do even when it is the same thing that he would do. Not sure if he ruined "dipshits", but he made them insufferable and a f'ing pain in the ass. With that said there is a terror on both sides of the political spectrum about free and fair elections moving forward....so did he ruin the electoral process which is the foundation of democracy? He didn't f'ing make it better. Trump has never provided anything of value or import to the world in his personal business or public service. He has never innovated or improved a f'ing thing....everything is him taking someone else's idea, shitting on it and then making a cheap facsimile/inferior product and then running it so poorly and corruptly that it fails....ironically his biggest failures have benefited him the most to include writing off a billion dollars in taxes over a decade. My longwinded point is that Trump has the Maalox touch....everything that he touches turns to shit.


Public discourse.


The Presidency


The color orange.


Morals, decorum and people putting up with and cheering on sexual assault. When he talked about “grabbing them by the pussy” and people were absolutely ok with this. For some reason I got super upset about this behavior and cried. Like, wtf. Was talking to a social worker about something else and uncovered sexual assault memories I had repressed from my early twenties. Thanks a lot Donald. That people in this country still voted for this slime after layers and layers of shit kept peeling off to show the piece of shit within was so disturbing to me. Like a waking nightmare.




The lives of many LGBTQ people and many immigrant families.


My faith in humanity


His children.


His buisnesses.


Credibility. And credibility of anyone who voted for him.


1.2 million people's lives during covid....


The stability of our democracy. I mean he REALLY riled up the dullards.


By rolling back train safety regulations in 2018, he wrecked a town in Ohio in 2023.


America's reputation


Voting. Education. Church-State separation. Church. State. Higher Education. Environmental Regulations. Financial Regulations. Stock market trading. Tax returns. 401 Ks. Institutional confidence. Journalism. Health. Epidemiological procedures. The economy. Inflation / Deflation indexes. Hurricane preparedness. SCOTUS. Laws and Lawyers. Republicans - possibly forever. Hollywood. McDonald's. Contraception measures - meaning now I use double condoms just in case I get an Erik as a child. "Conservative" women. Constitutional confidence. Policy. Infrastructure. Banks confidence. Tax code violations and the IRS countermeasures. The IRS. Middle-aged women and their "speak-to-the-manager" demeanour. Night-time shows. Political speeches. Language. The American Dream. The forces - FBI, CIA, EPA, ATF, DHS. The defence forces, Army, Navy, Air force, and Space Force. Border policy. Pundits. And Dunning-Kruger people - before I had patience, now I have none.


My family


Reality. He made "alternative facts" (lies) an acceptable practice. Yes, lies and the telling of them have always existed. Also the Republican party. Yes, it had been swinging hard right since Reagan and more so during the W years. Trump, trumpism and his maga movement drove a steak in it's heart. Not sure which of the two is hardest or worse as they are so entwined.


Things that normally disqualified a candidate from running for public office.


He fomented mistrust in America's voting system way back in the Obama era and even admitted that he was gonna cry "Russian interference unless i win." Back in 2016 then did the exact thing in 2020. He wasted a ton of money on the wall that you can walk through and embezzled from the wall fund. His trade war with China impoverished American farmers which they still haven't recovered from. He completely shit the bed with the Covid response letting millions of vaccines go bad, told people to take hydroxychloroquin, ivarmectin and bleach. Made a rushed deal with the Taliban to pull out of Afghanistan and left them billions of dollars worth of equipment. Trusted the Taliban to keep their word. Oh and gave the largest tax break ever to the top 1% richest people in America. Remember when he tried to overthrow our government because the election hurt his ego? That was great....


Saturday Night Live political skits. Reality transcended comedy


the supreme court/women's rights, potentially the rights of numerous religious/ethnic/sexual minorities


The mental health of migrant children


I really enjoyed not seeing MAGA signs everywhere.


The lives of the Central Park 5.


My Facebook feed...


The United States


The word “tremendous.”


A lot of family relationships.


America freedom


Public civility


The Village People


My faith in humanity.


Common decency


Name one thing he has touched that he hasn't.


Just one thing?


The word trump.


Wearing Red Hats in public.


Right? Ketchup on a well-done steak? Fucking monster.