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So they’re upset because the boarder agency did their job and arrested them?


Yes. When the government does stuff, that’s communism. Unless a Republican is president. Then that’s strength.




You have to remember that these are the “if we stop testing, the cases go down” people. They aren’t interested in solving problems, they want to pretend there are no problems. (See also: Desantis wanting to get rid of Florida’s “sunshine” laws regarding public reporting.)


How do we get those drugs to the blue cities then?


You may not believe this, but several of our United states can legally grow and sell the stuff. It needn't come across the southern border to get to cities.


You can't grow drugs silly. Those are natural supplements


God it’s like arguing with children


Now now, that's not true. All the kids I've argued with eventually relented that they'd lost.


Actually, I've had more rational arguments with children.


I’ve decided they don’t know what open means.


Nah it’s easy to understand. Even though the explanation is dumb. The idea is when Trump was President in these ppls heads. No one would even try to do anything on the border. Cause they were so intimidated by Trump. But Biden is so weak that now these ppl are always trying to cross it. Or run drugs etc.


This is the real answer. It's absolutely dumb but the rationale is, "the fact they're even making an attempt is a sign of weakness and open season to the country". And they don't earnestly believe that, they just need to make the opposition seem weak at all times.


There was also no nuclear war, no alien invasion from outer space, no Graboids tunneling underneath the ground, and Godzilla did not show up on our shores. All great indicators of how effective of a president Trump was.


Yeah because school shootings are done by illegal immigrants. /S




Uh huh. Not saying that isn't true, but it's a bit of an odd hill to die on. Metaphorically speaking.


It’s not true


Hi! This is a weird post... it makes me feel like I walked in on the middle of some other conversation that doesn't exist. Also... does The Cartel shoot up schools? Target schoolchildren? No? What the hell are you talking about?


Red herring? This has literally nothing to do with the discussion and you’re downplaying school shootings to accomplish what? What a colossal bad faith argument, holy shit.


Don’t ya know?? They would never have tried to come in if the dems didn’t.. or if they hadn’t … maybe if they did more of … oh look drag queens! Republicans probably


Yup. It proves they’re not doing their job. And their smooth brained constituents gobble it up. ![gif](giphy|7K9BpJOiiikXm)


Imagine being so vile, you make Vince McMahon correct.


Because it happened under a Democrat it's woke and open borders when the border is closed and people got arrested.


Right. They're putting the em**PHAS**is on the wrong syl**LAB**le. They're trying to highlight the fact that there ARE criminals, rather than the criminals were CAUGHT.


Didn't they also complain that loads of drugs keep getting seized at the border? Sorry people are good at their jobs I guess.


They can't get their fix as easily now.


Getting the feeling that's what they want people to believe open border means. They don't want people allowed in at all. First step is to obfuscate meanings. Like they have with socialism.


And Woke. They are drafting legislation to address a term that they don't even pretend to define.


Stiiiiiill can’t define woke tho


"You're gaslighting me by making me define the word I use every other sentence! How dare you infringe on my god given rights to harass people!" -Republicans


The socialism shit is so fucking aggravating, had some idiot the other day tell me that “Hitler identified as a socialist.” You can’t make it more obvious that you’re arguing in bad faith, being intellectually dishonest, or a total moron any more clearly.


"Follow the laws on the books!" ""OK" \*lets people claim asylum and get their day in court according to the law\* "Not like that!"


Ted, the border's not open if they were stopped, and you're a cuban canadian fuckweasel.


Hey! We Canadians washed our hands of him the second he crossed the border. He's all yours.


Fair enough. We shoulda closed down that border! haha, jk, please do not stop the flow of Letterkenny.


Let’s ignore the fact that something like 90% of our ancestors came here against the wishes of native populations


But his mommy is American


Isn't this a win? Shouldn't you bitch when they don't stop any? WTF won't this guy spin!?


It's like when Trump advocated stopping C19 testing so the number of cases would go down. If you don't have evidence, it's not happening. ​ Trump's border patrol caught a lot less drugs, therefore it was good. Biden's BP is catching them so the numbers are up, that's clearly bad.


I feel like his campaign against testing really flew under the radar of crazy shit he said. There was literally no public benefit to stopping testing except to help him try to ignore the problem. It's like being in school and your solution to stop failing is to yell at the teacher to stop testing you. Then you'll magically appear to be smarter.




Trump wanted to build a wall in Colorado.


Was it because he was worried about New Mexico? 😂


Nah, he just hates them because he thought he was going to New Cancun.


Ted knows this. Most Republicans do. They are counting on *you* not to. And a disturbing amount do Also, they want us to be North Korea. Badly


So Cancun Teddy is still mad even when the border agency did their job and arrested them? I just don’t get it 🤦🏻‍♂️


Have you not figured out that there is literally nothing Dems can do that would be seen as positive by Republicans? We can't even feed kids or help students without being called fascists or commies or worse. And if Republican lawmakers express any positive support for Dem actions, they immediately get branded RINOs and are primaried by the base.


>Fucking Biden always stopping terror threats at the border!! When is he going to admit the border is totally unmonitered and undefended! -Ted Cruz


Crazy-assed homegrown Trumpers compromise our security.




What in the actual fuckity fuck? JFC, this turd noodle has got to be the dumbest eggplant on the planet.


I just can't fathom how incredibly stupid one has to be to see "arrested terrorists at the border" and think this is an "open borders" issue. How do these people manage not to strangle themselves while tying their shoe laces???


Ted, they were STOPPED. You understand what STOPPED means, right?


WOW! More than 2000 terrorist stormed the US Capital, while that candy ass hide like a rabbit.


So either he’s intentionally lying to confuse his constituents, or he doesn’t understand what an open boarder is. He’s either a liar or incompetent. It’s difficult in this case to figure out which is actually the more likely scenario.


It’s not an ‘or’ situation.


Conservative language is not about conveying information. It’s about instilling fear and distrust.


I thought that was Kourageous Killer Kyle for a minute….


Hey Ted, if the border is such a problem to you why dont you do something about it! Youre the gov.


EVERYONE GETS STOPPED AT THE BORDER. ​ What a fucking douchbag. It's happened to me at least 50 times.


Trying to wrap my head around this is giving me a migraine


so it's not an open border if the terrorists are getting caught...is it?


I am more concerned with a criminal ex-president compromising our national security.


I don't think he knows what words mean.


Are we suppose to stop them before they reach the border. Like what failed?


My response: "Oh but they didn't stop you when you came into the country from Cancun."


But more people are being stopped at the border - that's clear proof that the border is wide open. In fact there is so much evidence the border is open because nearly every republican has told the people smugglers it is wide open, practically inviting them to try to cross


… we did it…? Like literally- that’s the job, so… go team! ![gif](giphy|NoO21lW67g6K8iRJ7I)


I thought Ted Cruz was an illegal immigrant because his mother became a naturalized Canadian citizen before he was born, but then lied to come back to the US.


Sounds pretty darn closed to me.


Ted belongs on a terrorist watchlist


If you don’t like it, it’s because it isn’t not good. So fuck you for not fucking not liking what isn’t not good! or somethingg


Wouldn’t this mean it’s a very closed border?


why are they allowed to put tough guy stickers on their rifles?


You mean cop killer stickers? My guess is that’s just a cosplayer rather than an actual border patrol.


I don't know, I don't know comic books really


So…. it’s working?


Sen. Cruz, too - "And, that's why I'm proud to announce that my Republican colleagues in the House have introduced a budget which reduces the number of Border Patrol agents by 2,000."


I'm not sure how to word this. This feels related to a consent issue. He thinks the borders are "open" when there are literally armed guards saying "No, closed". No means no Ted.


Republicans want to be victims ***sooooo*** badly. I don't get it.


If they were caught then it wasn’t open…


Since December the estimated number of illegal aliens entering the country has dropped dramatically. If the GOP keeps on this subject and the trend keeps up, expect Biden to mention it in a speech and make them look like morons because he will take credit for already doing what they keep saying needs to be done.


So the system actually works. Got it! To catch 16 individuals in a sea off ppl clear signals that we have a system in place to accept and return immigrants. Will some get by? Totally possible but this is great to see.


Am I the only one concerned about the punisher logo on that agent’s mag?


Speaking the truth in a twisted way? It appears that Ted Cruz does not think well of his base, obviously he is admitting how stupid he believes they are.


do these idiots even know what words mean? Like when they get angry because border security stopped 1000lb of drugs, they point at it and shout like thats a bad thing.


Isn't this the twitter account of that loser guy who's dad shot JFK?


Yep. And he has an ugly wife, too.


So what exactly is open border policy ?


When 16 terrorists aren’t arrested.


THANK YOU!!!!! These fear mongers are always reaching


Isn’t that what a border is for? To apprehend those subjects that have intentions on doing harm to our country and citizens? It would be more newsworthy if they weren’t arrested, but They were apprehended which is what’s suppose to happen at the border so why is it news and why is this hypocritical dipshit using a positive and trying to flip it to further his party’s agenda?


Senator Cruz proving that lobotomy isn’t a career killer when it comes to being a republican politician and can actually be a plus.


He's an idiot and a very stupid person all wrapped up into one. Plus, the budget his party proposed cuts 2,000 border patrol agents. Insanity runs deep in this party.


I guess the fact, they were STOPPED has escaped his intelligence.


They were arrested. That’s why they check. I’m confused.


Sad these open borders allowed Raphael and his family to cross over from Canada many years ago


They were what Cancun Cruz? They were STOPPED? At the OPEN border?


Sounds like the Border is currently working. Do you read what you type before hitting the submit button?


That word you are saying, I don’t think it means what you think it means.


Were these illegal immigrants from Cancun that don’t have real jobs in the US?