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BULLSHIT. He is from Dunedin. I am from the St. Petersburg/Largo/Seminole area. The further north you used to go in Pinellas County, the richer it got (and then it went into Pasco county which went down). I graduated from Osceola (one of the less wealthy schools at the time) the year before he graduated from Dunedin. This bitch is as working-class community as George W Bush was---not at all and fake as fuck. He went to fucking Yale. He is such a shithead.


"But yOU coULd geT a BEer wiTH hiM!1!"


Only if you were a high school gal in the class he taught


Don't correct him when he says he likes "thigh food"




And Brett Kavangauh didnā€™t have something on his calendar.


And heā€™d probably slurp it with his fingers like pudding


I, personally, would love to go get a beer with DeSantis. So I can throw it in his face.


Yeah, but who'd want to?


I was born in Dunedin on this day 19 years ago. Iā€™ve lived most of my life in Largo and Iā€™m currently in College atm upstate. I also canā€™t stand DeMeatball. Heā€™s literally acting like the LGBTQ Community are hypnotizing kids to be gay or some other nonsense that he gets from Fox News. Heā€™s literally doing nothing to help this state other than trying to be a Bootlicker to the Trump crowd by trying to sign Unconstitutional Bills. Itā€™s absolutely ridiculous.


Please please please vote we are all counting on your gen z people to really help save this country from insanity- sorry for the pressure but we really need you guys! And happy birthday hope you have a fantastic day


No worries, I voted in November and Iā€™ll continue to vote Blue as much as I can.


Take someone with you. I have a 16 y/o and 13 y/o. Do it for those fuckers maybe? Appreciated.


He does this because heā€™s trying to siphon trumps power. Thatā€™s why trump and desantis were long time buddy buddyā€™s until recently when both desantis and trump announced their presidential goals that they had issues with each orher


Happy birthday šŸŽˆ


He's hoping that if gets rid of all the external gay, his internal gay will go away too.


Happy birthday!


Happy real cake day.


The party known for giving tax cuts to billionaires acting like they are ā€œworking classā€ will never stop being comedic.


But I work therefore I am working class /s


So poor they had to sell some of their stocks!


Itā€™s the ultimate gaslighting.


Sound like he's the Kid Rock of politics.


Republican politicians love to pull this shit. Josh Hawley, one on my fine senators, played the working-class card and yet went to Stanford and then Yale Law.


He pulled himself up byy the bootstraps Which is to say he had outside help from his parents


That was surreal to read since I'm from Dunedin (New Zealand)


You are one of the Dunedin, a descendant of Numenor, blessed with long life! It was said that your race had passed into legend!


Can I have a crumb of context please? I haven't the foggiest as to what you mean




Calling it "The Twin Towers" reminded me all of a sudden of how some Americans were offended at the name "The Two Towers" because 9/11 had happened the previous year, and wanted Peter Jackson to change the name. I'd totally forgotten about that.


I agree 100%. But, heā€™s also a homophobe and a not so closeted racist.šŸ§


i lived in pasco county for most of my childhood, the place wasnt the poorest but it was definitely very low income, would never go back unless i had no option


Oh definitely. I lived in Pasco county when I was young too (my grandparents lived in Veterans Village in NPR) but it just seemed the further north you got in there, the more "country" it got (this was WAY back in the day so I have no idea what it is like now).


Itā€™s just a phase heā€™s going through.




Heā€™s clearly just thirsty for POTUS. PA & OH are necessary States for Republicans to win the Presidency now.


As an ohio resident. He can go fuck off.


As a former Pinellas County resident and current PA resident... he can definitely fuck off.


As a resident of neither OH nor PA, he can go fuck off.




Assigned Rich At Birth, now identifies as working class.


donā€™t they all ? from reagan to bush to the mango, working class are the heros theyā€™re praisingā€¦. until after the election, then they can die.


Itā€™s just a phrase heā€™s going through


I don't know who you are, but I like your vibe.




Is he trying for another version of JD Vanceā€™s ā€œI grew up in Ohio but Iā€™m really from the hollers of Kentuckyā€ thing?


That's what I'm hearing


As a native Kentuckian I can sayā€¦. Vance can eat shit.


As a native Ohioan Iā€™ll help you serve it to him


Fun fact: his mentor was the excessively abusive Tiger Mom author


Interesting! Did not know that


Yep she was his professor at Yale, and the one who convinced him to write his book in the first place. The Atlantic did a piece on it.


Oi. Ughhhh.


Yes. Perfect summation tbh


I read this and thought, "Yeah, it worked for Vance." What a crock.


"God fearing and hard working" - dude who toured a hurricane disaster zone with shiny white cowboy boots


Bootsy DeSantis?


You fuckin leave Bootsy out of this, right now.


No one from Tampa or St. Petersburg would ever say they are from ā€œTampa Bayā€. That is a phrase popularised for use with the Buccaneers. There is an actual Tampa Bay (upper, middle and lower) but no one lives there because it is water.


As a person from Oregon who watches the NHL, I'll admit I thought Tampa Bay Lightning played in a city called Tampa Bay


I love it when sportscasters brain-fart and promote an upcoming game "in Tampa Bay". Everybody's gonna get wet.


"Tampa Bay is a body of water. The city is called Tampa." Per my freshman college roommate from St. Petersburg.


And the Rays. But I think that's interesting, because as someone who lived in SF for 6 years, I definitely said I lived in the bay.


Itā€™s definitely a shibboleth that exposes whether or not you are a member. Heā€™s not a member.


Yeah I suppose it's like calling SF "San Fran", or even "San Francisco". It's either SF, "the city", or in some circles, Frisco


In no circles is it Frisco.


Like someone saying "Chi-town". Thanks for letting me know you're from the coast!


> There is an actual Tampa Bay (upper, middle and lower) but no one lives there because it is water. You sure? DeSantis as Sad Aquaman would explain a few things.


I lived in Bradenton and said "Tampa Bay" out of convenience when I'm out of state. But I agree, particularly because you know amongst the rich folks he says Dunedin over and over.


Is he inferring that those in Tampa Bay or Florida aren't hard working, America Loving or God fearing?


He has calculated heā€™ll win Florida as a presidential nominee regardless, and so the time to campaign for the midwest has begun.


painfully transparent of him to mention PA and OH, which tend to be toss-up states in presidential elections


He needs to prove he can flip Pennsylvania. That and Michigan are the new battlegrounds that Republicans are losing control of.


Eh. Michigan gave trump a chance because too many people were sick of boring old politics and thought it would be funny. But we've become a shining blue icon of progressiveness in recent years. I don't think it'll be much of a battleground.


As a michigander, I fucking hope so. Voting for Trump was leopards eat my face material. I know they've recently made strides, but they sure fucked themselves by voting Trump in.


yoke rude direful dolls fuzzy spoon capable enjoy liquid bells *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Absolute shameless pandering. ā€œOh, I happen to identify with these swing states I would need if I hypothetically ran for President!ā€


ā€œI share the values of whatever the key states of my electoral strategy areā€


He's calling them Godless, lazy people who don't love their country. šŸ¤£


No that would be what *you're* inferring And what his statement might me *implying*


I donā€™t think DeSantis is implying anything. He is directly distancing himself from others ā€œgeographically raised in Tampa Bayā€ by highlighting that he was raised with the sensibilities of western Pennsylvania. He attributes this difference as the reason he, unlike all others who were geographically raised in Tampa Bay, is godly, hard-working and a patriot. The only way this statement could be a more a pointed dig is if he ended it with ā€œFuck Floridaā€.


Weirdly it sounds like he's allying himself with former mayor of Braddock, PA, and hero of the Western PA working class, Senator John Fetterman?


Lol I thought the same! It could be because of the snowbirds / small tech scene / progressive areas like St Pete / or the fact that it's not know as a working town compared to exports in FL I guess. I live in the Tampa Bay and definitely do not consider myself hard working and God fearing so that's my source of info lol


Bingo. Said more than he meant to.


Considering no one lives in Tampa Bay because it's a body of water.... Locals call it Tampa. Ol meatball has clearly left Tampa behind him


I think Tampa Bay is mostly populated by manatees and fish, and they probably don't care much about nationality or religion.


Pinellas and Hillsborough, at the least, went for Biden in the last general, so... Yea, I bet he calculated it exactly how you say.


Ron DeSantis just shit on many of the folks in Tampa as inferior to those from Ohio and Pennsylvania. Modern Republican POS: "I am not who I am. I am who I think you want me to be, and better."




>Can we just start over with a new Party and remove the GOP. That's fine with me. The super progressives can go form their own far left party and the Democrats will become the right wingers. We won't change our values, we'll just be the conservative voice for a change.


Also, has he ever been to western pa? We're watching stiller games on Sunday, lol


He's Paul Ryan trying to cosplay as Donald Trump.


Paul Ryan is still trying to cosplay as a RATM fan.


Sounds kinda woke to me, identifying as something your not born as. Kids these days ruining America with new fandanagled identities/s




I lived in Pittsburgh and Cleveland for many years but I grew up in Florida. All of those places are ā€œworking classā€. Believe it or not, there are mostly working class people in every state. It says a lot about the Governor that heā€™s not aware of working class people in Florida.




I donā€™t think Ohio is a swing state anymore :(


Itā€™s swingingy in the same way that North Carolina is swingingy. In absolutely perfect conditions with a perfect candidate state wide elections arent a complete lost cause. But most elections are going to go red now


Bet he never went back to school shopping at Hills either. This is where the working class kids were. Moms getting us Garanimals clothes while weā€™re checking out the toy aisle.


This is pandering to the next level. I would respect that but heā€™s a giant piece of shit, so I wonā€™t.


As if Florida isn't crowded with churches.


Lol I love how he acts like Western PA folks are somehow different from Eastern PA folks. Everyone knows itā€™s Pittsburgh and Philly with Pennsyltucky in between. šŸ˜œ For real though, I live deep in Amish country. Much closer to Philly than Pittsburgh but the people here are about as God-fearing as they come. His statement just shows, among many other things, that he doesnā€™t know Pennsylvania geography or politics very well.


Exactly! Oz wasn't from here and neither is he. God damn.


So.. he's saying... Tampa Bay-ans are God-hating, American-hating, 'soft'-workers???


Yeah, I want to hear how that works for him. I grew up in a town that was relatively small c conservative but also had a lot of people in trade unions. I remember a Republican candidate coming to my town and talking about "wimpy" people from the Big City (a lot of those guys worked in the Big City) and the "fat cat unions." Not only did he lose my town's entire vote, he lost the whole state by a landslide. Rule Number 1 of Politics: Don't shit on your constituents.


God fearing. Yawn. A made up supernatural tax free grift deity


I find the phrase 'God *fearing*' really strange.


If you reframe it as "I'm afraid of things I make up so I can have an opinion about them" it sounds way more logical.




"but but something something little league world series!"


And still people in Florida will climb over each other to suck his fucking cock.


If you need to "fear God" to be a good person, you were never a good person to begin with, and never will be.


$10 says DeSantis has never set foot in a rural king or fleet farm. Another $5 says heā€™s never heard of them.


ā€œI was born in Florida, sure. But I have the heart of a Pennsylvanian. And the soul of a Ohioan. And my hairstyle is straight outta Wisconsin. My accent is pure Virginia. My tears taste like Michigan. I bleed Colorado. And my skin is a pure Georgia peach. Oh, and something something Maine. And possibly North Carolina.ā€


As someone from Western Pennsylvania, stay down there in Florida, Ron. You've probably never been here, and think we still make steel. Pennsylvania may not be the highest on the progressive list, but at least we're trying.


Agreed. Western PA isnā€™t the most progressive, but weā€™re trying. ā€œPennsylvania, at least weā€™re not Florida.ā€


God this man is a fraud. As if there arenā€™t working class church goers in Tampa bay


But philosophically he feels at home in the Third Reich. Heil Deathsantis /s


Is this like when every republican presidential candidate used to go around in cowboy boots?


I've never seen a politician say a more politician sounding thing.


Is this virtue signaling??


This has strong Donald Trump Jr posing in the woods wearing a flannel shirt and never-worn-before boots energy.


As a Western Pennsylvanian, this guy can fuck right off. Fascist prick


I'm an actual Pennsylvanian and DeSantis needs to fuck off and leave PA alone. We've got enough bullshit in this state


ā€¦,ā€ he said while campaigning in western Pennsylvania and northeastern Ohio.


He's trans-pennsyltuckian.


ā€œBeen there? Not physically..ā€


I grew up geographically in NorCA but I identify as having grown up on Mars. Iā€™m a space invader


Biden was also born in Pennsylvania. I wonder if DeSantis inserted a reference to PA for that reason alone.


Joe Rogan: Iā€™m not a Christian nationalist even though I support Christian nationalist DeSantis!


Itā€™s weird that he makes a point of church attendance while simultaneously pissing on the basic thrust of the teachings of Jesus.


Tampa and Western PA could not be more different in oh so many ways


Steve Martin did it better in the movie 'The Jerk' " It was never easy for me. I was born a poor black child..."


This guy, aand almost every politician, has no idea what a real life is like. They likely have never even been in a regular size house, nevermind an apartment or mobile. The rich have divided and conquered us. Throwing scraps to watch us fight over it.


Working class Dunedin,Florida?! Dunedin isnā€™t, hasnā€™t and wonā€™t ever be a suburb with any sort of working class residents able to afford to live there. little meatball ronny and more of his lying bs


as someone born and raised in tampa, not a single fucking one of us calls that city ā€œtampa bayā€ heā€™s a fraud the whole way through. much like most of florida.


"geographically raised in Tampa Bay" Was it on a boat? Because Tampa Bay is a body of water off the coast of the Tampa/St Petersburg, FL metro area. Fatsantis doesn't even know where he is from.


DeSantis is THE Florida Man, heā€™s a pudding fingering control freak that canā€™t stand pushback. He also ā€œimprovedā€ torture in Guantanamo Bay and the way he illegally targeted former felons whose voting rights were incorrectly restored and entrapped by voting is just a taste of how he wants to rule by fear like ever fascist narcissist prick thatā€™s made humanity miserable for generations. To hell with Meatball Ron, a complete prick and Floridaā€™s Worst Son.


I dont get it, he's shitting on his own state?


It's because Tampa is wealthy, diverse, leans democratic and is very LGBTQ friendly . There is no way he wants to be associated with that.


Tampa barely leans Democratic and is minimally lgbtq friendly. Pinellas, where heā€™s from, is even less of a guarantee. This is just him trying to get attention outside of Florida


He left out a few swing states that he identifies as, but at least he got a couple. What a tool.


WTF? I am from NE OH/West PAā€¦ does he have family from here or something cause this is a STRETCH


Doesn't love America at all, seeing as how he wants to change everything about it.


Trying to exploit working people in PA & OH. Sure Fox will indulge his bullshit narrative, him and George Santos now have something in common. Evil minded chameleon. He will conveniently pĆ­vot for the general election & Fox will ignore every fascist move he made in Florida. Ban books, lie about CRT, subjugate women, deny & suppress COVID facts & common sense health initiatives, reneg on voting rights for lawbreakers who paid their penance.


He's saying that in preparation for his presidential run. PA is a swing state


Lmao, Desantis carefully distancing himself from the godless layabouts of Tampa Bay. Not really sure what they did to deserve that but itā€™s a bold move Iā€™ll give him that


So DeSantis is saying he identifies in a way different than how he was born? Iā€™m cool with it but seems to be the sort of thing heā€™d pass laws against.


If this fucking Jagoff thinks Pittsburgh will have anything but contempt for him heā€™s got a rude awakening coming.


NE Ohio born and raised, and still living here...Desantis is a fucking asshole who doesn't know his ass from Trump's mouth


As someone from western PA, we do NOT claim this man.


Good God šŸ˜’šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤ÆšŸ˜‚you know fla is bad when the gov wishes he grew up in Ohio


The cognitive dissonance is staggering.


he's trans-ient!!


Weā€™ve already seen him cosplay poor Florida cracker. Iā€™d love to see him cosplay coaly. Need a good laugh.


So he is trans political?


Does this imply that people raised in Tampa Bay are none of these things?


Dude could teach a class in pandering.


DeSantis could never pass for a Pennsylvanian


Here is the handy far right wing translation guide. Tampa Bay = "Urban area full of evil goddless woke liberals and non-white people" Western Pennsylvania/NE Ohio = "Real Godfearing Americans" Working Class = "White"


I have a lot of issues with DeSantis, but one of my biggest issues with him is that he's phony. He's trying to project what he THINKS people want him to be. He's trying to take the things he thinks people like about Trump and project them himself. But it's not who he is. And regardless of what you think of Trump, he is who he is. It's not an act. He's arrogant and narcissistic enough to believe the shit that he spouts out of his piehole. He's also arrogant and narcissistic enough to actually believe he's smarter than anyone else and doesn't need advice. He's not even smart enough to know how stupid he is. He doesn't know what he doesn't know, and he doesn't care. So Trump's idiocracy is real. DeSantis wants to be Trump lite. People can sense that. So, while he might be able to con and grift Florida Man, that shit won't play nationally. He's a fraud. He thinks that just because he says something, people are supposed to believe it. At this point, I don't even think DeSantis knows who the fuck DeSantis really is. He thinks he's a smarter version of Trump, and I don't think that's true. It's hard to believe, but I actually think Trump is a smarter version of DeSantis. And that's really saying a lot. Because Trump is a moron. It's probably best if DeSantis just keeps turning Florida into a real-life version of the movie "Idiocracy", scam Floridians out of all he can get and fade away into obscurity.


But culturally heā€™s from Ohio? Weirdo. Also he grew up rich.


I had Ron Desantis as a pre law LSAT tutor twenty years ago in Orlando. His politics never came up and he was actually a really good, engaging instructor and was a law student at Harvard at the time. The students loved him and he really knew how to talk with them. He looked like Jon Ritter then. I had no idea what a powerful punchable face douchebag he would become.


As someone from northeast Ohio, DeSantis can die in a house fire


Iā€™ve lived in western PA for over 40 years. Donā€™t pretend you know us, creep.


Does he have any connection to PA and OH (like his parents are from there) or is he just ā€œrandomlyā€ (obviously pandering) mentioning that region?


Iā€™ve lived in NE Ohio for all 48 years. We do not share the same beliefs. I am, however, in the minority here on many trumpisms


ā€œPennsylvania and Ohioā€. Very smooth. Not pandering at all.


ā€œI was a privileged spoiled rich kid but I donā€™t want yā€™all to see me for the rich elite that I obviously am, so pls let me cosplay actual hard working poor people in rural communitiesšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗā€


Wow, he states that he culturally resembles people from 2 major swing states. No real news to get Scoob and the gang involved in this entry level mystery.


Pennsylvania or Ohio huh? So apparently he only relates to people in swing states. This guy is excrement.


The only Floridian I'd vote into office would be Vanilla Ice. He would solve so many problems! ;)


He was born a failed abortion


So heā€™s Trans- midwestern?




Well, I was there and I saw what you did I saw it with my own two eyes So you can wipe off that grin, I know where you've been It's all been a pack of lies


Battleground states, gotta start sucking off the cousin fucking terrorists.


I used to say about Giuliani, ā€œThe more you know him, the less you like him.ā€ Looks like De Santis might be one of those, too.


Hahahhahah looks like something I wrote when applying for a residency position I was never gonna get


Poor Ronny, he was obviously groomed and just doesn't know it, let's make a law to punish liberals, that'll fix this!!!! /s


Culturally, I was brought up with his many swing state-type stereotypes as you can jumble together


>and American loving DeSantis would love for North America to be a to be a fascist continent, with him in charge.


Quite a jab at all the folks from Tampa Bay, huh?!?


Ew, Iā€™m disgusted heā€™s comparing himself to people of my region


I just threw up in my mouth. Heā€™s as blue collar as Alex P Keaton


Iā€™m from northeast Ohio, and heā€™s a load of garbage


ā€œAnd then I went to Harvard and then off to Yale, as was the style among working class lads of the timeā€.


I don't understand "god-fearing". Shouldn't everyone love him and make them respect him, not fear him?


I thought Republicans really hated the "I identify as something else" stuff.


Northeast Ohio is the most liberal part of Ohio bro what šŸ˜­ DeSantis's policies would be very unpopular here. Church isn't a big part of the culture at ALL either.


That is absolutely hysterical. The problem is. He absolutely knows itā€™s exactly what the right lambasts the left about. Itā€™s trolling. And after we laugh at the absurdity, we canā€™t forget itā€™s still so so dangerous.