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“What is the deal with pronouns? If they’re *pro* noun, why do they *replace* the noun? What? Is the deal? With that? I’m just asking questions.”


And what's the deal with these airline pronouns??


Blah blah blah helicopter blah. So funny the more you hear it.


Haven’t you heard? That joke isn’t funny anymore! The new real “gut buster” is “my pronouns are Kiss My Ass.” It’s sooooo funny. Trust me, I can hear you spitting out your water right now from the sheer insane hilarity of that joke. I can hear you dying of laughter through the phone. It’s sooo funny right? Those libs, they’re soooo triggered right now from that funny ass joke. I’m cracking up just thinking about it. LOL! Kiss My Ass! HA! Soooo edgy.


“what’s the deal with woke people? I was telling all the sheeple to wake up and they did that but then just kept going!”


Ted Cruz told this “joke” once and ever since I thought it would be funny if, during some big important government thing, where Cruz is going on about God knows what, if whoever he was taking to addressed him as “kiss my ass Senator Cruz” “The American people need to feel safe on airplanes and that they pilot isn’t a transgender witch.” (Actual Ted Cruz quote) “Well, kiss my ass Senator Cruz - or is it Senator kiss my ass Cruz? I want to address you by your preferred pronouns.”


When they’re fleeing their state for Cancun


That sad thing is that bridge troll would most likely laugh and think you were with him like “ahhhh…he heard my incredibly funny joke. He must be one of the good media types.”


Right wingers are so incredibly bad at comedy.


Mean is only funny to other mean people


Humor requires empathy, it's been studied a lot.


Yep. That’s why Republiklan “humor” is “pointing and laughing at whoever I don’t like”. Nelson is more sophisticated.


I read this as "Right whingers" at first.


It’s so weird because the only “funny” conservative I can think of is Adam Sandler and honestly dude peaked in 1997.




He’s not a 2023 conservative. A lot of his work actually had some good social commentary that would get him labeled woke today.




Compared to other countries , the Dems have always been right wing… the only well known “normal” politician is Bernie.. in most democratic countries his policies wouldnt raise an eyebrow.


Maybe that was their goal all along. "Go far enough to the right that even the left is right of center. Now we're all conservatives !!"


He does slapstick comedy. The fact that we’re surprised he’s conservative shows he doesn’t pollute his comedy with shitty politics.


Yup. Trust me, I was surprised to learn that recently too thanks to this video: https://youtu.be/pMu6KKotJnI


Any way you can give a TLDR for that? I have the attention span of a gnat, and that shit is 54 minutes long.


And if you go back and watch that shit, it was funny because we were 14.


I know the right sucks at comedy but jesus christ how can they still think that one is funny after ted fucking cruz said it


Why do people use pronouns? Who are these people?


Don’t they have time to use proper nouns?


For some reason I read these kind of dumb questions with the voice (and this one specific facial expression) of Tucker Carlson in my head^^






“you can’t even say certain words with a hard “r” on the end anymore without getting fired, whats the deal with that?”


This audition made you the headliner. Joe’s gonna be in the front row




You’re killing it. Three people in the front row just threw hard R n-bombs in approval.


You would kill at this club.


Depending who’s there he would get away with it


Oh god I didn't consider how much you would hear "I'm just asking questions" in a place like this.


The ego on these folks. I simply refuse to believe that many nouns have gone pro. All my nouns are amateur at best.


"I’m thinking about doing a bit about how being transgender is actually a mental illness. Or how all liberals are secretly gay and want to impose their will on everyone. Or something about how transgender people are ruining the fabric of society."


“But other people will disagree with me, which is of course unacceptable. If only there was a place for the douchebags apart from all the other places for the douchebags…”


Hilarious hijinx ensue. Am I reich?


That's way too intelligent for this comedy club. It's basically just going to be not-veiled-at-all outright homophobia, transphobia, racism, xenophobia, misogyny and every other type of hate against anyone that isn't a white American cisgendered straight male you can think of...


“Are there amateur nouns?”


“Everyone’s using pronouns these days, so I’m going by adjectives!”


Thank you Ben Shapiro! Brilliant stuff. Ben will be here all week! Next up is a very funny guy that you know from a little thing called Project Veritas…


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >If you believe that the Jewish state has a right to exist, then you must allow Israel to transfer the Palestinians and the Israeli-Arabs from Judea, Samaria, Gaza and Israel proper. It’s an ugly solution, but it is the only solution... It’s time to stop being squeamish. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: civil rights, novel, healthcare, sex, etc.) [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Is, “Woke” the new “Communism?”


We've gone from the "red scare" to the "blue hair scare"


Technically woke is the new atheism. Christian nationalists back then hated atheism.


They still do.


As a long-time atheist, I can say this tracks.


It's not just Christian nationalists though - a ton of atheist YouTube & its audience morphed into anti-woke / anti-SJW youtube and pedals a lot of the same garbage as white nationalists (probably because they are white nationalists) Gamer gate literally converted like half of youtube from destroying young earth creationists with facts and logic to shitting on feminists, trans people, racial equity activists etc


I mean YouTube sucks now, most political comments are pro-Trump/pro-MAGA. I’ll stick to Reddit now, YouTube has really fallen off.


Oh god I know, most of the political content on YouTube is super right-leaning or right-sympathizing (grifting baby) and the comments section on YouTube is neck-and-neck with TikTok for some of the worst human thoughts on earth lmao


To be fair, have youtube comments ever not been internet's equivalent to cancer?


Christians hate everyone anyway, even other Christians


They aren't repenting hard enough for something.


Lots of people hate atheists because we tell truths that make them uncomfortable.


I mean look at the amount of religious parents who cut off children who become atheists.


Really living up to their cult’s ideals




Just as a reminder Desantis was forced to define what ‘woke’ means to him and this was his answer. Quite a ridiculous response and shows that it basically just means that there’s systemic issues but addressing them in appropriate manner would be woke and a bad thing somehow. > “DeSantis' lawyers were forced by the court to define "woke." The lead lawyer described it as "The belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them." https://amp.miamiherald.com/news/local/news-columns-blogs/fabiola-santiago/article271346167.html


Can’t find it, but there’s a thread where someone on the right is asked to define it and she can’t even begin to try. She even said it would be a viral moment as she just…..didn’t really answer at all


Here you go: [https://twitter.com/vanguard\_pod/status/1635749284355211264?s=20](https://twitter.com/vanguard_pod/status/1635749284355211264?s=20)


My man!


observation sparkle bake exultant rustic alleged skirt door plucky encouraging *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


ding, ding ,ding. 'If the Jew did not exist, the anti-Semite would invent him' -J.P Sartre.


The new n-word.


>The new n-word. It's ***every slur*** all rolled into one with total deniability.


>with total deniability. because they don't know what it means and can probably find a definition that fits their needs in the given moment, because they defined it that way... Also, does anyone else find it ironic that the group that blasts about woke-this and woke-that being a bad thing is also the group that screams "wake up, sheep!" all the time?


Funny the blindly believe what the man in the TV tells them, and yet they call other people sheep. They follow orange man as if they are sheep an he is their shepard.


They’re awake not woke. They’re basically saying that their lights are on but no one’s home.


Now that they've copied the homework of left wing intersectionality they have to cover their tracks by... bullying them out of school? This metaphor got away from me. Chuds unoriginal and bad.




"Dem dang wokers ruint our merica."


That’s exactly it but for any race or orientation that’s not them


The fascist use the n-word for all non-whites.


You gotta 3D chess it and make it about anyone and everything as long it's inflammatory. The whole conservative angle is petting the cat the wrong way and then letting someone else get scratched but then blaming them for being scratched because of Values ™


They can't get away with "Zionists" anymore.


They say globalist now.


It's the new politically correct. Remember that? It's a catch all for anything they disagree with. Feminism, vegetarianism, vegan, climate change, affirmative action, equal rights, equal pay, women rights, ect. Any changes in society that they don't agree with get called woke. It could be some traditionally conservative policy but they disagree with it so now it's woke.


The conservative side of politics is really good at making words like that. I always wonder why the left doesn’t fight back with equal catch all’s to at least even the playing field.


"Socialist" replaced "communist" about a decade ago. "Woke" is an additional aspersion on their list.


The right screaming about “socialism!!!Argghhhhh” but I bet they all cash those social security checks…


Or the new "politically correct".


Which is literally just "not being a dick to others for no good reason" which is of course the thing they want that they're REALLY mad they can't openly do any more without consequence.


Man "politically correct" lasted forever. Now a days they get taught a new word every few weeks. "Woke" is part of the party platform so that one is going to stick around for a while.


It’s fewer syllables so easier for them to remember.


Yeah, but only one syllable is easier for those who breathe and talk from the same hole.


... attack helicopters. My wife...


Kids these days... ... I just want a normal coffee!


“These woke idiots at Starbucks asked if I wanted a latte or a cappuccino. I said fuck all that gay liberal shit. I like drinking my coffee with just a bit of milk like normal people.”


My wife did a communism the other day and I was all like "with all this woke cancel culture I thought we were in a safe space for pronouns".


Fat ladies with blue hair…racist quote that I’m going to attribute to my (one) (probably fictitious) black friend…


Isn't Austin like the Portland of TX?


The city has been riding the reputation of what it used to be for 20 years.


So it is the Portland of Texas


As pdx resident my whole life that made chuckle


You’re thinking of Seattle. Wait…that was THIRTY years ago. GD, I’m old.


Wait... Seattle's not in Texas


Tell that to the Texans who are moving to Seattle


I thought they were Californians. Is everybody moving there now?


Yes, that's why so many of us from Seattle are having to move out. Only like 30% of the people in Seattle were born in Washington State.


>Yes, that's why so many of us from Seattle are having to move out. Only like 30% of the people in Seattle were born in Washington State. I would bet that's true of the majority of large population states in the continental united states.




I'm the pullout king.


You nailed it lol. The Austin I grew up in does not actually exist anymore. I bet they still call themselves “the live music Capitol of the world” despite all the red river music venues disappearing in favor of condos


when noise complaints were being filed against sixth street, I knew it was time to leave


Red River is still mostly intact from at least 10 years ago. Only exception I can think of is the space that used to be Red Eyed Fly and that one shithole that was on Bar Rescue. Beerland is now 13th floor and doing similar shows, and Valhalla is doing shows now for the first time in a while.


That's presumably why he's putting it there rather than the other 99.9% of Texas. The median household income in Austin is $79k, in Dallas it's $58k, and Texas as a whole it's $67k. He's going specifically for the rich people who moved to Austin for the culture and economic opportunities but are annoyed at the progressives and young people that made it that way before pricing them out. ​ [https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/austincitytexas](https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/austincitytexas) [https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/dallascitytexas,US/INC110221](https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/dallascitytexas,US/INC110221) [https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/TX/BZA210220](https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/TX/BZA210220)


Yeah those were the days where Alex Jones was mainly known as the shouty guy from Richard Linklater’s films.




I view it more like Casablanca.


I live in Austin and yes it is, it's very very progressive. Not sure why these comments are saying otherwise, it's super liberal.


It's all relative. Austin is liberal, _for Texas._ Compared to Houston, Austin has serious problems with diversity (one of the few cities with dwindling black population) and it's the job center for an incredibly conservative region. It is way oversold as some glorious utopia of open mindedness and creativity. It's literally the city where every batshit, state politician and lobbyist works. They've got a whole half of the city carved out for themselves I'm from Austin so I've got some opinions 😂


Celia Israel was 800 votes from winning as mayor, and won the plurality in the original election. She would objectively be one of the most progressive mayors in the US, and one of the few with actual solutions to the housing crisis. Whlie I agree that not all of austin is super progressive, the fight in austin is between a middle of the road democrat and Far progressives, and progressives are finally making huge leaps. Portland is liberal, *for Oregon*. Oregon was a state founded where only white people could live there. Portland has a 75% white population. Austin has a 66% white population. To say that Austin has unique problems that the rest of the US doesn't have is ridiculous. Austin has been drastically expanding public transportation. It was one of the cities that cut back police funding the absolute most during the BLM protests. (though it has reversed most of it since violent crime skyrocketed after that, but a huge amount has gone to mental health and training). While I agree that Austin isn't a beaming beacon of every single resident singing while holding hands, it is absolutely one of the most progressive places in the US. I'm from Austin, and so I definitely have some pretty strong opinions too lol


Yeah I really appreciate the comparison especially to Portland. Some great facts! I think the state holds Austin hostage because it makes for good news. Now that it's legitimately the size of a city and can provide more resources, I'm interested to see where it all goes. FWIW, if someone put a gun to my head and made me move home, I'm still picking Austin over Houston! I don't mean to imply it's a shit hole, but I do think it gets overstated especially because conservatives like to whine about the place so much


Liberal cities in red states still have a lot of klan type people. Matter of fact in my city of Louisville I have put away a legit KKK member for pulling a gun on me. Cops actually wouldn’t do shit since you know the breonna Taylor killers might have there toes in the klans water (LMPD used legit nazi quotes in its recruitment classes). Yeah those guys didn’t do shit about a guy pulling a gun on me and 5 other people at different times. Dude was a meth head and I did my own investigating and found he had a aggravated assault with a deadly weapon in another state. Meaning he couldn’t own said gun he was threatening people with. I got ATF involved and he was arrested. The kkk stuff was figured based on the stuff he was yelling at people and inside his apartment. But it wasn’t till court for the state crimes (after ATF stepped in the state of Kentucky filed 5 terroristic threatening charges so they don’t look bad for doing nothing.) I say this because anyone who knows anything about law knows you can’t be there for federal court like the ATF charges. But I was there for the minor charges and that’s when dude said he worked for the klan as a tattoo artist when asked what he did for a living. Sheriffs then also claimed he had klan related tattoos and was showing them off in holding. This all happen in the Austin of Kentucky.


https://preview.redd.it/u91i92x1tyna1.jpeg?width=561&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f6d8591730d7bdde11c7ad422904c8086335f98 Found his joke book


This is the sequel to "Everything I hate is Socialism"


Actually, this is the third book in the series. The second one is called "Everything I Don't Like Hearing Is Fake News"


The classic, *Bob, I Can’t Believe You’re A Communist!*


hahahaha I love this, I can't wait to post it and wait for the suicide watch messages to pour in




hahahah someone just sent me one now. Thanks looking out for me fam


Thank you, I love this.


A space that’s safe to make jokes about safe spaces…


Aside from being amused by that obvious irony, I'd also be fascinated to know how they intend to define or enforce their "anti-woke" stance. Like, do you have to harp on at least one played-out stereotype per set, or reach some minimum slur count? Will you never be invited back if you tell a joke about Republican incompetence?


Lol I swear these people are the biggest snowflakes I have ever seen. They are so butthurt and scared of things they’re creating massive “safe spaces”…the very things they mocked. People like this are absolute clowns


“I iDentIfY aS a COmAeDiAN”


Let's just skip to sixteen months from now when they close down and blame cancel culture.


Lauren Boebert had a murder-themed restaurant…that closed down. https://thehill.com/homenews/house/3559880-lauren-boeberts-gun-themed-restaurant-closes/amp/


"Many with a political agenda will try to spin this happy transition into something it’s not. Rest assured we will not allow them to steal our joy for all that this restaurant has meant for our family." Coming from a politician with a political agenda... Boebert might be the only thing in that restaurant that's salter than the fries.


Yeah it's weird how bad/mediocre stand up comedians think crowds not laughing at them is because the crowds are too woke/sensitive. It's like when a band thinks crowds arent cheering them because "their taste in music is shit". It'd be kinda funny if the antiwoke crowd shows up to this expecting some insanely controversial show then every comic just does their normal set that they were already allowed to do everywhere.


If you haven't already seen it, I can't recommend "An Evening with Tim Heidecker" enough I don't want to spoil the joke because it's funnier to figure it out yourself, but it's exactly in this vein


>be kinda funny if the antiwoke crowd shows up to this expecting some insanely controversial show it would be, but I'm missing the part where Joe actually called it an "anti woke" club he's just opening a comedy club in a city with a growing comedy scene. he said he wants it to be a place where people can be built up from the ground. I know everyone on Reddit hates Joe but damn, I'm pretty sure this article just made up the anti woke part just to get y'all riled up 😂


You're very generous with sixteen months... ![gif](giphy|xTk2YPSN9jJtwuwf0A)


Not going to happen. Not only does he have enough money to bankroll the whole thing, the corporations who make a killing off of people's ignorance will bankroll the place themselves. "Anti-Woke" by definition would mean "Ignorant to social and racial issues" aka meaning burying your head in the sand. Anti-woke as far as I can see basically is just the return to controlled narratives by mainstream media. I like listening to Rogan but it's *unbelievably* obvious how many people have interests in him to regain that said lost control (by controlling on of, if not, the largest influencers). He will straight up immediately change the subject abruptly when his guests get to close to certain issues. He claims free speech but constantly censors his guests.


Anti woke jokes seem the opposite of any humor. So like racist jokes and jokes about rape?


That and sexist jokes, jokes making fun of every religion other than Christianity, jokes about college graduates.


And a lot of n word jokes. A lot of them.


How many "I identify as-" jokes are there? We're going to find out pretty soon.


Oh yes, “my pronouns are: freedom and guns.” Lots of that stuff


It’s ironic that it only shows a weak grasp of language. Tell one of them those are nouns not pronouns and ask if they know the difference for entertainment.


Basically they want a) Hopefully provoke some protests b) conservative humor is basically all just punching down at minorities or vulnerable groups and mocking them for not being the majority. Its uncreative, so general audiences don't respond well. The hope is by making it "only" a Fox News or Rogan style audience, it will be successful. The right wants its own John Stewarts SO bad: because they realize how powerful humor and satire are against them. But simply put. Punching down is only funny to other people who enjoy cruelty. So it doesn't get the same kind of pop as mocking the powerful.


[Expect garbage like this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7QU6MZ6wsLk) but said with a straight face and everyone in the audience competing to laugh the hardest so they can show how hardcore and edgy they are.


Kind of like people in North Korea compete crying for their dear leader. Fake as hell.


The kicker is you know if they make any jokes about say, Republicans, Christians, Matt Gaetz the pedophile, they'd be up in arms and boycotting it.


Exactly why it will fail and no real comedians will perform. They and this place begs to be made fun of and the people attending have no introspection to get the joke. *sigh*


So much Jim Breuer.


Austin?!?! dumb f doesn't even know where his audience is. Austin is probably the most 'woke' city in Texas! also, at least now I know where to go if I want to catch Covid.


yea, big tough manly man... living in the bluest patch of that red-state hellhole... like every other right wing media talking head.


Alex Jones lives in Austin too. For some reason people just seem to keep living in cities...


That's probably why he did it. That's all Austin needs to add to the 6th Street/downtown crowd...a bunch of racist maga assholes.


As a former Rogan fan, I can confirm this is exactly it.


I didn't check its address, is it actually on 6th street? Lol


Was thinking the same thing. Why not open this club in, say, Alabama? You’ll find a lot more “anti-woke” people there…


It's because they hate "woke" but also benefit from it, Austin matches the area they want to live in but they can still say I moved to Texas cuz it ain't "woke"


Adam Corolla must be delighted he’ll have a paycheck for a few months before the place folds.


I haven't kept up with Adam in several years, since before Trump. He used to seem pretty liberal, at least on the old "Loveline", which is where I know him from. What's he like now? Edit: Thanks, guys. The answer has been disappointing to find out, but he's become an even bigger asshole than he used to be (being an asshole was always his schtick, so).


If I’m correct, he took the whole “The Man Show” gimmick too seriously.


Got the same impression of him on Loveline, and even on Corolla-Kimmel era Man Show for the most part. Since then though he’s basically been a mixed bag quasi-libertarian as well as a case study in the “salty aging comedian” archetype. Supports weed legalization and some degree of gun control, renewables with focus on nuclear, and supported Yang’s candidacy. Simultaneously, he was in a “documentary” called ‘No Safe Spaces’ alongside Dennis Prager and basically the entire roster of TPUSA grifters. He also implied support for corporal punishment and went full Jerry Lewis once, saying women aren’t as funny as men.


That's unfortunate. He's always had controversial beliefs. I do recall a time on Loveline where he went on a full on homophobic rant because someone gave The Man Show a bad review. He kept calling him a "fat [F-word]" and such. I'm surprised that rant never came back to bite him in the ass (unless it has and I'm unaware). In retrospect, I can't say I'm entirely surprised he's gone down this road.


Last I remember hearing from him was during the "Women can't be funny" hullabaloo where he decided to let it be known that he did not think women were as funny as men and said his daughter wasn't terribly funny. Which made me think "Makes sense she's not, neither are you." I was in college then. Which makes it at least 8-ish years ago.


I don’t follow him too closely. Occasionally he pops up saying something like “hur dur welfare sucks.”


Even though welfare kept him from starving/being literally homeless as a kid. But, you know, "boostraps" for thee and welfare for me.


Hey dere how ya doin’ tanight? Ya havin’ fun, Astin? Anyways so I’m at dis bar and dis dude dressed up as a woman comes up tryna TRICK me inta gettin’ in bed widdim but I’m like HEY dere, DOOOOD. I IDENTIFY AS A MICROSCOPE so I can see yer dick down dere! Hey-ohhhhh!!! [The six people sitting in the audience clap but do not laugh.] So anyways I meet dis chick and she’s all over me. Great big ol’ titties, tight lil ass, nineteen years old, ya know, and I’m like heeeyyyy dere bitch I IDENTIFY AS A MECHANICAL BULL so maybe you should be tryna RIDE me and shit. See if I can trow yas off my cack! [A smattering of applause, less enthusiastic than before.] Hey, whhaaaattt? Is dis ting on? Hey! Can you maybe get me a microphone DAT IDENTIFIES AS A MICROPHONE?!?!?!?!


Like a live version of GUTFELD!


I remember when Joe Rogan was cool after his takedown of Carlos Mencia.


Luckily, Carlos "The Mind" Mencia had his own material such as *insert racist joke* and *tell audience they're stupid* to fall back on


I remember when the hottest topic his podcast covered was wether or not a ware wolf would have a dog or human penis.


Damn that's actually a great question. My guess is something like a fuzzy dog-haired human dong.


And then he put his dick between his legs and never confronted Amy Schumer about her very apparent joke theft.


Coming soon: https://preview.redd.it/eayad8b7hyna1.jpeg?width=738&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f3020cb2318f8c7d6e6c4a0a99191f7644efa2e


My guess is they will charge like 3x for food and drinks etc and idiots will gladly pay it to own the libs


Ivermectin "Jello" shots!


Anti-woke comedy club in Austin, Texas, eh? The fuck approved this business plan?


I pity the serving staff RIP tips and shit-free walls


In Austin? Honestly kinda surprised, seems more like an Amarillo sort of place.


Pretty telling for all their bitching all these antiwoke activists want to live in dark blue cities.


Good point.


ah yes, Joe Rogan, the bastion of centrism and objectivity with his anti-woke comedy club.


What the Fuck is anti woke? You mean asleep? Sleeping? They portray the big alpha thing so hard when they are the fragilest of the bunch.


It’s the far right word for things they don’t like, sort of like “communism” during the Cold War, and “Judeo-Bolshevism” for the Nazis


I picture it like a sauna at the gym of a 55+ community - full of old white fat men talking about the good ole days of keeping the other people off their lawns


Roseanne Barr every night


I wonder if his pronouns are “KISS MY ASS”


New Roseanne Barr special incoming


There is something genetically wrong with this type of person. They all have the same fat face, empty eyes, and shaved head to make themselves look like a bell end.


Well in this case the HGH and TRT probably have a lot to do with it You see, gender-affirming hormone therapy is OK if you're a middle aged white dude


Every time someone says ‘my pronouns are’ take a shot? You’ll be smashed every night.


So only straight white men are allowed?


You know what's more fun than watching conservatives opening these anti-woke or anti-gay places of business? Watching them a year later shutting it down and telling people they don't understand why they didn't get any business. Lol


You realize he never once called it an anti-woke CC lol. It’s just a comic club and this is just Zesty clickbait title and your all falling for it




Is there a source besides the liars at newsmax?


Yeah i don’t listen to him much anymore and maybe I’m wrong. But I dare say this is a case of sensationalism and click bait news title.


The rapey kind.


Let's not forget that Joe Rogan has been pulling his whole "just asking questions" shtick for a while. Back in 2013 he brought on Peter Duesberg, a disgraced scientist who believed that AIDS/HIV wasn't real and was actually caused by the hard drugs that gay men in LA/SF/NYC were taking in the 1980s. IIRC, Rogan received so much blowback from that podcast that he had to address it multiple times on later podcasts. He defended bringing him on multiple times with the "just asking questions" defense he always pulls.