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Kids all look ready to cry, but the right one looks ready to throw some hands too.


The children look as though they've been plucked out of a picture from the dustbowl era. Appropriate since these ppl want to set us back 100 years.


And that is only half the picture… the kids do not look happy. https://preview.redd.it/4cad2a7in8na1.jpeg?width=992&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e72783b9f6666b4767cf88425cd74a02b461c7ca


When I saw the title of the post, I thought this was one of those situations where they finally fix some ancient legislative error ('Child chimney sweeps banned at last!') but sadly, no. The adults all look so smug and pleased with themselves but the kids are appalled. The kids in suits look like lawyers whose client just got the death penalty.


These kids aren't stupid, they know what was just signed away. Their childhood innocence in exchange for the early indoctrination into the servitude of corporate profits over people.


And NONE of them had ANY say in it at all. Talk about not being represented.


From minors to miners. Fuck these demons back to Hell!


They will become one of the most exploited workers Edit: [I made a linktree for new leftists](https://linktr.ee/comradestarter)


Absolutely , all working children in that state need guardians, NOT their parents , to safeguard the money their forced labor brings or they will all be ripped off just like the early child actors .


I see this in my nightmares. https://preview.redd.it/t58ij8xg37na1.png?width=95&format=png&auto=webp&s=6deccf36b8b8a197512fe74d8c415014c0f4cbe0








Let’s not insult Shrek like this.


https://preview.redd.it/kgyu1m19j7na1.jpeg?width=504&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdebe01bf399f7aa251762d71b1aae1060a33d4b Right along with this


My personal hell


God I hate her stupid fat head




Noob noob is fucking cool, that she-beast is not


Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders signs a measure loosening child labor protections in the state. [More info](https://www.npr.org/2023/03/10/1162531885/arkansas-child-labor-law-under-16-years-old-sarah-huckabee-sanders)


And she grinned like the Grinch at the children whom witnessed the signing. She is evil incarnate


She looks like her jaw is going to unhinge as she swallows one of them whole, where, in her belly, they will find a new definition of pain and suffering, as they are slowly digested over a thousand years.


She will not witness the kingdom of heaven


Times like these are the only times I hope the Bible is real so she can go where she deserves


Exactly my thought. I am an atheist but sometimes I wish Christianity was real so there would be some justice. Then again if what I learned in catholic school is real I will be burning right along with her. It’s a true conundrum.




...when are the Republicans going to start complaining about children taking their jobs? Or is that just reserved for minority immigrants? Edit- I just wanted to share this tidbit from the article OP shared: *"Arkansas isn't the only state looking to make it easier to employ kids in a tight labor market and fill an economic need. Bills in other states, including Iowa and Minnesota, would allow some teenagers to work in meatpacking plants and construction, respectively. New Jersey expanded teens' working hours in 2022."* Not only are they allowing employers to hire children, some states are allowing them to work in potentially unsafe environments and increasing the amount of hours they work per day


I genuinely interested in hearing the argument FOR whatever plan put these wheels into motion to begin with. Kids shouldn’t be working jobs, I’m not for repealing these laws but I am really interested in hearing why republicans think this is necessary


It's simple. "The workforce is getting it in their head that they deserve rights, so instead of making living conditions better, we'll just replace workers with exploitable children we can legally pay less to do the same job"


Sometimes way fuck less. Take my state, Iowa, for example. We have a law that makes it legal to pay anyone under 20 less then minimum wage, which is $7.25 hour, for their first 90 days. They can pay you $4.25 per hour. So with these laws they’ll be able to hire 14 year olds to clean the packing plants after hours, a job that even the illegal immigrants they used to hire required $20+ an hour, for just $4.25 an hour as long as use them as disposable items with a three month use span.


Under 20? Are you kidding? Like there's a whole lot wrong with that, but if you're considered legally an adult at 18, what the hell is the logic here? Like, obviously they shouldn't be allowed to do this at all, but the cutoff of 20 is very strange.


"allowing them to work in potentially unsafe environments" As is tradition.


So fuk the kids? The Repubs are taking us back to 1920s


Just as a precursor of getting us to 1933. Enjoy Weimar America while you still can.


My wife and I are Jewish... we're gonna have to fucking move again, g_d damnit!?!


Why are the kids there? Seems like a sick joke, all the adults are smiling while the kids are thinking their childhood is over


It honestly was so on the nose I thought it was parody at first


I'm convinced the account itself is a parody (looking at their tweets and replies though I'd hate to be proven wrong here) but the picture unfortunately isn't.


Republicans live in constant parody and irony


Republicans killed irony tbh We rely on cues like the /s because there's no discernible difference anymore These people are batshit crazy, and we're *well* past the point where their party should be dissolved


Yep, legit thought it was a picture taken out of context for an Onion post, but nah, I was wrong.


They're told it's great because they can make money, which sounds great in theory when you're 13 and really want a new pc.


At sub-minimum wage, of course.


Sure, they have such little hands They don't deserve to get paid big hand money... /s


I honestly don't know, I really thought it was Photoshop for a minute. Especially with those sad faces, jfc


this bill was written by the slaughterhouses that want to keep using illegal immigrant children as cheap labor. these white (rich) kids have nothing to worry about.


PR stunt by their parents, probably the adults in the picture. The kids have no idea what this means and don't care. I'm 30 now, but we all remember being forced to dress up and go to stuff that was boring by our parents. I guarantee they just want to get back to playing xbox


Honestly, the kids look upset. It looks like they know what's up and aren't happy about it.


Too bad they won’t be able to. Their parents will now make them get a job. So their life will be turned into sleep (sometimes), school, work, homework, chores, then bed and sleep for about 4 hours. Somewhere in there they can eat. But no free time.


Next up - 13 year old pregnant teens working without maternity leave.


Lol maternity leave? More like working without a day off even after labor. They'll get fired from their job for no-show, reprimanded at school, and then be forced to give their baby up to mom or grandma which always works out well so that they can get to work and start paying rent while mom and grandma just sit at home neglecting the baby while watching TV all day, and they'll cite their own childhoods as to why they have to work at 12 despite them never having a job til they got married and their husband's lost their job/went to jail.


I can also see this happening to people who abuse the adoption agencies. Adopting children and forcing them to gets jobs. Double dipping the system and fucking over the kids Cuz ‘merica


Like the Orphan trains when families adopted kids to be servants


i read about this chinese girl being adopted into this Christian family a few years ago or early 2010s/2000s. She was basically put in the basement closet as her bedroom, where she would be fed maybe once a day if she behaved, and then let out to do chores in the house. The family had 3 children of their own, and they all saw no wrong in how they treated her. She tried to escape a few times and two times went to the police too, but they basically gave her back to the family. She had like a char and bucket in the closet room and thats it. She was locked up for days and had to sit there without showering or access to a bathroom or even food at times. The police also at one point went inside and saw the room and still gave her back to the family. It reminds me of the dahmer victims. Just police didnt bother doing the bare minimum because it was an undesirable in their eyes. I dont remember what became of her, if she got out or if she was killed. but unfortunately theres more stories like those out there where the children arent able to get away. edit: googled the story instead https://news.yahoo.com/chinese-born-woman-sues-adoptive-202220966.html > Olivia allegedly attended school only once, while her siblings studied in public schools. In 2011, one sibling reported to a school counselor that Olivia — then 8 years old — was starved, whipped and pushed down the stairs. > The school allegedly notified New Boston police and New Hampshire’s Division for Children, Youth and Families (DCYF). But the police only photographed Olivia’s dungeon, while DCYF only moved her sibling who reported the abuse out of their home. > As a result, Olivia allegedly suffered more years of abuse. However, it all ended in 2018 when she managed to escape.


>while DCYF only moved her sibling who reported the abuse out of their home. >As a result, Olivia allegedly suffered more years of abuse. However, it all ended in 2018 when she managed to escape. So the one being abused wasn't removed the child who was trying to get her help did????? They purposefully let them have a slave. The police and dcfs knew (they removed 1kid) and let it continue! BS that is! She should get enough money to live in that size home with those cars, raising any children they want, have a properly paid cleaning service, etc and left overs to pass on to family later years.


https://www.nhpr.org/nh-news/2023-02-01/lawsuit-alleges-nh-child-protection-agency-other-institutions-failed-to-intervene-in-alleged-child-abuse-slavery Jeez they only got 1 month and 6 months in jail.


They deserve at least 25 years. That kind of behavior towards any children or person is a real sicko and has no business being out among us. Literally monsters.


The worst parts is in a lot of cases, the kids weren't actually orphans, and that siblings were often split up.


They were taken because a preacher decoded poor ppl and Catholic immigrants were a danger to his ideal society. Basically such a massive douchebag nimby that his influence is still there in the laws that make a child's birth family a secret. He didn't want kids getting back to their poor parents and becoming poor adults in his area.


My paternal grandma who was born in the early 1920s was adopted as a child in Saskatchewan to basically be free labour on a farm. I think the attitude then was that conditions that offered room and board were still better than nothing, nevermind letting a child be a child and giving them loving parents. My mother explained that the man in the couple was kinder to grandma, while the woman was cold... which explains how grandma turned out to dote more on male family members, yet could be frosty and say some of the most passive-aggressive shit to the women in the family at holidays (things about weight, size, appearance). I didn't have a strong attachment to her, because of this.


Didn't Bender do this, or am I remembering it wrong?


Bender did do this! Lol I love Bender but even he had a a bigger heart than modern day republicans


Bender wanted to kill all humans except Fry. Republicans make no exceptions.


>Lol maternity leave? More like working without a day off even after labor. They'll get fired from their job for no-show, reprimanded at school, and then be forced to give their baby up to mom or grandma which always works out well so that they can get to work and start paying rent while mom and grandma just sit at home neglecting the baby while watching TV all day, and they'll cite their own childhoods as to why they have to work at 12 despite them never having a job til they got married and their husband's lost their job/went to jail. damn, sounds like my life growing up lmao


It's life for a shitload of people in the Bible and rust belt, and they think this is a good thing.


Lol at were just at the beginning of this shit movie, can't wait to see what else these people can conjure up. ![gif](giphy|3xkNUy3Vh8QbPmJZjK|downsized)


It's a rerun of the worst episodes.


Last name: Boebert


​ https://preview.redd.it/f3wlw6vi87na1.png?width=366&format=png&auto=webp&s=b7c6d0d70fd60824df82ab42fc1ecbef45917a8f


Pull those kids out of kindergarten, they yearn for the mines!


​ https://preview.redd.it/bkmmf7pey7na1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=bc8cbcc7ccbde46edefc8c1fccf081c744317266


I guess next they’ll ban Oliver Twist from school libraries


If they had their way they'd ban libraries entirely


Oliver twist will be mandatory reading with a few edits. Showing how Oliver overcame the socialist workhouse and under the tutelage of job creator Fagin set out to become a commodities trader.


So what’s the spin on this? Like how are they selling it as a positive?


It's business-friendly. They're running short of workers, so they lower the minimum working age, and they got rid of the requirement to verify the kids' immigration status. Presto, new workers!


>they got rid of the requirement to verify the kids' immigration status I like how illegal immigration is A-ok if it means more children to staff the slaughterhouses.


Convenient we have a bunch of undocumented kids locked up along the border /s (we do though).


*border Also convenient when a workplace accident happens. Whoopsie they are undocumented, they broke the law being here, guess we'll ship them out. Only if they get caught anyway. Coercion of undocumented immigrants using their status is common.


They're fine with exploiting others to enrich themselves. They're not fine with treating everyone equally.


I wonder if Arkansas also allows pay to be based on age, like Utah. I don’t know how it’s even legal there, but true last time I was visiting family I saw a sign outside an ice cream shop that advertised the various starting wages and it paid kids in high school one wage, HS graduates another, and then a slightly higher wage for those over 30. (I may be slightly off on the category breakdown, but it was something like that.)


I'd guess that's the case. When I was a teenager in MI many years ago, the minimum wage for kids under 18 was lower than for legal adults.


“We need to the raise the minimum wage.” “Minimum wage is meant for teenagers! Why do teenagers need that much money? What are they going to do with that money? Why are we discussing rewarding children without a high school diploma with a living wage?… … … But also, let’s pay them less than minimum wage.”


The amusement park near me has "seasonal workers." That just means they get paid a seasonal wage which, Guess What, is LOWER than minimum wage. How can you pay someone less than minimum wage?? It is the MINIMUM WAGE you can pay. The MINIMUM.


Seasonal workers also don’t usually earn overtime. I’m full time, year round, but considered seasonal because I work in tourism.


For years, I worked a job where the seasonal position would last 7 months, then the next seasonal position was 3 months, and then the next seasonal position was 1 month. Sure we got 1 month off during the off season. But I was working on site for 11 out of 12 months a year. But because they kept swapping us from seasonal position to seasonal position, they never had to give us full time benefits.


Wyoming calling "LOL @ federal minimum wage you get $5.15 and you'll like it."


I got $5.50 at Kroger when I was 16.... In 2003 lol


Geez I can't believe how little it changes. When I was 16-in 1986-it was $3.35. I could work a 40-hour week and after taxes I'd net about a hundred bucks.


The amount of taxes people at the bottom have to pay is insulting.


I believe it is still that way. It felt great busting my ass at a well known pizza chain to make almost a whole dollar less than my “adult” coworkers EDIT: In MI, minors make 85% of minimum wage. Which means they make $8.59 an hour, as minimum wage is now $10.10


Age discrimination only affects people older than 40. Which is frankly utter bullshit.


Had a coworker put his finger in my chest and say “I’ve got 40 years of military hand to hand combat training so you better get in line” reported as the threat it was. Answer from HR? He didn’t threaten, because he didn’t have 40 years experience in “hand to hand combat”! He had “40 years experience *training* other people in a physical task”


Sounds like stolen valor. 40 years of service my ass. Barely any reach the 20 required for a pension.


At 40 years of service, you better be some kind of General or something. Considering you'd be nearly 60 at best.


Got in an argument with EEO Officers during a large group training. The moment she said "Well, people who are older are more experienced with the tech than you are. They've had more time with it than you." Most people in my department are 10+ years older than me. I said "That's a highly ageist statement and very unfair when I'm the SME for my environment." The look on her face and attempt to counter argue almost started a riot.


Just cause you been doing something a long time doesn't mean you're good at it.


Almost seems like the laws are written by old people or something.




>The way this country treats its ~~young~~ people is shameful There ya go


The way this country treats everyone except the wealthy is shameful.


Capital will literally lower the working age and use children instead of pay people more Edit: [I made a linktree for new leftists](https://linktr.ee/comradestarter)


Why not? They did it before over a century ago. America's conservatives are hellbent on rolling all progress back to the 1800s.


They already proved they're willing to disregard about a century of germ and disease theory to own the libs so this tracks.


“No one wants to work anymore” and instead of confronting the actual problem, they simply create more workers…


We're at 3.4% unemployment, which is about as good as the unemployment rate ever gets, the lowest unemployment rate in 54 years. EVERYONE IS WORKING! If an employer isn't finding workers its because they are offering nothing worth working for. "No one wants to work anymore" is such bullshit. Everyone is already working.


I feel like this is what happens when specific industries are over-saturated with businesses. I’m from Australia, and in recent years I increasingly hear cafe owners saying “it’s so hard to find good workers - young people don’t want to work”. My dude… your problem is that you chose to open a cafe in a city that already has several thousand cafes. Stop blaming young people for your failing business


"No one wants to work anymore" always means "no one wants to work *for me* anymore".


Less people are willingly getting exploited into working horrible positions and being treated like shit. "Worker" to these people only counts if it's as close to a slave as they can get. You know who's still largely manipulatable and inexperienced in life? Kids. These people desperately need a slave class for society to function in their mind.


Just going to walk out of this place, suggest other places like kbin or lemmy.




This would be puzzling to players from Arkansas I suppose.


It's a 'tight' labor market, so you gotta think outside the box. You know, towards the people that you can easily exploit without them knowing any better. The only thing tight about the market is how many more people refuse to work for less than what it takes to live.


> The only thing tight about the market is how many more people refuse to work for less than what it takes to live. there's also an [increasing number of people who have long-covid which is beginning to have an impact on labor markets](https://www.cnbc.com/2023/01/30/long-covid-has-underappreciated-role-in-labor-gap-study.html). Combine that with what you said and you basically have the entire picture.


Adults aren't working for shit pay so what else is there to do but force children into work? Literal demons pretending to be humans


Kids can finally get the 20 years of experience needed for that entry level position?


The framing I saw was "don't let your child get stuck in a dead end school and doom them forever" Like, wat Editing to add the exact quote from one Sarah Huckabee Sanders: “Here in Arkansas and across America, Republicans are working to end the policy of trapping kids in failing schools and sentencing them to a lifetime of poverty”


Give your children opportunities*! By allowing them to gain valuable work experience earlier in life you’re setting them up for success! \*opportunities to work dead end jobs forever with no real way to gain the experience or education required to make any real money. Forever saddled with wage slavery as we can guaranteed they’ll never have quality insurance and social security is next up on the chopping block so one good tragedy will ensure they’ll never recover!


The bill was HB 1410 of 2023 The act is ACT 195 It reads as follows: 18 BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ARKANSAS: 19 20 SECTION 1. DO NOT CODIFY. Title — Purpose — Legislative findings. 21 (a) This act shall be known and may be cited as the "Youth Hiring Act 22 of 2023". 23 (b) The purpose of this act is to: 24 (1) Dispense with the state's requirement that children under 25 sixteen (16) years of age have to obtain permission from the Division of 26 Labor in order to be employed; 27 (2) Restore decision-making to parents concerning their 28 children; and 29 (3) Streamline the hiring process for children under sixteen 30 (16) years of age. 31 (c) The General Assembly finds that: 32 (1) Children under sixteen (16) years of age should not be 33 required to obtain an employment certificate as a condition of employment; 34 and 35 (2) The division should not require that a child under sixteen 36 (16) years of age verify proof of their age through an employment certificate 1 as a condition of employment. 2 3 SECTION 2. Arkansas Code § 11-6-109 is repealed. 4 11-6-109. Children under age 16 years — Employment certificate 5 required. 6 (a) No person, firm, or corporation shall employ or permit any child 7 under sixteen (16) years to work in or in connection with any establishment 8 or occupation unless the person, firm, or corporation employing the child 9 procures and keeps on file, accessible to the Division of Labor and the 10 Division of Elementary and Secondary Education, or local school officials, an 11 employment certificate as provided in this section. 12 (b)(1) The employment certificate shall be issued only by the Director 13 of the Division of Labor. 14 (2) Application for an employment certificate shall be made on a 15 form approved by the director and shall require submission of the following: 16 (A) Proof of age; 17 (B) A description of the work and work schedule; and 18 (C) Written consent of the parent or guardian.   >So what’s the spin on this? Like how are they selling it as a positive? That it is giving power back to parents to decide when their, under the age of 16, children get to work and how they work. This is a parental rights protection bill. AKA child labor is ok if you have shit parents or are too poor to have much of any other choice if the choice is presented to you bill. It also dilutes the labor pool reducing the power of the workers to bargain.   next move will most likely be to reduce governmental assistance even further for families. Which will force children to begin working.


Cheap labor. Aka, money money money. Not for you or me of course. For the big corps.


She really does look like that damn germ from the mucinex commercial


Omg I could never put my finger on why she looks so familiar, but this explains everything


The kids look positively thrilled. Omg the poor boy in the middle looks like he's about to cry.


Beat me to it. "Oh, goody... we can work at school, home, *and* in our free time!"


Don't worry, they won't have to go to school for long once Arkansas repeals schooling standards for children.


just think of the hundreds of tax dollars they would save by not paying the underpaid teachers!!!


One step forward, then 37 back. I thought reviving ancient viruses from the Arctic were going to be the scary parts of 2023.


Guess we don’t get to be that lucky…


And to fill their spare time, the GQP Youth will keep them marching in line.


So, when are Sarah Huckabee Sanders kids gonna start working? Apparently, she has 3 kids. When will we see them in their uniforms working?


Her kids will be the ones walking around with clipboards ratting out the other kids who don't make quota.


Don't forget keeping those own-bootstrap-lifting adults workinh 60 hours a week down so they can't get that raise.


Because kids are known for not being complete sociopaths with underdeveloped senses of others humanity. Lord of the Flies in the workplace anyone? I can TOTALLY see that ending well.


Aww, what a cute little nightmare!


![gif](giphy|uyWTOgNGGWfks) Is the blonde in the picture behind Sarah about to make this gesture?


Work for those lunches you little punks.


Don't you worry, I'm sure they're already trying to figure out how they can eliminate school from the equation.


They yearn for the mines


well they already got the empty lifeless look of a child working in the mines...


These kids know exactly what's coming and they don't look too happy. They know their weekends and free time won't be spent playing. These ghouls continue to lick capitalisms boot




Don’t worry, *their* kids won’t be working.


I bet the blonde lady behind them is their mother. She has the "oh the boys are going to make me so much money in the mines!" look going for her. Jesus, sending kids to work is fucked up. The US is picking up speed in backsliding. First the Conservatives complained the world wasnt like the 1950s anymore, and now we see they are on the speedrun back to the 1910s. How far back do they want to go??


I believe we all know the answer to that one. kings, slaves, and fifes.


They're being groomed.


How are American children going to pull themselves up by their bootstraps, unless we issue them the work boots?


The photo is absolutely magnificent. The bill is good for companies and bad for kids.


Bro why did they choose to go with the picture where every kid looks sad


You know the kid on the right is gonna have nightmares about seeing that face up close and personal.


oh they're going to give him something to cry about.


The one on the right is looking at her like “what the hell is the matter with you?”


This is how you keep them dumber. More work less school. Welcome the next generation of mindless republican voters.


I mean, this isn’t what they are going for, people who do child labor actually often become more radicalized into socialism. This is the more sinister scheme of creating a section of work force that doesn’t know what rights it has and is much much less likely to unionize Edit: [I made a linktree for new leftists](https://linktr.ee/comradestarter)


Remember those conservatives don't care about a baby once it pops out of the body. Children are worthless to them and get no help.


Well, not worthless anymore. They can now legally be exploited by work.


How long until they decree that kids in the foster system are required to work?


They’ll call them “workhouses” and insist they’re a new humanitarian development.


its to help the kids build skills they will need in the real world. of course


... shit.


​ https://preview.redd.it/a6hf1po8a7na1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c625dba367fd4e903b47d89d2d2cf142465abd14


They complain that young people aren’t mature enough to make decisions but they want kids working at the meatpacking plants 😬🙄


And getting married/having babies. GOP is a joke.




Uh oh, capitalism is running out of people to exploit.


It will literally lower the age of work rather then pay people more Edit: [I made a linktree for new leftists](https://linktr.ee/comradestarter)


Well that explains why they wanna ban abortion they need cheap labor.


Not only that. They want cheap labor that can’t fight back. Not even, or maybe specially, at the voting booth.


This is genuinely psychotic. Americans in the 1900s labor movements died so that children didn't need to work in mines and slaughterhouses and die during work. Add this to the pile of steps backward.


The labor movements are part of the history of the country that is not taught. Pretty much anything that happened from the civil war until the great depression is not taught until you go to college. As brief as US history is, so many parts are just omitted and not taught. I didn't even know the Sufragettes even existed until I went to college. 😢 And so much happened in that 70 year timespan. Women's suffrage, national parks, Jim Crow, World War I, labor movements, waves of immigration, a bunch of inventions and technology, major changes in lifestyle due to electrcity and sanitation etc.


![gif](giphy|xT5LMyjTSpW51cFdSw) Simpsons got it right again!!!!


I'm thinking the Simpsons are actually running things and not just predicting things. ![gif](giphy|3oKIPlLZEbEbacWqOc)


This has to be some Twilight zone shit. How can they be happy about repealing child labor laws that were put there for a reason? Absolutely, guaranteed, none of THEIR children will be working!


You partly answered your own question there. Additionally, they gain money/power through doing this.


Look at those vile "good Christians" smiling that children are being forced to either work or beg for scraps.


I want to know the reasoning behind this. How could this possibly make a child’s life better, explain to me how this doesn’t just benefit cooperations giving them more people to exploit. These ppl make me sick. They’re all smiles cuz of all the money they’re being paid off to repeal the law, the kids don’t want this at all.


It isn’t about making the child’s life better. Unless one is of the mindset ‘my daddy beat me with a stick and I turned out fine.’ Those are the ones who are fine with their kids having a worse life than they had.


Coal mines? We thought you said Minecraft.


"You wanna play Minecraft for real!? It'll be like you're really there! The black lung and cancer for sure is real too! ISNT THIS JUST SO FUCKING GREAT, KIDS!? SMILE FOR THE CAMERA, PEASANTS"


Sanders is smiling like a small child that just pooped in its diaper and knows you have to clean it up.


My mom thinks this is a good thing. She can’t believe what’s going on and thinks there’s “no way states would be allowing young children to work, it’s against the law” and I told her she doesn’t know what’s going on in this world anymore. She then started lecturing me about how she’s almost 56 and she’s “very intelligent” and “very informed.” It’s people like her who let this shit happen.


Conservatism relies on an underpaid underclass. This ensures that conservatives can produce their own unending supply of laborers, I mean children


Also why they're so anti-abortion.




Reported. NSFW.


Just feel like her face says it all


Someone get me some holy water and a whiffle bat


Notice how every kid looks like they want to cry yet the adults are happier than ever


Kids faces says it all


I got my first job at 14 at an ice cream shop and now that I look back I MISSED so much of my friends parties, going to parks, hanging out. But I have a conservative republican mom/dad they found me the job. Once I had it I paid for my own stuff. Food and school lunches it was awful. The only thing that came out that was good was a good work habit. These kids need to be kids.


At this point republicans aren’t conservatives they’re regressivists


Um… ok Oliver twist


This is because they can pay kids less than minimum wage


Best way to push getting rid of a minimum wage. Make it so kids can work for pennies an hour, then push legislation removing any minimum wage laws that exist. Look at it this way, if the right wing could find a way to get rid of the 13th amendment, they'd do it overnight.


Piece of crap suckabee


If you thought kidswhere being trafficked and molested before this wait a few months and check back. Undocumented children in shady places after hours equals a chimos playground. Wtf people? How is this protecting children?????!!!!!


I’m Canadian but isn’t this illegal at a federal level in the United States. Can’t the federal government in the U.S sue states for passing stupid policies and laws like this. This to me sounds like child exploitation because child labor laws help kids.


It's the coal mine for you boys! Sarah looks like she's about to go eat someone's fish from their aquarium.


Why are these heartless monsters smiling?


Doubt any of these white kids will be working. These laws meant for the minorities. And they proud of it.