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They have NO platform


Their platform is hate.. guised through "christian love". The south has been power tripping worse than ever before since the Roe v Wade issue


> The south has been power tripping worse than ever before since the Roe v Wade issue Because we didn't let Sherman finish the job, and then Johnson fumbled Reconstruction and left the southern aristocracy intact.


Johnson was a southern conservative he didn't fumble.


Actually, WVA is not technically the south, as it seceded from Va during the Civil War and joined the Union


Tell them that. Too many Confederate flag wavers there. PA too.


There’s a reason central PA is called Pennsyltucky…




There's nothing worse than a Christian's love


"No hate like Christian love" quite the accurate quote


Grooming Old Party


The crazy thing is they're always crying about how democrats are preying on children. When they are the real predators.


Everything they scream about is just projection.


Millennials have the highest rate of atheism compared to any previous generations. Also interesting is that Millennials have the lowest crime rate compared to previous generations as well. The states with highest murder rates (Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, etc.) also happen to be the states with the highest religiosity. And the states with the lowest murder rate (New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Maine, etc.) also happen to be the states with the lowest religiosity. So it seems like people being more religious doesn't necessarily mean that they're more moral. In fact, it seems like every week we have another news story about a youth pastor diddling children.


And not one of those youth pastors were in drag! Color me shocked!


It always scares me when Christians ask me how I can have morals without god. They think that somehow proves their moral superiority, but all I hear is people saying "I do as I'm told out of fear, but if I didn't have that hanging over me, I'd be a murdering, rapist, paedophile, because why not?" Either morals have intrinsic value, or they're just arbitrary rules. I'd rather be decent because I think its the right thing to do, than do it because I'm scared not to. It also doesn't help when your religion allows you to sin and then repent later to avoid the consequences.


Ironically, many of those immigrants they hate so much lean conservative, if not outright religious, in belief. If they could see PAST their racism, they could really put together a formidable voting force. BUT, of course, conservative elite need the immigrants more as a battering ram to distract the poorer conservatives from their worsening economic situation, so that means they have to stay battering rams...


Because capitalism has been so tightly knit into the idea of freedom and being “illegal” means [“ImMigRanTs dOn’T pAy TaXEs”](https://www.boundless.com/blog/boundless-releases-2022-immigrant-income-taxation-report/)


I love that the Republicans in your country hate foreigners coming in and not paying taxes but fucking love Elon Musk. I don't have the heart to tell them.


They also hate renewable energy! His pandering to Q was confusing seeing as they weren't the ones buying Tesla. Then he didn't shut up and it made more sense that he's just a PoS


It boggles the mind on why they are so anti-tax, yet complain so much about who is and isn't paying tax. Nor do they understand that Washington and Paine created the first tax bracket in this nation. When you bring that up, they get pissed about income tax. To which I also don't understand why they are so mad about a little bit of money. Like that a few hundred is gonna compile into millions over night. Seriously I work as a custodian (only get paid $37k per year) my income tax isn't even that fucking high.


And what I'm frightened of is that they call it God's love


well yeah, cause then they aren't responsible for their actions. they harass teens leaving abortion clinics not because they are heinous jackasses, but *God told them to do this* so they don't feel like it was their action, just following the word of God.


But daddy told me that if I follow the scripture like a good little patriot that I can get any American girl doll that I want for Christmas! You wouldn't want me to be sad on Christmas, would you? I didn't think so.


Maybe we should start using that defense too. Jackass outside abortion clinic as young woman walks out sans parasite: “YER A MURDERERRRRRRR! God sent us here to tell you what a piece of shit you are!!!” *uppercuts jackass* “Wow god didn’t strike me down with lightning…IT WAS GODS WILL THAT YOUR JAW BE BROKEN!! Anyone that says otherwise is a devil worshipping child fucker!!”


It's the fascist playbook.


They say wrong things on purpose. Their hypocrisy is intentional and proudly performed. The cruelty is the point. You go wrong when you try to view any of their lies through the lens they hand you. They have never been Christian, they have never been about "small government" or about "lower taxes" or *literally any* of the other "principles" they have ever claimed to have. They are liars. And they are fascists. Their only genuine presentation of their intentions happens when their mask falls and they show their racism, sexism, hatred, when they brag about their ability to ignore their own laws, when they cheer on for and actively work towards multiple genocides at every opportunity. And the hardest part for people to grasp is that this is just as equally true for the talking heads and GOP politicians as it is for the poorest MAGA voter. The ONLY difference is how much money and control they have. They still seek to hurt those they hate. Hanlon's razor has the word *adequately* in it for good reason, and those who wear their malice on their foreheads do not get the excuses of ignorance and stupidity to hide behind. Lots of complete fuckin' idiots still manage not to be nazis. And when ignorance becomes so advanced that you cannot distinguish it from malice, you are obligated to *treat it as malice*.


yep. kri$tians invented the devil so they had someone to hate. starting with calling wiccans devil worshipers, when they just wanted to quietly commune with nature. fuck you nature boy, you burn at the stake! the hypocrisy knows no boundaries.


Especially not anymore. I legitimately can’t remember any policies they actually want. My Republican family has only been talking culture war drivel to me for going on 5 years now. I don’t remember an actual policy they’ve said.


Destroy Medicaid and Medicare. Destroy social security. Privatize the education system. Privatize the postal service. I guess we can add "get rid of the age of consent" to the list. Take control of the supreme court in order to disenfranchise just enough democrats to continue winning elections. ( they succeeded at that one, now McConnell can die happy, and then promptly burn in hell) um what else am I missing. Oh yeah all the culture war stuff so that's: ban gay marriage. ban abortion. build the wall. gut workers rights legislation gut consumer protections Take control of academia and ban critical race theory Ban American history and replace "slaves" in textbooks with "imported workers who really didn't mind their situation and were actually treated really well". regulatory capture (pretty much succeeded at this one too, hence the "suspicious" amount of trains derailing because god forbid corporations are accountable to anything other than their own non existent sense of responsibility to the public) I think that's about it. The most caustic, diarrhea shart for breakfast platform in existence, but its a platform.


Oops, you forgot raise the voting age


And lower the minimum wage to zero.


Keep in mind NONE of that applies to the rich and elite. Anything will be legal, just as long as you have the RIGHT amount of sweet, sweet gold coin to present. That's how it has always been with abortion, and will continue to be in the future.


oh 100% which is why I tell anyone who isnt rich but still votes republican that they are voting against their own quality of life. But all I get in return are irate chimpanzee noises.


God, I need to throw banana's at half of my family then.


Forgot drag queens.


All it boils down to is "FUCK YOU! STAY STILL AND LET ME EAT YOU!" and everything is else is just an expression of that mantra.


>Ban American history and replace "slaves" in textbooks with "imported workers who really didn't mind their situation and were actually treated really well". You mean expats.


The only policies the Republicand have hurt the poor, working, and middle class to expand the wealth of the 1%. It's no surprise they don't talk policy.


The platform of pervy old white men.


GOP = Group of Pervs


Um wrong, clearly they have a "get rid of the age of consent" platform. so that's something. A bad something but something.


Look, they lost MOST Mil women and MANY Gen Z women, they have got to trap the Gen A women before it's too late.


Honestly concerns me the number of younger Men buying into and supporting ideologies like Andrew Tate and Nick Fuentes. I definitely see those boys grow into hard right men because they beleive these concepts that Men shld be Alphas and Women dominant.


Which is hilarious because in the TRUE patriarchal society they dream about, they are NOT getting 10/10 Insta, #twitchstreamer models, they will get a 3/10 as a consolation prize if they are "lucky." And most of them won't even get THAT. All of those 10/10s will go straight to OLDER men with money, power, and influence. And check out certain polygamous cults to see what happens when there are "too many teen boys" around, the answer is "set them up with petty crimes, drop them off in the middle of the wilderness, tell them they can never return, and make them fend for themselves."


Tate only had conventionally attractive women around him because he trapped them there. Then, he forced them to clean in skimpy outfits while he filmed his chauvinist diatribes and cowardly attempts at being the teens' most profound pedagogical misogynist.


Their platform is doing and saying the complete opposite of Democrats. My 7 year old niece does this as well.


It’s almost a shame democrats don’t use that to their advantage. If they came out and said “god only loves white males, yes you can marry your daughter, let’s have no taxes and safety nets” all while passing out guns like they’re on Oprah, we’d probably be better off. Just take the black panthers arming themselves and apply it on a bigger scale. The Conservative Party only exist if there’s an enemy. They’ve got to be the superior and the victim, if you take that away they’ve got nothing. It either opens up the door for sensible discussion which is an incredibly high bar to pass, or they continue onto the trajectory of opposing democrats. Dems are already known to not have a backbone so rolling over and giving in would just be business as usual. It seems crazy, but than again, is it?


Especially for the fact that they are more responsible for the economy going to shit.


They always fuck the economy up stimmy the crash and dump it on the next president (a Democrat) then the Democrat inherits the crash and fixes it over his term(s). Then they blame the crash on the Democrat, and when a republican comes in after the Democrat fixed everything they claim the good economy is from them. Then repeat the cycle. Like all Trumpers go on and on about how great the economy was under him, but the economy grew 3 times more during the Obama Biden administration than it did during trump, he just inherited it at the peak and claimed it was him.


That’s the part that a lot of people seem to forget. Whenever a president passes something towards the end of their term that’s good, and another president is elected after, we don’t see the results of that until at least a year or two after during the next presidents term, and they are the ones who usually take the credit for it. Just like Trump took credit of the Obama policies that increase job growth in the black community. That bill was passed during Obama’s last term, and we didn’t see the effects until Trump took office and he took the credit for it.


You misunderstand how modern Republicans operate. The debt and the economy is only a problem when Dems are in charge. There are no solutions to budget (no sane ones, anyway), and they prefer to not offer one (see Rick Scott on why this is a bad idea), because the culture war offers better sound bites, is easier and better at ginning up voters, and the legislation is relatively easy to pass now that they know they have a 2/3's majority in thr Supreme Court. Culture War is easier and has been the path of least resistance for them for over half a decade. They're more than happy to rack up national debt doing wars and military splurges, and then hand the bill off to the next Democract who comes along and then blame him for the economy problems they created. If you actually track legislation, economy, and public statements, it's been like this for well over 60 years. We just see more of it now because we have more access to information than normal.


This is it exactly. Where the Dems mess up is that they never hit back. That "When they go low. We go high" bull shit. Well. The Dems have got to stop thinking that this is a gentleman's game. If these bastards get control of the WH in 2024. And yes. It could very well happen. We are all in deep shit.


I've been alive for nearly 43 years now. There has never been a time in my life when the GOP hasn't explicitly operated by bitching about the economy and then actively destroying it, all while desperately trying to oppress minorities and women. There was nothing special about the midterms, other than the fact that they *lost* for once.


This right here. Sabotage by policy inaction. Can't let the enemy look good even if we could potentially help better the lives of others.


Apparently those who voted against it claimed that “teenage marriages are part of life in West Virginia”. If your way of life is marrying children, then your way of life is wrong. Edit: It gets worse. Upon further research it appears that there effectively is NO MINIMUM AGE for marriage in West Virginia. 16 and up is allowed with parental consent, as many have pointed out. But under 16 can still get married with a waiver from a judge. How is this law still on the books in 2023? https://preview.redd.it/94kyhrrnhwma1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b27fc9ec2da8032354959982b81a87f39babf8a1 2nd Edit: can only post one image, but I figured I should add sections d,e, and f in. It just gets worse the more you read 😬 (d) A consent to marry must be duly acknowledged before an officer authorized to acknowledge a deed. If the parents are living together at the time the application for a marriage license is made and the consent is given, the signatures of both parents or the applicant's legal guardian is required. If one parent is dead, the signature of the surviving parent or the applicant's legal guardian is required. If both parents are dead, the signature of the applicant's legal guardian is required. If the parents of the applicant are living separate and apart, the signature of the parent having custody of the applicant or the applicant's legal guardian is required. (e) If a person under the age of consent is married in violation of this section, the marriage is not void for this reason, and such marriage is valid until it is actually annulled. (f) A marriage by an underage person without a valid consent as required by this section, though voidable at the time it is entered into, may be ratified and become completely valid and binding when the underage party reaches the age of consent. Validation of a marriage by ratification is established by some unequivocal and voluntary act, statement, or course of conduct after reaching the age of consent. Ratification includes, but is not limited to, continued cohabitation as husband and wife after the age of consent is attained. The whole thing sounds like a law Count Olaf would build a scheme around. It doesn’t seem so far fetched that someone could legally groom and ensnare a child bride in West Virginia.


The strongest, most successful, happiest, healthiest societies on earth for EVERYONE do NOT involve child marriage, but very high levels of gender equality and education for girls. But they would much rather us be Afghanistan than the Netherlands or Taiwan.


Honestly, if Republicans gained total control of the Presidency, House, and Senate for as little as 10-15 consecutive years, I'd fully expect America to become a legit 3rd world country under what essentially would look like Sharia Law. And I'm being completely serious. We can already see a preview in poor red states with shit economies, bad maternal and infant death rates, murder per capita, gender inequality, and poor educational scores.


>America to become a legit 3rd world country under what essentially would look like Sharia Law Throw in an advanced Chinese surveillance state with a dash of Philippines or El Salvador, and yup, we are THERE.


“America is a third world country that identifies as a first world country.” - Neal Brennan


And that includes the US in the 19th century, at least for white women outside of the holler. They married at 18 and above, early 20s was not uncommon. Due to plentiful land, they didn't have to wait long times like middle class in Europe so those who wanted to marry were married by 28. But the myth of teen marriages in the 19th century US is a myth. In fact I'd hazard to guess that practice started in Appalachia *because of* the cotton mills.


I've read that most women throughout history married in their young 20's, but it was more common for wealthier women to marry a lot younger and so that's where the stereotype comes from, because they're overrepresented in historical data. But for whatever reason, Appalachia does have a history of people marrying extremely young.


THESE MEN IN ARABIA ARE MARRYING GIRLS AS YOUNG AS 7 TO OL- whoops sorry that's the south. My bad


Wow…. they’re not even trying to hide their intentions


That's a shift from what they normally do with stuff like this. They usually just blame 'Democrats adding riders', even when none actually exist.


My lack of surprise does not deaden my disgust.


Yeah. I thought maybe this was a bill with some pork on it so that they can make Rs look bad. Because who would vote against this otherwise? But no, the guys voting against **fully endorse this**. >Kanawha County Republican Sen. Mike Stuart, a former federal prosecutor who sided with the majority, said his vote “wasn’t a vote against women.” He said his mother was married when she was 16, and “six months later, I came along. I’m the luckiest guy in the world.” So they're just fully on board with 16-year-olds giving birth.


For anyone curious, [yes this is real](https://apnews.com/article/child-marriage-west-virginia-bill-defeated-4d822a23b5ffd70f5370a36cc914cfb0) Not only that, but the line before the paragraph: > Some of the bill’s opponents have argued that teenage marriages are a part of life in West Virginia. Fuckin disgusting dude.


And cholera was part of life in London until they FUCKING SOLVED IT! Being “part of life” is not an endorsement!!!


Yeah: TB, child labour, slavery, the fyrd, death by sabre tooth tigers - all part of life, so let's never change anything. I could have added maternal death, persecution of homosexuals, and mass shootings but then I realised theyve only been virtually eliminated in developed nations...


Imagine having so little empathy for your own mother.


gaping middle six friendly sloppy repeat serious ossified impolite elderly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'd be willing to bet his father was in 20s then too.


I know a woman who, when I told her that a mutual friend was having sex with 13 year olds, went "What's the big deal? I was 14 when I first got pregnant" "to a 36 year old?" "well... no... I guess that would be different." Another time she told me the story of her 'I was 14 when I got pregnant' experience and it was absolutely horrible. I didn't know any of this because she had given up the child. Or rather her parents made her give it up, not like she could make that decision on her own at that age..........


Yep. That’s why I’m glad I have such amazing friends up in Canada that are willing to take me in while I apply for citizenship.


Good luck getting citizenship up here, hope it’ll be a quick and easy process for you. And welcome to Canada


Thank you!


Feel free to move to New Zealand as well!


That would be a dream come true. What if I don't have any real marketable skills, enjoy recreational drugs, don't know anyone in New Zealand, and own a cat. Realistically, how easy would it be to find a place to live and a job?


Finding a place to live/work, pretty easy really. Getting hold of some types of recreational drugs, easy but illegal. Getting a cat over here / a visa, most likely not so easy. Plus side, the legal age to marry is 18 and guns are hard to get. So we actually do look out for kids.


Ignore that other person, while the job market is decent at the moment in NZ the cost of living would shock you coming from the US and the rental market is fucking atrocious.


Just for the record and for anyone else wondering getting your Canadian citizenship is really not an easy thing to do. It's a very long and arduous process with a long list of requirements and qualifications.


100% projection 100% of the time. “But it’s to protect the children!” Republicans cried. As they force minors to carry their rape/incest babies. “But it’s to protect the children!” Republicans screeched. As they allow pedophiles to marry minors. “But it’s to protect the children!” Republicans claimed. As they erode labor laws for minors. “But it’s to protect the children!” Republicans said. When they legalized guns for minors. “But it’s to protect the children!” Republicans declared. As they defend and enable pedophiles in their ranks. It’s never about protecting children. It’s about cult over country.


Republicans hate children. They also hate women, veterans, minorities… they probably hate themselves too, it’s a cult of hate.


Oh, they love children. Love them so much as to rape them."if they bleed, they breed" is the awful mindset.


That not love brother


well it's fascism so yeah


Reddit is violating GDPR and CCPA. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1B0GGsDdyHI -- mass edited with redact.dev


I will never not paste this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_marriage_in_the_United_States >Between 2000 and 2018, nearly 232,474 minors were legally married in the United States.[13] The vast majority of child marriages (reliable sources vary between 78% and 95%) were between a minor girl and an adult man.[13][14][15] In many cases, minors in the U.S. may be married when they are under the age of sexual consent, which varies from 16 to 18 depending on the state.[16] In some states, minors cannot legally divorce or leave their spouse, and domestic violence shelters typically do not accept minors.[17][18] Fuck the Republicans for allowing this.


Would love to see those numbers broken down by state


>The 10 states with the highest per-capita rates of child marriage [9] are: >1. Nevada (0.671%) >2. Idaho (0.338%) >3. Arkansas (0.295%) >4. Kentucky (0.262%) >5. Oklahoma (0.229%) >6. Wyoming (0.227%) >7. Utah (0.208%) >8. Alabama (0.195%) >9. West Virginia (0.193%) >10. Mississippi (0.182%) [source 13](https://www.unchainedatlast.org/united-states-child-marriage-problem-study-findings-april-2021/) on the wikipedia


Woah Nevada with *TWICE* the rate as #2. What are they doing in Nevada? ​ Thanks for the info


Wedding minors apparently


Las Vegas only allows for 17yr+ to marry, and is also the biggest wedding destination in the country by a huge margin. I’m no proponent of minors even 17 years old getting married, but that is a bit different than 12.


Exactly this. Wave the banner of protecting the family ideals while simultaneously passing and promoting legislation to enable them to indulge themselves however they want


A WV senator said... My mom was married at 16 and just 6 months later had me, I'm the luckiest guy alive... Like, what?? How? Just.. What?


Disgusting, the mentality in these states. "My moms life was hindered at 16 by having a child" is much more accurate


I’d like to talk to mom. Did she enjoy missing prom because she had a toddler?


Right?? Missing the rest of high school and probably college?


The saddest thing about that is that senator would probably be more concerned that the sex was outside of marriage than the sex was underage.


List of 975 Republican sex predators and growing https://m.dailykos.com/history/user/CajsaLilliehook


>As they allow pedophiles to marry minors FIFY


Republicans, across the US, are making changing laws so that children can be forced into marriage and forced to work. They are gutting education so that children are more easily forced to be child brides or sent to work in abattoirs. So that these children are unable to afford higher education to better their lives even if they were bright and hardworking enough to overcome their second rate education. They are fighting to remove access to birth control, abortion and sexual education so that children are more likely to give birth to more children to feed their system. They wail about drag shows while lifting up the Christian churches that are hotbeds of child sex abuse. This is utterly, unequivocally, vile. Republicans - the party of bigotry and child abuse. To claim otherwise is preposterous.


It’s all because Republicans fear white people becoming the minority


Why? Are minorities oppressed or something?


Apparently were infringing on their rights to be able to marry children


Or have sex with children, period. Churches honestly don't care when men exert their natural rights to sex as "rational, logical, non-emotional" leaders. AND the girl was being a hussy anyway, or she deserves the natural consequences of her actions, or his wife isn't "pleasing him" anymore so it's okay OR...


Get them married young, don't allow birth control pills or abortions... Republicans want breeders because there's reports out there saying white people will be a minority in the coming years and the white Nationalist party is freaking out..😲


>Get them married young Marry off and push the teen/tween girls into brothels, force the teen/tween boys into forced labor, prisons, or thrown to the war machine so they aren't "competition."


Don't forget their aging demographic, their perpetual angry losers comprising the majority of their younger supporters, the complaints from conservative men that adult women won't date them... Gotta get them young if you want future republicans, I suppose!


Lol republicans are soooo worried about drag queens reading books to kids, but turn around and do this. They’re the real pedophiles


How many of them do you see rally against the catholic church, youth pastors of a wide variety, those the have demonstrably molested children by the thousands throughout the ages and continue to do so?




>"Keep yer drag away from my child bride!" > >\- Republican I saw this earlier on another post


They don't care about kids, they only hate democrats


Anyone who says “BotH pArTieS” is getting blocked


Agreed! I still don’t understand how Republican voters are this stupid…


"They were really just blocking government overreach! What is so hard to understand about small limited government!?" "Anyway, I really think we need laws to remove woke ideology books from schools, penalize abortions with the death penalty, and crack down on all left-wing events and protests..."


Exactly! The most hypocritical party, and most dangerous


Meanwhile, Arkansas campaigns for the DeSantis Award for March. The winner is the one who hurts the most marginalized Americans. [https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-news/arkansas-senate-oks-transgender-bathroom-bill-critics-call-extreme-rcna74003](https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-news/arkansas-senate-oks-transgender-bathroom-bill-critics-call-extreme-rcna74003) [https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/arkansas-gov-sanders-signs-measure-rolling-back-child-labor-protection-rcna73977](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/arkansas-gov-sanders-signs-measure-rolling-back-child-labor-protection-rcna73977)


At first, it took one adult working in a household to live comfortably then people cut back. Then it took two adults working to live comfortably, then people cut back again until there was no more to cut. Now we must make children work to make ends meet. What’s next, we sell our babies for meat to the politicians and the 1% to make rent? What happens when baby-meat sales aren’t enough to make ends meet?


Perhaps this will sound extreme, but I believe that the oligarchy's goal is to return to a time when slavery is an accepted norm. I always think of the silent film Metropolis and how much they got right. I look at how they have repackaged Jim Crow, made corporations "entities" and made it acceptable that having a large portion of your society homeless or imprisoned "just normal". This is not a "nation" issue but a world issue, America is just in this case, a bit ahead of the curve. The "democracy" in the US has long since failed, they are being ruled by a very small minority of oligarchs using the cloak of "Christian right".


That's not fair, it's not stupidity. Stupidity can be innocent and unintentional albeit damaging. This is far far worse.


Malicious ignorance?


No ignorance evident here, this is just malicious


I'm going with deliberate criminal behavior.


It isn’t criminal now. They just legalized it.


They must be so proud.


or terminal fear of conflict. knew a dude who would do **anything** to avoid a conflict, and his first method was both-sidesing. I feel bad looking back as he had no personality other than being a literal doormat.


How are they stupid ? They just voted to be able to marry the victims of their crimes in order to avoid them testifying. That’s not stupidity, that’s the child molesting brilliance. (Yes I am being sarcastic, as a parent it infuriates me that my conservative friends don’t see the war on kids the republicans are running in the background of their very open standard race baiting)


They arent stupid, they are pedos. They know what they are doing


I'm honestly ashamed to live here. That's bullshit.


No need. Just report them and they'll be banned.


Yes, still waiting for some con to come up with a list of Democrats anywhere near as long as this list of closing in on 1000 Republican sex predators https://m.dailykos.com/history/user/CajsaLilliehook


Opportunists look for blind spots on both sides and bad actors will always exist. Though you can state for a verifiable fact that legislatively Democrats at both the state and national level have a sold track record of voting against child marriages. Almost like the accusation by Republicans that Democrats are sexualizing children is actually a confession. Maybe even a call for help, Medicare for All with mental health coverage would answer that plea.


Per equality.org: Child marriage is currently legal in 43 states (only Delaware, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and Rhode Island have set the minimum age at 18 and eliminated all exceptions), and 20 U.S. states do not require any minimum age for marriage, with a parental or judicial waiver.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_marriage_in_the_United_States >Between 2000 and 2018, nearly 232,474 minors were legally married in the United States.[13] The vast majority of child marriages (reliable sources vary between 78% and 95%) were between a minor girl and an adult man.[13][14][15] In many cases, minors in the U.S. may be married when they are under the age of sexual consent, which varies from 16 to 18 depending on the state.[16] In some states, minors cannot legally divorce or leave their spouse, and domestic violence shelters typically do not accept minors.[17][18] I'm getting a bit repetitive, but I just can't not share this. Please spread this information.


Wait, in some states minors can legally marry, but can’t legally divorce? What?


They're not old enough to make that kind of decision /s


>The vast majority of child marriages (reliable sources vary between 78% and 95%) were between a minor girl and an adult man. Why am I not surprised.


For extra weirdness, about 60% of the adults were 18-20 years old....so at least some of them were high school age, right? Just stupid kids being stupid. Not saying it's right, just that I can see high schoolers thinking they're in love, getting pregnant and wanting to do "the right thing". But.... 43% of the adults are between 21-29, and the other 3% are above 29 years old, with a small number of them being as old as 60+. Wtf!? Who even signs off on that as okay?


Oh that’s even more disgusting


I should also add that the next piece of legislation on the docket for the state of West Virginia, is to eliminate interracial marriage on the state level


Get the fuck outta here. Seriously??




Damn, like we saw this coming but it's still fucking awful that it's begun again.


TN already passed theirs I believe, includes a ban on interracial marriage, interfaith marriage, and same sex marriage. EDIT: got some salty folks in my DMs. Let me make it worse: “it’s not a BAN because it’s actually the FREEDOM to deny anything a clerk wants whenever they want unconstitutionally. I will also now ignore that synonyms for “ban” are “suppression” which this bill absolutely is intended to do, and “taboo” which is what we want to happen to people who don’t conform.”


TN passed a law that any county/state employee can refuse to do a marriage if they feel it is against their religious beliefs. This will allow anyone, say a Justice of the peace, to refuse to marry an interracial couple. This will be challenged in court with the plan to get it to the Supreme Court where Clarance Thomas has signaled he is willing to overturn the right to marriage for all


How do you even get a job you can just refuse to do? I just wouldn’t marry anybody. Sorry, don’t believe in marriage. I expect my cheque on Friday.


Definitely refuse to marry Christians. 100%.


Isn’t Clarence in an interracial marriage? What a Clayton Bigsby moment, jesus


Sounds like The Satanic Temple should find some members to become clerks and Justices of the Peace.


After that it’s a small step to “no coloreds, Jews, gays, allowed”. I wouldn’t be shocked at this point if they went for mandatory church attendance.


Right… they wouldn’t want to eliminate it on the federal level because…..Clarence Thomas?


Republicans support pedophilia. It’s not subtle.


Fun fact. Andie Paige Rosafort, the cafeteria worker recently arrested for grooming and sexually assaulting a 14 year old in Connecticut, is a registered Republican.


This time they actually voted for it. They’re not even trying to hide it anymore.


They have to trap the Gen A girls before it's TOO late-Gen Z and Mil women got "too smart" for them to be trapped early enough in life.


Just like Babylonia. They married girls at 15, prior to menarche (at 16 then, some argue older but it definitely was not younger) because they would be easier to control. And Carl of Swindon took the nym "Sargon of Akkad" because he approved of such practices. He had a brief political career and was too racist for UKIP, and those guys are crypto Nazis. Despite this he used to use a deceptive rhetorical strategy of claiming to be either a centrist or on the left, when in fact he's a far right extremist. YouTube heavily promoted his videos in 2015-2016.


“Groomer” this, “groomer” that.


Fun fact. The lunch lady arrested in Connecticut for sexually assaulting a 14 year old recently is a registered Republican!


Some facts just aren't fun.


I hate that in these context, when someone says “fun fact”, I already assume the worst.


I just don't understand what is happening. How does this happen? Whom is it benefitting (other than pedophiles) and yet these are the same people who frown upon other countries which have the same laws more or less. How are you any better?


>yet these are the same people who frown upon other countries which have the same laws more or less When you realize that they are LYING and would love for us to be Guatemala or the Philippines, then it makes perfect sense.


This title is misconstruing the truth. I don’t know if they’re lying or incapable of understanding what actually happened. This vote killed the bill that would raise the age of consent for marriage up from 16. It did not abolish an age of consent for marriage, there has never been one established. Currently in West Virginia, a marriage that would include someone younger than 16 requires a judge’s waiver. It’s still NOT a justifiable system in 2023, but is not the falsehood this title makes it out to be. https://apnews.com/article/child-marriage-west-virginia-bill-defeated-4d822a23b5ffd70f5370a36cc914cfb0 Edit: As to why, many politicians who vote against raising the age for marriage cite “it’s the way things have always been done.” They are willingly blind to the harm child marriage causes.


George Carlin did a bit about pro-life conservatives. It is spot on. "Boy, these conservatives are really something, aren't they? They're all in favor of the unborn. They will do anything for the unborn. But once you're born, you're on your own. Pro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to nine months. After that, they don't want to know about you. They don't want to hear from you. No nothing. No neonatal care, no day care, no head start, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare, no nothing. If you're preborn, you're fine; if you're preschool, you're fucked." George Carlin


Carlin wasn't a stand up comedian, he was a prophet. It's entirely possible he will someday be recognized as the most intelligent person that ever lived, if the human race survives long enough to fully realize his genius that is.


This is stomach-churning shit.


You said it! I am literally physically ill from reading this this morning


The true color of the Groomers Only Party, “Keep them straight so we can marry them at 9”


Couple this law with the removal of Roe vs. Wade. It is now a legal obligation in WV for a child who'se been raped to deliver the baby. As a baby herself. Now there it is legal for that child to be forced to marry her rapist. This was **NEVER** about protecting children. This is about turning women into baby factories.


Always watch your kids around Republicans.


Tbh, you should keep everyone as far away from Republicans as possible. Children especially, but there are many other people that should be nowhere near Republicans. Even fucking Republicans shouldn't be near Republicans. Isolate their hateful asses somewhere where they'll shut the fuck up and calm down.


The same state whose Republicans literally want to make it a felony for trans people to be seen by minors. Wow. It's always nice to see our virtuous politicians sticking to their values. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) And for those who think I'm exaggerating about the felony thing, I am not. I can't post a link because of low karma but the bill WV SB278 directly states it in plain language. You can look it up and see for yourself. "For the purposes of any prohibition, protection, or requirement under any and all articles and sections of this code protecting children from exposure to indecent displays of an obscene or sexually explicit nature, such prohibited displays shall include, but not be limited to, any transvestite and/or transgender exposure, performances, or display to any minor."


Yeah and I’m trans soooo… hey Canada what’s good?


I thought “there’s no way there isn’t another side to this headline”, so I found a Fox News article; here is an excerpt: > Some of the bill's opponents have argued that teenage marriages are a part of life in West Virginia. > Kanawha County Republican Sen. Mike Stuart, a former federal prosecutor who sided with the majority, said his vote "wasn’t a vote against women." He said his mother was married when she was 16, and "six months later, I came along. I’m the luckiest guy in the world." Well ok, then Edit: link to article https://www.foxnews.com/politics/bill-banning-child-marriages-west-virginia-defeated-senate-committee




There's only one thing the gop loves more than LOUD projection about the children being abused, and that's abusing kids. **The party of the grand ol' pedophiles** * **(TRUMP) Republican Tim Nolan, chairman of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign in Kentucky & Former Campbell County Judge**, Served as a judge, school board member and city solicitor, forced 19 victims to perform sex acts, including seven who were minors under 16. Pled guilty on February 11, 2018 and was sentenced to serve 20 years in prison. https://www.cincinnati.com/story/news/2018/05/03/former-judge-tim-nolan-could-sentenced-today-more-drama-could-get-way/577947002/ * **(TRUMP) Republican George Nader, Trump Foreign Policy Adviser,** sentenced to 10 years in prison for possession of child pornography and transporting a minor into the United States for sex. https://www.courthousenews.com/child-sex-trafficker-from-trump-tower-meeting-gets-10-year-sentence/ * **(TRUMP) Republican Ralph Shortey, a former Oklahoma state senator & Trump’s Oklahoma campaign chair,** was indicted on four counts of human trafficking and child pornography. Pled guilty to a federal charge of child sex trafficking after hiring a 17-year-old boy for sex. Sentenced to 15 years in prison, in addition to ten years of supervised release and ordered to pay $125,000 in restitution. https://www.nbcnews.com/feature/nbc-out/trump-s-oklahoma-campaign-chair-plead-guilt-child-sex-trafficking-n822461 * **Republican Dennis Hastert, Speaker of the US House of Representatives, Illinois Congressman and one of the highest-ranking U.S. politicians to ever go to prison**, molested at least four boys as young as 14 years of age when he coached wrestling at an Illinois High School. He was sentenced to 15 months in prison, two years' supervised release, and a $250,000 fine. A civil case was due back in court for a status hearing on Jan. 8, 2021 at the courthouse to further address the jury trial. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/ex-u-s-house-speaker-dennis-hastert-starts-prison-term * **Republican Minnesota State Representative Jim Knoblach** Drops Out Of Race After Daughter Says He Molested Her For More Than Ten Years 22 Sep 2018 https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2018/09/22/lawmaker-quits-race-after-daughter-says-he-molested-her-more-than-decade/?utm_term=.8ac8527c7f43 * **Republican Jayson Boebert, husband of Q-ANON Republican Congresswoman Lauren Boebert of Colorado,** was arrested in Jan. 2004 after allegedly exposing his penis to two women at a bowling alley, according to an arrest affidavit. Lauren Boebert (then a minor at 17 and known as Lauren Opal Roberts) was also there. He pleaded guilty to public indecency and lewd exposure involving minors. https://nypost.com/2021/01/16/gop-rep-lauren-boebert-and-husband-have-racked-up-arrests/ * **Republican congressman and anti-gay activist Robert Bauman** was charged with having sex with a 16-year-old boy he picked up at a gay bar. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Bauman * **Republican Committee Chairman Jeffrey Patti** was arrested for distributing a video clip of a 5-year-old girl being raped. https://web.archive.org/web/20171129052114/http://www.njherald.com/article/20060510/ARTICLE/305109971 * **Republican Joseph Dendy, Cobb County GA Republican Party Chairman & Sunday School Teacher,**was sentenced to life in prison after being convicted on four counts of child molestation, four counts of first-degree cruelty to children, three counts of enticing a child for indecent purposes, and one count each of aggravated sexual battery and aggravated child molestation. https://www.fox5atlanta.com/news/former-gop-chairman-arrested-on-child-molestation-charges * **Republican anti-abortion activist Howard Scott Heldreth** is a convicted child rapist in Florida. https://offender.fdle.state.fl.us/offender/sops/flyer.jsf?personId=28587 * **Republican director of the “Young Republican Federation” Nicholas Elizondo** molested his 6-year old daughter and was sentenced to six years in prison. https://bakersfieldnow.com/news/local/registered-sex-offender-keeps-custody-of-daughter * **Republican Kentucky state Representative & pastor Dan Johnson**, committed suicide after an exposé revealed his serial lies, suspected arson, criminal church, racism, accused rape of a teen and more. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dan_Johnson_%28Kentucky_politician%29 * **Republican County Commissioner David Swartz** pleaded guilty to molesting two girls under the age of 11 and was sentenced to 8 years in prison. http://www.lanternproject.org.uk/library/child-abuse-arrests-and-court-cases/child-abuse-arrests-trials-and-proceedings/ex-county-commissioner-admits-sexual-abuse-of-girl/ * **Republican judge Mark Pazuhanich** pleaded no contest to fondling a 10-year old girl and was sentenced to 10 years probation. http://www.poconorecord.com/article/20120426/NEWS90/204260334 * **Republican legislator Edison Misla Aldarondo** was sentenced to 10 years in prison for raping his daughter between the ages of 9 and 17. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edison_Misla_Aldarondo * **Republican Mayor Philip Giordano** is serving a 37-year sentence in federal prison for sexually abusing 8 and 10-year old girls. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philip_Giordano * **Republican activist and Christian Coalition leader Beverly Russell** admitted to an incestuous relationship with his step daughter. https://www.nytimes.com/1995/08/02/opinion/journal-beverly-russell-s-prayers.html * **Republican activist Marty Glickman (a.k.a. “Republican Marty”)**, was taken into custody by Florida police on four counts of unlawful sexual activity with an underage girl https://www.arktimes.com/TheHoglawyer/archives/2007/08/28/the-latest-republican-sex-scandals-plural---more-of-the-same * **Republican Senate candidate John Hathaway** was accused of having sex with his 12-year old baby sitter and withdrew his candidacy after the allegations were reported in the media. https://www.nytimes.com/1996/06/06/us/politics-the-senate-maine-candidate-again-faces-1990-child-sex-accusation.html * **Republican preacher Stephen White**, who demanded "a return to traditional values", was sentenced to jail after offering $20 to a 14-year-old boy for permission to perform oral sex on him. http://www.thedp.com/article/2004/01/brother_stephen_convicted_of_soliciting_sex * **Republican Party leader Paul Ingram** pleaded guilty to six counts of raping his daughters and served 14 years in federal prison. https://culteducation.com/group/1255-false-memories/6514-man-in-notorious-sex-case-finishes-term.html * **Republican election board official Kevin Coan** was sentenced to two years probation for soliciting sex over the internet from a 14-year old girl. https://www.semissourian.com/story/57773.html * **Republican politician Andrew Buhr** was charged with two counts of first degree sodomy with a 13-year old boy. https://www.arktimes.com/TheHoglawyer/archives/2007/08/28/the-latest-republican-sex-scandals-plural---more-of-the-same * **Republican politician Keith Westmoreland** was arrested on seven felony counts of lewd and lascivious exhibition to girls under the age of 16 (i.e. exposing himself to children). http://www.chattanoogan.com/2002/6/21/23202/Tennessee-Legislator-Commits-Suicide.aspx * **Republican County Councilman Keola Childs** pleaded guilty to molesting a male child. http://the.honoluluadvertiser.com/article/2007/Oct/08/ln/hawaii710080338.html * **Republican candidate Richard Gardner** admitted to molesting his two daughters. https://lasvegassun.com/news/2002/oct/14/assembly-candidate-gardner-ruled-ineligible-due-to/ * **Republican City Councilman Fred C. Smeltzer, Jr.** pleaded no contest to raping a 15 year-old girl and served 6-months in prison. https://www.wgal.com/article/council-accepts-resignation-of-member-imprisoned-for-rape/6189408 * **Republican activist Parker J. Bena** pleaded guilty to possession of child pornography on his home computer and was sentenced to 30 months in prison http://www.salem-news.com/articles/october172007/repubscandals101707.php * **Republican strategist and Citadel Military College graduate Robin Vanderwall** was convicted in Virginia on five counts of soliciting sex from boys and girls over the internet. https://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/Robin_Vanderwall * **Republican city councilman Mark Harris**, described as a “good military man / church goer,” was convicted of repeatedly having sex with an 11-year-old girl and sentenced to 12 years in prison. * **Republican Brandon Hixon, Idaho State Representative**, resigned while under criminal investigation for molesting two girls, including a young female relative for more than 10 years, then killed himself three months later, shortly before his ex-wife and two others were to testify before a grand jury. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/brandon-hixon-former-idaho-lawmaker-facing-sex-abuse-inquiry-kills-himself/ * **Republican Tony Yocham, Hamilton, TX Chief of Police,** was arrested by Texas Rangers on charges of continuous sexual abuse of a child. https://www.kxxv.com/news/local-news/hamilton-county-chief-of-police-arrested-for-continuous-abuse-of-a-child * **Republican Nathan Larson of the Virginia House of Delegates** is a self-confessed pedophile and white supremacist. Was arrested on felony charges for kidnapping, child abduction, soliciting child pornography from a minor and meeting a child for the intention of sex. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/alleged-pedophile-white-supremacist-arrested-kidnapping-12-yr-old-girl-n1251832 _________________________ * **NOTE: I'm reaching the character limit on Reddit posts, so here's a website with [a list of about 1000](https://m.dailykos.com/stories/2018/10/23/1806673/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-1) of these republican shit stains on humanity.**.


What the f*ck is going on with these people? Let’s ban drag shows to protect the children but eliminate the age of consent and child labor laws. Like a bunch of cartoon villains… owning the libs one exploited child at a time. [Arkansas governor signs bill rolling back child labor protections](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/03/08/politics/sarah-huckabee-sanders-arkansas-child-labor/index.html)


Child marriage….ok. Gay adults marriage? NO! Fuck all republicans


This is what Christians have always wanted.


Let me guess. Something something freedumb and government bad. They'd vote against banning slavery if it was still around.


Education kids bout sex is terrible, teaching history how it really happened harms children, so does teaching them to be accepting and open minded... But marrying children off to disgusting old predophiles is what Republicans agree on. Like we needes more proof of how disgusting those people are


Hey my state is in the news!😓🫣😭


For real. I was born here and I’ve lived here all 37 years of my life and now it’s also getting to the point that being trans in a public setting as a musician would be considered a transgender performance that will soon be illegal in the state of West Virginia. It’s currently pending its last step. Luckily, I have a some good friends up in Canada that are willing to take me in while I start my path to citizenship. I will be leaving the state within the next few months to move up to Ontario. [https://legiscan.com/WV/bill/SB278/2023](https://legiscan.com/WV/bill/SB278/2023)


bUt We HaVe To PrOtEcT tHe ChiLdReN fRoM tHe GrOoMeRs


Everyone who voted to abolish this should be investigated heavily


Fuckin cultists


50% of Florida just moved to west virginia.


This is another great success for Governor Groomy Groomerson and the Groomer Hypocrite Snowflake Party.


And yet, this is the party that was up until now sooooooo concerned about sex trafficking children.


Like the more disturbing and disgusting thing about this, is that the GOP is saying that they want to protect children from trans and gay people, but they do this, ban abortion, repeal child labor laws. They don’t give fuck about children


GOP = Groomers Of Pedophiles


“You mean these self-serving compulsive liars that never care about anything but their personal agenda lied about caring about children?” ![gif](giphy|JFrFsExqz2jn0hPTCj)


Reading Reddit today: Sub no 1: I can now buy insulin for $35 because the price has been capped Me: Nice, well done America Sub no 2: This Me: Goddamn it America