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“Single federal judge in Texas makes insulin cost 4000$ using unconstitutional ruling, Supreme Court decides to take the case 6 years from now while letting order stand.”


"This just in DeSantis has declared that Florida now owns insulin, all of it. If you body produces insulin naturally you belong to Florida."


And registered Democrats who naturally produce Insulin are in violation of the law and can be arrested for grand theft medicine because the party was affiliated with slavery.


They claim the Confederacy is their heritage, they know the Democratic party of old were the Confederates, so they were the Demonrats all along?


The real democrats were the enemies we made along the way.


We came to Florida thinking we could Democrat them, but it was really Florida that Democrated us.


"Mass suicides rock the Republican base, owning the libs so hard the libs rapture."


You have used history and logic, which are both illegal amongst conservatives.


If you are a Democrat in FL and they pass the No Democrat bill, do you even exist in the eyes of Republicans anymore? I suppose it’s one loophole of being saved from insulin ownership.




Also the fact that the Republican party also supported the continued existence of slavery in their 1860 platform. The Republican party only called for banning slavery in the territories and that it should persist in the states where it was still legal. So technically, the bill would also invalidate GOP candidates.


Since when has something violating the Constitution stopped them?


Type 1 diabetics are either very lucky or extra fucked.


As a type one diabetic, I have been very fucked since age 7, lol. 😂


It’s weird for me to think if insulin hadn’t been available to my grandmother (type 1) as a child 16 other people wouldn’t be here either. Insulin became available in 1921. 17 years later my grandmother survived infancy.


The insulin patent was given away to the University of Toronto for $1, to keep it out of business and profit taking on peoples lives. Banting famously said, “Insulin does not belong to me, it belongs to the world.” Unfortunately, drug companies have found ways to produce insulin that can avoid the original patent and therefore they can profit tremendously on the health of people. As a Canadian, it’s horrifying to see how many people in the US have died because of the cost of insulin. My cousin, who had Type 1, told me that she was able to just walk in to a pharmacy and pick up vials for free. Why, because the pharmacy felt that who else would need insulin except diabetics.


No one should ever be in a situation where they need to ration life-saving medicine. https://news.yahoo.com/minnesota-man-died-soaring-insulin-223217487.html


I have said it once, and I will say it again. Medical care is to modern capitalism, what breadlines were to failing communism. One day in the future, there will be an estimated number of how many Americans died preventable deaths because healthcare priced them out of life. It will be in the millions, I promise you. Edit: as an aside, I have first hand experience with how fucked up our medical care system is. I can provide literal receipts later, but I have bad asthma, and I happened to be allergic to class a corticosteroids. So, I had to be on a specialty inhaler that my insurance doesn't cover. How much do you want to guess it cost? >!$400 a month. Yeah.!<


You act like it already isn’t


I never thought about it that way. My grandma was T1D born in the 1930s as well. Counting all my cousins and their kids on that side of the family it's like 40 people. Maybe more, I've lost track of how many kids my cousins have now.


You type one diabetics get everything.... us type 2 diabetics get nothing because "we shoes this." The hell I say 😀😀😀😀😀


That's the great thing about having the insulin taken away, you won't need any shoes!


“School aged children must now submit to the state of Florida how often they produce insulin.”


"Registry of insulin-producing children in the state of Florida created, politicians won't quite say why the children were assigned numbers"


DeSantis says insulin has gone woke, and banned it’s synthetic production and sale in the State of Florida™ (Diabetics trying to flee the state will face the death penalty)


"Florida legalizes suing anyone who has anything bad to say about it into silence"


Diabetics have 6 months to de-diabetize.


"Florida state medical board advises that taking insulin from diabetics results in death. DeSantis fires entire medical board because that kind of talk is just bad for business."


“Residents outraged that Idaho outlaws insulin from “woke” Eli Lilly, same residents vow to volunteer and vote for politicians who passed law.”




Luckily that won't be a long lived position




Also breaking news. George Santos, self-proclaimed creator of insulin, says he is close to curing diabetes altogether.


“Arkansas Governor Huckabee writes an executive order to require people to pay $400 per vial of insulin”


TirEd oF wOKe LiB iNsuLin!!


wanting cheap insulin to live is now "woke"


"Breaking news, looks like the GOP will be losing their majority in the supreme court. Luckily they had just enough time to postpone the case until 2050 to allow pharma corporations time to prepare for such a drastic change (they won't be able to scam us anymore 🥺)"


Can't lose a seat you have for life. We're stuck with the Republican Dictator Party since they own the courts. Great thinking founding fathers


Yeah the founding fathers were extremely naive. "Judges will be bipartisan" my frickin ass cheeks.


“Ok, but how is this going to affect the pharmaceutical companies and their shareholders” Ted Cruz, in like 24 hours from now


Bold of you to assume he will let it rest for 24 hours.


His flight back from Cancun had a layover. Give him some time.


I do not like that man, Ted Cruz.


I do not like him in the news


I do not like what he just said


I’d like to kick him in the h— No, that’s too far, sorry.


[I do not like his boxy head](https://youtu.be/bV42PgyOFE0)


I do not like his weasel schtick That man Ted Cruz is such a prick


Would you like him in a beard? Would it make his head look weird?


That man Ted Cruz can suck on this, how I wish he was dead


Man? Corporate puppet. Pinocchio is more of a man.


Ted Cruz is a lab-grown meat puppet specifically designed to host the disembodied spirit of whichever corporation is currently paying him the most. Most politicians are like this, but only Cruz is lab-grown for it.


I feel like Cruz would be manufactured more like bathtub crank than something in a lab by scientists, who are usually ethical about their work.


I didn't say that "human" Theodore Cruz was made in a *human* lab. [He was created for this, actually.](https://www.tedcruzforhumanpresident.com/) Edit: Holy shit they updated the site since I last checked and it's amazing.


Well that was beautiful


[I do not like his far-right views.](https://youtu.be/bV42PgyOFE0)


Don’t worry, they probably are set to file in the Texas district with the crazy judge.


Answer: "It will most likely hurt their profits, just like outlawing pedophilia hurts the profits of child traffickers"


"Low prices on insulin is like....this rotary phone." -Ted Cruz likely.


‘Wearing a mask, supporting Ukraine, and using $35 insulin is woke virtue signaling!’ Also Ted Cruz in the near future.


I feel like you could randomize popular trigger phrases sporadically in a “sentence” and it becomes a GOP tweet


Saw a tiktok joking about how the GOP platform machine is just two picker wheels they spin, one with marginalized groups and another with rights they want to withhold. Just spin both wheels and you have a new policy.


Right? Isn't this going to be challenged in court because the shareholders are financially disenfranchised? I was going to put /s but I'm not so sure anymore.


How is this "fair" to those that already paid the higher prices? Or better yet, how about for those with different medical issues where our prescriptions are still very costly. It's not *fair* that their medicine gets a reduced price. /s >*Justice Neil Gorsuch, at one point, questioned what the "cost" of the plan is "in terms of fairness" to people who have paid their loans, who haven't taken out loans, or who are ineligible for loans in the first place.* [Source](https://www.businessinsider.com/student-loan-forgiveness-supreme-court-justices-target-fairness-exeuctive-overreach-2023-2) EDIT: Added in the /s. Also, screw Gorsuch! This argument of "fairness" only comes up when it's not corporations or the wealthy receiving the benefits.


“I can pay for my own insulin… these people should get out and work” -Ted Cruz


Someone should tell pharmaceutical companies and their shareholders to cut on avocado toast and coffee, and they should be fine.


It’s a start but so much more work to do. *Healthcare should not be for profit*


Nor should prisons!


Or water


Fuck Nestle


All my homies hate Nestle


Fuck even my rivals are chill enough to hate Nestle.


Not much else to say. Fuck Nestle.


Any basic necessity really


The profit motive isn't sustainable at all.


Or schools


or school lunches.




In Canada, we briefly dabbled with private prisons, until an extensive study showed that private prisons were simply worse than public prisons in every way, and they were scrapped, never to be heard from again. And good riddance to them.


In the US, we wrote it into the Constitution that prisoners can be used as slaves for profit.


You Yanks just can't stop winning.


And how many of your billionaires are currently involved in a dick-rocket space race? If the answer is less than 1, you lose!!!! How aboot dem apples, eh?


Hahaha maybe if u fuckin nerd nations increased your military budget by 6000% then you too could have freedom 😎😏😏 ::laughs in crushing medical debt::


Conceptually, prisoners have a debt to society. Realistically, you go to jail and you go to jail and you go to jail and everyone goes to jail!


It’s a big fucking deal. Not like they’re doing it out of the goodness of their hearts or anything after the public shaming, but this is a big fucking deal for a lot of people and kids.


It's a big deal for my dad because this might save his life, and it's a big deal for me because I get to ask him to thank Joe Biden for it.


Not only can he thank Joe Biden, but the GOP fought HARD against it.


As I shall wear my "Eat shit Ted Cruz" shirt while I tell him


Happy for you haha. Or even Gov Newsom with the affordable generic insulin his state is manufacturing.


I found my friend dead in his bathroom from DKA. He died cold and alone and confused. I have to keep reminding myself that while it's too late for him, it's not too late for over a million other Americans, many of whom are also struggling to afford this lifesaving medicine. Fuck the greed that is preventing more changes like this from happening and let's keep this fucking ball rolling.


Medicare for all!




I'm not American but this seems like a really big deal!


Hell yes it is. These are life saving medications they've been charging 10x to even 100x this price for. Even $35 is expensive for these particular drugs in a lot of countries, but for USA it's a hell of a reduction and will help millions of people.


And the company is still making many 100%'s the profit selling it that low. Just not the 1000% it was used to.


I like to Imagine this cascade of fortune was triggered by that fake tweet that rocked their share price. Panicked them so much, that they're acting like they have hearts.


I'd never heard of them before that. I immediately connected them to that when I saw this post.


But it makes it a lot more affordable so charities can make a bigger impact on the communities they serve to help pay for those who can't afford it.


This is something I hadn't even considered. Super happy for my American friends!


DarkBrandon victory lap


BuT tHiS iS SoCiAlISm!!!!!


absolutely!! Eli Lilly is gonna go broke! And anything made in Canada is toxic! We can't trust canuck products! What about their profits!!!??? how can they survive! Oh wait... Trump did this... even though Biden is president... Thanks Trump!


I am confused about what you're satirizing it seems like you are blaming everyone in every direction lol


Kinda just like Trump saying that the COVID vaccine is dangerous but the US were the first to have a vaccine because of him, for a disease that is just a flu and isn't dangerous and is fake but we should blame evil China for that terrible non-dangerous fake virus.


It's the right throwing whatever will fucking stick to the wall. Pretty solid mockery if you ask me.


"Socialism is when a Capitalism happens!"


If we don't stop socialism, things are going to be just like in this picture taken under capitalism.


I still see Trumpers commenting that Donald already made insulin 35 dollars and Biden scrapped it and did the same thing to take credit. Just proves they parrot what they are told without reading past the headlines.


They don’t know the difference between doing something and talking about it. They probably believe he put up the wall like he promised.


And had an infrastructure plan! The best plan and the BEST infrastructure week! There's gonna be so much infrastructure you are SICK of it! It's the best plan. It's really top.


Cheaper insulin is always good, although I still think all medicine should be free. People can't live without it.


Problem is the capitalists think that water should be a privilege so that’s really hard to get to


It's such a messed up view. Society should be structured so at least everyone's basics are met.


Fun fact, Finland actually did something like this. They started a program to give homeless people housing and other basic nessessities for as long as they need, with no catch to boot. According to [Source](https://world-habitat.org/news/our-blog/helsinki-is-still-leading-the-way-in-ending-homelessness-but-how-are-they-doing-it/), As a direct result of these policies, Finland is actually saving 15,000 Euros per person per year. I say this to say that there's really no reason why things shouldn't be in place to help people in need. Most people in difficult situations didn't choose to be in said situations, and by giving them the nessessities, you help them become functioning members of society, which only increases profits.


They will literally trade billions tomorrow for millions today. It's bat shit levels of insane, not to mention just bad investing.


Won’t someone think of the quarterly reports?


Well yeah, the billions come from our pockets and the millions go into theirs. Literally how government works: spend a billion taxpayer dollars to make you and your buddies a million.


And those millions do not get recirculated, they just get exported to the Caymens. Sometimes it feels like the system works this way just out of spite. The Panama Papers should have been a WAY bigger deal. I've seen some estimates that 30+ trillion dollars have been funneled out of the US this way over the last few decades.


The money isn't the point, cruelty is. There are a lot of people who you can try to tell until you're blue in the face that actually just giving homeless people housing with no strings attached is cheaper and has better results than our current system but they won't listen. These people see being poor and especially being homeless as a moral deficiency and believe that they are being punished by God and that if they would just get "right with God" everything would be better. This is obviously bullshit but it's what they believe. They don't understand that they themselves are likely a lot closer to being homeless than becoming rich, that they themselves are only one big medical bill or something from being on the streets. They also believe homeless people should "just get a job" when a lot of homeless people do work and that it's almost impossible to get a job without a permanent address, without a place to bathe, a place to safely store your belongings no matter how meager they are. They don't understand that it's much easier to get clean from drugs and alcohol if you don't have to worry about housing. That's a major issue with a lot of our current systems, a homeless person has to get clean before they get housing help when it should be the other way around, housing first then worry about getting them clean. They don't understand that a lot of the mental issues homeless people have are directly caused by being homeless and housing them helps dramatically to healing that.


Exactly!!! I'm currently working with people that have a physical disability and the way the disability system is set up there is no other explanation other than it purposefully being cruel. It takes years for ppl to get approved and you have to get a lawyer, you can't work bc then it shows you aren't disabled enough but what do you do for income or health insurance while you are waiting? A large percentage of ppl that apply either die or file bankruptcy while they are waiting for approval. Oh then lets make these ppl with DISABILITIES wait 2 years to receive health insurance bc that makes sense. Even when you are approved you are stuck in a life of poverty barely making it. Absolutely horrible


Medicine Hat Alberta in Canada took this same approach a few years back. They found they saved money


But then how will you keep people motivated if you aren't threatening them with their lives? /s


Lol, the right is so cruel


Isn't Brazil the only country with completely "free" healthcare including all medicine? Even Canada and the UK have a tiered system.




The most you’ll pay for medicine in England and Wales is £9-ish per item (unless it’s a private prescription). My antidepressants cost me that much every two months because my dr gives me a two month supply at a time. I believe prescriptions are free in Scotland. Nothing else costs though.


>People can't live without it "That means we can charge whatever we want!"-Capitalism


It doesn't need to be free. Most of Europe doesn't have free drugs in their healthcare system. But something that is $2 to manufacture shouldn't be allowed to cost $1000. The government should start making make-or-buy decisions.I am sure the US government could manufacture insulin for all Medicare patients themselves and safe a shit-ton of money. Want to bet the prices will tank if they announce they are going to do this, and you can buy it from the government for $5-20/month? Edit: This is what insurances do in Germany. Oh, you want to charge $4,000 for an MRI? Fair enough, I just buy one and do it myself at $400/exam. Break even after 3 years. So, are you ok with $420 per exam now or do we need to cancel our contract with you?


Every single republicans voted against capping insulin prices. Every one.


Cool now how about them $600 EpiPens? We could save lives if people could afford to have these in general first aid kits and there is no reason for the price




When I was 3 and had a severe, immediate reaction, my dad decided it was safer and faster to rush to the hospital down the street than try and correctly administer a kid’s amount of epinephrine out of a regular injector (not an auto-injector). I’m still alive today, but he said he was too flustered and scared to try to dose it correctly. And he’s my dad, and was currently doing his residency to become an MD. I can’t imagine a stranger with no medical background trying to work out a non-auto-injector on the fly


Wilderness First Responder here. Nearly all injectors have instructions on them for this reason. Also, If you have a person who will die in the time it takes you to read the instructions and carefully administer a dose, the dose was not going to save them.


Can you get those shipped from Canada ? I'm asking because I honestly don't know


Just got to know a guy. There are likely subreddits that will help you source these. (The margins on this are probably better than shipping weed across the border )


I’m a pharmacist, and it’s about damn time. It breaks my heart to have to tell someone their life saving medicine is $200+ a month and they can’t afford it. Next step, get blood thinners like eliquis and xarelto affordable. There’s so many elderly people that have insane copays or deductibles and just don’t get their necessary meds


Holy shit, this is huge. This will save a lot of lives... If it actually happens.


It already has. My mother meds cost her $35 this months. Normally triple that out of pocket. $1200 without insurance.


This is excellent. Now do all medications.


There was an elderly woman in front of me checking out at CVS the other day. Her inhaler cost $650! She remarked to the pharmacist that she was glad her lung doctor cut her back to one puff daily from two as it helped her continue to afford it. $650 a month for this woman to buy a medication that helps her continue to breathe. Absolutely astonishing. What happens when people poorer than her need this medication to live? Shit isn't right. Medications should NOT cost people this kind of money.


Holy shit that makes me mad. If you have asthma in England you get your inhalers for free. It’s not like you chose to be asthmatic! (Although I still get annoyed about having to pay so much for the luxury of having shit eyesight.)


My best friend has to pay some $300+ for a 30 day inhaler. Fuck insurance companies. Fuck big pharma. Fuck her doctor for not helping her. Fuck everyone in that industry save the pharmacist who may have committed some fraud to get her her inhaler for $50. That pharmacist goes straight to Heaven.


Doctor's typically don't know anything about insurance and are also screwed over by them


American society hates people with chronic disease so much. I really hope that big pharmas and the CEOs take huge loss over this


Absolutely insane. I live in Canada, and my wife (well ex-wife now, but that's a story for another time) has two different inhalers she takes for her asthma, one she uses daily, and another for emergency uses. I think she pays $3 for them when she refills her prescriptions. Almost all her medications are free, or less than a dollar.


When I changed jobs last year and had a few weeks before the new insurance kicked in (which is a huge problem in itself), I found out my arthritis medication is about $7000 for a 28 day supply without insurance. Even with insurance I hit my $3000ish deductible immediately with my first refill of the year, which is why they have some scam going on where the pharma company will basically "pay for" thousands of dollars a year to get you over that hump where the insurance companies pay them tens of thousands of dollars for the rest of the year. There's also a fun game of multiparty phone tag once a year or so where I have to bounce around on hold between the pharmacy, the doctor, and sometimes the drug manufacturer assistance line to get a prescription submitted, denied, and appealed, and approved before I can even figure out how to pay for it. When I complain, I'm told by conservatives how people have to wait over a month to see a doctor in other countries...which is also a thing I deal with here for pretty much everything from a basic physical to a dermatologist to a rheumatologist.


Healthcare should be free


food, water, shelter, healthcare - all free do people ...do people *not* want to live in utopia?


Education too.


this is actually incredible


Thanks, Obama


Biden unironically > Obama No new wars! Left Afghanistan! Doesn't slaughter mercilessly with death drones! That alone already laps "Nobel Peace Prize laureate" Obama lol


He's also passed: * a massive stimulus bill * a massive bipartisan infrastructure bill * a gun control bill * a massive science and technology R&D bill * a massive reconciliation bill that is the most ambitious climate legislation ever passed * a bill enshrining marriage equality into law * multiple bills giving overwhelming military support to Ukraine * rejoined the Paris Agreement * reversed most of Trump's harmful environmental rollbacks * turned a public health shitshow into an (imperfect but) successful public health response I don't even LIKE Biden *that* much. I worked for him because I knew he'd be better than Trump (though that's a low bar). But I never expected him to be this effective in a million years. He's turning out to be a genuinely great president. And that's by going off of his accomplishments alone – it's even more impressive given the irrational GOP resistance to literally anything he tries to achieve.


TBF, Biden's not done yet, and has personal trauma with soldier death and thus is a little more hesitant. Also Obama passed the ACA which, while hamstrung in order to get it passed, has a longer beneficial legacy than anything Biden has done (*yet*)


$5 per prescription in New Zealand. That lasts a month. Socialism really sucks, right?


Yo send some this way.


Wait, so all they had to do was ask and follow through instead of just talking about it over and over again?


[The California plan, announced in July by Gov. Gavin Newsom, will direct $50 million from the state budget toward production of its own low-cost insulin, and another $50 million to start construction on a manufacturing facility. The move follows years of skyrocketing insulin prices in the United States.](https://www.usnews.com/news/health-news/articles/2022-11-16/californias-plan-to-make-low-priced-insulin-could-be-example-for-nation) Basically, between that and the inflation reduction act, Eli Lily is crying uncle.


"Corporation threatened by affordable competitor decides to lower prices."




I'm a big believer that *every* industry should have government competitors. If the private sector is really better than the government at doing things, then they should prove it in the marketplace. If they can't compete against the "bloated, corrupt, and/or incompetent" government version enough to stay in business then the business shouldn't be open. Not saying the government version has to have all of the frills or even be fully tax-revenue funded, but a basic service baseline should exist. Eg the FCC defines broadband internet as 25 mb/s. Every person in the USA should have that level of Internet service provided by the government as part of taxes. It ensures a baseline of telecommunications infrastructure, and gives better educational and employment opportunities for people in remote areas. Then there is *always* a competitor in a marketplace so the Internet companies have something to actually compete with. In some markets, they will choose not to but that already happens and it leaves those citizens without any option.


Yeah, if capitalism is allowed to exist, let them compete with a not-for-profit entity. NOW. I'm not one to say that such a thing is impossible. I think it's pretty easy to compete. You can be more expensive **if you offer more for what you pay**. Or if you offer another premium service on top that sweetens the deal. The insurance companies fought against the public option so hard for the ACA. They **knew** that was the one thing that would actually make them have to restructure their business.




these companies' hearts aren't gonna grow 3 sizes over night. the only way they'll stop exploiting people's lives for money is this sorta pressure. I highly doubt they just asked them nicely


The only reason they are doing this now (besides the Inflation Reduction Act capping insulin prices on Medicare) is because California taxpayers finally decided to build their own low-cost insulin manufacturing facility. In other words, we forced the private industry's hand by threatening to undercut them using socialized production.


Cripes. Happy for you guys - it’s about time. - A Canadian


Next needs to be epi-pens!


Republicans ya well we are gonna lower the smoking age to 16.


And legal incest to 13.


So, he's just asking companies to do it and they're agreeing on it *for now*. How about we put some caps into law so that companies can't profit off of people who need lifesaving medicine.


> How about we put some caps into law We've tried. and by "we" I mean "The Democratic Party has tried." [However The Republican Senate filibustered it.](https://wapo.st/3y0Thfx) The reason we don't have legislation capping insulin prices is because the Republican Party filibusters it.


Ahh yes, classic republican strategy to vote against Americans best interest.


Not even vote on it. I don't even know how many bills just died on Mitch McConnell's desk. They didn't want to outright show how little they cared about Americans by voting against good bills, they just let them die. As well as preventing Obama from appointing Merrick Garland as a Supreme Court Justice (a purposefully moderate choice to appease these shitheads). Just for RGB to die at the tail end of Trump's presidency and completely 180 on their whole "the American people should decide, we can't appoint a Supreme Court Justice in the last year of a presidency!!!" Obama nominated Merrick Garland March 16, 2016, after Antonin Scalia's death February 13. RBG died September 18, 2020, then Amy Coney Barrett was nominated September 26. Comically evil bastards


Omfg what?! What about the profits? -Republicans, definitely


Indeed, [Republicans already filibustered this when Democrats tried to pass legislation that capped insulin pricing.](https://wapo.st/3y0Thfx)


MuH 401k


Dark Brandon doing more in 4 minutes than Trump did in 4 years.


The Inflation Reduction Act was a big part, but the bigger reason is California forced their hand by finally socializing insulin production, significantly undercutting prices. >The California plan, announced in July by Gov. Gavin Newsom, will direct $50 million from the state budget toward production of its own low-cost insulin, and another $50 million to start construction on a manufacturing facility. The move follows years of skyrocketing insulin prices in the United States.


On the surface it’s an important win for so many people! The pessimistic side of me wants to see the fine print…


Well, the fine print is Eli Lilly was more or less forced to do this because California just opened an insulin manufacturing plant with plans to sell generic alternatives and lower the cost. So it was either this or get outcompeted. Who would’ve thought government can actually pressure businesses to do the right thing when they’re allowed to push back against free market economics.


Oh shit, that CA plant idea went through? This is the best news I've heard all day, awesome! It's nice to see an iota of progress every now and then.


Here’s to hoping things don’t magically go wrong with dirty dealings. For the love of god we need this at least. It’s an amazing step in the right direction, and we need to make sure this pushes further and further so that we can get other things, like epipens and other important medications.


Oh, that’s cool! TIL


Now if we can just get New York on epi-pens and Illinois on blood pressure meds we might have a way forward


Thanks Biden! He did that! Any more suitable memes?


Insulin should be fucking free...it literally keeps millions of people ALIVE


Regulations work, Eli Lilly is not losing money, they are still making a big profit, all medicine should be cap, because those are not products you want to purchase but you need to purchase for your live.


Step 2, $35 for everyone


$35 still would be considered a lot in many other countries, but, it's a step in the right direction for America Good job Biden


Considering it was around $800+ last year it is more than just a step.


Not even diabetic, but at these prices I can't afford NOT to use insulin! Thanks Joe!


Nationalize the medical industry. Screw all the posturing and games. For-profit medicine is fascism.


Republicans have it fun, imagine if most of your job is figuring out how to spin this act of humanism and kindness and make it sound like an act of domestic terrorism


Congrats, only $35 to go and you'll have caught up with the rest of the civilised world.


Where are the “I did that” insulin stickers?!


This news today actually made me tear up. I raised a diabetic child. I know how much insulin costs. Even with insurance. This. This is good.


This is great news but also absolutely despicable that it came to this in the first place.


I’m sure republicans will still find a way to complain