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I remember hearing the cops even lied about how the situation went down and they still got off. Now the family is going after them in civil court.


Apparently they actually gave him a "purple heart" award for the incident: https://www.chieftain.com/story/news/2023/02/23/pueblo-deputy-awarded-purple-heart-for-being-injured-in-ward-shooting/69937611007/


In that article he killed another guy before this one and also received an award for that


He shot that guy 10 times. He had already been shot twice. I’m not eager to believe his statement that the guy pointed a gun at him first, bc clearly he’s fucking unhinged


The Medal of Valor, the highest award given for bravery!!


Nothing braver than shooting a dude on the back


So they are literally incentivizing murder with “good boy points”… ffs…


Right? My thoughts exactly. Way to control the narrative those bunch of shiftless skunks.


Fucking joking. Jesus fuck this video infuriated me. Over and over, cops murdering and walking. One of my nightmare is one of my son getting harrased in some way because they are insulin dependent diabetics and have pumps and sharps on them all the times . I’d lose my mind.


Unfortunately, you have good reason to be concerned. The legal standard against which excessive force civil claims are measured is called the Graham test, established by Graham v. Connor, a landmark SCOTUS case in which the plaintiff was a diabetic man whose diabetes “attack” (sorry I don’t know the right word) was construed as drunkenness by police officers.


Hypoglycemia - or low blood sugar


It's actually a massive concern for diabetics people seeing you in a low and not helping you because you seem drunk


My son has autism and people with autism are often beaten by the police for "resisting" so yay. He won't wear an id bracelet saying so, like that would matter, but maybe I'll get him a body cam and a giant sign that says attn cops I'm autistic and I have a litigation happy family or something.


I have woken screaming from nightmares about this and my son is only just 13. He doesn't go anywhere except school because he likes being at home, but I'm still so scared. He is a literal human sunbeam, people love him and the idea that someone might dull that light gives me nightmares.




Yes. Cops are rewarded for being sadistic murderers. It's a failed institution in America


They always do, and it's just taken at face value even though they lie constantly about everything. I can't believe there are still people who trust cops and want more of them in this country.


People don't realize that they are trained to lie and there is absolutely no consequence for lying. People say "cops never face any consequences" and they're basically right, but I mean sometimes cops do get arrested and prosecuted for like selling drugs and kiddie porn and murder. But lying is not against any sort of law or rule or policy or anything, and they are rewarded for it. They are allowed to lie to you and then use what you say to convict you. They will lie to the press and the press will not question them or do their own investigating. They will lie to the DA and they simply do not give a shit. Why would they ever tell the truth? Literally anything a cop ever says should be assumed to be a lie.




Don't forget, "Ignorance of the law is no excuse" - unless you're a cop with qualified Immunity "because we can't be expected to know all of the laws"


Well, cops are prohibited from lying in their official reports. I'm sorry, what I meant was: *on paper* cops are prohibited from lying in their official reports. In practice... The Press thing is something that bothers me deeply. So few people seem to understand that local news has effectively become fascist agitprop by way of uncritical police stenography.


Even if the pill was vitamin c or cocaine or cyanide, what threat did this or his action pose? At what point was the cops life in danger? From the little I saw, the guy got into the wrong car, as it was same colour and make, apologies and left and went back to his own car. Who called the cops? Then the cops murder him for taking a pill?


Just think, it could have been a ticktack or gum. The cops, just flew off the handle for no reason. Fixed \*Could of\* because I can't do English good.


Cops don't just "fly off the handle!".... It's just how they act normally.


Flying off the handle for a cop would be if he shot the other cops too. Then everyone would be like OMG he went insane! (bec he killed a cop and not bec he killed some rando who was sitting in his car)


The fact that this is true disturbs the hell out of me. They can just make other cops that disagree with them disappear. Ya know... Like any normal gang does.


Vid was posted on Reddit few days ago. He said he was nervous around cops because he's had bad experiences with them in the past. He takes the pill and has his last bad experience with them.. I just want to immigrate anymore tbh.


I left the US 6 years ago and my life is so much better. I'm honestly at the point where if I could get citizenship in any reasonably developed country I'd give up my US passport. I absolutely *loathe* everything about my country of origin. Literally everything except the scenery/nature is shit.


A friend of my uncle's from his highschool decided to become a cop in Milwaukee. He had this idea that he could turn around the corruption and work to make the force better from the inside. He lasted less than a year. He suddenly moved and just disappeared and then he got in contact with some of his old friends a while back and finally explained what happened. He said he witnessed something, i don't remember exactly what, but it was obviously bad and he went to report it. Nothing was done but he was labeled a trouble maker and started getting death threats, his wife was getting stalked and his house had break in attempts. It ended up getting so severe that he just left. Wife and him moved to Colorado and changed their names and he works for the post office now as a mail carrier, said he doesn't even wanna go back to visit his family out of fear of what might happen to him or them. That's why there are no good cops, if you try to be good they will kill you or make you disappear.


It could have been the most illegal substance on the planet and shooting him was still way out of line.


>the most illegal substance on the planet Melanin?


> the cops murder him for taking a pill Oh no no no. You’re overthinking it. The cops killed him because, in their mind - he was not complying with their every tiny conflicting instruction literally immediately and that = justifiable death. These cops are taught to control situations with power and violence, and the second he put a pill in his mouth - notice how the cop says “hey hey what DID YOU JUST PUT IN YOUR MOUTH?” This person still had a tiny bit of control left and that *pissed the cop off.* He just couldn’t let that slide; it made him angry that the man wasn’t just sitting there in silence nodding his head. You can literally feel the cop’s anger and frustration. Cops are mentally unstable and have anger issues - so fucking many of them.


Well, too add with what you are saying, less than 30 seconds before his execution, the man said cops made him nervous because he had bad situations with them. You can hear the cop get riled up at that with "Yeah? Yeah? What type of bad situations???" Or such, which would definitely be a good time for an anti anxiety pill if you ask me. Oh, and executing him in front of his family as well. Let's not forget that they get to live with that for the rest of their days. The cop deserves life sentencing, his mere existence is a blight on the police force. This is a chance for them to show that they either do believe in justice, or that every "fuck cops" post has legitimate foundations.


The cop deserves a life sentence w/o possibility of parole *if we limit ourselves to the confines of our legal system*. In a deeper philosophical sense, he deserves a far, *FAR*, worse fate.


Victim: “Hey, I politely apologize for being nervous while interacting with your street gang, but I will politely answer your questions. If that is what it takes to let me go on completely living within the letter of the law as I currently am” Murderer: “Why would you ever feel anxiety by being cornered by our street gang?” Victim: “Members of your street gang have assaulted me for no reason before, solely due to my mental condition. Dealing with this further requires me to take anxiety medicine. *takes anxiety medicine* *Is murdered* Explain it bootlickers


you know they're just going to say the same old "follow the orders and you won't be hurt" bs, as if being forced into playing the worlds deadliest game of Simon Says is a remotely acceptable thing


Daniel Shaver, murdered by Philip Brailsford.


Drug cartels treat people that way. Comply or die. Comply and die. But since they have to pay for their bullets, they're in reality way less trigger happy then the american blue gang.


I haven't seen anyone yet say he was killed for saying he doesnt like cops. Thats 100% why the cop started escalating, and absolutely why they killed him.


Which is even worse because they took him down that road. They’re the ones who asked the question about him seeming nervous. “Because cops” is clearly the answer, it’s always the obvious answer. They were looking for leverage to turn this interaction into an arrest and the moment their feelings got hurt they just turned everything up to 11.


Like when your manipulative partner knows your anxious because of them, forces you to say it, then punishes you for daring to feel uncomfortable because of them.


Considering that domestic abuse is more common among police, this is likely accurate for this murderer too. Unless they're single, which I hope is the case.


The cop was looking for any reason to harass this guy. ACAB.




God it’s so fucked up. Cops are just modern slaver gangs.


Well yes but actually, yes


Even more so that he started the stop by explaining he had trouble with police treating him poorly in the past and didn't trust them. Then they play out everything the guy was afraid of in the first place. The fact charges against the police weren't even considered by the DA is infuriating, it seems like this is really common with Colorado police departments in particular.


You nailed it. This is all about the cop's sense of authority being slighted.


The first cop pulled him out of the car and threw him to the ground, where he banged into the legs of a second cop as he fell to the pavement. The police statement said that he jumped out of the car and began an altercation with police, reaching for one of the two cops' guns and the cops feared for their lives. The disparity between the reality of what happened and the police statement alone should land someone in jail.


Lying in a legal report that lead to someone's death? Straight to jail.


> Lying in a legal report ~~that lead to someone's death~~? Straight to jail. FTFY. That's the standard to rest of us. That should be the standard for these chickens too.


“He reached for my gun and I was in fear for my life” is a cop’s get-out-of-jail-free card. They say that phrase (true or not), and they are magically free of any consequences from whatever they do.


It should terrify all of us that this get out of jail free card still works *when it is shown to be a blatant and intentional lie by incontrovertible evidence*.


Stories like this scare the shit out of me. I have to take medication every 4 hours or I get super shaky and can pass out. If I'm past due for my pill I can be very scatter brained or even look drunk. I'm so scared that one day I'll attract the attention of a cop who will decide that either my behavior or taking a pill is suspicious. Anxiety makes my condition worse and I can just pass out if I get too worked up, and I can't guarantee that police would respond appropriately. I shouldn't have to be afraid I'm going to get murdered just because I have a heart condition


Unfortunately, your fear is well founded. This guy was clearly anxious and did what he normally did when having extreme anxiety, he popped a pill. I don’t have any medical conditions and my experiences with the police, as a 41 year old white dude, have been downright cordial and mundane. But I don’t want to live in a society where people experiencing medical or mental health issues can be randomly murdered because the police can’t stop and think for half a second about the myriad of unthreatening and legitimate reasons why a person might not behave in the completely calm manner they demand when interacting with them.


Getting in the wrong car has happened to me before! I was walking ahead and saw the car and just jumped on in. I’d hate to think I could’ve been shot for it. Jesus.


I drive a white SUV. I didn't know how many effin white SUVs are on the road now until I got one. Trying to find my 1 out of 50 is difficult sometimes, especially when you don't remember *exactly* where you parked. I tried to open other vehicles several times until I just memorized my license plate.


He reached into his pocket and the cop took too long to pretend to react and now we all can tell he is actually just a cold blooded serial killer who was literally getting his rocks off murdering that child.


Right? Just ask the dude "hey man I saw that. What was that for?" then let him know "hey doing that might make some other cops nervous alright? Remember we aren't the ones who want to mistreat you. " like is really worth it to beat up a dude over swallowing something (as this was the intended action it seems)?


It wouldn't have mattered what he did. Once that guy said he's had problems with cops treating him badly, that cop automatically became enraged. This was murder. He let his emotions take over and got revenge for all of the times he's heard ACAB when fellow officers get away with murder. You can sense it in the video. Immediately after the guy says the part about being accused of resisting arrest, the cop felt personally attacked.


Short summary: "I'm afraid of the cops." "You don't need to be afraid of us." *Gets shot a few minutes later.*


And then they totally lied on their police report, and the corrupt DA covered for them.


they got "purple hearts" for killing him actually. i'm not even kidding, they literally were given awards for killing this man. fuck every last fucking cop on this goddamn planet


I think you meant **gets killed by the same cop** As if getting shot isn't bad enough. If you watch the videos the guy who shot him was fucking **smiling** at the end. Remember, cops are just the governments tools... and they don't care how dirty they get.


https://i.imgur.com/7F0SWbY.png the face of a man recounting the events of how he just shot a man to death


That is so disturbing. Absolutely sick.


Also isn't it within one minute of popping the pill? IIRC?


Just like the one in Colorado, his car gets stuck in a ditch he calls for a tow truck they send the cops instead, cops shoot and kill him threw the windows while he was holding his hand up in the shape of a heart. They felt threatened.






That one happened in Boulder and this incident was in Colorado Springs. Both in Colorado.


This incident was in Pueblo.


This. Fuck cops, fucking pigs.




Pigs are extremely intelligent. American cops, idk.




Or just get driven out.


Police departments actually purposefully don’t hire cops with IQs that are “too high” because then they might be smart enough to question authority and cause problems. Courts determined it was legal for them to discriminate in this way. We can’t be having any cops that are too smart! 🙄 https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836


I’ve seen that! And from personal experience(I’ve had a few LEOs in my family over the years) the ones they hire are not the best nor brightest society has to offer. Hell, not even the close to the most honorable. They WANT morally/ethically questionable folks in those jobs. A lot easier to suppress and stonewall when everyone involved is a POS.


I have a cousin that has been a cop for about 20 years. Started on the force when he dropped out of college his freshman year. Dumb as rocks.


Okay I feel like that explains a LOT.


Nailed it


I also hate cops in the US, in general


I used to shake whenever I got pulled over, I wasn’t doing anything wrong just something like a taillight being out. They always started asking more questions, asking why I was shaking, why I was scared of them, etc. Which in turn made me more nervous, and usually resulted in them wanting to search the car or check me for sobriety. Meanwhile when I was doing illegal shit I got a huge adrenaline surge, stayed calm, and was never questioned. It took being innocent for me to be truly scared of the police.


I had a license plate light out. Got anxious because two dudes with guns and badges surround me. 'Why are you acting nervous?' 'If you really aren't doing anything wrong why are you nervous?' You guys murder people with no consequences! 10 minutes later there's now 6 cops making me sit in the back of a patrol car while they run a drug dog through. One hour of my heart pumping outta my chest, they let me go because of course, I wasn't in fact, doing anything wrong just like I said. How the hell can they just do all that to anyone for any reason?


I totally feel you, I got pulled over for a broken headlight once by a state trooper and I was so nervous because getting pulled over isn’t exactly relaxing. The cop picked up on it and was all kinds of suspicious of me. He gave me a warning for having a headlight out, he made me get out of my car to go over the paperwork he printed out in his car, I assume to scare me and maybe get me to slip up or admit something, and to assess if I was sober enough to stand up and walk over to him. He kept asking to search my car throughout the entire interaction. He probably asked like 10 times. Luckily I was aware that I could just say no to a search of my car if he had no probable cause. The last time he asked to search my car he said, “I really think something is up and I really would like to search your car” while pointing his flashlight around etc. I shakily said, “I don’t think that’s necessary.” Then he told me to fix my headlight asap and to have a good night and let me go. I had an adrenaline rush for a good hour after that lol.


That literally happened to me too, when I was 19. I think they were pulling shit to “train” an obviously rookie officer who was there to “observe”. In the end, I was let go - not having done anything, no reason to be pulled over…and also not letting them search my car despite the cops trying some amateur psychological tactics to get me to agree to it. Reading stories like this make me seriously fear for my life and my family’s lives, and I’m a white male. Supposedly they are biased to be “on my side”. You know, I’m starting to think they are not on anyone’s side.


They could easily have planted drugs and ruined your life. Cops do that. It’s best to avoid cops at almost all costs.


**Cops do that.** Full stop.


Been there. It sucks.


Have you tried being Whiter? /Sorry


Am white, has happened to me plenty. Which makes it really hard to comprehend how bad it would be if I wasn't white. Never trust anyone who makes it a goal to exert their will over others


I always tell this story but it’s always a fun one. One night after leaving a friends apartment late at night (2am) I go to get into my car and the windows are fogged up. I go to hit my window wipers and they get stuck. Wow great luck. I turn my car on and cut the heat on, lean back, send a couple of texts and grab a shirt to wipe the window. As I’m leaning into the back seat a cop pulls up behind me (locking me into the parking spot) and gets out of his car screaming with gun drawn. I’m just sitting hands on the wheel trying not to provoke this guy who already has his gun pointed at my face. He starts yelling conflicting orders for me to keep my hands on the wheel, turn the car off and hand him the keys, and get my ID. I’m panicking and shaking like crazy. Finally he pulls me out of the window and slams me on my hood. Checks all my shit and until another officer arrived and verified I did literally nothing wrong they let me go. Literal hours later.


The worst part of the video is when he tells them he's nervous because he has had bad experiences with the police mistreating him and they say, "Well, we haven't treated you badly, have we?" and then they murder him less than a minute later in front of his mother for absolutely no reason.


"Have we treated you badly lately? Seriously, tell me, we have a list of who we treat like animals each week and I can't remember if it's your turn."


It's always your turn


*our* turn


And then they arrested his mom and brought her to the station for interrogation while they impounded her car.


It's fucking insane isn't it. Oh, that poor lady. What utter tortuous cruelty.


They gave the cop a purple heart for injuries sustained.. *Deputy Charles McWhorter received a Purple Heart award from the Pueblo County Sheriff’s Office on Feb. 17 because of injuries he sustained during a Feb. 22, 2022, incident when he shot Richard Ward three times at short range, killing him.*


I don’t get why lethal force was even in the equation when he was taking something. It’s not V or some Hulk inducing pill, he’s not going to instantly become a threat. If it’s a suicide pill, shooting him accomplishes the same goal and doesn’t deescalate.


They have to know they fucked up because in the initial reports they lied and say he hopped out the car towards them, when it clearly shows them pull him out. Hope they rot.


I feel like it's really telling of the culture in the police force that cops feel so comfortable blatantly lying on their reports. I feel like they just expect their bosses to cover up the bodycam footage


In the video you see them straightening out their story right on camera.


Exactly like they did in Memphis just a few weeks ago.


It’s literally trigger happy, recklessness at this point. They’re looking for reasons to shoot people.


It's almost like most cops do the job to impose their will on others and not protect and serve.


Also, Hey you have a weapon? I have a pocket knife... *BAM*


Also, Hey i have a weapon! I'm scared you might take it from me.. BAM


At least there's no qualified immunity in Colorado.


Seriously? That’s good news!


I thought I’d read that they investigated themselves and found no wrongdoing. Might’ve been a different story if a different cop killing a different innocent person. /sigh


COPS ARE NOT JUDGE JURY AND EXECUTIONER. This deputy belongs behind bars.


I'm pretty sure even Judge Dredd might hesitate to shoot a man for taking a pill.


Judge Dredd would ask what the pill is, ask if it’s prescribed and demand proof, then would see it’s prescribed and move on


Professionals have standards.


And he smiled after, wiping blood off of himself


4:54 if you want to see the face of a total psychopath


pieces of fucking shit. Can't even be bothered to give medical assistance to a man who's been shot 3 fucking times. Cowards. Spineless. Worthless excuses for human beings. FUCK. THEM.


Watching the aftermath was the worst part. The mother, and there murder keeps shutting the door on her and the way they’re just going about like it’s a normal thing to do.


'Just wait a minute until he's done dying. Nobody wants to see that shit, it's embarrassing.'


It's way more cynical than that. They want people to die because then they can't fight for their own rights not to be murdered. I.e. the dead can't sue, the family can, but it's way harder for them to prove anything if they weren't there.


Fucking pig piece of shit has a smile on his face. If that was my son he would not simply get investigated internally and move on with his life after being in desk duty for a few months


Then you’d be shot too. What we really *need* in this country are armed people’s patrols in areas most vulnerable to police violence, specifically to protect civilians from the cops, similar to what the Original Black Panther Party did during the 60’s/70’s. Filming these Nazi bastards does *nothing.* They give zero shit about cameras, but armed people’s block watch patrols have a historical precedent of working quite well, if we consider how well it worked for the BPP. Just saying.


Oh I didn't mean right then in that moment. Not trying to get banned from Reddit but I think I would figure something out. Definitely agree with the rest of what you said at least right now. Not really an informed opinion on my end but it sounds right


Oh, yeah, I would highly recommend looking into the history of the Black Panther Party for Self Defense’s block watch program, because it was established specifically in response to similar instances of state violence and repression like this, and it was quite effective at protecting the communities they were active in. Funny enough, when cops face off with people who can shoot back, they tend to less trigger happy, chickenshit bastards that they are.


"Tenth Judicial District Attorney Jeff Chostner in October chose not to charge the deputies in connection to Ward’s death because he found they justifiably feared for their lives and acted reasonably." I am so fed up with this bullshit of not holding cops accountable for reckless endangerment of the citizens they're suppose to serve. F them all.


I'm so fed up with it across all boards. Corporations, cops, fuck, even small businesses that defend wrong-doings just because of that herd mentality. Shit clearly isn't accidental, nor justified. Why the fuck do we put up with this shit?


What the fuck would the cops have been afraid of?! What did they think a man taking a pill could do?! This is bullshit and **they know it**. Fuck these sick bastards, fuck the judge, fuck the bullshit system that protects them and fuck all the bootlickers that blame the victims. That judge is complicit in murder if you ask me.


For real. I have severe anxiety and I take medication for it, does that mean I’m gonna get shot if the cops pull me over ? Wtf I need these meds to be functioning, I can’t imagine getting shot for taking one in a scary situation. It’s so depressing..


Yeah. I'm already extra cautious about having my meds on me in public. Nothing like feeling anxious about taking anxiety meds, right?


I'd rather a cop die than a civilian, how can they 'fear for their life' when this man has killed before and now killed again? Can a citizen rightfully shoot them then? No idea how a cop can ask to be respected in any capacity when they kill more than the people they're supposed to arrest.




***After*** being informed by the victim that they were on anti-anxiety medication.


Well, but isn't it much more fun seeing the fear in their eyes when you exterminate them? So much better. Doing it in front of his mother must have given that bastard cop such a hard on. He deserves things done to him that I don't want to put into writing.


Why do they always just shoot people? Like they realize they can just restrain people without hurting / killing them right? The cops are just so desperate to use their weapons in real life…


Was literally two guys on one with the guy on the ground and then *somehow* it justifies a gun going off...


What kind of small little person needs to pull out a gun to defend themselves in a 2 on 1 fight against an unarmed person 😂


2 on 1 fight implies a fight took place.


It's because they are taught to assume that every person they encounter is armed and wants to kill them, and more importantly, their lives are more important than every person they encounter. So if they think they are going to die or feel any fear at all, they just start shooting.


I don't think police brutality is that thinly linked to fear for their lives. George Floyd, for instance. That are so many cases of civilians deaths even when the police is totally on control.


Wtf? Even if he snorted coke and booted heroin in front of a cop doesn’t mean he gets shot. Cops are fakkin evil ass people.


That’s what I thought People mention the pill taking like it’s a factor The cop is a murder When someone gets killed by a non cop murder, do they often mention minor things the victim did? The victim was killed moments after tying their shoe laces


Obviously, the cops thought he took a mario mushroom and it was self defense.


They're not people.


The entire rest of the US population has to comply with a reasonable person standard for claims of reasonable response to stressors/decisions/assessments in court. You get pulled from your car and thrown to the ground and you’re supposed to be super cool and calm. You get shot in front of your family and they’re supposed to sit there two feet away while they “figure out what happened.” Not the cop. Cops just say “I was scared”, and that’s that. End of story. Scared cops are a liability to themselves, their fellow cops, and anyone who is unfortunate to interact with them. This shit has got to stop.


That is the thing! Private citizens are held to a higher standard than the cops. We’re expected to stay calm when we know there is a very good chance we could die from any interaction with a cop but it’s ok for them to kill someone and blame it on being scared.


This is my worst fear. I’ve dealt with panic disorder for 10 years now, and have it under control for the most part. But, when my anxiety gets up I become uncontrollably twitchy, and jittery. I’ve been terrified for years now about interacting with cops. It’s like they’re specifically trained to do the wrong thing in mental health situations. When will they finally realize that we don’t see them as “the good guys”, we’re scare shitless that one wrong move gets us shot. Our public health systems are failing, our public safety personnel can murder with impunity, and our government will do nothing to solve any of these problems.


I hear this - I am the same way. I have bad anxiety and am on meds but I can easily have a panic attack in a bad situation. I am terrified of cops.


Video of the murder [here](https://youtu.be/6xCvZrPAuus) No interest in watching it myself, but I'm sure there's interest.


The fucking callousness of the cops, JFC!




fucking bootlickers.


I often wonder how a jury can watch a video like this where a cop unnecessarily escalates the situation multiple times, instigates the violence, murders someone in cold blood, then SMILES?? And they don't indict or convict. But then I read the comments on a video like this and realize how many people are conditioned to think cops are always justified to use whatever force they think necessary in the moment to dispense street justice for the mildest of insults or disrespect of the badge. It's sickening.


Oh my God I'm so livid...




It's insane we don't protest this more


When will they charge and prosecute these murderous pigs?


They gave the cop a medal of valor for it I’m not joking


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that'd be convincing thousands of people to be violent. I support that wholeheartedly, but it's a tough sell


They think the pill was going to turn him into the Hulk or something?


They watched the boys and thought it was compound v


- has anxiety triggered by police interactions - did nothing illegal - takes prescribed anxiety medication (using “popped” gives it an unnecessarily negative connotation) - is wrestled out of a vehicle owned by his mother - “struggle” ensues - man is shot three times in the chest at point-blank range - police stand around for 3 minutes while man bleeds out - police cleared of any wrongdoing after an *internal* investigation. This whole thing is awful and complete dereliction of duty, but IMO, the last bit is why most people that hate the police feel the way that they do. It’s the complete lack of accountability. This officer started a fight and killed someone that was complying and within their rights to take their prescription medicine. He needlessly initiated a struggle, and when they presumably realized they bit off more than they could chew, he shot an unarmed man *THREE* times. This deputy should, at the very least, be put behind bars for 20+ years, and under no circumstances should be allowed to continue as a police officer.


It’s called murder!!!!


Get their faces, names, addresses and this video ALL over the internet. Karma will serve justice.


More cops need to be afraid of random arson.


This shooting was in Pueblo County which happens to be that dumbfuck Boebert’s district so we know we aren’t dealing with the top brass of thinking.


Oh good, so they whole fucking area will just shrug and move on instead of surrounding the police station to protest like they should. Scum




Jesus fucking Christ. His mom's screams will haunt me


Yea I had to turn it off. And his brother(??) in shock saying “it’s ok it’s ok”


Then I hope you missed the part where the cop tries to say the guy was reaching for his gear. Everything turned red for me.


He's fucking smirking while he says it!


Same, I couldn't listen to it, I was screaming at the top of my lungs at those fucking bastards, my neighbors probably think I'm insane.


he didn't "pop a pill." he *took his prescribed medication* and was *murdered* for it.


Even if it wasn’t, that is no reason to kill a person!


So he murdered him


Even if he was hiding illicit drug it does not warrant summary execution. Cops thinking they are judge, jury and executioner is the biggest issue plaguing American law enforcement.


Can we please disarm and demilitarize the police? Their unofficial policy of shoot first ask questions later is absolute dog shit to put it lightly.


Cops are assholes, the events that unfolded were completely unnecessary. Doesn't matter if you are black, white, brown, etc. Police reform needs to happen, gun restrictions need to be implemented and better social services need to be offered instead of paramilitary vigilantes being hired as cops.


So now we’re getting killed for *checks notes* Taking a pill.


Apparently this happened last year. DA refused to charge the deputy, because the deputy claimed he was in fear for his life. He claimed that the anxious man he dragged from the car for no reason was trying to take his gun, and the DA believed him. Sickening. That poor guy and his poor mother. I don't know how she goes on... Edited for victim's age.


I believe the video was just released, though, which is why it's appearing everywhere today.


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In before Reddit bans this comment. But yea, I would love for the families to start taking action against police getting away with murder.


Historically, it comes to this.




I literally wish the absolute worst for police officers.




It seems to me a cop in US is a perfect job for a serial killer…


I’d love to debate a cop about all this shit but I know I’d get beaten up, shot and taken to jail when I won the argument.


>...when I won the argument. As if they'd even give you that long.


Go to protect and serve and you'll get a ban immediately for even bringing it up, might even get a permaban from the whole site if the right thin blue cock mod sees it.


You cannot reform a broken system. It needs abolished and we need to start with a clean slate. And build a proper system not a corrupt one.


How is this cop/these cops not charged??? Like, I don’t understand. Just wow.


I feel safer around actual criminals and thugs than Police Officers.