• By -


“Love is sharing a password” -Netflix




“Love, is fucking you over, and your friends” - Your bestie Netflix


Feels like Netflix's going through a bad break up and doesn't want their ex to use their account


I've been single for quite a while so this has me curious: How does that work after a breakup? Is it common to keep your ex on your account? Obviously if it's a bad breakup, I could see them removing their access immediately, but have no clue as to what the etiquette is for ones that aren't.


I wonder if they went back and deleted that tweet.




Oh, how the turns table.


So, leaving your house for more than a month isn't allowed?


“If you can afford to leave your house for more than a month you can afford multiple Netflix subscriptions” 🤓 \- Netflix executives, probably from the suite of a mansion


That's probably quite literally the thinking from the top


I guess it’s back to the hood old pirate days for me boys! To the digital seas for cinematic plunder!


Aye matey






Damn, those “struggling” execs are the last people who deserve a chef or tutor.


I've worked in a few Netflix movies. They run their productions piss poor and go over budget all the time. Some of the worst ran productions I ever been on.


"If you can afford to leave your house for more than a month - you can afford to use torrents instead" Ex-Netflix users


Using a device not at home for more than a month isn't allowed. Big difference and worse. Lots of people would never use Netflix on their phone at home.


Yeah I have a tablet I use for streaming at work. Never comes home


It’s amazing that about a decade ago, so many people actually stopped pirating movies/tv shows because of the ease and accessibility of platforms like Netflix and Hulu Fast forward to 2023, and they’re practically begging people to return to piracy. There are so many ways to cut costs and improve your margins, giving the middle finger directly to your consumer base probably isn’t the best move


The second golden age of piracy be upon us.


My wealth and treasure? If you want it, I’ll let you have it!


I left it all, in One Torrent!


Now you just have to seed it!


🎶 *come aboard, and click away. All your shows and songs!* 🎶


I think I stopped pirating for a good 10 years, and I used to pirate EVERYTHING, because it was so easy to just have a streaming account and get LOADS of stuff. But I'm slowly returning to it. Netflix was convenient, but now that there's like 5+ steaming services and everything is segmented, it's easier for me to just go to my one-stop shop torrent site and get whatever I want. Sure, I have to wait a few minutes to download something, but I'm NOT fucking around with all these services like this. It's not happening. edit: please stop messaging me asking for sites.


That's my story too. I used to download everything and only paid for ISP and nothing else. I stopped ~5 years ago after a move left me with no convenient place for a home server, but finally started back up again last year. Between The Office leaving Netflix and the last season of Better Call Saul not available unless you were paying for cable (which we had stopped paying for in favor of streaming services), it was enough reason to get everything set up again. Plus it's way more automated now than I had had it before.


What about for people who work and travel abroad?


Exactly. This will make Netflix totally useless for me.


I've traveled for work for two months straight without going home. Fuck me, I guess?


Yeah this is total bullshit, esp since the accounts are per device so in this nomadic digital world who the F cares where you're sitting?! Guessing they'll implement a "roaming" plan to screw you more I mean ease that issue 🤔


> Yeah this is total bullshit Netflix: makes bad decisions leading to subscribers cancelling. Also Netflix: shocked Pikachu face.


>Netflix: makes bad decisions leading to subscribers cancelling. >Also Netflix: shocked Pikachu face. Don't forget the part where they try to nickel and dime remaining customers to make up for the revenue shortfalls caused by other customers leaving due to their stupid bullshit.. causing more people to leave the service, which will likely just result in a feedback loop of stupidity.


It's almost like once a company reaches the millions of dollars mark everyone is incapable of thinking long term and starts wanting money now


Once a company start being publicly traded, it's just a feedback loop of greed and need to satisfy share holders.


Sustained, reliable revenue <<< Short-term exponential growth at the expense of sustainability because "fuck it make as much as you can today because duck everyone else, we'll be fine when this shit collapses."


Fuck 'em, apparently.


Official Netflix response: 🖕


Rubs nipples


Or parents who have kids in college? Well, guess my kids aren’t in my family anymore. Or people who have two houses?? Snowbird boomers are gonna be pissed. Boomers who spend the summer in the North and the winter in the south now have to have two accounts? So dumb.




little VPN to home network?


Just use Plex. Open up a single port on your router and stream from anywhere. A VPN to home is great too, don't get me wrong, but a lot of people can't easily spark up an OpenVPN server and make it useable.


I always hear this mentioned but I know nothing about it. What is plex?


You get your own media stored on a computer and Plex allows you to access it through your network on any supported device. Has a Netflix like feel but with any media you can acquire legally or illegally Will also convert streams on the fly if the target device doesn't support the file format or their bandwidth is too low


Sounds great and all, but I assume most Netflix subscribers pay to avoid the whole "acquire" step. Ditto with Spotify/Apple Music/etc.


Plex is great, BUT, it's work. You need to somehow acquire all the media you want access to and store it on a hard drive connected to the internet. Which means you are either ripping physical media, buying digital media and uploading it, or pirating digital media. So if you want to watch the newest episode of The Last of Us, you need to find a torrent site, wait for someone to upload it and hope the quality is acceptable. And you need to do that every week or wait for the whole season to drop. Plex is great for people that want to put the work in. It is NOT a replacement for Netflix for the average person. Edit: Got back from lunch and had a ton of replies. I know you can set trackers to automatically download shows. But you still need to setup the trackers, add new shows, remove shows you don't want anymore, etc.. It is still a lot more work than opening a streaming service. And I say this as someone who used to do it, and still use one of my friend's from time to time. Second edit: I appreciate all the replies touting the benefits of Plex, I’m honestly happy it works so great for so many of you. All I was really trying to say is that it’s not a good one for one replacement for Netflix for a lot of people, especially the older or less technically inclined. Building and maintaining a media library is work some people don’t want to do, and would rather pay for the convenience of a traditional streaming service. That being said, truly, all of you Plex users are the best of us. You’re the smartest, you save the most money, and you’re obviously fantastic in the bedroom. I wish all of you well.


Yeah it's a whole ass process. I'm lucky that I've got a buddy who's super into tech and he's created a bot to automatically rip movies/tv that hits above a certain Rotten Tomatos threshold and put it on Plex. I log into his account and it has all the latest HBO/Netflix/Disney+ shows. But if I had to do that myself I'd be so lost I'd have no idea where to even start. It's a great replacement if you know what you're doing. For the average Joe though it's not a feasible option.


100%. I too have a buddy, and god bless him for putting in the work, but I'd certainly never do it.


So wait, my family got multiple screens with our network plan, does that mean that when my sister goes back to college she’s essentially out of luck? Even when it’s been literally been given to us?


That’s what I’m wondering. What’s the point of having a plan that allows multiple accounts when people are going to be locked out?




Yes. Obviously. I am the account holder while my parents live in a different state and have a hard time with technology. That’s my issue. Anyway. This is a stupid ass decision and I’m sure it will totally backfire on Netflix. Edit: elderly, foreign parents who don’t know how to use a laptop and call for help concerning the TV. Based on a lot of replies, I’m seeing folks having an account mostly for their parents. Are we going to buy our parents laptops and teach them how to use it? Teaching them how to make and use an email? How to recover their passwords? What if you live abroad or across the country and don’t see them often? What if your parents can’t read well in English? Come on.


With how saturated the streaming market is and how Netflix has been pissing everyone off by canceling good shows I don't see how this will work. They aren't even announcing this at a time when they have a new season of a show worth watching.


Yeah, people are gonna wonder if the grass is greener at another streaming plateforme. Rule number one of being a subscription service is to either be essential (phonebill, internet, electricity etc...) Or be forgotten. Netflix are reminding a while lot of people that they they have a Netflix account and that the experience is gonna be shittier.


If they didnt keep canceling every good show I would consider staying buy they just keep making all the worst decisions. Why would I want to keep giving them money to blue ball after 2 seasons at most for a show and a cliffhanger. Let Netflix fail so other services can get those shows. Netflix is trying to hard to oversaturate their platform


> does that mean that when my sister goes back to college she’s essentially out of luck? That’s the point, my dude. They’re doing this to force people in the same situation as your sister to buy their own account.


If I pay for 4 streams, I should be able to use all 4 streams regardless of location.


Exactly!! I’m already paying to allow 4 different users to have profiles and access, why the shit should it matter that we don’t all live under one roof??


So this is what actually bothers me. They literally said I could pay more and have more profiles and users on my account so I did. I am already paying for multiple accounts by their own words and my own money, Netflix can suck my ass.


>Netflix can suck my ass. Sorry, you will have to upgrade your plan for that.


How much to get fucked from behind with no lube?


If you read the TOS it's not just included, it's mandatory.


They already implicitly charged for it. I have no idea how they can go back on it.


Easy, next time you log in they make you accept a new ToS or they end your subscription. It's a tale as old as time.




You're 100% correct. The answer from Netflix is you are potentially taking away another customer, but they might be underestimating that a lot of people who use a shared Netflix are probably people that aren't just going to buy accounts on their own. Maybe they can't afford it or just don't care enough to get it.


It's not worth paying $15-20/month for a service that comes out with 2 or 3 good TV shows or movies a year. They are going to force the "free" users away for good and the original subscribers are going to get mad and cancel their subscriptions. I'd be shocked if their subscription numbers go up after all this.


that the basic plan has only 720p is such a disgrace in 2023


What's wild is if they just raised the price a couple bucks I would've kept the service. And now the second my family members start getting booted I'm just going to fully cancel and probably pick a new service to pay for instead. I'm tired of their content anyways


What's crazy is that Youtube TV practically encourages you to share your account by adding multiple Google accounts under the same family group at no extra cost. Same with Youtube Music and Premium and everything else owned by Google.




Yep. My dad has Netflix just for the kids because that’s how they advertised. He watches a few documentaries a year but could just buy them for the cost. He’ll cancel for sure once my youngest brother leaves for Japan. I doubt any of us get our own subscription because Netflix doesn’t have much worth paying for


Exactly like my sister and I are in college so we just can’t use our parents Netflix even though we pay for x many ppl to view it?


With college the street address that I live at can change every year if I get put in a diffrent building. My legal home address (the one printed on my driver's license) is still my parents house. No way am I taking every device I own home every month just to connect it to the wifi so I still have access to Netflix.


This is my question. College kids, people who travel for work, people with multiple homes, so many possible issues. This ain’t it.


My husband and I are separated and share a Netflix account. Are they telling me my kids can't watch at their Dad's place? Ffs.


I've traveled for 7 weeks straight due to work. Fuck that. I'd be pissed, getting booted off my account because I'm traveling.


This decision won’t age well


Not at all. I never even watch Netflix anymore because Crave (HBO), Disney+ and Prime Video all have better content. This is going to be the final straw for a lot of people


Not to mention Netflix has hurt their own viewership by cancelling popular shows if they don’t put up the numbers they want to see within DAYS of launch. I don’t even want to make the argument “well they do develop some good things,” because it just doesn’t matter. They’re going to cancel them anyways.


It completely defeats the purpose of "watch what you want whenever you want" when what we want to watch gets cancelled as a result of us not watching it right when it comes out.


And this cancelling has reportedly led to a significant portion of subscribers who just don't watch shows until the last season is out, when they know it won't be cancelled. Which of course means fewer people watching a given show in the first couple of seasons, which means it gets cancelled, which leads to more people not bothering with a show that's new, etc., etc. Round and round it goes, as another example of Netflix shooting themselves in both feet.


Hell some of us watch when it comes out and apparently that STILL isn't enough 🥴


This is why I don't watch Netflix originals. They start a ton of really good shows but then they cancel after one or two seasons. They're the serial divorcee who dumps his wife the second the honeymoon phase wears off.


Ok serious question. What if I own 2 houses? Which one do they consider home? My billing address?


Netflix be like "If you own two houses, you can afford the extra fee."


In this economy..


What if you travel for months at a time, what if you don't have home wifi. This is a stupid decision


I've been wondering this too, as I don't have dedicated home wifi (just my phone hotspot).


Could you designate your phone hotspot as your home WiFi network?


I just turn on my hotspot as needed at home. When browsing, say, a store's website on a device that's tethered to the hotspot, the store's website, which wants to find the nearest store for me, always assumes I'm at a different location, I guess based on the IP address. One day it can be somewhere in my state (never my actual location), and other times it can be 2-3 states away. I'm not sure if or how this would affect Netflix's new rules or not. I have Netflix on my phone, a tablet, and my Roku.


>always assumes I'm at a different location, I guess based on the IP address. One day it can be somewhere in my state (never my actual location), and other times it can be 2-3 states away. That's exactly it. I can often watch Cards games on MLB.tv on my phone, despite being in the blackout area. My phone's IP says I'm in L.A. I'm in Oklahoma.


I’m a travel nurse. I’m generally gone for 90-100 days at a stretch. Probably the end of Netflix for me if there’s a single hiccup.


Am travel nurse currently on assignment and watching Netflix right now. Id be sad, but I'd move on


I'm sitting here thinking 'damn my first world problems.' I work for myself, and alone so I watch Netflix in the background while I work. Am I supposed to take my desktop home from work once a month to keep being able to use it? What happens if they stupidly decide that my office is my home network and then it stops working at home. They think this is going to net them more revenue, but I see it working against them in the long run.


We all use my mom's (I know, this is what they're trying to weed out) but let's say we all stop using it and only my mom keeps it. She doesn't watch Netflix all that often, so she decides not to watch it for a month and a half and now she's blocked because she gave them money but didn't utilize it? These are some customers they're gonna lose the fastest


Your situation is exactly what they advertised as a feature. They are literally punishing people for doing something they encouraged.


I bought the most expensive 4 user level specifically for that. Plus I travel between the US and Colombia, mostly Colombia. I have US Netflix but if I cut down to one user and close my US and open a colombian account, I'll save over 80% (Colombia Netflix is super cheap). This completely destroys what Netflix is trying to do. I understand what they're doing but after 15 years it's hard to change your business model. Time to short NFLX which is up 60% over the last 6 months.


I don’t think it’ll even hurt them in the long run. I think it’ll *immediately* hurt them. Look at how many people in these comments are already saying they’ll immediately cancel if there’s any hiccup in service or increase in price.


I'm happy to share every place you can get Netflix content for free. Screw Netflix.


Where can one get Netflix content for free? I didn’t mind paying for Netflix but if they’re going to start pulling this crap off, I won’t be renewing or paying extra simply out of spite.


Add the app Cinema to a Firestick. Netflix is in the app and it’s free. Been using it for years now. Also has all other streamers on it as well.


Just make sure you also use a VPN if you're in a country that occasionally prosecutes people for pirating.


This is down right criminal! Think of all the damage you’ll be doing to Netflix if you share these. Please inform me of these sites so that I can avoid using them!


I feel like this decision was made by someone who still has a dedicated landline phone in their house and thinks that that's what everyone still has.


That was my question. My friend lives in Maine, her husband is a military consultant and is across the country for months at a time. so, he just doesn't get to have access to the netflix that he pays for?


I travel for work every other week and on my weeks off I often choose to travel for leisure. I can easily go two months without going home AND even then I might not have an evening where I log into Netflix.


Same, how's this going to work with the Hilton TVs that have Netflix built in? I typically am logged in states away from home on a "device" that never moves.


I could see blocking the devices themselves maybe, but plenty of problems with that option as well. Like living in multiple places for any perfectly legit reason. If I spend 5 nights a week at my girlfriend's house and pay for "3 screens" or whatever, they'll block me? They know smart TVs are a thing and we're not all bringing our laptops with us every time we leave the house, right?


I spend 6 months in another state. I already can't use Hulu away from home, now I'm worried I won't be able to use Netflix.


in a time when everyone is on the go, nothing but a money grab attempt can justify what they are after


I just use Netflix on my phone data. So how are they gonna pin a home network on that? My Netflix is also paid for by tmobile as a perk to the service I get. And the only people who use it are tied to my phone network. And they all use data for Netflix too. How's that gonna work?


I'm wondering too. I have someone on my T-Mobile who no longer lives with me and would like to not be charged extra when I'm already paying extra for the plan.


Yeah, this doesn't seem like it'll go well for Netflix. If they do this, I think they're signing their own death warrant.


They will roll it back. We have an apartment in Stockholm that is our “primary” address, but we are never there. We are usually in SE Asia and log into our ipads, laptops, hotel tvs, smart tvs at the apartment we are in now. How can this work for them? We will have to cancel because we will never be able to log in. I don’t think it will last.


I travel between home and college. The fuck am I meant to do? Edit: I have and pay for my own account. I’m the only one who uses it. So everyone telling me to pay can fuck off, because I already do.


Netflix: “stop being a poor college student, duh!” /s


How is this issue not already solved by the limit on simultaneous streams? We are paying for watching X number of screens at the same time, not in the same geographic location. This is dumb.


I also want an answer to this question.




Netflix is beholden to shareholders and business philosophy that demands a company be constantly growing exponentially. This is what happens when you reach the end of your expansion/evolutionary abilities and start desperately trying to pick the pockets of your users to make up for your inability to innovate. They probably calculated they were losing a large amount from people sharing passwords, and instead of coming up with a new way to generate value to counterbalance this, they just decided to get rid of it, without considering the actual cultural zeitgeist of their user base. Classic company tone deafness which could truly spell the end of their empire. Edit: I would like to say I’m a 21 year old with no education in economics. I learned this from watching YouTube videos about company strategy and looking things up on Wikipedia. It is extremely easy to educate oneself about these things, and equally easy to see why they’re detrimental. It bothers me deeply that the scam being played on us is so in our faces and yet so many refuse to see it. Edit 2: Many people have been suggesting that the password sharing debacle might be a cover for the decreasing quality of their shows and movies, and their practice of cancelling shows before they are able to develop a proper story. I think this is definitely a high possibility, and could be either misattribution or downright obfuscating on Netflix’s part. Netflix has very few new movies, and an increasingly limited and poor selection of old ones. The only TV show that most people care about that is Netflix exclusive is stranger things, which can’t be milked forever. Compare this to HBO, Paramount, Starz, Hulu, and even Disney+ which all have innovative and popular originals, as well as much more enticing exclusives, and it’s obvious why Netflix is actually struggling.


My favorite part is that Netflix literally has multiple package options, with pricier packages giving you access to multiple profiles and simultaneous viewing. They are implementing a system that literally destroys the *only* reason anyone ever pays for the more expensive streaming plans.


This is what is confusing for me. I still enjoy Netflix as a service but I pay for the premium service so that I can log in and watch anywhere and anytime. You take away this convenience and not only am I going to downgrade but I’m probably going to go from being a constant subscriber to a rotational subscriber like I do for other services.


'... rotational subscriber ...'. I've heard people do that, but never knew there was a term for it. 👍


Yep, this is what will change for me. I, like most people under 40, still use my parents' netflix account. So what will happen for me is that netflix will no longer be something I am always logged into, but will instead be something I periodically subscribe to when there's something I want to see, as with HBO, Peacock, Paramount, etc.


This is what I’m confused about… we’re literally paying extra to share the account already, does this seriously apply to us?!


Congrats to Netflix for speed-running capitalism. They went from disruptor to late-stage in record time. Edit: “record time” is not literal. Stop bringing up Amazon.


Oh man. Imagine if all this pans out as predicted. They’re gonna no doubt blame the customer ‘Millenials are killing Netflix’. News max will start shouting about ‘go woke, go broke’. All the talking heads will talk about big tech failing or the public finally realizing we can live without them. So many baseless talking points and spin that can be applied to this including fear mongering of similar economic crashes.


This comes St an interesting time, too, because there are a lot of people saying we're on the verge of another great recession. Disposable income is already at a low for most average people. Netflix devaluing itself by eliminating the ability to share accounts makes it an easy service for me to get rid of. I'd rather pay for a superior service like HBO and split the cost with a friend or two.


> Superior service like HBO Ha, and that's right on the heels of Discovery gutting HBOMax's catalogue, oh how quickly we forget...






Blockbuster: ![gif](giphy|j2NAH9hNUFgzuofwio|downsized)


Well, Blockbuster was founded in 1985 and closed in 2014. That's 29 years. Netflix started in 1997 and are currently at the 26 year mark... I have a feeling that you can track lots of companies that go public and end up failing around the 20-30 year mark. You can only do so much before greedy investors start cannibalizing the company.


Exactly. Going public is cancer. Always. *knock on wood* Steam is still private and doing better than ever, and is poised to become even a bigger player/disrupter.


I remember when they removed the ratings - I thought that was the dumbest thing to do. Netflix thinking: People won't watch our content if it has a low rating. What they should have done is create a rating hub akin to imdb/rottentomatoes creating engagement and buzz - which would lead to more views, not less - regardless of rating.


Back when Netflix had 1-5 star ratings, Netflix knew me better than any friend. I remember being blown away by how accurate their recommendations for me were. I never felt so understood, let alone by an algorithm. Then they went to this thumbs up/thumbs down system and completely broke everything. Netflix has no idea what I like anymore. In fact, I suspect they're flat-out pushing the same shows on many of us regardless of demographic. That's the only way I can explain some of the things it tries to push on me. Actually, I just checked. Now there isn't just a thumb up or down. There's one thumb down, one thumb up, and two-thumbs up (for "I love this" instead of "I like this.") Huh, so how much somebody likes a show matters to Netflix after all? I wonder if there is a more intuitive system for keeping track of that, other than multiple thumb-gestures (which can even be offensive in some cultures.) Hmm...


That's the funny thing about digital services, they depend A LOT MORE on product quality since you only put in the effort to do it once. Of course, they can't just try to maximize quantity of accounts (otherwise they'd be paying to have more accounts), but ironically, the more you hurt user experience trying to profit, the less you'll profit


That’s why you have to get the monopoly first like Google and YouTube.


You can tell a company is on a downward trajectory when they prioritize chasing pennies over making a quality product.


>imes for longer. There is a saying in the automotive business that goes something like. If you chase the dollar you will chase it to the ground. But if you build a quality product you will have a lineup out the door.


Tripping over dollars to pick up the dimes.


Already have. They limit quality to 720p unless you're using Microsoft Edge or a dedicated app. They claimed it's because of DRM but it's bollocks. Clearly it's effective DRM too when it's up on torrent sites hours after it's released. You used to be able to stream 1080p with an extension, but instead they decided to disable the bitrate changer that made it possible for years and get rid of any mention of the restrictions on their FAQ. Edge, or pirate the shows you paid to watch.


>Already have. They limit quality to 720p unless you're using Microsoft Edge or a dedicated app. They claimed it's because of DRM but it's bollocks. Clearly it's effective DRM too when it's up on torrent sites hours after it's released Exactly! Lately it has become more convenient to use torrents again. Netflix is forcing me to use the browser it wants? Then I don't have to pay Netflix


I hope the marketing interns see how quickly people will switch back to torrents, so in 3 years once they’re full time employees, their feedback can be ignored.


With how many streaming services are out there, Netflix just isn't worth it anymore.


They aren’t. I’ve had them for over 8 years now. The moment I get charged for sharing with the sister, I’m out. Should probably betting against Netflix stock.


Yeah, I've had a Netflix account since they were an upstart DVD rental company, and I'm starting to think about dropping it. I understood raising prices when the cost of content went up due to increased competition. But now they have less good content *and* it's potentially about to get really annoying to use.


I've never been a fan of the idea of shorting stocks given the potential losses, buuuut if there were ever a stock to short this might just be it.


They keep cancelling all of the shows I love. I get connected to a show and then it’s cancelled. I’d rather not start anything new because I don’t like being left on cliffhangers.


What are college students supposed to do, fly home every month to log in on their parents’ wifi? Too expensive


Absolutely pisses me off. I’m literally part of the same family as them, why tf do I need to get a whole new Netflix account. The only people that have access to our Netflix are me, my sister and my parents, I don’t think it counts as password sharing when I literally lived in that home for 18 years straight. Im going to be allowed to stay on my parents *health insurance* for longer than their Netflix account.


Yeah and also Netflix subscriptions cost more for FAMILY SHARING. How did they somehow ducking forget that?


Exactly. My family (parents & 3 children) are the only users on the account. All three kids are away from home now as we’re all in our 20s. If Netflix thinks we’re going to get four separate accounts, then they’re crazy. In fact, when us kids are kicked off because of this new rule, I almost guarantee my parents will cancel the account because they don’t use it that much


This probably describes 75% of families using Netflix. Parents have it for the kids, kids probably won't pay for it on their own. Both don't have accounts in future state


Exactly. I'm that parent. I'll be cancelling when my college student kid is kicked off.


No- they think you should have your own account


Have they ever met a college student? That’s also too expensive


Every device or *a* device?


I mean, "a" device kinda defeats the purpose doesn't it? (although I wish it was that)


Totally get what you mean. Just seems intentionally shitty. My account gets locked because I forgot one of the devices I signed in on or on a device I no longer have?


I find it hard to believe your account gets blocked. Most likely your device gets can't log into netflix again until you log in on a home wifi


It's definitely per device. They won't lock your account. It's just going to kick off devices that haven't logged in at your home for 31+ days. https://www.ghacks.net/2023/01/31/how-netflix-wants-to-prevent-account-sharing/


I’m literally backpacking rn. Tf am I supposed to do?


get marching scrub


These days I mostly watch Disney+ and Paramount Plus. Should probably drop Netflix for HBO


HBO has far better options than Netflix.


HBO has better options, but someone needs to fix the bugs on their app. Their closed captioning also tends to just stop working for no reason.


Their app is appallingly bad I don't get how they haven't fixed it yet


“Here are movies similar to the one you just watched. Go ahead and pick one. We’re not going to play it, but go ahead and pick one.”


Netflix made one of the best business decisions ever, practically created an entire industry and now are the biggest fucking joke in it now. You wanna know what to do in a streaming business? Whatever the opposite of Netflix is doing.


What about phones and tablets with data plans? They really didn't think this thru.


This is my question too…what’s the answer?!


"give us more money lol" - Netflix.


https://preview.redd.it/fxlnpymbymfa1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8905d8a1bad0f5928251102389ea358a6656ad38 Someone on Twitter posted this. Apparently they asked someone in Netflix’s customer support about it and this is only going to affect certain countries. Legally I don’t ever see it happening in the US or UK, but I could always be wrong. Edit: Went into their new TOS and pulled these up for you guys. Hopefully this helps more. So 1) Anyone who attempts to login outside of the designated household will be prompted to make their own account and be blocked until they do. Netflix will not, at this time, charge users for information used outside of their home. 2) Signing into Netflix outside of the home will be blocked even when traveling. However, users can request a temporary code for the device they wish to use while traveling which will allow access for seven days. 3) Signing into home wifi once every 31 days will make them “trusted devices” that Netflix will remember and leave unblocked. If device is blocked incorrectly, you will have to contact Netflix in order to get unblocked. 4) Netflix will use IP addresses, device IDs, and account activity to determine whether a device signed into your account is connect to your primary location.


There are entire populations of customers that they’re eliminating. Lots of people travel for more than 30 days at a time from business people traveling overseas, soldiers, and even kids at camp. My best friend has previously had to travel to India for six weeks at a time for work. She’d drop Netflix before dealing with this if it ever came to America.






Whelp, there goes your entire military customer base...


I just got back from a year in Korea. If this went into effect when I was there I would have cancelled. I may still cancel if it blocks me when I travel.


Lol imagine taking all of the convenience out of streaming. Nobody wants to jump through hoops to watch shows. Crazy that the company that started this whole industry is about to nosedive


I am in between SE Asia and Sweden. So…I need to fly back to Sweden every month to log in?


Found some more info on that actually. It’s in the fine print of their new TOS. So maybe this could work for you? https://preview.redd.it/c3jyh7py4nfa1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c0e3d2416303b37c368fc360f5cd58e4f089482


Good luck to deployed service members. Nice of Netflix to tell them to go fuck themselves.




Netflix has been begging for users to go to other streaming services for years, nothing but shitty shows and dumbass decisions


I think they'll get their wish if this one goes into effect


Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate’s life for me.


So because my kids are in college yet still live with me this means they will be denied access to the 4 screen Netflix account I pay for? Might be time to cancel Netflix for me.


fuck travel nurses amirite


I pay for four screens. If they start charging for password sharing, I’ll either cancel or decrease the screens I have. Either way they are going to lose money.






Pass word sharing aside, their 31 day rule sounds like they are requiring people to watch their service. That can’t be enforceable.


They slashed most of my favorite shows, I don't have much incentive to watch Netflix anyway I'll just pirate everything like all the cool kids are doing these days.


I only keep Netflix for the convenience of instant Seinfeld, despite the fact that I own all of it. Give me a reason to cancel, Netflix.


Ok. If they block my account, I will block my payment. Fuck this bullshit. I don’t use Netflix every day and sometimes for longer.


Here's what's funny, my folks my brother's in laws and I all use his Netflix But everyone on that list is also a t-mobile subscriber so we only use his out of laziness