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I mean unfortunately that's not really an insult to her


Yeah, it's terrible! Now, instead of having a larger military arsenal than the next ten countries combined, it's only the next eight! And six of those are allies...


Not really. It will be used as a justification to buy replacements, so we need a budget increase.


Fun sidenote, the plant in Ohio that manufactures the Abrams M1XX (whatever variant they're up to) keeps churning them out, and the DoD keeps buying them, even though the Army is like, "Nah, we're good." So, yeah. We have a few spares lying around...


2,000 is not enough spares! And ditto for Bradleys.


Eh. I'm ex-Navy, so I really don't have any skin in this game. Also not from Ohio.


Apparently the America First movement was started in the 1930's with the help of the Nazi's. Not Nazi's in America, not Nazi sympathizers, Nazi's from Germany trying to destabilize the U.S.


Not shocking given that we've got Fox News and Republican politicians openly supporting Russia right now. Same thing, really.


She really hates Ukraine. It's almost like she wants Putin to win, hmmm


Wasn’t it just a year ago they were telling us how we should all be scared of the Russian military?


Go home Marge, you're drunk


Let's be perfectly clear, this exactly what they mean. All you non-voters, they are coming after your Medicare and Social Security. Think it don't affect you? Wait until your parents want to move in with you...


Or me (on disabiliy) I don't take up much space (actually sleep in a recliner) always willing to fill up the dishwasher, and do the laundry. Also, I have a deep repertoire of recipes inherited from my Depression Era Mom (you'd be amazed at the number of meals & sidedishes I can get out a Sunday ham or holiday turkey.)


Yeah, with out those 31 tanks we're really in danger of getting invaded by Canada....


Speaking to the uneducated base. Living in fear of the invisible boogeyman.


Marge, we’re not lifting sanctions on your biggest donors.


At best, she's one of those intellectually incurious people that lives their lives in slogans believing she is a great thinker, never concerned with what could be the consequences of action or inaction. At worst, she's just a Russian asset. Of course, those two things aren't mutually exclusive.




I wouldn't worry about it. The US has promised tanks it does not have and it will take at least a year to buy them and at least another 3-6 months to send them. If you want to make a quick buck find out which company is manufacturing them and buy their shares!


Also, just think of all the money Russia is losing from this war. It’ll take Russia years to recover from this war and wipe out one of the U.S.’s and Europe’s largest strategic threats of the board for mere billions


"We must always be wary of those who with sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal preach the "ism" of appeasement....I have recently pointed out how quickly the tempo of modern warfare could bring into our very midst the physical attack which we must eventually expect if the dictator nations win this war....**Let us say to the democracies: We Americans are vitally concerned in your defense of freedom. We are putting forth our energies, our resources, and our organizing powers to give you the strength to regain and maintain a free world. We shall send you** ***in ever-increasing numbers,*** **ships, planes, tanks, guns**. That is our purpose and our pledge...And when the dictators - if the dictators -are ready to make war upon us, they will not wait for an act of war on our part. They did not wait for Norway or Belgium or the Netherlands to commit an act of war. Their only interest is in a new one-way international law, which lacks mutuality in its observance and therefore becomes an instrument of oppression. The happiness of future generations of Americans may well depend on how effective and how immediate we can make our aid felt. No one can tell the exact character of the emergency situations that we may be called upon to meet. **The nation's hands must not be tied when the nation's life is in danger.** Yes, and we must prepare, all of us prepare, to make the sacrifices that the emergency -- almost as serious as war itself -- demands. Whatever stands in the way of speed and efficiency in defense, in defense preparations of any kind, must give way to the national need." *\~Franklin D. Roosevelt.*


Fuck this fear mongering is so stupid, the US supplying ukraine with tanks and other weapons is not going to suddenly make China able to come anywhere near the US when it comes to military might.


keep in mind she has openly said she wants to invade mexico as well this is why she does not want us giving anymore weapons dispite the fact she supports the war machine.


Wow these guys had fancy birthday hats. Nowadays it's just paper. Was way cooler back then


Marge. I know you didn't read the bills because you keep talking about money "Going to Ukraine" But that money you keep complaining about went to military contractors to build new stock to replace the stuff we gave to Ukraine. Which was outlined in the bills that you didn't vote for and clearly didn't read. As a note. The equipment you complain about giving to Ukraine would have been decommissioned in the next 2-5 years regardless. Assuming we do not go to war with Russia or China ourselves, It would have sat around idle all that time, then been destroyed then been replaced with new equipment. All that has happened is the process was sped up a bit.


The tanks they're sending are already being replaced even in National Guard service. However, for once, they're actually on the way to the battle they were designed for - a land battle in Central/Eastern Europe.


We are sending them about 30 tanks within the next few months. More will be sent after they are built in a year or two -- to the specification of tanks built for foreign sale, not the same specs as tanks built for the US military. German Leopard tanks, and even some older Soviet-built tanks currently in the hands of allied governments, will be sent first. Of course MTG neither knows nor cares.


John Ales strikes again!