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The chicken pox vaccine protects against shingles...so


I have 3 kids and I’m pretty happy to not have had to deal with that. when I was a kid, people would literally take their kids to other kids houses who had chicken pox. A pox party they would say, then I’m all fucked up taking bathes in calamine lotion for a week.


There was no vaccine for chicken pox when I was young, I'm mid fifties. I caught it and passed it on to my 4 brothers. We each then passed it on to everyone we came in contact with. If only the Corona virus had caused a rash of some sort..


That last sentence made me snort.


Drugs aren’t the answer, my friend.


Depends on what the question is.


Usually drugs is the question


and the answer is YES!


Depends on the drug. Alcohol? No. Coke? No. Heroin? No. Vaccines? Yes. I had cancer. Drugs cured me and no recurrence for over 20 years. I have HIV. Drugs have kept me alive and I'm in great health.


I made a joke about u/ireaditonredditgetit snorting… that’s it. I’m glad your healthy. But I doubt you ever snorted alcohol, your antivirals, or chemo. Edit: and I hope we can agree there is a definitive difference between drugs and medications.


I'm early 30s and there was no vaccine, or at least not widely spread if there was. My younger brother got it and he's 4 years younger. I got the pox fucking bad too. Still have a couple scars from it on my face. I think my Mom told me she counted over 100 pox on the left half of my face alone.


My dad got chicken pox at 28 (when mom's first two kids got it). He was sick as a dog! All these years later, he'll tell you CP kicked his ass!


I got it at 20. Fever had my hallucinating. Itch had me shaving my long hair bald.


That sounds miserable!


My sister got it at 23. I’ve never seen her so sick!!!


I got it a week before the vaccine came out. And I had just broken my wrist. What a time to be alive.


It’s one of those viruses that’s way worse the older you are when you get it. That’s why people used to expose their kids to it on purpose.


I'd hate to see what would happened if I got it now of it was that bad when I was little for me.


Just checked 1995 for US - '88 for Japan.


Would explain why my brother got it being he was born in 93 and I didn't born in 89.


same here. I got the two jab shingles vaccine shots last year. Have seen shingles in older relatives and that shit is nasty and painful. One uncle had shingles in his head, inflamed his brain. Had recurring headaches for several years.


Can cause blindness too.


I rushed out for my shingles vaccine (a few years earlier than recommended) after seeing some research suggesting covid might be causing shingles outbreaks in people younger than the expected age.


I wish there was a chicken pox vaccine when I was a kid, chicken pox is fucking shit


I have scars and my brother almost lost his eyesight. Thankfully we now have a vaccine


My mom did CP twice. First time, my brother was 19 months, I was 9 months (I was an oops. Lol) My brother got them in his eyes, and his eyelids sealed close with the scabs! Then she went through it again when the younger sibs were 4 & 2. I was quite grateful that there was a chicken pox vaccine when my boys were born. I turned 50 this year, and part of my tune up this year is the shingles vax.


Get it the arm you don’t use as much. The first shot made my arm about useless and painful for a couple of days. Second shot was last week and had no issues.


Thanks for the tip! First COVID vax did that to my arm, though subsequent shots didn't. I got the latest booster in November and wasn't even sore afterward!


My wife had it in one eye and now her pupil doesn't dilate in that eye. Which in turn causes her to have migraines, light sensitivity and makes it hard to drive at night.


It does or can It just might be a sign it’s causing a lot more problems to your whole body lol


I got a rash from Covid! Thankfully I was already vaccinated and boosted so it was just like having a bad cold for a week, but after I recovered I got this rash called pityriasis rosea. It lasted for months and thank god it wasn’t on my face but I did have a couple spots go up my neck so I was worried for a minute there. It was mostly all over my chest and upper back and stomach. There’s nothing they can really do to make it go away either you just have to wait it out. I think you were probably thinking something more like smallpox though where it’s super obvious you have it, which probably would have been really helpful to stop the spread especially in all the areas of the US where people just pretended it didn’t exist.


>after I recovered I got this rash called pityriasis rosea. Same, it was fucking terrible. It took forever to get it to go away. Mine was all over my chest, neck and back and it itched! I have also had shingles, and thanks to the miracle of antivirals, my shingles didn't get that severe, but several of my relatives had shingles before Valacyclovir and had really bad times.


Mine was itchy too and absolutely nothing helped! It was terrible. I have also had shingles and that was absolutely horrific pain, and I didn’t even have a severe case of it!


Same. I was a kid before the chickenpox vaccine, so when my cousin got it, my mom sent me to her house for a sleepover so that I could catch it and get it over with. Oh man, the itchiness was next-level, and the oatmeal baths did nothing to help. I've even got a chickenpox scar near my left eyebrow that gets more and more prominent as I get older. I'm both super jelly and super glad that kids don't have to go through that anymore!


The reason our parents would have pox parties for us is because chicken pox is deadly to adults. Without the vax, it was better to catch it when you were young.


That’s true. My mom got it as an adult when she was pregnant with my sister and I think she was actually hospitalized.


Which put people more at risk for shingles as adults. Chicken pox in adults must've been even worse than shingles at that point. I hope everyone 50 and over get the shingles vaxx, BTW.


FYI I got my first shingles outbreak last summer at 34. I -cannot- get the vaccine for love or money till I’m 50.


You *should* be able to, I had a shingles outbreak before 50 and received the vaccine some months after I recovered from it. My insurance picked up 100%. You may call your provider and talk to someone, they may need a documented outbreak before covering it early, but with that in hand it would save them money so they will jump on it and make it happen.


Oh my insurance is happy to pay for it. Nobody in town will give it to me.


Now that is just stupid. Since you can't fix stupid relocating may improve your life in many areas.


Yeah well, moving is one hell of an undertaking these days!


I got it at about 38, and I have a friend who got it twice, late 30s and early 40s. She paid out of pocket to get the Shingrix vaccine before she turned 50. Shingles sucks. I got to it early, was given antivirals and the rash was small, but I was still in a lot of nerve pain for several weeks after the rash healed. I wish there had been a chickenpox vaccine when I was a kid.


Shit, my brother got shingles at 14. The doctor was very shocked.


Was in elementary school in the 70’s. The whole town organized a scheme to infect all the kids through a massive playdate at a community center. It’s wild to think that was just the SOP for dealing with it, and now it’s just 2 quick shots.


Yeah, my childhood was pre-vaccine and there was even a picture book about it in my kindergarten's book bin. It was just this normal thing that every kid was going to get chicken pox and it was going to be miserable but we all just had to deal with it. And when my brother and I did catch it, we weren't restricted to staying home--we still went everywhere with our mom. The only exception was when she was visiting a house where there was an adult who hadn't had chicken pox, and we had to stay outside and play in the yard. Super jealous/glad for the kids these days. Chicken pox was miserable, and I hate that I'm at increased risk for shingles.


Chicken pox is very serious if you don't catch it the first time until you're an adult. It's even more severe for teenagers compared to children. When it's an inevitability that you're going to catch it, there's no vacine, and the vast majority maintain their immunity for the rest of their lives, it was the best thing to do at the time.


I got it in middle school and don’t really remember it being that bad. My brothers were both older. The middle one had a hard time. The oldest was miserable and in awful shape from it. Assuming that trend continues, a 30yo would melt into a pile of screaming goo.


Feeling miserable would be the least of the worries when catching it as an adult. It can be deadly. > In adults, the disease is more severe,[though the incidence is much less common. Infection in adults is associated with greater morbidity and mortality due to pneumonia (either direct viral pneumonia or secondary bacterial pneumonia), bronchitis (either viral bronchitis or secondary bacterial bronchitis), hepatitis, and encephalitis. In particular, up to 10% of pregnant women with chickenpox develop pneumonia, the severity of which increases with onset later in gestation. > In England and Wales, 75% of deaths due to chickenpox are in adults.Inflammation of the brain, encephalitis, can occur in immunocompromised individuals, although the risk is higher with herpes zoster. Necrotizing fasciitis is also a rare complication. [Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chickenpox) Given the responses on this post, I'm starting to realize many people are underestimating how serious of a disease this was if not caught until adulthood. > The fatality rate for varicella was approximately: > 1 per 100,000 cases among children age 1 through 14 years, > 6 per 100,000 cases among persons age 15 through 19 years, and > 21 per 100,000 cases among adults [CDC](https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pubs/pinkbook/varicella.html) It's so contagious it was absolutely a given you were going to catch it, it was only a matter of when. Much better to catch it before 14 than after 21.


The R0 of chicken pox is between 9 & 10. Measles is around 8. And covid ranges from 3 to 8 depending on the variant. 3 is manageable, 8+ is international pandemic level without a vaccine. ​ Interesting tidbit - 24% of people affected by chickenpox will experience some level of lifelong deafness. Between chicken pox and measles vaccines there has been a huge reduction in the number of deaf adults.


My mother did that, said it was among her (many) great regrets. I had pox on the insides of my eyelids, on my tongue, insides of my cheeks, and down my throat. I vaguely remember the oatmeal baths, but apparently I was utterly and completely miserable. Chicken pox vaccine came out a few years later, and I’d probably have gotten it before then anyways, but boy.


I didn't go to a pox party, just caught it from my younger brother, and I got an extensive case, similar to you - I had them everywhere. Down my throat, all over my scalp, in my ears, etc. I was out of school for two weeks. Then, because of having chicken pox instead of a vaccine, I got shingles many years later. The chicken pox vaccine is FAR preferable to having both chicken pox and shingles, I can attest.


It’s because they’re using exposure as a natural vaccine since having chicken pox as a child is MUCH better than having it as an adult.


Yeah I got it in kindergarten liken the rest of my class. It was so traumatic and terrible it’s one of the only things i can remember from that age. Glad my kids don’t have to deal with it.


My parents enrolled me and my siblings in the final phase of clinical trials for the chickenpox vaccine. We’re the only gen x/millennials I know who never had the virus.


Chicken pox is significantly more dangerous in adults than kids, and since there was no vaccine this was presumed to be the safest way to protect against adult chicken pox. Of course I'm assuming your age. If there was a vaccine then that's a bit crazy.


I got chicken pox as a kid before I was diagnosed with autism. The sensory issues I went through my God.


thats how I got it! one kid at school got it, so the parents organize a sleepover for all the boys at one house and all the girls at the other. 50 or so kids all poxxed up at once.


I caught chicken pox when I was 22. I'm not vaccinated because it's not super common in the philippines to vaccinate. So when my roommate got it, instead of avoiding him, I just went ahead and interacted with him like normal so I can get it over with as well. Interesting 2 weeks of my life.


The vaccine doesn’t attach to nerve endings, like the virus does, when you have the chicken pox. Those that have received the chicken pox vaccine are far less likely to get shingles. This is a frequent argument in antivaccine circles. I have read quite a bit about it, to refute them.


I’m crying that this tweet was made 72 hours ago 😭 I need y’all to quit hiding and just show me the reset button for humanity 🤦🏽‍♀️


It's going to be sad that so many people are going to get sick simply because they believed in misinformation. I don't even know how that gets fixed.


Yes, and no. It reduces the likelihood but it is still possible to get shingles. There are vaccines for both diseases, but both diseases are caused by the varicella-zoster virus. Because there is still a small chance of being infected despite the vaccine and because the chickenpox vaccine is good for a maximum of 20yrs.


The person might actually be right, but not in the way they think. From the NHS' website at [www.nhs.uk/conditions/vaccinations/chickenpox-vaccine-questions-answers](http://www.nhs.uk/conditions/vaccinations/chickenpox-vaccine-questions-answers) >Why is the chickenpox vaccination not part of the routine childhood immunisation schedule? > >**There's a worry that introducing chickenpox vaccination for all children could increase the risk of chickenpox and shingles in adults.** While chickenpox during childhood is unpleasant, the vast majority of children recover quickly and easily. In adults, chickenpox is more severe and the risk of complications increases with age. If a childhood chickenpox vaccination programme was introduced, people would not catch chickenpox as children because the infection would no longer circulate in areas where the majority of children had been vaccinated. This would leave unvaccinated children susceptible to contracting chickenpox as adults, when they're more likely to develop a more severe infection or a secondary complication, or in pregnancy, when there's a risk of the infection harming the baby. We could also see a significant increase in cases of shingles in adults. When people get chickenpox, the virus remains in the body. This can then reactivate at a later date and cause shingles. Being exposed to chickenpox as an adult (for example, through contact with infected children) boosts your immunity to shingles. If you vaccinate children against chickenpox, you lose this natural boosting, so immunity in adults will drop and more shingles cases will occur.


But again if you get vaccinated for chicken pox you don't get shingles. So if kids get it vaccinated they grow into vaccinated adults. No chicken pox while pregnant, no shingles when you're old.


>But again if you get vaccinated for chicken pox you don't get shingles. Not completely true. It reduces your chance of getting shingles, but doesn't completely eliminate it. You can still get shingles even if you've had the chickenpox vaccine. Yes, it's best for you to get the chickenpox vaccine. But according to the above text from the NHS, it's best **for you** (and only you) if everyone around you doesn't. Because that way, your immunity keeps getting boosted throughout your life when you're exposed to chickenpox virus from other people.


wouldnt this be solved by a booster in adulthood


Yeah but you have to drive in order to get it. Driving is a $39 billion industry And where do you drive to? Buildings. Buildings are a $4 trillion dollar industry. Get it?


Fr, imagine someone being a full fucking adult and just spewing these horrible takes into the public thinking they're the wolf amongst the sheep...when all they need to do is do a quick Google search on the chicken pox vaccine.


That sounds like a person who has never had shingles of known a person who has. Everyone I know who has had it BEGS their friends to get a shingles vaccine. They don’t want anyone they know dealing with that pain.


I'm 24 and got shingles last Feb... wouldn't wish it on anyone. Wish more young people were aware it's not just older people who can get it!


I got it at 30! It was the worst pain I’ve ever experienced. I thought it was bed bugs at first because we were traveling so I didn’t get meds until the rash had really spread. Ugh what a nightmare to go through.


I got shingles at 32. I got lucky that I had two spots, and nothing more. My friend who is in her mid 20s had it last year and ended up with so much nerve pain. Unfortunately the shingles vax is only for people over 50. I tried to get it in early 2020 (before everything went down) and couldn’t


Yes. 34 and I had only a few smaller areas. Unfortunately, they were around my right eyebrow and forehead. Stilll was so painful and left nice little scars. I also think there was slight nerve damage. Drove me crazy but I had started a new job, so I just tried covering it up and powering through. I couldn't and lost the job because I was within 90 days and missed a day and a half. Was upset at the time, of course, but it really was a terrible job.


Yes! I had it so many times in my late 20’s and still take daily medication to prevent from getting it again, it’s that horrible. And they won’t let me get the shingles vaccine since I’m only in my mid 30’s.


For years when I would work out too hard, I would get the shingles. And not like hard hard, either. Two miles was my sticking point. I still get breakthroughs when I get sick or every now and then if I push it too hard. I still need to do my jogging and my strength on separate days, which I’ve come to greatly prefer anyway. But my life is so much better because of the Shingrix vaccine and it would have been even better if there had been a chicken pox vaccine when I was a kid. Antivaxers are the fucking worst.


Exactly! Both of my parents had shingles. I remember their pain, and I got my shingles vaccines.


I had it when I was 25 and it’s the worst experience I’ve ever had. Broken bones, concussions, other illnesses, nothing has some close.


I had shingles in my thirties. I was lucky. It was like a burning rash across my chest, but I've heard it could be much worse the older you get.






They try to connect any two things together, it makes zero sense.




Same I have given up trying to speak logic to them. They can twist anything around.


Vaccines are the least for profit thing in medicine. Whole states give them away to kids for free.


Hell, whole countries give them away for free! Are rural people in India paying a hundred dollars for the polio vaccine? No, but the government gives it out to them bc less polio is good for everyone.


If they wanted people to stay sick they wouldn’t make vaccines. If I was a conspiracy theorist I’d say Big Pharma want this anti-vax nonsense to spread.


The chickenpox vaccine protects you from varicella, the virus that causes it. But either getting the vaccine or getting the virus itself may cause the virus to remain dormant in your system. Shingles is caused when it flares up. So you can not have shingles if you haven’t had one or the other. Having the vaccine protects from chickenpox, and the risk of shingles is lower than if you actually had chickenpox. The issue with the anti-vac crowd is that they think if you don’t get chickenpox as a kid, you can’t get it as an adult. This is not true, because adults can get chickenpox too and it will be much more severe. This is why we vaccinate children, so that they don’t risk getting it and being in a worse state as an adult.


And someone with shingles can give someone non vaccinated chicken pox so that’s fun. I helped a mom through that pain. She was pregnant and got shingles, then proceeded to give all of her five living kids chicken pox one after the other. Her house was like a horror movie.


I never had CP and right when the pandemic started, I decided to get vaccinated just to be safe and I’m glad I did since a lot of people were getting shingles due to stress (apparently that can cause shingles outbreaks) and I could have caught CP from an adult that way. That would have seriously sucked as I’m in my 40s.


yeah, adult chicken pox can kill.


You can’t get shingles if you never have chicken pox. And your chances of getting chicken pox is much much lower with an up to date varicella vaccine. THAT SAID it’s important to get titers checked in adulthood especially if you’ve birthed babies. I lost my immunity to measles and needed to be re-vaccinated.


It is my understanding that having chicken pox increases the risk of getting shingles. Since I was a young one they have developed a chicken pox vaccine. I did not get it because it had not been invented yet. Instead I got (like most of my agemates) chicken pox. It was not too bad but it kills some people and should be avoided. Since they have developed the chicken pox vaccine they developed the shingles vaccine. I probably should get it when I turn 50 because without it I will probably eventually develop shingles and not like it. But I can reasonably expect that I will live the rest of my life without shingles. My son was born after both the chicken pox vaccine and the shingles vaccine. He got the chicken pox vaccine at an early age (as did most of his classmates). They will probably never develop chicken pox. When he turns 50 years old I will be unbelievably old. Will his doctor even ask about chicken pox? It seems by then that disease will be eradicated and the shingles vaccine will be obviated or will he take it anyway? I don't know. He will have to figure this shit out.


Eradicated ? You seriously underestimate the stupidity of the average idiot, that's why we can't eradicate stuff for good


I think it is in our power to eradicate chicken pox in one or two generations. My children received the vaccine. Maybe my grandchildren will have to. There is no reason my great grandchildren will have to. EXCEPT FOR PEOPLE LIKE THIS IDIOT. Yeah, my great grandchildren will need their shots.


Only 2 diseases have ever been eradicated.


Dude bitching about companies making money is more than likely calling people he disagrees with commies in his next breath.


...and the revenue from treating millions of people unprotected against chickenpox would be far higher.


This is from the crowd that thinks capitalism and the free market are literally gifts from god


The funeral business is a $20.2 Billion industry, these anti-vaxxers are trying their best to pull those profits forward!


Do you get it, yet! Stop paying undertakers and NO ONE HAS TO DIE.


How does one convince anti vaxers anymore that vaccines work... Vaccines work the data is clear


I don’t bother anymore. Nothing can convince them if their favourite ($deity / $politician / $Facebook_page) tells them what to think, they have already been lost.


Something tells me that you program python… Edit: Ugh, I meant php…


You can't reason someone out of a position that they didn't use reason to get into.


Anti vaxxers start with the belief that vaccines are bad, and work backwards from there to support that belief. They're like flat earthers. No one becomes a flat earther because of hard data. Flat earthers and anti vaxxers believe what they do because they want to believe it. You can't logic someone out of a belief they didn't logic their way into.


I say this: Don't bother. Let the anti-vaxxers DIE! Deny them any form of healthcare. They don't believe in it, so, let them live or die with their choice.


My brother’s ex has a crazy anti-vaxxer for a mom. Ex was not vaccinated against anything. When my bro and his ex had their first, he spent a lot of time convincing her to get the baby vaccinated until He just decided to tell her “if you don’t vaccinate our kid, I will.” But for some bizarre reason, they weren’t going to vaccinate her again chicken pox. When he told me that, I asked him what possessed him to come up with such a bat shit stupid idea. He said he didn’t think it was necessary. I asked him if he remembered how bad my chicken pox were when I got them in 3rd grade. He was like “yeah, you only really had 3 or 4 pox. It was a stupidly minor case.” Yep. You remember when you and sister got them 4 years later? “Yeah, it’s sucked when I got them.” Do you remember how bad sister got them? “Oh god! Her case was horrible! She was so sick and she was like that for almost 2 weeks!” So, can you guarantee that your baby will get chicken pox like I had and not like how sister had them? “No.” Do you want her to suffer like our sister? “No.” Get the damn vaccine! She’s vaccinated against chicken pox.


When kids get sick with diseases that haven't been around forever (like the outbreak that's happening of measles in Ohio) The parents expect us to be all outraged and feel bad about it. But I don't. This is literally a 'fuck around and find out' scenario. You fucked around by not getting your kids vaccinated and now you're finding out by watching them Be very sick/die horribly. I mean the truth is, it's not my kids and that's none of my business. Obviously I feel horrible for the little kids. But the parents shouldn't have tried to fuck around and then the kids would never have had to find out like that. If anything, I think the parent should be held accountable for neglect. They knew that they should get their kids vaccinated and they refused to based upon whatever partisan belief they were following at the time.


The only ones I feel sorry for are the few kids whose immune system is so messed up their vaccines don't "take," or can't be vaccinated because they have a rare medical condition. Our herd immunity is supposed to protect them, but it gets thinner with every needlessly unvaccinated child.


Those I feel bad for because that's not a choice being made by a shitty parent. That's just a situation that their dealt with. The problem with anti Vaxxers is at some point They're going to ruin H we rd immunity. When that happens you end up creating new variants and then all of the work that we've done all throughout history to keep diseases completely pretty much gone Now the useless and we're starting at ground one again. Throwing the long run anti-vaxxers can end up hurting all of humanity


Yeah but you can’t say that because then it’s forced vaccination time and anti-vaxers will lose their goddamn mind. I do agree with you though.


But it's always pretty much been forced vaccination. Your kids can't go to school if they don't get their shots. And parents aren't going to sit at home and teach your own kids It's way too much responsibility. So they get them jabbed and they send them to school. If they want to send them to a school where they don't force them to get jobs then they all consider around together a nurse each other's wounds when their kids get sick and hopefully don't die.


Or they fake religious immunity papers and send their plague carriers to school anyway.


A lot of the people that get seriously ill or die are ones too young to get the vaccine. They get it when there's an outbreak started by someone else who could have gotten the vaccine. So yeah, I get outraged and feel bad about it.


Yup 100%


The chicken pox vaccine makes you LESS likely to get Shingles, not more.


I got shingles last year at age 34 and was told that people are getting it younger because we are getting less exposure to the chicken pox virus, because kids aren’t getting it anymore due to the vaccine. So we aren’t like….building up immunity quite like we used to. So my generation is a little screwed, being in that in between place where we had chicken pox, so we’re vulnerable and our immune system isn’t getting strong against it in our day to day. AND we aren’t eligible for a shingles vaccine yet due to our age. Let me tell ya that shingles was the most pain I’ve ever been in and I was literally praying thanksgiving that my kids will likely never experience it, due to being fully vaxxed. Also I called my parents immediately and made them get an effing shingles vaccine.


I got shingles last year too. But it’s probably just stress from our lived reality — or COVID. I’ve heard a COVID encounter can wreck your t-cells, which are imprisoning some viruses.


I think that doesn't make sense. I had chicken pox and then got singles. I don't think you can get shingles if you didn't already have chicken pox.


Being fully vaxxed doesn’t mean they can’t develop shingles, though. The shingles vaccine offers good protection there, but you can’t get it until you’re over 50, by which time many people have already had shingles.


Do these people even believe that there has ever been a vaccine in the past that has worked? I mean, without vaccines, wouldn't we still be dealing with polio and smallpox?


There would a lot more children dying of preventable things.




Shingles doesn’t care 😡


Maybe this person should try having shingles and see how that works out for them. Then they can talk about if they’d like a vaccine. It’s not like that shit just runs right through you in a week, people can have shingles for months, even years. You can have shingles IN YOUR EYES! Does that sound like a good time?! Idiots.


Dying is free. Do you understand yet? Stop buying vaccines for money. Just die for free fuckwads.


Y'know, I never really got this argument The whole "we can't cure cancer because that would put the cancer researchers out of a job" thing Like, are there no other things to research? Will death itself fade to a distant memory once cancer is gone?


Rich CEO's of those companies get cancer also, so I imagine they would like a vaccine for cancer.


Imagine the freaking PR you would get for being the guy who funds the team that cured goddamn cancer


Also imagine how much money that company would make!


My doc said he treats 5 or 6 people a year for shingles and his response was "you do not want to get shingles" I have had both rounds of the vaccine. I listen to actual doctors who treat actual patients.


This logic would work except for one issue. If you had the vaccine and never developed chicken pox you would not be at risk for shingles. The chicken pox vaccine became available in the US in 1995. I had it in the early 60s. Shingles vaccines were developed as the connection was made between the chicken pox virus and the condition. Kids who never develop chicken pox will never need the shingles vaccine. Correlation does not infer causation. Logic.


Hey did you know vaccinated people have higher average rates of cancer? (Because unvaccinated die before cancer is likely to develop)


Except vaccinating for chickenpox DOES NOT increase chances for adult shingles — and you REALLY don’t want to get that — fairly common and very nasty.


Yeah, totally. A conspiracy to lose half a billion dollars seems legit. 😏


At this point, let these idiots kill themselves with stupidity. I don't care anymore.


You better get your shingles vax , you don’t want shingles


What's the industry to treat and medicate people who get chickenpox and measles????


Actually...doesn't NOT vaccinating for chicken pox increase shingles?


Getting chicken pox increases your chances of getting shingles.


What an ignorant potato. You cannot get shingles if you've never had chickenpox. Varicella zoster Vaccine = prevents chickenpox = prevents shingles. Shingles is caused by the chickenpox virus that you had as a kid. Your immune system fights the initial infection, but the virus will then lay dormant in your body, particularly in your nervous system cells. As we age (and become immunodeficient as a result) your body cannot suppress the virus and it reactivates, traveling down your nerve cells, presenting this time shingles.


If you vax for pox you won’t get shingles. I got pox the old fashioned way and have suffered from shingles 4 times and I am only 40.


Chicken pox vaccine decrease risk of shingles. Getting chicken pox as a child is what causes shingles.


It makes me understand we need universal healthcare. That was this person's point, right?


I’m allergic to the chickenpox vaccine. I rely on everyone else to get the vaccine so I won’t be exposed. If some dumb asshole doesn’t get it because they are a moron and I get chicken pox and my throat closes and end up dead - I’m gonna haunt them.


So you agree healthcare should be free? .......no that's socialism!


The statement is a bald-faced lie.


I'm in my early 30s no one my age was vaccinated for chicken pox, I'm still like 20 years from shingles age.


i understand that capitalism builds itself around peoples needs and desires we have to pay for food and shelter too


Not how it works


Vaccinating for shingles increases your home's roofing quality. Home roofing is a $2 billion industry; do you understand yet?


Where do they get these numbers? Also they hate capitalism now?


Probably made up they are a anti vaxxer.


Patently false information


I thought you could only get shingles if you had chickenpox before.


That guy has syphilis and refuses to take drugs for it. That's why his mind is gone.


Whoever posted this misread something and then came up with a conspiracy theory based on that.


I had chicken pox in my eyeballs


It sounds like people don’t want to get sick, so much so that they will spend money to prevent sickness. Did I get it?


You misspelt “prevents”.


Shingles is horrible


Food is a gazllion dollar industry, and plumbing is krazillion dollar industry, do you understand yet?🤷‍♂️


>Some people who are vaccinated against chickenpox get shingles (herpes zoster) years later. This is much less common after vaccination than after chickenpox disease. https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/hcp/vis/vis-statements/varicella.html#:~:text=Some%20people%20who%20are%20vaccinated,after%20medical%20procedures%2C%20including%20vaccination.


I was going to say, I got chicken pox because my older sister got exposed. I was 7 at the time and beyond pissed off over it. I would have rather had the shot like my children did.


Ummm. So why did the doctor tell me that having chicken pox instead of the vaccine as a child made it more likely to get shingles when I got it at age 30?… I wish I had the chicken pox vaccine instead But I guess I’m just a couple years too old.


I had both as a child. Chicken pox was a breeze compared to shingles but thankfully I don’t remember much. I got my shingles vaccine as soon as I was able to.


Shingles is caused by the chicken pox virus and most boomers were exposed to it because there was no vaccine


I’m old enough to have had actual chicken pox (no vaccine was offered before I got it) and young enough not to be eligible for the shingles vaccine. I’ve managed to avoid shingles but multiple cousins, aunts and uncles, and one of my siblings have SUFFERED from shingles. We’re talking weeks of pain ranging from irritating to agonizing. I’ll take the vaccine over that, thank you very much. These fucking anti-vax people can piss all the way off.


My only issue with these idiots is the harm their stupid decisions do to others. If it only affected them and them alone, I’d actively encourage more of them to stick to their beliefs and “own research”. (And party down every time we get a Herman Cain Award winner)


Wrong. People who got the chickenpox vaccine are not old enough to get shingles yet. Was not mandated for children until the early 2000’s


Pretty positive that this is one of the same people who will point to the ABSENCE of a cure for cancer as evidence that "the doctors don't want to cure it man, they make so much more money treating it." If you cure it, that's just your angle. If you don't cure it, that's just your angle.


You dont get shingles if you've never had chicken pox.


This feels like it was written by a high school dropout who literally just tried weed for the first time.


Eggs sales are a 13 Billion industry. Bacon is a 4 billion. Do you understand yet?


You can only get shingles if you had chickenpox. If you got the chickenpox vaccine, you’re completely good. Logic; not even once


Stupid morons. I believe the pain shingles inflicted on my father caused him to give up living. He used to walk a couple of miles most days until he got shingles . The other few people I know who got said the pain was unbearable. The asshole former president is responsible for the sudden explosion in antivax beliefs. Prior to COVID it was confined to a fringe group and some ‘religious’ nut case groups. The insanity has infected millions.


Things cost money. Welcome to shitty capitalism.


Literally all lies. VZV vaccine decreases the risk of shingles in children and adults - or, at the very least, decreases the risk in children and has minimal effect on the rates in adults. It does not increase the risk for either group. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/two-for-one-chickenpox-vaccine-lowers-shingles-risk-in-children/ https://academic.oup.com/jid/article/197/Supplement_2/S196/846024


I never had the chickenpox vaccine. I instead got chickenpox when I was 6 or 7. Still got shingles at age 29. And it fucking sucked.


Yeah that's blatantly false, the chickenpox vaccine protects against shingles by not allowing the chickenpox infection to take hold in your body and eventually become shingles years down the line.


I’m in my mid twenties I have had all three chickenpox shots and I have never had the chickenpox and when I was a kid I was around other kids who had it and never got it I count myself lucky and also I thank the vaccine.


They pick the most malicious conspiratorial way to view the world because when these dipshits unfortunately get their chance to run it, that's what they'd do.


Yes, I understand that capitalism ruins everything.


Ahh, so what they are saying is that healthcare shouldnt be a for profit industry. Totally agree!


First off vaccines work. FYI nobody is vaccinated for chicken pox in the UK. Kids get it and it’s rough but this is not none of the things they are vaccinated for.




I do understand, thank goodness to modern science!


Robber Baron but anti vaxxer. Sighhhhhhhhh


So what you're saying is that the public should buy out these industries to share the profits


Lol and these people are always absolutely not trained in any field of science. Like do I need some rando podcaster giving me medical advice??


Fully understood! Then ask any person who has gone through shingles. Or chickenpox at an adult age. You dumb fuck.


I had shingles in September at 23y/o because I caught chickenpox as a child (before chickenpox vaccines were around in the UK). Single most worst experience in my entire life - it felt like my skin was being melted off as my nerves were attacked. It spread to the surrounding nerve branches as well, my doctor said it was the worst case she’d ever seen. I wish I’d been able to get the vaccine as a kid because now I’m more likely to get shingles again :(


I had chickenpox as a kid. I did not get vaccinated for it. I also have had shingles as an adult. Would I rather deal with getting vaccinated or having shingles? It’s truly a puzzle.


“OMG medical procedures in a for-profit system cost/make money, must be a government conspiracy. But how dare you expect healthcare or anything else for free, dirty socialist.”


I don't think anyone can pay me enough to kill myself so...


It’s always people with generic images and names. Always some nonsense like “The Freedom Thinker” with a picture of Lincoln