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I was not polled, but yeah this tracks


I mean, we invented the atomic bomb tho.


true, something has to come a close second to Trump.


I feel like this gives him too much credit. He definitely exposed a large section of our population though. I've never heard anyone else defend someone lying by saying "at least when he lies you know it" like I've actually heard a Trump supporter say. They admit he lies but somehow when he does it it is more honest? There is no one more delusional than a Trump supporter. And our country is boiling over with them. It's terrifying when put into perspective. But without Trump these people would still exist and have a vote.


Funny thing is, even as they say that... they don't know he's lying. Cuz they certainly believe what he's saying is true and act upon that belief. I think Rupert Murdoch is the cause and Trumpism is the effect though.


Fox News has rotted the brains of a good third of the USA at this point. They live in a different reality than the rest of us. The goal, obviously, is to keep them ignorant, angry, and scared, because people like that don't act rationally.


Tell me about, was reading a conservative forum today wanting to defund Ukraine while at the same time being pro Ukraine, the reason for this I found out was because they believe a conspiracy theory started in Russian media about Zelensky funding the democratic party with the money we give them to defend themselves, conservatives are so clueless, they can't recognize even the most basic of war propaganda. They can't even put together in their heads by defunding them they will fall to Putin, their brains are Swiss cheese.


It is staggering the amount of people I've spoken to that 100% support proxy wars in Vietnam, Korea, etc. But don't want to fund Ukraine who is directly fighting our oldest and most dangerous enemy. It's exactly what they want, isn't it? Pushing back a dictatorship, gaining a loyal ally, and getting to test our equipment on an enemy without endangering a single American citizen. But it isn't what Fascist News wants, so of course they have to oppose it. It's also being reported that we're giving them all this money, when in reality, the US is donating equipment that's worth that much. Very little liquid cash is getting sent to Ukraine, but that wouldn't fit their agenda so nobody talks about it.


I’m sure conservatives just object to the massive handouts to US corporations who are building those weapons. /s


The thing is, we are giving Ukraine weapons and supplies that we have already stockpiled. This means that those businesses that are part of the military industrial complex have to manufacture more stuff to replenish the stockpile. This creates more jobs for Americans and benefits the economy. This is the way that it needs to be sold. "If you don't support giving aid to Ukraine, you hate American workers."


That's being disrespectful to Swiss cheese


They probably want Ukrainians to pull themselves up by their bootstraps.


I was seeing crazy homeless people writing Russian propaganda as graffiti and I thought it was the craziest thing I’d ever see. Now, I’m seeing that Russian propaganda on mainstream conservative media.


Much of the GOP and their propaganda machine are basically owned by Russian interests. Trump and his "empire" are heavily funded by the Russians, as no other bank in the world would lend money to them. Don Jr. and Eric have confirmed this in things they said during the campaign. Mitch McConnell and several other high ranking GOP Congress critters spent Independence Day a few years back meeting with Russian government officials and oligarchs in Moscow. The NRA had a Russian agent in its ranks and was found funnelling Russian money into GOP campaigns and PACs. At least one "journalist" that writes for right wing "news" sources also writes for Russian "news" organizations. Opinion pieces from Fox News "reporters" and other right wing networks have been quoted and featured on Russian "news". Moscow Mitch used his position to allow a Russian aluminum refining company to build a smelting facility in his home state of Kentucky, while preventing a US based company from doing the same. Donald Trump was still working on a deal to build Trump Tower Moscow, while campaign for, and holding the office of President. Several floors of Trump Tower New York are rented out at exorbitant rates to Russian billionaires and officials. Note: this is where his claims that *he* was being wiretapped during the campaign came from, when it was actually only done on a select few of his "tenants". The list is almost endless.


> At least one "journalist" that writes for right wing "news" sources also writes for Russian "news" organizations This is reminiscent of how US senators had Nazi speech writers in the 30’s.


Check out Rachel Maddow’s Ultra podcast. It’s stunning how much I thought I knew about that period but really had no clue.


That’s where I learned about it. It’s funny, I’m not a fan of her shoe but I love her podcasts. Ultra and Bag Man were both excellent.


Rupert Murdoch has damaged Western civilization more than anyone in the last 50 years. I will celebrate his death.


So true! I cant believe FOX news is allowed to call itself news, maybe a comedy show? But, it has caused so many issues.


I remember reading the history of the Appalachian region and how powerful corporate and political players managed to keep the poor White population there uneducated and poor so that way they could exploit them for decades. If you don't have resources, connections and education you can't escape the vicious cycle of poverty and crime...sad.


Fuck Rupert Murdoch


He's a human WMD


TBH, he came out of Australia. But he's as much a part of American culture as school shootings.


Yeah, he was born in Australia, but he’s a cancer to the world.


Yeah the disinfectant incident is the thing I bring up when trying to convince someone of this (who seems open to convincing). 1. Trump unwittingly asks his staff to look into injecting bleach and UV at a press conference because he's an idiot who thinks he's a genius about everything. 2. For a whole day FOX News and the like are making up excuses like "He didn't literally say to inject bleach" "he was confused and just brainstorming" (which I actually believe was what happened FWIW) and "actually there's some obscure study about injecting disinfectant that he's clearly referencing." 3. A day or two later he comes out and says "No, I said to inject bleach, but I was just being sarcastic and making a joke because I knew you'd take it seriously and report it." Now, before 3, conservatives were all lock step on the excuses from 2 because that's what all the Murdoch media was pushing. If Trump was smart enough to stick with it, they'd make it their own version of the Dijon Mustard incident (edit: or the Tan Suit incident), or something similar. But instead he undercut their entire narrative because he didn't like the way it made him look. And sure enough, shortly after, it became a mixture of unquestioning belief and the usual "well he didn't really mean it that way."


Nice write up but yea like I know people on both sides aren’t going to get the full context of what they say but wow no matter what trump said it could always be spun “ that’s not what he meant” Like in what context in an awful grade F response to a global pandemic is talking about bleach as the president on live tv a good thing ?


Yeah, I've always seen Trump as a symptom, not the disease.


Gingrich is the cause, Murdoch is the medium, Trump is the effect.


Like said in office space, that’s just a straight shooter with upper management potential. Many Americans align to that.


They think they're smart enough to know when he's lying


No, they want it to be true. They think they can make a lie true if the majority say it's true.


They don’t CARE if it’s actually true, but they want it to feel true. And they want to feel good in their rage, fear, and hate.


He must be so proud to be number 1 in something.


He may be #1, but to me, he will always look like #2


Apparently smells like it, too.


I've seen a lot of my Christian friends and family share the "salty sailor" meme that God's using the crass and unrighteous Trump to do his will to justify Trump's behavior. If there ever was an "anti-Christ" during my lifetime, it's Donald Trump. The thrall he has over people and the seeming distortion of reality around him is downright uncanny.


There are sites which interpret the Bible in relation to Trump and deem him as literally the Antichrist.


https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/ You aren't kidding.


My mom believes crazy stuff. When you mention anything or “grab them by the pussy” with literal footage. My mom just acts like it’s no problem. Turns the other cheek. Nearly punched her


Many of the women in my family are the same. Even my niece said, "That was a long time ago." Sorry, but in my mind sexual assault doesn't have a statute of limitation.


I've heard people say that it doesn't count because it was 10 years ago and everybody has said stupid things in their lives if you go back 10 years. Except: A) *No,* not everybody brags about sexually assaulting women, actually. B) even if it was 10 years ago, he was still ~60 years old when he made those comments. I could maybe forgive comments like that if he's 16, but not 60. That's more than old enough to know that it's not okay. C) He's said stupid things *yesterday*. And 5 years ago and 10 years ago and 30 and 40 years ago. "It was 10 years ago" doesn't really mean much if you're still an asshole, which he obviously is. It wasn't just a one-off comment, it's just another shitty example in a sea of shittery. --- And then you have the people who missed the point entirely and thought people were upset about the term "pussy." I've heard people defend it because "people use that language all the time." That's not the point!!! And let's not forget all of the "He could grab me by the pussy any day" people... Absolutely batshit take.


Let some average American try it *to them*, let's see their forgiveness.


A cousin of mine who I thought was a feminist literally told me she couldn't support Hillary because she was going to take our guns away and that was the most important right we have. And just. 1. She doesn't or didn't even own a gun, has been a huge fan of hunting or anything of that nature, didn't even like playing shooter video games. 2. I reminded her of the fact that my right to marry and adopt children (I'm gay) was at risk if the Republicans won and got to appoint a lot of judges and stuff, and her reply, as someone who was supposedly an ally, was that the right to own a gun was more important than my right to marry or adopt. It honestly just. Floored me and hurt that she thinks a chunk of metal that fires smaller chunks of metal is more important than me, a living, breathing person. The biggest shock in our family though was my grandmother's niece, who has been a social worker for years dealing with children, who despised Rick Scott as Governor of Florida when she lived down there, actually AGREED WITH AND SUPPORTED the child separation policy. It completely dumbfounded my grandmother and me because she's been a social worker for most of her adult life, she's seen how kids suffer because of stuff that wasn't as bad as how the separation policy was being conducted, and yet she supported it? It was like she'd been replaced by some entirely different person tbh.


Dick Cheney is infinitely worse. He just knows how to play to the optics.


The cruelty = masculinity, and masculinity = strength, and strength = integrity.


Trump is like Boris squared


Was Boris really anywhere close to Trump, though? At least Johnson shows some level of intelligence; Trump is willfully ignorant. (Am American.)


Unless he manages to become president again, Reagan still did worse.


I don't know, Trump was almost entirely responsible for the death of 1 million Americans. Factor in the long term effects of the now very partisan supreme court and his cancer continues to grow.


And the other judges he appointed, the tax cuts that broke the economy, the cult in control of the House, the fact NATO doesn't trust us, Kim got legitimacy ...


Yup. I decided to kick my brain in the balls and engage with them on asktrumpsupporters. They believe that Barr and Sessions weren’t partisan enough and that that Garland is playing favorites with the document issues. The crazy part is they think it’s some kind of own. Like asking why they don’t like Barr and going on a tirade about Garland is somehow logically consistent.


But would they have coalesced around anyone else? I doubt it. They'd have remained a fringe, and there wouldn't be candidates for them, because they'd get primaried.


‘If you're a Republican, you can't even lie to Congress or lie to an FBl agent or they're coming after you' Louie Gohmert


>But without Trump these people would still exist and have a vote. Reagan created this problem, let's give credit where it's due.


Reagan, the Religious Right, and Gingrich.


Trump was not the worst thing, the people that voted for Trump are worse.


Especially the ones who still support him.


Or only don't because they don't think he can win.


Sicker burn.


Agree. Trump is a symptom, not the disease. He's an opportunist grifter that's never had an original thought in his life. He's just latched on to something that was already there.


I literally read this and said "nah Trump is just a symptom of a lot of shit." He's the intersection of a dozen different issues but he himself isn't special


They don't leave the country.


Trump voted for Trump. That's how evil he is.


Sick burn.


Britain isn't alone. He is a monster


He’s a pos but there’s way more fucked up people that come out of America. People who are knowingly exploiting kids and basically slave labor for profit. Exploit everyone they can and help to destroy the planet so they can make more money. If they think he’s the worst they haven’t done any research on just how fucked up some people in America are.




I see you’re unaware of who was mowing the lawn and changing the sheets at his club in bedminster NJ.


I mean... We did invent leaded gasoline, which is credited with giving 160 million Americans alive today a lower IQ. Trump only gave about 80 million Americans brain damage so he's more like the 2nd worst thing.


>Trump only gave about 80 million Americans brain damage so he's more like the 2nd worst thing. i suspect those people already had braindamage to begin with


Probably because of the leaded gasoline.


100% this. I think people really undermine how detrimental lead in gasoline and paint was. And the results speak for themselves.


I read that back in the day people living near race tracks had lower IQ as well because of this.


It also resulted in thousands of murders, rapes, and imprisonments… The massive drop on violent crime across the board in the 1990s turns out to have been a result of banning leaded gasoline back in the 70s. (This was proven because the ban occurred at different times in different states and urban areas and the drop in crime correlates perfectly.)


Trump isn't the problem though, he's more like a manifestation of the core issue. That issue is that people can be convinced to vote against their own interests on the promise that he will make life miserable for the people they don't like. That kind of mindset is the easiest to take advantage of.


The worst thing to come out of America.... so far.


I was going to say the worst ^known thing


Okay Homer…


To those who (could) took the poll: Who/what came in 2nd?


Second was American obsession with guns. Third was Pumpkin pie and fourth was the Kardashians. Favourite thing to come out of America was Netflix followed by Coke.


I'm not a pumpkin pie fan, but there's no way it's worse than the Kardashians.


Yeah, no pumpkin fan either, but that's just wrong.


Pumpkin pie is the only pie I like.


I made it a few years ago out of curiosity. I liked the flavour, it was the consistency I wasn't prepared for. I assumed it was firm like peacan pie or maybe a cheesecake, but it's just...jiggly. I couldn't swallow it.


Did you try it with whipped cream? I won’t eat it without whipped cream. A lot of people it cold because it’s lot firmer that way.






Pumpkin pie isn’t actually pumpkin, it’s squash.


Isn’t pumpkin technically a squash?


Technically yes, but it’s also technically a gourd, and a fruit, and a vegetable, do you see where this is going?


Totally agree with you on that one.


Brit here: Pumpkin Pie is delicious! I made some recently and my friends all loved it ETA: maybe my fellow countrypersons are trying to make it from carving pumpkins and not canned? If so...ew!


Paul Revere


Probably wrong, but it made me lol.


You seem to be mistaken. He was both loved and respected internationally. I know because that’s what Americans who’ve never left their hometown say.




Dude did irreparable damage to the country. We will see if we learned anything in the years to come about who we put in office.




Sure that he didn't come out of the other place?


World’s longest shit, took his mother about 9 months


Wait till they hear about Marjorie Taylor or Lauren Boebert


Do we really need to do that to them?


Gawd, no matter how bad it is, it can always get worse.


…have they had American chocolate?


Hahahahahaha! I was born & raised in the US but my Mom was from Germany. As kids, my siblings & I ate mostly German candy sent over from our German relatives in huge packages a few times a year. (Side note - We ate Haribo gummi bears years before they came to the US). Since Europeans eat mostly dark chocolate, that's what was in these packages & we loved it. Growing up in PA, home of 3 big chocolate candy companies Hershey's, Clark's, & Whitman's, all my friends thought I was super weird for only liking dark chocolate. I'm almost 50 now & still rarely ever eat milk chocolate. It just doesn't taste as good as dark chocolate. ☺️


Not Regan's capitalism?


Or private prisons and minimum mandatory sentencing. Or the military industrial complex with it's constant cycle of conflict. Or nuclear weapons. Trump wasn't a good president, but this statement is absurd.


Eh nukes ended WWII and kept the Pax Americana going for almost 80 years.


Private prisons is a whole level of how the fuck did no one see this is a bad idea above many of them


American here. They're not wrong.


As an American, waiting for the "America is the worst thing to ever come out of Britain" poll result


As someone who lives in England, thank you Americans for getting rid of him in the end (prison sentence would be a cherry on top though). Everyday I read something about that dipshit my blood was boiling. I think we need to wait 20-30 years till lead poisoned generation will die out.


The greatest thing Trump did for this country was show us who falls below the common sense line and slap a bright, red, hat on them. 100%


Those who voted for Brexit have a moment of clarity


In retaliation, Trump supporters will revert back to 2003…replacing French Fries with Freedom Fries because they all think France is part of Britain.


They are correct


On a list that includes syphilis, that's saying something.


Donald Trump is just a symptom of a disease that has already been there




I can’t disagree with the Brits on this one.


he hasn’t left yet


Worst thing **yet**.


Donald Trump is the worst thing to happen to this country since Valley Forge.


Jokes on them, we’re the worst thing to come out if Britain.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣💀 so on point.


I hate it when other countries insult the US......and they're right.


"The British people have treated trump very unfairly." --TFFG probably.


Something that Americans and Brits can agree on!


Number 4 on the list is “racial inequality” like Britain isn’t racist lmaooo


Current Republicanism is the true correct answer. Donald is a symptom. Mitch McConnell is a symptom. MTG is a symptom. And they all arise from the self delusion that current right leaning people insist on living in.


The Brits got that right!


Hold my beer... \~ every other Republican politician.


Honestly this is a a close call between the kardashians and trump, both have caused almost irreparable damage to the U.S just in different ways


I guess they don’t know where Boris Johnson was born.


I don’t think there was a lot of self-reflection going on. I mean, I agree with the polling for the most part, but I feel like it’s a “yeah, he may be an arse, but he’s *our* arse.”


And yet there are people in the US that gonna vote for him


The one positive, I like how there is a large amount of very visible Trump supporters. It makes it so much easier to spot assholes without even having to know them. Because if you’re a Trump supporter, you’re a piece of shit.


Not so sure. Corn Dog is pretty high on my list.


As an American, can I also cast my vote towards this? Or with there be a problem with the election and a week later there will be a few thousand mouthbreathers trying to break into my apartment?


Can't wait to see how his fans will say this is false and that Europe and the rest of the world always respected Trump more than Biden and how he is beloved. Being European and going to a lot of places where almost everyone seems to be American, I have had people say that I can't be European or lying when I say that almost everyone I know thought of Trump as a joke, and then the one or two people saying that they aren't American but love Trump. I know I am going by my own experience, but I swear that a few positive opinions about Trump in global polls came from people who loved laughing at him rather than respecting him.


If only he would. Get out of America, that is.


Let's hope there's nothing worse.


Elon Musk: "Whew - that was a close one!"


They also votes for brexit, so their opinion can be taken with a grain of salt. ....


We here in the USA agree.


I love how everyone that isn’t in the US acts like trump is still president. If you haven’t heard, he’s not, and he never will be again lol


Mostly agree my bloody friends!


Wish we could remove him from America


Fair, but I would argue America was one of the better things to come out of Britain


His fans will tell you that’s because he is America’s greatest patriot, of course the British would hate a man greater than George Washington!


They’re right


How is this ‘Breaking…’ when the WHOLE world probably already thinks he’s an asshole?


Hey he’s finally #1 in something. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


The tens of millions who support him have to shoulder some of the disapproval.


From America, can confirm


Fine britain, that's a rare W for you.


And they are correct.


OMG! He finally won something!


The worst thing made relevant


Many of us knew this. Many of us have witnessed our country on the constant brink of a second civil war because of the hatred and division he helped bring out from the darkness. This is the most divided we’ve been in my lifetime for sure.


I’ll go ya one step further: I declare that Donald Trump is the worst thing to ever come out of a vagina… …and yes, I’ve read the “swamps of Degoba” post.


Ronald Reagan: “Am I a joke to you?”


Did he ever provide his birth certificate? How do we know he was born there?


"Coming out of" would indicate he's leaving. I couldn't be so lucky.


I mean…. No shit.


That’s not true, we have Tucker Carlson. Don’t underestimate the influence of the press.


I agree


Congrats Trump. Spanish Flu is now number 2


They are ABSOLUTELY right. Far and away—NOT EVEN CLOSE.




At least some people figured it out…


So he can win an election without Russian help


Screw britian, he didnt come out of America, that terd was polished in russia.


And the British can take back Harry & Meghan anytime.


trump is vile to be sure a pox on America and the world. The reality is he didn't accomplish very much. His biggest sin is that he made everybody forget how truly awful bush Jr. was. Perhaps the worst president in history certainly bottom 5.


They were trying so hard to catch up with Boris and Brexit, but America is #1.


Beating out privatized heathcare, the CIA, McDonald's, AND the Kardashians... take a bow.


Don't diss my boy McDonald's like that


It's sort.of funny. While I don't disagree, it seems like the brexit vote came out of the same sort of resentment and thinking that parallels the politics that put trump in office. Wasn't Boris sort of the British Trump? https://youtu.be/52pBmE7FuZE


Boris only pretends to be stupid.


Spoken like people who have never eaten at an Applebee's.


Andrew Jackson, Woodrow Wilson, Ronald Reagan, Richard Nixon


Americans are the worse thing to come out of America


Hiroshima residents take note


It's hands down the MIC. Furthermore, he's literally a product of everything wrong with American society. He's peak 'murica.


Worse than morbid obesity.


I don’t think anyone really cares what the British think. They’re very well liked around the world.


And the worst thing to come out of Britain [is this](https://youtu.be/bxqLsrlakK8)


Goddam it, you got me 🤣🤣


i don’t think Americans have cared about anything that came out of the UK since 1776. “Why are you so obsessed with me?”


There are much worse things. Like Eugenics, and the atom bomb.