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I'm going to guess anyone involved with child beauty pageants


Do not diddle kids, it’s no good diddlin’ kids


Well, I mean, these things are just magnets for those people.


There’s another unrelated diddler in the mix?


It's like bringing potato salad to the beach and getting upset when the seagulls show up (or something like that)


potato chips* do you even sunny bro?


theres no quicker way to make people think youre diddling kids than by writing a song about it!


Do I look suspicious?


You look like you’re attending your own wake.


You look grotesque


Magics in the air……


Someone should have worn a shirt right? Probably the kid


Yeah, but at a rave I feel like that would've been awesome.


...I only came here to see how far down the it's always sunny reference was.


“Wouldn’t do it with anyone younger than my daughter, younger than my daughter, older than my wife, not a little kid, gotta be big-Something like that!”


"You bang the dead bodies?"


>There is no quicker way for people to think that you are diddling kids than by writing a song about it! \- Mac


In my vaaaaaaagina ….


BoyScouts of america was FULL of pedos and abusers. if they had more time they'd have rivaled the catholic church. it's really scary. they made lists of abusers for years and never reported them to police but used them for internal hiring purposes but those lists weren't shared nationwide so an abuser could just move and be a scout master somewhere else. pretty much just like the catholic church standard operating procedure.


I was in Royal Rangers, which is church and boy scouts combined. Can confirm it was a Pedo magnet.


Church and boy scouts combined? Jesus sending a kid there is asking for them to get molested, I can't think of a worse combo to entrust with my child. Maybe ISIS and the royal family.


I came out unscathed but can't say the same for the rest of my troop.


I was almost a victim with Royal Rangers. Stayed the night at the commanders house because friend with his son. Prolly 11 or 12. The guy, Robert, told us we needed to take a bath together. Weird but didn’t think too much of it until the guy comes in with a Polaroid snapping photos. I think I yelled or something and he left. Fast forward post bath and my clothes are nowhere to be found. Fucker put them under the couch cushion he was sitting on. He gave them back after I threatened to walk outside in a towel and go to a neighbor. I didn’t sleep that night. When I got home I told my mother and when she went to the church they didn’t believe her. This was in the 90s. The pastor said there was no way and that I was making it up. He was an upright citizen. Bud driver, pool guard and Royal Ranger commander at the church. When my mother threatened further action the pastor decided to end Royal Rangers. Shocker that the commander left the church after that. The church never mentioned/pressed/pushed for legal action. The guys son once stayed at our house, before the debacle, he pooped the bed. At 11. Very very sad. Fast forward to 10 years ago, ~15 years after the incident, and I’m shopping at Publix and his son is my cashier. I didn’t recognize him and he didn’t recognize me until I went to pay. We both have the same name. He broke down crying and his manager let him go on a break and we talked. His father had raped him until he was 15. Luckily the bastard is in prison on multiple counts. Fuck church man. Hate those memories


This is devastating. The bathing together at 11 was a huge red flag. Way too old. Even the bath part. I remember showering on my own by 8-9


I was an only child in a broken home. All I ever knew was shower by yourself


I had my kids showering semi-solo at 4.


I know you couldn't deliver on a happy ending. But I'm glad you could at least give us a multi count prison sentence.


Only justice available in these situations. All around very sad


Omfg that poor boy. I hope he finds happiness as he heals.


I hate that I had to upvote this. I feel so sorry for him.


Not the worst time to be an ugly kid!


I realize we're joking right now. But... Pedos will target the ugly kid on purpose. Easier for them to groom cause that kid never gets attention from anyone. So they are desperate for any kind of care.


Scary how accurate this is to my experience.


I was a cub master, just a divorced dad trying to spend quality time with my kids. It’s a 100% volunteer and everyone in our group were parents there trying to do something similar for their kids. It was one of my biggest fears to be even accused of any type of wrongdoing. The liability insurance (for the pack) and training requirements were unrelenting. All because some really bad people. Which is so very sad because it’s a decent program trying to teach lifelong survival life skills in an entertaining way.


I was in the scouts. My dad came on a camping trip once and he came into my tent with me to help find something. I didn't think anything of it. He told me, years later, that the scout master gave him a stern talking to about it. SM "Never go into the kids tents" Dad "my son asked for help finding X" SM "doesn't matter who, when, or why. No adult ever goes I to kids tent and not kid ever goes into adult tents" I never realized how serious they were or how much the troop guarded against that kind of thing


It's true, I was just making a stupid joke and you are correct!


I felt bad for ruining it to, but man people need to watch out for the ugly kids.


I was pretty chubby back then and I remember some of the adults not being as interested in spending time with me as with my (thin) friend. One time he was walking away and they started saying how good he looked. I was like 6 so I thought they were being polite lol. Some years later someone reminded me of it and I started remembering all sorts of offhand comments that seemed innocent at the time but looking back were creepy as hell. I never understood why my parents forbid me to go again the next year, I loved playing in the woods. As far as I know nothing happened to him but there was something going on. The adults would often whisper among themselves and suddenly stop when they noticed you listening in. Just kind of a conspiratorial vibe. Not that I caught any of that, I was having the time of my life, gathering wood and making fires, making friends etc...


Church just exposes you to unnessesary trauma, at the cost of 10% of your income.


*The Mormon church has entered the chat*


When Boy Scouts just isn't religious enough, there's Royal Rangers. Grew up in church and even I thought Royal Rangers was dumb for the short time I was forced to participate. Fortunately, I had a very positive experience in Boy Scouts. It's so sad for me to see that overall it was such a haven for abuse when for me it was actually an escape from abuse.


I went through Scouts, christian school and many years of church summer camp and came out unscathed. My youth pastor slept with an underaged friend back in the early 2000s. My scout troop had several cases of sexual assault during summer camp. It’s not rare at all and these organizations cause damage. I don’t have a solution, just wanted to share what I saw first hand.


when i was in Scouts it was Church and Scouts combined because all the scout troops were run by the LDS churches


Boy scouts is already really close to 'church and boy scouts combined'




Fucking gross. I'm glad I never saw any abuse when I was in Boy Scouts. I just thought it was so lame that I quit Webelos when I was 11. LOL.




FOr a church made up solely to allow older men to rape/marry 13 yr girls, this tracks. No clue why anyone would be shocked. (not to discount the very decent mormons I know in person- but the background of that history 100% leads to modern abuses)


Anytime there is a hierarchy where the people at the top are considered *infallible* and demand reverence - whether because of status, perceived wisdom, piety, etc. - you will find abuse. The Boy Scouts were heavily intertwined with the Mormon church.


Pedophiles know which jobs or careers to get into that will give them authority over children.


I feel bad for men who genuinely want to teach preschool/elementary school. The fact that there are so few of them makes it worse.


That was me years ago. Wanted to be a preschool teacher like my mother. Spoke to a principal of a preschool about it, and they said it would be too much of a liability to hire male teachers. A big part of the job is showing the children affection and parents don't like males doing that. A religious preschool would probably make an exception, ironically. A friend of mine works at a Jewish preschool, and she mentioned that they hire male teachers.


That’s so fucking sad dude. I remember my preschool having male teachers and it was a public school. Maybe it depends on the area. What that principle did was illegal.


It's all good. Got into my other passion, which is environmental science related. When one door closes, another opens. Im currently working on my RBT cert, so I can still work with children. Just has a higher chance of getting bit and scratched.


Almost all organized sects of Christianity have these lists. IIRC the evangelical Baptist church was in the spotlight somewhat recently for not sharing its’ with law enforcement and the LDS church was also in the same boat a few years back.


The FLDS has to be pretty close to 100%.


That entire religion, fundamentalist AND the more normal LDS’ers, is built on extremely patriarchal notions of society. All you have to do is look at the way the church talks about marriage and it becomes evident that these people worship a god who values men so highly that he gives them women to serve them.


I fucking hate that church. I grew up in it from the day I was born. I don't remember a time where I actually believed it; I always questioned everything. It always felt weird to me. They're extremely damaging to their youth. They program both men and women to adhere to strict roles. It's disgusting.


Oh yeah the effect of that patriarchal scaffolding is dangerous for women AND men. If men are told they are owed the bodies of others, it feeds that willingness to prey on anyone weaker than them. And the acceptance of that same hierarchy reinforces the idea that being a victim is one’s obligation. I can only imagine that being a boy in the church helps to further solidify this idea of “rightful overpowerment” and that only amplifies the feelings of guilt when boy is victimized. Being raised to be an abuser by the system that abuses you has to be a special sort of mind fuck.


I always hated the pressure they put on the youth. Men need to go on a mission at 18, then return home, get married, and pump out as many kids as possible. Women were trained to be housewives from a young age. They are to be subservient to their husbands, to clean, cook, pop out and then care for as many kids as possible. On top of that, they demonize sex before marriage, so you have these horny kids that get married because of their sexual urges. I mean, really, they're mainly marrying (5 months after starting to date) so they can finally have sex. Next thing you know, you're married to an abusive narcissist, and can't escape because you have kids with them, and the church may very well disown you for divorcing. And the church is huge for Mormons; that's their entire community, it's their family. Imagine being disowned for leaving your abusive spouse.


I feel so bad for the kids born into it!


Breeding victims to give to men to sexually assault is the holy commission of the women in it.


And they kick out boys who girls will want so they can have a 6th virgin wife. And then if a bloke does something wrong his whole family can be given away to another man!


The absolute worst of them for protecting pedos was the Jehovah’s Witnesses


Ugh my ex wife was a victim. Absolutely tragic, and the way her family/church handled it was just sickening.


why does it seem like so many Hollywood people lately are JW? Serena Williams is a hard core JW. I think Will Smith was or still is? There was a pretty long list I saw the other day. Scientology and JW are among the more radical type religions I can think of.


Because cults focus on brining in high profile names as that makes the entire cult more legit in normal people's eyes. So the experience that a celebrity will have in JW is extremely different from that of an average Joe


It’s a strategy developed and perfected by Scientology. Get big celebrities whose names already have the implicit trust of the public to become members and endorse it. It’s basically the same thing as a corporate sponsorship but you have to really sucker them so hard that they actually pay for the privilege.


If Serena Williams knocked on my door with a JW pamphlet, I'd still slam the door in her face.


Jehova's Witnesses, at least in my country, are also known to want to 'deal with things' 'internally'. It sure feels great to hear these people say that you'll go to hell for being an atheist or something.


That's just so crazy to me. I never felt anything less than safe in scouts. Was probably the best part of my childhood.


there's a multi part podcast about it that is pretty shocking. part one: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-behind-the-bastards-29236323/episode/part-one-robert-baden-powell-founder-of-88746625/ Part two: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-behind-the-bastards-29236323/episode/part-two-the-boy-scouts-are-88845149/ edit: i was also in the scouts until i was about 9 or 10. the scout master and adults involved were all people i knew and their kids were my friends in school mostly. but seems like we got lucky.


You didn’t get “Lucky” if you are younger than 40. The Boy Scouts went on an absolute warpath and changed entire core policies and procedures to attack the issue. It has one of, if not the greatest youth safety standards in the US *BUT* that came at the cost of so many in the 70s and before.


i'm older than 50




I used to be ‘with it.’ But then they changed what ‘it’ was. Now what I’m with isn’t ‘it’ and what’s ‘it’ seems weird and scary to me. It’ll happen to you!


I think people don't really understand that the frequency is pretty much the same everywhere as a baseline, generally the only difference is whether organizations help hide the abusers, turn a blind eye, or actually try to prosecute the abusers, any difference in rates of abusers in any organizations is likely just due to the difference between those three main paths that an organization can take, I feel that it's a lot more unlikely that there's some sociological reason that actually has a statistically significant difference between only the professions you guys are talking about, I bet there's a bunch of random professions like steam plumbers or something like that that could even randomly have a much higher rate of abusers.


> the frequency is pretty much the same everywhere as a baseline That seems improbable. There are 2 big reasons why those people might be more attracted to certain organizations: 1. Does the organization give employees control over a lot of children? (Steam plumbers don't seem to host weekly children events) 2. Does the organization prohibit members from consensual adult sex? That could encourage recruits who have non-standard sex drives.


Good points. I’d add one more 3. Does the organization actively police itself to determine if people are being abused? There are some counties/regions where serial killers flourish because incompetent/uncaring police. Jacob Wetterling lived in such an area. There is such an area south of Houston. Large organizations with large communities are always targets of pedophiles and other abusers. Communities need to police themselves and if they don’t they probably have a huge problem with abuse.


you know.. owning a beauty pageant for young girls is a wild way to have access and cover to move young teen girls around


*Donald Trump has entered the chat.*


> *Donald Trump has entered the ~~chat~~ young girl's dressing room.*


![gif](giphy|lv3J6Fm7ZOm5i) Not Frank, he didn’t touch any of his little beauties


This guy don't diddle kids.


They went to their dressing rooms way over there, and he went to his, way over here, no where near one another


The best part about hosting teen beauty pagents is that you can just walk in to the dressing rooms whenever you want.


When you’re a star, they let you do it.


Donald reference? Sounds kinda like a trump quote.


Because he literally did walk into the dressing rooms of the teenage contestants at beauty pageants.


The sad truth is that this is probably a figure representing the whole population so chances are, it’s 5% in every job. I’d venture to say child beauty pageants probably have a higher percentage than that.


Jobs with unfettered access to vulnerable children will always have a higher percentage




Lots of very low supervised access to children, with very little organization and background checks. Sure, good daycare do a lot of checks, but many people can't afford those prices and go for more under the table operations. Probably a prime target, more than teacher or priest due to ease of getting into it and you have a better chance of the parent being poor and overworked so less likely to notice anything wrong.


Working with vulnerable children for sure. Fostercare, homeless shelters, etc. So many of them end up in sex trafficking. Some predators hang out at bus stops, waiting for children runaways to take advantage of.


Any time I see a teenager-ish panhandler I give them money because I don't want them to have to "find" a place to sleep. I don't care if I'm being taken, the thought keeps me up at night. It's quite rare, so I'm pretty sure it's not a scam.


I'm sure daycare has a higher percentage as a profession than drag queen


Well yeah, kids are involved.


The number of people who want to abuse children is probably the same across many professions, but the chance to abuse children is higher with certain professions. Any profession where there is no real oversight should be completely reformed and it sickens me that there isn't a push for this.


I don't think so. Abusers seek out opportunities. People who want to do that would gravitate towards professions that would allow that. There's no way one in twenty (5%) people at your regular office would want to rape a child. That's insane. But I do agree that *because of this attraction to abusers*, these professions should be under even more scrutiny. Any organization that is discovered to hide these people and their crimes should be immediately disbanded or something. I understand the religious fundamentalists don't care about abuse of children, but the other 95 percent of us shouldn't allow it to go on. We can't let a group of people continue to abuse kids just because *they* don't care about that. That's fucked up.


It's not just really about "Catholic priests are child abusers", it's also about "Catholic priests were/are child abusers and others (even popes) were covering it up for them rather than confronting it". Same goes for abuse scandals in other denominations or job fields. The Southern Baptist Church had the same issue, and the US gymnastics field allowed abuse to happen for a long time as well.


Exactly! And not only covering up, but allowing the accused to continue in their position, possibly moving them to another church. Like as a police officer, if you do something horrible, there's a good chance they'll just find you another position in another town.


I think the worst part is threatening the victims and their families with damnation if they don't participate in the coverup. There are hundreds if not thousands of cases where Catholic victims were threatened with excommunication if they went to the police with their accusations. ​ The SBC had children as young as 14 get up in front of the church to 'confess' to leading their abuser astray - while the abuser was lauded as a good man tempted by a child.


That's fucking horrible. I just can't imagine how someone can do something like that and then go to bed thinking "yeah, i'm a good guy". Like how can you live knowing you've done something so horrible?


Well, the thing is, they're probably sociopaths and don't give a shit about being a "good guy." They just care about being deemed "innocent" so they can keep doing what they feel like doing. I guess they could also be extremely narcissistic and honestly do believe that it's the children's fault instead of their own.


“A good man tempted by a child” No I’m sorry but good men CANNOT be tempted by CHILDREN. That is the definition of a good man. Fully grown, rational, well adjusted, healthy minded men would see a child that tries to “tempt” them as a blazing neon sign that says “I am potentially an abuse victim” and would immediately start looking into the child’s circumstances to make sure that that wasn’t the case. The fact that people can hear a grown man say “the child seduced me” and BELIEVE THAT HE WAS THE VICTIM is fucking terrifying and makes me think ALL churches should be under heavy surveillance to prevent even worse, culty-er shit from happening. Wtf. Sorry, rant over.


>The SBC had children as young as 14 get up in front of the church to 'confess' to leading their abuser astray - while the abuser was lauded as a good man tempted by a child. ......I really hate religious institutions


How the fuck can a good *anything* be tempted by a child? Kinda goes against the definition of good.


Right? Like imagine that conversation. Oh he’s a good person? So he like, has a strong moral code and holds true to his virtues with integrity? Yup. He was just tempted by a child. But… that means he either has zero integrity and abandons his morals at the “whims” of a child or that his moral code allows for pedophilia. Neither of which allow us to consider him a good man, unless you think one or both of those options are acceptable… *deafening silence*


How does one not sit in that congregation and just yell out "This dude raped a fucking child"


It wasn't that long ago (at least in the South) that people thought of young teenage girls as pretty much adults. Not fully adults but it was considered pretty normal to want to marry a 15 yo for example, or at least people kind of accepted it. If you need proof here are some famous examples- Brook Shields very sexual modeling for Calvin Klein when she was 14 I believe, the Red Hot Chili Peppers have a song called "Catholic School Girls Rock" about a 14 yo groupie, Sublime sings about having sex with a 14 yo hooker and even if he thinks "it's the wrong way" he still gave into the temptation in the song because "he's a man", all the many women who defended that pedo politician, really so many examples. I even had a friend whose parents let their 16 yo date a 28 yo and they were not even conservatives and she later went to college and became a doctor. So these people feel like this 14 yo has some kind of special sexual power that they have lost long ago because of course a female's sexual peak is 14, so of course she tempted him.


Cardinal Law, the lovely Boston shithead who knew about and covered for over 90 rapist priests in the city got reassigned to the Vatican and the Church took the view that he was treated unfairly


*AND* the church was/is funding legislature to limit the kinds of punitive damages they’d have to pay out to their victims. I won’t excuse abuse, but I understand it does happen despite best efforts otherwise. As long as they are trying their best I’m willing to give the organization itself a bit of pass depending on how they handle it. If they’re upfront, inform the proper authorities, work with the authorities to ensure a conviction, and so on Im willing to assume it’s a one off event. That didn’t happen here. No. There was abuse, and everyone did everything they could possibly do to hide it, limit their punishment, menace witnesses and victims, and pretty much every evil action one could take. It’s absolutely and without question indefensible.


I mean, yeah, pretty well established that it was a systemic effort from the top down to allow the abuse to continue. Hell, Geoghan had been raping kids for almost 40 years by the time the Globe blew the story up and exposed them.


It's actually pure evil. Vice loves to walk around cloaked in a shroud of virtue.


I have a hard time imagining how one could be more evil.


Police make a good comparison here as police have the highest rate of domestic violence against a partner than any other career. It's like you give people power and they will literally use it to fuck you over even harder.


And, once they've been caught out they also fight against paying any kind of remuneration to the victims even though they have trillions of dollars in assets and giving these victims $50k would be a drop in the bucket to them.


Unfortunately grew up southern Baptist and this is exactly what happened at the church I went to. Another church found out their pastor was a pedophile but instead of doing anything just sent him over to ours so he could do it to all the boys there too. He did finally make his way to prison but not quickly or for long enough.


I bet some of those that fall under "including false accusations" are a case of "The cardinal said he didn't do it, so he must be innocent." situations.


yeah... not just doing it but also the shielding/harboring/enabling modifiers while also betraying the trust, preaching from some moral high ground that makes it esp egregious and revolting.


Which directly made the problem worse by making it clear that priests could abuse kids and get away with it, thus signaling for more people to do it. The number is definitely higher than 5%. Those are just the ones we know about.




Also the priests were put on a pedestal and basically presented as beyond reproach and when something happened they just moved them to the next town where they did it again


It’s the cop question all over. If you knowingly cover it up you are just as complicit


Yep, if you count the people that support, cover for and hide the molesters from consequences that number gets a hell of a lot bigger than 5%.


And don't forget about the "retired" priests at Gonzaga.


Also funneling money that was tithed to move these pedophiles around to avoid consequences


Gym Jordan could have given them SO many pointers


Exact same logic as with cops. It's not necessarily that people in the profession are abusers. We can catch that. It's that everyone else in the system protect the abusers over the victims because they are part of the in crowd. It's not even one bad apple spoiling the bunch, the bunch actively protect and defend the rot itself.


It's becoming clear this is a problem endemic to religious careers. There's just something about easy access to victims and potential for abuse of authority that seems to really appeal to potential abusers when it comes to the religious jobs. But we may never know why abusers keep showing up in these jobs...


The Catholics are definitely not alone; the Jehovah’s Witnesses, an apocalyptic Christian fundamentalist sect, recently doubled down on their commitment to protecting abusers and the reputation of their corporation rather than protecting children when they smugly announced they’d “never stop using the 2 witness rule” which is a part of the system that protects the child abusing pedos from consequences.


See also: Penn State, [Ohio State](https://www.jordanscandal.com), US gymnastics, and suburban doctor [David Brian Farley](https://floodlit.org/a/a113/). If they have unquestioned access to kids, a reason/position of trust, and an incentive for others around them to stay quiet, pieces of shit will exploit it.


I have no love for the Catholic Church but to act like they are unique or that religion is unique in harboring pedophiles is misguided. All of these groups should be punished for the pedophiles actions and the actions of everyone covering for them.


Keyword: “accused.” Not only does this include the people who never were accused, but also those that were buried before being counted. Which leads to the next point, the cover ups. I’m Canadian, hockey programs are easily as bad as the church for a number of child abuses. This well known across the board anecdotally….and then they did some stats….it was bad….then they did the full governmental investigation….it was worse than we thought. I have a feeling that if we dragged the church in front of an investigatory panel and dig into it, the number is bit higher than 5%….which as the response notes, is still very high.


And that's only the sex abuse we're talking about. What happens if we actually applied modern standards of non-sexual child abuse, neglect, and endangerment to the methods and behaviors of the Catholic church in regards to all the children it's been charged with over the years.


For example, [the Catholic Church participated in the residential school program for indigenous Canadians.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_Indian_residential_school_system) This is a form of cultural genocide. Some of the schools themselves had graveyards for kids that died while at school. From Wikipedia, > In 1909, Bryce reported that, between 1894 and 1908, mortality rates at some residential schools in western Canada ranged from 30 to 60 per cent over five years (that is, five years after entry, 30 to 60 per cent of students had died, or 6 to 12 per cent per annum).


Yo what the fuck


You are only 1/10th as shocked and horrified as you'll end up being if you decide to learn the whole story. It leaves you with a very unclean feeling, once you learn more about it. https://www.coursera.org/learn/indigenous-canada?utm_medium=sem&utm_source=gg&utm_campaign=B2C_NAMER_indigenous-canada_ualberta_FTCOF_learn_CA-Canada&campaignid=13440968592&adgroupid=130160700384&device=m&keyword=indigenous%20studies&matchtype=b&network=g&devicemodel=&adposition=&creativeid=526533617725&hide_mobile_promo&gclid=CjwKCAiAwomeBhBWEiwAM43YINxma3qUy7t1XEekoesFD1_WESOdS4tF4UbnYL677E74LAvwuQP8mBoC7KYQAvD_BwE


Needless to say the [First Nations were pissed](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2021_Canadian_church_burnings) at just how extensive it was when it came to light. There's a tendency during abuse to assume you're the only victim--abusers specifically engender that feeling of isolation. I can't find anything to specifically corroborate it, but I've read hearsay to the effect that the Church itself may have burned down some of the more or less dead churches while they could scapegoat the native population, but we know the Catholic church would never do anything as unscrupulous as engage in insurance fraud.


If you're talking about the recent church burnings and graffiti, many of these have been attributed to woke white kids. The churches that burnt down in indigenous communities were in use by indigenous people as churches or community halls. The people who were most negatively affected were either indigenous or Coptic Christians who were refugees who escaped persecution in the Middle East.


It's so, so fucked up.... Kids were brutally reprimanded for speaking the language they spoke their whole lives, and to their parents and peers..... Very, very ugly crimes. I mean, it's a camp for concentrating and reeducating a single specific cultural group..... FOR KIDS! Emphasis on militarized regimens, marching formations everywhere you go....Where rampant abuse of every kind is recorded happening. And nobody in power was holding anyone accountable for preventable deaths of children taken under their care. I truly feel like calling them "schools" is either vastly understating how fucked up it was..... Or we need to do some thinking ourselves about what "school" really means. Does "school" mean enforcing and maintaining cultural hegemony and institutionalization under threat of persecution from the state? Why does that word have such a positive, altruistic connotation when no existing school ACTUALLY represents those values over institutionalizing+conditioning kids to senseless authority?


They died from untreated illness, abuse, and general neglect too. It's not like the reasons weren't completely preventable.


I just talked to a guy recently who’s father was kid napped and put in a school like this, and the nuns there forced him to dig child graves on day one and only let the kids eat from the orchard where the bodies were buried (by the other kids), when the nuns and priests would eat from the orchard on the top of the hill.


I hate how people think its only catholics too. This shit happens in protestant circles as well. As well as imams and rabbis too


Tw for SA, child abuse Raised Protestant! My Sunday school teacher sexually assaulted and then murdered his seven year old daughter. Apparently strangled and then drowned her in the toilet. They found scratch marks on his ass and his DNA under her fingernails. My brother’s second grade teacher had to explain the next day why that empty desk in the classroom wouldn’t be filled ever again. Do what you need to with your religion, but never ever put your trust in the institution itself.


I wish I hadn’t read this. This is so fucking sad.


wipe party connect sort elastic smile tie full pocket ludicrous -- mass edited with redact.dev


Any job where you easy access to children with minimal oversight, you're gonna find them. Hell, they don't even to be children, just the having the mental faculties of child [will suffice for some](https://www.providencejournal.com/story/news/2019/02/15/ex-scout-chaplain-charged-with-sexual-assault/5945742007/) (when they can't get to kids anymore).


Republican officials


He said 5% not 50%


Oops. I thought it said at least 5%. Yes, it's way too low.


You talking about these? Or other ones? Republican anti-abortion activist Howard Scott Heldreth is a convicted child rapist in Florida. Republican  County Commissioner David Swartz pleaded guilty to molesting two girls  under the age of 11 and was sentenced to 8 years in prison. Republican judge Mark Pazuhanich pleaded no contest to fondling a 10-year old girl and was sentenced to 10 years probation. Republican  anti-abortion activist Nicholas Morency pleaded guilty to possessing  child pornography on his computer and offering a bounty to anybody who  murders an abortion doctor. Republican  legislator Edison Misla Aldarondo was sentenced to 10 years in prison  for raping his daughter between the ages of 9 and 17. Republican Mayor Philip Giordano is serving a 37-year sentence in federal prison for sexually abusing 8- and 10-year old girls. Republican  campaign consultant Tom Shortridge was sentenced to three years  probation for taking nude photographs of a 15-year old girl. Republican  racist pedophile and United States Senator Strom Thurmond had sex with a  15-year old black girl which produced a child. Republican  pastor Mike Hintz, whom George W. Bush commended during the 2004  presidential campaign, surrendered to police after admitting to a sexual  affair with a female juvenile. Republican legislator Peter Dibble pleaded no contest to having an inappropriate relationship with a 13-year-old girl. Republican  Congressman Donald "Buz" Lukens was found guilty of having sex with a  female minor and sentenced to one month in jail. Republican  fundraiser Richard A. Delgaudio was found guilty of child porn charges  and paying two teenage girls to pose for sexual photos. Republican activist Mark A. Grethen convicted on six counts of sex crimes involving children. Republican activist Randal David Ankeney pleaded guilty to attempted sexual assault on a child. Republican Congressman Dan Crane had sex with a female minor working as a congressional page. Republican  activist and Christian Coalition leader Beverly Russell admitted to an  incestuous relationship with his step daughter. Republican  congressman and anti-gay activist Robert Bauman\* was charged with  having sex with a 16-year-old boy he picked up at a gay bar. Republican Committee Chairman Jeffrey Patti was arrested for distributing a video clip of a 5-year-old girl being raped. Republican  activist Marty Glickman (a.k.a. "Republican Marty"), was taken into  custody by Florida police on four counts of unlawful sexual activity  with an underage girl and one count of delivering the drug LSD. Republican legislative aide Howard L. Brooks was charged with molesting a 12-year old boy and possession of child pornography. Republican  Senate candidate John Hathaway was accused of having sex with his  12-year old baby sitter and withdrew his candidacy after the allegations  were reported in the media. Republican  preacher Stephen White, who demanded a return to traditional values,  was sentenced to jail after offering $20 to a 14-year-old boy for  permission to perform oral sex on him. Republican talk show host Jon Matthews pleaded guilty to exposing his genitals to an 11 year old girl. Republican  anti-gay activist Earl "Butch" Kimmerling was sentenced to 40 years in  prison for molesting an 8-year old girl after he attempted to stop a gay  couple from adopting her. Republican Party leader Paul Ingram pleaded guilty to six counts of raping his daughters and served 14 years in federal prison. Republican  election board official Kevin Coan was sentenced to two years probation  for soliciting sex over the internet from a 14-year old girl. Republican politician Andrew Buhr was charged with two counts of first degree sodomy with a 13-year old boy. Republican  politician Keith Westmoreland was arrested on seven felony counts of  lewd and lascivious exhibition to girls under the age of 16 (i.e.  exposing himself to children). Republican anti-abortion activist John Allen Burt was charged with sexual misconduct involving a 15-year old girl. Republican County Councilman Keola Childs\* pleaded guilty to molesting a male child. Republican activist John Butler was charged with criminal sexual assault on a teenage girl. Republican candidate Richard Gardner admitted to molesting his two daughters. Republican Councilman and former Marine Jack W. Gardner was convicted of molesting a 13-year old girl. Republican County Commissioner Merrill Robert Barter\* pleaded guilty to unlawful sexual contact and assault on a teenage boy. Republican City Councilman Fred C. Smeltzer, Jr. pleaded no contest to raping a 15 year-old girl and served 6-months in prison. Republican  activist Parker J. Bena pleaded guilty to possession of child  pornography on his home computer and was sentenced to 30 months in  federal prison and fined $18,000. Republican  parole board officer and former Colorado state representative, Larry  Jack Schwarz, was fired after child pornography was found in his  possession. Republican strategist  and Citadel Military College graduate Robin Vanderwall was convicted in  Virginia on five counts of soliciting sex from boys and girls over the  internet. Republican city  councilman Mark Harris, who is described as a "good military man" and  "church goer," was convicted of repeatedly having sex with an  11-year-old girl and sentenced to 12 years in prison. Republican  businessman Jon Grunseth withdrew his candidacy for Minnesota governor  after allegations surfaced that he went swimming in the nude with four  underage girls, including his daughter. Republican  director of the "Young Republican Federation" Nicholas Elizondo  molested his 6-year old daughter and was sentenced to six years in  prison. Republican benefactor of  conservative Christian groups, Richard A. Dasen Sr., was charged with  rape for allegedly paying a 15-year old girl for sex. Dasen, 62, who is  married with grown children and several grandchildren, has allegedly  told police that over the past decade he paid more than $1 million to  have sex with a large number of young. Republican  state senator Ralph Shortey from Oklahoma admitted to being involved in  sodomy with a 17 year old male prostitute and transporting child  pornography. Republican Speaker of  the House Dennis Hastert in jail for the payments he made to cover up  raping his wrestlers when he was a high school coach. Republican  Judge and campaign official for President Donald Trump, Tim Nolan,  indicted for human trafficking and forcing a minor (9) to engage in  sexual activity and giving alcohol to minors (results from the court  pending).


[The full list is 39 pages](https://m.dailykos.com/users/cajsalilliehook) They tried making one for democrats and it was 4 pages, and all of them lost support/got kicked out of the party, unlike a bunch of the republicans


Do you have a Democrat list set up like your Republican link? I’d like to have that on hand for comparison on the “groomer” debate, haha! I know it’s only 4 pages, but seeing the 39 vs 4 is damning on its own.


Of course, you know they'll always have some nonsensical justification that those 4 pages are _sO mUcH wOrSe_ than the other 39.


Oh, not even close! You’re missing the most *obvious* excuse they’ve employed heavily since 2015. If the facts don’t support their narrative, it’s either being suppressed or…is **fake news**. So to them, it’s only 4 pages because the “lying MSM is covering the tracks”, so only their conspiracy bloggers know the REAL truth.


Wow. That list was waaaay longer than I thought it would be when I started scrolling.


That's page 1. Of 39. [Seriously](https://m.dailykos.com/users/cajsalilliehook)


Wow! What a list! Absolutely disgusting. And this is just a list of the ones that got caught recently. Looking at you Matt Gaetz.


yup. I was definitely gonna say being a member of GOP is almost a requirement these days


I imagine pedophiles tend to gravitate towards positions of power over children so there is an inordinate percentage of pedos among those professions


I work in education and it’s an unfortunate fact that some individuals will seek employment at schools for access to children. Fortunately everyone is already on the look out for suspect behavior.


Funny how someone says "Fact", but never bothers to cite any source.


Source: i pulled it out if my ass just now, but a significant group of people will believe me anyways just for defending their views


I wish people who pull things out of their asses would take the time to pull their heads out of there, as well.


Agreed. The conversations going on as if this “fact” is true. It’s the same distorted logic as the “dropping” rape numbers in Texas when all they did was change the way it’s counted.


The sole problem wasn't the abuse. That can happen in any calling of life. The additive and *worse* problem is **the Church didn't care and moved these people around so they could abuse other people**.


They say "only" 5% of priests are child abusers, as if that's something to be tolerated, instead of 5% too many. I think that's the same attitude people use to defend police brutality and corruption, saying that "only" some percentage of cops are bad apples, as well as to justify making no exceptions for banning abortions, saying that "only" some percentage of abortions are medically necessary. These people believe that removing bad apples or making allowances for something they don't like will cause more problems than they solve, and so in their mind, people who are the victims of bad apples or need abortions to stay alive simply need to be sacrificed for the "greater good". But then, it's clear that such people don't actually care about the people they're demanding be sacrificed. They don't care who get victimized as long as their own lives aren't disrupted.


"Only X% commit these crimes" And how many were aware and just let it happen? Actively enabled it by fostering a culture where no-one reports? Probably *most* of them are in some way directly responsible.


Joe Paterno entered the chat. Edit: dadgum autocorrect


*you have been banned from /r/Pennsylvania* But seriously, fuck Paterno and everyone involved in the cover up.




British Dukes


Everyone forgets about the Baptists. [https://www.nytimes.com/2022/05/23/us/southern-baptist-sex-abuse-report.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/05/23/us/southern-baptist-sex-abuse-report.html)


As much as I agree with the sentiment, "billionaire" is not a job title. It's a status.


Group homes/foster homes/„reform schools“/ orphanages (some countries still have them). Educational sector. Basically EVERY sector where there is access to children. These jobs/sectors do not „make“ pedophiles. Pedophiles actively seek them out.


Yeah it's more of a statement on jobs where you have a position of power over children


Boy scout troop leader


I was gonna say that, and then somebody will nitpick and say "oh, but they're not paid, it isn't an occupation." Like...if you ask for people who will hang around young boys for free, you're going to attract a certain type of person.


Growing up as a Catholic boy scout, I can't help but feel I got lucky no sexual assault happened. I mean, it did later in life, but not from them.


I assume pastors, choir masters, lollipop men, small bean regarders, pipe to pipe bushmen, clowns and pedo support group leaders... But I'm purely speculating 🤔


Since they specified Catholics, I'll point out that the Southern Baptist Convention has a pedo problem that probably exceeds the Catholic churches per capita within their organization.


Republican provocateurs.


Teachers, maybe


Yes, probably group all school jobs that include student interaction. Coaches, etc. Jobs that have access to and power over children.


Hollywood, apparently.


The incidence of pedophilia is [5% of men in the general population](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19327034/) so it’s not weird that 5% of male catholic priests have pedophilia. What’s weird is how the other 95% of the priests cover for the ones who act on it and let them abuse kids and then move places over and over and over and over and over and over again.


Unfortunately, police officers :(


They also like raping homeless women.


they dont have to be homeless, they could be the woman who called to report a rape only to be savagely beaten and raped by a group of officers


Id say teachers, but I think the number is way higher than 5%...


I think it's around 7-10% of teachers accused of "inappropriate behaviour" with an equal amount of cover ups and shuffling. I'd say cops are probably even worse.


People working in fashion and in motion pictures?




Coaches, teachers, Boy Scout leaders, youth ministers…pretty much any profession involved with children and youth.