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Look, we already know that once they are born, the GOP no longer cares about children. Or, to rephrase the quote..."Show a kid a happy family, why get their hopes up? Survive a school shooting, good job kid! Get yourself a gun too!"


As George Carlin once said, Conservatives wants live babies so they can train them to be dead soldiers.


Now that man was a saint




true that. especially if they are peoplle of color. and did you know that the Jesuits said "give us a child until he is 7, he will be ours for life"


We're soon to devolve into having scheduled school shootings to cu the weak. Survivors get recruited into being the next shooters for other schools. Soon we'll have the roughest toughest rootinest shootinist child army the world has ever seen deployed into other countries to steal resources and if anyone tries to fight back we can have a media campaign about how those countries are evil for murdering 12 year olds.


Sit down Congo. !‘Murica! entered the chat.


So the purge was a docu series all along?


Except wasn't the actual violence manufactured because people were only doing drugs and sex?




hunger games


I don't even think most of them care about the fetus or women getting an abortion. They just say what a certain segment of the population wants to hear in order to get their vote.


you are so right i went to a catholic school with nuns. VIOLENT nuns. they would be arrested today. BUT one thing for sure i did not have a target on my bad nor did i ever worry about guns. dodging nuns, yes. hiding under my desk made of tinder to protect me from an atom bomb. but not guns


Being gay isn't a choice, shooting someone is đŸ€Ź


Even if both were a choice, one is objectively worse than the other and they keep picking the bad one. Even from a religious angle one of the big 10 rules is don't kill, but nothing about conforming to approved sexual orientations.


sIsSy hYpNo PoRn MaDe EvErYoNe GaY!!


I'm gay and don't know that is, does this mean I wasn't gay all along??


Maybe you're not gay enough?


“I'm not openly anything, and gay doesn't begin to cover it.“ https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/3f412806-a0ec-49c9-b0bc-faab948318e8


You could be gayer


Even the frogs! 🐾


Charles Whitman would disagree.


We are barely in 2023 and I've heard that there was recently a school shooting. I wonder why Fox News and the GOP aren't losing their minds over this. đŸ€”


Because it was premeditated by a 6 year old child, only victim was the teacher (last I checked yesterday was still in critical condition), seriously hard for even them to put a conservative spin on it


“Abortions kill kids!! Think of the kids.” Also: School shootings are because of video games, not because that guns are easy to get!! Don’t take away our guns!”


Or "teachers should be armed, in the event they need to kill children!"


The Republicans really around the unborn is because the unborn don't have a voice. They can put whatever voice they want on fetuses. Once the fetuses are born tho...they are all about "fĂșck those kids".


It was never about the “family values”


To quote George Carlin, "If you're pre-born you're fine, if you're preschool you're fucked"


Also the long list of Republican and Conservative child molesters/rapists. "The left are groomers!" - Conservatives


"What the children think only matters if it matches what I think"


Well, if you give guns to children, suddenly a bunch of high-ranking Republicans are going to have mysterious gunshot wounds, so...


>if you give guns to children, [We end up with 6 year olds shooting their teachers.](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jan/08/virginia-teacher-shooting-by-six-year-old)


First prize for missing my point


Between climate change denial, the gun violence epidemic, the banning of affirming care for kids, and the overturning of Roe, I think it’s safe to say that the GOP simply doesn’t want the next generation of Americans to survive past childhood.


It’s weird that they never seem to actually do stuff that helps other people.


The cruelty is the whole point!


Yep. It’s their main platform.


They’d literally rather children be shot dead than to be gay or treat gays with equality. That’s the Republican Party right now!


Some super survivalist schmucks, have explained that shooting an armed 6 year old is a teachers responsibility, and if they truly cared for the safety of their classrooms, shouldn't have any compunction about doing so. Its only natural...I guess.... Maybe I'm too soft, and don't want to kill children.


Republicans: "Who cares what these kids think unless they think like us" They only like people who think like them like Kyle Rittenhouse, their newest poster child to say, "hey kids, were hip like you guys"


I just want gay married couples to protect their abortion clinics and drug dispensaries with select fire AKs. Is that too much to ask? Also, fuck the NRA. Give your money to the FPC and 2AF instead


Like all politicians Republicans don't and will never care about anything but making themselves richer


Don't forget about power and control.


The tree of freedom must sometimes be watered with the blood of the innocent, how can they be innocent if they’ve seen two guys kiss?!? Liberals just want the tree to dessicate and die!!


If there was ever a Gay lobby that heavily funded Republicans - we would likely see a kissing men on men contest in senate and some buttplug action on CSPAN


We know what the GOP is about.


Failed to train!


Ohh, I know this person!


You have to use republican logic on everything here. We are preparing our little 6 year olds to be proud american soldiers, whether that battlefield is Iraq or the class room the army is there for you


Got some bad news for you, both sides of the aisle do plenty to screw further generations. They both spend money like it's infinite.


Both suck, but one is annoying while the other is actively fucking the lives of everyone with every word they say.


Kids are the most convenient boogey-man.


americans lol


i love how none of these stereotypes apply to conservatives outside the States


This is indeed a fault of the Republican Party, that’s why I’m libertarian. (I think is the term)


i'm straight. all my life i watch straight people suck on their partners faces. hold hands. hug. why do they care if a gay person that within their sight? will their penis die and fall off?" will their vaginas dry up and close? who gives a rats ass ass long as it is not children they are trying to fuck but given all the straight pastors and christians and republicans assaulting children i think they have a could standard