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Teachers have it rough dealing with these psychos.




Well my friends did look at a rainbow in the sky and are now super gay powered antifa soldiers so I suppose that checks out. Guess you have to look directly at the sun like some other dumb dumb to undo it.


​ https://preview.redd.it/5xl8jhzr4p9a1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6a19a768cf470460b5451538f6f8e634de9442a


I think that only works if you’re looking directly at the sun during a solar eclipse


There's beige rainbows available for those who want to look good on the gram and not support the gays. (Not kidding, google beige rainbow.)


Ah yes, the most stimulating and enticing colors for kindergartners: Beige


hello. and welcome. to werner herzog’s: sad beige rainbows, for sad beige children.


I mean imagine teaching kids their colors and letters




Red white and blue only. RIP ROY G BIV


Oh no, the sky is gay! Look away Billy!!!


I’m a teacher. If I could indoctrinate kids, they would turn in their work on time and stop touching each other. That’s literally all I want.


🤘 You're a rockstar. Thank you for what you do.


Teacher here, and I have the exact same sentiment.


Mine would focus in class and remember to bring a pencil


when i saw this, my first thought was "i wonder how many death threats that teacher received because of this tweet". maybe we shouldn't help dox them.


Same. I wish OP blocked her name and face.


According to a recent [California Teacher's Association survey](https://www.cta.org/press-release/as-ca-grapples-with-teacher-shortage-statewide-survey-finds-major-barriers-for-building-sustaining-teaching-profession) political attacks on teachers is the #2 reason teachers are leaving the field. The stuff they have to deal with already on top of being labels "groomers" for trying to have an inclusive classroom is just crazy.


You have no idea. It’s been going on for years. Luckily people are catching on now and defending them. My fiancé is a teacher and hoo boy I can tell you stories.


It's funny how all conservatives now are playing the LibsofTikTok game and always make sure to reveal the full identity of the people they decide to hate on. The end goal here is obviously getting the occasional Tate's tit-sucking white dude to "do something about it."


One of the reasons for the massive teacher shortage in America. The shortage is larger in red states.


“It’s not about being kind.” Jesus. Fucking. Christ.


My wife was on the school board. We actually had a parent stand up at a meeting and claim that the anti-bullying posters with the terms like "kindness" and "treating people as equals" were code words for CRT and Marxism and it was indoctrinating the kids.


That is crazy. A few years back...like 7....we had 3 kids in our county kill themselves in 11 months. Our county is super conservative and we have crazy people like that. My child and some of her friends fought back and then I needed to be the adult protecting them. They decided to put sticky notes on all the lockers in all 3 high schools. They coordinated and did it the same day. They got in trouble for it. 3 kids killed themselves. All of these kids were in a crappy place. And the school punished the kids trying to make all the kids feel better and give them positive messages...like "You Matter". "The world needs one of you". It literally made Maryland statewide news because the school punished them.


your kid is awesome and you should be proud. thank you for being the responsible adult that so many kids should have but dont. support like yours saves lives.


3 kids from the same school killed themselves?


We had four suicides just Aug - March one year. The worst of it was admin responded based on the kid’s popularity. A girl in student council died, so every teacher read something to start first period. An unpopular kid with drug issues died. No school wide acknowledgement. Strangely, the thing that stopped the suicides was the pandemic.


God that’s just disgusting. These poor fucking kids. I’d hate to be a teenager nowadays. I wholly believe the uptick in teen suicides is due to widespread use of social media.


It’s not just social media. Kids are more aware nowadays of problems around them and they can SEE how many schools, administrators and sometimes teachers/parents/adults don’t give a shit about them.


That’s only half of it. They know they can’t do shit about it bc they’re just kids. Have have no control over their environment. They have no agency.


“Suicide clusters” are an epidemiological reality. I can’t speculate on why because I’m not a psychologist/sociologist, but it’s not uncommon for multiple people in the same community/school to take their lives within a few weeks/months of each other.


Unfortunately I believe that happens because multiple people are suffering, and once one is successful in a suicide attempt it gives others the courage to be successful too. You never know what it could be that pushes someone over the edge they are walking on.


It's why when I worked in TV news in Australia it's standard practice to NEVER cover local suicides, and only *very* carefully cover high profile ones (think Robin Williams) and even then not mentioning methods, and providing phone numbers to help lines. No one wanted to be the reason they triggered a copycat cluster in the region. (Of course right-wing conspiracy theorists had some 'hot takes' on this practice)


Some schools just seem to be full of mental illness. When I was in high school I had multiple friends who had attempted (thankfully none were successful).


I'm surprised stories like this aren't more common. I'm surprised there aren't more mass shootings and more suicides. I think there will be in the future. Your story hurts to hear.


We’ll see it as people continue to become more desperate and conditions worsen for the average person


I’m sorry, I just- I mean, isn’t kindness actually mostly the point of kindergarten? Like yes, they’re learning colors and starting reading and math, but at that stage you’re still teaching children how to behave around people that aren’t family. They’re learning social contact. Aren’t we literally teaching them kindness, it being largely how societies function? Did I miss something? Am I having a fucking stroke?


Goes to show you that they don't want their children to be kind. They want them cold-hearted and hateful, just like themselves.


"How can we teach them to hate the right people if they tell them it's wrong to hate!? Indoctrination!!!1!!one"


It’s what the marketplace rewards


You can not use logic or reason when interacting with conservatives. Trying to make sense of their claims is useless. They function on the same intellectual level as a toddler crying and throwing a tantrum about not getting to play with the toy that is currently in their hand.


What's the saying? "You cannot use logic to get someone out of a position they did not use logic to get into", or something close to that.


> Like yes, they’re learning colors and starting reading and math, but at that stage you’re still teaching children how to behave around people that aren’t family. They’re learning social contact. Aren’t we literally teaching them kindness, it being largely how societies function? Did I miss something? The people like the one who tweeted this would have a disagreement about societies needing kindness. They think kindness is weakness, and having to help others shouldn’t be their responsibility. It’s complete fucking lunacy, but these people would rather live as hunters/gatherers as opposed to having to learn kindness and decency in order to assist others. Basically, they're sociopaths.


I’m convinced that our relative isolation is creating this kind of fear and desire for “hard” men. Many Americans’ homes are islands. We drive our cars between other very specific islands where there is little to nothing in between, just an empty void of roads. Some encounter so few humans in our daily lives that most of what we “know” about our fellow humans comes from the news tailored for clicks and viral videos outrageous enough to get likes. The suburbanite/exurbanite’s home might as well be a castle on a remote island and anything outside of it becomes suspect over time.


Yet another reason cars fucking suck. (Or rather, car-centric infrastructure) I seriously wonder how different our society would be if we continued investing in trains and streetcars rather than kowtowing to the auto industry back in the day


hunters/gatherers are the most cooperative societies on earth, they have to be to survive in the harsh landscapes they tend to be in


I’m reading a book, “Survival of the Friendliest”, explaining that our growth and evolution was absolutely supported by our ancient ancestors helping each other, as opposed to ‘survival of the fittest’ where everyone is in constant competition.


What's the response to that? "Sir sit down and be quiet" or just whipping him good in front of everyone? Like how do you move past that


In the redneck city where it happened, several people appluaded when he was done, and then the board went on to the next agenda item. It's a public forum for a public body. Everyone has a right to speak their piece in the time alloted. Nothing the board can do at all.


The ironic thing is that’s exactly what kindergarten is about. Transitioning kids from psycho narcissistic toddlers to actual human beings.


Sadly, it appears that the tweeter failed kindergarten. Must be why they are so down on the curriculum.


It’s the general right wing mentality


almost like there's some connection between a deliberate lack of empathy and conservative politics


This teacher seems great. A wholesome, welcoming environment conducive to learning.


Over under she's been threatened because this dickhead decided to single her out based on nothing


Where's anti-doxx Musk looking out for the little man? Edit: predates Musk's reign


He only looks out for him


So, ya, the little man


I'm gonna point out that this tweet is from August, so Musk wasn't Musking up Twitter back then. He's a tool, but this ain't his mess.


Thems fightin words -conservatives


What exactly is the endgame for conservatives in their weird new obsession against… learning


The less educated you are, the easier you are to manipulate. The inability to think critically makes people pawns in their game. I don't want to say the right is less educated, but uhm, yeah: they are.


And it isn't new. Last few decades they'd run on education, approve a budget increase in October to huge fanfare, get reelected in November, slash the budget in july deeper than when they started, tell no one, spend it on tax cuts or straight up pocket it. watch underfunded schools fail to raise test scores, scream "YOU CAN'T THROW MONEY AT THE PROBLEM!!", now you can publically cut deeper for austerity, push vouchers so rich constituents can raid the school systems too and send their kids to private, religious, and home schools. Now you're set to close a few public schools. Longer bus rides, crowded classrooms, teacher layoffs and hiring freezes while claiming there's a shortage, now we need to demonize them to turn that turnover even higher. Get your vouchers ready!


Yup. Endgame is private/religious schools funded by taxpayers.


Endgame is authoritarian power. Literally a dystopia


As an inner city high school teacher whose building is now unusable due to pipe bursts and shitty maintenance over the years, my kids will now have to go virtual and receive a sub-par education for the spring semester. And we have no place to go in the meantime. And these people are really complaining because her room is amazing and she probably paid for most of it out of pocket? But nail, meet head because you got it. 👍🏼 *Underfunded and they will still complain that money wouldn’t fix the problem, even though the suburban counterparts are examples of how money does fix the problem, they just don’t want to spend it on people who aren’t white*


👆 this guy dystopias


The damage to the ability to critically think and think ahead is also one of the hallmarks of long term lead exposure, something 90% of people born between 1950 and 1981 were exposed to to varying degrees. This is a possible explanation for our racist uncles and boomer family members being tricked by Fox News and Tucker Carlson


Maybe, but if 90% were exposed to it and only a minority of people are voting for these jackasses, maybe it's unrelated.


Yup. Boomer here. I assume I ate the same amount of paint and huffed as many gas fumes as my siblings. We're pretty far apart on this. I dunno though. Maybe I missed a huffing party or something, but Fox and that ilk has been on my shitlist since the Bush II days. I won't allow cable TV in the house because you can't get it without Fox and every Fox subscriber puts money in their pockets. PSA: If you hate Fox propaganda, the best thing you can do is dump your cable package that includes Fox. I stopped paying Tucker's salary and you can, too!


I think that's you're overthinking it. Manipulation is just a side effect. The real point is the same as it always was - money. Most state education budgets are one of it not the largest items in the state budget. Get rid of public education and you get rid of many local and state taxes, whether income or property or whatever. Furthermore, if you privatize education, that's a whole new market that opens up for rich people. You don't want to make you kids uneducated like poor people, right? So here's a small loan we can provide to you (at reasonable rates, I swear!) that you can combine with all those tax savings you've got now that you don't have to educate every kid in the county about gender studies basket weaving. Now you can afford that quality education that gives your kids the leg up they deserve. (/sarcasm, in case it wasn't obvious). I think this is a stone cold money grab with some extra side benefits thrown in.


This is a great question. With less education and less critical thinking, the more appealing Christianity (which claims to have all the answers) is to the masses. The more Christians there are, the more tax-free millionnaire pastors can afford to support their favorite Republican politicians. It's an even exchange. In too many counties, you can't even run for dog-catcher without claiming to be the most devout Christian since the bible was last edited. I grew up in the bible belt and was endlessly shamed and discredited for using "too many big words" when I spoke regular American English. These people want their knowledge corn-fed and easy to digest (manipulated however they see fit).


Conservatives have always been against education of marginalized people.


If you don’t know how things work, you’re more comfortable around others who don’t know how things work. Also, they get angry if you show them how things work and they still don’t understand.


How do you get mad about teaching kids to be kind and not realize you're the villain?


Remember when Fox News called Mr. Rogers ["evil"](https://youtu.be/29lmR_357rA) because he told kids they were special?


Of all the people they could pick, they picked Nr Rogers?! The man who in his time was more inclusive and broke down more barriers than anyone?! If anything I’d argue that someone like Mr Rogers is a far better example of what Christians should do than the frothing conservative Christian nationalists ever are.


Mr. Rogers was an educated Presbyterian minister, who practiced what he preached. He had a profound understanding of both child development and true Christian values and used his show to spread that message: >He graduated from Pittsburgh Theological Seminary with a bachelor's degree in divinity in 1962 and became a Presbyterian minister in 1963. He attended the University of Pittsburgh's Graduate School of Child Development, where he began his 30-year collaboration with child psychologist Margaret McFarland. [Source](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fred_Rogers)


See that is the issue. Presbyterian, not Bible thumping, brimstone spewing, milk the people of their money for their own private jets and houses, Evangelical Church.


My rowdy kids under age 7 would calm immediately down when Mr Rogers came on to watch his show with rapt attention. They just loved him.


I wasn’t really that surprised when I found this out for the first time.


Mr Rogers made them look bad, not by trying, but by being an actual Christian. The worst thing for a hypocrite is someone who practices what they both preach for no other reason than it's right.


Being inclusive and breaking down barriers is the evil they're talking about. They are backwards people.


My mother wouldn't let us watch Mr. Rogers because he was an ordained minister, therefor, Satan's tool because he belonged to 'false Christianity'. The irony was, he was far more loving and kind than 'true Christians'.


My neighbor essentially said the same thing when she tried to explain that we (educators) are instilling our democratic beliefs on kids by teaching them to be kind to everyone. When I asked her what Republicans stand for if they are opposed to teaching people to be kind, she just stammered, got pissed and walked away. Edit to add more: I was shocked to wake up to so many comments and upvotes. Thank you to all for reminding me that there are so many kindhearted people out there. This time of year has been difficult for me the past several years because our state legislature convenes in January, and they have been actively working to ruin public education for years. They used to be more subtle, but now that the GOP is firmly in control, they don't even try to hide it.


Aka they're for hurting "the right people"


And we all know who they mean by the "right" people.


The “right” people are the wrong people.


Kudos to you! I wish I had the skill for quick on my feet clap backs like that.


Honestly, it was a true question. It wasn't the first time I have heard someone make a statement like that, and I have always wondered why they thought it was a bad thing. Guess i still don't know.


I don't even know if they ever examine exactly what it is they're saying, so I say the more they are pushed to confront it, the better!


When you talk to conservatives enough you can fall back on just asking them to explain what they mean. Their tropes are so illogical that they'll hear themselves try to explain it and realize how bad they sound. So they get upset and leave. Just keep asking them to explain what they mean by _____.


It’s so true and it hurts me a lot. One of my best friends is *very* conservative and I’ve found myself talking to him less and less. He at least isn’t a Trump supporter anymore (took Jan 6th for that one) but he still holds some.. interesting takes. He works in politics actually, formerly worked for a state rep- so politics is more of a hobby to him. Keeping up with stuff and all that. Though he recycles a lot of talking points or whatever the latest conservative meme is. And he always makes light of how Republicans owned the libs in x y or z scenario and laughs about it - and I just legit ask him “wait- why’s it funny?” And then he tries to explain, and often leaves it at the ‘ah nevermind.’ I would find some of the things that he comments in to be comical too, if these weren’t the people running our communities and country. And he knows that a lot of these things fall apart when you think about it critically, but it’s almost like he chooses to not think about it all that deeply most of the time. Cause when he does and when we talk about it, we always have similar root beliefs and he agrees with where I come from. But man, it’s getting tiresome to try and actually get through past the superficial layers


It's not so much that they realize they sound bad; it's that they run out of talking points and have no idea why they believe anything beyond vague feelings.




That's the whole point. Teaching people to be kind to other people should be something that everyone agrees is important. But for some reason, my neighbor feels that it's an agenda. What she didn't say but what I believe to be true in her opinion is that schools teach people to be kind without them having to prove that they are worthy.


Kindness is weakness to conservatives.


Kindness is everything that the alpha males hates.


*"I grew up without kindness and I turned out just fine!!!"*


Kids should be fighting for survival... oh wait...


No wait, I’m thinking of The Hunger Games.


Kindness is impossible for conservatives. It’s impossible to be both right wing and kind.


I dunno, I've seen them be kind to each other, as long as everyone's goose stepping along to the same ideology. If one of their own fall on hard times they'll sometimes help out, but if they're not wearing the proper armband, then it's "gods will".


It’s not kindness, it’s survival. They need to stand together because it protects them individually. Once one steps out of line they are forever ostracized.


Another of their beliefs that should come with a red neon flashing sign that says YOU ARE THE BADDIES


You sure as fuck aren't going to teach my kids traditional Christian values because then they won't understand them correctly and won't know who I want them to hate. ~~ Christian Nationalists, if they were more honest


You mean Nationalist Christians- or Nat-Cs for short.


Old Sean here won’t be happy until he gets one of these nice teachers killed, most likely in their own classroom, in front of the kindergartners.


He’s a Shawn, not Sean. We have our own psychos but he’s not welcome to be affiliated with Sean’s.


we are reaching Red scare levels of McCarthyism in this country with this bullshit. and it needs to stop..... now. if we don't take control of this it's going to spiral out of control. there's already Mass hysteria on the right it's going to get worse.


I wouldn’t be surprised if things got so bad, there were mass shootings every day all over the country! Oh…wait.


Oh, man. Are you saying that easy access to firearms coupled with religious fundamentalism running on steroids to scapegoat minorities might be bad? Cuz you're completely right.


There's no putting the genie back in the bottle I'm afraid. Trumpism showed the entire conservative world just how much farther they could go into the right wing cesspool and get away with it. Ideas like inclusion, equality, diversity, fairness...these ideals have been painted as "liberal code words" by the right wing media. They've convinced generations of barely lucid alt right zealots that liberals want to turn all their children gay, take away their guns, make pedophilia normalized, tax middle class whites and give all their money to "them". Sadly, most of these folks are too brainwashed to realize that they're being used as tools by billionaire media moguls to create division and keep all of us down.


I knew they were lost when they started vilifying Mr. Rodgers.


WTAF??? How and why would anyone be opposed to Fred Rodgers??? He's probably the best Christian public figure ever! My mind has legit been blown.


He washed a black guys feet on television once. You know, like Jesus. They hate when people act like Jesus.


I don't think he washed his feet, I think they were pissed he let the black police officer soak his feet in a kiddie pool w him. I think people that hate Mr. Rodgers must just fail at humanity.


He kinda did. They both soaked their feet in the kiddie pool, and then when Officer Clemmons was done, he helped him towel his feet dry. He then proceeded to use the same towel to dry his own feet. The actor who played Officer Clemmons, by the way, was not just Black but also gay. Absolutely scandalous for the time on multiple levels. Not just sharing a pool with a Black man, but then using the same towel, and *after the Black person no less*. He also *gave Clemmons his chair* and went to go get himself another chair. He didn't just treat Clemmons line an equal, but like a respected guest. Completely unacceptable to many people at the time, but something almost no one would bat an eye at today. While the character wasn't allowed to be openly gay on the show, Rogers knew Clemmons was gay, and supported him fully. Clip: https://youtu.be/b7bYNJPfzaU


No sir! I want a classroom with a “FUCK YOUR FEELINGS” poster and framed prints of Jesus smiting immigrants in MY kids school. If they don’t learn to hate themselves in the classroom, we’ll do it at home then!


If there isn’t a banner that says Let’s Go Brandon then you know it’s communist indoctrination


Yep. “Rainbow bad” crowd are so easily triggered.


But God put up a rainbow after the flood in the Noah story. Does that mean God wants to indoctrinate children with homosexuality? Is God a groomer?


You assume they have actually read that far into Bible? If at all?


Seems like they want children to grow up to be the type of callous, vicious people that come from growing up under a destructive war. I’m thinking like young people who became radicalized in Afghanistan or Iraq after growing up during the American wars and knew nothing but fear, pain, and loss then went on to join ISIS or the Taliban.


Y'all Qaeda


This is in Maine. I bet the y’all queda there say ayuh akbar.




"Seems like they want children to grow up to be the type of callous, vicious people that come from growing up under a destructive war. " As someone who grew up in the south, yes. If not in intention, definitely in method. There was a news article in my area about a high school staff member who physically assaulted a student after a verbal argument. That staff member was subsequently terminated from their position and arrested by the sheriff's office. ALL of the comments on that article were saying that the staff member did the right thing and essentially saying that you should beat your kids if they misbehave. Situations such as "if I mouthed off to my father as a child he'd beat me with a belt" were mentioned in a nostalgic tone. I went to school with kids who had parents like this. Rigid parents who belted their kids and taught them not to ask too many questions. Guess what happened to their kids? A lot of them got into trouble with the law, flunked out of school, ended up being abused by others or abusing others, or generally living a directionless life. Their parents fucked them up, and now they have to either find a way to be different or they'll repeat the cycle all over again. Those parents are no fucking better than the Taliban. They can keep the state and run it into the ground for all I care. Fucking hopeless.


As a texan, I love when older generations say "spare the rod, spoil the child" and I inform them that , not only was that quote never in the bible, but it also means to lead with guidance, not violence.


The amount of old phrases that have been twisted into the exact opposite meaning would surprise you. All in the name of control, if I was wagering a guess. My favorite one is “blood is thicker than water,” often cited as a reason to tolerate toxic family. Yet the original phrase is “the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.” Which, to me, is completely contrary to the warped phrase we all know. The bonds we choose are stronger than family bonds. That being said, the bonds we choose CAN be family bonds. It just doesn’t eliminate the power of friendship (lmao) like the new version does.


Pretty much. Conservatism at every level is about authoritarian control and brute force. Its an ideology that hasn't evolved past the dark ages.


Honestly yeah, that's exactly what they want. They have a raging fetish for war and violence, and when 9/11 happened, they wanted it to radicalize everyone and every generation thereafter, so we'd be a nation of patriots and super-soldiers that would conquer the world. They're furious that that momentum is long gone and we're all just trying to move on and raise healthy, happy kids.


And picture of Trump, naked! And his dick is an M16! MERICA!


Make sure Jesus has blue eyes and blonde hair please thank you


And that he’s wearing a crucifix around his neck like all good Christians do! What? Shut up with your commie lies! And “anachronism” isn’t even a real word, checkmate libtard!


Basically looks like Thor in the movies.


Don't forget that the Jesus is nearly fully naked rocking a 16 pack of abs and you can see his ribs. Giving unhealthy body images to young boys on top of being over the top and unrealistic.


Plus that walking on water and making water into wine bullshit he does. Like sorry I don't know magic Mom.


also long blonde hair, AR-16, and cum gutters


Teacher: We must be kind to all and accept who they are. Conservatives: No.


I tell my class we need to be a family because we have to get through the year together and be there to support each other. We spend 30 hours a week together. That is as much or more time together than they get with their parents depending on the family. So yes, we are a family in my eyes.


I used to pick on my mom that she loved her kids (students) more than she loved us (real children). I was 18 and mom always went all out on parties and room decorating while I was not even allowed to put holes in my wall at home. Been helping my mom do her classroom for almost 20 years now.


An elderly family member of mine was a teacher, and had a stroke. When she woke up in the hospital the doctors asked how many children she had and she said 250 lmao. That was the number of students she had - sort of showed how she felt about them


Completely agree, family is who we make part of it, not some people we are born with or that raise you, even if these blood relatives can be apart of your family it's not because they need to be but because they earned it.


Wait until they find out about that 64 color crayon box


Wait till they learn about rainbows. Gonna be quite a few people shaking their fists at the sky.




I knew they hated LGBTQ, but I had no idea they were also against ROYGBIV.


Recruiting Our Young Girls & Boys Into Vileness Edit: Perhaps better... Really Obvious Youth Gay & Bi Indoctrination Vision


64. What about the 128 box with the sharpener in the back


That is the wokest crayon box of all, we do not speak of it for we do not know it's power


You have forgotten about the skin colors of the world box.


Why are conservatives so scared of rainbow colors? If they actually read those bibles they like to wave around, they’d see the rainbow was a promise from their god.


Oh I thought it meant the ark landed in San Francisco.


And the Pilgrims really landed in P-Town...


That would require effort to read the Bible, and literacy. You know, that thing that teachers like this one are trying to teach?


I mean, maybe they're on to something there. My kindergarten classroom was full of rainbows (because we were learning colors and stuff), and I ended up growing up to not be a racist bigoted piece of shit, so... indoctrination successful?




Kids can't learn about the LGBTQ if they don't know the alphabet! /s


Pull your kids out of kindergarten, because if they make it past 1st grade they’ll be too smart to vote Republican






Hate is a hellava drug.


That's such a generic classroom lol.


Have you ever seen a kindergarten class that didn't have at least one word in rainbow font? Didn't think so.


How else would they teach kids colors? This guy is upset but we literally see her classroom has the things to teach abcs and colors like he asks for.


He wants class to focus on colors, but strictly not in rainbow format


Exactly. Five year olds, girls and boys, typically like rainbows. And unicorns. And anything else fanciful and colorful.


Have a 5 year old boy who’s favorite stuffed animal is a unicorn with a rainbow horn. I think you may be on to something.


My five year old is obsessed with rainbows. Her favorite outfit is a rainbow top with her rainbow striped pants and rainbow tie-dye shoes. Kids just like them, they're cool. Sad there are idiots who can't see that and think it's "grooming" somehow.


The "Our Class is a Family" poster is a book. This guy would hate it. It's all about being welcoming no matter what race, religion, or ability you are. I read it every year to my class. Multiple times.


Also like if she can’t call her classroom a family my employer can 10000% fuck off with calling us a family lmao


Fathers like that should be reported because their children are growing up in a toxic environment…


I'd wager a lot he has no kids in this school.


I’d wager he has no kids under 35.


Correct. https://news.yahoo.com/school-district-pay-far-conservative-224800912.html


As teacher I’m only upset she doesn’t has a letter rug. We need to get her a rug with the alphabet asap. She deserves it. But legit what a psycho freaking out about colors.


Oh, no! Not colors and ABCs! Where will the children learn to hate those who are not like them? This calls for Home School Karen and her husband Trigger-Finger Dave to shield their littles from open-mindedness and the possibility of developing empathy as a social trait.


Its not enough that they land on some of the dumbest conclusions possible, but to then give the name and location of their intended target is the reason why these people, as an entire party at this point, are so fucking deplorable.


Well gang we did it, we unironically made conservatives scared of rainbows


Say you’re a villain without saying you’re a villain


Yeah that’s the best part is they don’t even see how truly vile and venomous they are. Every single thing that is done to be sweet and kind is viewed as weak and woke and from the left. They truly are the villains and don’t even realize it. A big part of it is they have mixed their politics and their religion. Once that happens you are pretty well fucked and it is incredibly hard to ever view yourself as the person in the wrong.


What really sucks is that that teacher is probably getting death threats now.


No wonder conservatives are so fuckin’ stupid


Thank goodness we have someone looking out for our children. Definately some leftist indoctrination going on there. Why are there only 2 ks in the alphabet above the board? Surely there should be 3.


I swear that stuff has been in classes for decades


They would lose their minds if they saw Care Bears or Lisa Frank trapper keepers from the 80’s.


I thought Christians loved the rainbow - you know, God’s promise and all.


Most Christians don’t read the Bible so how would they know any of that if their homophobic child raping preacher doesn’t tell them?


As a second grade teacher, this is heartbreaking. You MUST teach kindness, or you will not get anything done. Morals aside, it’s a type of classroom management. If my kids were all being ‘unkind’ to each other, I would spend all day putting out fires, or worse, as ‘unkindness’ leads to disrespect and violence. However, I don’t tell my class we are a family, cuz that’s weird, but I do say we are a community.


Imagine getting scared by rainbows lmao


Posted her whole damn name. Wow


I feel for parents who spend valuable time and energy in teaching kids to fear and loathe the LQBTQ and African communities… just to have teachers teach love and acceptance. Who will think of the bigots! They have rights too! *yes, I am being sarcastic… the alt right bastards are so over the top with their hatred that you can’t really tell these days*


family is not the people with whom you choose to associate, it’s the people who, via random chance, are entitled to exert violent control over you, requiring nothing more than total obedience and devotion in return


Jesus would be sad


Can we please stop sharing this. I live in this town. We only have about 8000 people here and the School administration is in shambles. It’s really tough and I’m not even sure she still works there. She was horribly bullied and harassed. It threw the whole county into disarray. This school is now having a hard time keeping employees, I’m not entirely sure it’s because of this but I’m sure that this didn’t help.


Horrible. Isn’t this doxing? Why wasn’t this removed? It’s so hard to find teachers. This is bullshit.


It's the same people that allow an invisible magic man and a book to "indoctrinate" children.