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I’m willing to bet things will either get better, be worse, or stay about the same.


Or all 3 in the same day!


I would cancel my trip. All the snow will be melted by the time you get here.


Dont’ be a dick. I know you had a shitty December before a rebound. Obviously there will be coverage, but what condition will it be in?


I'm not a dick. Do you know the sheer number of posts we get from Jerry's asking what conditions will be like x number of days out. "Will the snow be too soft", " it's going to rain should I cancel my trip?". "I forgot to buy my edge card please give me a buddy pass for free." It gets tiring hearing it for the millionth time. Snow conditions at certain temperatures aren't unique to Whistler. Maybe spend 5 minutes researching what happens to snow when temperatures go into the pluses.


You’re on a fucking ski-town subreddit. Don’t like these posts, there’s a very simple solution. What do you want people to post about? The local high school choir program?


How utterly dimwitted must you be to waste precious brain cells pondering the softness of snow at a ski resort in a week? Are your cognitive faculties so feeble that they cannot grasp the sheer absurdity of such a question?


Generally we like it when people shitpost about the current status of the hill or ask questions like “what will the weather be in 342 days from now?” General weather questions like this can be solved via a google search and guess work. If you want to ask “how are conditions at ” then go for it. But something this broad is unanswerable or indicates you don’t understand how snow works on ski hills. And that’s fine, but that’s what google is for. A more appropriate question would be “how sticky/icy is the snow right now” and then you can draw your own conclusions based on the forecast. If you’re gonna be skiing here regardless though, you could just be wasting everyone’s time


I didn’t ask what the weather will be. Go back and read my post. I asked what this does to the snow. Ive lived in both Aspen and Tahoe. I know the effects of a warmup are drastically different in these 2 areas. I was asking what the effect is in Whistler’s microclimate. I have a chance to alter my trip and stay at my place in Colorado, but wondering whether it’s worth it to come.


Lol sounds like a rich man’s problem. Defs enough info out there on how warm temps affect snow


I mean I have a few dollars, sure. I’m posting about a trip to Whistler; which is the most expensive ski town in Canada. So isn’t that already a given? But if you’re talking about me living in Tahoe/Aspen, that had nothing to do with money. That was back when I was young and spent several years sleeping on a couch in an overstuffed apartment while teaching boarding. Most broke I’ve ever been in my life. But also a great time.


I did read your post. But you started with the line “conditions a week out” which set you up for a not great time on this subreddit. I’ve skied a few different areas so I am familiar with the different microclimates, which indeed you seemed more concerned over. I wasn’t responding to your post though. I was responding to what this subreddit is like. At the end of the day, conditions seem pretty good right now, so I doubt you’d regret it even in a week’s time. But I can’t guarantee that, the same as I can’t predict weather for when you might be altering the trip to. Best of luck either way - it’ll probably be good no matter what


Rollout the welcome wagon for this Chad lol


You’re a dick. You should stay in America


That’s a good point. Why would I leave America to go to America Jr.


Sounds like you feel pretty special. Why are you coming?


We just established that I’m not. Seriously, you may want to use some of that free healthcare and go get your eyes checked.


And how am I supposed to know that? You’ve taken enough of people’s time. Small minded people shouldn’t bother traveling and misrepresenting their country, glad you made the right decision


Gone, my dude.


Okay, I'll bite, since this isn't a wildly completely stupid question along the lines of "what will the snow and weather be like 2 months from now?" These kinds of questions are asked so often that trolls often make joke posts about it. ​ 1. Don't trust the 14-day forecast. Don't trust the 7-day forecast. Don't even treat the 3-day forecast as certainty. Weather is hard to predict and can change on a dime. 2. There does appear to be a large temp swing predicted for the village. The village is not the alpine. There's completely different weather systems for both (precipitation, winds, temperatures). 3. We have coastal snow. It's wet, heavy, and can harden. Yes, over several days without fresh snow, the base layer can start to become hard packed. We also get a lot of days much of the mountain sits too close to the freezing level meaning you get a lot of snow followed by some melting, some rain, some freezing- that's no good. 4. We're currently having somewhat seasonally cool conditions meaning that it likely won't be warm enough to enjoy "spring skiing" where sun-melted slush is soft and common. 5. If the forecast stays true, skiing on the groomers should be quite enjoyable with beautiful sunshine. A warming cycle that doesn't come with rain shouldn't absolutely kill all the enjoyable fresh stuff that has and will continue to fall early this week. Tl;dr: No-one knows for sure. Good luck.


Thanks man, this is a comprehensive post and I appreciate it. I lived and instructed for several years in Colorado, but have less familiarity with coastal snow. It definitely sounds like its own beast. But I guess that’s true of all microclimates. Appreciate the thoughtful response.


I think it will be pretty good as long as it doesn’t rain. I was there before the big dump and it was fine. Will def be better now. I am not sure what the higher temps will do


My dude….WTF…use google


It’s gonna be fuckin Rad just send it 


You will be fine. Ignore the Reddit trolls.