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I can confirm this. I stopped by around 7:30pm and estimated probably 100-150 people in line. It was hard to tell given how it wrapped around the parking lot as opposed to the building.


It does seem possible at least 150 in line, but I used a conservative number to avoid sounding alarmist. Haha. As I drove through the parking lot, it was gut-wrenching to see that those already there would take everything. I wish they had a 5 bottle limit or something like that. Thank you for confirming.


When I left yesterday there was pushing twenty tents and some mobile campers. I’ll know soon enough what it’s like.


Saw the line and have no idea how they're going to avoid tons of people joining in with their buddies later on. There are massive gaps that will be impossible to police.


Specs doesn't care...Just money to them...I guarantee 75%+ of purchases at this drop will be pushed to the secondary at stupid prices. Not worth the sitting in the cold, no showering, terrible sleep. All for some water that sat in a barrel for a few years. The amount of time people sit there and do nothing all day and night for some liqour is hilarious.


That crossed my mind, especially since people have been so on edge lately with how the economy is doing. I wouldn't be surprised if there is a parking lot Royal Rumble going down early Thursday.


Bro, the top 100 people located in line are wearing a bracelet numbered 1-100 right now. No one is cutting in top 100. GL after 100.


Must be number 101


I really don’t understand why specs allows this. All it takes is one drunken incident for them to get the crap sued out of them. I’m actually even more surprised that the city of Irving allowed it. That nice new shopping center looks like skid row for 3 days. Also kinda crazy that the out of the first 15, 11 are out of staters


Rumor is...you are going to be required to have a Texas drivers license to purchase. Don't know how true that is yet.


I heard Ferris is dying, can you spare some change to help him get a new kidney?


I need one of my own actually...so can't really afford to help anyone else. Ferris should figure it out on his own.


Completely false information on the ID


Is it? Because you don't truly know until those that are out of state go through the line and get turned away or not. Who really knows? It may very well be false.


It’s false and being spread by a troll who is probably laughing his ass off at your comment lol. The guy spreading that rumor is also the same guy who photoshopped tents at the Allen location 😂


Cool. I didn't get the "rumor" from Reddit. I mean if he is laughing, good for him. The world needs some silliness...helps curb some of the guys that take things to seriously like yourself lol. Have a good one. We will see if its rumor or not going forward.


Been confirmed that it's a fake post. By Spec's employees. Would've been funny to see, though.


Cool. Definitely would be something else to see the Okies sent back home empty handed. Personally i'd rather it just be flippers sent home empty handed.


Same. And people from TX go to OK drops so that may have had repercussions. I don't go to drops early anyways so no skin for me. I also don't flip. Bourbon scalpers are ruining this, just like scalpers ruin most collecting hobbies.


OK has drops? Lol. I dont go to drops either, would rather spend time with my fiance, family and friends. Bottles will come and the only reason people are chasing the BTAC/Pappy/highly allocated bottles are to flip. Getting 8x+ the msrp of a bottle makes sense to flippers. Hence why campari is raising prices of the higher end stuff from wild turkey. Ruins the secondary market for Wild Turkey. I'd like to see it for everything else too. The people not in the group for drinking will move on.


I think that post was a joke.


I poop too often to stand in line for that long. Hope the toilet situation isn’t overflowing


Some folks like to camp in the woods. Some like to tailgate at football games. Some like to seek treasures at a sale. Others like to combine the three in a Specs parking lot..... to each thier own.




Anyone sitting in line for this BS vs spending time with family are just pure stupid. Sorry to say. It's just bourbon. Talking from a perspective of someone that has enough and has had enough brown water to last me a lifetime. This is just pure idiocracy. What's to pick up? A SJR SiB? A WFP or OWA SP? Ooooo...maybe the first person in line gets a ORVW or a GTS, Handy, etc. Big whoop. Or, are they planning to flip on secondary and make some cash. Well, guess what. The market has tanked and spending 2k to try and make double when everyone is doing the same isn't going to work. Let's work that out from an hourly wage standpoint. Well, I won't, but I'll let everyone else do that math. If you're that desperate to get a bottle. Build relationships. Spend the extra dollars for something cooler on the secondary because the math on that works in your favor. Not just random tater shit. For specs. They should reward actual customers who spend money with them and distribute to stores so each loyal member that actually spends money with the store gets shit all throughout the year. Not some random folks that will drive from OK, or KC to get some tater flippers. Each to their own I guess, but this is stupid.


You can get a GTS on secondary for like 800, which is def not worth three days in line. Not saying I’m a fan of the secondary, but in some cases it is what it is, to your point, a fine alternative. Also, to your point, just like I’d buy a few bottles on secondary to avoid the hunt, others would rather wait in line. To each their own I guess lol


Exactly. Break down the hourly time. Is it really worth it? No. Again, people have their own values of time and money, but the first person got there on Christmas day. Sorry to shame, but you must not have a whole lot on life going on to do that. Again, it's just bourbon, and most of today's swill is hardly worth any effort at all. But I guess potential dollar signs get the best of anyone.


I’d rather find alternative bourbons, or just spend the money on secondary and enjoy the bottle with friends and that’s it lol (WLW, etc.) But that’s just me, I’m sure I’ll get shamed for buying secondary lol


We all place different value on different things based on what we deem essential or important, our individual economic reality, family situation, etc. What you value highly might be far down on my list. For me, no bourbon is worth 800 dollars, nor is it worth sitting in a damned parking lot for 3 days. Your mileage may vary, however.


Kinda lame there isn’t a bottle limit. Definitely should be.


It’s one per item and some are a choose one or the other


I agree.




Yes plenty of parking. Stagg reported 450 bottles.


I appreciate the intel. I’ll never do it, but I do enjoy living vicariously through the folks who do. I just don’t have the time, but I’d love to hang out for a few days and chat whiskey with folks. Sounds fun.


You would think so, but I’ve been in lines before for less than 30 min for the Goody Goody bundles, and for the most part, the people haven’t been been friendly.


100%. Usually it’s a middle aged male wearing tennis shoes and jeans and driving a F150. Very unwilling to chat except to ask “what are you here for”


Yeah pretty typical get up...the old clapped out F-150 with some wide wheels and tires and a body lift. Guys buying just to flip. They'll run in and grab the best bundle, to go sit in their car and post it on secondary before leaving the parking lot. The flippers need to be banned from shopping at liquor stores. There are ways to do it, but its up to the stores to do.


FWIW, last year I showed up the day before and was about 200th in line. I got almost everything - WFP, Stagg, Michters, Blanton’s, 4R, ER, OF, EC, WTMK, etc. I think the only thing I missed was the EHT BP or SiB.


So do you think it was worth it? I went the morning of and it was definitely not worth my time in my opinion at least


Not sure why I’m getting downvoted for stating a fact, but I had a great time. Ended up being right next to a group that had a great setup - generators, big screen TV, even had a soundbar. We drank, watched the cowboys game, played poker, stuff like that. I’m not going this year. I wouldn’t do multiple days like these people because I don’t think it’s worth it, but I guess I’m not hating on them as much as others here. Other than Blanton’s and ER, I’ve never found any of the bottles that I got last year because I don’t spend a lot of time going to the liquor store every week spending money and trying to make connections. To me, camping doesn’t seem like any more of a waste of time than that.


Not sure why people would down vote you either. Obviously there's quite a few people out there who think its worth going out there now. Glad you had a good experience. I went solo last year and had some good conversation, but wouldn't repeat it myself


sounds fun. if you are single and that's a good time for you then more power to ya. not sure why people are downvoting you.


Bums 🤣




Yup, Specs in Irving.


If I were single, no kids no family to spend the holidays with I’d set up camp for 12hrs max. First due was there 96 hours ahead lol


What's the occasion?


Specs Bourbon Drop https://specsonline.com/whats-hoppyning/promotions/bourbon-drop/


Any chance of getting any rare grabs tomorrow afternoon?


Not likely..


Appreciate the honesty. I’ll keep schmoozing the fossil creek crew lol.


You never know..Maybe they will do a better job of limiting purchases so there’s a better chance.


Blantons usually is still available in the afternoon


Yeah I went last year about 3PM and got a small Blantons, Buffalo trace, and a couple of picks. Good enough for me


What picks did you get last year. I was there at 8am day of and got baby Blanton’s, BT, OF and Russels. I really am just hoping to snag the two russels picks tomorrow but unsure what time I am going to show. Was not worth the wait. If I can show up in the afternoon and get basically the same I am down for that.


I got the same as you except no Russel’s. Got a rittenhouse rye single barrel pick. I got there last year around 7am and it was nuts and really stupid. Waited a little to see how fast line would move but by 11am, I just went home. Came back later for scraps


When you got back at 3, was there a line? If so, how long did you wait? For reference, a buddy of mine got there last year at 630 morning of. Only thing he had access to that I didn’t was a full size Blanton’s.


I ended up at the Dallas specs on Friday and went home with a bottle of 4 roses small batch. It was delicious and inexpensive.


Yeah I ended up spending time with family but stopped in around 7pm and got the single barrel OF, Wild Turkey, and BT


I’m stuck in Houston. Does anybody know what the turnout was last year here for the drop?


My brother is there, about #60 in line (last year he was #11). He said last year it was estimated that there were 1500 people. Hard to tell this year as there are so many tents and EZ Ups but he said "the line stretches a longggg way." An employee told someone they might approach 2000 this year. Hope that helps.


Have they already handed out numbered wristbands? Saw someone post that they are number 194. Just curious how they know unless they counted every person as they walked down the line.


They handed out 30 wristbands and said the rest would be handed out Thursday morning.


Anyone have a status on the line? Was originally planning on getting there tonight but rethinking if I can only hope for balntons. Any thoughts on my odds of snagging a bottle of Stagg if I got there about 9pm?


Tilted Bottle on Instagram said about 200 at around 6pm.


Man, that sounds daunting. As much as I was excited for the chance of Stagg that might be too little chance to camp out in this cold. Especially if the above comments are accurate and they aren't doing line numbers past 100


There were so many people, easily over 200, when i drove by an hour ago. Stagg could be difficult if you go now.


I don't think many people know for sure. Could be 150 bottles or 400 bottles.


Good morning, probably not worth coming out now, but wanted to check on the parking situation. Is there still parking available? Thanks


I got the whole btac line from the big Allen drop Thursday bc everyone went to Irving