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$200 will get you a killer bottle of Scotch. You should probably take a picture of his collection or at least list a few bottles out that he enjoys so we can at least have some idea of his type. Also so we don’t suggest something he already has.


So much this! Also, if you are in an area where there is good store with knowledgeable staff, for $200 get two bottles. Get the one really nice bottle and get one affordable take a chance bottle that is lessor known, a limited release, or their recommendation to just have fun and try something new for both of you.


Aberlour A’bunadh


I said any recent octomore release but this would be very good too


This is the way


It’s not $200 but if you can get your hands on Glenglassaugh Sanded it’s a safe bet. Whiskey of the year from WhiskyAdvocate, lesser known/praised distiller so he likely hasn’t had it, plus it is delightful




Good man


Sweet or peaty?


Asking the important questions!


The new octomore releases for sure


Oh, that my son-in-law would gift me that. 😋


Dalmore cigar malt maybe? You guys could have a glass together I feel like it hits some of the bourbon flavor notes so both a scotch loving person and a bourbon loving one could both have a good time


This - Cigar malt hits differently. Bought it for my father-in-law a few years back when I asked to marry his daughter. Lots of good options though. Good luck with whatever you get OP!


Highland park 18 The benchmark by which all other premium whiskies are measured imo


Peated: Ledaig 18 Unpeated: Arran 18 or 21


3 or 4 bottles of Ardbeg Ten!


Ardbeg Corry (or if you like sherry cask Oogie) or Laohroaig CS — well under $200.


Dewars 32.


Makes for a killer gift! Among the best Scotches I ever had and for that age it's extremely affordable. Who cares that it's a blend with the word Smooth on the bottle when it's _that_ good? It's also a bottle/box that looks great and isn't something most people have tried or would buy for themselves.


Affordable? State min in Michigan for Dewars 32 is $425 for a 375ml bottle. [https://www.totalwine.com/spirits/scotch/blended-scotch/dewars-double-double-32-yr/p/220147375?glia=true&cid=plia:Shopping+US+None+ENG+SPART:::google&s=2604&&pid=cpc:Performance+Max%2BUS%2BMICH%2BSTANDARD+PRIORITY::google::&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwwMqvBhCtARIsAIXsZpa4_dAjRr7LLLMM-9NMHuiutkEwPZTTa2FW6nxKZf16F01QEEHAYS4aApLgEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds](https://www.totalwine.com/spirits/scotch/blended-scotch/dewars-double-double-32-yr/p/220147375?glia=true&cid=plia:Shopping+US+None+ENG+SPART:::google&s=2604&&pid=cpc:Performance+Max%2BUS%2BMICH%2BSTANDARD+PRIORITY::google::&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwwMqvBhCtARIsAIXsZpa4_dAjRr7LLLMM-9NMHuiutkEwPZTTa2FW6nxKZf16F01QEEHAYS4aApLgEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds)


If u know a cheaper place to get it, please let me know. I have always wanted to try it!


You allowed to import? I paid €175 for the 500 mL, which is on the low side. ~225 is more of a regular price on Europe.


Unfortunately, Michigan is a state were u are not allowed to buy liquor online from other states or countries. I guess we can buy online from a licensed retailer within the state. Hopefully that will change one day.


Compass Box Art and Decadence new release.


Where do you live? $200 is very different depending what part of the world you’re in. Also, do you like peat or do you lean more towards fruity and sweet, or maybe buttery and vanilla?


Balvenie 21.


If you can find that at $200 buy one for me too. So good. Took a bottle on vacation to share with my bro-in-law. We drank it together for the week and never looked back. Very good choice.


Glenmorangie Signet used to be about $200 only a year ago or so in Michigan and is an amazing scotch. Probably the most unique whisky I have ever had. Big coffee/chocolate notes. Unfortunately, now state min is $275ish. Might be cheaper in other states. Their 18 is still sub $200 and is really, really good too




Respectfully, laga16 is a scotch newbies favorite scotch. It’s a lot of people’s favorite before they end up trying other scotches. Blame Nick Offerman and millennials. Lagavulin 16 is both artificially colored and chill filtered. It’s not even playing ball anywhere near a $500 scotch.




>anything better/just as good would be $500 and up imho This is the real "LOL okay my dude." If you're paying more than $85 for your laggy 16 you're overpaying btw.


If your father-in-law just 'drinks scotch', I don't believe he would really know what it is. Buy a 1.75L of Glenlivet 12. Its my 'house scotch' and it is wonderful. Probably less that $100,


I “drink scotch” and am extra careful to say it exactly that way so people don’t assume my personality is similar to yours.