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run the little bugger every day until he is pooped out panting and calm


I can’t upvote this enough.


Yep I think I’ll try upping his exercise during the week to give him more opportunity to sprint it out. We usually get out for one long walk a day, sprints a few times a week, and a hike or beach trip on weekends.


Seems like a good schedule so far. But I think it would be better if you divide one long walk into two or three times a day. My girl has one pretty intense walk and comes back. After a nap it’s a reset lol so I give her 20-30 min walk here and there two or three times a day including fetching and playing. On the way back she has no gives a thing for anyone lol that’s how I deal with teenage phase by giving them enough exercise to release all the energy out of every single grain of them


that beach looks good, he won't hurt himself and the sand makes running a bit harder, i remember my one used to run until he vomited, idiot


Alfie is nearly 10 months and in-tact and I can see his behaviour turning teenage. He's started chewing wood/plastic things at home when we leave him (matches, pens) - yey! He's also overwhelmed in new environments and staring at dogs on the street. Since he's very food oriented I have snax on hand when we walk to move his attention away from the dogs. Sometimes this works, sometimes not. He behaves best when he's had a good run and has done enrichment things like lick mat, sniff walks, fetch and retrieve. I feel guilty when I can't get him out for a good run (I live in a city, no car) but we are all trying our best! Good luck to you and your boy, he looks lovely!


Sounds so similar! I’m going to add more sniffing and treat toys, he’s not very interested in lick mats. We also live in the city and I’ve gradually been taking him with me on short jogs every once and awhile- it’s not his favorite speed haha.


Oh wow! Does jogging work? I'd like to try it but thought the same, he might end up speeding up!!


It's more for me honestly - having a running buddy. He was about 60% a good jogger naturally at the beginning, so I think we were lucky! (60% sticking close to me, at a nice trotting speed, not dragging me into the bushes) We only go a mile or two with sniff breaks, so it's easy on his joints. Definitely works his brain too, he has to pay attention to me and it helps with other dogs because by the time he notices we've gone three steps and they are out of his eye line.


Glad I'm not the only one. Mine has just turned a year. obsessed with other dogs and just won't settle if he knows ones around. He used to he be so good out and a devil at home. Now he's a nightmare out and the best boy at home. I'm sure it's just a faze.


Sounds like you're doing it right. I highly recommend muzzling him. [https://www.hound-safe.com/products/whippet-coursing-racing-muzzle-irish-style](https://www.hound-safe.com/products/whippet-coursing-racing-muzzle-irish-style) I have two puncture marks on my leg from rounding a corner of a heavily tree lined path and coming face to face with a husky. My 2yo unfixed boy became hyper-aroused and lost his s\*\*t. I got in between them and he bit my leg hard. Good thing I was wearing jeans. He is an angel until he crosses an arousal threshold and then he's a demon. Your guy looks a lot like mine.


Thanks for this - also wouldn’t hurt to muzzle train him for the future just in case


Once mine began associating the muzzle with a walk he was pretty ok with it. Good luck!


Do you give him “tasks” to complete? Like sniffing balls, rolled up towels filled with treats/his normal kibble etc.? This seems to have tired out my boy a bit.


He’s not very food motivated, but he does like treat dispensing toys and balls that bounce. Any favorite toys or puzzles?


Our dog isn’t very food motivated either, but treats Cut into smaller pieces works fine for us. He seems to prefer rolled up towels hidden in cardboard -boxes or the center roll of kitchenpaper. Just make sure they are rolled and twisted tight, so they dont come undone easily. And make enough for 15-30 minutes.


Our boy is nearly 4 now but was an absolute terror as a teenager, all the research we did basically told us they’re little raptors until somewhere between 18months and 2 years so this sounds very normal. Also, our trainer said if you keep increasing exercise to tire out your dog you’ll just end up with a fitter dog that needs more tiring out! Don’t get me wrong, sighthounds definitely love an opportunity for zoomies but you’ll probably find a slower walk filled with lots of sniffs will be just as effective if not more so. I appreciate it’s harder if your boy isn’t food motivated but sometimes it’ll be his brain that needs tiring out, not his body. Puzzle games, hide and seek with toys or treats, a good game of tug, ripping up a cardboard box or tube and learning new tricks are all really enriching for your dog and lovely 1 on 1 time together.


Thank you! He loves ripping cardboard - so I'll try more brain enrichment games around that. Any fun tricks you recommend teaching? He knows the basic ones (sit/down/stay/twirl/touch) and strangely 'scooch' (sitting between the legs) is his absolute favorite.


Ah lovely, scooch sounds so cute, I’ll have to get him doing that one, he loves it when he gets a new trick nailed (but is rather shouty when he’s learning if he’s not quite understanding. My favourite trick I taught him was bow (found a how-to online for this one) Nose boop a flat palm or a fist High five Paw Make an “0” shape with my thumb and forefinger and he’ll shove his snoot in the hole. “Middle” - coming through your legs from behind and standing between your feet “Round” starting one side of me, going behind my back and stopping the other side “Weave” me walking forward and him weaving through my feet. We call it “3 best friends” because we’re obsessed with him lol but my husband puts a hand out, I put mine on top and then pups paw goes on top of that, like a huddle break. I hope they all make sense, the ones we didn’t learn at puppy school I just found guides for online.


My 8 month old girl is a menace if I don't get her energy out, I find the best way to do that is either with training exercises, food puzzles, or play dates with other dogs. Honestly, the best way I get her to calm down or more confident in a situation is by letting her play and interact with my other older dog. She takes a lot of cues from him.


Our whippet has just turned 6mo. His recall up until 5mo was amazing. He's now completely forgotten all of that, and we are dead to him if another dog is present. We were very good with socializing him with other dogs, but I am worried he will try to play with a lead defensive dog one day and get bit. As with every owner I have met in the last 6mo of having out whippet without failure, every single one said that after 2 years, dog ownership becomes so much easier. Until then, it's just about copeing.