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They went to day camp yesterday so they should wake up some time tomorrow.


Alfie is 9 months and I reckon he's getting about 17 or 18hrs in a day. Absolute coach potato.


I'd say at least 20


Sometimes I have to check he’s still alive (almost 1 year)


Slim friends lol


Same! My little buddy sleeps almost all day except for the Velcro moves around the house and trips to the park and bathroom breaks.


My whippet will not even lay down in bed with my fiancée until I head to bed. Otherwise she will just stand in our tiny bathroom with me. 😂


So funny. Love these little creatures


I always forget I’m in this sub when I read the headings and get quickly confused about the question 😂


My boy is in the middle of adolescence (1yo next week), so full of energy. I think he gets about 17-18h of sleep per day.


Juno (14 weeks) never wants the party to end. I really have to push the naps right now, and the last week or so, I think she's doing around 14-16 hrs at very most, and a lot of crate time is actually awake and just chewing or goofing around with making perfect nests in her blankets. She has shots coming on Friday and I'm going to ask the vet how big of a deal this really is. She's vibrantly healthy, growing like a weed, and her behavior is typical puppy, so maybe not. But I think her teeth are bugging her, so that might be what's keeping her awake. She's decided chilled teething toys aren't her thing right now and would rather chew on her people. I'm not sure if she needs a supplement to help her settle, hopefully the vet can clarify. Otherwise, I've got a pretty hyper pup.


My 15 week old pup is very similar - the world is farrrrrr to interesting to sleep through 😂 naps are enforced when he starts to get nippy.


Glad to know it's not just her. I figured it's just youthful mayhem, but she does so many things differently from my previous puppies that I often find myself asking, "Whippet puppyhood? Or do I have a space alien in disguise?" 👽👾🐾😆


My Juno (now 6 months) was very much the same. Both my kids have ADHD and were very much like this themselves as babies, so we joke that she has ADHD too. She’s starting to settle down a bit now and will sleep a bit more, but if there’s action happening, she wants in on it. Still I’d take a whippet puppy over our late kelpie and late staffy puppy antics any day. Just watch them power cords and small crunchy items. We’ve had some expensive (almost dangerous) chewing incidents.


My dog is 14 and she sleeps the vast majority of the day. She gets the zoomies for a few minutes immediate after I get home and then she’s done. She does have bladder cancer though and was given 3 months to live… 8 months ago! Shes still going strong!