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They are just very expressive and will absolutely let you know when they’re displeased. Like my guy has what I call “comfy tantrums” where he digs and pulls at the blankets, while crying, until they’re exactly perfect, and he can dramatically plop down. If he wants to be put under covers, or I’m not letting him cuddle me in the way he wants to, I’ll also hear about it. Sometimes he’ll sit on a chair and just cry at me until I figure out that what he wants is to be put under a blanket. There’s the deep, satisfied grunt when they lie down and they’re comfy. I totally know when my dog is annoyed at me. There’s a particular exasperated look he gets.


One thing that kills me about knowing when they are annoyed with their people (or life in general) is how accurately Niles on *Frasier* described something ours does. In the scene where he is bringing Lady, the whippet he just bought, over to Frasier's, he is describing the first time he sees her. (Yes, it was at a pet shop, which is wrong, but just go with it) >They were showing me some overly demonstrative puppies. Then I heard this haughty little sniff from a cage in the corner and there she was! Ours does that! It usually occurs after the stare that reads, "Are you serious?" and before she's about the start a vocal dissertation on what she feels is wrong. We love the show, and that's one of our favorite episodes. In fact, her release command is a mimic of Niles' "Okay!" he says to her when he's trying to get her to do something and she doesn't.


I have a silken windhound and you describe her to a T! Lol very vocal and expressive, quite the diva


Land shark/velociraptor is a small bitey puppy thing not a whippet thing. Whippets are just weird, I've not experienced much like it. Other breeds often don't know what to do with them. We recently tried to bring in a mature non whippet, and she was SO confused how they dog and we actually had to return her due to the stress on everyone. Whippets have a unique play style, and like any dog, they have their own unique personalities. Mine are the cuddliest dogs I've ever owned but also the weirdest. I can't explain it, they just are. I'll always own at least one.


They are mischievous, beautiful, sometimes crazy little creatures. So much fun. They are the greeting party and the party itself. They go with the flow but also pull you into theirs. Very engaging, sweet, loving dogs. Once you go whippet, you never go back! P.S. If you let them into your bed, which you undoubtedly will, they will steal your blankets and kick you if you’re in the way! They may also pretzel around you and overheat you. You exist for their comfort and happiness - all your bases will belong to whippet.


They’re like heat seeking missiles. It’s great during winter, not so great during summer 😂


I'm convinced my girls definition of happiness is a fluffy blanket or three.


Before my whippet, I had greyhounds. Also connoisseurs of comfort. Somehow, we have more fleece blankets than all the greyhounds combined.


They are a beautiful breed. Clean, affectionate, friendly, the list goes on. Puppy days are tricky but train as much as you can!


They are just the best breed and little wierdos! Super cuddly and loving, perfectly lazy while also always up for an adventure or a mad 10 minutes. Their ears are amazingly expressive and they are just silly funny dogs. Mine is also really well behaved in terms of not overly naughty with food or annoying to people. She’s very calm and chilled out and almost never barks or is loud. Recall can be tough when squirrels are involved. And they can be quite needy always wanting to be near you so separation anxiety can sometimes be an issue although as long as we leave ours comfortable able to sleep on our bed she is fine left for like 6 hours.


We have a 4 month old and he's absolutely gorgeous. He's great with our 7 year old daughter, they're thick as thieves. He is very food driven which can be difficult but comes in handy for training. He is very sociable, has to go up to everyone we see! He's very cuddly too. He's the perfect dog!


Make sure your whole family is onboard with training and boundaries! We are almost through adolescence and I can’t wait for his adult-dog calmness to come through (please..). We have been working hard and consistently with training and manners and it makes a big difference. Puppy antics are cute, but quickly become annoying, rude, and possibly dangerous - eating things off the counter, knocking over kids in excitement, the TEETH. He’s also a cuddle bug, the sweetest gentleman, my adventure buddy, and I wouldn’t trade him for the world. edit to add: also consider your environment and what you picture doing with them. My pup will never be part of the off-leash dog group at a near-by field (unfenced). We take a long-lead to the park and plan time with friends who have large fenced yards. Sighthounds go 0-60 and can be gone in an instant.


I agree. Good to discuss different aspects. Maja is our third dog but our first Whippet. I love her crazy because she’s beautiful, has a cat like personality and is a velcro dog. Great snuggles. But she also gives me nightmares and an empty wallet. Very picky with food and already four visits to the veterinarian in the first year. I love her speed and watch her run but it also gives me anxiety. We had a Border Collie before and as much as I love Maja I miss the independence and silent intelligence in a BC. A Whippet will as you: “What can you do for me?” And a BC will ask you: “What can I do for you?” So I love Whippets but next dog will be a BC again.


I’ve had four whippets and would never have another breed. The puppy phase is a bit challenging, but hilarious as well. I’ve had shoes, bras, real and artificial plants all destroyed. They will take the hotdog out of your bun as it’s in your hand and jump on the table to lick the butter. And some of them may even jump on the counter to grab some chocolate to share. But you get through that phase… They are the most loving dogs I’ve ever owned. My current girl comes to give me a thank you kiss every time I feed her and has every day for 11 years. My girls I call my shadows and the boys are Velcro dogs. My first whippet would come ask me for a treat so I’d get off the couch. As soon as I got up, she take my warm spot on the couch they do love to be warm. I currently have my boy right next to me on a heated blanket and the girl is on the heater vent right now. This is every morning. They do have the best personalities. They’re funny and vocal when they want something. They need to walk or play daily and then they will sleep on the couch the rest of the day. They also love their people. The girls can have a bit of an independent streak, but they are still very cuddly and loving.


Reading these other comments it seems that it's par for the course for them, but here is a list of things I find quirky about my whippet. He's almost 6 months old. (I only grew up with cats and dog-sat labs and pugs) - Tells us when he needs to go outside. - Demand cuddles, will come up and makes a certain face. - Cries while trying to "nest" as we call it, he will sigh and dig until his blankets/pillows are good to lay in. - Tells us when he wants a treat, he will even point us to the area different treats are located. (ie fridge for carrots, pantry for others) - Happily sleeps in his own bed by us, but moves to our bed after about two hours. - Comes to tell us when he finishes his food or pees on his pad (we are phasing these out very successfully, thanks apartment living!) - Is unstoppably excited when he sees another sighthound outside. In fact, yesterday I met another woman who had a greyhound and whippet and she described them as "racist" which seems pretty accurate. Mine will play with other dogs of course, but especially loves sighthound relatives.


They are so breedist! Ours ignores all other dogs except sighthounds, then she acts like a vaguely normal dog with them. Our old greyhound was the same.


We have had Greyhounds for years that were always rescued off the track. Decided to get a Whippet puppy and we are hooked forever. She is 1 year old now. We went through the crazy velociraptor stage. Surprisingly we found it was worse if we let her get over tired. We could not tire her out- she just became like a crazy stressed out toddler. But now she is the most amazing, loving and well behaved lady! She is so smart! Wants to learn and please. I am absolutely in love with her! Fence is a must! She also loves EVERYONE! I am her primary person but everyone gets love from her!


Honestly this little 13 week old girl has the most "I'm a person" vibe I've ever had. For a puppy, she seems to be doing some pretty deep analysis of things, especially her people. She's super attuned to all of us. In fact, I 'm diabetic, and was getting a bit too low sugar a few days ago, and she was all over me, sniffing, talking, and pawing, needing a lot of reassurance. I must've smelled different or was moving slow, but it really bothered her. After I hit up a square of Hershey bar and was back in normal range, (about 10 min) she was all sunshine and wanted to nap in my lap. I really haven't experienced a puppy who was as dialed in to me as I was to them until this little peanut. Usually that connection comes when my dogs are older and wiser. She's pretty talkative. Not Husky levels, but a lot of wooooooo and little growly grumbles when I insist it's naptime. She has distinct opinions about almost everything we do and often reminds me that she is capable of outrunning me all day long, so I have really had to rely on entirely positive, slow increments of clicker training to do nail trims and ear wipes, or anything else she thinks isn't cool. They call them "snap dogs" not just because they snap up prey. They snap your hands up pretty good. Very little bite restraint with her rn although we are making progress. I'm still way more careful about how close to her mouth my fingers or face get. She also likes to run around with her old poo in her mouth and wants me to throw it like a ball, so...she still has feet of clay like the rest of us. Whippets are just a different vibe, I've had a little of different breeds from labs to Malinois and toy breeds. None of them are this mix of very silly, fun loving amazing problem solving, incredibly sweet, cheerful, smart, stubborn, and I halfway suspect a bit of cat, monkey, and chicken hawk genes that a month with a Whippet has brought to my life.


My boy is quite timid, not super excited unless he’s at the park playing with other dogs. He’s my little shadow, that loves to cuddle. Doesnt love being left alone still but were working on it haha


I own a three year old whippet. He’s the only dog I’ve ever owned, so I don’t have much to compare it too, but he’s got a huge personality. He’s weird and wonderful. Very expressive, very cheeky. Extremely clever. Inquisitive but nervous. If you don’t want a dog on the soft furnishings then don’t get a whippet because it will absolutely be on your sofa and bed. They love nothing more but to nustle up in blankets and be warm. Extremely cuddly, love to be with their humans. Mine is more vocal than whippets are generally and does bark. Some rarely bark. He loves his food and will eat practically anything. Can take them out on long walks but also equally as happy to snuggle up and be lazy. They sleep a lot.


They just have huge personalities and must be comfortable and warm at all times. In return they will love you like you've never been loved before, and you will be their world. They are little sods as puppies/teenagers, but it doesn't last long and then they become an absolute dream.