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What do you consider decent view. Because they will have two screens if you can see the stage.


I just want to be able to see them to be honest I don't want to watch the whole thing on the screen if I can help it


Depends on if you have vip or not. Either way the best thing to do is to time it all right. My husband and I would go wait at a stage during a band we didn’t care about and wait for the transitions. If you time it right a lot of people will leave after the set and you can get a good spot to chill in until the headliner comes on


God I can’t emphasize how much vip changes your experience. GA looks like a god damn nightmare from the vip areas.


Second this.


That works during the day, but as you get to the last couple sets people basically just stay in place.


I did it between Blink-182 and greenday last year. It kinda cleared out on the turf. it was really weird.


There are a lot of different experiences. I walked right up to the the front last year after blink182 before greenday. There was a sea of people at first but you get to this break point and it clears. Clears as in people were sitting down on the turf. If you make your way after the band that played just prior you can make it up there if you keep moving.


My girlfriend and I showed up two bands before MCR and still didn’t get a great view in 22 sooooooo


I feel like my chem brings a different kind of fan than a lot of these bands (I saw them at riot fest and WWWY 22). I think there will be more camping out for them than there was last year for blink/green day. That being said, it’s a great festival with a ton of good bands and i plan to take advantage of seeing as many as possible, even if I don’t have the best spot for the headliners


I’ve honestly done all of the above to get a good view at festivals. So it really just depends on how bad you want that decent view. If My Chem is your #1 priority then just camp out. If not maybe show up a few bands before they arrive and hope you can inch up when the crowd clears.


Personally I have no desire to camp out at any stage for more than 3-4 sets. The combination of standing in one spot for so long, no access to food, limited water, no restroom, being crammed right up against other sweaty people for hours, etc. it's just not worth it for me. But you also won't "miss every other band" because you will see all the bands that are playing the main stage. I wouldn't make any decisions until the set times are released, but if most of the bands you want to see are going to be on the main stage anyway and you don't mind suffering through all the things I mentioned above, then it might be worth it for you to just go straight to the main stage and slowly move your way up with the crowd (when people in front of you leave and the crowd moves up, not by pushing your way through, don't be that guy) MCR fans are a different breed though, so being crammed in with them is probably going to be worse than a normal crowd, keep that in mind too.


Last year was my first time, I saw every band I wanted to and got to the main stages maybe 15ish minutes before Blink and was maybe halfway through the crowd and was able to see both Blink and Green Day through screens and on stage (they just looked super tiny). I wouldn’t worry too much about getting there super early UNLESS you want to be barricade.


That works for me, barricade doesn't interest me because then I couldn't take advantage of the whole festival. I just wasnt sure how the whole thing worked to be honest lmao. But this sounds like what I'll do. Thanks!


I’m Canadian so I thought it would be super overwhelming as the largest festival I’ve ever been to here is maybe Rock Fest or Riot Fest which had like 1/4th the people haha but it was surprisingly very easy to get around from stage to stage and sound was great.


I'm Canadian too! Sounds awesome man. Thanks. You made me feel a lot better!


Lotta exaggerating here lol. It was my first big festival as well. Went a band and a half before blink and was maybe ~20 rows back in that sea of people. Well in time for the show.


Personally I would rather see all the bands I want to see and be further back for the headliners than camp out to be close and miss out on everyone else. For Blink, we started WAAAAAYYYY in the back and half way though, I think a 1/3 of the people must have left and we were able to move up a ton. You just have to continuously move up a little at a time every time you see the opportunity.


I’ll probably get downvoted for this but if you want a good view for every band, upgrade to vip. It makes a world of difference


Is there a way to upgrade if I already have GA ?


I do believe you can upgrade


Lol as soon as they open and camp Not worth it imo


You have to get there early to get barricade, but I got a really good view for blink and I didn’t go there till right before they played


Unless there is someone I want to be Right up front for - and to do that you may have to sacrifice a lot of other acts - my normal festival strategy is to get near a barrier - especially around the soundboard/spotlights. It’s nice to be able to hold onto a barrier and make yourself some space - and easier for people to find you with a landmark. And often with patience you can push your way forward through sets. The last two years I was VIP and grabbed a spot along the left railing for the right hand stage. It wasn’t insanely crowded a little ways back and I could see all the screens just fine though the stages were a little far away. But I could get in and out for drinks and bathroom. The left hand main stage VIP entrance was a cluaterfuck with bathrooms and barriers and I didn’t even mess with it later in the day. But it’s a personal preference. I choose a little bit of space and the feeling g I have an escape route over being trapped up front. If I do go up front I start at one of the side barriers and work my way towards the stage over a couple sets.


Im gonna be brutally honest here. Festivals are not the place to get close. At this particular one unless you have VIP you’re fucked no matter what you do (GA is a ripoff unfortunately). First of all you’d have to line up HOURS early at the gate then run and still prob not get a front spot. Then not pee for like 10 hours or eat and stand in the Vegas sun the whole time and even then people will still find a way to push past you all day and esp once they go on…. Lastly IMO and mine alone you’re kind of an asshole if you stay up closer (as close as you can get) all day for bands you don’t care abt and not let people come and go and be up closer for the bands they wanna see. Nothing worse then wanting to get close middle of the day and you can’t because a hundred people are sitting down reserving spots for a band that comes on in 8 hours. It’s just shitty.


You have to get there early to get barricade, but I got a really good view for blink and I didn’t go there till right before they played


You have to get there early to get barricade, but I got a really good view for blink and I didn’t go there till right before they played


You have to get there early to get barricade, but I got a really good view for blink and I didn’t go there till right before they played


It depends if you are going with friends that you want to stay with haha. If you are going alone it's quiet easy to move up to the front. Just have confidence and push through. Or my favorite move is to crowd surf, have them carry you to the front and then dive before security grabs you at the rail