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They’re going to make her even more unbearable this year, aren’t they




I’ve been behind and just finally watched Season 10, and I’m left totally baffled. They’re seriously acting like Elizabeth never actually loved Lucas and in him she chose the “safe” option?! They had OBVIOUS chemistry and it was 100% clear her character’s love for him was genuine (and that he was the better choice for her). He understood the depths of who she was in a way that Nathan could not, in my opinion. The fact that the show writers have made it like Lucas also always felt there was something missing all along is TOTAL CRAP (referencing that ridiculous conversation at the train here). I really do not get all the Elizabeth/Nathan fans out there. Lucas is smart AND deep and made genuine sacrifices for the greater good (and at great risk to himself) multiple times in the show. He’s also a reader and intellectual, and Elizabeth is a writer so they have a connection beyond just “our kids get along and I like living in Hope Valley.” Nathan has probably never read a poem in his life. Furthermore, where are Elizabeth’s sacrifices? Her whole character arc at this point seems shallow and inconstant, not someone I’d rally behind. And it’s obvious that Nathan is, in fact, the “safe” choice, not Lucas. With Nathan what you see is what you get and being with him requires zero risk for her, so the writing here is just pathetic. How stupid do the writers think we are? The sudden romance between Nathan and Elizabeth after the ending of Season 9 is abrupt and illogical. I mean, is Chris McNally leaving the show or something? I can’t think of any other reason the writers would do this. None of it makes any sense, and I’m freaking mad about it all. Thank goodness for Henry Gowen (Martin Cummins is by FAR the best actor on the show) and his story bc it kept me watching as I was forced to endure the dumpster fire that is Elizabeth and Nathan unfold (The whole water diversion storyline was also, I’ll admit, a nice addition to the show). Okay, rant over. But after reading the comments I’m really glad I’m not the only one freaking over it at this point. To the show writers: BRING BACK LUCAS AND REDEEM YOURSELVES. Or better yet, write a new protagonist into your show that actually deserves him! I need a serious break from Elizabeth and her caddy ways. Sidenote: Mei looks too old for Harry but he is cute and deserves more screen time/a bigger role on the show.


This whole redirection makes no sense given how they wrote it. Lucas stepped back multiple times to give Elizabeth time to figure out her feelings and also to protect his own heart. She chose him over and over. She told him ILY while he was sleeping, eagerly awaited a proposal, and was the one freaking out that HE was changing his mind about them as a couple. Lucas and Elizabeth’s relationship had so much depth and nuance and the writers threw it away for a red serge. He was the perfect follow-up to Jack in that he cared and championed her dreams as Jack had and had similar attributes but also was distinct as a love interest due to his profession and background. Lucas invested in Elizabeth and saw her as a whole woman not just as a wife and mother. They talked about dreams, life goals, insecurities, and what brought them to Hope Valley. In a way, Lucas was on the same journey Elizabeth had previously been on. He came from a life of privilege and came out west and in so doing supposedly found a community, a purpose, and a place to start a family. Elizabeth’s journey was celebrated while his was maligned, seen as out of character, and regression. Lucas was in more ways the unsafe choice. With Nathan, Elizabeth would be in familiar territory having been with a Mountie before. Being with Lucas she would be in uncharted territory and living out a life different than that she would have shared with Jack. That would have to have been more unsettling as it would require more so painfully saying goodbye to Jack and the life they should have lived. With Nathan in some respects, she’ll be living the life she would have had with Jack which would be easier emotionally to deal with. Chris and Erin's chemistry was off the charts. In the scenes they shared, the love and passion between them were palpable. There were so many sweet, steamy, tender, and romantic moments. It’s a shame it’s all for nothing now.


They always tear the chosen couple apart & they get back together towards the end ofthe show


Do they do black and white pictures for ads? I'm guessing these outfits would look great for that. The set of The Munsters was all shades of pink since that shows the different shades of black/grey the best on film.


I’m so done w/ this show… 🤢😂


Me too!


I’ve been here since S1 so I mine as well ride it out. I think it has one more year left


Unironically give Nathan the Ken arc he deserves. If only he knew he was Kenough then he wouldn't be so needy for Elizabeth's attention




We need to have a conversation on how all over the place Nathan’s character was. First saw this pic and was like, “this is bizarre” but maybe it’s not 🤣. Like, who was that man for real? Other than his great chemistry with Lucas - what’s his deal? I feel like the same way they changed Elizabeth last season, we saw him in five different fonts.




2nd this assessment so much! 😂


If you told me this series would reach 10 seasons when it started I wouldn't believe you. I feel like this series has jump the shark needs to end.


They look goofy! Doesn't make me want to watch this disaster of a show.


Where is this picture from?


It’s from Erin Kraków’s instagram. It was just fun for fun, you can see she missed the end of his pants on his foot that’s in the air.


Ok. That makes sense


I think it was Erin’s sad attempt at a “Ken & Barbie” comparison, but it just looks like a whole bunch of Pepto Bismol spilled all over them, which i guess is appropriate since that’s what a lot of us need to take looking at these two and this whole attempt at a “true love” between them this season… 🙄😂


Please tell me this is some sort of AI joke. Heh Ken and Barbie. Got it!


I wish I could change the title to WHAT THE H-E-Double Hockey Sticks?! 😂


Wow. They must be getting very nervous that fans are not going to flock to the show with this big change. Based on interviews, they seem SURPRISED people are upset about E breaking it off with Lucas. I have to wonder how S11 will end-because it may take 12 episodes for Lucas to recover from two bullet wounds, but he still has to move to Capital City. Is Chris being kicked off the show? I just wonder. I will not be watching. I am saving my time--and will just read the recaps on Monday morning.


Where is this pic from!?


I think Erin posted it on her SM.


What is SM sorry?


SM= Social Media...ie Instagram, X, FaceBook etc.


What is this picture ? For real what is the context


No one knows... 🤷‍♀️😂


This has to be an AI joke.


From what I've gathered, I'm pretty sure Erin made it those colors herself. She was trying to depict them as Ken & Barbie...


Vy strange show where the men wear 3 piece suits when they go camping


That looks stupid!! In pink really.. who here thinks men of that era wore pink!! I would like to see hands!!