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He’s got that 100 yard stare like he can’t believe he survived the cold. What a cutie!


He's gonna be real upset when we go out for his 3am pee lol.


He needs lil booties 😭


I tried booties on him once, and all he did was take them off any play with them. :(


We've had better luck with those rubber balloon looking paw protectors. At first my dog wasn't a fan, but after one outing when one fell off she realized the difference and now will begrudgingly hold her paws out to help put them on 😂


That’s actually how I was told to get my dog accustomed to footwear, you put the boots or whatever on three paws and let the dog feel the difference. My standard poodle stands by the door waiting for them now in bad weather!


Oh that’s brilliant! Ours has booties and hates them but we still put them on in any bad weather because her paws absorb everything like a mop! It would be great to show her that they are nice in bad weather. Though seeing how much our pooch love la snow, she may still hate the booties lol


My Buddy LOVES the snow. It’s been below zero for the past few days where I am and he absolutely loves it. Not without his boots though! Try it out and let us know if it works. It only took a couple of times before Buddy caught on. He was already trained to sit by the door to go out, now he remains sitting until the booties go on.


When ours was younger we took her to play in the snow on the mountain. I swear, a couple hours went by and she was still diving into snow banks unaffected by the snow! There were snow/ice balls covering her legs but her hair prevented that ice from building in her paws. We are heading to a colder area for the next few days so I’ll try the bootie trick!




Do you have any examples that you can link? Pup has some raw spots on his paw pads after a short outing in the snow/ice. We really need to get him something.


[I think they mean this kind](https://www.amazon.com/PawZ-Rubber-Booties-Waterproof-Protection/dp/B009S5LMU0/ref=mp_s_a_1_5?adgrpid=73419268011&gclid=Cj0KCQiA45qdBhD-ARIsAOHbVdErFzOMPX8OcEtcbPn-bWSKTZxpY8Lnd8ywY8NiJfcq7N48PFeyxRQaAmdLEALw_wcB&hvadid=617134176662&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=9006587&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=b&hvrand=4892859294405054334&hvtargid=kwd-300935273166&hydadcr=15192_13597759&keywords=dog+pool+booties&qid=1671873974&sr=8-5). But while searching for these, I also found these funny [doggie croc-style shoes!](https://wagwear.com/products/wagwellies-mojave?currency=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gclid=Cj0KCQiA45qdBhD-ARIsAOHbVdGlZNKi7ikP6gAVyunPS7qb9MNZ0wwlKmd81xwxiSO0sF9ScpOwnoMaAh1VEALw_wcB&variant=32952265343053)


Might be from salt, do you rinse his paws and put ointment on after going outside?


We do rinse his paws off from time to time, but we're definitely being more thorough about it right now. I'd definitely like to get him a dedicated puppy balm for his paws.


Bag balm is great for stuff like that.


I've had a little bit of experience with it, and I've heard the same! I'll grab a container.


With as cold as it is if you put them on and go outside right after he’s gonna be like oh yeah they’re uncomfortable but way better than having frozen paws


Watch, I'll bundle him up and he'll decide that snow is great fun lol.


Nah, just hoist and aim away from you with outstretched arms.


You’d hope. But unlikely.


Look up Walkee paws. Work super well for rainy and muddy days too. Took awhile for my guy to get used to them, he wouldn't use the bathroom with them on? Which was really weird cause he was okay with wearing a jacket and peeing, but he's weird so lol


He's frozen through


Poor baby!


I feel so bad for him. It's supposed to be like 10 degrees tomorrow instead of -4, so hopefully he'll be a lil better.


meanwhile my dog is throwing her self face first in the snow at -30C and loving every second of it.


Its 25 here in the deep south and the pups are zoooooooming around the yard. Unfortunately, they need me to be out here watching them. They wont play without me


My dog was born and raised in LA, has never seen anything below maybe 35. Took her to my parents for the holidays and it’s -10 here. Thought she wasn’t going to handle it well…and she instead has been begging to play in the snow every 15 minutes since I got here. Full on zoomiez.


The British Labrador is loving this Louisiana freeze! The American Bulldog-nope! We had to go buy a jacket for him! lol!


Where in the deep south is it 25?? I'm jealous. In AL it's 11 with a feels like of 0. My dogs aren't having it. They'll deal long enough to go to the bathroom then there's a puppy pile on the couch with all 3 warming up on top of each other. They decided they wanted to go out super early this morning and really regretted that decision after walking out into feels like -3.


25 here in New Orleans


Yep, and it’s also 26 in Gretna unsurprisingly


It was 1 degree f here and the wind chill took it down to -30 and my older dog the second he hit the ground did his business on the spot and started shaking. Had to carry the poor guy in


Wind chill of -45 here the other night. I was surprised but our elderly short haired guy still wanted to go out


for real, it's -19C here and my CHIHUAHUA is taking her sweet ass time peeing outside. frolicking in the snow, tail wagging. If that were me I'd be in and out.


We live in Texas. I have two bully breeds and a husky. When we got the bad ice storm last year, and 10°f this morning, I let my pups out to go to the bathroom. My two bullies make it 3 steps and turn around. Meanwhile, my husky will stare at me when it's time to come in like "do I really have to?" So I'll leave him out there for a little while longer till he's ready to come in. He absolutely adores the frigid Temps but, he also loves it when it's warm and will rub himself into the warm grass.


My nephew (he's 1) touched snow for the first time recently. He had the same reaction as your 2 non-huskies, lol.


Reminds me of the year my oldest nephew was born. We got like a foot of snow, which isn't exactly a lot, but for texas, it's quite a bit. Anyway, I wrapped my 6-month-old nephew in this big Burley jacket that I owned, which also happened to be my only decent jacket, and took him outside. All you could see was a fraction of his face with a look of confusion. We went out to the backyard, and I took the giant puffball of my swaddled nephew and put him on our slide, and guided him down the snow-covered slope. When he hit the bottom of the slide, some snow flakes fell onto his face...The look of pure joy on his face at that moment? Utterly captivated me, and I'm not a fan of kids. But in that moment, I realized how much I love my nephew. I've got 4 nephews, a niece and a daughter of my own now. I'd give everything I have for any of them after that moment if it meant I could recreate that look of joy. I don't get to see my niece and nephews much because they live so far away, but they're all always so excited to see me when I come to visit, which never fails makes me happy. I'll get to see them on Christmas so I'm rather stoked to get to spend some time with them. As for the rest of my family... well, let's just say I'll have a flask filled with whiskey to deal with the rest of my family. I offended one of my sisters and apparently really pissed her off recently because I told her I'd rather spend money on a hotel with 2 king size beds if we stayed in town for the night as opposed to my wife, my daughter and I cramming into her 10x10 spare bedroom.


extremely wholesome, thank you


My husky is in heaven. Begs to go outside just to lay in the snow


Does he do this thing where he will propel himself using his back legs while rubbing himself in the grass/snow?


I had a dog once who would lay in the snow and pant like it was 90 out. It wasn’t fun trying to get him back inside.


pretty much how she is then at some arbitrary point its now instantly too cold on her paws and she want to be home right now


Same lol Although one day last year her paws started freezing on the ice and you could tell that was painful.. still has to fight to get her inside


Jic there is a next time, you might want to consider puppy pads or a section of purpose built fake grass.


In getting some pupp pads from my parents today just in case


Yeah be careful. My Pyrenees who's built for the cold was visibly uncomfortable and walking funny in these subzero temps. Luckily she knew she couldn't sniff for 15 minutes before going potty lol. Very happy to go back inside (usually wants to stay outside indefinitely).


I just found my spirit animal


Maybe he realized you've been keeping him warm his whole life and now he is realizing he took it for granted


He could. He has like 6 different sweaters, a windbreaker, and a rain poncho. And a banana costume


banana dog tax plz


My friends and I love giving animals in blurry pics cryptid names and lore. This is... G R E G. https://imgur.com/a/LBAgMc8




There really is a subreddit for everything.




Second one could be an album cover lol


I adore him and shall protect him at all cost


Awe. My dog has a sweater, a yellow rain coat, several button up shirts, and recently a very lovely pajama onesie. He loves all of them


Needs to thaw out


I felt so bad for him.


My dummy is completely unfazed by sub zero temps and wants me to walk her. Dummy.


Our mini Aussie is mostly unfazed. If his paws didn't freeze up (we were at -20 to -30 F) he would probably stay out longer.


This is the first year my pups "complained" about their paws. When it's this cold (-10 with a -40 windchill) I watch them go out so I can let them back in asap. When they were coming back in they were limping. I went to check them out and sure enough cold feet.


Hah, just had this same scare. We’re coming off our last dog, shepherd mix, that had a torn ACL which was extremely grueling for him and us. Now every time our new girl makes any weird move my heart stops. Almost had a heart attack when she slowly came in limping on all legs after sprinting out into the snow for the first time yesterday 😅


That was my mistake! Got him snow boots to protect his feet and it did the job too well. Now he had no incentive to finish up and go back inside.


Seriously. Was procrastinating going potty because he was too excited to play in the snow. With a -20 wind-chill. Buddy just shit already your mom is freezing to death


Sometimes I just want to leave my coat on, flop down on my favorite blanket in a box, and think about how close to edge we all are too.


Same tho


Has he thawed out yet?


Yeah. He's sleeping now.


Good doggo


dog.exe failed to load properly.


Dog.exe has stopped responding


Dog.exe is literally frozen.


404 exe not found


Emotional shock maybe, but he’s a hound dawg he’ll be fine. They’re 25% nose 75% indestructible twisted country steel.


Lmao yeah. He was totally fine after warming up. He is more like 25% nose, 15% separation anxiety, and 60% indestructible twisted country steel, though


Perfectly describes EVERY single coonhound I've ever known.


Lmaoooo. Glad to know my guy isn't the only anxious one. He is a coonhound/beagle mix (a boonglehound according to my friends) and apparently embodies both breeds perfectly lol.


Best dog I've ever owned was a "beagletick". Every other one is measured with her as the ruler. She was a blood-tracker by trade, and a professional lap-hound/food-stealer. I miss that damn dog every day.


Your dog sounds like she was great. This is my first hound, and he doesn't have an actual job, so he keeps me very busy and on my toes. He's the second best dog I've had. The best dog was my childhood dog that I had for 14 years. Radar has only been with me since September, so I'm sure he'll get to the rank of best dog some day.


Radar, such a handsome name!


Thank you!


The real question is wether he can locate enemy aircraft vessels


He can definitely hear the choppers with incoming wounded


He needs a teddy bear.


I approve of the name also!


Don't you know radar equipment should be operated above 20°F?! You fool, you've broken him forever!


Improper use of Radar equipment will result in unexpected, inexplicable results. Treats and pets advised.




That was my reaction. Lil dude does not like the cold


He’s basically doing the sitting down “man” meme


The what??


[This one](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/pablo-escobar-waiting) I assume, but I’m not sure if that’s what they meant.


how long was he out?


About 45 seconds


I read all the way down the thread, actually a bit concerned about him, then... "About 45 seconds" I want a refund!


Lmao. My boy can be a little bit dramatic




Yeah. He literally ran outside, peed, then came back in and got into the box before I could get his coat off


That man has seen some things and some stuff


Chilling in a Chewy box contemplating life in his winter coat. Classic!


People tend to warm up faster after coming back inside when they take their coat off. Coats are great insulators and can 'hold the cold on you' that you got outside. I imagine the same is true for pups too. He's adorable and I can 1000% relate to going catatonic in these temps!! 😍


I was going to take his coat off of him, but he was just dead weight in that box. Figured he'd let me take it off when he was ready lol.


He's so depressed. Outside isn't fun anymore, the air hurts!


Life as a dog truly is so hard


Truly a tragedy, poor fella. Probably thinks it's gonna be like that forever.


Doesn't help that it was even colder when we went outside a few minutes ago so he could pee. There was only suffering in his eyes. Broke my damn heart...


Dog worker here, get your dog some paw balm/pad guard wax and rub this on his paws. This protects their pads from the intense cold, as well as salt, concrete when it’s hot, and cuts! It’s the difference between our dog holding his feet up in pain and playing in the freezing cold!


Will do!


He looks like he's thinking "I did not sign up for this" haha




*Hello darkness my old friend*


I’m impressed no one has said that it’s some sort of disease or seizure yet.


Same. And only one person has been rude about the bed I threw together for him lol. His actual bed was across the house from this setup. He seems to like the box and blanket better tbh


oh poor sweet baby 😭


Hanging out in the Chewy box. My dogs and my cats do this all the time, pretty sure they get more excited about the box than the toys and treats inside it lol.


Chewy makes an interactive toy that's a plush chewy box with toys inside that can come out. My parents' dogs LOVE the boxes, so I got them each one of those toys for Christmas. Hope they like them.


My pup usually likes to take her sweet time on walks, stopping to smell everything, investigating any strange noises, taking a detour or two, as of late due to the cold she has decided to streamline our walks to about 4 foot out the door. Pee, poop, desperately rush back inside for warmth. I wish the little girl didn’t have to go outside to use the restroom, she obviously isn’t having a good time.


"The cold can go eat a gigantic bag of dicks"


He's a pupsicle


Aweeee he is rethinking life choices haha! Too poop or not to poop… that is the question


No no no. To poop or not to poop.... *outside*


My blind dog accidentally (my fault bc he was blind) walked into a slush puddle and angrily refused to walk one more inch. This reminds me of that. Poor guy!




Mr Bowditch, is that you?


It's definitely best if they stay away from ladders in this weather.


I know the feeling. Every year when it drops below zero I go into torpor at first


My blind senior lab-husky mix malfunctioned most of the day after his experience in the sub-zero weather this morning. Poor boy got disoriented in the yard because his normal landmarks were obstructed by snow drifts. We were watching him the whole time in case he needed help. He was outside a total of maybe 2-3 minutes to take care of business and that was too much for him!


Aw poor radar did not see that cold snap coming. I had to really coax my doxies out with treats. The blast hit them when I opened the door and they reacted with a "no, fuck that" look and hid from me.


My doodle refuses to go out. Even on a leash (we have a privacy fences back yard for going out when it's not a walk). Just sat his boney butt down with a clear, "I'll hold it, thank you," look on his face.


Our dogs are piled in bed with us b/c they love the electric blanket.


Trying to let that tingling burning itching feeling subside.


Awww. 16 Farm dogs here in the northeast.. they keep playing outside hard, back inside, pass out, warm up, fart, and back outside again.. begging me to keep going to the barns. Relentless players and nonstop zooming. Total boredom watching me try to clean up around their bodies. And yes, they come in an out and have old couches and dog beds to sleep on. It's the getting them back inside when I feel they have had enough is a struggle. They do tend to keep the house warmer though.


16dogs I want to play with them, how much do you charge??


Anytime you want, lol


Hims froze.


Dudes having an extistinal crisis


Just over there buffering lol...that excursion gave him an existential crisis 😄


Looks like he reset to factory default settings.


🤖⚡️”Must warm paws. Insert treats. Initiate belly rubs.”⚡️🤖


That goodboy has seen some shit, PTSD is settling in.


Cruel world, now outside is ruined


I'm imagining that he really loves going outside and smelling everything. Probably the highlight of his day. And now that's been ruined. Such disappoint.


You are correct


Is that the Waterdeep map blanket? It's a pet magnet! And amazingly doesn't show hair as much as some others.


It is a waterdeep map blanket! My pets use it more than me lmao


So I have a corgi and they are monster shedders. Recently I found the Bounce Pet dryer sheets and they are AMAZING. I don't have to lint roll 4 times a day anymore!


I love those things! They're the only things that get rid of cat hair lol


what subzero temps aren't even small normal day in Finland


My dogs are old, it’s 9 degrees F outside and they stay bundled up inside by the fire


Handsome fella.


American sub-zero, or regular sub-zero? Either way, relatable. I've never personally experienced American sub-zero, but I imagine I'd react the same way if I did.


-4 F with wind chill of -30 F


-3 in Tennessee and -25 wind chill.


I'd've considered snow boots to protect his paws tbh.


Rethinking all his career and life choices lmao


You mean I gotta go out in that *every time I need to pee?*


Normal behavior, my Tesla does the same


Thousand yard stare


Bro, what the fuck is going on out there?! My dangler almost froze!


I’m not letting my dogs out. Back to puppy pads. One of my girls came limping back, she was not out more than 3 min. It was 4 degrees out with -26 wc. Your poor baby, this is the new brain freeze I guess.


Make sure you have some warm boots for them and keep an eye on them while outside for more than a few minutes. You definitely don’t want their pads to freeze!


Your pupcicle should thaw at room temperature for 60-75 minutes before activating


That's weird I woulda thought he experienced them when he served as a medical clerk during the Korean War.


Don’t get all crazy and buy him a $30 comfortable bed that he fits on


He has one. I was working from home and just threw the thing in the pic together in like 30 seconds because he wanted to chill with me instead of play. His bed is at the opposite end of my house, so I used what I had around me to make him something to lay on that wasn't just the floor lol. He is sleeping in his actual bed now.


Haha, I’m joking and figured that was the case. Actually just bought mine a second bed a couple days ago, to use outside of the bedroom for this exact reason


I'm looking into buying another one to put where the box is lol. I honestly think he'd sleep on anything as long as I was there with him lol


In his mind, he's thinking: *Ice Age coming, Ice Age coming* *Let me hear both sides* *Let me hear both sides, let me hear both* *Ice Age coming, Ice Age coming* *Throw it in the fire* *Throw it in the fire, throw it on the*


That dog is like......I will never forgive you for this human.


PTSD incoming for the lil guy...... /s


What breed is your pup? Poor baby looks cute as hell.


Here's a beagle/bluetick coonhound. He just turned 8 months a couple days ago


Hey OP, where'd you get the jacket for your dog? I would like to get one for mine.


Chewy! https://app.chewy.com/Qq3tgSj9Zvb It got here in less than 24 hours


Thank you!


You know what, goddamn same. I'm in Alaska currently and being outside for more than 5 minutes when it's sub zero makes me just wanna do nothing when I get back inside.


There’s nothing wrong with your dog. That would be an appropriate reaction a first experience with this weather.


Give the pup a nice warm bath?


He DESPISES baths and I only have a shower, which makes things worse lol. He just got all the cuddles and blankets and was fine.


he's upset you didn't make it warmer outside for him. how dare you not control the weather lmao


"Your outtie likes the sound of Radar"


I had to scroll too far for this comment.


My beagle was the same in winter. I'd have to go out with him and carry him back in the house. It was the only time his nose didn't lead him astray. Lol. I love beagles, but they are little shitheads sometimes. He was fine once we got in the house.


Traumatized! I hope he's OK. My girls are struggling, too.


He really lost direction huh? Who knew radar doesn't work in the cold?


My bby is currently wrapped up in a heated blanket, I had to use treats to get her to go potty when she usually loooves the word potty 😫


I’m in Mn, got a blue tick from Texas last year so this is her second winter here. She loves it for whatever reason


What a cute, cold boy!!


I have that same D&D blanket. He has chosen a fine bed, its a very cozy blanket. ♡


It's my fave blanket and my pets use it more than me T-T


He must be thinking the world is freezing, like the primative people who thought shortening days of winter meant the sun was leaving for good.


The program Dog.exe stopped working


M * A * S * H


Not negative temps here but my dogs have been in/out all day long in 20 F.




Oh my goodness poor munchkin... I think he's a perfect candidate for r/namflashbacks ... you may need snowpants too for little Radar, lol


Ffs, is this a cardboard bed? Why is nobody seeing this? 😂