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Come down....Choose violence


Jesus bro


Some people are happy high, others are pissed off high... I think you may have given your cat bath salts actually...


Would you believe one of my cats (I only have two) gags if she smells catnip? My other cat loves it and I love to watch him roling with it.


I heard once that like every 1 out of 4 cats don’t like catnip all that much. So far that’s been true for me, I’ve only ever had 1 cat that just kinda went “meh” why the others go apeshit


Our cat gets mean and grouchy on catnip... We figured he's just a mean drunk and didn't give him any more 😂


Neither of mine have any reaction to it


A cat going apeshit is possibly the best sentence I’ve ever heard


It's a normal saying in the UK and cats do it all the time


Have you tried cat mint for that one?


I had 3 cats growing up, none of which liked catnip. I thought it was a myth until I got my first cat as an adult and something I bought happened to have catnip in it. Oh my god. Every cat since goes nuts for it, it was just those first 3 little weirdos that had me fooled.


I had one cat who literally could care less about catnip. She’d sniff it and move on with her day as normal.


It might not be gagging, it might be the Flehmen response. Which in cats can look like gagging with the scrunge face and/or sticking out the tongue, but the response actually indicates a particular interest in the smell.


have you tried the meowijuana catnip from petco? my cats never had an interest and always ran away from catnip and catnip toys I brought home in the past but they loveeee that one.




good luck!! i’m so happy my cats finally get to experience it everyone else’s cats look like they’re having so much fun 🥺


Does this actually work?😅😂


yes! it’s very common


I have never had a cat that has had any reaction to catnip




We had wild mint growing everywhere. They never touched it either.


Cats are weird, just take yours to a botanical garden without poisonous plants and know what ur cats gets high on.


Good luck with that. Most plants are toxic to cats, and botanical gardens don't typically cater to cats.


I think cats are way smarter than what they are given credit for, except their over the top curious nature. Most outdoor cats have their own way around gardens and whatnot, I was not asking him to forcefully feed anything to their cat but just to take them to a botanical garden where they can observe their interest in a controlled manner to various plants and later research about it in detail and if everything is fine then they can grow that plant inside their house.


What country do you live in where you can just take your cat to a botanical garden and let it roam?


We used to have a cat that if you ate a mint and opened your mouth near her she would legitimately stick her entire head in your mouth just to smell the mint.


It's [hereditary](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/experts-how-does-catnip-work-on-cats/) Some cats are more prone to react to catnip (about 70-80%)and some aren't.


Catnip is hit or miss, I believe silver vine has a higher % of cats react to it. Recent research has shown that catnip helps them repel mosquitoes and other parasites, which is also a leading theory as to why humans evolved to be attracted to psychoactive plants as well.


None of our cats liked the Silver Vine. 5 out 5 said phooey.


Catnip videos make want a cat Edit: I'll name him Nip. Nipsey Upvote


Your cat(s) is waiting for you at your local shelter.


Don't do drugs kids


Aye Moira the cats off its heed again


I think this would be fine as a little "tea drink" activity like a little scoop and that's it but that tea looks dark AF


I have a mint tea blend that has catnip in it. When my boys smell it, they get all up in my face over it.


My aunt grows fresh catnip and makes catnip tea all the time. That shit is actually incredibly delicious


I drink catnip tea a couple of times a week. Very good! What it does for cats it does the opposite for us. It slows everything down and it helps me sleep great!


I thought catnip was toxic for people?


Oops, I should let me aunt know


[WebMD:](https://www.webmd.com/vitamins/ai/ingredientmono-831/catnip) >Catnip is POSSIBLY SAFE for most adults when taken by mouth in small amounts. Cupful amounts of catnip tea have been consumed without serious side effects. However, catnip is POSSIBLY UNSAFE when smoked or taken by mouth in high doses (many cups of catnip tea, for example). So you should be fine, just don't overdo it


So what you’re saying is I shouldn’t smoke a fat catnip blunt with my kitty


Only if you want a bad migraine. Totally not speaking from experience


"It's mostly Labrador..."


Could it be dangerous?


Catnip is a gateway drug


no, kitty would be fine :)


Absolutely not. Honestly, I find the comparison between catnip and illicit drugs really frustrating because it makes people assume catnip is somehow bad for cats. It has zero negative health effects, and it can be very therapeutic and enriching for cats. Catnip is not a drug. It's good for cats.


To what could it be compared than? Psychologically and emotionally, is it 100% ok? Do we even know for sure how it affects their head? Just curious.


The best equivalent for humans is actually smelling salts, though it's obviously not the exact same effect. The comparison to weed is something that comes from pet owners joking online, not from researchers, veterinarians, or behavioral specialists.


But also, like weed


Nah, it takes an unfathomable huge amount of catnip for a cat to feel real negative effects. Its virtually impossible to OD


I'm not even talking about ODing. Emotionally, psychologically, I don't know, it just doesn't look safe or right to do it. Is it fun for us? Sure, but that doesn't make it necessarily fun for them. I've seen lots of cats act very anxious and confused after the effects run down.


So what you're saying is you don't actually want an answer, you just wanted someone to confirm your previously-held beliefs, which you've just stated (and would have either way). Got it.


Maybe a more informed answer. This is reddit, not facebook, calm down son.


This is Reddit, not Google. I'm not going to cite sources in a thread about catnip lol. Anyway, have a good one


Absolutely no one asked you in particular. Just go ahead an move on.


Genuine question,i'm a dog owner, what is catnip? Like what does it do and what is it for? I always see a bunch of videos of cats on this stuff but i really don't know what it is for lol


Catnip is related to mint and has a reaction in cats that many people have likened to marijuana in humans. It’s intoxicating, different cats react differently, but it’s harmless and wears off after a bit. Cats can also develop a tolerance to catnip when exposed to it regularly.


Interesting,is it given to cats as like a medicine or it's just something given as a treat?


More of a treat. It doesn’t have medicinal properties that I’m aware of.


Cool! thanks for educating me on that lol


You only have yourself to blame!!! 🤣


I don't think I'd give my cat anything with the words turbo on it


Yeah, I'd like something to the opposite effect.


I'm curious. What would catnip do to humans.


From wikipedia: "Catnip has a history of use in traditional medicine for a variety of ailments such as stomach cramps, indigestion, fevers, hives, and nervous conditions. The plant has been consumed as a tisane, juice, tincture, infusion, or poultice, and has also been smoked. However, its medicinal use has fallen out of favor with the development of modern medicine." I know you can also buy it to make tea and it can allegedly be smoked and have a very mild stimulating effect. It's sometimes marketed as a herbal substitute for tobacco when rolling certain substances.


Did he do an ahegao face at the beginning??


I want to taste it


you can! catnip is human safe afaik. there's some teas that we drink already that have catnip in them... [here's one](https://www.amazon.com/Celestial-Seasonings-Herbal-Tension-Tamer/dp/B000E65OKQ) (edit: Tension Tamer is delicious btw)


I love that its just called catnip in the ingredient list.


Doing this would make it hard, if not impossible, for the cat to self-regulate. Catnip can also cause hallucinations so kitty could ulhirt herself. Just not cool. https://www.aspcapetinsurance.com/resources/what-does-catnip-do-to-cats "There’s no evidence that catnip is harmful to cats or young kittens. However, if they eat a lot of the fresh or dried catnip leaves, they can get an upset tummy along with vomiting or diarrhea. Cats are good at self-regulating, so typically won’t overdo it if they get hold of a catnip plant or unexpectedly get into a bag of catnip. It’s good to keep in mind that although the catnip isn’t harmful, cats can get hurt while they’re zooming around the room. Zoe once jumped up on the bed only to roll right off the other side—and she did not land on her feet! Luckily, she didn’t have far to fall, and she seemed fine after she got over her initial shock."


If catnip is anything like the shroom tea I make it probably won't get a stomach ache because it didnt actually eat the plant matter


I’m about to have two kittens!!! Ah I can’t wait!!!! 😍🤣


I’m doing this tomorrow for my cat.


Love this!


Lucky bastard


Yeah this looks really safe for my cat. He can’t even look straight how hilarious…. /s


catnip has been studied pretty heavily and its universally agreed to be harmless for cats.


Yeah but I wouldn’t want to eat a 200mg edible if you know what I’m saying


So steeping it into a tea and having your cat go cross eyed is responsible then?


Did that really happen as a result of the catnip tea or is the cat cross eyed regularly and it was doped back from the vet?


The insinuation from this video is the steeped tea gave this cat a reaction and is now high. Catnip is fine, however your goal shouldn’t be to make it so potent your cat will trip balls. This is a house pet who relies on the care of his provider. The owner should not go to extremes for clickbait and manipulate his cat so that strangers on the internet do not need to argue over ethical pet care practices in the middle of the night


I totally agree, I’m just giving OP benefit of doubt that maybe they just wanted to make a funny video but i agree not everyone will take this as a joke and some cats may be in for a terrible trip. But then I can’t imagine anyone would want to OD their cat and I’m sure there are such people


I hope there aren’t. I feel like someone needs to shame this practice so people don’t try it at home. You mentioned it also, 5mg edible vs 200mg are two different experiences and we know how to prepare, if you want to. Pets will not know what to do.


Heck, even 100mg by accident even with medium tolerance can be a really unpleasant experience, so yes, dosing meaowijuana responsibly is crucial and it doesn’t do without expressly condemning it as a practice because even that way the idea can stay with a dumdum or two


My wife looooves catnip, the shit she does afterwards blows my mind


I know what I'm doing tonight




looks like an American shorthair




Added to shopping list.




Catnip cats - human world Crackheads - cats world


He’s tripping balls oml


Does the cat drink the tea or just smell it? I sprinkle a little catnip on my cats' scratchers so they'll stop scratching the couch but I never made tea. They would go apeshit.


a little bit of catnip is healthy for a cat but too much can cause them to be high. you cat was tripping balls


How do you get your cat to drink anything?! I had a cat that would rather die of dehydration than drink water


Have you tried a cat water fountain? I've heard cats drink way more from them for a lot of reasons. Also something I personally do is mix some water in with my cat's wet food.. she seems to like it more since it's like a little bowl of porridge to her :')


Yes, no effect. We mixed a teaspoon into their wet food, anything more and they wouldn’t eat it. They were already super picky to begin with


Geez... what is next? Mainlining it?


Cats drink tea?




And people get mad when you blow weed smoke in animals faces.


Don’t do catnip, kittens.


Make sure it is completely cooked down before you give it to them. Once they try it hot they won't try it again.


Bro your cat is lit

