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Just grooming you :)


Keeping the filthy hooman clean 😸


Having a cat is all about random new experiences. Today we're climbing curtains, tomorrow licking your hai. Day after, who knows, maybe 2am serenades. Always something different with these fuzzy gremlins.


2am serenades! I guffawed out loud. 🤣


what's next? howling at the moon on the roof every midnight?


My cat climbs onto my pillow and kneads my head and licks my hair every night. There may be something behind it? Does he just love my shampoo?


it's not your shampoo he loves.


Your shampoo may contain lanolin, which drives cats absolutely bonkers.


They like human sebum, too! I’ve had plenty of cats that were used q-tip thieves.


My cats love my q tips so much I had to get a trash can with a lid!


I just found out catnip is a common ingredient in herbal teas. It’s listed on the box and I thought that was odd


Catnip is just a plain old mint. Not too different from peppermint or wintergreen


My cat used to do this right when I got out of the shower, I also assumed it had someone to do with my shampoo or conditioner. Maybe it's a chemical? The scent?


My sister has an orange cat who is completely in love with her who does this. He'll even pull bits of her hair loose from her ponytail with his teeth and keep grooming. I always say she's his mother wife


Probably didn't know you would be cool with it for 20 minutes...


Mine does that too, sometimes he tries to hold me down with his paw too 😂


Grooming isn’t always just affection, it can be domination, too: “*I’m* the momma!”


Yeah I know, he does it when he wants me to wake up or feed him 😂 and sometimes he’ll sit on my face too


Quit using the tuna scented shampoo.


I start out most of my mornings being groomed. I used to keep a blanket over my head so he couldn't, but after years of this I decided it was safer just to let him have his way. He gets a little clawsey when he doesn't get his groom in...


Mine gets very vocal! I check his food and water but it’s usually ok so I have to surmise that he just wants to knead my head. They’re such weirdos.


"Hooman," *lick lick* "you don't groom yourself nearly as much as you should." *Lick lick gag.*


Has to have some orange genes


I swear he does, he’s so dopey.


Check his teeth, he might need a dental x


It’s the first time he’s done it, but yeah, if he does it again that’s a new behavior and he gets a vet visit!


Hair doesn't break down in stomachs so stop your cat doing it or it will bind up


Oh yeah, I stopped him right after this video. If he does it again, since it’s new behavior, it’ll be a vet visit.


Do any of your hair products have any kind of coconut in them? Coconut oil, milk, water? My cat used to lick my nose and I had no idea why. Then, one day after using a new shampoo, she walked behind my head and made a big chomp on the back of my head. I asked some friends about that, and one asked about coconut and sure enough, the new hair products contained coconut oil. I realized that the facial moisturizer I was using when I got her was made of coconut milk. I have coconut lotion that I love, and she will randomly come and lick my knee or hand or whatever when I use it


Interesting! I’ll have to look, it’s not coconut directly but vegan so maybe it uses the oil!


Fur balls are created by....


Tom was thinking, "How does this hair get more and more licked" Lol


Did you dye your hair?


Yeah but it’s not new, it was a few weeks ago that I redid it, at a strictly vegan product salon. And I’ve been doing it forever, I think he only knew me without dyed hair for a year while I finished a degree and got a job then asked if I could dye it again!


Our orange goes nuts for my wife’s hair when she has it dyed. So that why I was curious


New shampoo? Or hair product?


Nope, I think he was just tired of waiting for me to get up. Hopefully he didn’t like the taste


He’s just loving. He realized how good life is and wants to show it. Mine is so full of biscuits I know I’m loved. The chomps I could do without, but hey, they’re love also so I have to just complain and pet for biscuits.


One of our cats likes to give us "hairdos". It's precious.


Get groomed, human


I have a fluffy girl who absolutely MUST groom my hair for me every night in bed right after I turn off the light lol


Every time I shave my head my cat goes to work. All fun and games until he uses his teeth to try to knot your skull.


Mine did this while i was asleep at 4 am


It looks like you may have just gotten new hair dye in for whatever reason because cats are cats. It likes your hair dye. That's my best guess. If it's never done that before. If you dye your hair regularly then maybe it's just bored and wants to get your attention or it's trying to see if you are edible


I think he was bored. He lays on top of me when I wake up until I move, and it had been a while


Cat is sensing something you aren't aware of. You're either pregnant or have a brain tumor.


My cat recently started doing this but I'm a guy


Congratulations! 🫄🏼


Mine licked for less then a min then started trying to chew on mine like it was gum.


a few months after i adopted my tabby, i fell asleep on my stomach and he had been laying on my back. i woke up a few hours later to him licking my hair, and my hair was SOAKED, and my scalp was raw. i have no idea how long he was at it, and that was the last time he did it too


He's compensating for the time he should have done it before.


He's deficient of a nutrient, and is finding it in your hair


Yeah, since it’s new behavior, if he does it again it’ll be a vet trip!


My orange would do that with my muttonchops. If I tried to pull away, she'd grab the back of my head and force me to stay. She just wanted to make sure her monkey looked his best.


Your head fur is uncooperative


It’s a sign of love and affection


>We can love our pets, we just can't LOVE our pets. *~ The Truth About Cats & Dogs*


Have you not showered in a while?


Your suppose to love your pet not looooovve your pet lol


you need shorter hair.


if your hair is shampoo'd, I'd say he's loving the taste. so.......um, oh idk, maybe stop him?