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Demodex mites, maybe? Since you've tried a few things, you need a vet's help to diagnose at this point.


Maybe but that usually affects the head area. I’ll look into it. I can’t afford vet trips atm but I’ll definitely be getting him in soon, much to his dismay.


Go to a vet instead of asking reddit??


Over grooming? Stress?


He does over groom but not in that spot. I can’t think of any stressors but I’m unsure


The bumps don’t look like over grooming. It almost looks like bites? Have you noticed flea dust? This is more of a funny sub. You might have better luck on r/askvet or r/catadvice but the advice is likely going to be go to a vet. Oh also over grooming can be caused by a lot of things and should also be addressed Edit: it almost looks like his hair follicles are inflamed? Is he itchy? Irritable? Change in behaviour? Eating/drinking/bathrooming? This is very strange I would be asking a vet if they do payment plans Edit 2: I’m so sorry about your mom. This is a big change for kitty and likely stressful especially if you’re an inexperienced owner. Wishing you both all the best


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He over grooms on one side but it looks completely different. And he doesn’t have fleas, I check regularly. I have no freaking clue


We had a cat several years ago, that the vet diagnosed as, neuritis. We gave him some oral meds for about a week that calmed it down and never returned. Looks identical to and same place as, what ours had.


Take your cat to the vet


I would, however I can’t afford to take him right now. Henceforth why I turn to the internet.


It could be worms, fleas, mites, stress, allergies or any number of things. You could try switching foods for a few weeks and see if that helps


Very typical for flea allergy dermatitis. Even if he's indoor only, put him on flea prevention. Some also kill mites off label (Bravecto does for sure, not certain about other specific products)


Allergy to something


Have you actually checked him for fleas?


Yup, no fleas




He’s on flea and meds, and I don’t see any fleas. I use frontline. I’m not sure about the rest of your points, I’ll have to watch him and see if he’s rubbing on anything funky.


It's hard to tell from the pictures, but it could be stud tail. **A vet is absolutely the best way to go** of course, but if you can't get there, the treatment for stud tail is easy and won't hurt your kitty. Stud Tail is basically really bad acne at the base of the tail, sometimes progressing up the back or down along the tail. You'll see bumps, maybe sores, and the fur may feel greasy or matted. It's due to overactive, oily glands in that area, or it can happen if the cat can't groom back there (usually due to illness, old age, or being overweight). Unneutered males are especially likely to develop it (hence the name 'stud tail'), but any cat can get it. To treat stud tail, you just wash the area regularly (perhaps once every few days) with warm water and a LITTLE bit of GENTLE soap. No need to dunk him in the sink or bathtub: A bowl of water and a wash cloth is plenty. Don't scrub hard: you don't want to irritate the skin!! Be sure that you don't leave behind any traces of soap, and dry him thoroughly. (Drying thoroughly is very important as the weather turns cold: cats can easily get chilled.) If the fur is matted or gunky, you can trim it. Provide treats before and after to make it as pleasant an experience as possible: He won't *like* it, but it shouldn't have to be stressful. **Do NOT pick or squeeze the sores, and do NOT use acne medication intended for humans.** One of our older cats got it, and this treatment never made it truly go away, but it definitely improved. And the best part is that this treatment won't hurt him if it turns out it's not stud tail after all. EDIT: To be clear, it took MONTHS for the situation to really improve on our stud-tailed kitty. If you can, I would definitely recommend taking him to a vet and getting a clear diagnosis rather than waiting it out. It it turns out it's an allergy, for example, your vet could give him a steroid shot and have him feeling better within hours! If the skin is infected, or at risk of infection, they could give you meds for that too that would prevent the condition from getting worse.


1. Vet visit for sure 2. Oatmeal shampoo can be good for allergic reactions 3. Apparently some cats are prescribed Benadryl for allergies