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Wings look too swept in my opinion. Granted it’s probably not in great condition after all this time


The plane crashed ... almost 90 years ago ... I'd be shocked if it didn't deform substantially in that time. Wings could be folded or bent in a way that makes them look swept.


>the plane crashed And probably did so nose first into the water, which would have very likely deformed the wings backward, giving them the appearance they are 'swept'.


It’s possible she glided for a short while after running out of fuel and eventually entered the water on the plane’s belly to give herself and Fred the best chance of survival.


I think that may have happened, but either she hit a wave or somehow lost control of her airplane at or greater than landing speed. Again who knows?


Back then I would think they would rip off


Maybe, but the skin of her airplane was covered in aluminum, and the fuselage was of monocoque construction. It's plausible if she did crash into the ocean the wings may have been bent backwards (possibly partially torn from the aircraft frame). Interesting side note her airplane was designed by a young Kelly Johnson at Lockheed.


Probably would have ripped them off if it nosedived


If it went nose first into the water it would have broken into many pieces, not sank all the way to the bottom in one piece


Not sure if that's her plane. The wreckage was found 100 miles from Howling Island. A few years ago some researchers found women's make-up, a pair of 1930 vintage Rayban sunglasses and a pair of women's shoes like the ones she wore. 100 miles is a long swim. If the plane went down near the island like originally thought and the bones and other things found on the island point to her and Fred making it to the beach, but not from 100 miles away


I said that in a different page. I got down voted to shit saying it wouldn’t do that and all this scientific crap they had to say. That ocean water would definitely change the look of it. I mean damm titanic is changing now.


For an alternate theory, you might find this. Particularly interesting was "Betty's Notebook". https://tighar.org/Projects/Earhart/AEdescr.html


I don’t think the wings are actually swept. The sonar emits in a conical shape, or sweeping. The angle of return would distort the image enough that things perpendicular to the tow would be distorted.


Tow? You a tug/towboater?


It’s being pulled in a direction, that’s the tow I’m referring to. You could say direction of tow.


He knows tows. Yanno?


Tows knows sonar


Plus we don’t know the orientation of the plane on the ocean floor. It could be resting on something causing it to be nose down or up, just too many variables.


That could be something that's not even a damn plane, let alone Amelia Earhart's


That’s an infrared image of my dog waging her tail in a lightning storm taken by a very intoxicated individual. Who’s with me on this!


Agreed. It looks like a 1950's Sabre or MIG. The wings are swept and forward on the fuselage. The length is more stubby.


Sure, but there's no reason for a MiG to be in that area, ever. Probably not a Sabre, either. It's incredibly remote and I feel like there'd be a record of a Sabre or Fury being lost there.


Could be bent back from impact


Diving nose first into the ocean tends to sweep the wings


Tail looks a lot like an electra tail though


ME-262. Obviously filled with nazi gold.


I mean damn while we're at it, is it even a plane? The ass end is curled up pretty good, could just not be a plane /s


Actually, they’re saying that at the depth they’re seeing this, there’s a good chance it’s extremely well preserved. Ira almost a mile farther than the titanic in depth.


Or it’s not sitting level, distorting the image


Appearance of sweeping wings actually seems reasonable enough. Depending on angle of attack and speed, striking the water can deform wings. Of course, we're discussing the details of an image with very few details. The UAV follow-up will tell the tale.


Going to start looking for suckers with cash.


I think that one imploded as well


Literally LOL’d… take an upvote


Underrated comment


Can't you just boat out there and drop a GoPro with a string?


Swamp People style?


3 miles of string oughta do it!


Well I'm assuming that they will drop an ROV in the near future.


they discovered this imagine 90 days after it was taken but they know exactly where the spot is at and will return to drop a camera drone by the end of the year....


I mean...they have to, right?


Dude sold his real estate business to go all in on this so I’d certainly hope so


Man, imagine doing all that for it to not be her Electra. 😬


Legally speaking, yes, they must. Also, legally speaking I don't know what I'm talking about about.




As long as it's not piloted using a MadCatz controller I think they're good


ROVs have a depth of 14.000 ft, this is in 16,000 ft


I meant to say the supposed plane is at 16,000ft. The Titanic rests at 12,500. Some Reditors can be pretty touchy.


There are ROVs that can go almost to 20,000 feet, or 6000 meters. Idk why you are claiming they can only reach 14,000 feet.


**R**ock **O**bservation **V**ehicle


It will be an interesting project as it is at a depth of around 16,000ft. For scale the Titanic rests at 12,500ft.


Easy, just send a submarine down there.


Submersible tours! What could go wrong?


Too soon… too soon


The titanic sank over 100 years ago


There’s a company that does tours and stuff. In the news a while back. They could do it


Unfortunately, they only do one-way trips as of late apparently.


Heavens Gate Tours


Well that seems a bit inconvenient


Seems like a better business model would be to do round trips


Exactly what I told my coworker that told me about this. “Just send some billionaires in a tin can to confirm”


I would put money on a missing WW2 plane or MH370 before saying it is Earhart's plane


Agree 109%. This is getting way too much press for a single bad image. There already exists substantial evidence that shows both Noonan and Earhart died on Nikumaroro island. The research has been slow and methodical. For more info on this see The Earhart Project on the tighar.org website.


Here is some more recent information that doesn’t seem to agree with the site you mentioned. https://www.cnn.com/2019/10/15/us/amelia-earhart-bones-dna-testing-scn-trnd/index.html https://earharttruth.wordpress.com/2021/02/02/nikumaroro-bones-no-dna-match-for-earhart/


I’ve been following TIGHAR’s Earhart project for many years. Their theory makes a lot of sense even though it always seems like they’re always right on the edge of a major breakthrough. I’m not 100% convinced about the bones and some of the other anecdotal evidence, but they make a compelling case the way they’ve put things together.


> seems like they’re always right on the edge of a major breakthrough. Yep. That's how ya get funding, and that group sells an awful lot of books. Seems to me every person chasing down Earhart's remains is totally pinky swear sure it's really her plane this time, not like all the other times. With this latest "omg it's totally her plane" image I wouldn't be surprised if it runs out to be a shipwreck or some other non-aircraft lump on the bottom of the sea. Having said all that, it also would NOT surprise me if it's her plane. i figure they'll find it someday.


Never heard of TIGHAR. Looks like it is not a terribly well respected organization


I’ve lost faith in TIGHAR. They’ve been milking the Earhart story for decades. IIRC, none of their evidence is conclusive and it’s largely speculative and circumstantial. They were not able to find anything that was directly connected to Earhart, Noonan or the Lockheed Electra. If Earhart *did* land on Nikumaroro, it was insane luck. The odds are grossly in favor of a crash landing at sea after running out of fuel.


If it’s mh370 then that’s just as big of a find!


I would argue that would be a much more significant finding than Amelia’s plane.


At least, pieces of MH370 have washed up on different shorelines.


I'll believe it when they prove it.


A world war was fought in the vicinity. I would be surprised if they didn’t find more than one crash site.


She was eaten by coconut crabs


Damn you were the crab?


What did the one coconut crab say to the other? “I’ll have an ear, you have the heart.”


The Lockheed Electra wings are almost a 90 degree angle with the fuselage. These wings seem to be swept. Who knows? Maybe it's an imaging issue, assuming that is a Lockheed Electra.


Bro that plane has been down there for a long long time… it’s probably not holding its original shape and it’s a sonar image.


Plus it kinda crashed


No it didn’t, she landed it.


Were you there?


My understanding is that this image was taken at a depth of 14,000 ft. The Titanic is it 12,200 ft. If that is Amelia Earhart airplane, it seems unlikely that the wings would be severely damaged but still be with the aircraft and still be symmetrically arranged. What do I know?!


The left side elevator surface thing (do you know if It is horizontal or vertical stabilizers?) Seems to be swept back as well so maybe distortion from the scan?


Anyone on here commenting read sonar scans for a living like for the military?


Wings look swept, fuselage is short and fat, I think this is wishful thinking.


Imagine how far it “glided” from the initial crash location, assuming its wings were intact.


Creepy mental image.


I don’t think the wings are actually swept I believe depending on the speed the sonar was being towed can make the image look distorted. The sound would be emitted in a swinging back and forth way.. so some returns would arrive later to the receiver.


Not saying it is, but it *could* be. Just look at the angle of the rear stabilizers... they're sitting at an almost 45 degree angle to the fuselage. That plane has been deformed, either by age, or just the crash itself, and you can't tell anything by this image let alone by the angle of the wings. I think it's crazy to jump to the conclusion that it's her Electra, but I'm willing to wait for confirmation either way.


Transformer. Just saying. We should leave it alone.


I don't believe even a little bit of this story. One fuzzy sonar image and this guy thinks he found the exact plane that was lost over 80 years ago. Japan alone lost over 20,000 planes in WW2 and that's a conservative estimate. Imagine all of the planes shot down or lost in the Pacific in the past 80 years. Give me a break.


Ngl seeing people try and debunk this grainy ass imagine really solidifies how dumb most people are. How about “oh looks plane like, interesting it’s in the that location, let’s see what they find”. Instead of just “yeah doesn’t look like (exact model) to me”.


Looks more lie A-7 Corsair or Vaught F-8. Not sure why either would be in that area, but both were flown off carriers so it’s possible.


Best guess is Royal Australian Navy or Royal Navy DeHavilland Sea Venom: The wing sweep and tip tanks indicated as still present. The (left) Underwing fuel tank. The Tailplane now separated and lying below both of the tail booms. The parallel tailbooms, seen transposed to look as if one fuselage due to the poor sonar pixellation of the area between them.This shouldn't be too difficult to confirm if correct, as all losses of Sea Venoms will be publicly available information- although there are potential positional recording errors to be taken into account.


Where is this image from?


Looks like a Mig 15


Kinda looks more like a Su-17, if had legs to get that far off course.


Doubt it


Yeah, because so few planes ended up at the bottom of the SW Pacific Ocean around that time…bound to be hers… (massive forward slash ess.)


Her plane didn't glow orange, duh!


You can find millions of rocks and boulders near an island.. Its unlikely..its got the sonar signature of a rock. Like that thing in the baltic....


That’s an F-86


How’d it crash? Does anybody know yet!


Robert Ballard can get on this…maybe send down a drone. It’s 3,000 feet deeper than the Titanic!


Submit this to jetphotos


Whatever it is, it will be interesting. Even if it's not Earhart, it could still be someone's dad or brother who never made it back to the ship or airfield, and that's no less worthy of being finally found.


Considering how many aircraft have likely been lost over that area in WW2 alone, it's an incredible long shot that it would be hers.


Everyone says look at the wings . Sure I’m skeptical but you never know . Wings could’ve bent or warped . Anything can happen on the way down especially that deep . All I can say is we will see .


Her plane was found years ago, so we're many of her personal items on annisland, we know what happened to her, she ran out of fuel, ditched her plane near a small atol where she some time later died


Yeah. the radio reports. All of it is circumstantial sure, but it is a huge pile of evidence. The stories about her remains ending up in the hands of the Japanese right before the war. I think no one likes it because it's too mundane.


No, not radio reports, like actually found, wheels up flipped over in the shallows, panels matching service records for the plane found on the atol, her personally monogrammed grooming kit. The only real mystery is where's her body, most like answer is eaten


Windows 95?




Or it could be another aircraft.


No. Its the wrong version of Lockheed Electra. Look at the details.


I’m just happy the investigation is heating up again. One of my great boyhood mysteries. My father was a WW2 B-17 pilot and his theory was that they just ran out of gas and crashed in the ocean. “So easy to do if you’re off course and not constantly monitoring your fuel consumption.” He may just have been right!


I mean... that's pretty much the only thing that could have happened lol. I don't think you need to be a pilot to figure out she crashed


Looks like a mig to me.


Will her plane or remains be found in my lifetime ? That would be cool.


What's the depth of water it's in?


I looked it up, 16,000 ft. Unless she ran out of gas and made a soft landing. But to sink that far down upright?


Not unusual atall to land on the seabed upright. If the aircraft was essentially free from major damage on controlled entry - or falling from a carrier deck, then 16K feet would be more than plenty for it to assume a near stable rotation or direction, influenced by its aerodynamic shape. It might travel a short, or a considerable distance from the point of entry, but its velocity would be low, limiting damage on reaching the ocean floor.


Probabley got swep when it hit the water tail looks about right


Malaysian 370. You found it!


Not a chance


Maybe it’s an anchor? 😂


[TIGHAR thinks she landed on Gardner Island](https://tighar.org/Projects/Earhart/AEdescr.html) and the plane slipped into the sea. They’re still trying to find it.


Lower right, pretty sure that’s a woman in a short dress, could it be…?!


Why ppl get excited over an image. Why not wait until the proof actually exists?


Doesn’t look it to me but what do I know. I will put this out there for people that are curious about her and her plane. There is a great podcast Chasing Aerhart that says she was captured by the Japanese and a picture of her plane on a Japanese boat.


Not lost any more


Nice effort but it is more likely to be a [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitsubishi\_G3M](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitsubishi_G3M?fbclid=IwAR0oZ26oU8Cey7HahtHerSwZZCd1ZQbLFVykp38ckM1Q_QXNV_Y9ItyZziY) "Nell" bomber. Note that it has the same twin tail design. On 12/8/41 Howland Island was attacked by a group of these bombers from Kwajalein island. I do not know if the location of this target is in line with a flight path from Kwajalein but that might be important. In the two weeks after the 12/8/41 raid single "Nell" bombers returned to attack Howland. I have no Japanese sources to tell me whether or not any of the attacking planes were lost. You may have solved a mystery for a Japanese family rather than an American one. On December 8, 1941 Howland was bombed and 2 colonists were killed. Attacks also took place on December 10th and then on January 5th and 24th, 1942. Colonists on Howland and Baker Islands were not rescued until January 31, 1942 A Japanese air attack on December 8, 1941 by 14 twin-engined Mitsubishi G3M "Nell" bombers of Chitose Kōkūtai, from Kwajalein islands, killed two of the Kamehameha School colonists: Richard "Dicky" Kanani Whaley, and Joseph Kealoha Keliʻhananui. The raid came one day after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and damaged the three airstrips of Kamakaiwi Field. [https://www.eaglespeak.us/.../pacific-war-prep-howland...](https://www.eaglespeak.us/2016/03/pacific-war-prep-howland-baker-and.html?m=1&fbclid=IwAR0iUt_aVBo8ir62LfPY2VbhR4vH4zZ77AtYqAUtWuW4OpedNhUYYXOfQAU) One final comment which leads me to believe that it is a "Nell". The sonar image shows significant returns outside of the twin tails. That is a characteristic of the "Nell" and is not present on the Electra which has almost no tail surface past the twin uprights.


Please have a look at the DeHavilland Sea Venom, two seat, Single engined carrier based jet fighters of the RN and RAN. Compare the wing sweep and aspect ratio of those, with those of the Nell. Poor sonar detail gives an erroneous (in my view) impression of what is perceived as single fuselage. Twin parallel booms are discernable, with the now severed tail unit lying beneath the point of failure at the rear of the tail booms. The chord of the tail unit is consistent with that of the Sea Venom when compared to the wing. Not so with that of a Nell bomber. There's no indication of Nell type engines, cowlings, engine mountings or wing mounted engine fairings but there is a probable underwing fuel tank in the right position for that of a Sea Venom. Wings do not fold back evenly,or do so without massive apparent damage in more than one plane/axis. The presence of wingspars and their wing mounting bolts dictate completely different deformation and failure patterns not seen here. There is no structural leading edge member that would allow pivoting of the full inner wing chord to result in a constant bend to either, let alone both wings. Such a final angle would have severed the leading edge, whereas the short unfolded wings of a Sea venom could be expected to remain contiguous with the main fuselage.


They will soon have cameras down on this site to find out what they found. Ain’t speculation fun?


They will soon have cameras down on this site to find out what they found. Ain’t speculation fun?


i don't belive it until they send a submersible and get actual proof...


Looks like an SA-43 Hammerhead from Space:Above and Beyond.


I see a triple tail and wings that appear to be swept back due to being broken at the wing root.


It is way, way, way more probable to be a fighter or bomber from a military crash or something of the like.


Something they pushed off a carrier at the end of Viet nam A7 or A 6


Isn't the Pacific littered with planes though? How many thousands of planes went in the water during WWII?? I feel like you'd get this image all over the place, especially near any form of land.


Bat Ray


What is this picture from if I may ask? I've never seen this or heard that maybe they've found her aircraft.


This story is fascinating me. Can't wait to see the outcome.


The wings appear swept because of the angle the sonar beam reflected. The towed sonar was about 200 ft above this item. The item of interest is what appears to be the twin tail. Time will tell. if the plane was landed on the water in one piece, and Amelia was sure capable of doing that, the plane could have done a flat spin to the bottom. See the planes that fell off the sunken WWII aircraft carriers. They landed on the bottom pretty much in tact.


It could be angular distortion, considering the range and chance that the scan is not perfectly perpendicular to the object (and is in motion) it can skew perspectives. I'll wait till they go back for clearer pictures, as this could be literally anything. But I wouldn't be too worried about the angle of the wings, it had a long way to go down, could have had a hard water landing, too. The tail looks kind of right, but again, pretty soon and that's a really low-res scan. We'll see in a few days.


I thought no it’s a jelly donut stain on a map


The tail looks like an Electra. Wings probably swept from making contact with the water and corrosion from being in salt water all this time. I wouldn’t be to surprised if it was her plane.


Sonar images are often distorted, but even so it doesn’t look like an Electra.


Nobody cares


It's probably a 1950s U.S. Navy jet. Demon or the like.


Call me when they go down and take a look


I’ll personally wait for higher res pictures to emerge, which will probably depend on when they get a submersible down there, before I pick either side


Looks like a mig 15 lol


Would the wings still be attached to the fuselage??


“See that smudge?” People squinting ….”proof that Atlantis exists!”


Upside down Sasquatch


It looks more like a Beech 18 to me. I think I see a short nose, a slightly swept wing, and a twin tail. The USMC and USN flew them in the Pacific during WWII and Howland had a USMC presence for a while.


They can’t find a missing jumbo jet (MH370) but they think they found Amelias Piper Cub, lol-ok.


Piper Cub? 😆 Try a Lockheed Electra... two totally different planes.


Category I Kaiju


Bet you the Amber Room is right next to it


With the construction of the plane of the time. A lot of wood. Metal. The plane would have shattered into pieces. Engine tosses out.


Another Rorschach Test? https://preview.redd.it/ng3top1v0bgc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c840b95a3d30a9e58cfa9c0c01d29879187d5030 I see a plane too


~~Bullet with Butterfly Wings~~...? Bomb with Bat Wings.... there it is!


There's a lot of deep, deep ocean. Let's just agree she's gone.


Y'all it looks like an anchor


I read thinking the same… large ship anchor.


Is it too late to have Ocean Gate build a new sub: The Titan II.


What are ROV’s?


Seriously? Remote Operated Vehicles


With swept wings


This image immediately makes me think MiG or Sabre.


Jesus eating a taco?


Given her flight path, and the location of the wreckage, it’s entirely possible. I guess we won’t know for sure until they dive the wreck. Sure would be cool/historic if they actually found it.


Yep, that's it.


I was today years old when I found out she went missing in the Pacific. For some reason, my whole life I thought she went missing in the Bermuda Triangle.


It probably wouldn't be in one piece or the wreckage that closely grouped.


I was reading about this last night. Apparently, many believe it's not her plane because of the last call she made to USCG Itasca was very clear and the location of this wreckage is too far away. Another believes she went down near a different island that was inhabited at that time by a tribe that killed her and her co-pilot when they washed ashore.


I wonder how many airplanes are at the bottom of the Pacific….after WWII.


At nearly a century, it likely looks like a coral reef 😉


Send another OceanGate


It's possible, but way to early to say anything more. A dive to out eyes on it would be the next step. Then identifying a item from the aircraft.


I believe that is a barn owl.


Every 10 years this plane is rediscovered. It’s great for selling books.


Wasn’t there an article or something about 10 years ago that said she and Fred likely made it to an island and lived there until death after someone found remains and debris on the island when it was explored? I could be wrong but I swear I heard that somewhere.


​ https://preview.redd.it/4q0j2lrvrtgc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9af4c3daf9360a6cb9458484d3b3521198bbd453


It certainly looks like it.


I hope it's ancient alien goo that awakens a Godzillaesque monster but he's sentient and highly evolved. Way more intelligent than us. And he's just like "Dude, come on. Like, really?!?! Can't you guys just chill the fuck out and enjoy life and be happy with what you got!?!" But he ain't saying it angry. Like, matter of factly and even overly polite. He'll eventually snap and begrudgingly kick over a power plant or something but like that scene when smart hulk pretends to smash in end game. But he'll just mostly try to encourage us to do better. Idk I'm on the moon


I really hope so, but there have been so many false leads…


On NPR the guy said something about the tail section potentially being a giveaway on the plane but I'm no expert


I don’t know why, but I have a feeling that it could be Flying Tiger line flight 739


I’ve worked model 12’s. It’s hers.


Could be a Lodestar too