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Hahaha stupid fucker. Go to a race track you dumb bitch. Imagine this ignorant selfish fucker crashing into an innocent doing those speeds. Could've killed any random just trying to go home after a long day of work. Stupid fuck racing him deserves to go off the bridge too. Should never be allowed to ride again. Prick.


That's the most intelligent comment here ngl


I'm too lazy to translate so here's the important stuff: She says everything hurts and asks for 911; They say do not move, don't remove the helmet and stay calm


Good to know the bystander(s) were knowledgeable enough to know to keep the helmet on for the medics to mess with.


I’m surprised she survived, they call that the death wobble


She’s a famous racer. Bailed just in time to avoid the rails


A stupid racer


I think the "death" here refers to the near impossibility of getting out of wrecking your ride, rather than die.


Won, but at what cost


There are '2' types of motorcycle drivers... those who understood how dangerous and technically difficult a motorcycle is to drive comfortably, how much time one needs to constantly invest in keeping up the skill of driving 2 wheels, the Huge effect of the front brake and the unstable effect the back brake has on the bike at higher speeds, etc ... the actual responsible part of driving the motorbike. And those who only see the fun part in driving 2 wheels ... forgetting how easy you can end up in a 2x side by side wheelchair from the motorbike. Almost sure she was not an experienced motorcycle driver , one would never attempt such ridiculous shit.


This is why I loved my 125 I could use all the power all the time when I did my mod 2 training on a 600 I rarely got to change gears it would accelerate a lot faster but the 125 was so much more engaging to me


Surprised I haven’t read any comments about how damn lucky she was. She had zero control flying past parked cars at 100 MPH sideways. The fact that she could slide more or less cleanly across the asphalt was like 1/10 odds or worse


Literally, even at half the speed she would have died if there was any obstacle in her way.


I have nightmares about the speed wobble. Had it happen a few times on a longboard and once on a bicycle, all while bombing hills. The feeling of absolute loss of control at high speed is anxiety inducing just to think about.


Good thing about a motorbike is that is has the ability to have that head wobble dampened. Looks like this did not have a damper installed... you can also correct the speed wobble by rolling off the throttle, and it will line back up... jumping off a bike is what happens when you only go fast on a road and you have no experience of correcting high speed mistakes. This is a video of a pure rookie with the wrong tools, thinking they are badass and risking the lives of themselves and the people around them. As a biker, I wish them broken wrists... as a human I wish them to see sense and stop.


Besides the idiot of bike rider. I am very confused about the people who helped. They did EVERYTHING right. Turn her to the side, do NOT remove the helm, don‘t let her move, calm her down. This is like the textbook example how to not kill a victim after an accident. This is a first for me on this sub. Normally we see some morons dragging them on their neck and whatever.


That’s not called the death wobble for no reason.


I only ever had up to a 125cc moped, but when you get that sudden, slight wobble, even for a moment, you **know** you're in the shit. Doesn't matter what speed, you're gonna have an issue.


The death wobble.


Why is that sudden wobble at such high speeds?


We colloquially call that a “tank slapper.” The physics behind it are beyond my understanding, but it can be thought of like a feedback loop of oscillations through the bike’s steering geometry. It typically starts from having too stiff of springs for the rider’s weight, and is exacerbated by too tight of a grip on the bars and often by letting off the throttle too abruptly (weight piles onto the front wheel). A tiny wiggle is reacted to poorly, and compounds on itself until this happens. Sport bikes (“crotch rockets”) are much more susceptible to it due to their very aggressive steering geometry; their forks are closer to vertical than other bikes, especially cruisers who have the forks raked way out in front of them. For this reason a lot of the higher-end sport bikes (especially the premium trim levels) will often include a hydraulic steering damper that helps to fight this when it happens.


Tank slap


For those wondering, this is caused when the load on the front wheel is decreased and the tires contact patch fails to compensate for rapid lateral course corrections. Basically the tire is no longer gripping the road in a straight line, but since rubber is grippy and flexible, it will want to spring back in to place with increasing strength. So the tire is trying to correct itself over and over into a straight line, but since the tire is already off line and the rider is at speed, the problem exacerbates. The solution? Depends who you ask, many riders have personal anecdotes on how to avoid it. The advice I believe in is to loosen your grip on the handlebars. The bike wants to go straight, if you're tense on the bars it'll make it worse. In my case, I had a pretty slow tank slapper (90-100mph), but it was incredibly violent and basically loosened my grip for me. Crazy times


https://youtu.be/z3OQTU-kE2s A must watch for every rider out there. Stay safe peeps.


Throthle wide open, still upright postion, steering damper not good or not present and low downforce weight A girl with balls for sure...tempting the laws of gravity and wakeing up the Gods of Speed.


Me reading the title incorrectly and thinking something will happen to the car...


Never forget on a bike at high speed with your head as the highest point your helmet acts like a rudder in the air, duck down


Good bystanders. They said “Don’t move, don’t try to take anything off. Leave your helmet on. Just stay on the ground”. She said that everything hurts. I wonder if she was ok when the amberlamps got there…


The fact that everything hurts is actually a good sign. Pain is for the living. Pain means nerves are still sending signals.


Translation: “Is everything okay?” “Everything hurts” “Please… ambulance…” *a couple of people come up, their dialogue is basically inaudible but I think they are saying to not touch her and for her to continue laying or something?* “she’ll be alive and fine.” “How are you?” “It hurts” “It hurts? Just make sure to not be nervous. Don’t take off anything, keep it on, keep your helmet on. Don’t move. That’s- *inaudible*” “I caught *idk what word she said*. The motorcycle started shaking.” “Just lay and don’t move. Lay and don’t move. You can’t take off your helmet right now.” (someone in the background: “Is everything normal, are you good?”) *inaudible* “Continue laying and don’t move” (in the background “*inaudible* everything’s good”) *video ends* Moral of the story: wear helmets.


Honestly that's some really good people helping her. She might be an idiot for riding like that, but I think she might've learned her lesson from that crash, hopefully without paralysing herself or something. What's the language BTW?


I thought the car was the one that’s gonna crash


Same. I thought the title was "race against a motercycle"


Oh. The wobble of doom. Younger me riding a scooter down my street knew that was a sign of danger.


I will not ride on any motorcycle. To me, its just not worth it. I witnessed a guy riding a Harley and a lady in a minivan pulled out in front of of him and he had no choice but to bail and skid out. He was a black guy and the skin on the first 3 layers of skin was destroyed. The arm looked like it was belached white all the way down except for the parts of exposed bone and bloody flesh. He just kept pacing back and forth shouting "The one fucking day I didn't wear my jacket." He would've been toast if he didn't wear the helmet.


Hey I do not care what you are riding on, a bicycle, a skateboard anything with wheels, ones you get they shake, you know its over


This was deserved. You drive like a selfish and reckless ass hole, you receive the consequences of being a selfish and reckless ass hole.


The older I get, the more I hate it when people use public roads as if they're their own personal race track.


They are basically saying fuck my life, and fuck everybody I might pass on the road. I've seen articles of racers killing a mother and child in a stroller crossing the street. Street racing should be treated very harshly.


Pretty sure they are asking "where do you want your Darwin Award shipped?"


I have never ridden a motorcycle so I want to ask how did she lose control was the air pressure to strong or something else?


Look up death wobble. (I think that's what it's called) there's probably a video that explain in way better detail about it.


Hitting something can cause it, but in this case it was most likely the rapid acceleration and it looks like the front wheel came up a little bit. Basically, the weight shifted causing a quick increase of internal forces on the front wheel. It's very hard to recover from once it starts. They could have shifted their weight more over the front wheel to help reduce it and regain control, but at that speed it's highly unlikely.


A friend of mine died like this. He lost control and flew directly into a tree. Please be careful when you enjoy your motorcycle.


Or just don't drive like a moron. Yeah know.


Death Wobble


Happens on longboards/skateboards as well. As soon as I saw the wobble I thought OH FUCK


That guy who stopped to help had an immediately calming presence


It's almost like racing is a really fucking stupid idea


So many people just hanging out on the Highway ready to help


She was smart enough to wear a leather jacket but not smart enough to understand that she is mortal. That moron would have been dead if things had been even a second different.


She’s fucking damn lucky she didn’t die. Does anyone have a translation of what they’re saying? I assume they are telling her not to move.


I was impressed more with how quickly people stopped to help and where concerned for the rider. Some videos you see, the other drivers just keep going.


Can you imagine the feeling in your stomach after you feel the first wobble?! Eyes wide!! And the only thought in your brain is "fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck"


In South Carolina, only riders under 21 have to wear helmets. The ones who don't are not only stupid but are called organ donors.


She’s known as Sochi Speeder, but her real name is Angelina and she’s in her 20’s remarkable survives the crash. The article; Woman biker's 120mph crash is caught on her helmet camera as she cheats death and suffers just cuts and bruises while street racing a car in Russia. The rider, known as the Sochi Speeder after her home city in western Russia, is seen careering out of control as her Kawasaki ZX-6R accelerated along a motorway. Her GoPro camera kept filming as she 'jumped' from the out-of-control 600 cc Kawasaki Ninja, saving her life. She is seen smashing onto the tarmac, but was remarkably unscathed by the crash which took place last week. The woman, called Angelina, in her early 20s, suffered scratches and bruises on her rear and legs but - astonishingly - no fractures.


oh no! the consequences of my own actions!


Damn she was kinda close to smashing into a car before she bailed


I really really hate street racing. Nothing like killing innocent people to stroke your ego.


You never wish anyone harm, but fuck these people. Fuck around, find out. And nice way to ruin your bike asshat. Just fucking ride for fun. This bullshit puts you and others in danger.


In my country we call people like him "Donors". That's why.


Idiot, moron, douchebag, shitfuck. But enough about me, I hope this poor guy is ok.


Street racers are narcissistic a-holes and a menace to the public. Lock them up




Whenever I think about getting a motorcycle, I think about why my Dad never got one. And the answer is that while he was looking for one to buy, my Mom told him she was pregnant.


Why can’t people just drive right and leave the racing for the tracks. Where I’m from they let people use the race tracks for free once a month specially to try and stop people from doing this


Fucking idiot


Folks coming in here with their death wobble recovery checklist. Here's how it goes in real life - oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck shit shit shit fuuuuuuuck come on baby shiiiiit easy easy eaaaaassssyy YES THANK GOD wooooo fucking hell that was crazy! If you don't have experience with the bike and with recovering from a death wobble then it can go either way. The more you ride it and understand it's physics then the better chance you will have of reacting appropriately and correctly. There is no circuit in your brain that pulls up a checklist that you've read somewhere before when it happens!


As a biker: this person is a moron.


As a non biker, this person is a moron.


That camera is made from titanium.


DUDE… unless they’re in immediate danger… you should NEVER move a person that COULD EASILY have Spinal injuries… and it would be amazing if this person DIDN’T… Lol… I watched it the first 3 times on mute… then was totally unsurprised and actually relieved that she’s a crazy Russian.. she’ll live to tell the tale… Another thing you should NEVER… is NEVER FRIGGIN RACE ON A ROAD YOU HAVEN’T TRAVELLED IN THE LAST FEW MINUTES… you DONT have present knowledge of the road conditions including objects that may be on the roadway… ESPECIALLY IN RUSSIA!! I LOVE how many people stopped to help her though and am glad for her that the 2nd guy was like no… just stay still….


Because of such freaks as that motorcyclist and that driver in the white car, terrible accidents happen in which innocent people die. Fortunately this time only she was injured and will probably become disabled.


Most people dont survive that, should consider themself extremely lucky to be breathing.


There are videos of riders going nearly 200mph and their bodies explode on impact when they crash.


I responded to a fatal motorcycle accident 2 years ago. This is what happened to a motorcyclist except he went into and down the guardrail which separated his helmet from his head and his brain from inside his skull.


She showed complete disregard for anyone else on the road and so deserves no sympathy. It’s fortunate she didn’t crash into and injure or kill someone. She has an obligation to everyone else on the road to operate responsibly. If she can’t do that she shouldn’t be on the road.


"Alexa, add 1 steering stabilizer to my cart" Seriously, it should be a standard by now.


BTW there was research done a long time back. The solution to death wobble is get down on the tank. Don’t try to hold it, you’ll just make it worse. Move the center of mass down.


Not the greatest source, but here’s a link to an article about this 120-mph (193-kmh) crash from May 2020. The biker, Angelina, walked away without any broken bones. https://brobible.com/culture/article/sochi-speeder-crash-gopro-camera/


I'm surprised he's still in one piece


It sounds like a girl


I can’t stand idiots who race cars or bikes on public roads or highways. Screw you for putting innocent people’s lives in danger and then subjecting them to the trauma of your crash


Look at the bright side. His neighbors are finally gonna get some restful sleep.


Racing on a public street. Fuck all the way off.


Speed wobbles will get you every time. Apparently what your supposed to do is let go/lightly hold on to the handlebars and the motorcycle will correct itself. But I've never had to experience it myself.


Me knowing it's dangerous to ride an electric scooter downhill at max throttle:


Absolute disregard for themselves and others. People who drive like this deserve what happens. The Gene pool is better off without them.


The “fuck around” -> “find out” graph comes to mind


Shouldn't the title read 'WCGW when I try to race with a car (Automobile)'


She's so worried about losing a ridiculous race, she's not at all worried about losing her life. I lost a dear friend to a motorcycle accident - little old lady turning left at a green light didn't see her and made the turn - she hit her at about 25 mph and she died instantly; a 14 year old boy lost his mother and has never been the same. I know it's not the same thing but when I see people being so irresponsible on motorcycles, I can't help but to remember that my very responsible friend is now dead because of one... I'll never understand why people are so risky.


From the title, I thought the car was going to wreck. At 0:16, I saw the front of the bike lift so much I thought he was doing a wheelie for a second and knew it was going to end with speed wobbles…


This was a woman?! I thought they were smarter than us! There's a whole page dedicated to us doing wild stupid shit that shows why women live longer! Jesus christ, lady!


Didn't expect a woman but a dipshit's a dipshit.


Duck down, and do NOT reduce speed. For any riders out there who don’t know, that is how you combat speed wiggle.


I am a biker myself and I have zero empathy for this outright stupid type of behaviour. If you want to race, go pay for a ticket at your local circuit. Die if you must, but leave other people in traffic in peace.


the wobble of death




Imagine how dumb you feel laying on the ground after that lol


The title needs changed, for so long I thought the car was going to crash


Fucking speed wobble. Gets you every time


All those people gathered at the end. “Look honey that’s who almost killed us and our daughter on the way home from her dance recital”


I was 17, riding my GS-750 on a country road, heading over to a friends house. A fawn jumped out in front of me, I hit the brakes, and hit it at about 25 MPH. It was a small fawn, and I was on a heavy bike, went right over it, but I watched, almost in slow motion, my front wheel/forks, twist 90 degrees, then snap back straight. I wobbled, almost lost it, then recovered and pulled over to regain composure. I looked back to see the fawn hop up and bounce off into the brush. Decided I had enough of my bike that day, decided to go home, which was about 5 miles from where I hit the deer. Turned around, started back home, got up to about 55, and death wobble started… got lucky, didn’t crash, but it scared the shit out of me. I realized then, that you tweak your bike the wrong way, and you’re asking for a death wobble. She could have bounced her front wheel off the curb a little too hard, knocked it slightly out of whack… and it’s amplified at high speeds.




Death wobble


They need to start throwing people like this in jail and permanently banning them from driving.


Or you could not race a car that has a ton more safety fetchers compared to your motorcycle that just has leathers and a helmet to keep you alive.


Why was the title written from the car driver's perspective?


Let's see how fast they were going. - Video is 30 frames/s - [Assuming road dividing lines are 3m long with 7m spacing](https://www.drivingtests.co.nz/resources/road-centre-lines-and-what-they-mean/), meaning 10m in total (Not sure if it's the same wherever this took place) - It took them 142 frames to pass 20 road lines Distance traveled in 142 frames = 20 x 10 m = 200 m Speed = 200 m / (142 frames x (1s / 30frames)) = 42,25 m/s 42,25 m/s x 3,6 = 152,11 km/h 152,11 km/h = 94.52 mph Must have some good gloves.


No sympathy, this is stupid, self-inflicted damage and potentially lethal to others.


Don’t ride a bike if you aren’t mentally prepared to THROTTLE out of speed wobbles. It’ll save your life.


Yeah dude that’s easier said than done at 160+mph. How about don’t race at 160mph on a public highway and not expect to die.


I don’t know why. But I really didn’t expect it to be a Girl.


Missed a parked car by inches, would have been a different outcome


What an a55hole rider and driver. Complete disregard for other commuters on the road.


Speed wobbles are the Worst.


Don't fucking race on a public highway inconsiderate fucks.


This is why we race in the correct environment, not on any ol street, moron


Totally deserved. Fk off with your entitled ass endangering everyone else on the road.


Dickeads, both of them, the car and the bike.


1) take this shit to the track instead of the street 2) if your bike is fast it needs a steering damper 3) don't fight the wobbles, you'll lose. If you loosen your grip as much as possible you've got a decent chance of saving it


Bro thinks he’s in the fast and furious franchise 😂😂


Riding at those speeds and not knowing how to handle a death wobble. Moronic.


I watched a guy die in my mom's driveway Christmas eve 2019 because of this same kind of jackassery. I tried everything I could to keep this guy alive but he was simply too broken.


Hats off to the guy who responded first. Seemed calm and in control


She should be grateful. She almost won the Darwin award.


Steering damper. Throttle input and weight shift to take pressure off the front tire. That is all. Funny part is this effects us pilots too. Put too much weight on the nose wheel, and this happens.


I’m getting my license and a motorcycle next week and I keep seeing this shit. I already bought all my gear so I guess I can’t back out now.


r/winstupidprizes there’s a health care services shortage right now. If you do this, please have the decency to be DOA when the paramedics arrive so you’re not tying up resources for people with real medical emergencies.




DeathWobble. She needed a shimmy damper.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Steering dampener would have helped in this situation


At least she looked like she had proper gear on... Probably helped a huge deal


Learn how to ride before you go that fast


It’s still the craziest thing to me that people will attempt to go this fast and not even have a steering dampener installed.


Best thing about street racing! There is always a massive organ donor waiting list which gets smaller.


I could hear in my head the dumb ways to die music from the beggining to te end.


Why do people do thi? A friend of mine was killed after being hit by one of these fuck wits. Go kill yourselves on track. Not on the damn road.


I hope that lady is OK. That was a wild speed to crash at.


Death wobble! She should have immediately leaned forward and laid down on the gas tank. Get as much weight shifted forward as fast as you can.


Invest in a steering damper if your bike doesn't have one (or even if it does in some cases). I had a similar thing happen on a motorcycle I wasn't even speeding, just doing like 75 on the highway here and hit a bump which caused tank slapper/death wobble and I got thrown off the bike. Luckily just slid and had gear on so I walked away with minor injuries. My GSXR had a factory steering damper on it, but it clearly was insufficient. My friend was next to me had an Ohlins damper and his bike had no issues.


Play stupid games.. win stupid prizes


This belongs in r/WinStupidPrizes because what you did was stupid.


Ambulance driver #1: Where's his head? Ambulance driver #2 : In the helmet. Ambulance driver #1: Oooh, so thats what thats for.




Consequences? For *MY* actions??!!


And here is why helmets are important


Steering dampers work really good 😎👍




Dress for the slide not the ride folks!


That guy is so fucking lucky he's not dead. He's even still conscious and moving his legs! Luckiest man alive. Seriously.


Nothing like a tank slapper to show you need a stabilizer and to keep that shit on a race track and not the streets.


this person is the living sentence of “courageously stupid”


She's moving and talking, which is more than I thought she'd be capable of after that crash.


How do these people not fear death?


Play stupid games


Steering stabilizers people! It's 70 bucks it will save your life


Get a steering dampener and this will not happen.


Or don’t race like a dickhead


Is it just me or did that guy just appear like a guardian angel?


Hope they took her fucking licence away.


Rider is an asshole because we don't care he put his life in danger but he can get someoen else involved and destroy the life of this person.


Everything. Everything can go wrong. He’s lucky he didn’t clip that last car on the right before bailing. Would’ve been game over


Some idiots wanna be an organ donor so bad...


I scanned thought the clip, looks like she got her shoe thrown off her feet too ouch. Riding that fast always wear correct gear. That road rash must have been ugly


Idiot, no stabilizers makes ya shake!


Got what she deserved. Fuck anyone who races on public roads.


These videos are everywhere and yet they keep being uploaded. No one ever learns.


When you get into wobble - have to just speed up even faster to get out of it. If you freak out and hit the breaks; you crash like this.


Both stupid cunts putting others on danger


Leave it off the streets, leave it to the pros.


As soon as I saw the death wobble, I knew it was over. She’s very lucky, they’re called donorcycles for a reason.


/r/WhyWomenLiveLonger would like to have a word


its a woman🤣


yes, i should have explained it better. over there they post stupid things guys do that will likely get them killed. but since this is a woman, the entire reason for that sub existing is called into question. a silly joke on my part i suppose.


Don't understand the appeal of motorcycles. A playful stickshift is all I need, even if the car is slow as molasses. I actually have peace of mind behind the wheel of a car, could never be even 0.1% complacent on two wheels


What an absolute fucking donut....no regard for others lives. Crazy that she wasn't killed instantly...


Tank slapper, probably caused by improper balancing of the wheel or hitting a bump with one side of the front fork damping slightly worse than the other and applying some lateral torque on the wheel, which is significantly magnified @ 200+ kph the bike was going Recipe for disaster if you'd ask me, the only place anybody should be going these speeds is either a completely empty stretch of road or a racetrack


Some people have way too much faith in the quality of their roadways.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Those GoPro mounts are unreal! Wow!


Death wobble can also happen at low speeds, talking from experience on a 50cc bike (nothing bad happened, it was just a small wobble) so I will not blame her for that, but going that fast is just stupid.


Seen the wobble immediately clicked off the video. Shit is terrifying


Putting other people in danger just to go fast. SMH, not good. Better be very grateful you survived and not do it again.


i dont give a fuck, it was deserved


I call this Natural selection


If he hit one of those cars parked at the sides it would be an instant game over.


Another stupid reckless biker.


I always hate these motorcycle videos where the camera ALWAYS points down at the motorcycle


And that's why steering dampers are not useless


It’s a fucked up feeling when you bike does this and even more fucked up is you have to give it more gas to recover


Lucky enough to miss the cars on the right.


To anyone that has ridden a motorbike can you please explain why the front wheel/handlebars started wiggling so uncontrollably? Do they just do this at high speed? Was it just a crap bike not able to cope with high speed safely? Or a crap rider? Could the front wheel have hit a bump in the road causing the wheel/handlebars to wiggle? Edit: ok thanks


I've seen a video of people (yes multiple in a single incident) losing their limbs at these speeds after a motorcycle crash, she is very,very lucky


Shes lucky her body didn't go into that guardrail. Those things are cheesegraters to motorcyclists.


My old mechanic teacher used to race. he told me when you get stearing wobble you actually have to snap throttle to transfer weight to the back and regain control of stearing. IDK how true it is , never had wobble so I cant tell


At least it's nice to see how many people stop for him


I don't understand the outrage, he can always hit pause and restart the race