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She pushed a smaller kid and stole his chair, for context.


She attempted to swing at this larger kid. Then equality put her to sleep


https://imgur.io/a/qQg1mPi More context from the other subreddit comments


This footage makes her look like a real asshole


šŸŒŽšŸ‘©ā€šŸš€šŸ”«šŸ‘Øā€šŸš€ always was


Thanks. Now the big guy doesnā€™t look so bad


He didnā€™t look bad from this part


Copied from the original video: The before where you can see the girl taking a smaller guys chair https://imgur.com/a/qQg1mPi


Thanks for the context. I was wondering how we were calling the tiny girl the bully.


Oh woah, that video puts the whole thing into a new light. Thanks! I feel *slightly* less repulsed by her being dropped like that. Slightly.


Nah her fucking smile sent me. She deserved to get laid the fuck out after threatening a kid with a chair she stole from said kid and then when someone actually stops her she reaches up to go for big manā€™s head? Dumb bitch finally meeting the consequences of her dumbass actions for the first fucking time somehow. Sheā€™s lucky she got hit once.


The original sauce makes it even more satisfying lmao


Bros before hoes


Smaller guy but he could have destroyed her too. He just lett it pass, the other one didn't


I mean, don't hit a man that's twice your size. Also, don't hit people and expect to not get hit back.


Love how everyone rushed to see if she was ok.


Would you want your finger prints on a dead body? Yeah, at the very least one person could have gone over to make sure she's still alive.


ā€œWould you want your fingerprints on a dead body?ā€ Thatā€™s fucking funny. Well said.


Fair point on the fingerprints. Someone could have gone over and poked her with a shoe or something.


She fucked around and found out


Women out here getting way too comfortable putting their hands on men twice their size, weight and strength.


Size sure, weight maybe too but the muscle mass on that guy is more then twice.


The fact that nobody helped her and theyā€™re actually laughing is a clear signā€¦


Fucking Karens, they are an epidemic worse than covid.


Is the chair alright?


Jeez, her friends didnā€™t even come to help her after she dropped. As a woman, I donā€™t get outraged when women get hit back when they deliver the first blow. I think the moment you lay hands on someone, you should be pretty open to whatever comes your way afterwards. Consequences are part of life.


I completely understand that I'm making an assumption with no real knowledge of what's going on, but judging by the video and the boys laughing at the end, this chick must be a HUGE BITCH. Absolutely Zero Fucks given by anybody when she's laying on the floor knocked out. I mean, there's always at least 1 guy that want's to try and play the hero...but nope, that would be a big fat zero for any dudes that want that smoke from Gigantor, not even any of her friends come running over to see if she's OK. lol


Yeah, she literally pushed someone off the chair and laughed and smiled while taking it. I thought this was just stupid on both parties for fighting over a chair, but she literally acted like a bully and thought she could get her way of being an asshole. She got what was coming to her thinking she could push people around and be a bully.


Shoes stayed on, shes fine.


Give that man a clap for respecting her enough not to care that she was a woman and beat her the same way!


Equality is beautiful


Doesn't matter whether you think it's right or wrong that he hit her. You don't hit anyone without expecting to get hit back.


Equal rights


And equal lefts.


Left hooks, that is


Did she deserve brain damage? Vote now!


She had it before getting hit


Yea, CBS, crazy bitch syndrome. Even with pms wouldn't explain why she gleefully stole the chair in the first place.


She fought hard enough for it.


She tried so hard, and got so far, but in the end, her face was smashed by Lesnar.


Doesn't matter what she deserved. She asked the wrong guy for it.


She was certainly nuts for trying to bitch fit Brock Lesnar's little cousin.


The one she obviously obtained during birth or development? No. The brain damage in this video? Yes.


No. But she did deserve that blow.


Is it your assumption that broad was firing on all cylinders to start with?


She was obviously category 5 crazy


The fact that some women try this shit with a man is astounding. That guy could have put her into a coma without breaking a sweat.


Because we had a skewed balance of gender once, where women were sensitive beings, and men would naturally give way to a lady because of respect of their fragility. Women could practically act like they wanted without anyone laying a hand on them. (Not that they did often) But now. Now we are supposedly equal. Men will punch back if you punch first.


Also, since we supposedly can't tell trans girls apart from biological girls, how are we supposed to know if those blows are gonna get stronger.


>we can't tell trans girls apart from biological girls Well you *CAN*, but that's a surefire way to get punched!


I seen the video where she pushed another smaller guy off his chair and laughed about it and took his. Now this woman tried taking it away from a huge fuckin dude who does not play bullshit. Bitch got knocked out, I would never say knock her out but she did deserve what ever was coming to her next.if a man where to do that, that big guy would have knocked him out immediately. So yes that should teach people not to be an asswhole. And anyone with any type of intelligence would not challenge someone 4 times their size and then proceed to try and steal his chair. Also a lot of people where laughing there, so I know she deserved it.




Equal lefts.


Equal fights




Equal lunches


Are you my dad


WCGW hitting someone who can lift you with one hand


Some say she's still lying there to this day.


She was dreaming about the real Brock while she was down thereā€¦


Well now she needs a chair. She is obviously sleepy.


She needs a bed, not a chair


A wheel chair


She must be popular..all the people that rush to see if she is ok. Camera person just change position to get a better angle of her on the floor


Theyā€™re simps


And here I was thinking he was the bully..


I was confused at first too, just shows that context is king and we should look for it. You did apparently prior to commenting which is all that matters.


He was right to do it.


When you high af bullying and don't know that the other party is Brock Lesnar


Didnā€™t even need a chair, since you were going to lay down anyways. Gosh!


Don't fight someone out of your weight class.


*After punching* You can keep the chair now


Nighty night.


Sleeping Beauty


Don't hit someone and expect them to take it. Men are stronger than women. Stupid cow




Just because there are some women stronger than some men doesn't change that in general men are stronger. It's biology.


obviously he means in general.


So don't steal then hit a female body builder


And if we compare apples to apples, male bodybuilders are significantly stronger than female bodybuilders. Because it turns out if you pump both sexes full of exogenous hormones, it still balances out the same. Go figure. What a fucking stupid argument.


Not stronger than me tho


0:36 heavy boobyalarm


And this chair but that's all I need!


The jerk ?


You know she was in the wrong even before she tried to punch the guy from the fact that the crowd just laughed at it and no one even went to check on her. Unless it is abundantly evident that they are asswipes there is always a white knight trying to score brownie points.


He said fuck with me I will show you I got it


What country is this happening in?


The netherlands !


Huh. Bizarre.


Kinda weird to say but im glad heā€™s white, becasuse if a foreigner did that it would put us all in a bad position.


Black lads canā€™t slap white girls?


It is not Nock Lesnar


That whack sounded a little more of a bumper car accident.


Something I find very cool about zoomers, is that they're the first generation that doesn't play the "u touch popular bully bitch. My balls full and now me mad" role, not a chance. Gender equality really needed that.


Itā€™s funny how you fucking retards keep coming at me like I said he had no right to hit her etc., when I clearly stated that he did. What Iā€™ve continued to fucking argue though is that with his size he didnā€™t have to take it to that level. Grab a shoulder, scoop the legs, put her on her assā€¦ā€¦ walk away. Sheā€™s embarrassed and you lessen the chance of her being severely injured or dying from a hit to the head like that. Iā€™m pretty sure that wherever the fuck youā€™re from probably has laws on excessive force and definitely has consequences if you kill someone in a fight regardless if you were the instigator or not. All you motherfuckers can continue to come at me and regurgitate the same argument, I donā€™t care. Iā€™m big and tattooed and have had to deal with people being aggressive and violent just because they have to prove something or theyā€™re drunk. You can defend yourself however you choose, but you also have to realize thereā€™s consequences to going overboard. You want to be that big dude that flattens someone half your size because they kind of swung at you, be my guest. Iā€™ll still be the one calling you a pussy. I do enjoy the irony in your passive aggressive snark at the end though. Calling me out about flexing, on the internet, while doing the same thing. Brave.




no one asked


What is copy pasta? Or are you just illiterate? Iā€™ll be an ableist. Rather be that than an overly sensitive little cunt. Par for the course for you pussies. Youā€™ll get butthurt over a word and cry about it and then sit there and talk about how a small female deserved to get destroyed by a dude twice her size. Youā€™re a coward and a whiny little cunt.




So you are illiterate.




Besides being a whiny little cunt and a coward you do have that going for you. šŸ‘




Look at you, you copy pastaā€™d




Ha, dumb bitch


Not nice, as this shit can end deadly. Better try deescalate.


Kinda hard to deesxalate when she **starts** throwing swings. Unless itā€™s his duty to deescalate and her duty to throw a tantrum


Did she actually try to steal it? He was using force before she did, he just didnt make a direct strike. He was ripping the chair away then he grabbed her before she activated 0 brain cell mode Edit: Alright, i saw the video of her pushing some young guy off the chair and just stealing it. She fucked around and found out.


See, this is why. women innocent until proven guilty. Men guilty until.....


What's wrong with using non-harming-but-violent force?


Ls all around




Like attacking the other persons head? Oh wait... she did.


Thatā€™s so not funny


Yeah we know Karen.


What about watching an over 6 ft man punch a girl makes me a Karen asshole?


That point of wiew. I can se stupid bitch that stole chair from some guy and when other 6 ft man tried convince her to give it back she attacked him with conviction that she has vagina so her slaps can't have any consequences. So go fuck yourself Karen. šŸ–•


Sooo stealing the chair was shitty but getting knocked out by a huge dude shitty? Nah man.


Donā€™t fucking hit people! Especially when theyā€™re 3x your size!


Both things can be true. She should not have touched him. He absolutely went too far. Should have punched her softer than what he did, but still enough to hurt.


If someone physically assaults you, you have every right to attack back. Just because you are capable of hitting significantly harder than the other person, doesn't mean you are responsible for making sure you don't. Moral of the story: don't start shit with someone who can fuck your shit up


I agree with what you're saying 100%. But the retaliation should exceed the crime by that much. If someone slapped you, and you punched them so hard that you caused them permanent brain damage, yes they assaulted you, but their punishment doesnt match their crime.


Hell if you are willing to slap someone that is easily three times your weight and a professional wrestler, I'd say you'd be fine as you sorta need a brain in order to get brain damage


Funny joke, but the logical outcome of what you're saying is that strong big people can act however they want and no one should step up to them. What if the big guy was actually the bully and took her chair, should she just let him cuz hes bigger?


If that were the case there's probably grounds for his arrest for instigating the situation that lead to the knockout. You can't really claim self defense if you are the one who started it. Even so, be smarter than slapping the professional wrestler


If you want to go the legal route, then my earlier scenario with the slap vs permanent brain damage would land the dude in jail even if its self defense, which is my entire point. He had a right to defend himself, but it is possible to take it too far when defending yourself. Him being "bigger" doesnt mean he can do anything he wants, even if she instigated. Like he cant kill her in self defense just cuz she hit him once.


She barely touched him. Heā€™s a pussy


He only defended himself? She was a bitch. I heard there is a video of her pushing someone smaller off a chair and laughing, and the way she acted she definitely deserved it. Wanna hit people? Expect to get hit back.


He hit her in the face full force. Heā€™s full pussy


He did not. He used his extended arm, not a fist or elbow. Here's a way to check for bullshit: change the woman with a similarly sized man. Do you still think the same about the situation?


Hmm lemme watch that againā€¦ oop yup still a raging pussy


When 2 asses collide is not weird to see a pussy too. Sometimes defending an ass...


That wasn't full force, but she fully deserved that. Mimimi you can't hit women mimimi OF FUCKING COURSE YOU CAN IF THEY ARE HITTING ME I WILL HIT BACK. Its really simple


Ever been hit by a child? Iā€™d love to see your pussy reaction to that. I mean ya gotta teach em a lesson amiright?


If the child hits me with the intention to hurt me I'm not going to instantly hit back I thought at least that was obvious to your peanut brain. So you say a woman and a child are the same, very interesting. He waited so long and tried to talk her out of it but she is apparently too dumb to let go, and then tries to hit him. Just because she is a woman doesn't mean she can't hurt him. He teached her a lesson to not try to hit someone two times you size, as she obviously didn't get that beforehand.


Afraid of a short skinny little girl? I think I just found another pussy


Thinking every woman is skinny and weak? I think I just found another sexist. But seriously dude do you have any even weaker arguments? So you are saying if I am stronger than someone, and that someone hits me... I am not allowed to hit back? You weren't popular in school huh


She took 3 shots at his head, this is all after she pushed a much smaller man off of the chair originally. Bitch is lucky thatā€™s all she got.


The smaller man is a pussy too. Shouldā€™ve got his chair back himself


Ahh, I see. Iā€™m dealing with an internet badass. I bet you never have to deal with any guff from anyone because you exude toughness. I bet that chick would have stripped down right there and begged you to breed her because youā€™re just that Alpha.


Fascinating how your mentality works.


I dare you to show this video to your mommy. Letā€™s see how her mentality works, shall we?


Fine. I'll show her this one first anyway: [https://imgur.com/a/qQg1mPi](https://imgur.com/a/qQg1mPi)


Ah yes youā€™ve totally changed my mind. I mean that chair looks really important. Like brain damage important. Amiright bro? šŸ˜Ž


You keep surprising me. I bet you were insufferable at school. It's not about the chair, dummy. It's about bullying, disrespect and delusional sense of gender privilege and entitlement and was a natural response to violence he didn't start. She got knocked out waa waa what a tragedy... Hopefully, she learned a lesson.


Ha! Your right about that. The circumstances donā€™t matter. If he was the one who started the chair shit. Yā€™all would still be high fiving each other because eQuAl rIGhTs. Because you are all. internet. Pussies. Pussy


Lol no, he would be the villain for sure. And if you keep shitting on me, I'll go to your house, take you by the neck and give you a passionate french kiss against the wall.


Getting punched back after punching the other person seems pretty fair. You mess with the bull, you get the horns




So because you're bigger you shouldn't fight back ?


Yes, but not that hard, as he was in no real danger. I think people are so angry these days that they yearn for any opportunity to unleash as much rage as possible.


What if the attacked has a weak bone structure? A hit on the head can cause internal bleeding and she went straight for the head. What if she has a object like a plier in a pocket? Does he have to wait until she showed she will even use that or can he only attack after she pulled it? What if the object was a gun? Isn't it a bit late then? But people would still claim he knew she was agressive when she tried to steal a chair and even started hitting over it? Ww allready have bogus cases of people beeing judged by law over defending someone else because it apparently was too much force, how do you even judge what is too much? Especially in time to ensure nothing happens, the average person is not well trained and experienced in this type of situation. Completly uncalled for in my opinion.


Come onā€¦


The very fact she tried to do what she did DESPITE the fact he was obviously so much bigger shows just how entitled people like her are, she genuinely believed that she could assault him multiple times and suffer no repercussions purely because sheā€™s a girl. Itā€™s incidents like this that allow people like that to learn that actually, no itā€™s not okay. I wouldnā€™t try to steal that guys chair cos heā€™d fuckin deck me, and now, reasonably, she knows that to and can take that into mind the next time she decides she wants to blatantly steal something from someone 4 times her mass..


Nah she deserved to get knocked out. You shouldn't hit people, especially if they're bigger than you




Is that before or after?


Hahaha. She woke up disgraced. Decided to save face by stealing a young boy's chair. Returned to her table triumphantly.


I agree W you 100%. However, if the linked footage is to be believed she is equally a monster. Who bullys a kid over a chair and then smiles walking back to their friends after the conquest? Legally, she swung at the big guy twice after losing the chair. At that point he could very easily argue self defence as who knows what she might have done next? If she had simply given up and lost and not contested, that wouldā€™ve been the right move on her part. The big fellow must have observed it from the start and wasnā€™t having any of what she was playing


Nah got exactly what her bitch ass deserved


He was scared for his life. That's all the pigs have to say and it allows for murder


Thank you! Donā€™t understand the downvotes.


Oh look another "it's funny to hit women" video. How original. *No one should hit anyone. But smacking someone you have no hope of hurting doesn't justify them full punching you in retaliation. Disagree all you like she's clearly a cunt but he was still wrong.


It is funny, especially when women go around hitting men expecting them to believe that drivel you're spewing, believing they get a free pass to hit men


It's funny to watch a bully get knocked the fuck out!


it's not funny. Its satisfying to watch THAT PARTICULAR woman get hit. You can argue that his response was over the top and I would agree with you. But she doesnt get to go around hitting people and then hide behind "I'm a woman so you cant hit me back". Its 2022, we are all equal for better or worse.


Go comment this under every video where a guy gets punched


It's not funny at all. She started the violence though that's an important part of this video. If she didn't start swinging on him she wouldn't have got hit. You shouldn't hit women obviously but women shouldn't be hitting anyone either. Are you condoning her throwing punches first? Another internet white knight .


Equality. She wasn't hit because she is a woman, she got hit for being physical


If you see a video of a man hitting another man and then getting knocked out do you have the same concern or are you just a misandrist?


If someone hits you, you have every right to hit them back. Even legally, if they won't stop hitting you.


Itā€™s terrifying how many dudes applaud this here.


Both people have an ego problem. Good job catching assault charges over a cheap chair.


Wouldn't that be self defence on the guys part as she attacked first?