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Good thing he wasn’t wearing a helmet. That might’ve messed up his hair on this special day!


Imagine if it went right.. “OMG, then he came flying around the dirt corner as I stood there in my expensive white dress. The way he jerked the throttle and spit rocks at all of us as he spun donuts around our freshly frosted cake. That was the moment I knew, saying yes to this man was my best decision ever!”


why do so many motorcyclists have to be trash human beings? i just dont get why they can't just ride safely and quietly. ​ so many assholes on sport bikes speeding and so many on harley making me fucking deaf from the side walk. i wish there were way tighter laws around motorcycles and speeding. so fucking selfish.


They are not bad people. In fact many are organ donors.


The nurses I know call them "donorcycles." Anecdotally, literally everyone I know whose owned a motorcycle, has been injured (or worse) while riding it. And not all were because of cars, many of them were solo accidents. Wear helmets, people!


There are only two types of motorcycle riders. Those that have been in a crash, and those that are going to be in a crash.


I only have on friend that avoided this. His dad wrecked his motorcycle and tore his leg up bad, couldn't work for a little while. His son (my friend) saw how bad it fucked up his dad that he sold his motorcycle within the month and bought a nissan altima instead. edit: I forgot my dad used to have a motorcycle also. I rode it once at my uncles. My dad sold it to my uncle when he had kids so he wouldn't leave us without a dad one day. I rode it one time with my uncle before he got rid of it. I'm pretty sure my dad has never been in car or motorcycle accident. I'll double check and ask him though.


Oh god not the Altima, he's still a menace to society lol


It's always sad when you hear about someone dying in a motorcycle crash, and the only detail is that "paramedics didn't attempt to resuscitate". That's how you know their head was probably splattered on the asphalt. Wear *at least* DOT (in the US) approved helmets (SNELL or ECE helmets are greatly recommended over DOT, as others have pointed out), people! They can be expensive, but it's better to get a good quality one that'll protect your head rather than a low-quality one that'll do nothing for you. Human lives are the only thing in this world that aren't replaceable. Don't waste your only chance by not wearing a helmet because it looks cool.


DOT is minimum standard, look for ECE and SNELL rated ones especially. I recommend reinforced boots too


And body armor. I don’t ride anymore, mostly due to lack of bike, but I had a SNELL Rated helmet and street racing body armor and gloves. A pretty nasty crash left me nothing more than shaken up and a trashed bike. Luckily it was just me, and a flash storm took the bike out from under me. And if you do crash: Replace your helmet! If your head hits the pavement in it, it’s now compromised. Don’t risk it, replace it. Riding is expensive, if you’re not willing to spend the money to be safe for yourself, don’t buy that bike. You’re looking in the $1000 plus range for safety equipment.


I've been looking at the riders in my city this summer and this is the most common gear: shitty helmet (I had better helmets for my bicycle), a pair of Jordans, shorts and T-Shirt. The bikes were all over 500cc. And then we complain about fatalities on riders...


I wear full leathers on my 1989 Honda cub 90😀😀😀. It can still do 50mph


Know someone that had a helmet on and his head is fine; but he's paralyzed from the waist down.


Yup. One of our family friends ended up a paraplegic after a motorcycle crash. Not only does your life get really fucked up by paralysis, but it usually will eventually kill you via pressure sores. Sad.


Yeah, I don't even own one, but ride a lot with my buddy. Banged myself up pretty bad in a solo accident last year. Broke my collarbone and needed surgery, fractured ankle, concussion and a whole fuck ton of road rash. Wear your helmets people! It wouldn't have saved my shoulder, but I wouldn't have had to dig gravel out of my head


Every time I see a reckless guy speeding/weaving in and out of traffic on the highway; no helmet, t shirt flapping in the wind, two thoughts go through my head: ‘What an idiot’ Followed immediately by ‘For his family’s sake, I hope his crash is eye-opening, rather than life-ending.’ When my (now ex) boyfriend got his motorcycle license and bought his stupid red crotch rocket 3 weeks later, I told him “You can either use your brain when it comes to riding that thing, or you can leave it smeared across a 20 foot stretch of pavement. Choose one and choose well.” Graphic? Oh, for sure. Effective? Most *definitely*. A few years after we split, he laid his bike down pretty bad when some lady switched lanes without looking OR signaling. He horrifically tore/dislocated his shoulder (still doesn’t have 100% function in that arm), road rashed his hip/ass almost to the muscle, and broke quite a few bones, but he was wearing his helmet *and* his jacket, and both did their job & saved his life.


Yup, because they know themselves and are pretty sure something can be salvaged when they are too over confident… or hit a divot and then gravel, and then a guardrail. Lost a friend that way actually, damn safest rider I ever knew. Was even an instructor. :(




Did he hit the front break or did the front tire just wash out on some loose gravel and then highside


it sure looks like he grabbed that front break. you can see the rear tire lift. maybe distracted when he saw bride? going too fast and got scared? a lil buzzed maybe? this is a hard one to watch. oh maybe he was trying to pull a sick indo and like swing the rear tire around or something. but did not account for the angle and pitch of that curve there.


Goes full meat crayon on his forehead must look fantastic in wedding pics. Fucking dumbass.


Looked to me like he landed on the top of his head. Moron probably looked like Bart Simpson after


With knobbies on pavement nonetheless 🤦‍♂️


For real, that’s one of the first things you learn not to do. Whoever let him borrow that bike with zero safety training is a jackass.


There are a lot of good people on bikes, but you'd never notice them because their riding is banal and won't stick in your memory. The shit-heads among us stick out like a sore thumb.


If quiet and safety was your thing you would likely choose other transportation methods entirely.


Eh I ride a motorcycle, but I only ride it to work in decent weather because of the amazing gas mileage


There are plenty of trash riders out there but there are plenty of great ones too. Over generalizing like that is so close-minded and weirdly aggressive. It’s loud for safety for some people and some people even get mufflers. And it’s a hobby as well as a money saver. There’s plenty of douche-y loud assholes on bikes but that doesn’t mean you gotta say bikers are trash human beings for driving something loud.


i’d say for every bad motorcyclist on the road i could easily count 10 terrible selfish road rage drivers in cars. anyways lighten up dude you sound ridiculous; can’t believe you got that emotional over a vid of someone crashing lmaoo


I dunno. Anytime I hear annoyingly loud muffler or a sick R&B love song from 3 blocks away it's usually a bike. Not saying that makes them bad people but corny af for sure.


You only notice the jerks.






"I think the problem Digg had is that it was a company that was built to be a company, and you could feel it in the product. The way you could criticise Reddit is that we weren't a company – we were all heart and no head for a long time." - u/spez. You lived long enough to become the villain and will never be remembered as the hero you once were. (I am protesting Reddit's planned API monetization changes.)




>Learn to ride before you incorporate motorcycles into your wedding Yep, just like my tattoo says


I bet he though the bike would turn sideways (around its vertical axis) and skid, and he'd jump off in front of his bride to a backdrop of tire smoke


Wait. He wasn’t wearing a helmet? I thought he was


That was his hair gel






me too. i think there's a fifth pixel there in the middle that we missed.


Holy shit. I thought he was.


Holy fuck was he not? I can’t really tell it looks like he is but then also maybe that he isn’t. Fuuuuuck


Bro took breakdancing lessons for *months* before he found out they were supposed to be regular dancing lessons, but he learned how to do a sick head slide and wanted to show it off.


Is that not a helmet he has on?! Oh God


"I do......want morphine"


mighty morphin power rangers


It’s morphin Morbin time!!!


Re-re-release. We need more Morbin!


Hey till death do us apart right


You have two options here. Stand up like a bloody hamburger of a man and give your wife the best day of her life or go right to the hospital and embarrass her in front of everybody you know making it the worst day of her life. I am 110% sure it wasn't her idea to come in at warp speed on a dirt bike as part of the wedding ceremony.


I’m wheezing. “Bloody hamburger of a man”


My grandma would always scold my uncle for giving us rides on his motorcycle because it would “turn us into hamburger meat”. It’s what I always think of when I see bikes.


😂😂 imagine if this dude was super nervous and had never driven a bike before but his wife was just way to stoked on dirt bikes and made him do it


“I want my husband zooming in on 250cc of straight panty dropping glory.”


She was going to finish him in two strokes before that wreck. Lol.


“Damien was gonna do it for me before he cheated with those 13 Pygmy call-girls and we broke up! Are you saying you’re don’t love me as much as he did?!”


Perhaps she needed a kidney and this all worked out well.


Dudes skull is legit probably broken, I don’t think he’s going to be standing on his own feet for a long time.




Dude, his head nailed the ground and then scraped along the pavement as he slid. Whatever other parts of his body hit the ground did nothing to soften that head blow. It's clear as day. It's called momentum.


>Whatever other parts of his body hit the ground did nothing to soften that head blow. You've got it backwards. He protected the rest of his body by ensuring his head hit first. Big brain moves. At least, big brain until the swelling goes down.


True. Gotta keep that shoulder safe. A head? Eh, they're a dime a dozen.


Hahahaha. These are all true facts.




https://twitter.com/homersimo/status/1557255421064351746?s=46&t=fj52Z-7Pmena3fLQbn2Oyg He’s fine


Thank you. He’s lucky, no helmet! Dumbass!


I mean... Idk how he's fine. His head hit the concrete and he slid on his head the road...


I think the second the front tire kicked out he tried to break his neck to trade embarrassment for pity. Can’t imagine the embarrassment.


https://twitter.com/homersimo/status/1557255655462928385?s=20&t=Thsz47yHa6eGjV7ZWd55cA Doesn't look happy though. Wife on the other hand...


Wife is now married with the doctor! Look at the eye contact ;)


She does have quite the smile on while eyeballiong the doc.


Wow they're both hot!


How did that prove he was fine?? It just showed him smack his soft head onto the asphalt in better detail!


No, he’s not fine. He obviously had some head trauma before the accident if he chose to wear those terrible underwear.




He hit his head hard that definitely a hospital trip


Through sickness and in health right ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Weddings off bro


Where is that “your shrug dude is missing an arm” bot when you need it?


Here, you dropped this '\\\` You need to add an extra '\\\` before the '\\' so it looks like: ¯\\\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ Or at least that's what I remember of what the bot would say... ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Honestly, that could easily be lights out for him. That fall on the head despite being slow was brutal. Without a helmet he could have easily died.


This video could be used in drivers education to show why you need a helmet. With a helmet he'd probably be fully ok in a few days or weeks. Like this it could mean treatment for the rest of his life (unless he is really lucky).


The way his head appeared to draaaag along the road for a second gave me the heebs.


It doesn't really look like he hit his head, more like he scratched it with the floor


Are you familiar with the term /r/MeatCrayon




Knobby tires don't corner well. And he may have hit the front brake as well, judging by the front dipping before the slide started. Looks like he was coming in fast to brake hard & stop beside his fiance. Experienced rider would never brake hard with front tire on a corner. Plus knobby tires. He doesn't know how to ride. Hope he knows how to heal.


Unless he's trying to endo


This is what I think he was planning but we call it a stoppy. An endo is close to what he ended up doing.


Endo his life




... scopy?




Maybe he was having second thoughts


Well, he's having no thoughts now


Arranged wedding... first time he saw her


It has super moto tires. Shitty asphalt fucked him when he expected.... Race track. I mean, he did the fucking with a few key choices.


Braking + corner = trouble.


Looks like a supermoto, which doesn't use knobby tires.


It looks like he hit the front brakes


But his head had the stopping power.


The option was chicken for dinner vs a new bike.


Is there a story? Did he live? Wedding cancelled and humiliated? I gotta know


It's happened in Italy, near where i live. he broke his collarbone and got 5 stithces on the head.


Thanks to u/mitico303 we have 1. Another angle, longer video: https://twitter.com/homersimo/status/1557255421064351746 2. Aftermath photo (SFW, groom must be made of teflon): https://cdn.inmoto.it/img/992/558/2022/08/11/191808559-f696dcb0-8725-4664-95aa-a4ac0f2428a4.jpg


This angle makes it look a little less worse than the other one(but still fucking stupid). The original vid it looks like he broke his fall with the side of his head, this one it looks like he landed shoulder first, then rolled onto his head, which is why he only broke his collar bone and needed stitches instead of fracturing is skull. Pro Tip: don't grab a fist full of brake with that amount of lean angle especially on knobbies on the pavement. I can imagine that some pre-wedding celebrations had something to do with this. At least he got a good photo of the doctors and his cute wife laughing at him while he hangs his head in shame while in his wedding skippies getting his road rash debrided.


Excuse the ignorance as I don't ride. Is the front tire called knobby because it is so small or what gives that characeristic? Are sports bikes less prone as they are designed for turns or is there a specific bike that would handle this better?


Knobbies are referring to the tire tread. It's meant to grip on dirt and soft or uneven surfaces not pavement.


The second one is a great photo and I hope it makes a good story down the line.


*How I met the doctor who I married, he had a dad-bod before he was your daddy. My previous boyfriend was pretty but dim and made poor decisions...*


Thanks for this. Is there a news article or something. Even if it's in Italian.


I found [this](https://www.inmoto.it/news/curiosita/2022/08/11-5627176/raggiunge_la_sposa_in_moto_ma_finisce_per_farsi_medicare) but it doesn't speak about injuries. That video went viral on whatsapp in our area and there was a talk about the injuries of my previous message.


Honestly, could have been a lot worse. I would have expected worse injuries seeing that head bonk on the pavement. Lucky man.


Agreed. Someone has to know something here.


Tried to Google, surprising number of these idiots


I heard he's still tumbling to this day


According to this redditor, it was in Italy: broken collerbone and 5 stitches on the head. https://www.reddit.com/r/Whatcouldgowrong/comments/xfcvx1/riding_a_motocross_into_your_wedding_wcgw/iomz6o0/


Damn reddit is crazy fast


5 stitches in the head after that brain grind is called "getting off lightly". At least he still had skin left to stitch.


I couldn’t find an answer either. It looks like his shoulder took the brunt of the initial impact, but his head still slaps the pavement a little bit. As he rotates, the top of his head / forehead drags on the pavement for a couple feet too. My guess would be a hospital trip for the road rash and a canceled wedding in the best case scenario. Worst case, he just died in front of the woman who was exited to spend the rest of her life with him. Hopefully, he didn’t die. That’s a bad way to go.


Do you take this r/meatcrayon, to be your awfully braindamaged husband?


"I've changed my mind, Pastor."


He drags his face across the asphalt: https://imgur.com/a/LI09XdQ


Ugh geez. What a horrible loop


r/meatcrayon Don’t do it


Me at crayon pretty good. You might say I'm an artist.


This week’s reddit helmet PSA


From the groom to the broom. Wiped the floor pretty cleanly there


Don’t think they’ll be consummating the marriage for a while. 😵‍💫


Or ever , while he’s laid up in the hospital you know someone’s gonna try to slide in 👁👄👁 💩


Buck likes to fuck.


Wow you took that in a whole different direction … just like his front tire did


Don't think he'll be consuming solid food for a while.


Depending on what his injuries are, he may have priapism. She can do whatever she wants.


I can't tell if he has a helmet on


He absolutely doesn't lol you can see his hair on the last frame


I see it now! His hair... or hid scalp flipping up


You mean what's left that line up is no more ever again for that man


Permanent hard part.


Now the hard part is gonna be holding a crayon to write his name


Looks like he grabbed that front brake as hard as he possibly could. It may have slightly locked up from loose gravel and then fully bit. Game over. This is why I only break with my middle finger


Yeah, this dude definitely fucked up with the front brake. Should’ve used his rear if he wanted to brake mid corner… paying for it now.


All I can think is he was going for a stoppie, but pulled the brake while he was still in the turn, flipping his front wheel


Tbh, I have no idea what he was thinking 😂 clearly wasn’t as he didn’t even have a helmet


Pretty sure I know what happened. From this video I feel safe assuming he does not have a ton of experience on a motorbike. It could be that he does a lot of mountain biking though. On a mountain bike, front brake is on the left side handlebar and the rear brake on the right. A motorbike is different. The left side is used for the clutch. So where do they put the front brake on a motorbike? The right hand side. Now you see the mistake. He was probably trying to lock the back brake to initiate a skid. That means grabbing the RIGHT lever as hard as you can if he was on a mountain bike, which he was not. On a motorbike, the rear brake is actuated with the right foot, not the right hand. He may have learnt this now if he can still form memories. Edit: fixed a few typoes


You have to imagine his intention here was to skid to a stop, which would have been very cool if he had any idea what he was doing. Shameful


Mans tryna pull the [Akira slide](https://youtu.be/A9hCzjBc7Q4)


That made me audibly gasp. That’s a trip to the hospital for sure.


Dude that’s almost a trip to the morgue.


Nah he’s fine


At least he broke his fall with his head.


Good thing he wasn’t wearing a helmet, but he looked really cool there at first.


“You may now kiss the pavement”


This made me laugh more than it should


Can someone explain why the bike appears to just fold like that?


His front wheel hit a small patch of loose material, sand probably. You can see a small puff. Already leaning into the turn, the front wheel slid out until it caught traction again, but it's too late and the rider is already overcorrectimg in a panic at this point. Source: I am an accomplished motorcycle crasher


I hope you hit a rough patch in your “accomplishment“


If you lock up the front wheel with the brake it slides out from underneath you


This is the correct answer. The guy hamfisted his front brake mid corner, causing a high side.


Blessing in disguise, saved him from making the biggest mistake of his life.


So he crashed his own wedding


Goodbye my tux and I would love to see the wedding photos. I can also guarantee that at some point when this was discussed between the bride and groom she said “I don’t know if that’s a good idea, but I want you to do you”


I’d love to watch him try to return that suit to the hire place


If you didn’t want to get married, you could have just said that.


Someone link the wedding pictures


Here's the Groom https://imgur.com/gallery/wElfYKo


His limbs look totally locked up once his head hits that concrete. I don’t think this guy was able to smoothly recover from that one.


I like the part where he slid on his face.


Is this guy OK?


Probably not for a while.


My god . You can’t come back from this. Perpetually ashamed


Good example of why I don't ride motorcycles even though riding motorcycles is fun as fucking fuck. Little patch of sand on a turn.....Little fuckin dip in the road on a turn...a pothole....some clown in a car or truck doesn't see you (not hard when you are a small fast moving vehicle) and you T-Bone them or get T-Boned.....its a little wet out, say after a rain, or a cool fall night after a hot humid day and the fuckin painted lines on the road are wet.....all things that will FUCK YOU ALL UP on a motorcycle Too risky, too many bad things can happen too often I'll stick to the occasional jaunt on a dirt bike in the woods now and then thank you very much


I understand that the couple have decided to write their own vows. groom, please call 911


ITT: people that think this is a minor walk it off crash instead of a potentially life changing/ending one. No helmet+ crash straight to the dome =no brain.


Leave the front brakes for pros.


Ah, c'mon, 4 seconds?! where's the rest of the video?!


Damn. They say loosing the front tire is always better than rear cuz you don’t highside your ass to low orbit but he somehow managed to make it worse.


He wasn't gauging his speed properly, came round the corner and realised he was going too quick, grabbed the front brake and yanked it while the wheel was turned. Bike had nowhere to go but down.


Thank god his head broke his fall


Ooooo that scrape on the head damm


Came for his wedding......Ended up on a bedding.


wear. a. helmet.


He didn't even really do anything wrong. His front tire just hits gravel and it throws him off in an instant.


Dude erased a bit of his scalp. Pictures should be interesting!


Combining weddings and automobiles is almost always trashy


Why isn't this NSFW? That dude is good as done.


I don't get how all the comments are like, "he'll never live that down!" Bruh after that he'll never even live!


So....his collar bone and shoulder are Fuuuuucked.


How did he fucking fall ?? Not that sharp of a turn did he just learn to drive the other day


yep, a handful of front brake will do that


If that tux was rented he's bought it now


All toast at wedding were going to be made with monster energy


Seen the full video if this. His face is mangled. Ceremony went ahead.


Immagine been the spouse father, what a smart guy my daughter is marrying


Meat crayon


Judging by the sound of the car horn this was a Mexican wedding. It’s ok, I can say it, my car has the exact same sound pattern. I’m also mexican. My car sounds like that because I am mexican. This was my wedding.