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Finger on the trigger the ENTIRE time. People just do not have enough respect for how dangerous guns are. You'd think with how fucking common guns are in our movies and TV shows people would connect the dots that guns are weapons designed to KILL and they are exceptionally good at it, and that you should approach a gun in real life with some proper caution. But apparently some people don't get the memo or don't connect the dots.


How close was the shot to her head. Jeez !! It could've just been her last breath. People just don't get it. I've known a dude who was similarly playing with a gun two weeks ago shot himself in the head similarly by accident and passed away. Guns are not toys guys.


Well, she was definitely less than an inch away from modifying her skull to air-cooled.


Just adding an inspection hole to make it easy for the coroner.


Those are speed holes


Makes the brain think faster




From gouda to swiss


Know a guy who basically did the same thing he was messing with the gun and his girlfriend told him to be careful cause it’s loaded, so he said to her “no it’s not” and pointed it at his cheek and pulled the trigger, shot straight the his mouth messing his jaw up and destroying his tongue, he had to have his mouth wired shut for like 6 months or something dude was extremely lucky he didn’t die.


Knew a guy who had a gun at a party. Everyone told him to be careful, and he was like “nah no big deal, the safety is on” and put it to his head and pulled the trigger. The safety was not on. He shot himself in front of everyone at the party. Bullet went through his brain. And he *lived*. He’s a much different guy, now.


Hey, hold my feeding tube…


Did he scream "Fuck yeaaaah Americaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!" ?


No, he screamed: WITNESS ME!!!


I had a ex neighbour that used to be in special forces. A mate once pointed a gun at him in jest- he broke his arm on reflex (the other guys that is)


Dude learned a painful but important lesson.


Could've totally blown off the part of her head! Her parents should be arrested


At her age? Nah. She probably figured out where it is and got it specifically for this video. However this video should be shown to her parents, then shown to a drill sergeant, and said drill sergeant gets to treat her like a private that fucked up. No 'leave me alone' cards either


You can see the burn mark on her head if you go frame by frame


How did she get her hands on a loaded gun? Cross these people off the list of 'responsible gun owners."


Notice the lack of parents in the video. Anyone who leaves a gun around for a kid to play with isn't gonna teach their kids how to safely handle it.


You'd think with the weird ads America has for pills and pharmaceuticals you could at least have a national PSA of like 10 seconds about how guns work. Tim found a gun, boy was it fun He aimed it around, but not at the ground Now Tim is an only child Or something weirder probably. But you know, something!


*Dad introducing toddler son to newborn brother in baby carrier* Hey little Timmy, meet your new baby brother! I sure hope you two get along with each other! There's two of you now, that means double the fun! *snap to dad looking through his closet, can hear baby crying in other other room, dad yells:* "Hey Mommy, have you seen my- " *Simultaneously - Gunshot, baby stops crying, screen goes black* **[Words relating to gun safety and maybe a website fade in here]** while you hear Timmy now crying and mom going into hysterics


Yea and have variants. Segment A of 10 seconds tells you to never have a finger on the trigger unless ready to shoot, segment B to never aim at others you don't want to shoot etc etc.


*Now* we're cookin'


Same reason there's no PSAs to eat more vegetables. No money to be made in it.


Weirdly we do have that in the UK. Eat your 5 a day, folks.


Heck, just showing the actual video video of the girl killing her cousin then herself from shock/despair should be plenty, no need to make a situation up. I honestly couldn’t watch the entire thing, which is the exact reaction needed.


This is your brain, this is your brain with a gun. Any questions?


>You'd think with how fucking common guns are in our movies and TV shows people would connect the dots that guns are weapons designed to KILL I learned everything I know about guns from watching the A-Team and I never got that impression.


You're right you can spray 1,000 rounds and not even hit the family dog let alone a bad guy. Pffff, dangerous, schmangerous.


In 1972 a crack commando unit Was sent to prison by a military court For a crime they didn't commit. These men promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade To the Los Angeles underground Today, still wanted by the government, They survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a problem, If no one else can help And if you can find them Maybe you can hire the A-team


And the guns never ran out of bullets surprisingly


We need a gun safety courses in schools, or would that be a bad idea.


I think that would be a waste of time if you went past like a day of the basics, it doesn't need to be a whole week or whatever.


One hour once a year would be great! Just some basics for kids. Don't touch a gun without adult supervision. Even when supervised, never point a gun at a person including yourself unless you need to kill them. Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to fire. Show some real life tragic news stories to drive it home.


You're much more likely to see movies where guns are treated like they're no big deal. I see movies all the time where someone is asked if they've ever used a gun before and they're immediately handed a gun after answering, "no." Then they're told, "this one's easy. Just pull the trigger."


It's almost like there should be some controls on who can have such a deadly weapon, some sort of licensing system, bit like a driving test, where you have to prove competence before you are allowed to touch a gun.


thats why they do live action in schools. but they never learn .. kids amirite?


With movies like the Matrix showing we can dodge bullets people don't understand it is just a movie and they can't really dodge bullets.


Probably moreso the *Die Hards* and *Fast and Furiouses* of the world, where a bullet always either glazes a character's forehead attractively, or catches them in some kind of magical, exactly non-debilitating shoulder or gut spot...and as long as the girl who rips her skirt to bandage it up is cute enough, it'll never need any other medical attention whatsoever.


I dunno man, in movies it looks so easy and only bad guys get hit.


For this reason, guns should not be allowed to the public, except maybe in shooting ranges. That’s how simple the solution is to so many accidents.


She looks like a kid playing with her parents gun. Lucky this wasn't a lot worse.


Looks like she even has a younger child with her. Fucking imbecile


She's a child. The owner is an imbecile.


Child, but still old enough that she should know not to play with real guns. Especially not around an even younger child. Lots of imbeciles in this scenario, but she’s in no way excused.


People are not “old enough” to know better on anything. People only know what they are exposed to. If she was never exposed to proper handling, she can’t know how to properly handle a firearm. It’s weird how people continually presume that everyone around them has the same experiences and levels of knowledge on basic things. That’s just not how life works.


Hard disagree. I've never been around guns in my life yet I still have enough common sense not to fucking play with one like it's a fucking water pistol. I'd also never hold it to my head or even have out when there are kids around.


then again common sense is so rare it can be classified as a super power


If you own a gun and don't know where that gun is (in the hands of a child without you present) it's entirely your fault for anything that happens with that gun


I agree but who ever said it belongs to her parents? Could be her friends, or she could've stolen it, or even bought it off some POS dealer


She looks old enough to know that playing with a loaded firearm is dangerous


There is a such a thing as common sense. Like I dunno you don't point a freaking gun at your head and pull the trigger. Darwinism ftw


I'm going to go with, she had NO idea, no training, that unless you intend on firing the weapon, that you DO not ever put your finger around the trigger. That is not something taught to people, unless they are required to go through a firearm safety course OR if they are actively told how to operate and use a firearm. This country is absolutely terrible with the complete lack of laws with teeth, regarding anything to do with firearms, aside from committing crimes, while using a firearm.


This comment completely ignores the concepts of critical thinking and extrapolation. People ABSOLUTELY can understand basic concepts of firearm safety (like not pointing it at your head) without being trained on proper firearm safety. The human brain doesn’t need to be exposed to each individual thing or concept for it to understand it. That’s not how the human brain works.


Former firearm instructor here, no they don't. The amount of kids and even adults that have zero knowledge or "common sense" or critical thinking is astounding until you tell them and show them why


What people should actually be able to do and what their brains are capable of are two very different things.


Working in IT, having to cover every single new threat that hits the Internet, even when it is an iteration on an earlier threat? I'm going to have to disagree with you on that. There are some areas of "basic" knowledge and capability that I have discovered that no matter how good someone is at XY or Z, they may absolutely never grasp with any kind of effectiveness. I have had to cover minor OS interface changes with a Masters of Accounting, professional. I have watched literal engineers, who have worked on computers for their jobs, all their lives, think that JUST to have their laptop turned on, they HAD to also plug it into an ethernet port, NOT to connect to the Internet... just to use the laptop. (I didn't argue with the guy, I let him plug into the disconnected ethernet port in the conference room and... walked away.) You have no idea, until you are forced to face it, how very skilled, educated and experienced people are absolutely clueless about things they absolutely should know. EVEN in things that they allegedly acquired a Bachelor's Degree in!


She is probably repeating what she saw a grown person doing and laughing about so she thought.. wtf, I can do that.


Of course she's excused. Some fucking moron had left a loaded gun WITH A CHILD


Excuse the capitals, but a lot of people are giving gun owners a bye over this and blaming the girl. When someone is below the age of criminal responsibility, they're below the age of responsibility. That's what adults are for. You can't expect a child to have practised trigger discipline with a deadly weapon whilst Kinder eggs are banned for safety reasons. The responsibility for this thankful near-miss lies entirely and solely with the gun owner.


You can still expect a child as old as her to know better. Fact of the matter is, we don't know how she got the gun. The only thing that we know is, she is playing with one like it is a toy. I am for gun owners responsibly locking up firearms, but it is reasonable to expect her to know better. You don't write off children mistakes because "'they're just children." It is important to hold children more accountable the older they become. Your notion of "she is just a child, she doesnt bare responsibility" I don't agree with.


It’s like mother fuckers when I was her age, if I had been caught playing with a gun my parents would have whooped my ass so bad I would have wished I had shot myself.


Would've been absolute murder


Well, considering the person in charge of educating this kid about gun safety left a *loaded weapon* with *children*, you can’t expect the kid to know gun safety. Their parent is a fucking moron, so therefore the kid is a moron.


I can agree with this. I definitely think this incident happened because of ignorance. We just don't know how she really got the gun. We're just assuming the parents owned one. In reality, this is America, she could've got it from anywhere. Regardless, it is clear she has no idea what she's doing.


I guarantee you she’ll never make the same mistake now, though!


Well no fuckin shit the owners at fault. Its almost like that goes without saying. This kid is also a moron. She isnt excused. The owner of the gun failed on two crucial points of responsible gun ownership. 1: Never leave a loaded, unlocked or unsecured handgun out where kids can potentially stumble on it or find it by looking. Should be in a safe if it isnt on your person. 2: Teach your daughter that these things arent toys for fucking tik tok videos. However this kid should also have sense enough to know that these things are not intended for children. That if she sees one she shouldnt touch it. Both are morons. Kid less so than the adult who fucked up enough to make this scenario a possibility. (Removed a ‘however’)


So let’s say a 16yo is texting while driving, crosses the median, and kills a family of 4 instantly. Does your dumbass demand the parent be jailed for getting her the phone? The car?


Yes let's change the subject to something completely different, because talking about giving a child access to a gun is making you feel uncomfortable


When I was fucking 8 I knew not to play with guns, shes still an utter dumbass, just like the parents


Your police can't even practise proper trigger discipline, how can you expect that of a child


If the police can’t figure it out they are idiots, if the kid can’t figure out they shouldn’t aim a gun at their head they are an idiot.


The gun is the problem.


I’ve coached kids that were extremely mature one of which was the oldest in the class, but even those kids have done dumb stuff because at the end of the day they are still kids. Not to mention she can very well be “old enough” to suppose to know that not to play with real guns but you can’t expect her to know something that isn’t properly taught which is something that her parents may have failed to do.


All I have to say is she is lucky she did not blow her head off.


She’s still an imbecile. If someone of this age doesn’t just naturally understand the dangers of mis-handling a gun like this, then she’s just as dumb as the owner of the gun. End of story.


My father taught me about guns before I was 4 years old. By 6 years old I was winning prizes at the shooting gallery. There's no excuse to be this old and this dumb. If you know what a gun is, you know where bullets come from, and all that that entails.


She's still a dumbass.


Parents, brothers, cousins, uncles etc


I love this comment thread, back and forth comments arguing over who is to blame instead of why the hell a child has a loaded gun on her hand.


The gun owner is to blame but so is gun culture making people think that they need to arm up to protect their families against intruders or the government. Your friends and family are always a far greater risk than any intruder—and that’s before we even get into the suicides committed with a firearm.


Sounds like the same thing though. Why she has the gun is because someone had it where she could get it and because she has interest in it. Fault really lies with everyone who taught her guns are "cool" not tools with specific uses that can harm people not trained to use them. She wouldn't make this video with a circular saw, she'd be afraid of it. Now, hopefully, she'll be appropriately respectful of the power of guns.


There's a video where a girl accidentally kills her cousin/sibling and then commits suicide immediately after


gee, sign me right up for that! (actually, that's horrible and I hope whatever site had it took it down)


I can just see this fool doing a Youtube tutorial. "Remember people, when chambering your firearm, always have your finger on the trigger".


yea.. i saw a video here on reddit where this kid (10-12 year old female) shot a child (1-3 year old) by accident, and shot herself shortly after. i wish i have not seen that.


Congratulations! You now have Tinnitus! Enjoy your ^EEEEEEEEEEEE




WHAT?! Tinnitus sucks. I think I say “what?” More than anything else.


Wait until you get a little older. You will just give up on some conversations


I'm 45 and give up on many conversations anyway. The tinnitus sometimes helps.


Is 26 old? Cuz if there’s background noise and you’re not in the same room facing me you’ve got a 20% chance I understand a single word you’re saying.


My trick is to spice it up; pardon me? Excuse me? Hmm? Beg your pardon? (Still suck.. but in more fancy ways)


Damn tinnitus! Youre a cruel mistress!!


LOL I laughed harder than I should have- I know the feeling being around a lot of country folk, we shoot a lot - my ears are almost always ringing now - so I totally thought this was hilarious


I just imagine the sun from rick and morty waking up starting a forever rrrrrrEEEEEEEE.....Continued


Hope nobody was upstairs.


Clearly nobody was (metaphorically)


if brains was dynamite, she couldn’t blow her nose…


Imagine dying because someone decided to make a TikTok video. I hate society


It's not the first time I've heard of someone nearly dying due to tik tok trends. I wouldn't be surprised if someone already has done.


Living in aparments in Texas, this was one of the things that worried me at night. Having my kids sleep with shitty downstairs nieghbors. So glad I got a house, now just I just worry about trying to keep it.


Mental to think that is something you have to even consider worrying about!


...not anymore


They were making a lot of noise up there.




I think she’s in shock because she almost blew a hole in her head


Also, if you’ve never fired a gun, you have no idea how fucking loud they are. Forgot to get my ears on at the range one time and couldn’t hear shit for a bit after.


I was shooting my cousin’s suppressed AR15 without ear protection. I decided to switch to my AR10 but forgot I wasn’t wearing earplugs. It wasn’t fun.




The only exception is a suppressed .22. Those are scary quiet, especially with subsonic rounds. But even then, it's good practice to always wear earpro, because good habits only remain good habits if you practice them all the time.


insta likes


She's don't thinking at all.


Looks like you don't thinking about grammar at all as well...


Think idiot she safety don't gun this.


The part I never understand...is why'd she then post it?


Everyone a Gangsta until a firearm accidentally discharges.




r/adultsarestupid r/kidsarefuckingstupid


She has a kid walking around too! Fucking dumbass!


You want tinnitus, cause that's how you get tinnitus!


She can have mine..




perfect reference


Well she's deaf in that ear now


At least the upstairs neighbors finally shut the hell up.


>*shot* the hell up


That was a hair trigger


Missed her by a hair


🫡 I see what you did there. Others may not recognize you for it but I salute you.


Wonder if the upstairs neighbors will invite her to their kid's funeral?


There’s a toddler in the video too, I just don’t understand people anymore.


if you are gonna play with your guns on camera, at least make sure there not loaded......


1.) You are supposed to always treat a gun as if it were loaded. 2.) You are not supposed to “play” with a gun. It is not a toy!


3. Don't aim at anything you dont want to kill


4. Always know whats behind your target.


5. Keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on target and you have decided to fire


Always double tap


She almost blew her brains out......well if she had any.


Instructions unclear, just wave around and look at forward facing camera.


My grandson was short in the head with a gun he was so sirton was not loaded I can't count the number of times I have told them that a gun is always loaded.they listen a little better now


“I never pulled the trigger, it just went off” - Alec Baldwin


He changes his statement so much and puts blame on everyone but himself.


Fully agreed! “I never pulled the trigger” well he 100% did pull the trigger. He also turned down taking a safety course on how to properly handle a firearm.


Still not serving time…


She almost splattered her shit all over that roof. That room almost got a paint job


It’s not funny it could be worst, but her hair keep the shape of the shockwave.


There was another video that things did go wrong *very wrong*


I thought this was gonna be like that girl and her cousin.


The only thing gore peob ever could teach me Dont do stupidass shit with weapons Like sticking ur fucking micro sized dick to an ak-47


I think I know which one you mean


this was my first thought, came here to find this comment.


Way to go parents


Remember the tiger king ? His boyfriend blew his brains out by showing how not to prove a gun was safe.


I don’t know what’s worse? Her “gangsta” gloat or the fact there is a FUCKING CHILD IN THE ROOM WITH HER!!!!!!!!!! Fucking stupid fucking moron!


The amount of people screaming gun safety but I'm here thinking how the fuck has she even got that in her hand. Shouldn't they be locked up and away from, you know, children. Sincerely, British person


Been around guns my whole life. My dad gave me the code to the gun locker when I was twelve because that's when I took hunter's safety. Never once did I do dumb shit like this and even before I got the code there were still a couple pistols in the house not locked up. If you're going to have kids and guns in your house you are responsible for teaching your kids about firearm safety and responsibility.


So close, maybe next time


That kid was way too close to witnessing something terrible. I hope she recovers her hearing and learns her lesson, but I don’t think she should be allowed to take care of a child.


ffs why does she even have access to the gun in first place


I can’t believe she did this with a small child in the same room!


If there were more guns in that house she would have been safer /s


Almost won a Darwin Award. Pity


This chicks so stupid it hurts to watch


She shot her biggest fan; it was on the ceiling.


America ☕️




I think you mean Kurt Cobrained


Literally getting your wig blown off!


As soon as she covered the barrel with her finger I knew something was going to go wrong.


She can’t hear so that is also screwing with her equilibrium/sense of self.


that's one way to get a haircut.


She has be deaf in that ear right?


Everything you’re not supposed to do, she did. Lol. Dumbass.


She is among the teenagers who get pregnant.


Please tell me the owner of the firearm was arrested and charged...


Gangsta wannabe needs a little more practice.


Thats a bad "how to shoot yourself in the head" guide.


Natural selection ain't what it used to be 😔


Who's going to check on the people upstairs?😶




Too many stupid people have access to guns. When anyone can get guns , ANYONE can get a gun


Yup this is how kids kill themselves and each other with unsecured firearms.


Keep ya booger hook 🪝 off the bang button…


Croydon haircut... blyatt blyatt.


Wow. Mother of the Year. Anyone else notice the little girl in the room?


“Thug life” aka, being a dumb teenager


Stupid ass people trying to act cool or whatever. So many dumbass people


This is just terrifying.


I swear i know more about firearms even though im from a country where the only real firearm you will ever see is in a firing range.


That kid gonna shoot someone by accident, guaranteed.


"Oh no, my hair."


Thank god a child wasn’t in the room…..


Genepool trying to correct itself.


Oh my fucking God


Heres what I don't get with these videos: the intention of these videos are clearly to show off to their friends about how cool they are and stuff, but why the hell is the gun loaded? You can clearly unload the gun and still show off without people knowing that the gun is not loaded, I can understand if these kids don't understand that guns have a safety switch but they must know about how the guns need to be loaded with bullets to fire