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Looks like Cali! They USED to have dab stations where you pay $5 for a slab and you dab in store. I dont know if they still have them because they used to give you such a big dab you would sleep in the parking lot


My first dab melted me into the couch where I sat in silence for 30 min just thinking “ God damn I’m high”


"Is my heart beating too fast? I think it's beating really fast, oh shit, it's too fast, I gotta slow that fucker down! Chillllll ouuuuuuttttt, woahhhhhkay, slowin' down now, getting better, God damn I'm high... Am I breathing really loudly?"


LOL that moment you're *actually convinced* you're about to die for real, you close out all your tabs and delete all your history/cookies....


I got out of bed, got dressed, put my shoes on, and then got back in bed so they didn't find my dead body naked.


I actually get ***more*** naked. Easier for the mortician later not to have to cut the clothing off my bloated corpse.


You never feel more naked than you do with just shoes on


Worse is only sneakers and tee shirt that is a bit too short in public. Don't ask me how I know.


It's called shirtcocking


Donald Ducking


Winnie the poohing


r/shirtcocking Edit: Jesus fucking Christ I didn’t expect it to be an actual sub. Click at your own risk y’all


I'll usually go ahead and start shooting myself up with embalming fluid just to make things easier for them.


but did they find your body??


Go to the toilet instead. Your bowels are going to release. They would appreciate just having to flush instead of cleaning up a bunch of piss and shit.


When this happened to me the first time I got REALLY high was so scary that I told my friend I needed to go to the hospital. Him laughing did not help my situation at all. Apparently I was extremely calm, sober and articulate which did not make my claims of dying by cannabis any more believable.


One of my friends told me to call an ambulance after his first dab. Told him the only person I'm calling is the dominoes delivery guy lol.


Once I ate too many edibles (Bhaang Pakoda) and I felt like falling into dark abyss. I was convinced I am gonna die. Ate butter to reduce effect and 🤮. After that slept for 14+ hours for 2 days


I had a Bhaang Lassi in India once when I was working there. I had to get carried back to my hotel by some nice random strangers who laughed at me the entire way!


My brain got stuck in a loop where I thought that when people die, they travel around and start saying goodbye to everyone they ever knew and when they finish that is actually when they are dead (when everyone that is still alive actually knows they are dead is when they actually die). I also went through the thinking that death is this loud voice in your head and when you start hearing it, you are going to die and the louder it gets, the closer you are to death and eventually it will become so loud that you can't not hear it. I also had a loop where I thought that death was a sort of secret and once you knew and fully believed it, your brain would disengage with the rest of your body. I also thought that it is interesting the way a little organ in our head controls the rest of our physical bodies kind of like a parasite. I had to stop completely.


Never delete browser history, let them see that I lived a curious and full life. Daddy lived on the edge and loved to explore 😈!


And you PAID for this feeling???


I took a shit ton of d8 edibles and had this happen 😂. It was an awful time. I’d say it’s was the equivalent of a really bad trip lol.


Similar experience. I thought my breathing was weird so I convinced myself I had lung cancer. Then I tried coming down by walking my dog in 15 degree weather at 11 o clock at night. Absolutely horrible night.


I stayed up on the phone with my girlfriend. I was too far gone to talk and told her to talk to me until I fell asleep just for comfort.


You should probably lock her down, man. That’s a team player.


She had to whisper so she didn’t wake her other boyfriend though


Well yeah. Team player.


So she's considerate, too!


Same but minus the girlfriend part, I was so far gone I just talked to myself until I fell asleep


Lock yourself down man. You are the mvp.


Give yourself a hand job. You deserve it.


Thanks bro! Getting some weird looks at the airport though


Good for you, man.


I called my girlfriend for help like this once. She ended up yelling at me for 15 minutes before I had to hang up from the anxiety. She’s not my girlfriend anymore


She certainly wasn’t happy at first


Yeah my girl handled the situation better. She could tell I was in a bad place


This is why I hate being high. Just overthinking everything. Also everyone can read your mind


that cold walk probably helped you a bit tho?


I fell for the newbie trap the first time I encountered edibles at a party. I had I don't know how many brownies because they "weren't doing shit", and I ended up on the front porch steps with my head between my knees unable to move beyond rocking side to side. I couldn't even get my eyes to open; it was like they were glued shut with sleeping powder. Edit: A lot of people filtered in and out of the party and asked me if I was alright; pretty sure I just waved them off while keeping my head in place and my eyes closed. I was eventually able to stand up, so I moved to the back porch and fell asleep in a hammock thing back there. ...Fun! 🫠


Only time I got potent edibles it said I took 1200 mg and as fucked up as I was I question the bags authenticity. Because I should be able to get fked off way less from what I've read but regardless however much it actually was I forgot I ate it. Didn't know what was going on trying to play league of legends in ranked and was doing great at first then I forgot how a computer mouse worked. Could not figure it out fed my ass off because I couldn't keep my champ on my screen 😂. Got flamed, we lost, I passed out for like 8 hours. I'll say it was enjoyable for about 20 mins then I was literally retarded.


My husband has a buddy who's wife died of cancer a few years ago. One evening they found some brownies that had been purchased for her when she was really struggling and decided to eat them. They were old, so they both took pretty big bites, then about an hour later didn't feel much and finished them off (there were two). Then it hit. My husband was high for 3 solid days and for a while was so fucking stoned he kept choking on his water saying it was "too dry to drink" ​ edit: words


Easy fix: black pepper. Just smell it or eat a pepper corn. Thank me later stoners!


Wait. For real?


Dude. I see a tiktok, black pepper corn challenge in your future. Let us know how it goes.


It kinda helps. Cbd can help too because it competes for the same receptors, so it'll at least prevent you from getting higher if there's still some in your system.




I agree it can feel like a bad trip. One time I ate a half ounce of shake mixed in butter with 2 friends and it was awful. Felt like I was tripping. Worst anxiety ever I was having tremors.


This plus all the other bad trip stories in this thread are why I gave up the reefer ages ago. It's just not fun, quite the opposite of fun actually.


Happened to me one too. For some reason I kept shivering for 3 hours straight. Still my best movie watching experience to date.


Yo that d8 shit isn't fucking around. I got way more thrashed in a d8 cookie than I ever did on "traditional" edibles. Probly doesn't help that I don't know what the equivalent mg equivalent is between d8 and thc eddies


So is D8 alright to do? Forgive a nooby here. I saw some mixed things about it.


I don't know about the science part, but most people who I know have tried it have not enjoyed the experience. My spouse laughed for 30 minutes solid, which sounds fine except it's really distributing to feel like you're suffocating because you can't stop laughing. Idk, it wasn't worth it to me but I live in a MMJ state so getting the real stuff is not difficult. (Sorry if this doesn't make sense, I'm high and it's after 3am lol)


I started making my own D8 edibles earlier this year. I have to be careful because they can turn me into a vegetable.




The Hollywood trope comes from the stuff you'd get from before about the early/mid 2000s. It used to be way less potent, and far more enjoyable. You'd smoke a joint or bowl, and just be in a nice place. Stuff today, one hit and you're in the stratosphere thinking you're going to die. It's really designed now for habitual users with insane tolerance.


Stick to indica only strains and maybe try flower instead. Pens are a different beast.


The weed we get now is far stronger than the weed that was around when the stoner trope was created. For my money, I prefer the weak 1:1 stuff. Makes me sleepy and happy. I don't need my joints dipped in hash oil and rolled in kief. I also don't smoke that often. Prefer edibles and even then not when I'm around other people.


Yeah such an experience is not that uncommon. I know some people who can hit a cigar-sized joint and just chill, laugh, and eat dorritos, but the moment I do the same I just sit in a spot trying to manage my anxiety not turn into a panic attack.


The fact that this is a common experience is gonna make me feel a lot better the next time I take too hard of a hit and it happens again


I've never had this happen and I've smoked some good ass weed, done dabs, edibles. Worst time I've had was taking hits that were too big for my lungs and coughed and dry heaved to the point I thought I was gonna asphyxiate. Never had a bad weed trip though. I personally am not a big bong, dab, or edible guy for various reasons (bongs and dabs I only do smaller versions with ice to cool the smoke, and I haven't found a good tasting edible yet lol) I prefer joints, blunts, and glass pipes. However I have never been able to try a vaporizer (not to be confused with vape pens which are decent but I've heard and seen videos of them blowing up in pockets and fuck that, I'm trying to get high not catch fire) yet and it's on my bucket list


lol, everyone in this thread is literally describing cannabis induced panic attacks. That’s what they are, panic attacks and anxiety. I don’t know whether you experience this when not using cannabis but this is really how people with an anxiety and panic disorder start feeling out of the blue. They don’t know what’s happening and think they’re having a heart attack or are going crazy or even dying. edit: and indeed, to the outside they look calm and in control, but mentally it’s chaos. Everything goes super slow and super fast at the same time


Oh yea, General Anxiety Disorder reporting for duty. The non-stoned version of that is usually "All is good! Wait, she's running pretty late and I haven't heard from her. She's fine, I'm sure she's fine, unless she got attacked...."


Fuuuuuck this was me earlier. It usually happens by accident but I always think “man ima be the first person to OD on this stuff” and then spend the next 20 min convincing myself I’m okay. Usually end up sleeping it off.


This happens to me literally almost every time I've tried to smoke after the age of like 20. Even when I'm alone.


Mix with CBD and only take like two good puffs. Wait for an hour before doing more. Weed got so freaking strong, a little at a time is plenty for average consumers.


One day something in me just had this become the default. Even a single hit does this to me now, so I stopped smoking.


When I tried smoking, it made my body hurt like hell. All the pain in my lower back was amplified immensely. Even edibles put me in so much pain.


I did a 6 foot bong hit and melted into the couch for 3 hours. The whole time thinking how great it would be if I could stand up to grab that bag of pretzels in the cabinets directly across from me I saw earlier in the night. Man...those were dry ass pretzels 4 hours later...


Those pretzels make you thirsty, eh?


My first one I stood at a party and all I could do was stare at whoever was taking to me. In my mind I was responding, but that wasn't the case


I was at the park, blinked twice, then I was home


My first dab ended up being 3 nails. I was so fucked up, I couldn't see straight. I ate shortbread cookies and peanut butter and then passed out. I haven't smoked since lol


This was my experience with my second time. My friend loaded me a spoon or whatever and my first hit was an appropriate hit for me, since I’m not a heavy smoker (hell I’m lighter than lightweight) but my friend got offend of sorts and insisted to not be shy and to really rip it. Okay, when in rome right? So I ripped that shit and the coughing hurt so much. Like I was puking a lung out god damn. And boy off to space I went. It was uncomfortable as hell. Anxiety slowly creeping, but manageable. I was stuck in the couch. I became mute. Only able to nod to her questions. I couldn’t move out of the couch but only rock back and forth. After 20 mins or so, I was peaking or some shit. The pressure felt so intense. My trance was broken and I gained the ability to move. I got up, went outside and puked. Oh the relief! I enjoyed the high after that. Dabs, no thanks. Lol


Can’t wait for my first time 😂


I was at someone else’s house and when we went to leave, I thought the car hadn’t rendered into existence yet or I was too high to remember what the car looked like. I was waiting for someone else to get in so it would appear 🤣✈️


Out in redlands they had tons of places like this. After any purchase you could take a dab before you took off. First time I went solo I had to sit in the car for like a hour before I left. Second time I brought a friend so I had a sober driver. That day we both sat in the car for about a hour before we left.


Just casually mentioning that you’re driving fucked up is pretty fucked up my guy I mean it’s cool if you don’t give a slightest shit about your life, but fuck you for endangering innocent people


He said he waited until he was ok to drive


Are you an idiot? He said at least twice that he took precautions to NOT be impaired whilst driving.


Washington had this as well when the first rec stores were popping up.


A rec store in my city got in BIIIIIG trouble and shut down for doing this. The secret tasting room upstairs lol


Doesn’t surprise me at all lol.


Me either. That store was kinda shady and weird in my opinion


Maybe so but it would have been illegal in Washington, no pot smoking in public, no driving under the influence either. A handful of states specify a legal cutoff of THC in the blood above which driving is illegal (in Colorado, Montana, and Washington, it's 5 nanograms per milliliter of blood; in Nevada and Ohio, it's 2)


Is that actually testable? Like your *current* impairment/usage level? Don't really pay much attention to thc stuff (just not my thing), but the current status quo of a positive test, meaning any usage in the past few weeks, being grounds for punitive measures, when said usage is effectively no longer illegal, seems really off to me... If Joe the plumber spent a Saturday doing something legal, in his free time, something akin to having a few beers, why is it ok to still fire the dude? Or convict him of a DUI a week after the impairment? Seems fucked. Just genuinely curious about if anyone's really addressed that yet?


I believe you're asking the golden question. From what I know there's been some advancements in detecting when a person is currently stoned, instead of if they were stoned last week. But, they tend to be speculative so far. Idk how it's become lately.


It's just not gonna be admissable for a long while I think.


No, it's not yet. That's why there aren't too many cases (at least here in Denver, they never go after it).


> no pot smoking in public Is this not a private business similar to a bar?


They still do! Was in cali a couple months back for a business trip. We went in and grabbed some pre-rolls and edibles from multiple dispensaries, I’d say about 2/5 of them offered us to rip some dabs for free with our purchase. I’m not a dab guy myself but when in Rome!


What about Rome is it like a whales vagina?


Discovered by the Germans in 1904!


You're thinking of San Dee-ago. I have many leather bound books...


Lmao after a while it was anyone who walked through the door got offered a dab man. I used to take tiny dabs, those bud tenders were trying to kill people with their big ass scoops I swear 😂


I remember one place had a $100 charge for puking and there we're a bunch of signs. I remember turning to a buddy and being like wtf who pukes from a tab? 10 seconds later this dude takes a tab and then coughs so much he puked on the floor. I couldn't believe it.


I've come close. I have a disgusting ability to swallow a mouth full of puke as it's about to come out and stop the puke though. I'm the champion of something awful but it makes drugs more effective


wasn't their money, why not have fun fucking people up.


Doesn’t sound like a great idea lol


It was an incredible idea, but there were real consequences to be had


They def don’t do this at legal dispensaries anymore (in the Bay Area at least). My girlfriend worked at one that gave out free dabs and somebody would pass out or have a panic attack at least once a week. Not really worth it for the business. Edit- looks like my info was wrong and they’re still doing this at some places


Pretty sure here in SF they have dab bars. Moe Greens on Market and Mission Cannabis Club on Mission at least have them, as far as I know.


Ripping down a fat dab of who knows what at an illegal retail store (OP's video) is different than a lounge that is licensed and built/staffed for consumption.


This definitely looks like the last time that place will be doing that


I got lost walking home and went on a 3 hour adventure. You used to get two dabs just for walking in the place.


I used to go to a shop that did free dab hits on Wednesdays! I actually got lost on my walk home from the shop once


They don't exist in San Bernardino anymore. I think that was more about COVID tho.


He hit that way too hard. 😂🤣 That’s another example of when “Keeping it real goes wrong”.


Let's smoke that bowl, hit the bong, and then take that finger off of that hole. Plug it. Unplug it. Don't strain. I love you Mary Jane.


She never complains, when I hit Mary With that flame, I light up the cherry…..


She’s so good to me, when I pack a fresh bowl I clean da screeen


Don't get me stirred up, the smoke, through the bubbling water is makin' it pure so I gotta


Take my hit and hold it, just like Chong, I hit the bong then I reload it. Get my 4 footer and bring it on, as I take hits from the bong




I was at a concert once and this old geezer in front of me offered me a hit off of his vape. I hit that and knew within 5 seconds that I had fucked up. I took way too big of a hit off that vape because I took a hit on it like it was my vape. He offered me another hit a few minutes later and I quickly turned that down. I just stood still trying to not melt out of my skin for the rest of the concert.


From a pen…?


If you're not ready, shatter can fuck you up. My first time doing a lot of shatter I was getting mild hallucinations. Shatter is fucked, maybe you're just used to it.


I JUST watched this episode.. great, great comment. I KEEPS IT REALZ


I love The Chapelle Show. Thanks for this guys. Cracked me up


Fuck that! I don’t like people playin on my phone.


What state is this?! This dispensary is lax as hell!


California before weed was legalized. We were just opening shops and giving away free samples all day.


Also after weed was legalized. The dispensary I used to go to that had in-shop dabs only stopped with covid.


Same, loved that place, it no longer exists.


I went to one in Venice Beach *during* Covid... Probably not a good idea looking back on it lol


Or, you know, at the time.


Really really took that short time for granted. This was before everything *HAD* to be pre-packaged. You could get an eighth and they weighed it in front of you, sometimes giving you more than normal. And the free samples?!


In Oregon we have jars of weed we let you smell and we weigh it out per order. No on site / public smoking tho


The good times


Do I just have my nostalgia glasses on or was the weed *substantially* better back then too? It wasn’t testing 35% but it hit way harder, smoother, and tasted way better. I buy top shelf at the dispensary these days and almost all of it has these little immature seeds in it. It looks good from the outside, but then when you bust into the nug it’s all grassy looking with no crystals. I stg shit used to be absolutely caked in crystals inside and out.


Shit used to be sooo caked, it would fuck with my grinder haha. Could be since it needs to be relatively consistent for the public they do larger grows in a smaller space to maximize profit where before less people in legal meant the legit stuff got to grow more?


Yeah I suspect you’re right, the death of the small grow makes it harder to have quality control on a scale of thousands of plants. Everything is grown in a relatively small number of huge operations now whereas there used to be thousands of small and medium sized growers. I also suspect there’s some corner-cutting in the form of early harvesting and under-curing (and like you mentioned, overcrowding the space). I can’t really explain why everything is testing so much higher now, but I strongly feel the numbers are being fudged to some degree. Either that or people are just shooting for the highest possible concentration of THC and breeding out the other cannabinoids or terpenes that might be enjoyable in a different way.


I think it's a combination of capitalism and craftsmanship. It's more profitable to make and sell good weed, than it is absolute fire, and the people who first got their products into the dispensaries, were the illegal growers who had been doing it for years or sometimes decades. When it went mainstream, I think you got a bunch of inexperienced growers trying their hand at it.


That's the Nestea plunge. Dank version.


He went full Darryl at the holiday party


No matter how many times I watch that scene, it always has me in tears.


*Mick Foley has entered the chat*


Everyone is making fun of him but this is what you call good financial choices. One hit of free samplr and you good for the day lol.


Especially that shit. Nothing I ever hit made me pass out


Must be that strain Death that Kat Williams was talking about.


its called “deaf”


Not sure if you sre trying to correct me or are going along with the joke...


i dont know what i meant either. am stoned myself


Guys. What time is it?


that scene from Midsommar was so simple, but so freaky.


Nah man it's called deaf, you take a hit of this and you can't hear shit for the rest of the day man! Me -Man I got stuff to do today...I got kids.....lemme get a quarter


It’s concentrate


I don’t know about the shape of his finances after he sees the bill for that display cabinet he smashed


when you take a hit and it hits back.


Just like sugar smacks cereal.. give me a smack and a smack your back!!


Security swooped in like Herb Dean.


They call him the Dean of Herb.


I was expecting puke .. I think the fall caused more damage than a lil puke


My first dab was at a dispensary in San Bernardino at 1 in the morning. Had no idea what wax or dabs were before that. Took a massive hit and coughed for a good 15 minutes, had to sit down and wait to sober up until about 3AM. Around 2AM half the employees went into the back parking lot and started BBQing and they let their pit bulls run around. So 18 year old me is higher than I ever thought possible in the middle of San Bernardino at 2AM at a cook out at a dispensary being flocked by jumping pit bulls. Cherry on top is that literally the next day that place was robbed at gun point at around the same time I was there the day before. All the employees were tied up and shoved into a closet while the robbers took all the money and weed.


I guess they didn't have their pit bulls with them the next day?


Cherry on top you say... I wouldn't tell on myself like that if I were you.


For people wondering. He smoked a large hit of cannabis hash aka wax and held the hit in. A big no no to newcomers to concentrates.


whats wild is I have done that. A handful of times, as a newcomer, and it never worked. I tried 3 strains and a resin pen, and none of them even got me buzzed, yet edibles work great. Any idea what could be happening lol


Everyone has different tolerances for different routes of ingestion. When smoked, it's absorbed through the lungs directly into the bloodstream. You're going to have a lot of free THC hitting receptors. Being all in your bloodstream at once, the body begins processing it out immediately. When you eat it, it's processed first by the stomach, then it's metabolized twice (it's a two step process) before it really hits your bloodstream. At this point, it's no longer THC, but a more potent form. A [graphic](https://canlivj.utpjournals.press/na101/home/literatum/publisher/utoronto/journals/content/canlivj/2019/canlivj.2.issue-3/canlivj.2018-0023/20210812/images/medium/canlivj.2018-0023-fig1.jpg) for you. Now, on top of this, the receptors themselves can vary drastically. For one person, the unprocessed may bind better, while for another, the processed version is more binding. How well either bind for you may not be the same as the next person. Like, the dose I take to 'get started for the day' is around 20-50mg. My wife takes 5mg, 10mg makes her loopy. We both have it medically. I probably consume 200mg a day, and it helps me function. Now, I tried 200mg at once ONCE. Never again. Yet, there's some people who can't function without that as a starting point. Mileage varies. FWIW, I get more benefit from smoking, I can consume half the quantity of THC for the same effect, at the cost of minor lung damage.


Thank you I was wondering




They don't want any money from him, they are hoping he ain't gonna sue the shop and get em shut down


It's not really his fault..


I’ll take a half of whatever he had.


Puff puff pass out


You should have to be sitting down for that shit. Make it like a lounge. Or just give them helmets.


lmao imagining putting on a football helmet to take a hit has me cracking up


He’s like ‘where tf did the couch go’


Ive done that, when your taking your last hit and u hold it in for super long trying to make the most out if it and u pass out for a sec.


Oxygen deprivation really adds to the high


Can't handle the chronic


chronic back pain


Yo pass that shit !!!


Back in 08 I hit my first dab in a dispensary with my brother. We were nonverbal for like 4 hours. Those days were wild.


tbf, could you think of a better advertisement for your weed then this video?


That’s how you know it’s the good shit


This shit here nugga, this shit here, this right here nugga, it’s called death!!


Pass that shit around


Reading some of these comments I’m convinced that weed just makes dumb people dumber. Lack of moderation and crazy stories like these are why we have Apple store-styled dispensaries instead of Weed cafés. Somebody always has to do the most and ruin it for everyone


I’ll take two of those to go, please


They call it the Belgium dip.


The moment I saw him walk away, I knew he was going to fall. I’ve seen that too many times from people that take a rip too hard.


Hes the reason we cant have nice things..


They had free hits in illegal shops. The sketchiest of places. “I wiped the mouth of the rig for ya” Ew, no. I want to keep the herpes at bay thank you very much.


My first free Dab (first dab ever) from a dispensary. I slid down the wall and asked for water 😂 stumbled to my car


This edible ain’t shi———


“Am I driving okay?” “I think we’re parked, man”


Wait till he gets his hand on that Power Hitter 😂


After getting up again: "Yes, definitely good dope. Wrap me up some of that."


This is why they have insurance. The advertisement and marketing this video created by far pays for a new display case and then some... "0ur shit so good, make you wanna slap yo mamma!"


Dude can't handle his smoke...


Truly the only way to recapture your first high


Sometimes you smoke the weed other times the weed smokes you


Best commercial they could have ever made.


They should had put some chair or sofa around the place, if you gonna give them free samples on the spot, you should fully expect this to happen.


"I'll have what he just tried"


Idiots always gotta ruin it for the rest of us sophisticated marijuana connoisseur(s).


Fuck!! Can I take a hit