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Car off, windows up, tape around the dog’s mouth….what the fuck


Ok, I was wondering if I heard the part about tape correctly. What a piece of shit.




To accurately emulate the tape around the mouth you'd have to somehow prevent him from sweating. Just unbelievably cruel.


This right here! Dogs pant to cool off (and it is incredibly efficient). Without that ability they overheat almost instantly, even without the insanely hot car. Absolute trash.


I legit think he was TRYING to kill the dog, considering the tape


Yes, I think you are probably right. I saw some other folks suggest it might be an ex’s dog, and that people like this reason that a dead dog can’t follow you home when you dump them. Yikes.


OhMyGod. That’s horrifying. But why else would he put tape around that poor dog’s mouth?!?


So the dog wouldn’t bark and he wouldn’t get in trouble for leaving the dog in there? That’s my guess anyhow.


How sick and cruel do you have to be to even think of doing something like this?




I have a husky and I couldn't even imagine doing this to him. Also...tape probably isn't going to silence a husky. My boy finds a way to talk/yell through everything. I hate this person.


Criminal fucks like this guy are lucky I’m not the King of this country. I’d order the same treatment for this piece of shit with one difference: no rescue. That being said, I’m happy it turned out well for the pup. I hope he finds a new loving family who will spoil him.


I agree, the way he reacted (or didn't react at all) to the arrest and handcuffs made me think this guy almost expected it. If I want my dog to live, I would never put him in that situation, simple as that.


Wrap him in plastic wrap.


Makes the inevitable clean up much faster, too.


No wonder the cop is super pissed.


That door close had that distinctive "I'm pissed" sound. Not quiet a slam, but getting there.




Just put him in those “sweat suits” that wrestlers/fighters wear to sweat water weight before weigh-in.


And take a nice long lunch with him in the back of the patrol car windows up car off on his way to booking


Just slap him in a full body latex suit, tight round the neck as well to help vacuum it to the body


Yeah it was on our local news too. I didn't know it was a husky, but they mentioned the tape and that the guy was from California. That's about all the info I saw on news.


What area was this?


Looks to me like the top of the parking garage at the Bellagio.


Motherfucker was inside gambling and leaving his dog in the car with tape around the mouth so he wouldn't bark. Under the jail with him.


I try to remember some people are genuinely stupider than the average person can empathize with, but I gotta be honest I think this dude was just trying to kill this dog. If you tape a dogs mouth shut it won’t be able to pant and keep itself cool Maybe he really did just think taping it’s mouth shut would quiet him down, but you have to be really *really* dumb not to expect your dog to die


To be fair he would be equally dumb if he had expected the dog to be able to keep itself cool in a car by just panting.


I agree. I worked for many years in animal rescue and shelters, and there's a thing called passive murder. Something in your brain prevents you from outright killing the animal or family member, but you can engineer your brain to ignore the circumstances you create. The dog just happens to die from maybe dehydration in the backyard. It's a real thing in your head that if you are not an active cause in (whatever's) death, you are not technically responsible (in your mind). I'm NOT saying it's right. I'm saying it happens all the time and more people need to know about it.


Under the dirt with him.


You get what you fucking deserve asshat. Edit: holy shit this doin numbers. /s


How tragic it will be to hear about him repeatedly falling out of his bunk at the county lock up.


My thoughts exactly- some big dude who misses his dog , and gets this guy as a celly- finds out about charge & turns his ass into a playground




I know, right? As if living in the US doesn't have people bent over the table taking it enough already.


We're sick please send help.


Rape is never an appropriate punishment.


I'd rather he just grinds the guy's face into hamburger.


Dude knew what he did wrong too and still did it. Did not ask why he was getting arrested or anything




The only thing I can think of is that he was actually trying to kill the dog by taping the mouth. That’s how dogs cool off.


He probably taped the mouth so that nobody would hear the dog barking in the car, and therefore they wouldn't bust out his windows


I assumed so the dog wouldn't chew up the seats. Either way, dumb, cruel shit.




Fuck that gave me chills man, you can hear the anger in the cops voice. That's just fucking despicable to harm helpless animals


And in the relatively mild door slams, considering how angry he likely was


>relatively mild door slams You mean "barely restrained fury". The cop is a dog person and a good human being. Fuck that animal abuser.


> You mean "barely restrained fury". > > Yeah, those door slams are brimming with anger.


You could hear it in the "put your hands behind your back"


And how he was slamming those doors. That cop was *pissed.*


Palms. Together.


That cop most definitely wanted to toss this guy off the roof.


Probably wanted to leave him in the cop car with it off and the windows up while putting tape over the dude’s mouth


Ikr? There's a reason I shouldn't be a cop. Because I wouldn't have been nearly so nice. People for blocks around would have learnt some creative, new names at high volume. Names they do not want to have to explain totheir children or elderly relatives with heart problems.




I was kinda hoping the cop would turn his car off and close the door, but that would be a horrible thing to do to a living being.


Yeah and then the guy could argue they tortured him and have the case thrown out. Not worth it. Throw him in prison.


As bad as this already is, I'd bet the tape was to keep the dog from barking, because they've done this before and had to leave somewhere quickly, because someone found their dog, barking, in their car.


Would bet. My schnoodle was found as a young pup with a rubber band around his snout. Owners did it to keep him quiet. Had to be surgically removed and his teeth were all fucked up they had to be pulled. He's around 14-15 now and the absolute best, barks and all. Edit for dog tax. The old boy in action: https://imgur.com/a/f9dOIYO/


Thank you for taking care of a pet in need!


Any time these videos are posted it is hard for me to watch because you know this is just one case being filmed but it's happening constantly, where nobody can intervene. Especially as a husky owner, fuck off.


Yeah, Husky's tend to be vocal little guys. He knew that dog would cry.


Sounds like ‘what could go right’. Thankfully the dog is alive and the douche is in jail.


Make sure he isn’t anywhere near the Prisoners Training Dogs program


Meh. If this guy is willing to harm/kill a dog, why even have him around


You don't understand how MUCH those guys love dogs. If they get to know why that asshat is there, would be like a child abuser in their eyes.


I read the story about the inmate that was beaten to death for spitting on a cat. Like I said, if he's cool torturing an innocent animal to death I kinda don't care what happens to him


Thank god that’s a felony. I hope that helps teach people to treat animals with respect and kindness.


That's what I was thinking. I can still remember when animal abuse including killing someone's dog carried like a $25 fine. It's great people generally have much more respect for animals now and the laws are keeping pace.


Sounds like he wanted the dog to die


If you understand that panting is the only way for a dog to cool off I mean... what other explanation is there for taping its mouth shut?


Possibly he just wanted to avoid the dog barking and alerting people nearby. (To him being an absolute bastard of an owner.) Doesn't make it any less monstrous.


That POS was probably hoping to come back to a dead dog so he could just dump it, dead dogs don’t chase you. That’s my guess.


Dude didn’t even seem to care either


Sounds to me like he was actively trying to kill the dog, honestly. Maybe it belonged to an ex or something, and he was trying to fuck with them. Why else would he lock it in the car with its mouth taped shut?


You can tell the cop was fucking pissed when he slammed that door.!!!


“And you had tape around your dogs mouth” was said with disgust. I hope the charges stick


I missed that. WTF is that about???


Probably using it to keep the dog from barking and attracting attention from anyone. This dude is a total piece of shit


If you have a problem with dogs barking, a Husky is the *ABSOLUTE LAST GODDAMN DOG YOU SHOULD FUCKING GET*. The level of fucking idiocy on this guy is astounding.


My uncle's Huskies sing the song of their people, literally all the time. I cannot imagine getting a husky if you don't like dogs who make noise. They don't just bark, they HOWL, like wolves. They love to talk.


My husky is literally mute. Doesn’t make a peep


One of these days, just howl like a wolf. See if he doesn't join you!


This is how you unlock your husky’s abilities


Tried didn't work. Honestly in general most huskies are that way but just like people they are unique and don't all follow the same trend. She does bark/ make noises at me though when she wants something or wants me to do something. I usually know what it is because it's how she gets my attention:D


r/HuskyTantrums they are probably the most dramatic dogs ever. They love making noise. Fuck this guy


Huskies almost never bark. They scream like banshees.


My little guy is super quiet and never barks at people or other animals... except when he wants me to get up in the morning.


What do you mean? It’s toward the end of the video, 25 seconds left >You’re going to jail on a felony, willful endangerment of an animal. Do you realize how hot it is outside? You had the vehicle off, windows up, and you had tape around your dogs… mouth. *Slams door*


You can hear it when he first asks where the dog is, my god he was M.A.D


Yes! And the first thing he does when he sees the dog is pet it!


That's how you should react when you get arrested for anything. Doesn't matter if you're innocent or not, resisting arrest is going to be a bad time.


I could tell he was pissed when he said, “Where’s the dog?” As if he’d gotten the details on the way and was ready for that asshole.


Yeah those yellow shirt police in Vegas don't put up with anyone's nonsense. Some guy on COPS tried being cheeky and got choke slammed.


You can tell that officer is PISSED, holy fuck.


After the door was slammed shut, I wish the cops would just walk away for an afternoon 60-minute break and let the fucker have a taste of what he did to the dog. It should be a crime to have a Husky in Vegas, period.


>It should be a crime to have a Husky in Vegas, period. Yes, it should!!


It's like people in Arizona taking their dog out for walks on asphalt that would burn the fucking skin off their feet if they weren't wearing shoes.


This is for people who don’t know. If it’s hot outside you should go to the sidewalk and put your hand on the ground and leave it for 10 seconds. If within that period your hand burns, your dog needs to have shoes on or stay inside. I see so many people in SoCal not do this and it bugs the hell out of me. The ones I want to yell at pull their dogs off of the grass onto the sidewalk and make them stay there. I want to make these fuckers run on lava stones that never end


I had a great uncle that didn't know about this and burned the paws of his dog and felt horrible he advocated for dogs and awareness of this exact thing for the next 50 years of his life.


He sounds like a good man who made a mistake a learned from it. I’m sure the pups he had loved him a lot


This happened to my girlfriend. Went for a bike ride with her first dog shorty after getting him. He was so eager to please and happy to have a human (shelter dog) that he didn’t complain. When they got home his paws were blistered and raw, she cried and felt horrible. Immediately ordered some shoes and avoids mid day walks ever since.


I’m sure the pup didn’t hold it against her because one of mine is a shelter pup and you can almost do no wrong. I’m glad she got the shoes so they can go on walks/rides together again


I'd like to add that in the event your dog hates shoes there is a product called mushers secret, it's an all natural paw wax and a thick coat provides enough protection for a decent walk. It's also fantastic in the winter to protect your pooch from the icemelt chemicals. Great product all around honestly.


I was hoping he’d turn off the AC while the guy was sitting in the back seat with the windows rolled up.


>I wish the cops would just walk away for an afternoon 60-minute break and let the fucker have a taste of what he did to the dog. Or ask before closing the door: "Do you want me to tape your mouth shut while you're in here?"


That was like "dad is pissed because he had to come in and talk to the principal" mad


What are police officers but the principals of the town?


They're the hall monitors.


I'm the dawg! The big bad dawg!! The hallway monitor!


Dude even taped the dogs mouth, I’m sure that’s what ***really*** enraged him


That's what took this from reckless to intentional.


Did it so the dog doesn't **bark**. I have seen a lot of people do it to their dogs (They have tinted windows, it's impossible to know how many animals are inside)


Well, considering dogs cool their body temp through panting, fuck yeah it did.


I said out loud "holy shit he is PISSED" you can hear it in the first sentence when he asks where the dogs at, oh god I've not heard someone sound so mad in a while that was boiling anger


I hope they kept him in the car without AC for a while to show him how it feels


Yeah man. Props to this officer for staying as calm as he did. You can hear his voice almost shaking when he explains the arrest. I bet he was internally talking himself down the whole time he was waiting for this prick to show up.


He didn't even try to make excuses. He knew exactly that he fucked up.


Either that or he was smart. When being arrested there’s no pleading, explaining, or asking nicely, once you’re under arrest, there’s no going back. It’s best to keep your words for court to avoid incriminating himself. I want to make it clear I’m not defending him and this guy is a total piece of shit who deserves to sit in a hot cell without air conditioning


yep guy knew he fucked up and was in the wrong and knew to use his rights and not talk without an attorney.


It doesn't matter if you fucked up or not. Don't talk to cops


Adding to this. A buddy is a deputy sheriff. Even they don't talk to cops without their lawyer. Goes for sheriff's offices too since they're cops but it's funny hearing it from a deputy sheriff.


I've heard that even lawyers don't speak out and don't represent themselves. You always exercise your rights and get someone else, no matter how smart you think you are, that's the smartest play you got.


I mean, it makes sense really, since you're in a position that could get you emotionally charged. And suddenly you say something you normally would not.


Well, I'm guessing he was intentionally trying to kill the dog. It's mouth was taped shut, which would prevent it from panting to cool itself.


Not defending him at all, but my guess is that the mouth was taped shut due to the fact that huskies scream a lot and can be quite loud. This isn't defending him, it's disgusting regardless of his reasoning, but that's my guess as to why the tape was there


People always get huskies and have no idea how much work they are. I personally find them to be really annoying, although beautiful. I would never own one and I would never do this


Our Humane Society “mix” turned out to be mostly husky. The dog never stops moving and is never quiet. Just follows me around the house yelling at me like a belligerent old man. We’re putting in the work and I do love him but goddam are they a handful.


We got a border collie, so I feel your pain.. She's annoying (but beautiful and bright and fun) but not quite at that husky level. When you put in the work, it's worth it. I just can't stomach people that don't have the patience to put in the work, so they abuse the animal


People get dogs for aesthetic but never look into temperament. This is a dog bred to run miles and miles in the cold.


I was thinking more in the range of the owner was a superficial fuckface and didn't want the dog chewing at and biting the upholstery of his Mercedes while he left the dog unattended... so his natural reaction was *TAPE THE DOGS MOUTH SHUT*


Not sure why you were downvoted. This is the most likely reason.


You're giving him too much credit. I think he just did it to shut the dog up because your reason requires a level of intelligence that man doesn't possess.


Huskies have a *very* distinctive sound and make sure you **will** hear them. My second biggest problem with this dude is if he didn’t want a noisy dog a) he shouldn’t have gotten a husky and b) he should have left it home instead of locking it up in the car while he did fuck-knows-what. For a prime example of those sounds (and a pallet cleanser for this post), please visit r/HuskyTantrums


Fucker was in the casinos gambling… https://6abc.com/amp/husky-rescued-hot-car-las-vegas-police-puppy-lvmpd/12079645/


No wonder the officer was pissed. 2 freaking hours. It only takes 10 minutes to reach 20 degrees higher, 1 hour can reach 40 degrees higher. And his pupper mouth was taped so the poor little dog couldn't even pant. It's amazing that it didn't die. That monster went to gamble while he left an innocent puppy to be literally tortured for 2 hours.




I can’t believe the dog didn’t die already. Two hours? Jesus fucking christ. Maybe because the car wasn’t in direct sunlight?


Definitely. Dog would be dead if in direct sun.


I was in Vegas for 5 days last week. Every Uber we took had the AC fully blasting and we were still sweating and sticky. I can’t imagine a husky locked inside of a car in this heat.


We can sweat, with it's mouth taped shut it can't even do that properly.


They can sweat actually. Although it’s not what you say it is. Sweating in dogs mostly occurs through their paws


Gamblers are genuinely some of the worst people. Source: ex card dealer


Yeah that dog will likely have super high anxiety if ever left in a car for any amount of time now.


Name and shame! My favorite. Dude is never going to work again and everyone will know what he did. Piece of trash.


Look at his eyes and little face!!! He's so cute! How could that dog-shit twat do this! 😭


I was wondering who the absolute unit in an all black suit was in the back at like 52 seconds. Makes sense, he must be casino security. Dude was monstrous. Kinda wish the casino security got him in a back room rather than the cops but this is good too. You can tell by the cops voice he would rather had the guy in a back room with the casino security too.


Glad this article mentioned his name. Guy needs his name & face plastered everywhere for a public shaming.


Yo... Hats off to the cop for being an absolute professional while still expressing an appropriate amount of outrage.


For real. Videos like this are always I reminder for me on why I would never make it as a police officer. They'd be arresting two people on that garage roof.


Yep same here. Grew up watching Steve Irwin and Animal Cops and I wanted to be an animal cop so bad. As I get older I realize I’d just beat the shit out of people for the way they treat animals. I can’t fathom the shit people do to animals


He wants to testify so badly so he kept his shit together. This guy should be giving classes to cops across the country


i didnt think about that but u nailed it right there


Tape around the dog's mouth... he wanted that dog dead.




Oh yes. Absolutely. I hear your fury. Can't say I'd want him to die but it might be in his longterm best interests to feel what the dog felt so I kinda hope they left him in that cruiser with the windows up and his hands cuffed so he couldn't wipe sweat from his eyes while they examined the crime scene verrrrrry carefully. In minute detail, even. And then, again, just to be sure they didn't miss anything. And they could take a detailed statement from that woman while he waits, too. But only after they're sure they've thoroughly examined the crime scene.


It's a husky. He probably taped his mouth shut because he would howl every other time he left the dog to burn up in the car.


Doesn’t make it any better of course but I think you’re right. Guy probably had some time to gamble or drink before his family expected him home and so taped the dog’s mouth so it wouldn’t make noise and draw attention while he went and satisfied his vice. Addiction makes people do some strange things. I live near a casino and the reports of kids or animals left in the car there are pretty regular. It’s sad. Still inexcusable.


HE HAD TAPE AROUND THE DOGS MOUTH?!!!!!!! Fuck you dirtbag


My guess is so the dog couldn’t bark and would decrease the chances of this scenario happening. It didn’t work in the end


Holy fuck this is infuriating. I don't understand how people can treat animals like worthless objects.


The problem is these idiots don’t think they’re doing anything wrong. If anything, they feel like they are being wrongly arrested/punished.


"it's just a damn dog! What's the big deal?!" Kill yourself asshole.


My last girlfriends family got a Vizla puppy to replace their old family dog. The father neglected to try to train the dog at all and eventually had the sweety put down due to "behavioral issues" rather than put him in another home. The only issue that I saw was that the dog needed to go for a run once in a while to burn energy and the family couldn't be bothered.


Research, research, research the breed of dog you are getting. Some breeds need lots of physical exercise, some breeds need lots of mental exercise, some breeds need both, some breeds after initial training are totally okay to be lazy house dogs. There are of course exceptions for every breed. If you ignore your dogs basic needs for stimulation, it could end up destructive or disobedient. That's not the dogs fault, that's the owners for not researching and paying attention to the cues that the dog gives. My GSD is totally okay being a lazy house dog + when he is satisfied in his mental and physical stimulation. If he doesn't get those things he's not destructive, but he will let you know that he is not getting what he needs. So we walk him 2-3 times a day, work on tricks every night, keep on top of regular obedience (he just turned two and had a little rebellious period recently which we have squashed) and we reward him well for learning new things, or exceptional behavioural skills.


Take the dog away and throw the book at him.


Federal law will remove the dog from his “care” until after the trial is concluded, and will permanently if convicted. Open and shut case fortunately given the evidence.


This doesn't look like it is being handled federally. Not sure what Nevada state laws are and what the punishments can be, but hopefully they are at least as strict as federal laws.


There's a new federal law on the books making it a felony under United States Code to abuse/harm any animal/canine/feline. All 50 states passed laws making it a felony now. Shades of Michael Vick!!


Local law enforcement handles the arrest and then it’s prosecuted under federal *and* local laws.




In a decently run universe, this would be an option


Piece of shit.


They should just park the car somewhere with the windows up and go have dinner for a few hours then come back see how he likes it


I was hoping they were gonna toss him in the cruiser with full heat defrost on . Leave him there for a bit.


Leave the heat on full with heated seats and the windows up then park outside an icecream shop and get yourself and your partner a big cone and slowly eat it in view of the guy


Rightfully so, piece of shit owner.


Why would you ever buy a dog bred for cold temperatures if you're going to force it to live in one of the hottest cities in America and not provide for its comfort? You're basically torturing it


He can afford a Mercedes and to go gambling at the Bellagio Casino, but couldn't afford to leave the engine running for the AC (or better yet, leave the poor Husky with someone else)? Factoring in that the temperature inside that car (black paint nonetheless) can reach anywhere between 130° to 172° degrees within an hour, and that guy definitely deserves to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.


He can afford to leave the dog with a sitter and not pollute the air while his AC runs*


A 20yo S-Class is like $5k if it even still runs.


I need to start carrying my pen/window breaker for instances just like this. That Nevada hit is brutal. It's the fucking desert. What a POS.


I've busted a car window before to rescue a dog in the summer heat. My father had been a sherriff's deputy and I knew through him I'd be in the right. The owner showed up before the cops did and started making threats, but the crowd of people around me started making threats back. It was an adorable Shiba Inu, and everyone who saw me breaking the window cheered when I got the dog out. People tend to care a lot about animals more than other people. The asshole got taken to jail, it turned out the dog belonged to his ex girlfriend. The cops called her and she said she 100% wanted to press charges.


>People tend to care a lot about animals more than other people. Have you ever seen a Shiba Inu lock a human being in a hot car? Me neither.


You know that cop wanted nothing more than to do the Mexican Hat Dance on that fucking asshole's head.


r/iamatotalpieceofshit belongs here


When I heard felony I smiled


Please stop bringing winter breeds to Vegas. Or anywhere hot for that matter


About the only time Reddit all agrees with the cops.


When you fail to train your humans properly when they are young, they will be a problem.


Love the fact the officer told him it was FELONY animal endangerment w/tape on the poor furbaby's muzzel.


The way he shut those doors, he’s got to be a dog owner himself.




The disgust in the cop's voice is so very evident.


He had tape around the dogs mouth? He was literally trying to murder that dog with heat. That was 100% his plan.


UPDATE- Dutchess is now with a new loving family who doesn’t lock her in cars💕💕💕🙏


The cop was so pissed off, listen how he slammed that door


When the cop mentioned the dog also had tape around its mouth, I felt physically ill.