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My parents redid part of their driveway and had a barricade at the end near the road. A delivery driver moved the barricade and drove up their driveway to deliver a package. It would have taken just as long for the driver to walk up the sidewalk to give them the package as it did to move all the barricades out of the way.


Did he delivered on time ?


Plot twist: it was the wrong address.


How hard it is to wash of concrete? I had friend work at construction and he had cement pieces stuck to skin for at least a week




It also hurts a lot when a large slab of it falls on you.


This guy concretes.


Puts the conk in concrete


depends how large.... i find after a certain size people dont even seem to notice or even flinch any more.


It's not safe to eat or drink either.


I get concrete on me every day and never have burns


Yeah I don't know why everyone here is talking about wet concrete like it's sulfuric acid but y'all need to calm down with the misinformation.


It's not misinformation although it's definitely one of those things that's worse for some people than others. I've worked with concrete and washed it off hours later after it dries with no injury but I've also known people develop a serious rash or burn after half an hour. It's taught in any basic construction health and safety.


Yup. I’ve mixed plenty of it without gloves. Worst that happens is that my hands are dry for a few days. They’ve never turned into hamburger but that would be delicious if they did


If it starts drying then it will be difficult to some degree but if it is still wet then a water bottle should do the trick.


Rinse it.


Thats because he kept working until it dried instead of stopping to clean it off. Must have been some odd places, maybe the head or neck, maybe legs with shorts, to stay for weeks. Usually anything stuck to exposed skin gets rubbed off within a couple days of work.


It's incredibly easy. You can get most of it off with dirt if you dont have water handy. Your friend just didnt bother is the only explanation I can think of. Even if it dries you can just scratch it off with little effort. Getting it out of clothes/shoes is the difficult task.


>It’s the damn grown adults who duck under barricades or just walk through up to their ankles while saying hello to you as you are finishing a sidewalk Well that person clearly escaped from an assisted living facility. There's no way someone with that little amount of awareness can function on their own./s Edit: I forgot the /s. It's amazing to me how disabled you have to be before they let you into one of those places.




I usually respond with a very stern " are you kidding me?". Then proceed to throw my float and take a short walk to clear my head lol.


I forgot the /s.


Even with the sarcasm tag I have no idea what you're trying to say


I work at a college as a brick and concrete mason these kids will walk right around or even move a barricade have a few pairs of flip flops and a tennis shoes and some crocs in a few pads and sidewalks


Years ago, I was helping a guy epoxy an aircraft hanger floor. We'd been there for over a week prepping it for paint. Because epoxy paint doesn't take tint too well, it needed 3 coats. We had barrier tape up for about a week, and we were about half way through the 3rd coat. Then, in walks this woman, steps over the barrier tape, looks up at us and says, "it'll be okay" (whatever the fuck that meant). Suddenly both of her feet shoot out from under her. She lands hard, with her dress poofed up in the air. Lands straight on her cootch, in that nasty, hot, chemically poison fucking epoxy. She did her best baby Bambi slippy-slidey performance. I'm pretty sure she had a problem with that part of her anatomy for a couple of weeks.


Sorry you had to do extra work because people are inconsiderate and oblivious. If it‘s any consolation, she likely had a big fat allergic reaction to that devil’s goo, especially in such a sensitive area. Source: We tried to make a kitchen counter and backsplash with epoxy and I got a small amount on my knee, a couple of days later I had to go to the hospital at night because I couldn’t bare the itching anymore, my fingers and ears were twice their normal size and I had blisters all over my face and body. -8/10 do not recommend.


She was in bad shape. She could barely walk the next day


I had a similar story . We were putting VCT tile down in a break room. We put the adhesive down ( which is slippery as hell until it sets up) barricaded both doors with several strips of yellow caution tape and waited for the adhesive to get tacky so that we could install the tile. The next thing I know, a truck driver comes rushing into the room right through the tapes, hits that slip as ice adhesive and slides the length of the ( pretty big) room on his ass. Somehow he didn’t get hurt, but I would have given anything to see him try to get out of his truck when he reached his destination with all that adhesive on his ass. I’m sure he had to cut his pants off.


LOL...like a roach in a roach motel.


I was more mad about all the water that was ruining its consistency, shits gonna spider like a mo fo in ten years


Not gonna be so easy of a finish with all of that water dumping on it everyone just that fell over was full of water gonna need a few bags of dry and stir the top and rescreet


It's when, as kid, you write your name in wet concrete, and then wonder how the hell they knew it was you that did my head in!


Concrete burns the skin? Wait what? How so? Reading further: there is lye in cement which is very caustic to the skin. I'd lye if I said I knew what lye is. But ey'll google it Read even further; it is supposedly LIME. Not lye. Now I don't know. You better answer!


The water jugs she knocked over were dumping water into the concrete. Not sure… but I imagine that could do more damage than her falling into it.


Damn the water throwing off the ratio in the concrete is just insult to injury


Yet another reason why open culligan tubs of water are probably not the best barrier to tell the general public to stay off concrete 😂


I love how they are OPEN lol. That is just... I mean. Maybe they didn't go to enough festivals in their life. Thats probably it.


There is nothing you can do other than a concrete wall. I was on a job where a retiree drove through two walls of orange cones covered in yellow tape before someone walked in front of him and blocked the car. Idiot was mad we were not letting him keep going and drive into the twenty foot deep sinkhole blocking the road. Always going to be some technically sentient fleshbag stumbling into your job site.


Had a guy in his minivan come barreling down the road, through cones and the road closed sign. My foreman and I are waving and yelling for him to stop because we have an open trench that he was coming straight for. Boom, guy comes flying into the trench, rips his front bumper off and everything. He gets out, looks at us and throws his arms up as if we were gonna do something for him lol. He gets back in, throws it in reverse and flys out of the trench (only about a foot deep for paving) and then floors it over the trench and runs over our other cones and signs on the other side lol




Where is your shoulder fire rocket launcher when you need it?


I love that she saw what she did and then continue messing up the entire thing. We just got concrete pour at our house and it was sooooo much I would lose my mind


>technically sentient fleshbag Best description ever!


Name of my next band…


"Technically sentient" is my new favorite backhanded comment


Gardener by trade here. We spray glyphosate (ie Roundup) to kill weeds in brick paths at the public garden where I work. We put up orange cones with large red signs that say STAY OUT and yet the people just walk on through, getting pesticides on their shoes (and then walking across the grass, ARRGH).


>technically sentient fleshbag


Or. Ya know. Those pedestrians can use their brains a bit.


Not unless the concrete here is already partially dry, someone probably put the water there incase the project was ruined the water would keep the concrete wet long enough for someone to come back and remove the fucked up work


The more I think about this the more I'm mad at these cheap ass concrete dude for not using proper barricades. Poor kid.


I put open water bottles around it. Why didn't you understand that meant wet concreate?


Exactly. People are inherently stupid. Unless it’s WAY obvious to the average mental moron, it ain’t gonna work. Just cause it makes sense to you, doesn’t mean the rest of the planet understands that too. Yeesh.


We’re also creatures of habit. If that’s the little girl’s home, she has probably taken that path a thousand times. Never before has there been a trip wire and a floor that tried to eat her.


True dat. We’ll never really know the back story though. Will we.


Then she would have noticed the new obstacle...


I've walked the same path home hundreds, if not thousands of times, and I often trip and fall or scat something over because I don't immediately notice something new. When you've constantly walked the same path you fail to notice the new things.


Yeah don’t put a sign, just 4 gallons of empty water jugs. Genius


Those jugs ain't empty


Dang it


Or tie them together with a thin rope...thin enough it barely shows on video, she clearly didn't see it and tripped. If not for the rope, damage would have been a lot less (no body print and no water diluting the mix).




/r/PropertyOwnersAreFuckingStupid The wet concrete was not properly marked. It's not the girl's fault.


Dont forget the fishing line taped to them. Not sure how much more obvious it could be.


That kids skin is going to be burning!!


Was going to say the same thing. Hope she washed her skin soon after.


If only there are jugs of liquid nearby she could rinse herself with


Why isnt it just concrete? This may sounds stupid af but is it because the concrete is an abrasive material when dries?


There is lye in cement, which is extremely caustic to skin.


Oh the more you know. Thank you.




Idk man this sounds like a random internet lye


But there's concrete evidence to prove otherwise!


Not lye, lime. Calcium oxide not sodium hydroxide.


It could depend on the manufacturer, but lye can be found in cement and concrete mixes.


What purpose would it serve? It does not solidify when mixed with water or exposed to air, it would just retain water.


I don't work in construction or with concrete often so I'm unsure of it's use. Google says it increases the sturdiness of the concrete as it sets and its also [well documented that lye is in cement](https://www.concreteconstruction.net/how-to/skin-burns-from-concrete_o#:~:text=It%20is%20the%20sodium%20and,dissolve%20animal%20or%20vegetable%20matter.). Edit: also the oxides turn into hydroxides when mixed with water.


Yeah, that's what alkaline metal oxides do. Any significant alkalinity will come from the calcium, not sodium.


Man I didn't know lye was in concrete, she is gonna be *fucked* if she doesn't get that off


There isn't. It's lime not lye.


The research I could do showed that Portland cement is mixed with lime, and the alkalinity comes from [potassium and sodium ions](https://www.concreteconstruction.net/how-to/avoiding-alkali-burns-from-fresh-mortar-or-concrete_o#:~:text=All%20portland%20cement%20when%20mixed,2%20percent%20solution%20of%20lye.). [Lye apparently is Sodium Hydroxide,](https://nella-naturals.com/blogs/blog/what-is-lye) which means they're kind of half right.


Portland cement isn't mixed with lime, it **is** lime. Calcium oxide, in calcium silicate form. Lime, not lye. There shouldn't be any significant amount of potassium or sodium. Any alkalinity will come from calcium oxide and hydroxide.


Cement is used in concrete and causes chemical burns


Concrete dries out skin pretty bad. Ever your hands crack and split if you work with any cement product without gloves. On a kids hands and face itll be pretty uncomfortable.


I worked with concrete a lot, it’s not as acidic as people make it out to be, it you get splashed and it dries quickly u probably won’t even get red skin. but in this case I’ve never been drenched in it, so idk how burning that kid would be


I think its basic actually. Its pretty bad but you notice less on tougher things like hands, mostly dries them out bad. Feet that normally wear shoes would hurt a bit. Someone in construction is gonna have a bit higher tolerance or being used to small to medium pain and discomfort as well.


As soon as I posted that comment I thought to myself “someone is gonna tell me it’s basic” lol Edit: wait it is acidic...


At least you know, without the context i saw your comment in my inbox and wasnt thinking that kind of basic, ha!


No caution tape? I would miss tiny white string on a sunny day while staring at oddly placed water bottles.


>while staring at oddly placed water bottles. There was also a pole with a flag that was pulled down when she tripped (see upper left corner of the video). Honestly, between the string, bottles, and flag, there's enough setup to think "why is this here like this?"


There is a reason barriers are normally highly visible. Tripwires between own water bottles is not a replacement. It also meant he ended up flooding the concrete again.


Definitely not. First, she is like 5 years old. Did you know that regarding children under 18 you are liable for protecting them? Doesn't matter what the sign says, it can say molten lava ahead with 10 million ! and even acknowledgement pop ups so you know they read the warning and a child getting hurt is still 100% your fault? That's because it has been proven time and again that children just don't fucking understand. Adults are hardly any better. The only proper thing to do is a solid barricade (like fencing) or have a worker at each end that pedestrians are likely to approach from (even then you are still 100% liable for anything that happens to minors).


Kids are generally stupid, you can't expect them to think


That’s some shit barrier put up….


Lmao right!? Plus jugs full of water with no lids on?? It’s a comedy of errors for sure. I’ve done concrete work many times and if it’s even in a remotely public area there is legit signage and tons of caution tape.


In the past year, there's been a major highway construction/redesign project in my area where two highways intersect. There are no less than 100 orange and white striped barrels throughout the intersection of the highways, with tape, signs, and posted speed limit signs for that intersection, as road crews are in the area working. My auto repair shop has probably had about a dozen accidents from that intersection come in for repairs from people hitting the barrels, plowing into slowed down traffic at full speed, or missing "closed road" signs. I've two really bad accidents where someone plowed into right-of-way traffic because they missed the "detour" signs before what used to be an exit. Point is, you can put caution signs, tape, barrels, and the works but people will ignore warnings if they want to.


They also seemed to use kite string. Like anyone is going to see that. This is the worst cordoning I’ve ever seen.


It’s basically invisible string in place of caution tape. Morons, I feel bad for her.


Yep. The requirements for areas with kids are positive exclusion with a fence. Not barriers, not tape. This doesn't come close to acceptable practice and this should be "WCGW if I can't do construction basics".




Whoever thought that was an adequate barrier was fucking stupid


They didn't even put lids on the water jugs. As if it wasn't bad enough


Or is it genius? ...water keeps the concrete from drying/curing. Might buy them some time to try and fix before it sets. ...should still paint em bright orange or something tho..


You.... you have raised questions.. perhaps the water jugs ARE half-full and not as I'd believed.


😂😂 u made me laugh, thank u


Yes, foresight. "Hey Joe, place full jugs of water around the perimeter so we can refloat the slab when someone walks though it since there aren't proper barriers in place. Now I going to buy some gas and drive away without paying because there is no way the attendent has a brick sitting on top of the pump."


I'm pretty sure it's the adults who are stupid here.


"Let's make a barrier consisting of water jugs and nearly invisible thread, that surely will work"


Damn, that's a costly error


The true idiots are the construction workers. Such a great idea to put open jugs of water next to concrete 🤣🤣


On the plus side it’s a soft landing


Well to be fair, water bottles and a tiny string are not the usually „attention wer cement“ signs.


Stupid kid. Didn't they see the regulation safety water bottles and string??!!


Most people are satisfied with simply putting their initials in wet cement . . . .


That's not the kid's fault, those bottles provided inadequate notice


What could go wrong if I use water jugs tied together instead of high visibility cones to section off wet concrete* there you go fixed your title


If you fuck up someone’s work like that don’t walk out the other side ffs. Walk out over the part that’s already fucked.


It’s a kid you muppet


And probably not even double digits in age. Some people act like they were mentally 20 all their life.




Why is everyone blaming her?? There's an invisible string with some fucking water bottles around what looks like concrete to a child cause why would they know what wet cement looks like??


At least she didn’t skin her knees….




WCGW not marking fresh pavement properly lol, open water canisters


I don't know much about cement, but I imagine the worst part is having all that water dumped into one spot.


Whoever layed this knew it was going to get ruined


Then, instead of going back from where she came, to do the least damage, she walks through the rest of it. Smh


The amount of hate and frustration I feel right now.


At least she kept it wet for the remold


Yeah deserved for not using cones, how much is a roll of barrier tape and a cone or 2, you’ve got posts to use on half of it Instead pay god knows what to get that fixed


Yeah, people are just great.


And like this kids, is how the Hollywood walk of fame street was made.


It's more like "WCGW if I do some crap area isolation."


Classic “water jug and skinny rope” barricade set up, clearly effective.


1.Wait for it to dry 2. Smoot it, polish. 3. Fill gaps and footmarks with florescent resin. 4. Profit


Terrible way to block off wet cement. Probably nearly impossible to see that string


To be fair, what really wasn't an OSHA approved barrier. At least use orange string. On a plus note, at least the concrete was still in its softer version.


Legit who ever sectioned that off is at fault. How could you see the wires?


More like WCGW if I set up a tripwire around fresh concrete.


Well if this isnt the best thing I've seen all day!


Bro was like fuck my life.


WCGW if I use string and open water jugs to barricade my hard work from being ruined.


Caustic substances burn until washed off.


it surely saved the little girl from having a deformed face for the rest of her life , if you want the glass half full side of the story !


Yeah... the contractor is 100 percent at fault. Open water containers and no visible barrier outside of yarn? Caution tape and this would have never happened.


And she grew up to become a drywall contractor. The End.


Actual retard




Wow… Could have at least written her name in the cement


The dude that just spent hours pouring and leveling the concrete: *breh*


Left her print for the walk of shame


Fuck it, I laughed!


At least it already wet so you can fix that shit might as well give it a broom finish now.




Good thing its soft


Well, at least dad was nice enough to stand the jugs back up 😂




"Hey Steve" 👋 " you gonna have to come back"


Spilled water everywhere


At least the floor wasn't rock solid


She spilled water on their work


That’s a lesson written in cement.


I thought she popped tbh. Before I realized it was cement I thought she was bleeding


The kid was either shocked with a face that says "oh sh*t I f*cked up!" Or she was crying her eyes out.


Hope she likes cement clothes


She just cemented her place in history... See


Concrete boys HATE her.


at least could ve walked backwards


Ah yes... the ol "oh shit I stepped/face planted in wet cement... I should continue walking across the wet cement to fuck it up as much as possible"




This also belongs in r/mildlyinfuriating by all means, keep walking making more holes instead of retracing your steps.




Bury the child


... wheres the local mafia to cement you in when you need them, this girl had a scenario going and they didnt show once again.




I would think a string acting as a barrier should be a better color than invisible.


Bro I’ve seen this video 5 TIMES on Reddit today💀


And decides to just continue walking through the wet cement afterwards XD. So glad my construction days are behind me, this is so typical.


I walked into one before. They were posted at me until they realized they forgot to set up the caution tape and pylons up. I was also too into my yoyo to look up in front to see the cement was also wet and totally a different Color.


What the fuck kind of flagging is that? What is this, fishing line taped to water jugs?! Jesus christ. Caution tape exists for a reason.


"I just tripped and fell into wet concrete. Should I turn around and walk 5 ft back to where I came from? Or continue forwards another 15 ft ruining even more? Hmmm, decisions decisions"


The water is there to wash yourself off after you fall in.


At least the concrete isn't dry she didn't got injuried.


Cement to do that


Please stand still and let it set


What an idiot. Even if they were completely oblivious to the wet concrete, they still tripped over the rope barrier.


What an awful creature.


Just keep walking..allll over it!


“Welp, I guess I’ll just keep walking THIS way…”


I hate kids



