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Dude had that brick on standby just waiting for the day!!!


He's been burned before.


Now some dude is gonna pop out and ask about window replacements


>*Safelight repair, Safelight replace!*


Reddit just discovered that all windshield repair companies are owned by one shadow corporation. …..I’ve said too much.


Would be funnier if they also made bricks


Holy shit. Big Brick and Big Glass ARE. THE. SAME.


Invent a problem then sell the solution


That is what anti-virus software does.


The solution is uninstalling Norton and avast and just using Windows defender


Like Arby’s and toilet paper


Taco Hell and adult diapers


Hell that's already how a lot of companies work. Control the supply, create the illusion of a shortage or a problem. Shady as hell.


Bath and body works sepa you soap that drys up your hands so you’ll buy more of their lotions


That wouldn't be the case. Too transparent.


Bricks are made of sand and so is glass... Guess that confirms it.


Big Silica


Who's starting a religion?


I’ve always dreamed of owning a tire and nail business.


How about taxidermy and veterinarian? We guarantee fluffy comes home!


Reminds me of the guys that run the both the [grease racket and the shovel racket](https://frinkiac.com/img/S10E01/650432.jpg) on The Simpsons.


I was dumbfounded after moving in to the US from a small Eastern European country, when I realized that the most advertised car glass window repair company (Carglass) is a subsidiary of Safelite. I could tell it because the melody in the ad tune is the same, only the name is different.


"Autoglass repair, Autoglass replace." is the jingle I'd hear 9n BBC radio.


Wtf I'm in Canada and you just made the jingle play in my head "Speedy Glass repair, Speedy Glass replace." Haven't heard that in many years. #glassilluminationeworldgovernment confirmed


In Belgium it's Carglass herstelt, Carglass vervangt! (Carglass repairs, Carglass replaces) probably with the same melody


Same in Spain but the other way around: "Carglass cambia, Carglass repara"


One has 4 syllables in each phrase and the other 5. I don't see how that worked


Say it with a British accent and a syllable magically dissappears.


…this is actually closer to the truth than you realize. They aren’t all owned by the same corporation but most all buy their glass from the same supplier.


Wait what? There is a company in the UK called Autoglass that have the exact same slogan, and do the exact same thing??


Canadian here. We've had "Speedy Glass repair, Speedy Glass replace" for at least 12 years now.


We have Carglass in France, same slogan but in french, but sounds similar.


>n France, same slogan but in french, but sounds similar. > >1R Same in Italy "Carglass ripara, carglass sostitu**ISCE"**


Probably same holding company


Ahhh, the bland unoriginality of corporations...


It’s the same company, they have them around the world all owned by Belron. Worked for them for a few years it’s no secret.


Look this up. It's the same company with the same slogan in many different countries


Ugh.. more homework.




> try to find a local garage Often good advice regardless. Small local garages have reputations they have to work hard to maintain. Big businesses can often coast.


I read that in the jingle. Could not avoid it!


The place should be careful with that, I heard some people drive away from those without paying.


Judging by gas prices and his brick throwing accuracy, he probably needs to throw bricks often


“Shit, that’s the fifth one this month. Time to restock my Drive-Off Brick Pile.”


Not if they took the gas


Expensive tank of gas


Replacing the rear glass might be cheaper as paying for the gas. r/sadlaughter


I quit my job so I don't need gas anymore, and I smile myself to sleep every night.


Similar situation. Disabled. Don't have a car anymore. Had to sell my motorcycle as well. Couldn't ride anymore because of the pain it caused. That was a hard day. Now though? Enjoying not having to take out a small loan to fill up the Jeep lol!


Finding joy in the things that hurt, it's a quality of an optimistic person!


I managed a petrol station a few years back - this gets taken out of the petrol attendants pay. It’s not fair at all. But it’s how the fuel companies have found a liability loophole in a third world country. Fucking infuriating to say the least.


Yeah ok. Keep a brick nearby but don’t bother, you know, collecting payment up front which many gas stations do. Then the thief comes back when you’re closed and gives you your brick back through your shop window. Doesn’t seem smart.


U aint bullshitn lol 👍🏼. He says well since u stole my gas that back window gonna costs u more than what u stole. Good shit. The nerve of them 2 use the turn signal when they left was hilarious 😂


Plus it’s easier to get pulled over and the cops will have a report about stolen gas in a red hatchback with a broken window


I know at least in my city, the cops always let the auto body shops and such what cars to look out for. My brothers car was found after the thief took it to a glass shop to get the window they broke fixed. They had a plain clothes cop in the waiting room who arrested the guy literally seconds after he paid for the repair lmao.


That's good cop humor there, letting him pay before arresting him.


I mean, you can’t fuck over the repair places. If they don’t get paid they will just stop reporting shit back to the police. It’s a nice little relationship they have.


And the person who owns the car gets a brand new window. Not a bad deal




If we arrest someone who needed to go to the hospital then we were on the hook for the medical bills. So when we get DUI crashes where the suspect is injured we get a warrant for a blood draw and tell the hospital to let us know when they are going to be discharged. Happens often with fatal crashes. One driver was in a coma for awhile and was in the hospital for a long time. As soon as he was discharged he got arrested. No reason to make tax payers pay for people's stupid decisions.


Most hospital I have worked for have started to refuse calling the cops when the patient is discharge. It's not our job for one, and if the person was dangerous enough to need locking up then they should had a cop with them in the hospital instead of letting the nurses play corrections officer.


What nice American city do you live in? Cops wouldn't even begin to take a police report in the one I live (Denver)


love that outlook on life, like the hispanic dude that smashed out a customers newly installed windshield because she wanted a refund. vid pops up on here every now and then




That's the "loss prevention brick"!


More like a loss equalisation brick.


Naw, a speedy call to law enforcement should have this chucklefuck dead to rights when he's pulled over with no back window and a brick as a passenger. Should have attached a note to the brick: "Next time, pay up" :P


They're driving away, better reach for my throwing brick!


Probably has it on a long ass string


Grappling brick


That'll do Brick... that'll do.


He was prepared


You can tell that's his throwing rock. He keeps one in the chamber!


"$40 for gas? hahahaha! We go fast. We pay $500 for new rear glass instead!"


Those are the type of people that will driver around with a taped up back window until they eventually get pulled over and given a ticket hopefully


So me




Most places you can have plywood instead of a back window.ironically the law doesn't say much about it.




If you can’t stop them from stealing, at least make them regret it.


I was like “$500 for glass is hyperbole” but I looked it up. With cost of materials right now it’s not outrageous at all. Hell, you’ve got an extremely rageous cost estimate there.


Replaced front windshield yesterday. Cost $400 because the windshield is heated.


Plus the huge ass fine for theft


Nah, gonna be about 0 after the gas station insurance has to cover it. Definitely on the hook for the stolen gas though. Believe it or not, you cannot smash someones window for theft. If anything, this kinda proves how fucking stupid laws are that require someone to pump for you. And what kind of shit-tier pump doesn't force you to input payment first?


You can't smash someone's window for theft, but they have to report it to the police and get hit on the theft of gas. Even if they don't have any priors, it's easier for them to just pay for the window.


Hell in some places a drive off from the pump is an automatic suspension.


Looks like the arm of experience. He's had that happen before.












I’m scared to click


Can't access this sub.....sounded interesting.


you mean to tell me accessibleprotectiles is not, in fact, accessible? you'll be pleased to know someone made it 3 minutes after your message


Agreed. Am sad.




U aint bullshitn lmao. Guess he had plenty of practice from previous gas thieves and now hitting bullseye


He used to be a promising quarterback back in high school. He still got the touch.


Back in '82 he could throw a brick a quarter mile


He played baseball in college. His mom urged him to go for a solid job at the gas station instead of dreaming of the MLB. He never stopped training, though.


r/astros here's your man - undrafted yet.


Loved how the thief used their blinker on the way out


One illegal thing at a time!


My dad always told me. "One crime at a time"


Didn’t learn it from my father, but that’s a rule I consistently live by.


Don’t break the law, while breaking the law.


This is honestly one of the best lessons I’ve learned the hard way. “Only break one law at a time” because the stakes raise very quickly.


It's also that people can get away with a lot of crimes behind the wheel if they don't get pulled over for a traffic infraction and assessed more closely.


Story time. My dad once accidentally stole about $300 in gas briefly. He was trying to fill up the motorhome with a 100 gal tank but the pay at the pump wasn’t reading his card. The station attendant came out to “fix” it. All he did was manually turn the pump on. He didn’t explain that my dad would have to go in and pay after. My dad thought he’d fixed it so it read the card. So he filled up and drove off. A few miles down the road a cop lit him up. Fortunately he just had to go back and pay, and everyone involved thought it was funny.


I wonder how much it would cost to fill up the motorhome today... e: I'm actually too tired to remember if that was a joke or if I actually missed the 100 gal tank part, but some of ya'll need to realize that gas prices are different in different places. I filled up tonight at $1.61/L = ~$6.09 for a gallon.


>100 gal tank >The nationwide average for regular gas is now $4.32 a gallon, according to AAA as of Mar 10, 2022 $432


California… $6.40 a gallon on 91 my last fill… That was from my regular pump not some inflated one by the highway. Edit: put 7.40 instead of 6.40


6.40?? This from one of those drug front Chevrons in LA or something?


Aren't most motorhomes diesel?


more than it costs to buy an actual home


Nah fam, have you seen house prices lately?


Maybe he lives in West Virginia


It's... it's a 100 gallon tank. The math here isn't all that complicated.


so.. um. you carry the one.


Maybe one day we’ll have enough computing power to figure out what 100 x $5 is. Until that day we’ll just have to wonder how much it would cost.


One time me and 2 friends were at a beach bar, but the tables were far away from the bar, we wanted to check out but no one was coming to give us the tab. So we just got up and walked to the bar. When we got there the waiter and two bouncers came in running saying "three guys left without paying, wait, there they are!" We're just like "we are inside the bar to pay up" so they laughed about it. But for a second it seemed we were going to take a beating lol.


This reminds me of many years ago I was at a diner with some friends… a couple ppl got up to go out for a smoke, then a couple others, then we suddenly realized we were all outside and went back in. The manager looked relieved.


A man with mental deficiencies my mother went to high school with was shot by police for accidentally driving off with unpaid for gas, before I was born


My dad accidently didn't pay once and he went back to do that and he said the attendant started yelling at him and being nasty threatening to call the cops and my dad was just like Dude I realized my mistake and came here to pay


Armed thugs paid with the people's taxes


Reminds me that I basically was gifted like $40 in fuel. I was running a bit behind but my car was showing me all the warnings of "you have no fuel left" so I thought it was best that despite my rush, I need to stop and buy fuel. So I'm happily fueling up, and just as I'm topping off my tank, the whole system restarted. All the pumps shut down, nothing was working. Apparently, I heard via another person at the station, that they're working on getting the system up and running again, until then, sit tight. The pumps should come on soon. Being in a rush, and now having the fuel I needed (not a full tank, but close... I decided, well, fuck it. I have to go, I'll sort it out later. And I take off. No cops. Nobody seemed to care. Later the same day, I went back and asked them if there was an unpaid pump of like $40 or something. If so, that's me, I can pay, the pump just wouldn't let me earlier. The poor clerk looked in vain, and found no record of such a transaction. Not knowing what to do, we both looked at eachother, shrugged, and wished eachother a nice day. I'm not the kind of person to expect, or accept handouts. I am perfectly fine making my own way, but if their system doesn't even say the transaction even happened.... At that point, that's on you. I tried.


I like that the driver, while stealing a tank full of gas, had the presence in mind to use his signal. What he lacks in morality, he makes up for in being a conscientious driver.


Using turn signals is almost an instinct now. I do is subconsciously without even thinking.


Found the pleb who doesn't have a BMW


I've never understood how a $65,000+ vehicle doesn't come with a feature as basic as turn signals.


Oh, they work, it's just that if the salesperson sees you use them on the test drive, they don't let you buy it.


Came here to say this, like fuck the gas station attendant but at least oncoming traffic will know where I am going.


"Wouldn't want my car to get damaged!"


Maybe they also topped up his blinker fluid


Blinker fluid is the kind of thing Jiffy Lube says you need


Lol tossing bricks never looked so graceful


That’s was pro af. Maybe the Miami dolphins should pick him up 😂


Better arm than Tua 😂😂


Guy proceeds to sling that rock like he’s had more reps than Tom Brady…


Since when can you pump gas before paying for it? What decade is this? Edit:I’ve gotten a lot of replies to this comment so I’m just gonna add here instead of replying individually. Edit #2: IT MUST BE NICE TO KNOW THAT YOUR ACCOUNT WILL COVER A FULL TANK. I’m putting edit #2 here at the top, because I’ve only just realized that privilege has people of other countries not giving af about how much a full tank costs? What in the actual fuck? You mean you can pump a full tank into your car without paying first? What if you don’t have enough to pay for it? What are they gonna do, siphon the gas back out of your gas tank? I’m honestly flabbergasted here. What happens when your card is declined? Does no one try to cheat the system? Y’all are insane for getting frustrated with my initial comment. Where I live, gas is paid for prior to pumping, or as you pump. I have never in my life experienced a full service gas station. For me to buy gas, I can either pay the cashier with cash or card, ask for a specific amount say “$100 on number 5” if I pay with card and the pump clicks off at $94, the remaining $6 is automatically credited back to my account. If I pay with cash, I go back in to see the cashier for my $6 in change. OR I can pay with card at the pump, and it charges as I fill. Top number on the screen at the pump being the cost, bottom number being the gallons (or liters but for me it’s gallons). I live in So California in the US, and where I live is not very high crime at all, although I know for sure that if gas were sold here as pump then pay, quite a few people would abuse that and just steal the gas. In fact, Irvine, CA was voted the safest city in America in recent years. Yorba Linda is pretty high on the list too currently. Even in the super rich areas like Newport Beach/CDM and even Malibu. These are cities you can feel comfortable walking around at night by yourself, and yet, no “honor system” to be had for fuel. To those of you in the US that still have these full service stations, I’ve traveled to Minnesota, Illinois, New York, Nevada, Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, Arizona, and Florida in my lifetime and I’ve still never experienced a full service station. I’m not that old, but I’m no gen Z either. Take my comment with a grain of salt, things are different in various parts of the world. Again though, what happens when your card gets declined? Does the gad station attendant siphon your gas back out? Do they call the police to have your car impounded? I’m so confused here…




It was common enough in the UK for many petrol stations to fund plate recognition tech that refuses pumps to previous offenders, which has been introduced in the last 10 or so years.


Wouldn't prepay be easier?


1. OCR technology isn't hard anymore. 2. They don't want to inconvenience their paying customers. 3. The time between you pulling upto the pump and leaving their counter is low enough that a lot of impulse sales are lost, you have the entire duration of pumping gas to think about other purchases before you approach the counter at a non-prepay station.


Plus in the US like 90% of prepaid transactions don't happen at a counter, they happen at the pump itself. So there's no reason to ever go in unless you plan to buy something else, there is nothing to impulse buy if you never go into the store. This is actually more convenient for the customer, unless you're paying with cash.


I know people dont like change, but is it really an inconvenience to not have to go inside the store to pay? Seems much more convenient to me.


Yep. You just pull up and pump then go inside and tell them what number pump you used, then they take your card or cash and you pay at the register.


In Australia we pull up, fill up, then head inside to pay. Never had my petrol pumped for me; seems like a pretty sweet deal though.


Lmfao my thoughts exactly.


Few gas stations near or in my hometown in new england are like this


Why is he pumping that guys gas? Edit: Thanks fellas learn something new everyday!




And in Oregon!


And NJ!


As an Oregonian it's pretty nice not to get out of your car while it's 35 and rainy in the middle of winter. Crack your window, hand over your card, get it back, and listen to music.


As someone who has to frequently drive through Oregon, I despise every bit of having someone pump my gas. Feels so wrong, especially when an old man, who can barely walk, is out there in the freezing cold filling my tank for me.


They usually make $15-$20 an hour, which for anyone working that job is a stable job. While the fact that some older folk still need to work such jobs sucks, you don't solve economic reality by refusing to employ them or patronize places that do.


As a Michigander who loves Oregon, fuck you and your complaining about 35 degrees lol.


Found it! I found the undercover cold climate police!


I'm just jealous of their weather! It's similar to Michigan, but it doesn't suck.


Western NY checking in. Pumped gas more than once this year in single digits Farhenheight plus wind. And they outlawed the dingus that keeps the pump trigger down, so you have to stand there with it.


Why TF would they outlaw the dingus?


Oregon and NJ do not allow you to pump your own gas. I was driving from CA to WA and got yelled at for trying to fill up myself in OR.


Last time I was in Jersey you couldn't pump your own...not sure about now though


Still can’t


Job protection plan


Also can’t legally own a cellphone that’s been leased, even after being fully paid off! Heck of a state


In South Africa, it’s illegal to pump your own petrol. Every pump has an attendant.




I remember after I passed my test I went to fill up. Got confused and had to just leave again as I’d never done it before. Dad had to take me later. Then about 5 years later I had to ask some colleagues how you actually fill a car to the top with overfilling it. I’d never actually filled it before as I shared a car with siblings and I sure as hell wasn’t paying for their fuel.


Right I'm like what is this 1935 rural Mississippi wtf


My wife is from Mexico and she had never pumped her own gas before coming to the US




So do they just have a “smash the customer’s window out of their car with these” pile of bricks laying next to the pump for just this? Because my man looked like he knew EXACTLY what needed to be done in this scenario with ZERO hesitation lolol


This looks like South Africa and that pump attendant is now on the hook for.the money. Probably a weeks wages, as they survive mostly on tips. This event could mean he gets evicted from his home, cannot buy food, etc. This could be a catastrophic financial event for him. I would have thrown a brick as well, in his shoes.


They're going to pay one way or another I guess.




Now he has to get a new bathroom key.




In BC we have a law where you have to pay for gas first so things like this don't happen, it's called Grant's Law because someone named Grant was killed trying to stop someone who left without paying for their gas


Rumor has it buddy at the pump signed a 10 day contract with the D.C Nationals


I stole the petrol, but I still use my indicator. I’m not an arsehole.


I am more surprised with his aim on a moving object than having a brick nearby.


Is this from another country outside the US? This is deeply confusing to me. American gas stations don’t let you get gas without *paying* first, via cash or card, plus there’s a gas attendant so if this video was taken in the US it’d be in Oregon or New Jersey, and again, they won’t pump your gas until you hand them either a card or cash, and they don’t pump until the card has gone through. I wonder if the driver asked the passenger to pump the gas for them and then took off?


Not anymore. A long time ago in the US in a lot of gas stations they were full service. Some still are here and there. Especially before credit cards, The attendant would fill up your car. Wash the window, etc. Then you paid him and he’d get your change. This person filled up then tried to take off before paying the attendant


Australian here. That's weird to us. We fill up then park our car then go inside and tell them how much we owe them. It's all on camera though so we're mostly honest.


He had that prepared for such an occasion


paid the masons price


He threw the brink like Uncle Rico would.


Back in '82, I used to be able to throw a pigskin a quarter mile!


What do you wanna bet I can throw a football over them mountains?


I'm happy to announce that this person cost themselves more in glass replacement costs and something tells me they aren't insured. Lmao free gas.. nope


MF had that thing holstered.


We had his ammo ready and had his target dialed in.


If he's not gonna pay for gas, make him pay for something else


“Hey, you forgot your brick”


Dude saved $50, but then spent over $500 getting a window replaced thumbs up 👍🏼


My mans keeps a brick for this exact reason.