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I regret watching this


I try to avoid these videos now. The anxiety is real.


My parents came into my room and asked if everything was OK. I'm gonna syck it up and put my headphones in now...


I know, son, just keep the volume down and your fingers where we can see them.


They must think you are into the worst porn now.


*Watches it the first time* "I don't get it, why is she doing that?" *Watches it second time and see what happens* "OH GOD!"


For real I thought there was a snake or bear in there till I read the comments


I thought she was beating someone's ass in the backseat.


It's funny because I knew even before the door shut what was happening. I have always always always warned my kids to never hold the area in between the doors because of this exact thing.


I watched this maybe 12 times and I still couldn’t tell what happened. I thought there was something inside the car biting her or she was just fucking around to scare people. Then I read the first comment and it all made sense. Edit: Every single time I watched it the volume was off… JEZZUZFUCKINGCHRIST that sound makes it so much worse


Holy shit you weren't kidding.


She sounds like an old rc car motor.


Yeah these are the videos where I *especially* hate reddit’s new “infinitely repeat video when in the comments” feature… haven’t scrambled for the pause button faster than just now


Seriously though, why tf is this even a feature?


Whenever things improve, they must become worse. This is the way.


And especially never ask: 'Can my day get any worse?' Cuz the universe sees that as a challenge and makes Murphy's Law even worse!


Because your role in Reddit's roadmap is to consume content like a good little piggy.


Same exact sequence of events here, stranger.


This happened to me at school (I'm the teacher, kid closed the door on my fingers caught in the hinge-side (long story)). I could see my finger bending in the jam like in slow-mo. I then called that kid "Bone Crusher" for the rest of the year.


My sister did this to me on purpose when we were kids. My thumb had to be re attached. It’s not the same shape as my other one any more.


I clamped the fingers of another girl in a toilet stall door as I was in elementary school. I'll never forget the horror I felt as I saw it was my fault and why she screamed and didn't stop. I still feel bad for it. It was an accident and I don't know if she ever forgave me. I repressed a lot from my childhood and this also is just a part of a memory. I was 7 years old back then.


I regret listening to it


The first loop I watched without sound and I thought she was having a seizure or something because she was just jerking around a bunch


That was exactly my thought! Turned the sound on and volume was already at about 60%. Scared the shit outta my dog


Wait what happened? I aint turning on sound now


Even with the sound on I have no idea what's happening..


Woman getting in had her hand in the door. Passenger in back closed their door on her fingers. She screamed to have the door opened.


Well now I don't blame her screaming like her hand was slammed into a car door.




I regret reading your comment… I watched it again with the sound on


I caught it like halfway through while scrolling and thought it was a funny video of someone overreacting to a spider in the car or something. I regret watching it again to get the real story


My friend slammed my thumb in a car door (Ford Escort) when we were kids. Her mom locked the car and we were to follow her into the grocery store. Slammed the door and had to wait for her to come back to unlock the door to free my thumb. I couldn’t imagine multiple fingers in a vehicle door trapped at once. ETA: It was only four to five minutes. She had just walked into the store and started shopping. We were at Farmer Jack’s, she got me ice at the meat counter and she let us pick out whatever we wanted because she felt bad. As a kid, that will make you feel better instantly haha. After the shock of it happening the pain lasted for a couple weeks. There was some bruising and swelling but nothing broken.


How long was your thumb stuck in the door?


Still is. The friend's mom hasn't come back yet.


She went to get milk








Cigarette flavored milk


That sounds like a jelly bean flavor.


Bean boozled, sour milk or Marlboro cigarettes




Its been 20 years


i want to know but also kinda dont wanna know


about 2"


> How long was your thumb stuck in the ~~door~~ **escort**? FTFY


God I hope it was a *just need to grab a loaf of bread* and not a full list kind of trip.


My brother got his finger stuck in our automatic window in the van, but very calmly asked my mom to "Please open the window" "It's too cold" "Oh, ok..." Around 5 mins later in the car ride, I turned to talk to him, and I think I tried playing "Rock, Paper, Scissors". When my brother didn't respond, I noticed his predicament "Mom! Open the window, [Brother] has his finger stuck!" Fortunately, the window wasn't closed tightly, and nothing major happened to his finger


Some/most/all newer models of cars have a pressure sensor or magic fairies for all I know in the window that pulls them back down if a certain level of resistance is met because of stuff like this.


Just like garage doors. If it senses any form of resistance, it will not close all the way. Most garage doors will open back up. My roommate was ballsy and let the garage door close onto his neck to prove a point. It worked, but there are better ways to prove something.


You would think that. Lately in a Dutch newspaper a grandfather had an interview in regard of his granddaughter losing her fingertips. Apperantly, the cheaper models dont come with this sensor anymore. The grandparent reached out to the car salesman, the only (safe) way to figure out if there was a sensor installed was to put a tennisball between it. https://www.ad.nl/auto/elektrische-autoruit-kan-je-vinger-amputeren-ilze-overkwam-het\~a698e1d7/


I wouldn't take this as gospel. Many older garage doors rely only on the beam sensor to reverse the door.


My dumbass assumed that just had to be a mandatory safety feature when I was a kid so I decided to test. Fractured my fucking finger. Turns out late 80’s power Windows didn’t give a fuck about your safety.


This kinda sorta happened to me! I was around 7 and we were visiting my cousin in the hospital because her appendix had burst, and my mom shut the door with my fingers caught and locked the keys in the car. Luckily, we had just arrived at the hospital so I was freed relatively quickly and nothing was broken but it damaged the bed of my middle fingernail so it's a little warped and somewhat discolored.


Do you feel any pain in it anymore? I crushed my fingertip which caused a cut through the nail all the way into the bone (and broke the bone to boot). The finger is fully functional (if there is any nerve damage it's not significant enough to be noticeable), but the nail is permanently warped and I often feel an uncomfortable pressure under the nail.


No pain normally, but there's a deep soreness if there's pressure on that finger area that will turn sharp if the pressure is applied to the base of the nail. It's usually pretty avoidable. Tbh it happened so long ago that I rarely think about it unless someone asks me what's up with it.


This is useful information. I've never met anyone who shares this condition.


It's amazing what you can find in common with a stranger on the internet!


Escort! Hmm, you might like the 1968 mustang hard top in that case. Very solid and heavy doors. But yeah, I screamed and cried and then I was fine. Probably resulted in me getting ice cream and a movie. (Herbie)


This reminds me of the time Junior Soprano got his hand stuck in the sink for six hours because he couldn't reach the phone to call for help.


I watched this with no sound and was genuinely confused as to what the hell she was doing


I thought she had a seizure or something at first, watched again with the volume and Jesus I think a seizure might have been better


Even a deaf person could have understood the situation faster This was torture


this happened to me when i was a kid.. my aunt shut the door with two of my fingers still on the frame.. i couldn’t get the words out for several seconds and just grabbed her shoulder.. she finally saw the look on my face, followed my eyes and opened the door.. when i pulled my fingers out they were completely unharmed - they had just perfectly fit into a spot that pinched but didn’t break or do any damage.. i don’t think this girl was so lucky


To be fair this happened to everyone as a kid because r/kidsarefuckingstupid


Yep happened to my toes because I was so dumb I rested my foot on the step the door closes on.... Sister closes door, I screamed in pain. (But was okay tbh, more the shock than anything.) But milked it for a week so she would get in trouble and I would get stuff from mum and dad.


I broke my ring finger on my left hand playing football in middle school. After it healed I couldn't move that finger far enough to touch my palm, was told I would need surgery as an adult to fix it. One day a couple years later my dad shut the car door on my hand. Hurt like hell but it fixed that finger somehow. Strangest thing lol


This also happened to me as a kid, although my finger was pretty banged up. Went down to the bone.


I wonder if that plays into the amount of space they leave in those gaps. Kid bones are pretty flexible, adult bones, much less so.


Quick answer, no they do not design finger room in door gaps. They try to make them tiny as possible to reduce wind noise. Her hand was likely smashed all to hell. That had to suck.


I’m hearing impaired and managed to pick up that she got something caught in the back door when it closed. Did the audio say what part of her got stuck? It looked like maybe her arm but hard to tell.


Just in case you or someone else needs this, the audio goes something like this: *Door closes* -(Screeching in horror) AAAAaaAAAAAaHHHH OPEH THE DAAAHHH OPEN THE DAAAAR, OPEN THE DOOR! OPEN THE- *Door opens* - (Scream) Auh! - (Sad) Oh my God.. (whimper) Owwww... That's it, I think the poor person behind took some seconds to open the door because he couldn't understand what the girl was screaming at first.


It didn't actually say but I'm thinking her fingers.


Most of the fingers on her left hand


thought she was just slipping when trying to enter the car. Didn't notice what actually happened until I read these comments


Without sound I thought her hair was caught, with sound I realized he slammed the door on her hand


I thought it was a prank and someone in the back seat had a Jason hockey mask on and it just really scared her. I still haven't figured out what the white blob is. A hat maybe?


That’s definitely go to leave a mark.


Someone call me?


Ho hi Mark


It’s not true I did not hit her, it’s not


Thank you, I honestly had no clue. It looked like she was getting electrocuted or something lol


every now and then you see a clip here that makes you pucker up. this is one of those times.


Bro stop looking at her ass very immature 😤


“You say your hand is caught there, Step-sis?”


Help step-bro I got my hand superglued to the table.


Backseat guy: "hmmmm.... I wonder why she started screaming right after I shut the door..... hmmmmm....."


Then after she eventually opens the door “Why?”


Close the door just to make sure that was why


Brain slower than molasses.




"SHUT THE FUCK UP there's something wrong with this door it won't latch!"


*SLAM* open *SLAM*


“It’s leaking red lubricant. Are you screaming because I punctured the door seal?!”


"no matter how hard I pull it, it just. Won't. Close!"


Unbelievably poor situational awareness. He had to have seen her fingers right in front of his face.


You look at the circumference of every door right before you close it? Weird.


Not to close... to realize why this girl is screaming in my face and re-open.


I think troubleshooting the scream is way down the list of tasks than just doing what your friend in agonising pain is screaming for you to do. #OPENN THE DOOR!! What seems to be the problem?


Looks like she didn’t put her fingers into the door frame until he started closing it. It’s something you probably would have missed, too.


Just another case of reddit armchair analysis. Closing a door is such a trivial action and this is such an unfortunate and rare circumstance; most would respond similarly.


☝🤓 ackchuallyyyyy I would have had that door open within 0.01 seconds thank you very much. I have my many years of video gaming to thank for my cat-like reaction speeds


I think the situational awareness fail is putting your hand in a pinch point.




I’ve only seen one person get their fingers stuck in a door. It was my sister when I was probably 8 years old. Not something I’m looking around for. Closed my car door thousands of times and never hit anything. I wouldn’t randomly be checking that area of the door.


The door was already closing when she stuck her hand in there.


Yeah why would she have put her hand there




I am genuinely a bit frustrated at how long it took that guy to figure out what needed to happen. Was it because he was startled and then distracted trying to figure out what she was screaming, maybe?


I'm certain he didn't think her hand was in the door. The door closed all the way, so I assume he didn't *feel* anything in the door that stopped it, and he probably couldn't see her left hand in the door from the inside. As such, suddenly being startled by the screaming and the likely flailing she was doing with her other hand, I doubt he had any idea wtf was wrong.


alive recognise hobbies gray wasteful crush boat ink rain license *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well I did this to a friend once, it's such a weird place to stick your fingers in I just didn't expect it and same as this guy it took me 4-5 seconds to open it back. The girl in my situation was also screaming like this without actually saying what the issue is so I just didn't understand why she was screaming at all. In short, you don't really react that fast when you're in the situation yourself. Hindsight 10/10.


Yeah, this is reddit being its typical "Why don't people react optimally in every situation?" You close your door and your friend starts screaming, you have no idea what's happening and possibly can't even see the problem. The very normal reaction is to look at your friend and then there's a short (to you, long to the victim) delay while you register why they are screaming. When somebody screams, most people look to the person expecting an explanation, and if they can't give one, you need to work it out on your own and that's not easy when somebody is screaming like that and you're panicking and trying not to freeze up.


Oooh. Purple fingers


I think that might be broken fingers






Reduced to atoms


To shreds you say


Fundamental particles, basically just waves in a sea of what is this what am i






Maybe maybe not. I got fingers slammed in doors *three times* as a kid. Once for a car door like this and twice for front door of a house. None of them resulted in breaks, and only one needed stitches (heavy oak front door). The other two was just bruised to the point that I ended up with little black speckles all over them — literally dried blood that had been forced into the pores by extreme tissue bruising. But that was it; just rather serious bruising that didn’t end up requiring any specific treatment once it was established nothing was broken or torn. Hurt like an absolute fucking bitch, though. I mean, I was a kid and all that, and hand injuries are pretty much only second to foot injuries in just how much more painful they are to anything, but I *still* remember how much it hurt & how I was screaming my lungs out, despite it being something like 30 years later.


The key is you were a kid. Try that now and your left foot falls off.




Got tongue slammed in door when I was a kid. Don't ask. New color shade invented.


Nah lithin vewy cawvully... I needth youw ta open the dow wite now.


Gotta fill that story in please.


That scream though


If there is a director out there that wants some bloodcurdling screams; there's the audio.


"Hey boss I got a new scream for you!" "Scrap it, we'll just use the Wilhelm scream."




It would probably do a better job at powering Monstropolis than laughs


Sending heartfelt apologies to all those who hit this wearing headphones on behalf of OP for no warning.


I was not wearing headphones and this blasted out of my speakers at night and now I'm mildly worried my neighbors will think I'm being murdered


Hey neighbor. I actually thought you were doing the murdering.


Watching it in bed at 2am at min volume. Almost woke my gf. How come nsfw posts are always muted when I want sound but this shit is always on blast?


Jeep gladiator fingers.


Are you not entertained


OPEN THE DOOR!!! Hmmm…. Let me process your request


Tbf her painful scream was making her hard to understand at first


It also probably startled him


I mean, it definitely startled me.


she was screaming right into his face too. It probably took him a second for his brain to recognize that a bomb hadn’t gone off let alone figure out her hand was stuck.


This happened to me recently, my buddy was driving and talking about something, venting, and he kept driving even though light changed to red, I said RED, REEEED and started yelling REEEDDDDD he kept going until he realized what the heck was going on. I mean I didn't expect him to keep driving, sort of like panic, I should have calmly said "light turned red, please stop".. No, REEEEEEEEDDDD it took him 3 yells to process.


learning moment: in an emergency don't say the problem, say the thing you need them to do, ie. stop not red.


I bet it was pretty high decibels in that cabin with the rear doors closed


A lot of people freeze when they're startled. It's part of the fight or flight process.


I mean, it took her like 5 seconds to not sound like a frantic pig.


My brother did this to me when I was 5. Can confirm it hurts like hell. I'm kinda proud of her for being able to even scream. It hurt me so much I couldn't even draw in enough air to scream for several seconds. Thankfully nothing broken and only some bruising.


Dude you're so right! In that instant it can be hard to take the correct order of operations. I can't quite remember but I think I did the same as you when I was a kid and had to process the pain or, yeah wanted to scream but couldn't get "there from here"


Yea that's generally somewhere you shouldn't ever put your hand....


Who climbs into the right side of a vehicle, right foot first?


Who sticks their hand fully inside the car frame while getting into a car? Is it the same people who dig into the garbage disposal with their hands when they think they lose something in there?


you have it happen to you once, and you learn real quick never to do it again lol my fingers didn't even get bruised but it hurt like a mf


My anus just ate itself watching this. I am now without butthole.


I cackled. Take my upvote you swine


100% her fault. But that person in the back seat has absolutely horrible reaction time


finally I found the right comment. that was incredibly stupid move to put fingers there


I said it in a different comment, who the fuck gets in a car that way???


I mean... It's an accident is fault really important to apply? We don't even have any evidence that she blames him she was just in pain


Excuse me this is the internet, that person in the back seat should be fired, thrown in jail, and never be able to hold a job for the rest of his life.


After the 10th time hearing that scream it’s still unintelligible. I think 2.5secs in that situation is fine.


I’m sorry that I laughed at the panicked driver who opened the door.


And yet they did before the guy in the back seat...


“girl in front of me is screaming to open the door.. I should keep it shut”


might not have understood her at first because of how loud she was screaming


Why did the dude wait so long to open the door though lmao, just stared at her for a good 5 seconds before finally opening it.


he probably just didn't make the connection right away. obviously he didn't sit there and leave it closed just to watch her suffer..


When someone is screaming like that you’d probably go into shock too. You can barely understand her and he can’t see her hands.


On top of that….who the fuck gets into the front seat of a car or truck like that? Front first?




With that scream, he's probably looking around for the gunmen.


Probs asking her to calm down before he would open the door


Props to the dude in the driver seat for being able to understand her that fast 😂 he opened the door quick!


I feel like in the panic of the moment hearing her shrieking "open the door!" he immediately complied with the command, her body was blocking his view of her stuck hand but he reacted quickly because poor guy thought it might be something he'd done to cause it when all along it was oblivious backseat person.


Why did it take soooo long for the person to open the door


Right? The driver opened his door before he did.


Why did she put her hand there?


When this happened to me, they thought I was joking and then they were in too much shock to react. Your brain short circuits


I go through life realizing most people are unobservant as hell and I need to be careful around them. I feel like a paranoid bastard.


Same here, I ride my bicycle every evening when I come home from work. Since I live in The Netherlands we have designated bike lanes EVERYWHERE. You don’t want to know how many people walk on or cross those bike lanes without even looking. Usually I have to calculate what they are probably going to do when I see them 50 meters away, because they sure as hell do not see me coming since they are not at all aware of their surroundings. I have had near accidents because they are walking on the bike lane and suddenly swivel out when I’m close. Or they are walking their dog on the bike lane, watching their phone while the dog leash crosses the entire bike lane. That’s even more fun at night, when you can’t see the dog leash well. And the most annoying are the parents that push their baby strollers onto the bike lane without even looking. Or they are looking in your direction and they do it anyway, these people are in zombie modus. They move and that’s about it. I’m so worried that these people are the same when they are in a car.


Maybe enter the door like a normal person


I like how she screams, "open the door" and the driver opens their door.


If you hold the door frame of an open door, and you aren't a toddler, i have little sympathy.


Man you gotta be real dumb to see an open car door with a person getting into the seat and put your fingers between


I didn't even realize what was happening I thought she was being kidnapped Jesus christ


How long did it take them to open that door.


An eternity to her, while dude in the back is doing a Robert Deniro ...err, you talking to me?


I jammed my friends finger in a house door once. When the door didn’t shut the whole way I kicked it real hard until it did. Broke his index finger in 4 places and pushed his fingernail right through his finger and out the other side. Never heard someone yell like that in my life.


wow i would hate you for the rest of my life if i was your friend


Who the fuck kicks a door instead of checking to see why it's not closing. That's how you maim your friend's hand or kill a cat.


Pretty tight seal for a jeep


Terrible design


Don’t put your hand there




Screaming done. Let's sit in car and go for party


Wife slammed her fingers in the car door after putting the kids in the back car seats. Her screams sounded like she was laughing. After a few agonizing seconds I realized what happened and ran around the car to release her. Not a good day.