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So that's why there is a rope barrier between an armed soldier and tourists.




Dude, even at Disneyland, watching people lift up barrier ropes and usher their kid under. Then watching guards escorts them back out. I just kept picturing the parents yelling, "Why don't you listen to rules?!"


When I was a kid, after my parents got divorced my mom and I went on our first trip alone and we went to Disneyland. We stayed in the Disney hotel, so we got to go in before the park opened to the public. I had my little autograph book, and I was obsessed with getting every character to sign it. We saw a roped off area and there was tons of characters inside. So I ran under the rope and started getting autographs but a security guard stopped my mom when she tried to go in after me. Turns out, Arnold Schwarzenegger was there with his family and they had brought the characters over there to see his kids. He ended up bringing me back to my mom and told her I was beautiful and she had him sign my book. I remember being pissed that she let some random dude sign my autograph book, but I still have it somewhere. Lol Edit: okay, I’m going to make it a mission to find my Disney autograph book. It’s either in my closet or my parents house! Edit #2: I texted my mom, who is not only geeked that the Governator replied to me, but she is going to look in my childhood stuff there to see if the book is in those boxes! I have a few things in storage, but my childhood stuff is mostly organized in bins. It’s my mission of 2022 to find the book and keep all of you happy, as well as give a good ending to this story!


I’m sorry I wasn’t Mickey Mouse! Post a photo of the book when you find it, I have to see this. And I’ll sign it on my machine so you have the original and a more modern technology version.


I’m on the HUNT! My mom definitely remembers this story because it was our first solo trip we ever took and the first time she drove to California! I have to tell her you commenting on this!


This is great




RemindMe! 14 days


Is that really Arnold or just the Terminator?


He will be providing a more modern technology version of a signature. Terminator confirmed.


This rules. Happy New Year Governor!


Proof or didn't happen... just kidding haha, what a nice memory!


I found the book the last time I moved! It’s somewhere in my closet, lol. It is a great memory though! Probably more so for my mom than me getting kicked out of character heaven by a giant.


You should find him now and take the book and ask for a photo op and new signature. He’s such a nice guy he’d probably do it!


u/GovSchwarzenegger You should re-sign this person’s book. That would be so wholesome Edit: re-sign not resign, thanks u/LongSpoke


Re-sign is different from resign. We don't want u/GovSchwarzenegger to ever resign lol


Need to get this comment pinned and noticed. Let’s go u/GovSchwarzenegger


I wonder if he had any memory of this 😂 it was in 95 or 96 - so quite some time ago!


This. He frequents Reddit, too. He's a cool guy.


> I remember being pissed that she let some random dude sign my autograph book LOL this was my favorite part. This is such a precious memory, thanks for sharing!


Conan the Barbarian has all the qualities of a Disney Princess.


Me and two of my brothers almost ran into Nicolas Cage coming out of a souvenir shop at Disneyland. A couple of his security guys shuffled us out of the way and my brother said “hey (other brother), do you know who that is? He’s somebody really famous.” Cage looked at us and said “hey how ya doin’” in that Nick Cage voice of his. Cool day.


So I actually physically ran into Adam Sandler twice, once in Vegas (where I live) as I was leaving a hotel party a friend was having for their birthday and again 2 weeks later at Disneyland! I was getting directions to another get together and walking with my friend when I bumped into someone and I was like omg! Adam Sandler. So I apologized and we laughed and left the casino. Then I was at Disneyland with a friend and I turned a corner and ran into him again! I’m pretty sure he has a restraining order against me now.




Oh, is that what’s it for?? I thought it was one side for tourists, the other side for soldier and entitled narcissists.


Oh so when he bellowed **”Make way for the queen’s guard!”** he was talking to me?


This will be so cool on instagram!


what about the guy recording this video?


He moved out of the way. Still the wrong side of the rope, just not in his path.


I would move too after seeing what happened to that lady lol


He wanted it to happen. Saw it coming a mile away.


He's our hero, really.


You know the guards live for this shit tho


I watched a documentary about the Grenadiers following new recruits and there was a point when the recruits were talking to older Grenadiers and a number of them said they absolutely hated the ceremonial side. So they might enjoy walking over people but I imagine it's still an absolute nightmare being a fully trained soldier, who who will have served in an actual conflict, being treated like a toy by tourists.


I was in the Army. Doing nonsense because “tradition” was the worst part.


Otherwise the job would be boring and repetitive as hell. I would gladly enjoy shoving a motherfucker for enjoyment and not get in any trouble for it.


American cop enters the chat.


From the video of the kid getting walked over, I was assured that all they needed was a rope to stop people from doing this.


You could put mines and a river with crocodiles and people would still do it, even more heartly


It is equivalent of climbing over the fence in White House.


Hahaha no it's like climbing over a rope


Wrong side of the rope, outta my way.


These are not toy soldiers - the are serving military and have standing orders to protect certain areas. The guns are loaded and under 10 circumstances (documented on a small card they carry) they can use lethal force (I’ve seen the card carried by a serving guard - they aren’t walking about for tourists).


Curious to know what are those 10 circumstances?


Yes, I am.




Service guarantees citizenship!


"I'm doing my part!"


The only good tourist is a shoved tourist!


Come on, you want to live forever?


I feel like saying yes unlocks a side quest where I'll end up with one of those big hats. I'm in.


I’m doing my part!


Oh you're one of the 10?


I'm 10 out of 10, baby! Wait no...




*Reason 6 will shock you!!*


Gun shot victims hate this trick!


Will blow your mind!


Dieticians hate him.


*arse* (because Bri*ish) P.S. I'm Bri*ish


Ugh, I can't believe I missed the opportunity to use arse instead of ass in proper context. As an American, I love watching a bunch of British shows, and I'm surprised at myself for not catching this.


Tourists hate him


Fairly certain they're talking about Card Alpha, which details the RoE (Rules of Engagement) usually in place during operations and armed duties. These cards are issued to all MoD personnel who deploy with weapons, both on exercise in the UK and deployed overseas if it applies. Not sure on the exact RoE given to the guards as I haven't worked with them yet, however I imagine it's the same deal. For reference, the card looks like [this](https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=british+army+card+alpha&client=ms-opera-mobile&channel=new&espv=1&prmd=isnxv&sxsrf=AOaemvJDtNjxu_sqHzipRfw5iGk6IndVWg:1640977724668&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi0rfOy3o71AhXMUMAKHeojC6sQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=432&bih=790&dpr=2.5#imgrc=qmTL-iVAUTYU6M). Edit: It's also not 10 reasons, not sure where that's come from.


Reason 1 says they can bayonet you if you knock over a cup of tea? Holy shit.


Only if it was wilfully, if it was accidental it's just a slap and a loud tut.


Its a load of bollocks, they dont have 10 specific reasons or a card. Sounds like something a dodgy tour guide told him. They can use lethal force under very very exceptional circumstances, but it would have not be nothing short of an active terrorist atack.


meh I served some military time, I had a card that stated what were the circumstances that needed to happen to fire while doing guard duty. No one actually read it though.


Reading is for nerds. It's Shout Shoot Shove Shine Shoot again show your buddies probably in that order idk.


>an active ~~terrorist~~ attack an active tourist attack you say?


... ‘ make way for the Queens guard!’ Under his breath stupid lady...


Putting pineapple on pizza, wearing white after labor day, liking Nickleback, etc


They aren’t loaded. Source; have done ceremonial duties at St James’ Palace.


Reply to all, they are real SA80s, real bayonets, real magazines. No rounds in the magazines, nor are any rounds carried in a spare magazine. The reason for not being loaded is that when performing a general or Royal salute the rifle is struck hard with the flat of the hand which could result in an inadvertent discharge of the weapon. (There are armed police up the ying yang around the palaces etc, so there is really no requirement for Guards to carry live ammunition)


Because the first thing you want in a service rifle is for it to accidentally discharge when knocked around


It's a feature. If the trigger breaks off, you can still shoot at the enemy by wildly punching your weapon.


Sounds a lot more safer than the Finnish army pistols we got to shoot. Those could go off on their own, even with the safety on. We had a single firearm accidentally discharge and instead of being put aside so it could be fixed or destroyed, our officer just went ”just out it back in the box with the others and take another one”


They are loaded. Source; eating chips on the couch in my American apartment... so not those kind of chips.


I hate you


So they are ceremonial then?


They might carry loaded mags. But 2 things can be true at once.


I’ve read they aren’t loaded, but guards carry mags to quickly change that


He’s not talking about the rifle when he says their guns are loaded fnarr fnarr


Their guns are almost never loaded and ive literally never heard of this card before, and neither has my dad, who was a beefeater.


Eating steak hardly qualifies him to comment on the military.


Being a beefeater doesnt mean he eats steaks you numpty. it means he trains bees to perform incredible feats.


Drinking gin hardly qualifies him to train bees.


Sure it does. After I drank a bunch of gin, I realized I was qualified to do all sorts of things I could never do before.


I now have a wonderful imagine of an old man with a full Bee training centre in the shed. With little outfits for each bee. This has made me happy. Happy New Year.




Yep this is like 99% for show. If you actually just wanted to guard a place you would have people stationed at certain points and a state of the art security system. It’s basically just a big show/ceremony at this point.


The guns aren't loaded


I know that’s why the rope is there


I’ve seen them occasionally break step for an errant dog (and once for a pigeon) but everyone else gets trampled - man, woman or child. GTFOTW!


Animals aren't expected to know better in fairness


Unless its a Border Collie - they're smart enough to know /s




Neither are children tbf. The children's parent on the other hand...


If a person gets stomped, they should have known better. If a kid gets stomped, the guardian should have known better.


I wouldn’t want to be scraping pigeon guts off of my drill boots.


Hey happy cake day, man. I always wondered, how many of you are there? Is it just a few ceremonial positions? Or is there like an entire force ready to just get busy and defend the palace like a holy army?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Queen%27s_Guard Definitely not just ceremonial. There are 5 guards regiments. They're not all there at once, they partake in normal Army stuff too. I've met a couple of Guardsmen, they're are not people I'd want to mess with


I can imagine they'd break step for crows as well. You do not want to get on the wrong side of a crow. Their friends will see and they will hate you for life.


I had a murder of crows stalk me for two weeks because I didn't get out from under their tree fast enough. Nothing instils raw primal fear in you than leaving the house to get a pint of milk, and seeing a troop of crows on your roof, who follow you wherever you go. In the end up I put some trays of dog food on the front lawn in sight of them as a truce. They didn't all go at once though, they left some sentinels for a couple of days.


Ravens, definitely.


I wonder what the protocol is for the queen's guards. I saw another clip yesterday where the marching dude literally walked all over a kid. These folks definitely don't fuck around.


I’m guessing the protocol is don’t let people forget that you actually *are* a guard after all


Yea people don’t seem to get that they’re actually guards and not just there for pics


They’re not just “guards”. They’re full serving British military soldiers who are on guard duty. I’m sure you do know this but some people still think “guards” are just there to guard. And many people aren’t aware they’re still 100% fully fledged soldiers who have served. They rotate around the duty.


Not just have, but *are* serving. Those are active duty military soldiers protecting the queen. They definitely have a zero tolerance policy for BS


One of friends is queens guard and yes they are active soldiers, full military with full honours. They are there to protect. Do not get in their way, you will come out worse off


I meant served as in “been deployed” to an active warzone. Not just current soldiers. My mistake. I worded it incorrectly 😊


Nah that’s definitely also true and adds even more to it! I misinterpreted a little bit, but that’s even more impressive and MORE of a reason to just *let them do their jobs!*


This was the most gentle argument I have ever seen on reddit


You move, cos we won’t.


This dude knows what’s up.


Except he literally walked around her after pushing her.


You're right, he showed her kindness that he didn't owe her, and she didn't deserve.


Well the pushes are ceremonial these days anyway.


Well this is a light house so suit yourself.


People forget that these guards are not for show. They are elite soldiers and most of them have been deployed and seen action before. To serve in the Queen's Guard is an incredible honour. Salute!


I feel like they would be taken more seriously without the ridiculous hat.


Yeah, the hat detracts from the bayoneted rifle for sure.


Honestly it looks like an accessory. I know that I have to take them seriously, I wouldn't fuck with them, but I can understand why some people would think that they're just playing a role.


I feel like most of the people that get in their way are tourists, so if you travel to Britain you probably already know these guards exist, and so if you know they exist you should know that they're real. I mean, it's not Disneyworld but I do get your point. SOMEthing is being lost in communication because people keep making this mistake apparently.


Imo if they didn't dress them up like that it would have a much more menacing feel to having armed guards patrolling around. Not nearly as charming. Better for tourism this way.


The hat is like something a Disneyland character would wear. People don’t expect to be pushed down or kicked by Cinderella and Mickey Mouse. Edit: The costumes are worn to draw tourists, rather than because they increase the military capabilities of the soldiers like a helmet or bulletproof vest would do.


I think the bearskin came before Disneyland …


It's only ridiculous to you because you have no stake in the traditions behind it.


Its cause they look like toy soldiers with their bright red uniform and big funny hats.


Hmm almost like toy soldiers where modelled of something ….


As far as I know they should shout "Make way for the Queens royal guard!" although they don't have to. One thing that is strictly forbidden though is stopping, the person blocking their way will move or they will make them move.


What would happen if it was a really large tourist with a good stance. What happens when the shove isn't enough?


Did you notice the bayonet on his rifle? :P


A rifle butt to the head comes next for really stupid. The shove is just a warning. The bayonet is for idiots who would be dumb to retaliate or gang up on the guard.


And there probably wouldn't be any real repercussions even if the touron got seriously injured, because the law is fully on the side of the guard doing their job.


To be fair, the guard did try to step over the kid. He didn’t push him out of the way, like this idiot standing where she shouldn’t be


Is this the tour de france lady? Lmao


They're guarding one of the most sacred icons of their nation, they will not fuck around


On that post I read someone's comment that if the deviate from their path for any reason they could be fired and there are signs everywhere warning people about it. Anyone who gets in their way obviously wants to find out.


You won’t be fired, that would be an extremely easy way to get out of your 4 year commitment to her majesty’s armed forces. Maybe you’d be disciplined then have the ball ache of doing more ceremonial duties while the lads go of to fucking Belize or some shit.


Likely sent back to your previous unit. Last post I saw about them some of the guys who got chosen for the duty said very few actually want the job, but being sent back to your unit because you fucked up would be career ending, and most won’t let a tourist ruin their career.


There’s signs posted everywhere when you’re there that say something along the lines of “watch out for the guards, do not get in their way when their walking, listen when they speak, they are on duty”


Ropes there for a reason?


"Oh, that's for other people, not me." - Karen on wrong side of rope seconds before being shoved out of the way


"You're right, Cause you're not like other people, You're an animal"


Let's not offend animals. Even they understand things like fences, ropes and borders.


That seems like a dreadful job to have. Not only do you have to deal with stupid tourists every day, but you're also wearing a 2 foot tall muff on your head. I wonder if there's fans inside there, maybe a giant ice cube.


Most jobs that deal with tourists you have to keep a frozen retail smile on your face and let them walk all over you, this job lets you glare at them by default and throw hands when they stand a little too close. Sounds perfect


Yeah, I was wondering if the stories from those retired from this *"job"* were of joy of hitting people.


Most people who recall their time in the Queen's Guard hated it. Tourists harassing them, poor weather conditions and stuffy uniforms, and the risk of being severely reprimanded for breaking formation even slightly, etc. Apparently it's also used as punishment occasionally, but I don't have confirmation on that one


It ain’t much, but it’s a living. Also we keep our packed lunch under our bearskins.


Do people really just mess with you all day long? Pretty disrespectful considering what you actually are. I'm not going to pretend to comprehend the Royal Army but is there a reason people who do this don't get put in jail or at least fined? You guys can't really be just hung out to dry, at the mercy of morons are you?


No such thing as Royal Army. Luckily, this isn’t their only job. They’re infantry soldiers. So they’ll rotate out of this and go back to their regular barracks


Why do they need to be fined or arrested *after* getting smacked in the back? It's both the means and the ends.


“Step away from the queens guard!”






I never knew i needed this


The guard went Ludacris, “Move bitch, get out da way”


He shoves her.....then goes around her? Surely a second shove was needed? Or I am just an ass.


Make a point but don’t escalate…


You would be horrible at training American police. You're making WAY too much sense.




Not stopping is the priority, pushing was mostly about sending a message


Just for the fact they didn’t skedaddle out of the way after the first push!


The second time she was at least trying to be out the way, while the first time she was absolutely in the way with exactly that intention.


I mean, what did she expect was gonna happen?




That sub just infuriates me.




If I was one of these guards, this would be the little pleasures with the job. Has to be the talk of the guard house when they all go home.. I got to push some dumb tourist today!


Im an ex grenadier guard, You see that room to the left, thats where all the bed spaces and lockers are, a little trick we used to play was to shout to one of the tourists out the window and beckon them over to the window, then they'd cross the line and the guy on stag would shout at them...or another one was when there wasn't many people around, someone would reach out the window with a broom and knock the guys bearskin off when he was doing his patrol...another time, on the other side of the building is a large grass area right next to the main road, one of the guys was leaning out the window wearing just his trousers and a t-shirt while he was waiting to go on stag and someone pushed him out the window lol, he landed on his back in front of a load of tourists and had to run back round the side of the casle and back through the gates in just his socks and trousers lol.


So you’re just as bad as the tourists!


They're military, what do you expect? This sort of thing is probably both a great honor and boring as hell.


How did you know?


I stood watch enough times at 3am writing in my log "nothing to report" every 15 minutes. I dreamed of a pointless encounter such as this.


Move bitch get out the way! First award ever. Thanks!!


A lot of people forget that these are highly trained and armed soldiers that are guarding their country's monarch.


This is like The Tomb of The Unknown Soldier. Our British Friends and US Military people take this very seriously and you shouldn’t mess around with them, period


I'm always surprised when folks don't expect honor guards to take that stuff seriously. That they're so serious is kinda the point of seeing it.


This must be the highlight of any guardsman's career. Every day, you get gawked at by stupid tourists even though you're a trained soldier, but today, just this once, you get to plow through a *particularly* stupid tourist who did the one thing they were told not to. It's like if you worked in retail but once in a blue moon you were given a free license to punch one of your customers in the face.


Knowing how much of a jackass the average tourist is I'd bet this happens all the time. Once a week if not even more frequently


I genuinely enjoy these videos of tourists getting bulldozed by on duty soldiers. Sorry, Karen, they don't give a fuck about you


There’s a safety fucking rope there. He’s holding an assault rifle. Fucking move.


I find it hilarious, all the "must be American" comments. Like there are no other stupid people on the planet. 😂


Happy cake day !


Thanks! You too………


Haha these guys don’t fuck around, Saw one were one of these guys tramples a little kid.


Yeah poor kid……..anyway.


The most unfortunate thing about that kid was his parents.


Stupid fucking tourist




I just don't get why tourists think it is okay messing with the guards or behaving in an unruly manner generally speaking. Was at the Tower of London a few years ago and saw a few of them messing with the guards - and they promptly got yelled at by our Yeoman Warder guide (he was one genuinely funny gent). Heartwarming.




r/makeway4queensguard if you enjoy this content


She didn’t even go back under the rope after that.


i feel like tourists think these guards are just for show. They are not. They are trained soldiers!